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Access To And Use Of E-Resources By Research Scientists In Ghana

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of knowledge, effectiveness of use, frequency of use and challenges in the use of e-resources among the agricultural research scientist in Ghana. This study was based on the Technology Acceptance Model which presents a model that examine the relationship between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitudes and behavioral usage of other information technologies in recent years. Research design for this study was a case study approach. Data collection involved questionnaires administered to 68 agricultural research scientists, which was supplemented with interviews with Directors of the Institutes. The Study concluded that adequate provision should be made on user education to make scientists aware of various e-resources that are available to enhance usage. Secondly there is the need for increment in the bandwidth of the Internet connectivity and was therefore recommended that, there should be specific budgetary allocation on e-resources to improve e-resources facilities in agricultural libraries since scientists are known to have preference for electronic resources over print resources. ····· 1036188981

Accessibility to information resources by the public school population

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This Master`s thesis provides a very useful understanding of the information needs and information seeking behaviour of the school population in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. It provides a critical analysis of the existing information resources and services. Data for this thesis was collected through questionnaires, interviews, observation and analysis of documentary evidence. The thesis proposes practical, comprehensive and valuable recommendations for the improvement of available resources and services, so that they can meet the academic and other diverse information needs of both teachers and students in Eldoret Municipality schools, Kenya. Other recommendations include the formulation of a National Information Policy for Kenya, coordination of school library services and teaching of information skills to secondary school populations among many other useful proposals. ····· 1036188865

ICT Infrastructures in Academic Libraries

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This book aims to analyze the Information Communication Technology infrastructure facilities with reference to self-financing engineering college libraries in Tamil Nadu. The availability of ICT infrastructure facilities may differ from one institution to another on the basis of the factors such as ownership of the institution, inception and duration of the institution and minority status. It traces out the status of electronic resources in terms of topology of library network, electronic access points, electronic database, e-journals and electronic resources in the libraries of engineering colleges. The electronic sources and such other infrastructure facilities and their extent of availability could be accessed. ····· 1036188340

Staff Motivation at The Margaret Thatcher Library

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A library exists so that it can provide users with information for their requirements and hence, satisfy their information needs.For libraries to provide effective information services, they need professionally qualified and motivated staff. Motivation will allow the management of a library to gain staff cooperation and commitment to high performance in the provision of information services to meet the user`s information needs. This work analyzes staff motivation at The Margaret Thatcher Library and makes recommendations on ways of improving staff motivation. ····· 1036188325

The use of cataloguing tools and resources by cataloguers:

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This book focuses on one specific area of the library profession, organization of knowledge known as cataloguing. The book examines and provides practical guidance of experiences and problems faced by cataloguers from the University of Malawi Libraries and the Malawi National Library Service, in their daily work. This is an invaluable guide for library practitioners as well as trainers of librarians. The book is based on a study which investigated the use of cataloguing tools and resources in both UNIMA and MNLS in providing access to information. ····· 1036188108

Budgeting and Financing of Academic Libraries

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Inadequate budgets and financing of academic libraries have brought enormous inconveniences in the provision of library and information services. Areas that have suffered most due to inadequate budgets include the acquisition of library materials and subscription of serials. The University of Malawi Libraries (UML) have not been spared either. Just as many academic libraries, UML are being requested to downsize, economize, streamline while at the same time are expected to provide quality and valuable services. While fundraising and other sources of generating income have been emphasized, careful attention to budgeting and bargaining stand out as appropriate mechanisms in budgeting and financing academic libraries. ····· 1036188100

Characteristics of Pakistan`s Economics Literature: A study of PDR

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The new ideas and discoveries first appear in journals therefore these have always been considered as an important medium of communication and dissemination of knowledge. Thus journal literature reflects current research trends and developments in a field of study. A bibliometric study of the articles published in journals determines the status of advancement and research activities in a subject field. As economics is an important area of interest for the social scientists. Therefore the bibliometric analysis of a journal literature of economics is very helpful to determine its research patterns. This effort provide a descriptive analysis of the papers published in the Pakistan Development Review during the period 1973-2009 with the purpose to determine the authorship patterns, the topics of the papers, the number of references per paper, etc. Along with other results the research collaboration was found in an increasing order and agriculture was found as the most favourite area of researchers. ····· 1036187870

Study of Research Output of Jamia Millia Islamia in Natural Sciences

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Present era has seen emergence of new subjects and their development at a very fast pace. An interdependency of these subjects, their scope and impact is however expanding very fast. It is becoming increasingly difficult to measure the different aspects of research output, especially in case of application oriented, interdisciplinary subjects.Indicators based on research papers published in the international scientific journal literature are particularly useful for providing internationally comparable data on an academic institution s scientific performance. These so called bibliometric indicators can be used to establish an institution s share in the volume of international research papers within a particular scientific discipline, its International scientific impact in terms of references in the worldwide scientific literature to these papers, or the national and international scientific collaboration in terms of co-authored research publications. The aim of this study is to analyse quantitatively the literature contributed by the faculty at Jamia Millia Islamia. ····· 1036187827

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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The main objective of the book Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Automated Networking and Resource Sharing in the Selected Public and Private University Libraries in Bangladesh: A Study is to fulfill the partial requirements for course ISLM-505 of the Masters Degree in Information Science and Library Management. It is believed that this type of work is inevitably the result of the collaboration of many great helpers, otherwise continuing alone with a gigantic mass of scattered materials and on the subject and their presentation in a form most coherent and consistent can outbalance the patience of a feeble mind as him. All available papers, relevant documents, international journals articles and some brochures have been minutely scanned through. This book consists of seven chapters. This study discusses the methodology, scope and objectives adopted for collection, presentation and analysis of data for this study. It focuses the meaning, need and scope of resource sharing and library networking and use of ICT facilities for automated networking and resource sharing and traces the historical growth and development. ····· 1036186827

Business Development in the SME Sector in Ghana

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SMEs in developing countries are expected to compete on equal footing with their counterparts from the developed economies to be successful in the globalized market. They therefore need to have access to and use information strategically to avoid surprises and minimize exposure to risks in this market. Information relating to business opportunities, operations or sources of assistance can create competitive advantages for SMEs. Most entrepreneurs are however not aware of the category of information they require, unable to identify the information sources, facilities and tools to be used, or the information providers themselves are not well organized. To survive in the global market place, SMEs have no option but to play to the rules of modern business development using information for competitive advantage. This book assesses the information needs of SMEs in Ghana, evaluates the current information systems for acquisition, processing, storage and utilization of information, and the role of such information in business development. It affords opportunities to entrepreneurs to better position themselves to compete with the proper use of business information ····· 1036186587

(Why) Do Neighbours Cooperate?

····· lezzter Preis 29.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Negotiations in the European Union Council of Ministers are not only taking place within formal decision-making structures. Member states strive to find allies and coordinate their positions prior to formal negotiation meetings. They either create ad hoc coalitions to pool voting power or cooperate within more durable, institutionalised coalitions that traditionally form due to geographical proximity or among like-minded member states as task-specific coalitions on particular issues. Institutionalised coalitions bestow their members with a bargaining advantage even if they cannot generate enough voting weight to reach voting thresholds. ····· 1036180745

Der Krieg gegen den Terrorismus: Pakistans Rolle im war on terror und die bilateralen Beziehungen zu den USA

····· lezzter Preis 24.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das unilaterale Vorgehen der USA bei der Tötung Osama Bin Landens in Pakistan im Mai 2011 und der NATO-ISAF Angriff auf pakistanische Militärposten an der Grenze zu Afghanistan im November des Jahres verdeutlichen die Divergenz in den pakistanisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen. Als Reaktion darauf blockierte Pakistan die Nachschubrouten für westliche Truppen in Afghanistan und dutzende amerikanische Berater wurden des Landes verwiesen. Die bilateralen Beziehungen scheinen historisch betrachtet ihren vorläufigen Tiefpunkt in der Allianz im war on terror erreicht zu haben. Dabei sind die Beziehungen Pakistans zu den USA und der westlichen Welt von zentraler Bedeutung für die internationale Politik im 21. Jahrhundert. Die bilateralen Beziehungen sind seit jeher durch Misstrauen und double game von beiden Seiten geprägt. Während die USA nach Partnern in einer strategisch günstigen Region suchten, war Pakistan hauptsächlich an einem Machtgleichgewicht gegenüber Indien interessiert. Vom Anfang der 1990er bis zu den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 wurde Pakistan aufgrund des Atomprogramms und Demokratiedefizit in der amerikanischen Außenpolitik als ein Pariastaat angesehen. Die Ausrufung des war on terror durch George W. Bush brachte beide Staaten wieder näher, um eine Allianz im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus zu bilden. Die Allianz, wie hier ausgearbeitet. war keine freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung Pakistans, sondern wurde als die einzige Option empfunden, um die Sicherheitsinteressen Pakistans zu wahren. Im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus wurden US-Leistungen in Milliardenhöhe an Pakistan transferiert, die meisten davon waren für das pakistanische Militär bestimmt. Der Schwerpunkt im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus verschob sich aus verschiedenen Gründen von Afghanistan nach Pakistan. Für die Perspektiven pakistanisch-amerikanischer Beziehungen erwartet der Autor eine Normalisierung der Beziehungen in den nächsten Jahren. Der Abzug der NATO-ISAF aus Afghanistan in 2014 und die Beziehungen Pakistans zu anderen Staaten machen eine Reaktivierung der pakistanisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen dringend Notwendig. Die amerikanische Vorherrschaft in Asien wird zwar noch einige Jahre aufrechtzuerhalten sein, jedoch mit enormen Kosten für die USA. Für die post-USA -Ära in Afghanistan hat Pakistan bisher keine neue Strategie verkündet. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass Pakistan wie in den 1990er Afghanistan als seine Einflusszone ansieht und versuchen wird dem zunehmenden Einfluss Indiens entgegenzuwirken. Eine Intensivierung der pakistanisch-chinesischen Beziehungen wird zwar als wichtig angesehen, hat aber kaum Einfluss auf die pakistanisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen. Damit bleibt Pakistan auch in Zukunft ein wichtiger Dreh- und Angelpunkt in der Region und für die wissenschaftliche Analyse interessant. ····· 1036173854

Der israelisch-ägyptische Friedensprozess: Von Yom-Kippur nach Camp David

····· lezzter Preis 24.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Nahost-Konflikt ist ein bis heute ungelöster Regionalkonflikt mit internationalen Ausmaßen. Die Gründung Israels 1948 führte zu sechs Kriegen mit einigen der benachbarten arabischen Staaten sowie zu bewaffneten Konflikten zwischen Israelis und der palästinensischen Bevölkerung. Lokal, regional und global agierende Akteure prägen den Konflikt, ebenso wie die vielfältigen Austragungsformen, die von militärischen Operationen bis hin zu Selbstmordattentaten reichen. Eine wichtige Weichenstellung in der Lösung des israelisch-arabischen Konflikts stellt der separate Friedensschluss von Israel und Ägypten am 26. März 1979 dar. Trotz des Camp-David-Abkommens, welches als Beispiel für weitere Friedensverhandlungen galt, gelang es beiden Konfliktparteien nicht, Vertrauen aufzubauen. Die Beziehungen blieben weiterhin kühl, so dass man hier von einem kalten Frieden sprechen kann. Durch das Camp-David-Abkommen erhielt Ägypten die erdölreiche Sinai-Halbinsel zurück, welche Israel seit dem Sechstagekrieg besetzt hatte. Überdies hat Ägypten den Staat Israel anerkannt, was im Dissens zu den verbündeten arabischen Staaten stand. Dieser Separatfrieden kostete Ägypten für zehn Jahre die Mitgliedschaft in der Arabischen Liga und jahrelange Isolation in der arabischen Welt. Das wirft die Frage auf, warum Israel und Ägypten einen separaten Frieden geschlossen haben, bei dem Ägypten eine Isolation von den arabischen Verbündeten und Israel die Aufgabe der strategisch und ökonomisch wichtigen Sinai-Halbinsel in Kauf nahmen. Es liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass externe Akteure maßgeblich auf beide Staaten eingewirkt und damit im Friedensprozess eine wichtige Rolle gespielt haben. Innerstaatliche Faktoren dürften zwar für das demokratische Israel von Bedeutung gewesen sein, aber nicht für das damals autokratische Ägypten. Überdies haben die israelischen Eroberungen des Sechstagekrieges dem Land einen Verhandlungsspielraum eröffnet, da Israel nun die besetzten Gebiete als Faustpfand besaß. Diese Arbeit beschränkt sich auf den Teilaspekt des israelisch-ägyptischen Konflikts. Der Friedensprozess wird hierbei genauer untersucht. Um die Frage des Friedensschlusses zu beantworten, wird zunächst die Konfliktregion Naher Osten definiert. Außerdem werden der Yom-Kippur-Krieg und dessen Auswirkungen geschildert, da der vierte Nahost-Krieg die Ausgangslage für den folgenden Friedensprozess darstellt. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Konfliktparteien Israel und Ägypten, sowie die externen Akteure USA, die Vereinten Nationen und Saudi-Arabien analysiert. Danach steht im dritten Kapitel der Friedensprozess im Blickpunkt. Hier werden die Friedensverhandlungen sowie die Verhandelbarkeit der einzelnen Vertragspunkte untersucht. Das vierte Kapitel behandelt den Friedensprozess aus liberaler und realpolitischer Perspektive. Hierbei stehen auf der einen Seite Frieden als Elitenprojekt und der Einfluss externer Faktoren im Kern der Analyse und auf der anderen Seite werden innerstaatliche Determinanten näher erörtert. ····· 1036173795

****100 Jahre Kiepenheuer-Verlage

····· lezzter Preis 30.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Schriftgestaltung - Kreativ & professionell

····· lezzter Preis 9.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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System des transcendentalen Etatismus

····· lezzter Preis 21.60€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Pilch analysiert zwei zentrale Begriffe im Denken des Staatsrechtlers undpolitischen Denkers Carl Schmitt: Staat und Verfassung. In einem weiteren Abschnitt geht er auf die politische Form der Demokratie ein, in dem er sich u.a. mit der Schmitt`schen Parlamentarismuskritik befaßt. ····· 1036151985

Buchmarkt in 60 Minuten

····· lezzter Preis 8.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Branchen und Industrien ist das Verlagswesen ein Wirtschaftszweig, der auch beim nicht unmittelbar betroffenen Laien und beim lesenden Publikum Neugierde weckt: Man möchte wissen, wie all die schönen Büchergemacht werden, wie Bestseller entstehen. Als langjähriger Branchenjournalist hat Jürgen Christen in zahlreichen Gesprächen jedoch auch immer wieder die Erfahrung gemacht, dass zum Beispiel junge Lektoren oft nur über recht ungenaue Kenntnisse etwa des Zwischenbuchhandels oder der Vertriebsabläufe verfügen. Und nicht wenige Buchhändler lassen bisweilen verblüffend wenig Verständnis für die Parameter der Verlagsarbeit erkennen. Auf unterhaltsame Weise gibt der Autor in diesem Buch Einblicke in die Funktionsweise und die aktuellen (Markt-)Mechanismen des herstellenden und vertreibenden Buchhandels. Er wendet sich sowohl an interessierte `Laien` als auch an Leserinnen und Leser, die in Buchhandel und Verlagswesen tätig sind bzw. sein wollen. Und natürlich auch an (angehende) Autoren und im Kultur- und Medienbereich arbeitende Journalisten. ····· 1036150271

Conservation of Library Resources:

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This research looked at Conservation of Library resources in three selected special libraries in Lagos State. Titled conservation of library resources questionnaire (CLRQ) to guide the study and survey design was used. The result of the study showed that the conservation methods of the libraries were mainly cleaning, dusting of library materials, installation of air conditioners in the libraries and that the libraries have binding units, regular fumigation of the library materials, proper shelving of the books and photocopying machines. The result also showed that the conservation method was less extent which means that enough attention is not given to conservation methods. The study revealed that few resources were employed for conservation of the libraries resources among which are photocopying machine, good housekeeping mainly and that they lack trained conservators and equipments for digitalisation. Based on the findings the study recommended strategies to enhance the conservation of library resources among which are the formulation and implementation of the conservation policy, education of the library users and training of the library staff to enhance their performance. ····· 1036125236

Library Consortium

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The work looks into the need and importance of resource-sharing services in the consortial arrangement among fifteen university libraries in Sri Lanka, which are dependent on the UGC`s financial allocation. The research explores how far these libraries are subject to the danger of depletion of their resources, finds ways in which the libraries share the resources, scrutinizes what makes them being unable to build a consortium for resource-sharing, and finally it proposes a diagrammatic model for resource-sharing with the aid of a consortium. The paper explore the need of, barriers to and avenues for resource-sharing among university libraries in Sri Lanka. The survey results revealed that the university libraries are encountering financial shortages to build their collections and to renew the subscriptions to electronic databases. In addition, these libraries are facing issues like human resource shortages, and lack of physical resources in terms of space and information technology, along with ever-growing demand from the users.Having seen the absence of well-defined cooperative setup, the research proposes a model for these libraries and their branch entities. ····· 1036124831

Effective evaluation of academic digital libraries

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Evaluation is a crucial step for the development and improvement of digital libraries. Unfortunately, nowadays only few studies are focused on this matter and even fewer concentrate on how evaluation is conducted in real-world digital libraries. This study contributes to the research by presenting the results of a qualitative case study carried out at the Loughborough University Library, based on data collected from eleven semi-structured interviews and documents. It shows how evaluation is performed in a real-world digital library, the knowledge and competences of the staff in charge of conducting it, the obstacles and barriers encountered and it examines what happens afterwards, in particular how results and recommendations are turned into profitable account. The research also aims to act as a reference model for those researchers who want to further investigate this field . It confirms that currently knowledge about how academic digital libraries deal with evaluation process is insufficient and it raises several new and controversial questions, which should bring the scientific community to investigate deeper into the reality of digital libraries. ····· 1036124820

Academic libraries and distance education in Ghana

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This book Academic libraries and distance education in Ghana is a comparative study of the Universities of Education, Winneba and the University of Cape Coast. is based on the results of a survey research of the two public universities in Ghana which started the distance education programmes. The units of the these institutions that run the programme are The Institutes for Educational Development and Extention (IEDE), Winneba and the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) Cape Coast. The study is the first of its kind which focuses attention on distance education programmes in the said universities and the barriers students face in accessing information from host institutions. The author is of the view that in order for libraries to provide support services and students to overcome the ordeal of distance and transportation costs, there must be collaboration among educationist, that is, university authorities and librarians. The study advocates the use of information and communications technology to support the distance education programmes. It provides good background knowledge to educationist, librarians and policy makers who have common interests in distance education. ····· 1036124806

Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha Library Punjabi University Patiala

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Bhai Kahn Singh was a celebrated scholar and encyclopaedist, born on August 30 1861 in a Dhillon Jatt family at the village of Sabaz Banera, in what then used to be the territory of the princely ruler of patiala. His father was Narain Singh and mother Har Kaur. Narain Singh was a man of saintly character and he succeeded to the charge of Gurdwara Dera Baba Ajapal Singh, at Nabha, after the death of his grandfather Sarup Singh in 1861. Kahn Singh was the eldest of three brothers and one sister. He did not attend any school or college for formal education, yet he mastered several branches of learning by his own effort. By the age of Ten he could recite freely both the Guru Granth Sahib and Dasam Granth. He read Sanskrit classics with Pundits in and around Nabha and learnt music from a famous Mahant Gajja singh. He sought Maulawis in Delhi to teach him Persian. In 1883 he went to Lahore where during his two-year stay he studied Persian texts and assisted Professor Gurmukh Singh, a leading figure in the Singh Sabha, in the publication of his Sudhararak. In 1887 he was appointed tutor to Tikka Ripudaman Singh, the heir apparent of Nabha state. ····· 1036124739

Gestión de la Conservación Preventiva del Patrimonio Documental

····· lezzter Preis 35.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta obra resalta la importancia del patrimonio documental y la responsabilidad que tienen los profesionales de la información en su conservación. Profundiza en los referentes conceptuales fundamentales para gestionar la conservación preventiva del patrimonio documental, caracterizando los diversos soportes escriptoreos surgidos a la largo de la historia e identificando las causas de deterioro intrínseco y extrínseco. Finalmente se generan algunas políticas de gestión que deben considerarse en las unidades de información (Bibliotecas, Archivos y centros de documentación) con la finalidad de mantener las colecciones en un estado mínimo de deterioro. ····· 1036123547

Biblioteca Digital Lusófona

····· lezzter Preis 88.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El problema de investigación se centra en el análisis de los diferentes sistemas de información de las bibliotecas nacionales de los países lusófonos a través de los respectivos documentos legales y, como complemento, de los datos informativos resultantes de un interrogatorio y de una entrevista, elaborados para esta finalidad específica, realizados a los responsables de las instituciones indicadas, de modo a establecer sus oportunidades y las necesidades de modernización de las mismas. Con los resultados obtenidos, se elabora una propuesta de la creación de la Biblioteca Digital Lusófona, formada por las Bibliotecas Nacionales pertenecientes al espacio de la Comunidad de los Países de Lengua Portuguesa. El trabajo en consorcio permite resolver en conjunto los problemas con que estas instituciones se enfrentan, así como planificar políticas y estrategias para su desarrollo, tener mayor presencia dentro del conjunto de las instituciones similares, y de las informativas en general, potenciar la difusión de la información en portugués en internet, aumentar los contenidos digitales en portugués y dignificar la lengua portuguesa y la culturas de los pueblos que en ella se expresan. ····· 1036123260

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