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Nachal`nyy kurs yazyka programmirovaniya Turbo Paskal`

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnoe posobie soderzhit teoreticheskie svedeniya bazovykh ponyatiy programmirovaniya na yazyke Turbo Paskal` i snabzheno primerami, poyasnyayushchimi pravila prakticheskogo primeneniya teoreticheskogo materiala. V kontse kazhdoy glavy privedeny kontrol`nye voprosy. Posobie prednaznacheno dlya studentov fiziko-matematicheskogo fakul`teta, a takzhe budet poleznym uchitelyam informatiki. Chast` materialov mozhno ispol`zovat` v shkolakh s uglublennym izucheniem informatiki. ····· 103614893

Sozdanie sovremennykh prilozheniy PowerPoint s ispol`zovaniem VBA

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Visual Basic dlya prilozheniy preobrazuet PowerPoint v ochen` moshchnuyu sredu dlya razrabotki prilozheniy. Nekotorye prilozheniya etoy knigi podskazhut vospitatelyam i uchitelyam kak realizovat` na komp`yutere programmy bolee vyrazhennogo obrazovatel`nogo kharaktera. Drugie prilozheniya adresovany psikhologam, kotorye khotyat razrabotat` komp`yuterizirovannye lichnostnye ili intellektual`nye testy. Psikhologi i shkol`nye konsul`tanty uvidyat, chto bol`she net neobkhodimosti obrashchat`sya k spetsialistu v oblasti informatiki, chtoby tot razrabotal dlya nikh podobnuyu programmu, ili mnogo tratit` na spetsializirovannye produkty. Takim obrazom, dannaya kniga prednaznachena prepodavatelyam, vospitatelyam i uchitelyam, psikhologam, shkol`nym konsul`tantam, vracham, sotsial`nym rabotnikam, a takzhe detyam, uchenikam, studentam, spetsialistam v oblasti informatiki i, ne v poslednyuyu ochered`, Vam. ····· 103614885

Identifikatsiya vozdeystviy v priborakh okhrany uprezhdayushchego tipa

für 46.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rassmotren kontrol` tselostnosti zagrazhdayushchikh poverkhnostey s ispol`zovaniem novykh metodov identifikatsii nesanktsionirovannogo proniknoveniya. Na osnove modelirovaniya kolebatel`nykh protsessov v zagrazhdayushchey poverkhnosti otsenen ikh chastotnyy spektr, otseneno vliyanie na kharakteristiki signala osobennostey konstruktivnogo ispolneniya zagrazhdayushchey poverkhnosti i zapornykh mekhanizmov. Eksperimental`no issledovano vliyanie na kharakteristiki akusticheskogo signala razlichnykh vidov vozdeystviy, vybrany informatsionnye parametry signalov dlya algoritmov identifikatsii neshtatnykh situatsiy, svyazannykh s vozdeystviyami na zagrazhdayushchuyu poverkhnost`. Rassmotreny intellektual`nye metody identifikatsii i prognozirovaniya sostoyaniya kontroliruemogo ob`ekta na baze gibridno-lingvisticheskikh patternov povedeniya, opisyvaemykh na spetsializirovannom yazyke. Pokazana perspektivnost` primeneniya gibridnykh tekhnologiy obrabotki signalov dlya sistem okhrany. ····· 103614835

Avtomatizirovannye sistemy upravleniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnost`yu

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmatrivayutsya teoreticheskie osnovy sozdaniya i intellektualizatsii avtomatizirovannykh sistem upravleniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnost`yu, adaptivnykh k tekushchim izmeneniyam v ob`ekte upravleniya i vneshney srede. Predstavlen metodologicheskiy instrument dlya postroeniya konkretnykh sistem i primer ego ispol`zovaniya dlya razrabotki i intellektualizatsii ASU ekologicheskoy bezopasnost`yu promyshlenno-transportnogo kompleksa. Monografiya budet polezna dlya inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh rabotnikov, zanimayushchikhsya proektirovaniem i sozdaniem ASU, spetsialistov v oblasti obespecheniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti, studentov, magistrantov i aspirantov tekhnicheskikh vuzov. ····· 103614823

Data-driven evaluation and design of adaptive recommender systems

für 71.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is mainly about the evaluation of adaptive recommender systems. Recommendation is the action, for an intelligent system, to supply a user of an app with personalized content so as to enhance what is referred to as `user experience` e.g. recommending a product on a merchant website or an article on a blog. Many applications that are of interest to us generate a huge amount of data through their millions of online users. Nevertheless, using this data to evaluate a new recommendation technique, and in particular one that learns online (adaptive) is far from trivial. Some approaches have been proposed but they were not studied thoroughly both from a theoretical point of view and from an empirical one. In this work we start by filling blanks within the theoretical analysis. Then we comment on the results of an experiment of unprecedented scale in this area: a public challenge we organized. This challenge along with some complementary experiments revealed an unexpected and tremendous source of bias: time acceleration. The rest of this work tackles this issue. We show that a bootstrap-based approach allows to significantly reduce this bias and more importantly to control it. ····· 103614763

Gestion Electronique de Document

····· lezzter Preis 44.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ce livre est un retour d`expérience après six mois passés chez un éditeur-intégrateur de solutions de dématérialisation et de gestion électronique de document (GED) Il présente le contexte du stage puis, surtout, les grandes étapes des projets menés. L`accent est mis sur les grands enjeux de projets de GED et sur la prise en compte de l`utilisateur dans le développement d`une solution informatique dédiée à la GED. ····· 103614756

Exploration sémantique des modèles socio-environnementaux

für 50.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Les chercheurs ont besoin d`utiliser des modèles complexes pour comprendre les socio-écosystèmes (SES). Cependant, l`initialisation et l`observation d`un modèle de SES sont devenues difficiles à mettre en oeuvre. Toutefois, aucun cadre générique n`a été développé pour résoudre ce problème. L`objectif de cet ouvrage est de proposer un cadre générique de spécification de l`initialisation et de l`observation des modèles de SES afin d`engendrer facilement les indicateurs que les thématiciens veulent suivre pendant la simulation. Pour cela, nous proposons de reformuler l`initialisation et l`observation de modèle en un problème de transformation entre structures de données. Cette reformulation permet d`utiliser les concepts de l`ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM) afin de mettre en oeuvre des langages dédiés (DSL). Ces derniers fournissent les concepts nécessaires permettant aux thématiciens de spécifier plus facilement l`initialisation et l`observation de modèles de SES. ····· 103614645

Systèmes décisionnels et modélistation multidimensionnelle

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Actuellement, les entreprises évoluent dans des environnements de plus en plus complexes et compétitifs, dans lesquels les systèmes opérationnels s`avèrent inadaptés aux besoins de pilotage qui impliquent des choix rapides prenant en compte un volume d`information toujours plus important. De telles exigences ont conduit au développement des systèmes décisionnels. On s`intéressera au contexte dans lequel sont apparus les systèmes décisionnels, ainsi qu`à l`architecture autour de laquelle ils sont construits, en détaillant chacun de ses composants. Cette architecture s`appuie sur un espace de stockage centralisé : l`entrepôt de données dont la mise en place peut se faire selon diverses approches (de haut en bas, de bas en haut ou hybride). L`entrepôt de données va être alimenté au travers d`un processus ETL pour finalement présenter des données prêtes à l`exploitation grâce aux outils dédiés. Nous présenterons les travaux de recherches liés aux entrepôts qui traitent notamment de la maintenance et de la configuration des vues matérialisées. Enfin, on abordera un aspect clef sur lequel sont basés les systèmes décisionnels, à savoir la modélisation multidimensionnelle. ····· 103614618

Backpropagation and it`s Modifications

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Gradient based methods are one of the most widely used error minimization methods used to train back propagation networks. The BP training algorithm is a supervised learning method for multi-layered feedforward neural networks. It is essentially a gradient descent local optimization technique which involves backward error correction of the network weights. It has many limitations of convergence , getting trapped in local minima and performance. To solve this there are different modifications like introducing momentum and bias terms, conjugate gradient are used. In the conjugate gradient algorithms a search is performed along conjugate directions, which produces generally faster convergence than steepest descent directions.Here, in this monograph we will consider parity bit checking problem with conventional backpropagation method and other methods. We have to construct suitable neural network and train it properly. The training dataset has to be used to train classification engine for solution purpose and then the trained network is used for testing its validation. ····· 103613833

Communication Principles

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A communication system starts with sorting, processing and storing of information before its transmission. The actual transmission then follows, with further processing and filtering the noise. Then the reception includes processing steps such as decoding, storage and interpretation. Forms of communication include radio telephony and telegraphy, broadcasting, point-to-point and mobile communications, radar and computer communication.All the Concepts have been planned carefully and presented well with suitable illustrations. This book will be a source of inspiration not only for the taught but for the teachers too and will produce the desired outcome in the learners mind. The book will be very useful for the software engineers, designers, learners, and technical personals. Regardless of the immediate learning goals, the book is a handy reference and companion tool for future use. ····· 103613812

Multithreaded Fuzzy Logic based Web Services Mining Framework

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Web is evolving from the time of its birth. It is transformed from static information to dynamic pages and the future of web is service oriented. Service providers started publishing services on the web and the service requestors are querying these services. Number of services published on the internet is increasing rapidly. Finding valuable and attractive web services are becoming difficult due to massive number of services. Requirement of web services mining like data mining is vital nowadays. In this paper we have presented a comparative study of web services compositions with mining concepts. We proposed a web services mining frame work based on fuzzy logic, fuzzy set theory and fuzzy matching algorithm. This framework helps us in finding valuable services and composing those services into composite web services. Mined services are further filtered in the constraint satisfaction and evaluation phases where specified constraints are matched. Framework is tested with different UDDI registries of large sizes and the results are compared with existing techniques. ····· 103613753

Robust Resource Allocation Algorithms in Real-Time Distributed System

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Real time distributed systems (RTDS) operate in an environment that un- dergoes unpredictable changes causing certain system performance features to degrade. Such unpredictability can be the result of sudden machine failures, in- creases in system load, or errors caused by inaccurate initial estimation. These systems need robustness to guarantee limited degradation despite uctuations in the behavior of its component parts or environment. The robustness gives an idea of the stability of the solution with regards to another performance metric such as schedule length, load balance of an application, queue waiting time of batch scheduler, etc. Designing robust systems for such environments involves determining resource allocations that can account for uncertainty in estimated system parameters. Robustness of the system can be achieved with proper resource allocation. ····· 103613743

Perceptual Criteria on Image Compression

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nowadays, digital images are used in many areas in everyday life, but they tend to be big. This increment of the amount of information leads us to the problem of image data storage. An important feature of image compression is that it can be lossy or lossless. A compressed image is acceptable provided these losses of image information are not perceived by the eye. It is possible to assume that a portion of this information is redundant. In lossy compression, current image compression schemes remove information considered irrelevant by using mathematical criteria. One of the problems of these schemes is that although the numerical quality of the compressed image is low, it shows a high visual image quality, e.g. it does not show a lot of visible artifacts. It is because these mathematical criteria, used to remove information, do not take into account if the viewed information is perceived by the Human Visual System. Therefore, the aim of the PHi-SET image compression scheme is for obtaining images that do not show artifacts although their numerical quality is low, eliminating information that is not vosible by the Human Visual System. ····· 103613687

Reengineering Legacy Software Products Into Software Product Line

für 69.21€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The idea of Software Product Line (SPL) approach is to manage a family of similar software products in a reuse-based way. Reuse avoids repetitions, which helps reduce development/maintenance effort, shorten time-to-market and improve overall quality of software. A number of open problems must be solved for SPL to have wide-spread impact on software practice. One of them is to understand and manage variability in software artefacts. To migrate from existing software products into SPL, one has to understand how they are similar and how they differ one from another. In this book, We propose higher level of automation, and a sandwich approach that consolidates feature knowledge from top-down domain analysis with bottom-up analysis of code similarities in subject software products. Our proposed method integrates model differencing, software clone detection, and information retrieval techniques, which can provide a systematic means to reengineer the legacy software products into SPL based on automatic variability analysis. Finally, the benefits and trade-offs involved in strategies of software variability management are discussed. ····· 103613649

Design & Development of Institutional Repositories

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book attempts to study the Problems and Perspectives in Design and Development of Institutional Repositories (IR). The serial crisis lead to Open Access Movement in the world with the emergence of its prominent channel the IRs - an Organization based service for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members. IRs provide visibility, preserve the heritage, enhance prestige of the institution, prorogate/promote the research and facilitate interaction among the scientists/academicians. This study has evaluated major IRs set up in the world and especially in India in terms of IR software (commercial and open), infrastructure, archival issues, subject, document type and language in depth resulting in the evolution of suitable different IR models both in global and national context. Based on the interactions of IR managers/administrators both from world s and India s leading IRs and user community of scientists and academicians, key factors successful for sustainability, expertise, sound policies, guidelines and standards for establishing IRs have been evolved both at world wide and national levels. ····· 103613631

Cognitive Complexity Measures: An Explanatory Study

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Cognitive complexity measures based on cognitive informatics are emerging theory in area of software metrics. The first cognitive complexity metric cognitive functional size is developed in 2003 by Wang and Shao. This work becomes the milestone of several recent studies in this area. Most of the proposals/proposed metrics uses cognitive weights as the base of their proposals and developed their metrics by adding different features of the programs. This book is the first attempt to combine all the proposed cognitive complexity metrics and present all of them in a formal way. All the presented metrics are compared to each other and evaluated with standards evaluation and validation criteria. ····· 103613603

Achieving Heterogeneous Database Integration

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The wide usage of computers to keep records systematically has led to a number of different-specific databases to be developed, which is one of the persistent problems the database and information management communities have to deal with. These great number of databases created, has resulted into incompatibility among databases. Thus,this work proposes an approach in solving the problem of interoperability between heterogeneous databases through the alignment of heterogeneous databases. This can be accomplished by determining one to one mapping between database elements, and thereafter reformulates the query in such a way that will be compatible to different database platforms involved. In this regard, this work provides a framework for integrated heterogeneous database using schema matching as an approach, which can be used to reconcile heterogeneous database systems and further enhance automatic interoperability among database systems.The interoperability between databases will be supported without modifying the database or loosing their autonomy. ····· 103613586

Large-scale and high-quality multi-view stereo

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Acquisition of 3D model of real objects and scenes is indispensable and useful in many practical applications, such as digital archives, game and entertainment industries, engineering, advertisement. However, a single photograph, while records the color, the brightness of one scene, can not provide its 3D structure. Fortunately, with many photographs of the scene in different viewpoints, the 3D information can be revealed with a technique called multi-view stereo. This image-based technique is easier, cheaper, faster than the active range finding technique (laser-based technique), especially for large-scale outdoor scenes. Nevertheless, one disadvantage of the multi-view technique comparing to the laser-based technique is its lack of accuracy. In this work, we target the accuracy as well as scalability issues. We significantly improve some previous multi-view methods and combine them into a remarkably effective pipeline with GPU acceleration. We produce highly complete and accurate meshes that achieve best scores in many benchmarks. Then, we develop Divide and Conquer, mesh merging methods in order to build large 3D models from thousands of high-resolution images. ····· 103613537

web mining

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Web mining, which is used to mine web information, is one of the uses of data mining techniques. Web mining can be divided into three main kinds based on the type of mined web data. . First, web content mining which is used to mine the web pages content that are in the form of text, video or images. Second, web structure mining which is used to mine the structured data and get out information from these data. Finally, web usage mining which is concerned with mining the user behavior and his navigation activities through navigation analysis and click stream. Moreover, Web mining process includes four main steps which are: Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, Generalization, and Analysis. Furthermore, Web mining has different techniques such as clustering, Association rule and visualization. ····· 103613531

Reviewing Non-Commercial Web-Based Mashup Editors

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Although combining applications may sound hard for the non technical knowledge worker, but thanks to the few non commercial editor developers, they now made Mashup easier for anyone to develop, and its free to try! Hope that this book can help people to understand more about what is Mashup, what are the available editors, how to use the editors, and what are the potential in retrieving data to make faster and better decision. ····· 103613523

Progressive Wavelet Correlation for Image Recognition

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An algorithm for recognition and retrieval of image from image collection is developed. Basis of the algorithm is the progressive wavelet correlation. The final result is the recognition and retrieval of the wanted image, if it is in the image collection. Instructions for the choice of correlation threshold value for obtaining desired results are defined. The areas where the algorithm can be applied are also discussed. To increase efficiency is presented two phases solution. The first phase uses well-known methods of image retrieving by descriptors based on the content of the searched image. In the second phase the progressive wavelet correlation method is applied on the small number of image candidates selected in previous phase. Experiments are performed with data bases of 1000 and 10 000 images, using Oracle data base and the Matlab component Database Toolbox for operations with data bases. The algorithm is applicable to different formats of images. ····· 103613513

Employees` Role in Improving Information Systems Security

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Information security is one of the most essential concerns in today s organizations. The aim of this research is to focus on the human factor of the organization, which impacts the security of the information, since technological solutions of technical problems become incomprehensible without human recognition about security. This study explores ways to enhance information security and improve the human factor by integrating the crucial information security elements in organizations. Social constructivist worldview is adopted throughout the study, and an inductive based - qualitative approach, a single case study design and hermeneutical analysis for analyzing the observations and interviews are utilized. The research setting for this study is Växjö Municipality in Sweden. The empirical investigation suggests that human factor plays an essential role in maintaining information security, and organizations can improve employees role by keeping their security policies up to date and find the best ways to disseminate that information. As a result, this research comes up with information security human management model for organizations. ····· 103613413

Web-based Project Information System

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We studied several existing works in similar problem field to understand how the project information are managed and tracked. Outcome of such studied has given us a better picture towards developing a solution for this project. After requirement analysis and studying similar problem domains in different organisation, we have designed a solution to demonstrate how we can solve our problem domain. This includes identifying different entities which interact with each other in order to pass information in a structure way. The interaction and dependency between entities are shown in the E-R analysis phase. The E-R (Entity Relationship) analysis is the foundation to design the database for the proposed solution. Based on the information we found from the work-flow (content-flow) and E-R analysis, the database tables have been identified and constructed. In order to demonstrate and prove our proposed solution, we have developed a prototype of the system (WPIS). This prototype is considered to be a pre-implementation phase of WPIS. ····· 103613410

Distributed Database Systems Integration

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book covers the distributed database models, explains the concepts of these models, and presents the way these models are used to integrate the database systems. Also this book covers the scientific researches that work on distributed database systems integration, especially when these systems are running on heterogeneous environments. At last this book suggests a new approach for designing and integrating distributed database system. This book can be used as reference in distributed database systems hence it contains the scientific and the practical materials on distributed database systems component such as fragmentation, allocation, replication, distributed query processing, query optimization and concurrency control , also it can be used as a guideline for developing a distributed database application. ····· 103613371

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