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Genomic Destabilization at Copy Number Variable Loci in Intersubspecific Hybrids of Mus musculus ssps.

····· lezzter Preis 18.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Variation der Kopienzahl von Genen ist eine wichtige Quelle genetischerVariation innerhalb und zwischen Populationen. Die Mutationsmechanismen die zurVariation der Kopienzahl führen, sowie die Prozesse die die Grösse der betreffendenRegionen regulieren sind wenig untersucht. Diese Arbeit behandelt Variation derKopienzahl in X und Y chromosomalen Mitgliedern einer grossen Genfamilie in Musmusculus ssps. Eine dramatisch erhöhte Amplifikation der Kopienzahl inintersubspezifischen Hybriden zwischen M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus wirdbeschrieben. Dieses Phänomen wird sowohl in natürlichen als auch bei im Laborgezüchteten Hybriden beobachtet. Eine extreme Amplifikation der Kopienzahl, die inHybriden aus der Natur nicht nachgewiesen wird, kann unter Laborbedingungengeneriert werden. Dies legt nahe, dass extreme Destabilisierung der Kopienzahl in derNatur durch Selektion verhindert wird. Spezifische Analysen in Hybridmännchen zeigendas weder meiotische Rekombination oder interchromosomale Austauschprozessebenötigt werden, um Variation in der Kopienzahl zu erzeugen. Damit scheinen besondersIntrachromosomale- (Schwesterchromatid-) Austausche in intersubspezifischenKreuzungen aufzutreten. Belegt wird dies durch eine grössere Anzahl somatischerVariationen in der Kopienzahl in verschiedenen Organen von Hybriden im Vergleich zureinerbigen Mäusen. In Hybriden korreliert dies mit Fehlregulation der DNAReparaturprozesse die Schwesterchromatid Austausche regulieren. Es scheint, das dieStabilität der Kopienenzahl von Genen in reinerbigen Populationen durch Kreuzungenmit Tieren aus anderen Populationen herabgesetzt werden kann, und dass dieser Prozessmit Mutationsprozessen zusammen hängt, die während der Entwicklung ablaufen. DiesesErgebnis eröffnet eine neue Perspektive auf reproduktive Isolation und könnte für denAufbau genetischer Inkompatibilität zwischen Unterarten von Mäusen eine Rolle spielen. ····· 10361192704

Watson Molekularbiologie

····· lezzter Preis 99.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Molekularbiologie als eigenständige Disziplin der Biologie existiert exakt so lange wie dieses Buch, dessen erste Auflage 1965 das Gebiet und seine Aufgaben gültig definierte. In allen Folgeauflagen ist es stets das Standardwerk der Molekularbiologie geblieben. Auch die vorliegende 6. Auflage besticht durch Aktualität und die Fähigkeit, ein komplettes und lebendiges Bild der Molekularbiologie auf knappem Raum zu entwerfen. Die genaue Darstellung von Schlüsselexperimenten und den wichtigsten Arbeitstechniken belegt, warum die Molekularbiologie heute das aufregendste Feld in den Life Sciences ist. Zahlreiche Bezüge zu medizinischen Anwendungen, aktuelle Literaturhinweise, ein Glossar und umfangreiche animierte Übungseinheiten auf der Website machen die Wissenschaft von den Biomolekülen zum echten Erlebnis.

Die Molekularbiologie als eigenständige Disziplin der Biologie existiert exakt so lange wie dieses Buch, dessen erste Auflage 1965 das Gebiet und seine Aufgaben gültig definierte. In allen Folgeauflagen ist es stets das Standardwerk der Molekularbiologie geblieben. Auch die vorliegende 6. Auflage besticht durch Aktualität und die Fähigkeit, ein komplettes und lebendiges Bild der Molekularbiologie auf knappem Raum zu entwerfen. Die genaue Darstellung von Schlüsselexperimenten und den wichtigsten Arbeitstechniken belegt, warum die Molekularbiologie heute das aufregendste Feld in den Life Sciences ist. Zahlreiche Bezüge zu medizinischen Anwendungen, aktuelle Literaturhinweise, ein Glossar und umfangreiche animierte Übungseinheiten auf der Website machen die Wissenschaft von den Biomolekülen zum echten Erlebnis.

TEIL I Chemie und Genetik
Das Mendel`sche Weltbild
Nucleinsäuren als Träger der genetischen Information
Die Bedeutung der schwachen chemischen Wechselwirkungen
Die Bedeutung energiereicher Bindungen
Schwache und starke Bindungen bestimmen makromolekulare Strukturen

TEIL II Erhaltung des Genoms
Die Strukturen von DNA und RNA
Genomstruktur, Chromatin und Nucleosomen
Die Replikation der DNA
Die Mutabilität und Reparatur der DNA
Die Homologe Rekombination auf molekularer Ebene
Sequenzspezifische Rekombination und Transposition von DNA

TEIL III Expression des Genoms
Kapitel 12 Mechanismen der Transkription
Kapitel 13 Das Spleißen von RNA
Kapitel 14 Translation
Kapitel 15 Der genetische Code

TEIL IV Regulation
Kapitel 16 Transkriptionelle Regulation in Prokaryonten
Kapitel 17 Transkriptionelle Regulation in Eukaryonten
Kapitel 18 Regulatorische RNAs
Kapitel 19 Genregulation in Entwicklung und Evolution

James D. Watson entschlüsselte 1953 zusammen mit Francis Crick die Struktur der DNA und erhielt dafür 1962 den Nobelpreis. Er lehrte und forschte an der Harvard University und am Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory und war u.a. Mitinitiator des Human Genome Project.
Tania A. Baker und Stephen P. Bell sind Biologie-Professoren am renommierten Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Alexander Gann arbeitet zusammen mit Watson am Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Michael Levine ist Professor für Molekulare Zellbiologie an der University of California, Berkeley.
Richard Losick arbeitet am Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Harvard.

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Ausführliche Struktur-Tutorien mit interaktiven und animierten Molekülmodellen zu 14 ausgewählten Biomolekülen

····· 10361185099

Water, sanitation, hygiene and diarrheal diseases in the Aral Sea area (Khorezm, Uzbekistan)

····· lezzter Preis 26.60€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the Aral Sea Basin, human activities have led to the severe degradation of water and soil, which is considered to cause serious human health problems. Epidemiological evidence, however, was lacking. This study investigates the microbiological contamination of drinking water in the Khorezm district in Uzbekistan as a case study in the Aral Sea Basin. The incidence of diarrheal diseases was monitored, and the risk factors water, sanitation and hygiene were studied using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Recommendations for improved drinking water hygiene and sanitation are given. ····· 10361169543

1x1 der Klinischen Genetik

····· lezzter Preis 6.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich schnell und dennoch gründlich Grundwissen über die Klinische Genetik aneignen wollen. Es behandelt die wichtigsten genetischen Erkrankungen fürs Examen wie für die Klinik: Wie entstehen Erbkrankheiten Wie begegnen sie uns in der Klinik Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus Vor allem geeignet für Studenten, PJler, Assistenzärzte. Doch auch Pflegepersonal und andere medizinnahe Berufsgruppen finden hier schnell und übersichtlich Hinweise zur Pflege und Betreuung. Mit Lerntexten, konkret und knapp gehaltenen Zusammenfassungen sowie prüfungsnahen Repetitionsfragen in jedem Kapitel. ····· 10361158659

Das Menschenproblem

····· lezzter Preis 24.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1914. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361150911

Monograph on Genomics of Ageing Gene-Sirt1

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Ageing is a syndrome of changes that are deleterious, progressive, universal & thus irreversible. SIRT1 gene is a candidate gene, involved in ageing process. The SIRT1 gene, whose activity is modified by the body`s metabolic state & was previously known to help control the process of ageing and extend the lifespan of humans, also plays a key role in regulating the internal clock. This important discovery helps to explain how the body regulates essential functions such as hormone production, body temperature & blood pressure, & may eventually lead to drugs to combat metabolic disorders, obesity or diabetes. SIRT1 gene codes for the protein SIRTUINS . By using Bioinformatics Tools & Softwares Exons, Introns, SNPs & RFLPs of SIRT1 were predicted. SNPs are consequently important in understanding human health. Information related to functional SNPs in candidate disease genes is critical for cost effective genetic association studies, which attempt to understand the genetics of complex diseases. The 3D structure of Sirtuin was modeled & Docked with suitable ligands. The SIRT1 activation study helps in medical application for developing SIRT1 activating drugs for ageing problems. ····· 10361147328

cytomorphological characterization of wide cross derivatives in Rice

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Wild species of Rice offer an important source of variability for improvement of cultivated Rice.Wide hybridization is the only way to transfer useful genes from wild species into cultivated Rice.In order to utilize the resistant potential of Oryza rufipogon to various biotic and abiotic stresses, this species was crossed with cultivated varieties of Oryza sativa. The crossability between O. sativa and O. rufipogon varied from 17.5-33 (%). The highest crossability was observed in IR-6/O. rufipogon (33%) and least in KS-282/O. rufipogon (17.5%). Based on crossability, IR-6 showed a close affinity with O. rufipogon.All the F1 hybrids were intermadiate in plant morphology between the two parents.The F1 hybrids showed both mid parent and high parent hetrosis for various quantitative traits. All the F1 hybrids showed normal meiosis with remarkably high chromosome pairing. Therefore favorable alleles can be easily introgressed from the wild O.rufipogon into cultivatd Rice O.Sativa. ····· 10361147267

Intellectual Property and Biotechnology

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Governments in North America and Europe have been using patents as a public policy tool to encourage the invention of health-related biotechnologies since the 1980. In recent decades however there has been a number of controversies related to patenting in biotechnology. Commentators are concerned that patents may be having a detrimental effect on innovation of and access to health-related products and processes. While empirical evidence that has been collected to date in relation to these concerns remains inconclusive, the debate may be clarified through the articulation of the rights and responsibilities that are at stake. The scope and content of a human right to healthcare are ultimately society-dependent, but its articulation can clarify whether instrumental property rights granted to inventors are interfering with this right in an unacceptable way. Intellectual property rights in health-related biotechnologies cannot be justified from a theoretical perspective, and so more definitive empirical data elucidating the role that patents play in regards to innovation and dissemination of health- related biotechnology is needed. ····· 10361147228

Systems Biology Approaches in Infectious Diseases

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Epidemiological and genetic studies showed that severity of invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) sepsis is influenced by interactions of genetic factors of both bacteria and host. Systems biology approaches presented shed light on host mechanisms of differential response to invasive GAS sepsis. Using genome-wide association studies, we found association between differential susceptibility to GAS sepsis and quantitative trait loci (QTL) on mouse Chr 2 and X. Genes within these QTLs were prioritized based on bioinformatics and qPCR to explore mechanisms of host differential susceptibility. Collectively, data suggested that prostaglandin and interleukin 1 signaling pathways act as key modulators of a network of genes involved in immune responses to GAS sepsis. In addition, genome-wide transcriptome studies showed that pathways involving activation of interleukin 10 production and signaling are likely to be associated with resistance to infection. Despite differences between mouse and human immune systems, systems biology approaches results using mice corresponded well with results obtained from human studies demonstrating the power of this approach and better translation to humans. ····· 10361146898

Somaclonal Variation in some species of Brassica

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The morphogenetic potential of three diploid Brassica species (B. oleracea CC B.campestris, AA and B. nigra, BB) and three amphidiploid Brassica species (B. juncea, AABB B. napus, AACC and B. carinata BBCC) was studied. An assessment of somaclonal variation induced with regard to certain morphological, cytological and biochemical parameters was made in the regenerants. Field performance of the R1 and R2 generation plants with respect to some yield traits was also evaluated. Higher morphogenetic potential was observed in the CC genome bearing species where as AA, BB genomes alone and in combination showed lower morphogenetic capacity. In 20.5 per cent of the total regenerants studied, cytological abnormalities were observed. Variation in the isozyme banding pattern of peroxidase, malate dehydrogenase and catalase was observed in 13.5 per cent of the total regenerants analyzed. A number of R1 plants showed significantly improved agronomic characters and higher oil content. Consistently high per cent oil content was recovered in four R2 lines of B. napus and two of B. carinata. However, segregation was observed in R2 generation of some selected R1 plants for traits like plant heig ····· 10361146803

Genetic diversity of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in Iran II

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Among the broad-leaved temperate forests of the northern hemisphere, Iran s Hyrcanian forests are very particular. Pure and mixed beech forests are the most important elements of this ecosystem, making up the richest and the most beautiful forests of Iran. Beech forests represent about 18 % of Hyrcanian forests surface and form about 30 % of forest trees volume in Iran, which forms the most valuable stands in Hyrcanian zone and allocate the most rate of timber production in Iran. The two main technical reasons for decline of beech in these forests are unsuitable harvesting methods during the last 40 years and lack of forest protection. There is an urgent need to improve conservation of this tree species through better forest management, with the aim of both genetic resource conservation and high quality timber production. This book provides important information for the delineation of genetically homogeneous regions, useful for provenance identification and seed-lots certification. Addressing the above issues is a basic step for providing the genetic baseline to establish both in situ and ex situ conservation priorities and breeding strategies for any species in Hyrcanian forests. ····· 10361146678

Association of Carcinogen Metabolizing Genes With Head & Neck Cancer

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Head and neck cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and the exact reason of this dramatic increase has still not been revealed. This books gives an overview of few genes that are found to be associated with cancer initiation. The results of the research are very helpful in designing a gene therapy or even a diagnostic test. Normal healthy individuals can go for genetic screening and be aware of the genetic status for cancer initiation. The book is very helpful for scientists as new methodologies have been introduced that are cost effective and time saving. ····· 10361146583

Genetics of racing performance of horses

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Horses are companion animals, providing people as riders or spectators, with such pleasurable pursuits as racing, trotting, dressage etc. Racehorse populations provide examples of breeds, which have been selected over relatively longer period of time. The two breeds mostly used for gallop racing are Thoroughbred and American Quarter Horses. Among these two breeds, Thoroughbreds are used in longer races and American Quarter Horses are used in shorter races. The other type of racing is generally called harness racing. It is a form of racing in which the horses run in a specified gait (trot or pace). The main aim of this book is to compile all the published information on racing performance of horses. The first Chapter is the general introduction about the different gaits of the horses and breeds involved in horse racing. The second, third and fourth Chapters are devoted to the genetics of racing performance of Thoroughbred, American Quarter and Trotter Horses respectively. This book is addressed to broad audience and the information presented will provide valuable guidance to scientists and horse breeders involved in racing industry. ····· 10361146504

Genetic Diversity in Triticum Groups under Saline Stress

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Identification of agronomic and biochemical traits related to salt tolerance is also important criterion to be considered. Present study was aimed for the assessment of variations for salt tolerance among and within four Triticum groups with respect to agronomic traits and biochemical parameters including malondialdehyde (MDA) content, protein, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), and reducing sugars. Salt tolerance is a complex trait and does not involve single mechanism in providing tolerance. In conclusion grain number is an important trait under salt stress for determining yield where as number of spikes and spikelets are the important traits in determining grain number. Selection criteria of tolerant genotypes could be based on agronomic traits which are contributing to yield. Up regulated activities of SOD coupled with increased activities of POD and CAT activities and low MDA content can be useful biomarkers for the selection of tolerant wheat genotypes under salt stress. Accumulation of reducing sugars under salt stress is another important biomarker for the identification of tolerant genotypes. ····· 10361146482

Diversity in Performance of Indigenous Chicken In-situ

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Bangladesh is a country furnished with various indigenous livestock genetic resources where native chicken (about 140 million) are more popular for their distinct traits in the present era of commercial chicken production. The quest of this research work was to find out various reasons which affect the performance of indigenous chicken including management system as well. So a benchmark survey conducted in some selected rural areas of Bangladesh (total 430 households) using a pre-tested survey questionnaire. Based on all the results, it identified that production performance of native chicken varied according to location, genotype, age, and plumage color. Moreover, simple phenotypic screening of village chicken with little feed supplementation, vaccination and pursuing proper marketing facilities could enhance their performance under free range condition (in-situ). In addition, this book would inspire the people of different countries to conserve their respective native chicken from the clutch of extinct. ····· 10361146459

Study of serum metals and DNA damage

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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the major health problems responsible for increasing mortality and morbidity all over the world. The hypothesis of the study is that elevated levels of antioxidant enzymes are associated with increased stable coronary artery disease. With this perspective in the study, the role of trace elements, lipids and antioxidant enzymes levels in the serum of patients with CAD were determined and the presence of DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes in these patients was also verified. Our findings reports that the increased DNA damages are found in CAD patients who have been analyzed for high or moderate risk of triple vessel disease by duke treadmill score (DTS) and coronary angiogram successively. Moreover evaluation of the association of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene with coronary artery disease (CAD) has suggested that there is no association of Deletion (D) or insertion (I) alleles with CAD. The study implies that the trace elements will have reliable prognostic value in the diagnosis of CAD if the investigation is carried out on the extent of the changes of these elements in CAD patients. ····· 10361146427

Novel Insect Insulin-like Peptide Genes

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Insulin family peptide members have key roles in regulating growth, metabolism, development, reproduction and longevity in vertebrates. Bombyxin, isolated from the silkmoth Bombyx mori, was the first Insulin-like peptide (ILP) identified in insects. Bombyxins have structural similarity to vertebrate insulin and amino acid sequence identity to mammalian ILP. To gain insight into the role of bombyxins, I have analyzed full genome of B. mori and identified five novel family bombyxin genes. Three of these genes have introns at almost same position as the human insulin gene. Temporal and spatial expressions of these genes have been observed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of tissue development. Similar structure, location of intervening intron, and similar expression pattern between bombyxin and insulin genes have provide an important basis to elucidate evolutionary relationship and function of insulin family members in insects. This book promises to add considerable scientific value to the arena of molecular biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, insulin research and above all to the field of general science. ····· 10361146371

Motifs of untranslated regions in C. elegans and C. briggsea

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Untranslated regions (UTRs) are important regions in genes that are situated at 3 and 5 ends and are involved in the regulation of gene expression. UTRs on 3 end acts as complementary sequences for binding of microRNAs. The length and sequence of UTRs varies from species to species. In this work various conserved motifs in the untranslated regions of the genes have been reported by using software tool. Very little literature is available on the motif studies in the UTRs. This book therefore provides the insight on the presence of motifs with repeated single nucleotide in the 3 and 5 UTRs. Some coding genes were also analyzed for these motifs. These motifs show interesting similarities in different species of the genus Caenorhabditis. This finding could possibly be used in the identification of various organisms of same genus. These investigations could be helpful to scientific community working on non-coding RNAs, genomics and bioinformatics. This book could be helpful for students and teachers in the subject of Bioinformatics, Genomics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. ····· 10361146180

Der Kampf mit der Nahrung

····· lezzter Preis 44.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1884. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144428

Die morphologische und chemische Zusammensetzung des Protoplasmas

für 34.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1887. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144248

Allgemeine und spezielle Physiologie des Menschenwachstums

für 26.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1914. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143917

Die Sonderstellung des Menschen in der Natur

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1925. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143916

Die Abstammungslehre

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1909. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143463

Der Kampf mit der Nahrung

für 24.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1884. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143396

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