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The Situation of Street-walking Prostitutes

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Prostitution is a hatred profession in Bangladesh. In fact people feel embarrassed to utter this word. The dead body of a prostitute is not allowed to be buried or cremated by the mainstream people. The prostitutes lead a risky and vulnerable life because their human rights are frequently violated here. Some sociological theories like deviant behavior approach, differential association theory, feminist approach, and economic theories have been found relevant to explain prostitution through this study. The data have been collected by conducting semi-structured interview, case study and observation. In fact, various psycho-social, economic and other factors i.e. the pull and push factors act in a cyclical way to keep prostitution alive here. The study has also explored some socio-demographic, psychological and economic aspects like education, age, marriage and divorce, income, health and treatment, HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, frustration, anxiety, thinking, experience of physical and sexual oppression/torture, exploitation, rehabilitation, and the daily life style of the prostitutes etc. for explaining the situation of female prostitutes living and working in Sylhet City of Bangladesh. ····· 1036199068

Why projects fail? A study of cassava project in Marondera District

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Zimbabwe was affected by successive droughts which negatively affected rainfed maize production which most rural households rely on for subsistence. As a result, there was widespread food insecurity in many wards throughout the country. In response to the drought, the Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and community, in 2005 introduced drought tolerant cassava as a substitute for maize. The objective of the cassava production, processing and marketing project was to ensure food security at household level. In Marondera district, the focus of this book, 50 women residing in rural wards were initially targeted with the hope that they will distribute cassava planting material to other women willing to take part in the project. However after four years, very few women are still growing cassava and the targeted wards still experience the worst food insecurity in the district. The study found that the factors that contributed to the failure of the project include poor project planning and management, unrealistic objectives, poor beneficiary participation, budgetary constraints, negative beliefs about cassava, absence of a well developed market and the operating environment. ····· 1036199041

Girls At The Front

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Girls at the Front: Looks at the experiences of girls in northern Uganda`s war zone from a feminist perspective, offering thoughtful observations, art work and interviews about the complexities of human rights education during conflict. For herself she felt so bad and yet at the same time she felt so helpless, what would she do. You know the Commanders they were staying with, they were much older than them and they had authority over them in all ways. So you know your rights are being trampled on but there is nothing you can do about that so you accept that (focus group participant). ····· 1036198891

Patterns and Determinants of Age at First Marriage of Women

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This study explores the patterns and determinants of age at first marriage of girls in Nepal. Empirical analyses of data show three main patterns of age at marriage of women. First, early marriage especially pre-pubertal marriage of girls is declining in Nepal with a gradual increase in marriage age. Despite this decline, some of the Terai caste groups in particular, still marry their daughters before their fifteenth birthday. Second, the majority of girls among Terai caste and ethnic groups, Muslims and Hills lower-castes are still married between 15 and 17 years of age, that is, below 18, the legal age at marriage, which reveals the persistence of early marriage among these groups. Third, marriage is still universal and mandatory among women in Nepal, most of which occur between ages 15 and 24. Bivariate and multivariate analyses reveal that age of girls, rural-urban place of residence, education of girls and their mothers, age at menarche, caste/ethnicity and religion, and dowry were significantly associated with age at marriage. The prevalence of dowry among the Terai caste groups, compounded with socio-cultural factors has a strong influence on the marriage timing of girls. ····· 1036198809

Women Work Participation in India

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The book essentially, is an account of the work participation of women in India. It profiles the trends in their work participation rate for the period 1983 to 2004-05. Further, an examination on the role of a limited number of individual and household characteristics that influences women work participation rate in a cause-effect relation has been carried out by estimating an econometric model. Another key issue that has been addressed is the relationship between work participation and the level of education as well as the role of caste and religion in influencing work participation of women in the country. ····· 1036198769

Gender and high value crops

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The rapidly developing high-value agriculture sector particularly the emerging supply chains of vegetables and spices has important implications on the income of women. Thus, the integration of vegetables and spices with skills and market could improve the income of women. Production of vegetables and spices generate considerable employment through intensive production and more off-farm jobs in processing, packaging, and marketing. The gender gaps in access to resources and differential opportunities to invest and make use of human capital have serious consequences for well being of society. This study, therefore, provides the role and benefits of women, associated constraints and suggests possible interventions in the value chains of vegetables and spices. The analysis helps guiding policy makers and development planners in the design of agricultural projects and addresses the needs of women in the value chains of vegetables and spices. The study also serve as an input for researchers who may undertake further research to develop appropriate women supportive extension systems and to advocate the role of women and how the value chains can empower women socially and economically. ····· 1036198602

Agency vis-à-vis Vulnerabilities

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The Present paper is an attempt to highlight on some of the important features of the Santali women in Bangladesh. Santali people are known as one of oldest ethnic indigenous populations in Bangladesh, having their own religion background, and way of life. Their social solidarity, religion, and traditions as a divergent culture are at a stake today. Likewise, other indigenous community most Santali men as well Santali women are deprived from basic human needs. They have limited access to markets, productive services, education, health care, local government and employment opportunity. This lack of opportunities contributes to weaken family well-being, malnourishment, poor health and dejected educational attainment, lack of employment opportunities etc. Indigenous women including Santali women are the pioneer or proprietor of their cultural tradition. Various types of vulnerabilities attack their ethnic identity from several perspectives. Therefore, this paper is an attempt we have taken some initiatives to feel their vulnerabilities and to know their coping strategies to define own goals and act upon them. ····· 1036198586

The Role of Cooperatives in Promoting Gender Equality

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Cooperatives are expected to execute those cooperatives principles, values and ethics because cooperatives are considered as a democratic organization and there is no artificial discrimination of members like gender within the cooperatives based on this theoretical perspective this research is published. The research pinpoint all the independent variables to measure Gender and the participation of both men and women in cooperatives and to identify gender gap if their is. The research emphasis on the socio-economic and decision making patterns of cooperatives in promoting gender equality. In addition to this it describes the gender mainstreaming practice and gender gap in cooperatives, finally it shows those factors that affect gender equality in cooperatives since cooperatives are democratic organization and they provide recommendations for the betterment of cooperatives in gender equality. ····· 1036198445

Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups: Karnataka Experience

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Self-help Groups (SHGs) have emerged as an effective instrument to promote entrepreneurship and self-confidence among women, particularly in rural areas and empowerment has become an important paradigm of women s developmental efforts of the state and the civil societies since two decades. Against this background the book is an in-depth study of Empowerment of Women through Self Help Groups. It contains the problems of Self Help Groups Members and draw correct policy suggestions for sustaining the reduction in poverty through empowerment. The study has been conducted in Kodagu district of Karnataka State, The book contains five chapters. India. This book will be of great use to Scholars, Administrators, Planners, Policy-makers, and Students of, Economics, Sociology, Commerce, Women Studies, Human Development and NGO s and also other functionaries dealing with women. ····· 1036198351

Socio-Economic Condition of Rural Women

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This research highlights Socio-economic condition of rural women in Agriculture, Handicrafts and livestock activities .It is argued that the rural women in Pakistan have been actively involved in agriculture and its allied fields. Rural women s work ranges from crop production to harvesting operations, from live stock rearing to raising babies. In addition to her daily work routine, consisting of cooking, cleaning, handicraft and other domestic chores, rural women are also heavily involved in all aspects of country s agricultural sector. From crop production to livestock rearing, rural women are expected to regularly engage both domestic and commercial aspects of society. Despite such a huge contribution, her role has yet not been recognized. In order to know the perceptions on the role played by the women in Agriculture ,handicrafts making and animal management in district Musakhail a study was conducted by interviewing 30 women from 6 selected villages, 5 women from each village of the study area covering all age groups. ····· 1036198331

Attitudes of Women Towards Gendered Dress

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Gendered dress is visible in clothing product lines such as gents and ladies wear. This indicates that the rate at which the product lines are sold is largely determined by the specific gender. Thus, this interpretive enquiry involved a case study that examined the attitudes of middle aged women of Southerton towards a gendered dress code. The focus was on middle-aged women since they are the main purveyors of culture and constitute a large segment of dress consumers. Ten women and their families were purposefully sampled from a population of three hundred households. Interviews, observations and artefacts were the data collecting tools. The qualitative data were presented in both descriptive and narrative forms. Findings were intended to benefit the designers, manufacturers and marketers of dress. The findings indicated that most women held conservative views towards a gendered dress code and its transmission was not easy for most women especially those with teenagers. Religion was found to be pivotal in influencing dress choices. The study recommends that the clothing industry engage in a periodic research activity, which seeks to establish consumer attitudes. ····· 1036198315

Frauen, wacht auf!

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Diese frauen- und geschlechterhistorische Studie untersucht die Transformationsphase von der Habsburgermonarchie zur Ersten Republik unter einem neuen Blickwickel. Sie fragt einerseits danach, wie sich Geschlecht auf die Art und Weise der Teilhabe von Frauen an der Österreichischen Revolution ausgewirkt hat. Sie macht anderseits Frauen als Akteurinnen sichtbar, die den Neubeginn durch die Republiksgründung dazu nutzten, für eine bessere Welt zu kämpfen. Die Autorin stellt die Hypothese auf, dass sich unser Verständnis der revolutionären Vorgänge und der Rätebewegung in Österreich maßgeblich verändert, wenn Frauen als Akteurinnen in den Blick genommen werden - was nicht zuletzt unsere Vorstellungen von Revolutionen insgesamt provoziert.
····· 1036194823

Tagebücher als Quellen

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Tagebücher werden seit 1800 als wissenschaftliche Quellen verwendet. Wiederholt ist das in den Anfängen neuer Fächer zu beobachten: Sowohl die Kleinkinderforschung als auch die Jugendpsychologie haben damit grundlegendes Wissen aufgebaut. Joachim Heinrich Campe, Wilhelm Preyer, Charles Darwin, Clara und William Stern, Charlotte Bühler oder Siegfried Bernfeld haben Tagebücher ausgewertet. Die Geschichte der Tagebuchforschung ist auch eine der Arbeitspaare, der Lai/innenforschung und der Handlungsspielräume von Frauen im akademischen Feld. Mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erfuhr diese sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungstradition einen Bruch. In den 1980er Jahren wurden Tagebücher von der Geschichtswissenschaft `wiederentdeckt`. Seit damals sind umfangreiche Quellensammlungen aufgebaut worden, die heute eine ausdifferenzierte historische Selbstzeugnisforschung ermöglichen. Der Band bietet Grundlagen zu der bisher nicht systematisch dargestellten Praxis der Tagebuchforschung.
····· 1036194818

Gender interkonfessionell gedacht

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Die Reformation markiert einen Aufbruch, der Frauen neue Handlungsmöglichkeiten eröffnete und Vorstellungen der Geschlechterordnung sowie der Rollen von Männern und Frauen, Müttern und Vätern, Eheleuten und der Familie wandelte. Der Band nimmt daher nicht nur Konzepte von Weiblichkeit in den Blick, sondern auch Männlichkeit, Ehe und Familie. Der Schwerpunkt liegt darauf, diese Phänomene in Hinblick auf unterschiedliche künstlerische und mediale Repräsentationsformen von Geschlechtlichkeit in konfessionellen Kontexten zu erkunden. Als gemeinsamer methodischer Zugriff dient dabei das Konzept der Interkonfessionalität: So sollen Durchlässigkeiten zwischen den Konfessionen und konfessionsübergreifende Konstruktionen von Geschlechtlichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit erfasst werden. The Reformation marks a time of change that opened up new possibilities for women to act and transformed ideas about the order and coexistence of gender and the roles of men and women, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, and the family. The volume therefore explicitly takes into account not only concepts of femininity, but also masculinity, marriage, and family. The main focus of the volume is to explore these phenomena in terms of different artistic and medial forms of representation of gender in denominational contexts. The concept of interconfessionality serves as a common methodological approach: in this way, permeabilities between denominations and cross-denominational constructions of gender in the early modern period are explored. ····· 1036194817

Politik - Theorie - Erfahrung

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Dieser für die akademische Lehre besonders gut geeignete Band versammelt etwa 30 Gespräche, die in den 30 Jahren des Bestehens von »L`Homme. Z.F.G.« mit namhaften Akteur\*innen der Feministischen Geschichtswissenschaft geführt wurden. So werden Feminismen und Frauenbewegungen, Lebens- und Forschungswege, neue Themenfelder, Methoden und Konzepte sowie Inter/Disziplinarität und postkoloniale Blicke oder Interventionen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet und mit eigenen Erfahrungen, dem eigenen Bemühen um eine Anerkennung und Integration der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte in das wissenschaftliche Feld verknüpft. Es entsteht ein faszinierendes Kaleidoskop differenter Positionierungen und Kontexte weit über Europa hinaus, das die vielen Hürden und die Asymmetrien der Geschlechterordnung ebenso deutlich macht wie die bereits erreichten bemerkenswerten Erfolge. ····· 1036194731

Towards Just Gender Relations

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All over the world there is the move towards just gender relations - even if the odds seem to be less hopeful than a decade ago. This poses a special task for Christians and Churches in service of the marginalised who engage in the fight for justice. The articles collected in this volume provide insights from two intercultural theological conferences. The topic for the European-Asian dialogue focuses on `Gender and Ecclesiology`. The European dialogue between western and eastern Central European countries has a special aim for gender theories and their theological and political implications. The book presents contributions from different perspectives and shows how the Christian churches can contribute to gender justice. ····· 1036194633

First Marital Dissolution in Rural Dembecha Woreda, Amhara Region

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In Ethiopia, particularly in the Amhara Region, marital dissolution is a common occurrence. However, most of the determinants of such marital dissolution are not well documented. The main objective of this study was to explore the determinants of first marital dissolution in the region and to recommend for interventions.Data were collected using multistage sampling designs covering 6 rural kebeles(lowest administrative units in Ethiopia)from the study woreda (district). A total of 731 ever married women below 55 years of age (excluding those who were widowed of their first husband) were interviewed using structured questionnaire. Focus group discussions were also conducted to gather qualitative information on the causes of marital dissolution in the wereda.Previous findings indicate that marital dissolution is highly prevalent in the Amhara Region. Analysis from the current data also shows that about 56 percent of the survey respondents had dissolved their first marriage.This study also showed the main determinants of first marital dissolution in the study area. ····· 1036192311

Empowered Women in Management: The Case of DWAF, Cape Town, SA

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Following South Africa s independence from apartheid rule, there has been progressive developments in equity policies including the water sector. Equality in the water sector is not only limited to water access, but also management of the water. This study investigated the factors that empower women in the water sector as an example of gender equity. It examined the attributes of women in water management through a case study of fourteen women in management in the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) Western Cape regional office, South Africa. The study findings suggest that implementation of equity legislation has contributed to adding the quantitative value and not so much the qualitative value to transform and challenge the institutional culture and practices. Women managers occupying senior positions are well qualified and bring diversity into the management of water resources. Yet, they are faced with both internal and external challenges in their positions. It was recommended that organizational transformation needed to be broadened and women managers required more support systems to ameliorate the challenges they faced. ····· 1036192202

The Green Movement: Causes and Roots From A Gender Perspective

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The Green Movement ushers in a new chapter in the history of the Iranian democracy movement which began with the constitutional revolution of (1905-1911). For the first time the movement is also concerned about gender equality and women s rights in the country. Looking at this movement through a gender perspective might shed light on an important dimension of the movement. A gender perspective is not only a matter of women s rights but it is broader and includes power relations in different levels. I explain in this thesis the topic through a gender perspective focusing on two areas: the power relations and women rights. ····· 1036192020

Gender Related Educational Development Index of Bihar (1981-2001)

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Gender Related Educational Development Index (GEDI) has been formulated on lines of Human Development Index (HDI) of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It is a measure of male female disparity present in the educational development or attainment of both the sexes. Bihar (India) has been chosen as the study area, as the State lie at the bottom in almost all education and literacy related statistics of the country. Blocks are the unit of analysis here.For the analysis, Census statistics of 1981, 1991 and 2001 have been used. The higher disparity in male-female literacy indicates the denial of educational opportunities to the women in the state.The relative deprivation of women in the field of education is of particular significance as it underlines all other attributes of deprivation. ····· 1036191764

Women Participation In Project Planning And Implementation In Rufiji

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This study is based on an examination of factors affecting Women`s Participation in Project Planning and Implementation The case of TASAF Program in the Rufiji District Tanzania. The findings have revealed that women`s participation in development projects and TASAF in particular, was affected by social, political, and economic factors embeded at community, national and global level.The central argument of this paper is that women s participation in development activities could help make women s voices heard and be considered in development processes. Moreover participation could help to expand women s knowledge, skills and experiences hence promoting their livelihood, wellbeing and national development in general. For this reason the government and other development partners have to ensure that gender equity in the planning and policy making process is considered and thus women s participation is prioritised. ····· 1036191638

Women in school management

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Women in school management positions, particularly principals of schools have a number of challenges, for example, they are caught in between work responsibilities and the role of being a mother and wife. Gender stereotypes makes the society look at women managers as uncapable of managing schools. Hence they sometimes tend to lose their identity as women in a male orientated field of school management. Therefore, they sometimes tend to grow muscles in an attempt to prove themselves as capable managers. Despite all their challenges, they still believe in effectively managing their schools through involving all the stakeholders that have interest in education matters in the decision making process. This strategy seemed more appropriate in promoting democratic participation in schools as stipulated in South African education policies. ····· 1036191625

Socio-Cultural Determinants of Women`s Reproductive Health

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Discussion related to sex and reproduction is somehow considered taboo subject for women living in traditional cultures. Reproductive Health is a neglected issue among majority of rural women. This book draws its data from ethnographic study conducted in village Burhan, District Attock, Pakistan. The principal objective of the study was to explore socio-cultural context in which process of reproduction takes place. Key research questions which this study tries to answer include how women complete different stages of reproductive cycle (Pregnancy, Delivery and Confinement), their right to decide the number and spacing of children, their consent for marriage and equality in Marriage, nature of spousal communication on fertility related issues, access and information related to appropriate family planning services and their right to safe abortion and post abortion care. The findings of this study suggest strengthening of socio-economic status of women in order to give them a sense of belonging, responsibility and role in contributing towards the development of the society as a whole. ····· 1036191518

Genetic Studies of Romani Populations in Hungary

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This study focuses on the conceptualization of Roma ethnicity in the works of human geneticists. In this analysis I apply the methods of intersectionality and use expert interviews to collect data. The collected material is analyzed from a non-Romani feminist constructivist perspective. In the research of human geneticists the categories of diseases are at the centre and they link the Roma category systematically to genetic disorders. I argue however that this connection non-intentionally stabilizes the Roma category on a molecular biological level because this aspect fails to take into consideration the performative character of social categories. Geneticists by attaching the Roma category to a biological marker homogenize the culturally fragmented and diverse gypsy ethnicities and they reconstruct the Romani people`s social structures along the lines of traditional gender hierarchies. ····· 1036191355

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