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Biometric Authentication Systems

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Biometric Authentication Systems have become inevitable components of modern day security. In this book we have discussed fingerprint, palmprint, finger-knuckle print, face, iris, dynamic signature, keystroke dynamics and their multimodal implementations. In physiological category fingerprints, palmprints & finger-knuckle prints, face & iris are discussed. Their unimodal as well as multimodal implementations are presented. In case of behavioral biometrics dynamic signature & keystroke dynamics for biometric authentication have been investigated. Digital signal & image processing based techniques such as Kekre Wavelets, Kekre`s Codebook Generation Algorithms and their variants are used for feature vector generation and recognition purpose. Multimodal systems consisting of the combinations of above mentioned biometric traits are presented. Multi-algorithmic, Multi-instance implementations are presented in this book. A new architecture called as hybrid multimodal system is also presented in this book. This book will be very much helpful for the people who are working in the biometric authentication domain. ····· 1036118443

Hybrid Models for High Dimensional Clustering and Pattern Discovery

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Our ability to generate and collect data has been increasing rapidly. Improving data delivery is the top priority in bio computing today this comprehensive cutting edge guide can help by showing you how to effectively integrate bioinformatics and other powerful data mining technologies. This compact book explores the concept of data mining and discusses various data mining techniques and their applications towards bioinformatics. It is primarily designed for budding researchers in computer science. You will learn how to Use data mining to establish competitive advantage, Solve biological problems faster by exploiting clustering and pattern discovery ,Evaluate various data mining solutions to the high dimensional datasets, Leverage your data mining utility via the internet, other biological resources i.e, medical datasets, bioinformatics datasets etc, In addition to provide a detailed overview and strategic analysis of the available data mining technologies, the book serves as a practical guide to design and deployment of algorithms and how to interpret, evaluate and discuss according to our research for the research scholars. ····· 1036118439

Botnet Detection by Monitoring Common Network Behaviors

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Botnet is most widespread and occurs commonly in today s cyber attacks, resulting in serious threats to our network assets and organization s properties. Botnets are collections of compromised computers (Bots) which are remotely controlled by its originator (BotMaster) under a common Command-and-Control (C&C) infrastructure. They are used to distribute commands to the Bots for malicious activities such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, spam and phishing. Most of the existing Botnet detection approaches concentrate only on particular Botnet command and control (C&C) protocols (e.g.,IRC,HTTP) and structures (e.g., centralized), and can become ineffective as Botnets change their structure and C&C techniques. In this book at first we provide taxonomy of Botnets C&C channels and evaluate well-known protocols which are being used in each of them. Then we proposed a new general detection framework which currently focuses on P2P based and IRC based Botnets. This proposed framework is based on definition of Botnets. Botnet has been defined as a group of bots that perform similar communication and malicious activity patterns within the same Botnet. ····· 1036118349

Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Mobile Related Social Networks

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The Internet based solutions have developed rapidly in the last decade. Online social networks are among the most popular solutions. The capabilities of mobile phones enable to reach social networks via different interfaces. However, it is an open question how to involve them efficiently in the social network architecture. We should realize the fact that the phonebook of the mobile device describes the social relationships of its owner. Based on that, relationships can be discovered automatically. Content distribution is becoming more and more important in social networks. BitTorrent is one of the most efficient peer-to-peer based content distribution solution. Involving mobile phones into such network is challenging, however it has great benefits e.g. when applying such architecture in mobile related social networks. This book addresses these issues and proposes novel and efficient approach considering mobile environment. The book brings several practical examples and real measurements to help understating the results. ····· 1036118324

Developing Knowledge Expert Repository System at CICT,UTM

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ICT is rapidly changing. Rapid changes in ICT causes the skills and knowledge required IT Professionals to change in order to update and upgrade their IT skills and knowledge. Furthermore, the rapid innovations in ICT are resulting in fast changing requirement and the need of knowledge sharing among the IT Professionals. One of the objectives of this study is to identify the required skills and knowledge required by the IT Professionals at CICT. Then, based on the information, IT Expertise Framework is formulated. The project solution goes through project initiation and planning, designs system, develop prototype, build final system, perform user acceptance testing, finalize system and report writing. The information was collected by interviewing CICT top management and end user, study past literature review such as journals, books and website. The end results for this project are IT Expertise Framework and Knowledge Expert Repository System (KERYS). ····· 1036118288

Knowledge Discovery In The Government Decision Making Process

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The hurricane of information that could face the decision maker in any situation could have a devastating effect on the outcome. Our life is more and more dependent on how we gather data, analyze and understand it. The use of technology to expand our cognitive limits is crucial for fast analysis and knowledge extraction from row data. Sweden is recognized as being amongst the top three countries in the world for ICT adoption. Four well known Swedish organizations have been investigated and furthermore, prolonged interviews have been conducted with key decision maker in the investigated agencies together with senior technicals in the area of knowledge discovery and data mining. This book investigates the explosion of data in Swedish governmental agencies and public owned companies for their extensive technology usage. ····· 1036118284

Foundations of Efficient Virtual Appliance Based Service Deployments

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Virtual appliances store the required information (e.g disk images) to instantiate a functional virtual machine on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud systems. Large appliance size obstructs IaaS systems to deliver dynamic and scalable infrastructures that can host flexible solutions for services deployment. Thus, the current solutions suffer from several disadvantages: (i) the slow deployment time of services in virtual machines, and (ii) virtual appliances crafted by developers tend to be inefficient for deployment purposes. This book addresses problem (i) with a virtual appliance distribution technique that first identifies appliance parts and their internal dependencies. Then based on service demand it efficiently distributes the identified parts to virtual appliance repositories. Problem (ii) is targeted with the Automated Virtual appliance creation Service (AVS) that can extract and publish an already deployed service by the developer. This newly acquired appliance is optimized for service deployment time with the virtual appliance optimization facility that utilizes active fault injection to remove the non-functional parts of the appliance. ····· 1036118283

Knowledge Formalization and Information Retrieval

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This study assists in solving the problem of formalizing knowledge in manufacturing requirements domain focus in product structure. The first factor that has to be considered to produce the best solution for this problem is by developing ontology to standardize the engineering terms in this domain and annotation to analyze the usage of shared terms between products. The second factor that has to be considered in order to enable the ontology to be reused and extended is by developing ontology development methodology and prepares ontology artifacts that are shareable and publicly available on the World Wide Web (WWW). Finally, the third factor that has to be considered is by developing a searching algorithm in order to apply the ontology in 2D CAD engineering information extraction. This searching algorithm can be used to identify the synonymous term and subsequently helps in complementation and creation of product structure. ····· 1036118231

Towards a Brain-inspired Information Processing System

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Biological neural systems in general and the central nervous system specifically exhibit a strikingly efficient computational power along with an extreme flexible and adaptive basis for acquiring and integrating new knowledge. Acquiring more insights into the actual mechanisms of information processing within the brain and their computational capabilities is a core objective of modern computer science, computational sciences and neuroscience. There is however a significant lack of knowledge regarding the basic information processing within the brain. In order to have more insights into these basic information processing methods, this book presents an approach that investigates the underlying mechanisms allowing the brain to be capable of performing such massive amounts of computational tasks with a sustainable efficiency and flexibility. A main focus of this work is the role of synapses and their involved dynamics in the brain`s computational power. This work investigates, models and analyses the synaptic dynamics with integration into the level of dynamic neural networks. ····· 1036118202

Deshifrirovanie sputnikovykh snimkov lesnykh territoriy

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmotreny voprosy tematicheskogo deshifrirovaniya sputnikovykh snimkov lesnykh territoriy na primere issledovaniya taezhnykh lesov evropeyskogo severa Rossii. Proveden analiz deshifrovochnykh priznakov sputnikovykh snimkov i osnovnykh taksatsionnykh pokazateley lesnykh drevostoev, ustanovleny ikh vzaimosvyazi. Issledovaniya provedeny dlya obzornykh i detal`nykh snimkov lesnykh territoriy. Rassmotreny voprosy integratsii algoritmov tematicheskoy obrabotki snimkov i geoinformatsionnykh sistem, prilozheniya predstavlennykh metodik dlya resheniya prakticheskikh zadach. ····· 1036118200

Enhancing Indonesian Electronic ID Card for Micro Payment Use

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This book tells about the possibility of enhancing the existing Indonesian Electronic ID card with the capability to use it as a payment tool. By modifying certain structure of the data saved inside the card, and other things. Even though the prototype made is different with the actual Indonesian ID Card, by reading this book, you can learn about the basic of smart card and the data structure inside it with the case of Indonesian Electronic ID Card. ····· 1036118197

Fingerprint Identification using Filterbank

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Individual, be it a claimant or an unauthorized person, identification is one of the top challenges of the world. We know that no two individuals have similar fingerprint configuration and this configuration remains constant over the life of a human being. Fingerprint is characterized by a set of ridge lines which often flow parallel, sometimes intersect and sometimes terminate. The points where ridge lines terminate or fork are called minutiae. They can be represented by a vector whose direction is tangent to the ridge line. In this project, we study fingerprint analysis. We present a fingerprint matching scheme that utilizes a ridge feature map to match fingerprint images. The proposed scheme uses a set of 8 Gabor filters, whose spatial frequencies correspond to the average inter-ridge spacing in fingerprints, is used to capture the ridge strength at equally spaced orientations. A circular tessellation of filtered image is then used to construct the ridge feature map. The genuine accept rate of the Gabor filter based matcher is observed to be ~ 10% to 15% higher than that of minutiae-based matcher at low false accept rates. ····· 1036118160

Introducing a health information system in a developing country

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The District Health Information System 2 (DHIS 2) is a complex health information system for collecting, analyzing and reporting health related data. DHIS 2 is free and open source and is implemented in many developing countries, such as Sierra Leone, Zanzibar, India and Vietnam. The Gambia implemented DHIS 2 autumn 2009/spring 2010 and is the case I present in this book. I had two field trips to the country during the spring 2010 assisting the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the implementation process. This book presents and analyzes the implementation process of DHIS 2 in the Gambia. The research goal was to explore how a complex health information system can successfully be implemented, maintained and used in a context with poor ICT knowledge. Conception-reality gaps when implementing a health information system play a vital role. Extensive training of health workers and computer technicians is also important to secure sustainability of the system. Data quality has been significantly increased after the implementation of DHIS 2 in The Gambia, and DHIS 2 has also proved more user-friendly than the previously used reporting tools. ····· 1036118067

Distantsionnye obrazovatel`nye tekhnologii

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii rassmatrivaetsya opyt raboty avtora na fakul`tete otkrytogo obrazovaniya Finansovogo universiteta pri Pravitel`stve RF po ispol`zovaniyu distantsionnykh obrazovatel`nykh tekhnologiy, shiroko primenyaemykh v usloviyakh otkrytogo obrazovaniya v tsiklakh estestvennonauchnykh distsiplin. Rassmotreny osobennosti razrabotki, sozdaniya i struktury obrazovatel`nogo portala na fakul`tete otkrytogo obrazovaniya Finansovogo universiteta pri Pravitel`stve RF, opisana metodika podgotovki i ispol`zovaniya testov i prakticheskikh rabot po estestvennonauchnym distsiplinam, prepodavaemym na fakul`tete otkrytogo obrazovaniya. Obsuzhdayutsya osnovnye napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya tekhnologiy distantsionnogo obucheniya v Finansovom universitete. Kniga budet polezna prepodavatelyam, aspirantam i studentam spetsialistam po informatike, pedagogike i tekhnologiyam distantsionnogo obucheniya. ····· 103615461

Ekstremal`nye telemeditsinskie sistemy

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dlya territoriy polyarnykh stran, takikh, naprimer, kak Kanada, Norvegiya, Rossiya, Yug Chili, Argentiny i drugikh, okhrana zdorov`ya eto logisticheskaya sluzhba, napravlennaya na obespechenie vyzhivaniya lyudey v ekstremal`nykh geograficheskikh i klimaticheskikh usloviyakh. Problema meditsinskogo obespecheniya polyarnykh rayonov sostoit v znachimosti faktorov transportnoy nedostupnosti, avtonomnosti poseleniy, osobennosti vliyaniya na cheloveka prirodnykh anomaliy, stress faktorov zamknutykh kollektivov i mnogikh drugikh. Poetomu na etikh territoriyakh prakticheski nevozmozhno, obespechit` polnotsennuyu meditsinskuyu pomoshch`. Ostayetsya variant ispol`zovaniya tekhnologii telemeditsiny, to est` okazaniya neobkhodimoy meditsinskoy pomoshchi metodami distantsionnoy diagnostiki i terapii. No v silu perechislennykh faktorov, pryamoe primenenie izvestnykh instrumentov telemeditsiny v Zapolyar`e, nevozmozhno. Poetomu v period s 1998 po 2008 gody v khode ryada rossiyskikh polyarnykh ekspeditsiy byli provedeny issledovaniya v interesakh sozdaniya telemeditsinskoy sistemy, sposobnoy funktsionirovat` v Arktike i Antarktike. Monografiya predstavlyaet interes inzheneram, vracham i studentam, zanimayushchikhsya resheniem prakticheskikh zadach razrabotki informatsionnykh sistem. ····· 103615456

Gibridnyy metod prognozirovaniya nadezhnosti nakopiteley informatsii

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rassmotren metod prognozirovaniya rabotosposobnosti nakopiteley informatsii, prednaznachennyy dlya ispol`zovaniya s tsel`yu predotvrashcheniya poteri vremeni na ikh remont i zamenu, a takzhe na vosstanovlenie tsennykh proizvodstvennykh i upravlencheskikh dannykh pri otkaze nakopiteley v vychislitel`nykh i infokommunikatsionnykh sistemakh upravleniya predpriyatiyami. Operativnoe prognozirovanie sostoyaniya konkretnykh nakopiteley informatsii pozvolyaet minimizirovat` podobnye poteri. Odnako primenyaemye ERP-sistemy s resheniem v vide SAP orientirovany tol`ko na usrednennuyu statisticheskuyu obrabotku dannykh po nakopitelyam uzhe posle fakta ikh otkaza. Dlya povysheniya effektivnosti ekspluatatsii sistem upravleniya predlagaetsya primenit` gibridnyy metod diagnostiki, sochetayushchiy neyronnuyu set` s ekspertnoy sistemoy i napravlennyy na svoevremennuyu zamenu komponent, u kotorykh prognoziruemye znacheniya parametrov prevyshayut kriticheskiy uroven`, na novye, v samye sovremennye kristallicheskie tverdotel`nye tipy. ····· 103615369

Studentam inzhenernykh spetsial`nostey: Ispol`zuem prilozhenie EXCEL

für 71.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnoe posobie prednaznacheno dlya studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy tekhnicheskikh spetsial`nostey po kursu `Informatika i komp`yuternaya tekhnika`, izuchayushchikh razdel, svyazan s ispol`zovaniem tablichnogo protsessora Excel. V posobii predstavleny teoreticheskie osnovy po izucheniyu materiala, kotorye neobkhodimy, chtoby podrobno razobrat`sya v osobennostyakh ispol`zovaniya elektronnykh tablits: operatsii s matritsami, reshenie sistemy lineynykh, nelineynykh uravneniy i sistem, postroenie grafikov funktsiy i poverkhnostey, resheniya zadach lineynogo programmirovaniya, obrabotka rezul`tatov eksperimenta. Zadaniya, kotorye predlagayutsya chitatelyam na vypolnenie, pozvolyayut na praktike zakrepit` izuchennyy material. Posobie mozhet ispol`zovat`sya i vsemi temi, kto samostoyatel`no na vysokom urovne slozhnosti reshil izuchit` prilozhenie Excel. Ono budet polezno i prepodavatelyam, kotorye naydut v nem ne tol`ko podrobnyy teoreticheskiy material, no i prakticheskie zadaniya raznogo urovnya slozhnosti. ····· 103615349

12 problem, reshennykh metodami informatsionnoy tekhnologii

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V monografii raskryta informatsionnaya tekhnologiya avtomatizirovannogo polucheniya obshchikh i chastnykh analiticheskikh matematicheskikh modeley mnogomernykh ob`ektov po eksperimental`nym ili statisticheskim dannym ob ob`ekte, obrazuyushchikh bazu dannykh. Tekhnologiya osnovana na topologicheskoy obrabotke eksperimental`noy informatsii, sostoyashchey v postroenii kompaktnogo rasshirennogo prostranstva parametrov ob`ekta, poluchenii invariantov kak osnovy modeley. Matematicheskie modeli vmeste s bazoy dannykh obrazuyut bazu znaniy ob ob`ekte. Osnovnye etapy predlagaemoy informatsionnoy tekhnologii realizovany programmno, chto pozvolilo zadachi identifikatsii, prognozirovaniya, optimizatsii, upravleniya i obespecheniya kachestva illyustrirovat` mnozhestvom primerov v oblasti fiziki, informatiki, ekonomiki, meditsiny, izmeritel`noy tekhniki. Naibol`shiy interes mogut predstavlyat` primery identifikatsii natsional`nykh ekonomik v mirovom ekonomicheskom prostranstve, prognozirovaniya chislennosti i drugikh makroekonomicheskikh pokazateley vedushchikh stran mira, v tom chisle Rossii i Germanii. Kniga mozhet byt` polezna studentam, aspirantam, prepodavatelyam vuzov i spetsialistam v oblasti primeneniya informatsionnykh tekhnologiy i sistem. ····· 103615149

Identifikatsiya napravleniya obucheniya po reytingovym otsenkam

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii na baze metodov mnogomernoy matematicheskoy statistiki izlozhena metodika po opredeleniyu bazovykh napravleniy obucheniya studentov i metodika po parametricheskomu prognozu reytingovykh otsenok distsiplin na bazovykh distsiplinakh. Izlozhennyy material budet polezen aspirantam, nauchnym rabotnikam, zanimayushchimsya mnogoparametricheskimi issledovaniyami. V nastoyashchem rukovodstve privoditsya opisanie metodiki po ispol`zovaniyu mnogomernoy matematicheskoy statistiki dlya identifikatsii napravleniya obuche-niya studentov. S pomoshch`yu faktornogo analiza nakhodyatsya bazovye parametry issledovaniya dlya opredeleniya ostal`nykh parametrov po regressionnym modelyam, v kotorykh parametry-argumenty -bazovye parametry. Opisan algoritm nakhozhdeniya bazovykh parametrov po rezul`tatam ob`edine-niy parametrov issledovaniya po faktoram. Proverka pravil`nosti vybora bazovykh parametrov osushchestvlyaetsya s pomoshch`yu regressionnykh uravneniy, parametrami-argumentami v kotorykh yavlyayutya bazovye parametry. ····· 103615098

Informatika i IKT

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnik dlya 5 klassa vkhodit v sostav uchebno-metodicheskogo komplekta (UMK) po informatike i IKT dlya 5-7 klassov obshcheobrazovatel`nykh shkol Respubliki Kazakhstan. Dlya kazhdogo klassa predlagayutsya: uchebniki, rabochie tetradi, metodicheskoe posobie dlya uchiteley. Material uchebnika strukturirovan po glavam, soderzhashchim sootvetstvenno teoreticheskie osnovy informatiki, nachal`nye svedeniya o rabote na komp`yutere i komp`yuternyy praktikum. ····· 103615085

Informatsionnaya bezopasnost` GIS i infrastruktury

für 57.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Kniga osveshchaet voprosy informatsionnoy bezopasnosti geoinformatsionnoy sistemy (GIS) i svyazannoy s ney informatsionnoy infrastruktury. Pokazano, chto infrastruktura yavlyaetsya naibolee uyazvimoy v aspekte bezopasnosti. Pokazano, chto neobkhodimo zashchishchat` svyazannuyu sovokupnost`: informatsionnaya sistema i ee informatsionnaya infrastruktura. Proveden analiz informatsionnykh ugroz dlya GIS i ee infrastruktury. Osveshcheny osobennosti ugroz dlya geoinformatsii i dlya geodannykh. pokazano, chto spam okazyvaet spetsificheskiy vred pri peredache geoinformatsii. Predlozhena proektnaya model` zashchity informatsionnoy sistemy. ····· 103614986

Primenenie metodov myagkikh vychisleniy v slaboformalizuemykh sistemakh

für 71.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V dannoy monografii izlozheny osnovnye rezul`taty vypolnennykh issledovaniy po metodam sinteza neyro-nechetkikh modeley prinyatiya slabostrukturirovannykh resheniy v zadachakh intellektual`nogo analiza dannykh. Opisyvaemye metody sinteza neyro-nechetkikh modeley osnovany na teorii i mekhanizmakh nechetko-parametricheskoy i evolyutsionnoy prirodno-biologicheskoy optimizatsii. Opisany programmy, realizuyushchie predlozhennye algoritmy sinteza neyro-nechetkikh modeley. Privedeny rezul`taty vypolnennykh vychislitel`nykh eksperimentov po otsenki effektivnosti predlozhennykh metodov i algoritmov na primere resheniya nekotorykh prikladnykh zadachakh. V svyazi s netraditsionnost`yu primenyaemogo matematicheskogo apparata v knige privodyatsya osnovnye polozheniya teorii nechetkikh mnozhestv, geneticheskikh algoritmov, neyronnykh setey v ob`eme, neobkhodimom dlya ponimaniya postanovok zadach, rassmotrennykh v posleduyushchikh glavakh. Izlozhenie vedetsya v dostatochno strogoy i v to zhe vremya dostupnoy forme. Vse osnovnye polozheniya i operatsii illyustriruyutsya bol`shim chislom primerov. ····· 103614903

Nachal`nyy kurs yazyka programmirovaniya Turbo Paskal`

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnoe posobie soderzhit teoreticheskie svedeniya bazovykh ponyatiy programmirovaniya na yazyke Turbo Paskal` i snabzheno primerami, poyasnyayushchimi pravila prakticheskogo primeneniya teoreticheskogo materiala. V kontse kazhdoy glavy privedeny kontrol`nye voprosy. Posobie prednaznacheno dlya studentov fiziko-matematicheskogo fakul`teta, a takzhe budet poleznym uchitelyam informatiki. Chast` materialov mozhno ispol`zovat` v shkolakh s uglublennym izucheniem informatiki. ····· 103614893

Sozdanie sovremennykh prilozheniy PowerPoint s ispol`zovaniem VBA

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Visual Basic dlya prilozheniy preobrazuet PowerPoint v ochen` moshchnuyu sredu dlya razrabotki prilozheniy. Nekotorye prilozheniya etoy knigi podskazhut vospitatelyam i uchitelyam kak realizovat` na komp`yutere programmy bolee vyrazhennogo obrazovatel`nogo kharaktera. Drugie prilozheniya adresovany psikhologam, kotorye khotyat razrabotat` komp`yuterizirovannye lichnostnye ili intellektual`nye testy. Psikhologi i shkol`nye konsul`tanty uvidyat, chto bol`she net neobkhodimosti obrashchat`sya k spetsialistu v oblasti informatiki, chtoby tot razrabotal dlya nikh podobnuyu programmu, ili mnogo tratit` na spetsializirovannye produkty. Takim obrazom, dannaya kniga prednaznachena prepodavatelyam, vospitatelyam i uchitelyam, psikhologam, shkol`nym konsul`tantam, vracham, sotsial`nym rabotnikam, a takzhe detyam, uchenikam, studentam, spetsialistam v oblasti informatiki i, ne v poslednyuyu ochered`, Vam. ····· 103614885

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