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Flood Resilient Sanitation for the Flood-Prone Areas of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh has made a significant effort to supply improved sanitation facilities in rural areas. As the best known option, the pit latrine was the most favorite technology. Yet, as Bangladesh is a country of flooding and high groundwater table, pit latrines not only flush out and cause pollution, they also become inaccessible during floods, and remain filled with silt after the floods. Every year floods destroy many sanitation facilities and force people to resort to open defecation, despite the capitalintensive investment. UDDTs were evaluated on their suitability for flood-prone areas and their affordability in the context of Bangladesh. A survey conducted in two flood-prone areas of Bangladesh showed that with an average height of 0.69 m the UDDTs are higher than the average highest flood level of 0.31 m. To decrease cost and construction complexity, a local design was developed based on the current pit latrine, at 50% of the costs of the current UDDTs. Although the resulting price is still not within reach for most Bangladeshi, the affordability can be increased if the avoided emptying costs as well as the added value of human excreta as a fertilizer are taken into account. ····· 1036191273

Teorías de la Organización

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Los estudios organizacionales generalmente se hacen desde las diferentes disciplinas de forma aislada. La bibliografía encontrada hace referencia a La Economía de la Organización, La Sociología de la Organización, La Epistemología de la Organización, Modernidad y/o Posmodernidad y Organización, pero no integradas y concatenadas. El autor, luego de una reflexión profunda, en desarrollo de su Maestría en Ciencias de la Organización, consideró que era hora de analizar e interpretar el complejo mundo de las organizaciones (lugares donde los seres humanos vivimos el 100% de nuestras vidas), desde un conocimiento transversal y multidisciplinar y además articulado. Este libro posee una completa revisión bibliográfica de autores que durante los últimos 100 años han aportado su conocimiento, desde diferentes ciencias y disciplinas, al pensamiento organizacional, al tiempo que se apoya en casos específicos de acontecimientos recientes que han marcado el derrotero de la vida en diferentes organizaciones en el ámbito colombiano y latinoamericano. ····· 1036191194

Desafio al Dow Jones

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Los Mercados financieros constituyen una parte determinante de las economías, cumpliendo el rol sistémico de ser agentes catalizadores de la eficiencia productiva. Luego, de manera particular, el mercado bursátil es considerado termómetro de la economía y la energía que impulsa su mercurio son las expectativas. No son pocos los estudios vinculados al análisis de las expectativas y variadas son las perspectivas para analizarlas. Sin embargo, ¿por qué analizar tanto las expectativas . Bueno, en última instancia, el análisis de las expectativas lo que pretende es `entender`, para describir el comportamiento del mercado y de ser posible, predecirlo. Lo anterior, con la finalidad de lograr retornos extranormales sobre la inversión. Por tanto, lo que se plantea en la presente investigación es que el precio futuro de la acción es función de la información disponible hoy, más las expectativas, lo que da a entener que manejamos información suficiente para predecir en cierta medida el precio futuro de la accón. Para dicho desafío se simula el desempeño económico de diversos indicadores de Análisis Técnico, como herramienta de inversión activa sobre las acciones del Índice Dow Jones Industry. ····· 1036191142

Riesgo en el sector agropecuario

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En Uruguay, las inversiones en sistemas agrícolas-ganaderos de secano más intensivos se ubicaron tradicionalmente en el litoral oeste del país. En la actualidad, la agricultura se vuelve más atractiva y las tierras agrícolas escasean, provocando una expansión hacia nuevas zonas. El noreste del país posee una amplia región con condiciones edáficas y climáticas aptas para la agricultura de secano y presenta una importante brecha entre el potencial productivo y lo que actualmente produce. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el potencial productivo de la región Noreste para el desarrollo de sistemas agrícolas-ganaderos, evaluando los recursos existentes e identificando las limitantes que frenaron la instalación de este tipo de sistemas. Para determinar las limitantes de la región es que se utiliza un enfoque de portafolio, con el objetivo de hallar una combinación de rubros que contribuya a que los sistemas productivos se desarrollen de manera más sostenible. Se buscó por medio de la diversificación, expresar la voluntad de los agentes de estabilizar sus inversiones, disminuir su variabilidad y maximizar la rentabilidad permitiendo así un desarrollo sostenido en el tiempo. ····· 1036191064

Mantenimiento de las Certificaciones ISO 9001 e ISO/TS 16949

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El presente trabajo de aplicación profesional se efectuó en la empresa Pirelli de Venezuela C.A., en la misma se actualizó el Manual de Aseguramiento de la Calidad, Procedimientos, Normas e Instrucciones, se hizo la revisión de Requisitos Específicos exigidos por sus principales clientes como Chrysler, General Motors y Ford, todo esto con el propósito de mantener las Certificación ISO 9001 e ISO/TS 16949, además de ayudar a Gestionar el Plan de Acción para las No conformidades encontradas en Auditoria de Proceso, Producto y Sistemas para conseguir en el menor tiempo posible implantar un Plan de Mejora del Sistema Total de Calidad (TQS) que posee la Gerencia de Calidad, se hizo un adiestramiento a los Owners o Responsables de esta área para desarrollar planes de acción y con esto los objetivos esperados por la gerencia de Calidad, para la cual el principal objetivo era aprobar la Auditoria realizada por Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI) en Fecha 09, 10 y 11 de Noviembre de 2008. ····· 1036190260

Estrategias de diferenciación ambiental en la cadena del café

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El cambio en los gustos y preferencias en los mercados importadores de café ha dado como resultado la proliferación y consolidación de nuevas y más estrictas exigencias de calidad alrededor del comercio internacional del grano requerimientos que, en los últimos años, han apuntado al cumplimiento de cierta normativa ambiental. Esta situación, en adición a las condiciones estructurales de este mercado, impone nuevos desafíos a los países productores de café. A razón de ellos, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar las implicaciones competitivas que las regulaciones ambientales internacionales poseen en el desenvolvimiento comercial de los agentes participantes en la cadena nacional del café: caficultores y firmas beneficiadoras. La investigación se desarollo en el marco del Proyecto No 23529: Cadenas Agroalimentarias y Desarrollo Sostenible en Centro América , financiado por la Universidad Nacional y ejecutado en CINPE entre enero del 2002 y diciembre del 2006. ····· 1036190151

Dinámica de Organizaciones Terroristas Domésticas

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Una de las acepciones del término terrorismo es el empleo sistemático del terror utilizado para alcanzar por ciertas personas determinados objetivos. Observando las gráficas que ilustran la evolución del número de atentados de organizaciones terroristas activas, puede comprobarse que si los datos son anotados seleccionando periodos cortos de tiempo, el número de atentados presentan un comportamiento oscilatorio, aunque irregular. En el trabajo se comprueba que el número de atentados puede explicarse mediante procesos de retroalimentación y se construye un modelo de Dinámica de Sistemas para explicar la formación de ciclos irregulares en la evolución del número de incidentes terroristas. El trabajo consta de cuatro capítulos. En el primero se sitúa el fenómeno del terrorismo destacando la dificultad de alcanzar un consenso internacional sobre la definición de hecho terrorista. En el segundo se construyen tres modelos sobre una organización terrorista utilizando la Dinámica de Sistemas. En el tercero se realiza un estudio determinista, estadístico y econométrico de la serie de todos los atentados. En el cuarto se aplican los resultados anteriores a cinco organizacioones terroristas. ····· 1036190114

Neuronas aferentes vestibulares

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Diversas evidencias muestran la expresión de receptores muscarínicos y nicotínicos en las células ciliadas y en las neuronas aferentes del vestíbulo. Éstos receptores participan en la modulación eferente de la actividad eléctrica de las neuronas aferentes. Sin embargo los mecanismos celulares que subyacen a este control postsináptico en las neuronas se desconocen. El propósito de este trabajo fue demostrar que la activación de los receptores muscarínicos en las neuronas aferentes vestibulares inhibe una corriente de potasio tipo M, lo cual modifica la actividad eléctrica de las neuronas aferentes modulando así su ganancia ante la entrada sináptica proveniente de las células ciliadas y su actividad eléctrica en respuesta a estímulos mecánicos. Nuestros resultados indican que las neuronas aferentes vestibulares con mayor diámetro somático (muy probablemente las neuronas con terminales en cáliz) expresan la corriente IK,M y que la modulación de esta corriente por activación de los receptores muscarínicos constituye un mecanismo celular fundamental mediante el cual el sistema eferente controla la ganancia del sistema aferente en el vestíbulo. ····· 1036189782

El papel de los intangibles en la Economía del Conocimiento

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En este libro se pretende realizar una aproximación al estado de la cuestión de los recursos intangibles en la actual Economía del Conocimiento y su relación con el ámbito contable. Para ello, en primer lugar se profundiza en las principales teorías que han tratado de ubicar la causa de un rendimiento superior de unas empresas respecto a otras, centrándonos en el Enfoque de los Recursos y Capacidades. Posteriormente, se presta una atención especial a la importancia de los intangibles desde una perspectiva contable. En concreto, se analiza si con la actual regulación contable sería posible la activación de los intangibles, para lo cual se detalla si cumplen tanto con la definición de activo como con los requisitos de reconocimiento. De este modo, se muestra la pérdida de utilidad de los actuales estados financieros como consecuencia del incompleto tratamiento contable otorgado a los intangibles generados internamente. Por último, en este libro se analizan las principales propuestas de cambio para mejorar la información contable realizadas hasta el momento. ····· 1036189540

Cómo atender clientes con estilo japonés

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Cómo atender clientes con estilo japonés, es la memoria de la inclusión en un establecimiento hotelero de un nuevo producto, un restaurante japonés, y la preparación y herramientas para el cambio de paradigma en los trabajadores que debían asumir el reto. En las experiencias e información recogidas en esta labor, se hace hincapié en la restauración, no obstante, se abordan también otros aspectos generales de aplicación práctica en otras áreas de la rama hotelera, la extrahotelera, así como otros tipos de establecimientos donde se necesite dar sentido japonés a lo que se hace. Sirvan también estas páginas como un sincero homenaje a las miles de víctimas por el terremoto y posterior Tsunami más potentes sufridos en Japón hasta la fecha, ocurrido en la costa del Pacífico en la región de T hokude el 11 de marzo 2011, y sus horribles consecuencias. ····· 1036189418

Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts of Improved Stoves

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The use of traditional biomass fuels is associated with energy inefficiency, deforestation, increasing use of time for collection of fuel and deleterious health and environmental effects. Energy efficient stoves can alleviate some of these problems by reducing householders cash outlays for fuel, diminishing the time others must spend to collect fuel, reducing air pollution and relieving local pressure on wood resources. Parallel to the dissemination of the stove, there is a need for a detailed assessment to understand the relationship between stoves and their users. Therefore, this paper is aimed at examining the extent of fuel wood-induced deforestation, characterizing the improved stove in terms of environmental and socio-economic sustainability, and suggesting measures to enhance the sustainability of the stove. Accordingly, the study found that it has a significant impact in reducing deforestation and indoor emissions, increasing the safety of households, and reducing fuel wood expenditure. Hence efforts should be made to enhance its sustainability through following subsidy approach to make it affordable to low income households. ····· 1036189165

Effectiveness of Neural Networks in Forecasting B.S.E Sensex Index

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Since stock markets are volatile, dynamic and complicated, forecasting stock market return is considered as a challenging task. Nevertheless, researchers have developed various linear and nonlinear methods for effective forecasting. Among these neural networks are most suitable for forecasting non linear and chaotic relationships among variables. The current study attempts to forecast the future returns of B.S.E, highly volatile index, with the help of conventional method i.e. ARIMA (Auto Regression Integrated Moving Average) and Artificial Neural Network M.L.P (Multilayer Perceptron).To examine the efficiency of the models, MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) and MSE (Mean Square Error) of the two models are compared. The study results revealed that neural network is better for forecasting in comparison to ARIMA. ····· 1036189078

Growth and disparities in the Mexican regions

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Mexico moved from an almost closed-to-trade economy to a very open economy and one of the least guided by public sector forces. However, the presence of wide disparities in social development and economic growth across the Mexican states may be an obstacle to the further integration of the national economy to the global economy. In this context, the main focus of Mexican public policies has been growth at the national level, while regional policies are merely national policies with territorial implications. This book studies factors that may affect the regional pattern of growth and contribute to the debate around the need for regional polices in Mexico. The aim of this book is to examine for Mexico the regional distribution of, and effects on regional growth of, three of the main factors that have been highlighted in the standard economic literature on growth: public investment, human capital, and science and technology, and how they can be fit into a regional policy to foster development. ····· 1036189060

Limiting the Collateral Damage of Decision Making

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The story of SARS is simply the first pandemic for the 21st century:an unknown viral agent with no associated evidence-based knowledge and medicine regarding its effect on the human population. The viral epidemic triggered a fear pandemic one that pushed social systems into overdrive. The lack of resiliency, both system-wide and institutionally, as well as the struggle to identify priorities, make decisions, and allocate finite resources among multiple response stakeholders all in the midst of an emergency have not only exacerbated an emergency event, but perhaps contributed to the degree of collateral damage. Perhaps the systemic implementation of an ethical framework to better ensure fairness and legitimacy in priority-setting, decision-making and resource allocation will be better achieved. Unfortunately, gaps continue to lurk within organizations and systems not only in Canada but across the world. It often takes a crisis such as SARS to reveal them. ····· 1036188976

Determinants of Financial Development in Iran

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It has been widely discussed in the financial development literature that repressive financial policies have an adverse impact on financial development process in developing countries. Against this backdrop, the purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of financial development in Iran assess whether financial repression has a significant impact on financial development using annual data spanning the period between 1965 and 2006. For this purpose, the time-series econometric technique of Johansen Cointegration analysis has been used. ····· 1036188911

Mobilephone- A fashion statement

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An attempt has been made: Mobile as a fashion statement, which includes attitudinal study of girls wearing high heels towards flashy mobile handsets. The questionnaire is administered wherein individuals (girls) are asked to fill questionnaires and then, will carry out an analysis on the basis of the responses from the individuals who participated in the questionnaire. The sample size taken is 240. The analysis revealed that girls who wear high heels have a positive attitude about flashy phones and agree that this adds to their personal definition of style & feel that it is like a fashion statement for them. With more and more features being packed into the handsets, both the customers as well as the salesperson get confused during the sales procedure. Through this research, I intend to do Attitudinal study of girls wearing high heels towards flashy mobile handsets . There is need to figure out what kind of people would adopt the new technology and more than technology it is the behavior that is displayed while shopping. Through this research, the salesperson will get an advantage of what sort of handsets should be shown to that particular prospect. ····· 1036188577

Parliamentary Supremacy vs. Judicial Supremacy in India

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Both parliament and the judiciary should not exceed their limits as defined by the constitution of India so that harmony can be maintained between the legislature and judiciary. The new socio-economic trends are to be kept in mind before making the legal provisions and their interpretation both in strict and liberal sense. Participatory democratic system must be made effective and there must be proper check on the active interaction between the people and their representatives is responsible for the conflict between the parliament and judicial system in India. Judiciary and the legislature must be strengthened in terms of its special power of judicial review to check and contain the excesses of other two wings of the government.The concept of Judicial Review should not be impaired nor should the Fundamental Rights be reduced in their importance. A provision may be introduced in the Constitution on the lines of the American Constitution, giving supremacy to the Constitution and the laws made there under as is the case with the American Constitution. ····· 1036188565

Environmental Studies

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We live in the age and era of science and technology. Our life has indeed been dominated by the scientific inventions and technological innovations. This world would be an absolutely poorer place without science and technology. Our charming and worth living life itself would become absolutely bleak and boring in absence of the scientific inventions and technological advancement being witnessed by us all over the globe. As a matter of fact scientific inventions, discoveries & innovations have indeed ushered in a cataclysmic revolution all over the world & in almost every field. Volumes may be spoken and written to highlight the universally acknowledged importance and usefulness of science and technology. But at the same time we and our environment are confronted with a number of challenge for our sustenance and as such we liked to write these notes very briefly so as to generate awareness among the people for the protection of our environment.For preparing this manuscript we would like to thank the research scholars Samira, Humera, Nowsheen and Sana. ····· 1036188394

Managed Services in the Ghanaian Telecommunication Industry

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Increasing numbers of communication service providers are outsourcing their operations expecting a number of benefits despite their lack of understanding of the challenges of Managed Services. With the rising number of Managed Services contracts, there is the need for academic literature that will explore the benefits and challenges of Managed Services. The changing business trends, fierce competition, financial pressures, efficiency, changing technology and the need for competence were identified as some of the business drivers behind the move towards Managed Services. Benefits of Managed Services that were discovered during the study include reduction in OPEX, optimisation of CAPEX, improved focus, increased subscriber revenue, improved quality, risk transfer, economies of scale advantages, flexible cost structure and access to expertise technology and innovative solution. The study alerts practicing professionals to the key issues that should be addressed when approaching Managed Services. This book will be useful to professionals who are involved in or considering outsourcing telecommunication services. Anyone interested in services outsourcing will benefit from this book. ····· 1036188086

How Do Men Shop for Garments?

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The language of the thesis is easy to follow. The paper is rich in both theoratical backround and empirical research. I enjoyed reading field notes taken right at the spot..right in the shops..i could feel the emotions and senses of those men while shopping.i could imagine the scene, scene of `men in the shop trying to buy something` Ola Feurst, PhD in Business Administration, Gotland University `The paper is pretty interesting. I had so much fun while reading. Seems like now I know which category of men i belong to. I am SHE-MADE-ME-SHOP man` Anar Babayev, Economist at State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan Republic ` in-depth research...noteworthy stories...` Jamil Islamov, Middle East Technical University graduate ····· 1036187885

Non-Formal Citizenship Education In Cape Town

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In the past, non formal education in South Africa was committed to supporting the Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) in opposition to apartheid. Such non-formal political education was concerned with education for democracy, that is, preparing people for democracy. Post 1994, adult education policy has focused on vocational training, which has shifted the focus away from education for social purpose. My concern was that democracy is a process and a system that constantly needs to be nurtured. This requires citizens that know their constitutional rights and responsibilities, and how to put them into action. In view of this, I decided to enquire what kind of education exists that aims to build civil society by promoting social justice and social reconstruction in the new democracy. My research critically investigated and analysed the political education programmes in three organisations in Cape Town, South Africa. They focused on supporting the efforts of people who are unemployed (Alternative Information and Development Centre), shop stewards (Congress of South African Trade Unions) and HIV positive people (Treatment Action Campaign). ····· 1036187721

Dynamic Congestion Pricing

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The theory behind road pricing suggests that, in order to reach social optimum conditions, a toll needs to be charged which is equal to the difference between social marginal costs (which include external costs that users impose on each other on a congested road) and private average costs of users (travel delays, fuel, maintenance etc.)In recent years, with the help of technological developments such as electronic toll collection system, pricing can be done dynamically, that is, tolls can be set in a real-time fashion according to the on-line measured traffic conditions. Dynamic pricing is only being used in High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes. However time-dependent pricing idea can be used in a network setting where drivers have to make route choices that are relatively more complex than the choices they make in the case of HOT lanes. This book aims to explore the idea of dynamic pricing application for the crossings through simulation based analysis. ····· 1036187714

Penetration Rate Estimation Model for Directional and Horizontal Wells

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Common application fields for directional and horizontal drilling are in offshore and onshore when there is no way of drilling vertical wells. During directional and horizontal well drilling, many additional challenges occur when compared with vertical well drilling, such as limited weight on bit, harder hole cleaning, trajectory control, etc. This makes even harder to select the proper drilling parameters for increasing the rate of penetration. This study aims to propose a rate of penetration model considering many drilling parameters and conditions. The proposed model is a modified Bourgoyne & Young s model which considers formation compaction, formation pressure, equivalent circulating density, and effective weight on bit, rotation of the bit, bit wear, hole cleaning, inclination, fluid loss properties and bit hydraulics. Also, a bit wear model is developed for roller cones and PDCs. The model performance is tested using field data obtained from several directional and horizontal offshore wells drilled at Persian Gulf. It is observed that the model can estimate rate of penetration with an error of ±25 % when compared with the field data. ····· 1036187411

Application of ICT in the University Libraries of India

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ICT application in university libraries of Rajasthan has become inevitable in an era of information explosion and widespread use of digital information resources. Effective application of ICT in university libraries of Rajasthan shall help in performing their operations and services most efficiently. Rajasthan university libraries have been applying ICT for providing efficient services and resources, but efforts are yet not enough. Though a few university libraries in Rajasthan have basic hardware and software facilities yet, ICT based resources and services are not reaching to the users to expected extent. The study under investigation concludes that most of the university libraries in Rajasthan need proper ICT infrastructure including hardware, software and humanware, and library staffs have to be trained properly to make use of the resources optimally both conventional and digital resources. Librarians and the library staff both have to be trained to achieve total quality management. Moreover two important issues have to be addressed. These are change and high communicative ability of librarians. Library professionals working in university libraries of Rajasthan should know ····· 1036187305

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