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El microcrédito y su incidencia en el género femenino

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El presente trabajo estudia la incidencia que ha tenido el microcrédito en los años 2009-2012 en el cantón Ibarra con respecto a la calidad de vida del género femenino, en el cual se ha incrementado este tipo de crédito de manera individual o en grupo para la inversión de proyectos productivos, y si ha mejorado la calidad de vida de las diferentes prestamistas con el seguimiento a la utilización del dinero. ····· 1036189702

Estudio para Identificar Actividades Feminizadas y Masculinizadas

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El trabajo investiga la realidad laboral en una comarca andaluza desde la perspectiva de género y analiza si el imaginario colectivo que informa los procesos de selección ayuda a explicarla. Doble objetivo final: conocer la situación ocupacional de mujeres y hombres y su relación con el tipo de actividad, identificando actividades feminizadas y masculinizadas y descubrir los criterios de selección usados en la contratación, para ver si pueden explicar la realidad laboral. Las unidades de observación son personas del área de Recursos Humanos de empresas de diversos sectores. Se diseñó y elaboró una encuesta con 400 entrevistas. Los resultados se analizaron mediante indicadores de correlación (V de Cramer, Coeficiente Phi, etc.) y con la técnica de análisis conjunto. El imaginario colectivo y las preferencias de las personas que seleccionan y contratan desveladas por la técnica son coherentes con el panorama laboral que describe el análisis de la ocupación. Como las pautas culturales que marcan la selección son preferencia de hombre, a tiempo completo, etc., para cambiar la situación, debemos empezar por intentar cambiar los estereotipos que favorecen dichas preferencias. ····· 1036189652

Sistema de actividades para desarrollar una sexualidad responsable

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El presente trabajo propone un sistema de actividades las cuales están dirigidas a desarrollar una sexualidad responsable en los estudiantes de Bibliotecología , que aseguren el tratamiento de los contenidos con un enfoque profesional alternativo y participativo, donde los sujetos son activos de su propio aprendizaje en una comunicación abierta, con predominio del diálogo, el debate, las reflexiones y la utilización de procedimientos distintivos de la actividad investigativa durante el desarrollo de las actividades. Para dar respuesta a las interrogantes científicas se tomó una muestra de treinta estudiantes, aplicándoles métodos investigativos del nivel teórico, empírico y matemático-estadístico. La evaluación del sistema de actividades fue realizada por un grupo de especialistas los cuales emitieron criterios favorables sobre su factibilidad y pertinencia. Los resultados permitieron comparar los valores obtenidos en las evaluaciones de las dimensiones e indicadores de la variable dependiente, y determinar que los cambios ocurridos son significativos. ····· 1036189473

Women Empowerment and MDGs in Africa: A Cultural Perspective

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In Africa, women are culturally and religiously subordinate to men and men superiority is based on nature-culture explanation of inequality. Africa has tried to achieve development but seems far from the attainment of 2015 deadline for Millennium Development Goals (MDG), mainly because of the its reluctance to confront the menace of gender inequality and deterrent of women empowerment. Gender equality remained the main thrust of MDGs target. The study highlights retrogressive African cultures that incapacitate women attempts to accept responsibilities in public domain and professional endeavours. The study found that some African traditional values are antithetical to women empowerment, which restricts their education and political participation. The study concludes by reiterating the urgent need for policy makers, national government and womenfolk to accept only those African values that conform to the global drives for the realization of MDG and abolish those harmful to women s participation in decision-making and developmental activities. ····· 1036189367

Impact of female transnational migration on families in Sri Lanka

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Transnational families in which one or more members are out of the country for several years are increasingly common in the Asian region. Moreover, there are increasing numbers of migrant families with one or both parents being overseas for work for a significant part of the growing up of their children. In the Asian region, a large proportion of absent mothers are found in countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka which are the major suppliers of overseas domestic workers. This book examines the effects of the migration of female transnational domestic workers on the economic and social situation of their families and children in Sri Lanka. On one hand, the effects of increased money on the overall economic well-being of their families and the education of children are positive. On the other hand, there are several negative impacts on the behavioural patterns and health of the children left behind and the family as a whole. This study also reports on the arrangements that are made by the migrant women for taking care of the children while they are away and how they maintain intimacy with their families from a distance. ····· 1036189330

Women`s Representation in the Lower House of Parliament:

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This work attempts to investigate main obstacles to women s representation in political leadership in Jordan and how best they can be overcome In order to answer this question, the book investigates various literature, surveys, research produced on the subject of women and political participation. The dissertation, while appropriating available academic research on women and political participation in the Arab region in general and Jordan in specific, is also based on a review of newspapers interviews with women MPs. The dissertation provides an illustration of women s under-representation and outlines the common situation with emphasis on the Arab region. It also provides an analysis to the situation in Jordan and the associated socio-cultural, attitudinal, and institutional challenges. Through a study of literature, it became apparent that women s under-representation in Jordan is similar to other Arab countries, and it differs in its attempt to adopt policies of liberalization and political reform. ····· 1036189313

Floating Sex Workers in Dhaka City

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This paper explores the working and living conditions of floating sex workers in Dhaka city with special emphasize on violation and denial of their human rights.It discusses the concepts of sex work and the capabilities approach by M. Nussbaum and applies them to the study of FSW s.This study is based on primary data and traces the causes to enter this profession due to rural poverty and patriarchy. The constant threat due to violence, vulnerability to STDs/HIV, limited scope to return to mainstream society as programs taken by government and NGOs are not adequate, limited scope to send their children for education due to absence of father s name and mother s profession,frustration because of absence of burial rights after their death,limited space to control over their environment have been identified as major problems for them. This paper draws attention to the importance of revisiting the contradictory laws and constitution of Bangladesh which have worsened their situations. At the end the paper has explored different arguments for de-criminalization, prohibition/abolition and recognition of this profession for these underprivileged people. ····· 1036189281

Determinants of Ideal Family Size Among Currently Married Women

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Research has focused on the knowledge and practice of family planning as a means of enhancing the reproductive behaviour of couples.It is argued that if women are well informed and practise family planning methods, the population growth rate will not be as high as 3.3%.This paper explores the determinants of ideal family size among currently married women in order to understand their reproductive norms. Using data from the 2008 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS),sample consists of currently married women between the ages of 15-49(N=921).One-way ANOVA was used in the bi-variate analysis while Multivariate ANOVA was the multivariate method used. Distribution by knowledge,ever use of family planning and ideal number of children show that individual women consider a large family to be desirable.The bivariate and multivariate analyses show that educational attainment, number of living children, place of residence of currently married women are associated with significantly ideal number of children. For population growth rate to remain stable or on a decrease,efforts should be intensified on the family planning education so as to stem the tide of unnecessary increase in family size. ····· 1036189215

Women Perception on Violence and Discrimination in Bangladesh

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The book entitled Women Perception on Violence and Discrimination in Bangladesh is produced on the basis of the findings of baseline survey, which was carried out as an integral part of the Promotion of Human Rights for Preventing Violence and Discrimination against Women and Girls (PPVD) project in specific areas of Pathorghata and Barguna Sadar Upazilas of Barguna District in Bangladesh. The overall objective of this research was to develop and measure a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators regarding nature and extent of violence against women and girls, and community understanding to prevent all forms of violence against women and girls. Regarding this, the survey adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches in designing the instruments for collation of all necessary data and information by assessing the perception and understanding of community people, particularly women and girls in relation to the prevailing nature of violence and discriminations and its local dynamics. ····· 1036189095

How Gender Inequality and Poverty has Increased Hiv/Aids Prevalence

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This book argues that gender inequality and poverty in Zimbabwe are the major causes that have made more women in Zimbabwe have HIV/AIDS. This book found out that under gender inequality and poverty there were socio-cultural, economic and political factors that have made women in Zimbabwe more vulnerable and susceptible to HIV/AIDS. Under socio-cultural factors the following were analyzed, unequal relations between men and women, condom use, gender based violence, stigma and discrimination and the importance of having children. Economic factors have also contributed in making women more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, and these include prostitution, limited access to education and treatment for women and intergenerational sex. Zimbabwe s political situation has also worsened the pandemic, as bad governance has caused ODA to be reduced in the country and with the droughts and high inflation women who are victims of HIV/AIDS suffer the most. HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe can be reduced if both men and women work together to overcome this disease. This can be done by changing their behavior and reducing gender inequality. ····· 1036188892

Spectral Bodies

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Compact and comprehensive, this book offers a wide ranging account of the body representations from linguistic, social, political and ideological perspectives. It is a perfect companion by a lucid introduction and notes from various writers which assist the reader in understanding body theories (Feryal Cubukcu) In this thrillingly written and seductive exploration of human sexuality and emotions the authors address some of the most controversial issues of human existence (Gordan Matas) The compelling essays in this volume explore the complexities of the artistic understanding and representation of the body-mind-spirit relationship. The female body in particular is seen in its continuous fluidity, as `subject` and/or `object` as it is being inscribed, moulded, transformed, empowered by the thinker/artist (Lucia Stueven) ...the body cannot be experienced apart from language, discourse, social, political and ideological background. It becomes visible only under a particular gaze in a particular age, culture and society. The volume contributes to the new representation of women as sites of discrimination and oppression as well as of cultural knowledge and artistic production. ····· 1036188882

Use of Supervised Delivery Services in a Rural District in Ghana

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We investigated the factors that influence mothers use of medically trained services for childbirth in a rural district in the Eastern Region of Ghana using a cross-sectional study. Structured questionnaires were administered to 350 women with children under one year. Key informants who were community opinion leaders and Senior Midwives at health care facilities in the study district were also interviewed qualitatively. Cross tabulation and Chi-square test were the main statistical processes used in analysing the relationships between the study variables. The result showed that the use of antenatal services by the mothers was important for the choice of where to deliver their babies. Mothers who attended antenatal services three times or more were more likely to deliver at the health facilities than those who used lesser antenatal care. Delivery at a health facility was highest among the women who had the autonomy to decide where to deliver. Access factors in terms of economic cost and distance to a health facility also played significant roles in influencing mothers delivery behavior. We recommend additional social policies to address maternal health issues in the study district ····· 1036188875

Revealing The Dark Truth

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There is no objection about ad but the way of exposing women in the name of ad is the matter of concerning. People are now acquainting with various ads through media.. The impacts of beauty products ads among girls are immense. Girls try to follow the message given by ad agencies without considering the effect of its. Moreover an external beauty concept has been built up among the women and they are ignoring the inner quality of a woman. Even the so called civilized society is striving for external beauty rather than inner quality of a girl.In every aspect of our lives girls are facing various problems for this beauty concept. So the aim of this study is to reveal the influence of ads on construction of girls perception of beauty and its relation with confidence and success. ····· 1036188864

Paid Domestic Work in Urban India

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Paid domestic workers perform a vital role in smooth functioning of several households in today s world. Yet this form of work is grossly undervalued. Due to its undervalued and unregulated nature majority of these workers have indecent work life, which lack healthy working conditions and social protections. ILO (2011) has adopted domestic workers convention that emphasizes several labour standards and basic rights for domestic workers which aims to make decent work a reality for these workers. This book explores an overall situation of urban domestic workers in India mainly emphasizing on their socio-economic characteristics and other important aspects. It also presents a case study of Delhi which focuses on the part-time women workers and presents a detail picture of their work life as well as home sphere. Further the book also presents an inter-linkage between the existing situation of part-time domestic workers and decent work measures proposed by ILO in its new convention (no.189). It also provides explanations as why decent work conditions are important for the overall wellbeing and development of these workers in the society. ····· 1036188858

The Impact of Women`s Education on Fertility

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of women s education on fertility with special reference to Hadiya zone. The zone is one of the zones in southern nations, nationalities and people s region experiencing a population growth rate as high as 3%. In order to undertake this research household survey was used to collect primary data. In addition, relevant literatures and essential documents were consulted that were useful for the study. The central argument of the research is that women s education is important in reducing fertility. But what level of education is important to have impact on fertility need to be searched out. This is important to identify where to intervene in order to achieve the national population policy objective of four children per woman. So in this study, women s education is found to have different impact on fertility depending on the level of education. The threshold was identified. Accordingly, secondary and above level of education was found to have a significant negative impact on fertility. ····· 1036188792

Maternal health seeking behaviour and social structures in Bosomtwe

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The study investigated access opportunities created by organisation of maternal health care and social relations and how this in turn influences health seeking behaviour. Pregnancy related maternal health care was studied based on cases of 16 women and health care providers. This was a study from a qualitative background of interviews, focus group discussions and observatioins. The result showed that characteristics embedded in social structure and organisation of maternal health care influence the attitude of women. The women use maternal health services especially antenatal care due to the introduction of the virtually free maternal health care but rather give birth at home. Home births which are normally without professional supervision are more widespread among women who live in Abono than in Kuntenase health zones of the district. ····· 1036188664

Women and ICT Utilization

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This book discusses ICT utilization among women. It is based on a field survey study that aimed at finding out factors that determine women s utilization of the ICTs in Mumias Division. The study was based on the assumption that ICTs utilization by women brings about socio-economic development. A sample of 120 respondents was systematically sampled from 600 households neighboring the market centers of each location. The data collected was subjected to inferential and descriptive statistical analysis. Findings showed that there is a relationship between the women s level of education, economic status of women and cultural values, with the utilization of ICTs. The author argues that for women to be exposed to ICT skills, computer studies should be introduced early in the Kenyan education system - preferably at primary school level. This book is recommended for development studies students and policy makers on gender issues. ····· 1036188653

Domestic worker vulnerability to violence and HIV infection

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In developing world girls particularly those out of school continue to pay a high price for their lack of education, social status and economic asset. With no academic qualifications most of them turns to cheap labour. One of these is the domestic work. With no contract, pitiful salary these girls are subjected to various exploitation and abuse. To inform a non- profit organisation ADBEF s action plan for the future a survey was conducted among these workers to estimate the nature of abuse and exploitation they suffer, their knowledge and skills for HIV, unintended pregnancy and sexual infections and most importantly the fulfilment of their rights by right holders, governments, communities, individuals, parents. These findings are illustrative of poverty cycle, and the need for right-based approach to development work and governance. ····· 1036188460

A Portrait of a Mother as an Agent of Change in Some Selected Fiction

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This book reveals the neglected portrait of a mother in some fiction. The analysis shows that the mother in the fiction studied plays an important role within her family, she is described as a strong mother who does not surrender to her life condition. It shows that she is the manager of her family. She then inspires her children to live a better life. Being written by male authors, the fiction discussed give clues that there are males who appreciate females` role and admit their existence in society. This situation is not understood by most mothers, thus making them neglecting their important role in society. Through the discussion throughout this book, it is hoped that more and more mothers can make use of her significant power to create a better life. ····· 1036188312

Survival Mechanisms of Female-Headed Households

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Urban informal sector plays a crucial role in creating employment opportunities for unemployed and it is also a livelihood for millions of people in developing countries like Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aims to the survival mechanism of female headed households in the urban informal sectors in Fiche town. In the study the reasons for the females becoming the head of the households, the types of informal activities, factors that forces these households heads to join the informal sector, problems and government plan towards the informal sector are seen. Moreover, the government policy and non-governmental organizations activities attempt to alleviate the problems that most FHHs have faced financially by giving credit services. On the bases the findings of the study it is recommended that concerned bodies need to create awareness, prepare different trainings, give credit on time and follow-up activities of female household heads in Fiche town. ····· 1036188235

Coping Strategies of Monga Affected Female-Headed Households

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This study looks at poverty, vulnerability and the coping strategies of monga (seasonal severe food insecurity) affected female-headed households in Bangladesh. While different studies today are showing that female-headed households are not necessarily the poorest of the poor, this study is arguing that the female-headed households in a region affected by monga are still the poorest of the poor, and thus the paper is contributing to the existing literature. The study has examined how monga impacts on FHHs and MHHs differently, and also how the coping strategies of these households differ based on prevailing gender relations. To do so, it has applied LSA and its further development RLS approach. The study has also investigated how different anti-poverty programs in the area address female-headed and male-headed households poverty and vulnerable situation in a gender insensitive manner. ····· 1036188173

Rethinking Gender in the New Muslim Public Shpere

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Taking the observation that the widespread return of religion in `secular` modernity gives evidence to its growing role in society and politics, this study examines ways in which Islamic values are created, reformulated and fed into new perceptions. Aided by the proliferation of mass media in the modern world, and situated outside the control of state authorities, the new satellite television, contributes in creating a `new Muslim public sphere` that is expanding in numbers as well as diversity of opinions. Many studies have been engaged in examining this `new Muslim public sphere` in Egypt, and its connotations, however, the gender dimension was given minor recognition. Accordingly I aim at, particularly, providing a gendered perspective in relation to relevant theories of the public sphere as well as their feminist critiques. I focus on young Egyptian women audience in relation to this `new Egyptian Muslim public sphere` through their use of media in their everyday life, and how does the accessibility to these new forms of media facilitate the formation of counter-public spheres in which those women voice their concerns and articulate their experiences. ····· 1036188172

Constructing Higher Education Experiences through Narratives

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Higher education institutions in Ghana have experienced some diversity and heterogeneity in their composition in terms of participants` ages, socio-economic status, culture and gender. Mature students are however most at risk of dropping out. This book reports on a study that examined the life narratives of some mature undergraduate women from different socio-economic backgrounds in one public university in Ghana. It shows how the mature women students in the study combined domestic work with academic work, the tensions they experienced and the strategies they devised to manage their conflicting roles in order to navigate their way through Higher Education (HE). There is indication that the women students` different socio-economic backgrounds, marital status and family lives influenced the way they experienced HE and the strategies they adopted for progressing through it. The author suggests that higher education practitioners should be sensitised about the new constituents of higher education in Ghana, and that they exhibit responsiveness to the peculiar learning needs of minority students. This is expected to improve on retention and increase their participation in HE. ····· 1036188079

Being Childfree in New Zealand

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This book is the product of a qualitative study undertaken for a Masters degree in Social Science. It based on the experiences of ten New Zealand couples who, by choice, do not have children. Strong social norms exist for couples to have children, and those who express a desire to do otherwise have been disbelieved, pressured, and stereotyped. Womanhood has continued to be associated with motherhood, and a maternal instinct is expected to drive women (in particular) to have children. This book shares the perspectives of both women and men, on how family members, friends, and complete strangers react to their choice to not have children. Stereotypes, assumptions, and various other responses faced by the couples (together and as individuals) are discussed from a critical, feminist perspective. ····· 1036188025

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