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Vvedenie v tekhnologii JTAG i DFT

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya yavlyaetsya pervym i poka edinstvennym na russkom yazyke sistematicheskim izlozheniem odnogo iz naibolee vostrebovannykh napravleniy strukturnogo testirovaniya v sovremennoy elektronike tekhnologiy granichnogo skanirovaniya (JTAG) i testoprigodnogo proektirovaniya (DFT), a takzhe vnutriskhemnogo testirovaniya (ICT), i v ravnoy stepeni mozhet sluzhit` kak uchebnikom dlya studentov i prepodavateley inzhenernykh, elektronnykh i komp`yuternykh spetsial`nostey universitetov i kolledzhey s prepodavaniem sootvetstvuyushchikh kursov, tak i spravochnikom dlya inzhenerov i tekhnikov, rabotayushchikh v promyshlennosti vysokikh tekhnologiy. Kniga okhvatyvaet vvedenie v standarty tsifrovogo IEEE (1149.1) i analogovogo (1149.4) granichnogo skanirovaniya, rasshirenie etogo standarta na differentsial`nye LVDS-tsepi (1149.6), novyy dvukhkontaktnyy JTAG standart 1149.7, vnutriskhemnoe konfigurirovanie PLM i FPGA, struktury SnK i noveyshiy standart testoprigodnogo proektirovaniya mikroskhem R1687. V knige sdelan obzor naibolee rasprostranennykh programmno-apparatnykh sredstv podderzhki tekhnologii JTAG (ProVision, onTAP, ScanExpress, ScanWorks, XJTAG) i privedeno mnozhestvo primerov, a takzhe vvedenie vo vnutriskhemnoe testirovanie ICT. ····· 103615090

Rezonansnye effekty v magnitostriktsionno-p`ezoelektricheskikh kompozitakh

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Rabota predstavlyaet soboy obobshchenie teoreticheskikh i eksperimental`nykh issledovaniy po izucheniyu magnitoelektricheskikh svoystv kompozitsionnykh ferrit-p`ezoelektricheskikh materialov v oblasti elektromekhanicheskogo, magnitnogo i magnitoakusticheskogo rezonansov i sozdaniyu na ikh osnove ustroystv elektroniki. Rezul`tatom obobshcheniya yavlyayutsya predlozheniya po ispol`zovaniyu kompozitsionnykh ferrit-p`ezoelektricheskikh materialov v kachestve ustroystv i priborov, metodik opredeleniya magnitoelektricheskikh parametrov kompozitsionnykh materialov, rekomendatsii po sozdaniyu novykh materialov s zadannym ME vzaimodeystviem i prototipy ustroystv magnitoelektroniki. Rezul`taty izmereniy amplitudnykh i fazovykh kharakteristik issleduemykh struktur pokazali, chto magnitoelektricheskie materialy pozvolyayut sozdat` rezonansnye SVCh ustroystva, v kotorykh upravlenie osushchestvlyaetsya magnitnym i elektricheskim polem, chto pozvolyaet uvelichit` bystrodeystvie, umen`shit` energopotreblenie tsepi upravleniya. Privedeno opisanie ryada ustroystv na magnitoelektricheskikh materialakh, pokazyvayushchikh vozmozhnost` sozdaniya kompleksnoy tekhnologii magnitoelektricheskikh ustroystv i sluzhashchikh prototipami dlya dal`neyshego prikladnogo ispol`zovaniya v promyshlennosti ····· 103615088

Vneshnie elektromagnitnye polya tekhnicheskikh sredstv

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rassmotreny metody: modelirovaniya i raschyeta elektromagnitnykh poley kak otdel`nykh vidov tekhnicheskikh sredstv, tak i grupp istochnikov, pozvolyayushchie otsenit` elektromagnitnuyu obstanovku v proizvodstvennom pomeshchenii obespecheniya elektromagnitnoy sovmestimosti i snizheniya elektromagnitnykh poley pomekh snizheniya elektromagnitnykh poley s pomoshch`yu aktivnogo i passivnogo ekranirovaniya i ratsional`nogo razmeshcheniya istochnikov pomekh. Prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh i inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh rabotnikov, zanimayushchikhsya raschyetami elektromagnitnykh poley v mnogosloynykh neodnorodnykh strukturakh i ekraniruyushchikh obolochkakh, svyazannykh s rabotoy elektronnogo oborudovaniya, liniyami svyazi, s problemami elektromagnitnoy sovmestimosti tekhnicheskikh sredstv i bioob`ektov. ····· 103615042

Analiz formy nanosekundnykh signalov

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Na osnove analiza osobennostey nanosekundnykh signalov provedeno issledovanie vzaimosvyazey mezhdu kharakteristikami izlucheniya i parametrami antennoy reshetki pri rabote so sverkhkorotkimi impul`sami razlichnoy formy. Issledovany zavisimosti dlitel`nosti i formy signala ot napravleniya izlucheniya (priema) i kharakteristiki izlucheniya zerkal`noy antenny s korrektiruyushchim impedansom. Provedeno modelirovanie i optimizatsiya mikropoloskovoy spiral`noy antenny v mnogosloynoy srede na osnove dielektricheskikh i metamaterialov v rezhime izlucheniya nanosekundnykh impul`sov. Issledovany volnovye protsessy pri rasprostranenii nanosekundnykh impul`sov v dispergiruyushchikh i neodnorodnykh sredakh i dan analiz iskazheniya ikh formy, v tom chisle pri otrazhenii i prokhozhdenii cherez sloi konechnoy tolshchiny. Predstavleny rezul`taty modelirovaniya difraktsii elektromagnitnykh voln i sverkhkorotkikh impul`sov na provodyashchem tsilindre s formoy poperechnogo secheniya v vide ellipsa i mnogolistnika. Prednaznachena dlya spetsialistov, reshayushchikh zadachi prikladnoy elektrodinamiki, v chastnosti, zanimayushchikhsya issledovaniem, razrabotkoy i ispol`zovaniem sverkhshirokopolosnykh sistem mozhet byt` polezna studentam i aspirantam radiotekhnicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103615025

Raschet tokov korotkogo zamykaniya v elektricheskikh sistemakh

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V uchebnom posobii predstavleny obshchie metodicheskie ukazaniya dlya opredeleniya raschetnogo toka korotkogo zamykaniya (KZ) s tsel`yu vybora ili proverki elektricheskikh apparatov i provodnikov po usloviyam korotkogo zamykaniya, pri etom neobkhodimo predvaritel`no vybrat` raschetnye usloviya, otvechayushchie trebovaniyam `Pravil ustroystva elektroustanovok`, v chastnosti: raschetnuyu skhemu elektroustanovki, iskhodnuyu skhemu zameshcheniya, iskhodnuyu kompleksnuyu skhemu zameshcheniya dlya rascheta nesimmetrichnykh korotkikh zamykaniy i dr. V posobii rassmatrivayutsya raschetnye usloviya korotkikh zamykaniy, izuchenie kotorykh obespechivaet vozmozhnost` bespereboynoy raboty sistem elektrosnabzheniya. Rassmotreny osobennosti rascheta tokov korotkikh zamykaniy v elektroustanovkakh peremennogo toka napryazheniya svyshe 1 kV. Ukazany prinimaemye dopushcheniya pri raschete tokov korotkogo zamykaniya. Privedeny raschety takikh parametrov, kak nachal`noe deystvuyushchee znachenie periodicheskoy sostavlyayushchey toka korotkogo zamykaniya, aperiodicheskaya sostavlyayushchaya toka korotkogo zamykaniya, udarnyy tok korotkogo zamykaniya, periodicheskaya sostavlyayushchaya toka korotkogo zamykaniya dlya proizvol`nogo momenta vremeni. ····· 103614997

Modelirovanie ustroystv releynoy zashchity v srede MATLAB

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V dannoy knige rassmotreny printsipy modelirovaniya sovremennykh ustroystv releynoy zashchity elektroenergeticheskikh sistem v interaktivnoy obolochke imitatsii dinamicheskikh modeley Simulink sistemy matematicheskogo modelirovaniya MATLAB. Privedeny opisaniya sushchestvuyushchikh i vnov` razrabotannykh imitatsionnykh blokov dlya sozdaniya modeley pervichnykh i vtorichnykh tsepey. Rassmotren protsess zamera parametrov silovoy tsepi v normal`nom i avariynom rezhimakh. Dayutsya svedeniya o raschetakh ustavok releynoy zashchity. Sozdany modeli osnovnykh vidov releynykh zashchit. Provedeno issledovanie sozdannykh modeley v dinamicheskom rezhime. Eta kniga budet polezna pri issledovanii sushchestvuyushchikh ustroystv releynykh zashchit i avtomatiki, a takzhe pri razrabotke i vnedrenii novykh algoritmov ustroystv releynoy zashchity elektroenergeticheskikh sistem. ····· 103614944

Sistemy kachestva

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmatrivayutsya naznachenie, tseli i zadachi sistem kachestva. Izlozhena istoriya formirovaniya i razvitiya sistemy upravleniya kachestvom na primerakh amerikanskikh, yaponskikh i sovetskikh spetsialistov v oblasti kachestva. Rassmotrena model` sistemy kachestva po mezhdunarodnym standartam serii ISO 9000. Razbiraetsya tekhnologiya razrabotki i vnedreniya sistemy kachestva na predpriyatii, mesto i rol` sistemy kachestva v integrirovannoy sisteme upravleniya predpriyatiem. Dannaya kniga mozhet byt` polezna pri podgotovke kadrov po spetsial`nostyam, svyazannym s upravleniem kachestvom, a takzhe pri povyshenii kvalifikatsii i perepodgotovke spetsialistov. ····· 103614817

Modélisation et Simulation Spice des Composants de Puissance

für 50.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Le carbure de silicium (SiC) est un matériau semi-conducteur à large bande d`énergie interdite. Ce matériau possède des caractéristiques en température et une tenue aux champs électriques bien supérieures à celles du silicium. Les dispositifs à base de ce matériau (SiC) sont bien adaptés pour fonctionner dans des environnements à haute température, haute puissance, haute tension et haute radiation. Ces caractéristiques permettent des améliorations significatives dans une grande variété d`applications et de systèmes de puissance. Dans ce travail on présente des études analytiques comparatives des modèles des composants à semi-conducteurs en SiC, ainsi que les principales caractéristiques statiques, dynamiques, et thermiques des meilleurs composants comme SiC-JFET, SiC diode Schottky et le SiC-MOSFET, de puissance commercialisés de différent constructeurs en raison d`élaborer un plan de choix guidant les concepteurs des circuits d`électronique de puissance de sélectionner le composant le plus adapté à leur cahier de charge selon leurs objectifs et selon les performances de leurs convertisseurs de puissance. ····· 103614753

Roller Coaster Control System

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This technical write up is to Implement Roller coaster control system using Structured Analysis & Design concept with Waterfall Model & Object Oriented Analysis and Design Concepts with Unified Modeling Language(UML) in Rational Rose Real Time . Structured Analysis is a data-oriented approach to conceptual modeling Common feature is the centrality of the dataflow diagram, mainly used for information systems. It is implemented using model E-R diagram, Context diagram, Data flow/Control flow diagram, Data dictionary & Test case is developed. Object oriented concepts are used in the analysis, Implementation and design phases, it provides a simple, powerful mechanism for identifying objects, the building blocks of software to be developed. It mainly concern with the decomposition of the problems in two parts & establishing a logical model to describe the system. UML is a Graphical language for visualizing, specifying, Constructing and document the software system. It is implemented using Rational Rose Real Time software. The system is developed to provide user comfortable activities. ····· 103613857

Acoustic Beamforming

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Acoustic sound source localization using signal processing is required in order to estimate the direction from where a particular acoustic source signal is coming and it is also important in order to find a solution for hands free communication. Video conferencing, hand free communications are different applications requiring acoustic sound source localization. These applications need a robust algorithm which can reliably localize and position the acoustic sound sources. The Steered Response Power Phase Transform (SRP-PHAT) is an important and robust algorithm to localize acoustic sound sources. However, the algorithm has a high computational complexity thus making the algorithm unsuitable for real time applications. This thesis focuses on describe the implementation of the SRP-PHAT algorithm as a function of source type, reverberation levels and ambient noise. The main objective of this thesis is to present different approaches of the SRP-PHAT to verify the algorithm in terms of acoustic environment, microphone array configuration, acoustic source position and levels of reverberation and noise. ····· 103613853

Single and Split Phase Induction Motor Controller

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This book is about single and split phase induction motor controller. The features controlled are switching, direction and speed of the motor through remote location (PC) and local location (keypad) while measuring and display the RPM of the motor on a MONITOR SCREEN and LCD. The industry mostly uses DC motor due to their easy control but they have their disadvantages of high maintenance cost and inability to work in corrosive or explosive environment. The control of an AC motor are usually complex and require complex algorithms to be implemented but AC motors are light, inexpensive and have lower maintenance cost. This project enables us to control and monitor many AC motors with a simple control circuit. The system consists of main blocks: Speed Sensors, Cycloconverters, On and Off control, Direction control, Microcontroller, PC programming, PC interface. ····· 103613847

Prototyping of Fetal QRS Complex Detection Algorithm

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Fetal Electrocardiogram (FECG) signal contains potentially precise information that could assist clinicians in making more appropriate and timely decisions during labor. A Back-propagation Neural Network and Adaptive Linear Neural Network have been designed to extract the FECG from the abdominal ECG to assess the fetus during the pregnancy and labor. The neural network was trained to recognize the normal waveform and filtered out the unnecessary artifacts including noises in the ECG signal, including power line interference, motion artifacts, baseline drift, ECG amplitude modulation with respiration and other composite noises. The performance of the designed algorithm for FHR extraction is 93.75%. The algorithm has been modeled using VHDL for hardware modeling of FHR monitoring system, which has been synthesized and fitted into Altera s Stratix II EP2S15F484C3 using the Quartus II version 7.2 Web Edition where the logic and DSP block utilization were 89% and 50% respectively. This research will open up a passage to biomedical researchers and physicians to advocate an excellent understanding of FECG signal and its analysis procedures for FHR monitoring system. ····· 103613821

Indoor Positioning System

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Indoor positioning System-The most reliable positioning System in the world to find the position of an object in an Indoor environment where Global Positioning System does not work.INDOOR POSITIONING SYSTEM is a system in which we can locate the position of an object in an indoor environment utilizing ultrasonic waves generated by narrow directional ultrasonic transmitter. To achieve the objective of position detection, we have designed ultrasonic transmitter and receiver circuits, RF transmitter, and receiver for synchronization purposes. By implementing time of arrival method, we have located the position of an object. It is accomplished by using distances between the multiple receivers and a single transmitter located in a room. RF signal starts the timer and when ultrasonic waves will reach at the receiver end, it will stop the timer and then the extracted signal from the receiver is transmitted to the microcontroller for locating position of an object. The systems using ultrasonic waves have the advantage that it can be built on low cost and has relatively high accuracy to detect the position of an object in an indoor environment. ····· 103613749

Hybrid Approach for Taxonomy based on Tanimoto index of MR Brain Image

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The Brain is arguably, the least understood of all the major organs in the human body. While the basic physical structure of the brain and the functioning of separate mental domains and cells inside have been understood for some time, our agreement of the mental functioning as a research system is still largely taking shape. This book discusses the hybrid approach for brain imaging. In this book we use two modules, one for taxonomy of brain images and other for the enhancement of the brain images. Here we converses the basic concepts and scope of brain imaging, along with acquaintance related with brain. ····· 103613707

Single and Multi User Data communication in Wire-less Environment

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This dissertation mainly deals with the communication in both Single and Multi user environment. On usage is carried out this simulation of Wireless LAN, which highlights various aspects that happen in communication when more than one user gets involved. Bluetooth, IEEE802.11 standard uses these models to enable different usage models from networking to cable replacement. Implementation of these usage models and issues specific to Bluetooth protocol and IEEE802.11 protocol stack embedded into operating systems framework in order to ensure seamless integration. Simulation of the situation is using MATLAB software. In the centuries, communication was basically wired communication with the advent of Electromagnetic waves and different Modulation Techniques it shifted to wireless environment. The introduction of various digital techniques has made communication predominantly digital. These days computers are being widely used to process digital data. Today, Communication enters our daily lives in so many different ways that it is easy to overlook the multitude of its facets. ····· 103613629

Microwaves Principles, Fundamentals and Applications

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In recent years microwaves have been used extensively in radars, transmission of television programs, astronomic research, radio spectroscopy, domestic ovens and many other things. This rapid progress in microwave electronics has created an increasing demand for trained microwave engineering personnel. This book is intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students specializing in electronics. It will also serve as reference material for engineers employed in the industry. The fundamental concepts and principles behind microwave engineering are explained in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. It can also serve as a supplemental text in a classroom, tutored, or home-schooling environment. ····· 103613602

Heart Beat Monitor with GPS and GSM

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book deals with the insight of a device which can monitor heart beats and send the real time data to a mobile phone by using technologies like Global Positioning System,Global System For Mobile Communication. The device which in time of emergency can alert doctors or health monitor , can be used by heart patients or personnel in crucial environment, irrespective of their location. A heart rate monitor is also a very easy device to use for extended periods because it can be placed on the body in such a way that is not uncomfortable or in the way of any normal activity. ····· 103613581

Optical filtering characteristics of 1D Photonic Crystals

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This book presents a study of optical filtering characteristics of 1D all dielectric and dielectric-metallic (metallodielectric) photonic crystals. The results of this study are useful for designing optical band pass filters in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum by using 1D periodic photonic crystal structures. A detailed analysis of effects of various structural parameters on output spectra of filter is presented here. By knowing the effects of these parameters, one can control these parameters to utilize these photonic crystal structures for optical filtering in a desired and optimum way. ····· 103613578

An Embedded Software Approach for the Customization of the SIP Stack

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The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a standard protocol for establishing, manipulating, and tearing down an interactive user session that involves multimedia elements such as audio, video, instant messaging, or other real-time data communications. The embedded SIP phone can be beneficial for frequent computer users with larger telephone usage, such as people working in global branch offices of enterprises, schools on the academic communication backbone, or research institutes among Universities on an academic broadband infrastructure. The SIP phone which is developed by using GID accelerates business performance by automating and orchestrating processes across total enterprises. Enterprise users can collaborate more flexibly and cost-effectively with business and trading partners. Maximum number of concurrent calls that can be made in the SIP are 255. This SIP phone is scalable, extensible, and fits comfortably into different architectures and deployment scenarios. ····· 103613560

The Comic Book Effect

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Comic books are an important part of entertainment in today`s world, but not everyone can draw as good as a comic book. This book introduces a method of creating comic book images from digital photographs using digital image processing methods such as filtering, blending and edge detection. Nowadays, there are many commercial software which will enable generating the same effect. This work will allow the user to investigate the theoretical background and image processing fundamentals introduced in a step-by-step manner. ····· 103613536

Chastotno-cifrovye sredstva izmerenij

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Sredi mnogoobraziya metodov izmerenij nejelektricheskih velichin osoboe mesto zanimajut chastotno-cifrovye izmereniya, otlichajushhiesya ot tradicionnyh tem, chto signal izmeritel`noj informacii predstavlen v vide chastotno-modulirovannogo signala, preobrazuemogo v cifrovoj signal posredstvom schetno-impul`snogo ili spektral`nogo metoda. Sredstvo izmerenij bez metrologicheskih harakteristik podobno komp`juteru bez programmnogo obespecheniya. Otsutstvie metrologicheskih harakteristik prevrashhaet sredstvo izmerenij v `pokazometr`. Metrologicheskoe obespechenie izmeritel`nyh sistem, osnovu kotoryh sostavlyaet JeVM, specializirovannoe programmnoe obespechenie i izmeritel`nye preobrazovateli, trebuet peresmotra ranee ustanovlennyh trebovanij k konstruktivnym, jexpluatacionnym i, v pervuju ochered`, metrologicheskim harakteristikam sredstv izmerenij. Na primere funkcionirujushhej chastotno-cifrovoj izmeritel`noj sistemy s komp`juterom i strunnym datchikom rassmatrivajutsya metodiki issledovaniya metrologicheskih harakteristik, metody povysheniya tochnosti izmerenij sredstvami informacionnyh tehnologij. Osoboe vnimanie obrashhaetsya na primenenie statisticheskih metodov Microsoft Excel v metrologicheskom obespechenii. ····· 103613508

Ultra-Wideband Wireless Link Characterization Utilizing Software Radio

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The object of this doctoral dissertation is the study of wireless transmission and reception of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) signal. Moreover, this thesis focuses on software radio techniques. A theoretical study of the reception system is derived using the criterion of the probability of error as a function of channel estimation, noise, analog to digital restrictions and the characteristics of the digital matched filtering for signal detection. An UWB transmitter has been implemented. The transmitter is fully reprogrammable and is able to transmit UWB pulses using pulse position modulation as well as on-off keying modulation. Within this thesis, wireless transmission and reception has been realized, using the transmitter that we designed and constructed and a digital oscilloscope. The stages of reception and signal processing are performed by software on a personal computer. Furthermore, an appropriate experimental procedure has been introduced in order to characterize the indoor wireless channel. In addition, a proper type of UWB antenna has been studied experimentally and via simulations. ····· 103613485

Design and Development of OBC of a PICO Spacecraft

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This book presents a design and development experience of On Board Computer for a new generation PICO Spacecraft named as PALMSAT. PICO Spacecrafts are restricted in terms of size, power consumption and the total mass. Mostly commercial off the shelf components are involved in the design and development of the spacecraft. PALMSAT is students` project being developed at University of Surrey. It has many subsystems for specific tasks. OBC is undeniable one of the most important subsystem for the spacecraft as it communicates with ground station and controls and monitors other subsystems on the spacecraft. Software design includes implementing telemetry and telecommands packets encoding and decoding during ground communication using a propriety protocol, named pSIP. OBC also establishes communication with other subsystems using propriety CAN-SU protocol. Hardware design selects PIC18 family processor with ECAN to meet requirements of the OBC. The components have been carefully selected to be compatible, low power and high performance. This book gives a great exposure to students and a valuable reference for supervisors. Author is pleased to respond any queries regarding this book ····· 103613376

Optimization based Filtering of Random Valued Impulses

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This book describes the concepts of image de noising methods with optimization of the operators through easy-to-understand steps and schematic diagrams. Introductory chapter describes the basics of image processing including various existing methods of image de noising both in spatial and frequency domains. An extensive literature survey along with analysis of the existing schemes and their visual restoration results for the benchmark images are described. Among two most popular noise models, Random Valued Impulse Noise model has been taken for restoration purpose in this book. Filtering methods based on directional weighted minimum variance, all neighbor directional weighted pixels, fixed and variable mask median are presented in this book. Optimizations of the methods are done using two recent stochastic global optimization techniques such as GA and PSO, along with analysis of simulation results and comparisons with recent operators. All of these features make this book ideal for image de noising and related applications in the field of medical, satellite and under water image processing. Practicing engineers would also find this book to be a valuable reference source. ····· 103613352

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