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Circular Model of Information Seeking Behaviour

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The basic supposition of the circular model of information seeking behaviour is that information seeking of individual begins in the course of their daily practice or activities which prompted information gap as a result of their demographic factors. This information gap in form of needs resulted in seeking for information to fill in the gap within the information environment (i.e. library, information centres, schools, organisations, communities, and internet/electronic resources) which in turn gave rise to an information search process. The information search process was divided into two i.e. active search process mainly through printed information format (books, journals etc) and passive search process through electronic format (such as media, audiovisual and internet). Notably, the information seeking behaviour was greatly influenced by a number of interacting variables, which could ultimately affect the outcome in the form of information seeking activities. Furthermore, any of the components of the model can occur simultaneously, thus representing the true complexity of information seeking behaviour in circular process. ····· 10361133173

Do Public Libraries have anything to do with Culture and Tourism?

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Nigerian cultures, as diverse and rich as they are, are not adequately promoted and as such tourism is insignificant in various locations, communities and societies in Nigeria. Cultures, which embrace peoples ways of existence and co-existence, are sustained by knowledge, most of which are provided by public libraries, promoted and proliferated through tourism. Thus, this study was focused on how public libraries are promoters of cultures and tourism bringing to the fore, public library services that are culture-related and those that are tourism-related. After much review by the author, practical recommendations on how public libraries could promote cultures and tourism were made. This monograph has Nigerian peoples as its major target, though the knowledge contained could also be improvised and made suitable for any society. ····· 10361132325

Newspaper Reading Habits Among P.G Students: a Study

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Man`s desire to communicate with his fellow men led to the development of language. This very desire led to the development of modern newspapers. There was always news, but etymology of the word is not exactly known. Their derivations can be given to news, in general. Firstly, what of new Which became new s and when the apostrophe was dropped became `news`. Secondly, what ever information came from north, east, west and south was `news`. Thirdly `news` is the plural of new. Newspapers contain information about what is happening in one`s country and other nations of the world. They tell the reader what is happening in their city, district, state and the world. ····· 10361118822

A Study Of Data Retrieval Techniques Of Online Databases

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This study may act as a guide for online databases and interface design in the development of more accessible web products. Librarians caring about accessibility have information enabling them to make better procurement decisions and to challenge vendors through specific questions about their products functionality. The findings of this study may alert professionals who help online library databases users of assistive technology to the potential difficulties involved in searching specific library databases. The aim of this study was to examine the data retrieval techniques as offered and made available by online database providers and users expectation and feedback on this issues, different accessibility features of the online databases, different aspects of the feasibility of the sites of the online databases, different menu driven or command oriented retrieval techniques of online databases. Identification and evaluation of different data retrieval features on the basis of the performance among the online databases. Ranking of online databases on the basis of adoptability of data retrieval techniques and also to understand the university libraries using maximum online databases ····· 10361118633

Preservation of, and access to legal deposit materials

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Constant access to legal deposit materials will depend on proper preservation methods from the time they are first produced. The focus was to identify how the different materials are preserved and stored, especially because every institution has unique needs, especially with regard to the climatic conditions of the area. The study also examined challenges faced by the depository, skills and knowledge of the depository staff about preventative preservation methods, resources for conservation and collection management strategies. The methods to help make materials accessible were established by examining the means and processes used.The results of the study show that there are inadequate preservation activities and strategies for legal deposit materials at the Msunduzi Municipal Library. The legal deposit collection was at risk of being lost and inaccessible to present and future generations. ····· 10361118424

¿Pensar sin lectura?

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Artículos, conversatorios e intervenciones, la mayoría inéditos, se agrupan en este folleto. Reflexiones todas sobre la lectura y su promoción, intentan provocar el pensamiento sobre este aspecto tan importante del pensar y el accionar humanos. Pensamiento y lenguaje resultan interdependientes. Cuando logran perpetuarse de manera más certera en la escritura, la lectura se hace imprescindible. Se puede pensar sin lectura, pero es mucho más preciso, abarcador, profundo, rico y pensante, establecer una corriente de pensamiento a partir de ella incluso la fluidez puede ser obstruida sin la presencia de ésta, al faltar los referentes, en ocasiones inevitables, anteriores y posteriores del instante preciso en que se produce el pensar. Sincronía y diacronía interrelacionadas, imprescindibles para explicar varias de las aristas del fenómeno y ante las cuales estos trabajos pretenden motivar su análisis desde diferentes puntos de vista. ····· 10361117017

Standardization Metadata Schema for Securing Interoperability

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Metadata schema is very important and should be considered in digital library. Metadata schema makes metadata interoperability in digital libraries. Standard metadata schema is needed for consistency and ensuring interoperability. We should also consider the requirements of partner library institutions for creating and developing the standard metadata schema. Without consider the requirements of those institutions, metadata interoperability is not going well. This book gives a description about the issues of standardization metadata schema and recommendations for securing interoperability among digital libraries, especially for FORDA digital libraries-Indonesia as a case study place. This book divided in five chapter. The first chapter is the introduction section. Second shapter gives the description about literature reviews. Third chapter presents the research methodology. The fourth chapter is the finding research description. The finding shows that there are several issues which create interoperability problems in the current FORDA metadata schema. Lastly, the fifth chapter presents the discussion and conclusion. ····· 10361115192

Women participation in library field

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The study entitled `Women Participation in Library Profession in Nepal: Their Status and Challenges ` focuses on those women who are in library profession. Besides that it has been included the consolidate number of women and their current status in library profession. Women have been played significant role in written history in different sector so, it is crucial job to find the women`s participation in library profession. Since the library profession is a noble profession. A dedicated service and strong sense of professional commitment are the need of hour to collect organize and dissemination of information. ····· 10361112949

Bangladesh Environmental Law

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The present study has observed that there are around two hundreds environmental laws and policies in Bangladesh. Environmental law began with the enactment of the Landmark Public Health Act, 1875 passed by the British ruler in India. The British ruler passed several so called environmental laws, which are still enforcing in Bangladesh with some amendments and reformations. Bangladesh inherited those 57 laws passed in the British period, among them the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855, the Canals Act, 1864 the Explosives Act, 1884, the Vaccination Act, 1880 etc., are remarkable. The present study found some positive and negative impacts of fisheries laws and policies on the natural fish and fisheries environment, other aquatic resources and other sectors of environment. It would be said that the existing fisheries laws and policies encourages culture fish production instead of conserving and developing natural fisheries. As result indigenous fish species and other microorganism, aquatic plants and animals etc. are degraded. ····· 10361100351

Effects of Bibliotherapy on Behaviour Modification of Adolescents

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Individuals` Value system can be altered using programmed regular reading of positive literature materials. Effects of bibliotherapy on Behaviour Modification of Adolescents is a vital response to overcome social behaviour problems using regular reading of positive literature. The author brings to knowledge the fact that,just as the reading of positive literature can alter the value system of individuals from negative to positive,regular reading of negative literature materials can on the contrary, result in emotional bad health for users. The emphasis should always be on regular use of positive literature materials. Bibliotherapy is effective for use as therapy in any social re-engineering process of behaviour modification, and is perhaps capable of solving the prevalent national and global behaviour problems ravaging the Society. ····· 1036199825

Marketing activities and usage in HBCU Libraries

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The academic library has experienced overall growth and decline based on demographics, technology, and convenience, yet problems still exist today including: (a) perceived relevance, (b) market share, and (c) competition. Statistics gathered from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Academic Library Survey, and the Academic Library Marketing Activity (A.LM.A.) Survey seek to provide a snapshot of usage and marketing activities in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) libraries. Trends reveal both usage growth and decline over the 2000-2008 period, and significant marketing activities involving distribution methods. Several possibilities for expanding HBCU library usage and marketing activities include: management of existing library traffic, and incorporation of evolving technology for outreach and promotion. ····· 1036199652

Effective Use of Internet in University Libraries

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Accessing Internet has been increasing very rapidly as it has got considerable implications for teaching, learning and research. In universities, teachers and students are depending more and more on the Internet for their various educational purposes. One of the primary advantages of the Internet is that it can make learning more accessible irrespective of time and place. Internet facility in the libraries has become an inseparable service to bridge the gap between the library users and resources. University libraries provide Internet facility to academic community and expect them to utilize it for educational purposes. An attempt has been made in this book to present the results of the study on the existing Internet service scenario in the university libraries in Assam and how the users are availing it. The study also explored the satisfaction level of the users with the Internet facility provided by the university libraries under study. The book has been divided into seven main chapters. The book will surely help the LIS professionals and students to understand the status of the Internet service prevailing in university libraries and the attitudes towards it. ····· 1036199477

Public library System in Kenya:An Analytical study

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Prosperity, freedom and the development of society and individuals are fundamental human values. They will only be attained through the aptitude of well-informed citizens to exercise their democratic rights and to play a vigorous role in society. Productive contribution and the development of democracy depend on acceptable education as well as on free and unlimited access to thought, culture and information. As per UNESCO public library manifesto, the public library, the local gateway to information make available a basic condition for lifelong knowledge, sovereign decision-making and cultural development of the individual and social groups. Manifesto declares UNESCO`s belief in the public library as a breathing force for education, culture and information, and as an indispensable agent for the nurturing of peace and spiritual well-being through the minds of men and women. UNESCO therefore supports national and local governments to maintain and actively take part in the development of public libraries. The enormous amount of information produced per second worldwide front is a greatest challenges to library system more so the public libraries in the history of publication. ····· 1036198885

Implementation and Usage of Digital Libraries

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A number of libraries in Malawi have made attempts to create digital libraries, a midst several challenges. This book examines the implementation and usage of the Bunda College of Agriculture Greenstone digital library. The digital library was mainly created to address the need for digitizing the local Malawian collection. It has been hampered by lack of funding and has largely depended on already available resources. Members of staff have been trained on various aspects of the Greenstone digital library software, however they are not specifically employed for the digital library functions. Implementation and usage of the Bunda College Digital Library has largely been successful, however more needs to be done to make it sustainable and maximize its benefits. Libraries in Malawi have more to learn from Bunda College Library. This research has revealed many challenges associated with the creation and management of a digital library at the same time demonstrating the rising demand for digital information, leaving librarians in Malawi with no option but to mobilize their efforts towards the creation of digital libraries. With commitment and will progress can be made. ····· 1036198680

Evaluation of Library Web Sites of Select Institute of Management:

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The IML Websites are mirror of their collection, services and user-focused gateways to rich, quality content and they play a key role in the learning and research processes. The dynamic library websites and web-based library services will enable the users to be attracting the libraries. Hence, the study undertaken to reflect the need for well organized, dynamically maintained library websites for the study libraries. The most important single aspect of any website is its usability. The website of academic library should reflect users` needs and expectations. The library website content, structure, and design need to reflect with changes in user behaviour, technology, and information resources. Based on the findings, IML Websites in India have not come up to expectations as virtual expressions of the quality level of the academic excellence. There is a lack of information organization in most of the study websites. Hence, it is essential for these libraries to implement internal as well as external and manual and automated periodic evaluation of their websites. ····· 1036198607

Library Weblogs

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Weblogs, or blogs, emerged in the late 1990s on the web, quickly becoming a new way to communicate ideas, opinions, resources and news. Since that time, the community of blogs has grown to encompass specific subject areas of study and research. This book briefly discusses the history and background of weblogs, how to create a weblog, its advantages and applications in library and information centers. Why and how to use weblogs in providing the library`s services and the method of evaluation of weblog. The Key feature of this book investigate and evaluate library weblog available on internet. .To examine the availability of library weblogs on the web. To find out authority and subject coverage of library weblogs and to determine their relevancy. .To understand the way of presentation of contents on the weblogs and its user friendliness. .To trace out the authenticity and scope of library weblogs available on the web. .To know updating frequency and arrangement of library weblog. .To find out the navigation feature and arrangement of hyperlinks. .To trace out, who are the intended users ····· 1036198366

A case study of Networking Management Institute Libraries in India

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Information and Communication technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way of collection, storage, processing, dissemination and access to information. Recent technological developments such as explosive growth of Internet and WWW, sophisticated search engines, fast processing power and reducing cost of the computers, high bandwidth networks and increasing number of electronic publications assist the libraries in providing extensive access to the variety of information sources and provide a way to enrich the teaching and learning environment. Accessibility to the required information at a fast rate as well as quick response to the query is the expectations of users. These factors are responsible for the changes in library environment. Therefore changes cannot be neglected and for continuous improvement, new ways of management techniques have to be adopted by the libraries. The present work is a study of select libraries of Management institutes in India. During the study, special reference is given to the libraries of Management Institutes under the jurisdiction of University of Pune. The primary objective of this study is to find out the status of the Libraries of Management Instit ····· 1036192327

Measuring Value of Academic Library

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Academic libraries spent less time on ROI (Return on Investment) measures, as they enjoyed a high level of tacit acceptance of the value of libraries among their executives. Today, with increasing demands for proving the usefulness of what they do on institutional scale even academic libraries have to increase their focus on documenting their value proposition and prove their accountability to its stakeholders. However, to measure the impact of library and its services on its users is a difficult task as it involves various intangibles like information, user satisfaction, expertise provided, skills and knowledge obtained, and so on. The current book describes steps involved in a Measuring Academic Library Value Project . It guides the users about importance of measuring library value and factors affecting the same. It explains how to conduct a study, complete it successfully and publicise it effectively. It highlights Things to Remember at every stage of the study. In the second section, different examples for measuring library value are depicted. Any library can conduct their measuring value projects with the help of this book and reveal its value to the stakeholders. ····· 1036192270

Collection Management in Academic Libraries

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Collection management is an area least developed in library professional literature. The work examines the collection management policies and procedures at the Balme Library of the University of Ghana, and how such procedures meet the urgent needs of library users as well as the goals of the parent institution. The acquisition of materials in various subject areas has increased with the introduction of new courses and the explosive increase in the student population in the past decade. There is therefore the need to ensure that all subject areas are adequately catered for. The author has made several recommendations towards improving the situation. . ····· 1036192118

Diseño de los procedimientos de un Sistema de Gestión de Información

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La imagen de la biblioteca a través de la prensa digital

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El presente libro se es un extracto de la tesis doctoral La imagen de la biblioteca a través de la prensa digital. Estudio comparativo México/España (2002-2008), realizada bajo la dirección de la Prof. Dra. María Teresa Fernández Bajón, Profesora Titular de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y del Prof. Dr. José López Yepes, Catedrático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y presentada en julio de 2010. ····· 1036190294

El ejercicio del autoarchivo en el repositorio temático E-LIS

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Este trabajo es resultado del trabajo de investigación realizado en la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina) para obtener el grado de Licenciada en Bibliotecología y Documentación. Se exponen las características de la comunicación científica y se analiza la repercusión que ha tenido y tiene el movimiento de acceso abierto a la literatura científica y académica. Luego se analizan las actitudes y las prácticas que tienen los bibliotecarios argentinos en el autoarchivo de sus trabajos en el repositorio temático E-LIS. El objetivo es determinar los factores que determinan el uso o no uso del repositorio y cuáles podrían ser las condiciones bajo las cuales los autores que aún no realicen esta práctica, empiecen a participar autoarchivando sus publicaciones en dicho repositorio. ····· 1036189673

Access To And Use Of E-Resources By Research Scientists In Ghana

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of knowledge, effectiveness of use, frequency of use and challenges in the use of e-resources among the agricultural research scientist in Ghana. This study was based on the Technology Acceptance Model which presents a model that examine the relationship between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitudes and behavioral usage of other information technologies in recent years. Research design for this study was a case study approach. Data collection involved questionnaires administered to 68 agricultural research scientists, which was supplemented with interviews with Directors of the Institutes. The Study concluded that adequate provision should be made on user education to make scientists aware of various e-resources that are available to enhance usage. Secondly there is the need for increment in the bandwidth of the Internet connectivity and was therefore recommended that, there should be specific budgetary allocation on e-resources to improve e-resources facilities in agricultural libraries since scientists are known to have preference for electronic resources over print resources. ····· 1036188981

Accessibility to information resources by the public school population

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This Master`s thesis provides a very useful understanding of the information needs and information seeking behaviour of the school population in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. It provides a critical analysis of the existing information resources and services. Data for this thesis was collected through questionnaires, interviews, observation and analysis of documentary evidence. The thesis proposes practical, comprehensive and valuable recommendations for the improvement of available resources and services, so that they can meet the academic and other diverse information needs of both teachers and students in Eldoret Municipality schools, Kenya. Other recommendations include the formulation of a National Information Policy for Kenya, coordination of school library services and teaching of information skills to secondary school populations among many other useful proposals. ····· 1036188865

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