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Uso Múltiple y Valorización del Bosque Nativo (Chaco Árido Argentino)

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En los últimos años, en Argentina la tasa de desmonte de los bosques nativos fue de 30.000 ha/año. Esta tendencia se ha intentado revertir infructuosamente creando áreas naturales protegidas. La creación de incentivos económicos que permitan que el bosque nativo sea rentable podría disminuir dicha tasa. Este trabajo evalúa económica y financieramente la situación inicial y final para dos grupos de productores categorizados por ingresos luego de la implementación del sistema productivo propuesto. Este contempla prácticas silvopastoriles destinadas al mejoramiento de la producción ganadera y forestal e incorpora la extracción y venta de goma de brea y el secuestro de carbono. Se destaca que luego de cinco años de la implementación de estas prácticas, el ingreso neto predial permite a los productores del Grupo I cubrir la canasta básica que supera el nivel de pobreza. Para los productores del Grupo II, los ingresos netos prediales se incrementan en 254%. Los ingresos por brea y carbono permitirían a los productores del Grupo I, un 60% más de ingresos netos en el primer año. Para el Grupo II, los ingresos por brea y carbono permitirían duplicar los ingresos netos en el año inicial. ····· 103612225

Vivencias de las personas que han padecido un infarto de miocardio

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El padecimiento de una dolencia cardiaca implica importantes cambios en la persona que lo padece, no sólo en cuanto a su estilo en su forma de vida si no además en cuanto a la calidad de la misma. A través de este libro se puede conocer y comprender las experiencias vividas por las personas que han padecido un infarto de miocardio después de un año de evolución, así cómo la repercusión de la enfermedad desde la perspectiva del cónyuge. El análisis de las historias de vida de los participantes y la aplicación de la Teoría de acción Social de Alfred Shutz ha permitido elaborar unas tipologías de acuerdo al grupo social al que pertenecen. La interpretación de las narraciones y la experiencia vivida por el cónyuge favorece el conocimiento en profundidad de una patología muy estudiada desde diferentes ópticas pero poco trabajada desde la perspectiva propia de la persona que lo padece. En este trabajo los profesionales dedicados al campo de la salud pueden encontrar la respuesta a las necesidades detectadas por este grupo de personas, con la finalidad de aplicar unos cuidados holísticos y dotados de gran calidad acorde a las necesidades manifestadas. ····· 103612179

Superación en Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

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La formación postgraduada, en el proceso de universalización actual cubano, desempeña un rol fundamental, en la interacción de la actividad académica y social del docente en formación y posibilita la preparación de estos, para gestionar el conocimiento local a través de la conformación de redes entre la universidad, el gobierno, las empresas, instituciones y comunidades del territorio. En el proceso, la Sede Universitaria Municipal(SUM)de Lajas asume el reto señalado. La propuesta de superación docente en enfoque social de la ciencia y la tecnología, constituye una visión humana y responsable frente a las necesidades y oportunidades del desarrollo actual del país y el territorio. Se declara un sistema de preparación teórico-práctico, a través de la aplicación de diversas modalidades de superación profesoral, que plantea el Reglamento de Postgrado de la República de Cuba. ····· 103611942

Concesiones de Sal de Zipaquirá y Nemocón

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En Colombia, la explotación de sal para consumo humano y para uso industrial es fundamental. Forma parte imprescindible de la cadena de producción y el sector químico es el mayor demandante de este mineral. Es un recurso natural que está en las áreas mineras de sal de Nemocón, Zipaquirá, Upín, Sesquilé, GaleraZamba y Manaure. Este trabajo se centrará en Nemocón y Zipaquirá únicamente. El gobierno concesionó en 2008 a todas las áreas mineras de sal exceptuando a Sesquilé que es de propiedad de Brinsa S.A. y de Manaure que está a cargo del IFI-Concesiones. Esto hizo que el gobierno cediera riesgos a terceros e inversionistas. Por lo anterior, se sabe que el gobierno colombiano ha estado percibiendo ingresos desde el año 2008 por concepto de compensaciones de sal que ha podido usar para financiar su operación. Se encontró que el dinero recibido se destinó en su mayoría a inversiones para la comunidad o para financiar proyectos de diversas índoles, como mejoras en educación, infraestructura vial, alcantarillado, salud, entre otros. Para terminar, se buscó construir un flujo de ingresos para el gobierno y el impacto esperado de los recursos durante el tiempo de las concesiones. ····· 103611851

Turismo y Accesibilidad

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El turismo es una actividad de alta relevancia, ya no solo a nivel económico, sino también en relación al ámbito social. Pero la gran competitividad y apertura de diversos países hacia esta actividad en los últimos tiempos está obligando a tender hacia productos y destinos turísticos diferenciados que buscan satisfacer las necesidades más exigentes de cada consumidor. Esta búsqueda de nuevos segmentos y oportunidades de mercado focaliza al segmento de personas con discapacidad, que a nivel mundial representan más del 10%, que sumado a aquellos beneficiarios directos de la accesibilidad genera una cifra de mercado lo suficientemente importante para crear numerosas oportunidades de negocio en base a la calidad y servicio por y para todos, sin tener en cuenta las capacidades de cada individuo, y si sus necesidades. Tomando como punto de partida a los turistas españoles con discapacidad, se analizan el perfil y hábitos turísticos. Con este trabajo se busca mostrar la representatividad e importancia de dicho segmento para el mercado turístico, así como la necesidad de tomar consciencia de la importancia de diseñar bienes, servicios y destinos accesibles por y para todos. ····· 103611354

Inclusive Education System

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Every individual have right to live in society. And it is the responsibility of the society to give him the equal opportunity for play a role in the mainstream. Many people are excluded from development because of their gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability or poverty. In past the children with disabilities were neglected and marginalized by the society and thus special education institutions address this problem. It proved a bit successful at primary and secondary level but it led to the raising different problems and issues pertaining to special children at higher secondary and upper level. The problems and issues in the sense, that it has been creating communication gap and adjustment problems among special and regular children. In recent past a concept emerged which is known as Inclusive Education in order to address such issues. Inclusive education is to integrate the special children with regular and teach them in classroom setting. The main purpose of inclusive education is to enable the special children to adjust and play an active role in the society. ····· 103611241

Housing and Housing Loan

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Finance is a part of the housing problem. Improving access to housing finance has been one of the primary criteria by which the implications of the current system, various government initiative and other possible changes have been assessed. In India, there are private sector and public sector banks playing numerous roles for the development activities. One of the important role is providing housing loan to the weaker and middle class people to construct their own house. There are government policies and programs to solve the housing problems of the people by housing loan. Most of the housing loan schemes help the people to construct a new house or renovate or to modify the house. There are formalities to get housing loan. Taking a housing loan is a long term financial commitment on the part of the consumer, often covering a period of 15 to 20 years. There are many players in the field often with various service characteristics. One among them is HDFC, till ICICI entered the field. It is in this context the researcher studied the service characteristic of HDFC housing loan. ····· 103611201

Investigating Challenges Affecting Contractors Responsibilities

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Construction industry in developing countries is reported to be insufficiently developed to meet the national development objectives and demands even though is an important player in the economy of Ethiopia. Small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) are an important sector of any construction economy. The need for efficient SMMEs is well documented and cannot be over-emphasized. SMMEs are vital in their contribution to employment creation and value reorientation. Emerging small and medium contractors are reportedly beset with a prevalence of client dissatisfaction (Green, 1999). Notwithstanding, the emerging small and medium contractors face some serious challenges in their endeavor to deliver the infrastructure projects effectively by performing their contractual responsibilities. Considering that client satisfaction is the crucial variable underpinning current and future prospect in the building industry, it is necessary to investigate the challenges facing the emerging small and medium contractors` contractual responsibility. ····· 103611165

Regression Model for Vessel Service Time

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The rapid development in container terminal ports in providing efficient and effective services and high port productivity are necessary nowadays. It is happen as current demands from new generation of container vessels are an indicator to the container terminal operators how serious international trade via sea. This work shares scenario of service time at container terminal as a sign of its performance. The statistical approach helps readers understand the important of service time towards part of container terminal performance. This book is essential for those involve in container terminal ports as a guideline to achieve its goal. ····· 103611098

Persistence & Survivorship Bias in Mutual Funds: An Indian Experience

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This study utilizes few selected performance evaluation techniques on a sample of 36 Indian mutual fund schemes, over the period of January 2001 to September 2009. The broad based S&P CNX NIFTY is used in the study as a benchmark. The results concluded that these 36 mutual fund managers were on average not able to predict security prices well enough to outperform a buy-the-market-and-hold policy. There was very little evidence of any individual fund being able to do significantly better than which was expected from random chance. On the other hand, no evidence of curvature of the characteristic lines, indicating superior timing skill, is found for any of the funds. In addition, the study offers little evidence of persistence in either the stock selection ability or the timing ability of the fund managers. Mutual fund attrition can create problems for a researcher because funds disappear due to presumably poor performance resulting into bias in research outcome. In this study we also revisit the mutual fund performance, including the disappeared mutual fund schemes during sample period. By tracking disappeared funds, the study does not find any evidence of survivorship bias. ····· 103611091

The Historical Development of Neo-liberalism in Panama

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After the American invasion of 1989 and the return of the Panama Canal Zone to Panama ten years later, the Central American nation still fights to have a real independent and national identity in times when neo-liberal globalization and free-market democracy permeates the political and economic order of most countries around the world. It is this dilemma that I want to address in the present monograph since I am convinced that every country in the world has a different reality and different perspective of assessing political and economic affairs. This monograph, therefore, contains not only a review of the main neo-liberal policies of the last twelve years in Panama, but also seeks to address some social, legal, and political aspects that require special attention Panamanian authorities if they pretend to establish a more egalitarian society within the Isthmus. The monograph also pretends to be a reference for policymakers, scholars, economists, lawyers, and public in general in order to understand the ties that must exist between theories of economic liberalization and the different social needs that impact the needs of the social tissues of a country. ····· 10361641

Noise exposure in small-scale grinding mill operators in Zimbabwe

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Many developing countries have experienced an increase in the number of Small Scale Enterprises (SSE). Workers in these SSE are exposed to a myriad of occupational health and safety hazards. Noise has been identified as one of these hazards. One of the adverse health effects of noise exposure is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) or hearing impairment. The magnitude of NIHL is normally a function of the noise level and the period of exposure. This book gives an insight on the prevailing noise levels in small scale grinding mills in Bulawayo , the second largest city in Zimbabwe. It also looks at the the working shifts and noise control measures in place at these grinding mills and the consequent potential for cases of NIHL. The findings should be useful to SSE operators, Health and Safety statutory bodies and Workers Compensation funds. ····· 10361486

Management Problems in Distributed Multimedia Systems

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The distributed multimedia systems services require optimum resource allocation and application configuration. In multimedia applications intermediate processing should be done among distributed media sources and sinks. Such applications include format conversions and mixing several media streams. To support these applications computers at the intermediate stage are being used to relieving end-users terminals from massive processing loads. It is important to consider that intermediate processing components, IPCs, are not subject to location restrictions. In this thesis the problem of allocating IPCs is discussed. Researchers had already formulated the problem for common structures in multimedia application settings like star shaped graphs and Single-Host-Multiple-Satellite, SHMS, distributed architecture. This work discusses multimedia applications like star shaped graphs on presented Double Star or Double-Host-Multiple-Satellite, DHMS, and Multiple-Host-Multiple-Satellite, MHMS, distributed architectures. Star shaped applications cover typical multimedia systems such as videoconferencing, mixing, multicasting, and Video-on-Demand, VoD, etc. ····· 10361444

A Study on Production And Marketing Of Papaya In Gujarat state

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The information on cost of cultivation/production as well as the efficiency of resources will be useful to the government for devising appropriate policies for papaya growers. It will be useful to credit institution in deciding the scale of finance for crop loans and schedule of repayment. The results of the study will also be helpful to the papaya growers in reallocation of their resources in order to improve the productivity. The study will be helpful to the farmers in minimizing the costs and raising the net returns and in planning of their production and marketing operations. Marketing costs and margins assume particular importance in predominating agricultural country like India where agricultural price policy aims at safeguarding interest of both farmers (producers) and consumers. In this regard, economic analysis of horticultural produces assumes great significance. The study also covers the economics of papaya production and marketing as well as economic and technical constraints faced by the papaya cultivators. It envisages suggesting possible corrective measures to bring about the desired improvement in production and marketing of papaya. ····· 10361279

Environmental Performance of Eco-Tourism Accommodation

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Eco tourism is a growing industry in many developing countries particularly tropical regions which contain diversity of flora and fauna that not available in four season countries such as Europe and United States.The benefit of ecotourism include increased foreign receipts, infrastructure development, job creation, new market for locally produced goods, increased government revenues through fees and taxes by visitor and protection of natural areas that might otherwise be converted to alternative uses. However, the current trend of eco accommodation providers seems oriented to be larger, more international hotel type luxury accommodation, operated by major chains, or to resorts in the wilderness. Paradoxically, in some areas, there may be resistance to allowing any form of fixed roof accommodation in more natural areas. In particularly, accommodation and hospitality services including hotel, resort and compounds continue to be the most criticized tourism component because of their potential negative impacts in the natural and cultural environment. ····· 10361218

Make a Home for Tigers

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Conservation resettlement is a controversial issue in balancing biological conservation with the people s social and economic needs. Very few studies have examined the conservation resettlement outcome, and majority of them view resettlement as counterintuitive to the people s livelihood in the name of biological conservation. This book focuses on residents responses on social, economic and environmental consequences of a voluntary resettlement. Previous studies of forced resettlement during the creation and maintenance of national parks and protected areas have found negative socioeconomic consequences for human wellbeing. Author investigated residents social and economic wellbeing following a citizen-initiated resettlement program in Padampur, Nepal. There is a difference between voluntary and forced resettlement respondents in overall satisfaction as well as evaluation of land quality and employment factors were found. Residents reported being socially and economically better off in the new location. The area after people leave has became an important habitat for tiger. This resettlement project set an example of win-win biodiversity conservation situation. ····· 10361129

Dynamic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Bt and No-Bt Cotton

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Present study has made a deep investigation covering, both important aspects, such as economics of production and marketing, besides, constraints in the cotton production in Haveri District. It also analyses the marketing cost and marketing margin, which exercise a dominant influence on its economics. Under such situation, it is a matter of paramount importance to study the seasonal variation in Bt cotton and non Bt cotton arrivals and their effect on prices of cotton, profitability of Bt cotton and non Bt cotton cultivation and the behaviour of farmers towards Bt cotton and non Bt cotton prices and their effect on area allocation, production and productivity of Bt cotton and non Bt cotton. In view of the above situations, there arises a need to interpret the phenomenon of cost and profitability of Bt cotton and non-Bt cotton. The findings of the study will be of interest and useful to local agencies, research scientists, policy makers and commercial organisations. The aim of the study is to analyse the problems associated with cost and profitability of production and marketing of Bt cotton and non-Bt cotton in Haveri District of Karnataka State India. ····· 1036112

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