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Local Features (LFs) Based Bangla Phoneme Recognition

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This monograph discusses the dominance of Local Features (LFs), as input to the Multilayer Neural Network (MLN), extracted from a Bangla input speech over Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs). Here, LF-based method comprises three stages- (i) LF extraction from input speech, (ii) Phoneme probabilities extraction using MLN from LF and (iii) The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based classifier to obtain more accurate phoneme strings. In the experiments on Bangla speech corpus prepared by us, it is observed that the LF-based Automatic Speech Recognition system provides higher phoneme correct rate than the MFCC-based system. Moreover, the proposed system requires fewer mixture components in the HMMs. Moreover, this paper reviews some of the key advances in several areas of automatic speech recognition. We also illustrate, by examples, how these key advances can be used for continuous speech recognition of Bangla. Finally we elaborate the requirements in designing successful real-world applications and address technical challenges that need to be harnessed in order to reach the ultimate goal of providing an easy-to-use, natural, and flexible voice interface between people and machines. ····· 103611053

Women in Trade Union Activities

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Women had broken various barriers to gain entry into wage employment with a view to contributing to the socio-economic development of their societies. This consequently gave them the opportunity to take part in other activities within industry especially, Trade Unionism. Trade Unions as organised collectivity of workers profess equality and democratic principles among their members irrespective of gender. This book provides an insight into the structure and organisation of trade unions with regard to the participation of women particularly within their decision making organs. Trade unions exhibit patriarchal values and attitudes which in concert with marital and domestic responsibilities have moderated women participation in these organisations. Yet sustainable socio-economic development is contigent upon the maximum utilisation of available human resource. As women have demonstrated their interest in contributing their quota towards the development of their society, it is imperative that trade unions discountenance patriarchal attitudes and practices that tend to reinforce women subordination as enunciated in this study. ····· 103611031

Gender Wage Differentials

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This dissertation studies an old topic in a new perspective: distributive pattern of gender wage differentials globally. It is both interesting and crucial, especially for policy-makers who attempt to eliminate gender discrimination. In addition to the empirical importance, this dissertation also explores the applications of quantile decomposition, and creatively proposes the methodology of double decomposition in studying over-time change in gender wage gaps and formulate a discriminating search model. Chapters in this dissertation have been presented in many international academic conferences including 4th Young Economist Society conference held in Guangzhou, 3rd SOLE/EALE joint conference in London, 2010 Shanghai Econometric Society World Congress, 12th conference of East Asia Economic Association in Seoul, and 2011 Singapore Economic Review. ····· 10361964

Leptin receptor gene: A Candidate gene in Ascites Disease

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Ascites or Pulmonary Hypertension syndrome is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity due to a number of events affecting the heart, lungs and liver which are prompted by an excessively high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation. In order to curb this disease the broiler industry is exploring the use of genetic markers in breeding ascites resistant chickens. Previous studies have identified the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling ascites susceptibility in broilers on four different chromosomes. The Leptin gene has been implicated in the regulation of body weight and maintenance of arterial blood pressure. But these functions can only be achieved via its receptor: the Leptin Receptor Gene (LEPR) which is found in one of the 4 QTL regions. Thus, LEPR is a candidate gene in understanding the development of ascites. The objective of this study was to identify genetic variations in the LEPR that could be associated with the ascites-related traits considered. ····· 10361925

Role of health management information system in disease reporting

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Health information system in Pakistan is poorly designed and collecting incomplete, inaccurate, untimely and unrelated data, which does not help in decision making for planning and management purposes. Study was a retrospective descriptive based on the data recorded in District HMIS cell and monthly reports of 34 health facilities on priority disease and other related health events and also observes the various steps, components and the application of HMIS in disease reporting. Data was collected through a format of questionnaire and was processed by hand sorting techniques, calculator and statistical program for social sciences (SPSS) version 16. The findings of the result showed that only 34 health facilities out of 72 are reporting and 38 not reporting. In 77% of health facilities had trained personnel in HMIS reporting, hence 62% reports received were found to be accurate. 62% reports were not submitted in time. About 85% reports were analyzed and interpret and 79% of the cases action was taken. Improper maintaining record, lack of interest and cooperation of doctors, inadequate staffing, poor supervision, were the factors affecting reporting. ····· 10361902

Veshhnoe pravo

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Monografiya predstavlyaet soboj komplexnoe, sistemnoe nauchnoe issledovanie veshhnyh prav sub#ektov grazhdanskogo prava. Material izlagaetsya s uchetom imejushhihsya v belorusskoj i rossijskoj civilisticheskoj nauke otdel`nyh tochek zreniya po diskussionnym voprosam nauki grazhdanskogo prava i praktiki ego primeneniya. Adresovana nauchnym rabotnikam, aspirantam, magistrantam, prepodavatelyam uchrezhdenij obrazovaniya, obespechivajushhih poluchenie vysshego obrazovaniya, studentam, obuchajushhimsya po juridicheskim i jekonomicheskim special`nostyam, prakticheskim rabotnikam. ····· 10361761

Advanced Diagnostic techniques in oral pathology

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In general any disease diagnosed clinically should be confirmed by a pathologist. Histopathology is considered as the gold standard technique for diagnosis, but the establishment of molecular structure of a cell had lead to a revolution in the field of diagnostic pathology. By the time the histopathology satisfies the criteria of a particular disease, the biochemical and genetic alterations would have progressed far in advance that requires much of attention. The molecular insight of human genome had lead to better understanding of disease course and appropriate treatment modalities thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality. The advanced molecular techniques have become an integral part of day to day investigative procedures and it is likely that in future, these methods will increasingly become a standard practice in routine diagnosis and management of the patients. ····· 10361752

The other side of Mr. Midnight: an assessment of gender modelling

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This research identifies the specifics of the young adult genre and further examines the documented representation of both the young and adult male and female characters in the Mr. Midnight.This study investigates the social and cultural roles and constrains of the main young and adult characters in the series from a Feminist Literary Criticism perspective, revealing ways in which the selected texts interact with issues of gender equality centering on the distinctiveness in the course of events and characters in the eight narratives analysed. Auxiliary to that, this research also recognises and authenticates the manner in which the male and female young adult characters reflect, support and challenge the norms set by their society in the narratives. Study findings reinforce the proposition that the Mr. Midnight series, which is a cultural product, is dependable and consistent in terms of simplicity, importance and genuineness and therefore should be used as a constructive model to reinforce a positive gender relationship amongst adolescents. ····· 10361565

Pipunculidae (Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean:

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Pipunculids, also known as big-headed flies, are among the major families of Diptera exclusively parasitoids with 1,405 species described worldwide. Is widely distributed in Latin America, occurring from northern Mexico to the Tierra del Fuego Island of Chile. Pipunculidae is found in a variety of environments including deserts, Andean valleys, forests, meadows, and on small, remote islands. The present catalogue is the first study that provides detailed information on the distribution and biology of all pipunculid species recorded to date in Latin America (south of the USA) and in the Caribbean, including new pipunculid-host associations for the Region. We hope that this contribution becomes an important tool for carrying out further research on the Pipunculidae and for conserving this important group of flies. ····· 10361564

Adaptaciya inoyazychnyh terminov menedzhmenta v russkom yazyke

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Aktual`nost` problemy yazykovyh kontaktov v sfere menedzhmenta vo mnogom opredelyaetsya kommunikativnymi svyazyami v obshhestve, kotorye priobretajut osobuju znachimost` v processe mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva ljudej, a takzhe neobhodimost`ju sistematizacii terminologii menedzhmenta, kotoraya do sih por ne yavlyalas` predmetom shirokogo i sistematicheskogo analiza v otechestvennom terminovedenii. Neobhodimost` issledovaniya terminologii menedzhmenta v nastoyashhee vremya obosnovana ee aktivnym razvitiem. Nastoyashhaya monografiya posvyashhena lingvisticheskomu issledovaniju terminologii menedzhmenta, vyyavleniju strukturno-semanticheskih, slovoobrazovatel`nyh i tematicheskih osobennostej dannoj terminologii v russkom yazyke. Strukturno monografiya sostoit iz dvuh glav. V glave I privedeny issledovaniya putej, istochnikov i sposobov obrazovaniya zaimstvovannyh terminov menedzhmenta. Vo glave II pokazano, chto raznoplanovaya adaptaciya inoyazychnoj terminologicheskoj lexiki proishodit po zakonam yazyka-receptora. Materialy dannoj monografii mogut byt` ispol`zovany shirokim krugom specialistov, rabotajushhih v sfere menedzhmenta, libo prepodajushhih russkij yazyk v sisteme VPO i SPO. ····· 10361547

Household Energy Consumption in India and Eastern Himalayas

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Recently, it has been recognized widely that biomass fuels are the fundamental sources of rural energy and important reason of deforestation around the World. The extreme dependency of the people on biomass fuels can be attributed to a numbers of factors such as their food habit, livelihood strategy, easy access to the forest resources, poor communication facilities, non-availability of other type of fuels at a reasonable price, etc. However, very little academic literatures address these issues. This study, therefore, enlightens the role of bio-mass fuels as a household energy supplier, the degree of variability in bio-fuels consumption among different socio-economic groups of peoples. The empirical specification of the theoretical model shows the relative significance of different variables in determining a particular type of fuel consumption.The study is expected to shed some light on impact of fuel-wood consumption and availability of alternate sources of energy, as such should be especially helpful to the professionals and policy makers towards sustainable energy policy and environmental conservation. ····· 10361406

Antidiabetic, cardioprotective and ros scavening effects of avocado

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The consumption of Avocado fruit is not toxic to the system and is hepatoprotective. The presence of biologically active ingredients such as alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, minerals and vitamins, readily accounts for antihyperglycemic, antidiabetic dyslipidemic, hypolipidemic and anti-oxidative properties of P.americana fruit. The observed properties of avocado fruit extract may be attributed to the normalization of glucose metabolism, inhibition of lipolysis in addition to its potential FRSA. The extracts from leaf of P.americana by dichloromethane or methanol and extracts from fruit by dichloromethane or methanol possessed hypolipidemic activity in tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Thus, these extracts may be useful in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in hyperlipidemia. Our results also concluded that the fraction and sub-fraction of the fruit of Avocado tested for antidiabetic activity have shown appreciable results in ameliorate the blood glucose level and related other complications. Hence these findings also may open the door for a new, alternative, leading drug for treating diabetic patients in future. ····· 10361344

Employee Commitment In Banking Sector, Chennai-India

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The book on organizational Commitment in banking sector, Chennai-India is a rich contribution towards the literary review of organizational politics and the factors influencing organizational politics. The prime aim of this book is to comprehend recent concepts, practices, theoretical background and results of empirical studies related to organisation commitment. The book will be ideal for researchers in organisational behaviour, since it will contain concepts, theories, practice about commitment in banking sector. It will also be useful for the academicians and corporate managers. Further, postgraduate students of business studies in general and Human Resource Management in particular could use it as a reference book. My special thanks are due to the prompt contributors towards the successful publication of this edited volume. I express my sincere thanks to the publisher m/s. for their encouragement and great efforts taken to publish this book on time. ····· 10361319

Corporate Social Responsibility in Small, Medium and Large Industries

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The sweeping changes in the corporate world since subprime crisis and consequent economic meltdown have compelled the governments to impose legal enactments related to corporate governance and social responsibility of industries. These changes will benefit the businesses in the long run as the social and economic goals are integrally connected and socially responsible behavior enhances shareholders value. Moreover, reputation capital & eco-social stability can be achieved through empowerment & partnership with various stakeholders by means of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. This book starts with chapters reviewing the origin and evolution of CSR in pre and post economic liberalization era in India & reviews the literature on various dimensions of CSR. The subsequent chapters dwell on the awareness, attitude and policies, the relative importance of various stakeholders of the business, and motivators and inhibitors of CSR initiatives. The book explicates the paradigm shift in conceptualization of CSR from charity to strategy in business organizations. The book is useful to students to learn about CSR of Indian companies & companies that embark on CSR activities. ····· 10361304

A Text Book of Economic Botany

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In this book including Origin, History, Cultivation, Chemical Constituents and Economic Importance of the Following Pants: 2.1 food plants 2.1.1 cereals (a) wheat 05 (b) rice 10 2.1.2 pulses (a) pigeon pea 16 (b) chick pea 20 2.1.3 oil seeds: (a) ground nut 25 (b) mustard 29 2.2 fibres (a) cotton 34 (b) jute 39 2.3 medicinal plants 2.3.1 root: (a) ashwagandha 44 2.3.2 underground-stem: (b)turmeric 48 2.3.3leaf: (c)ardusi 53 2.3.4 fruit: (d)amla 56 2.3.5 seed: (e)isabgul 60 2.4 dyes 2.4.1 leaves: (a) henna 65 2.4.2 flowers: (b) kesudo 68 2.5 wood 2.5.1timber: 74 (a)teak 2.5.2 fire wood: (b)baval 81 3.0 colour plates 86 ····· 10361214

Environmental Microflora of Macrobrachium rosenbergii

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In this research microflora associated with the natural habitat of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, an important cultivated freshwater shrimp. Water, sediment and feed items of this shrimp were analysed to find out bacterial strains with potential to act as probiotic in the culture and rearing operations of this shrimp. Nearly 900 strains of bacteria were isolated from various samples were characterised and evaluated for their probiotic potential using standard methods. Two strains such as Bacillus NL 110 and Vibrio NE 17 which showed good probiotic potential were chosen for further studies. These strains were administered through water and feed to the young ones of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and improvements in growth and immunity were evaluated. Environmental microflora associated with farm raised Macrobrachium rosenbergii and those from the hatchery environment were also characterised and evaluated for their antibiogram. The results are presented as separate chapters after and introductory chapter on aquaculture and use of probiotics in aquaculture. ····· 10361177

Problem child at school who`s problem?

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The aim of this monograph is to analyse the impact of social changes on Estonian education, bringing out the peculiarity of social pedagogy. The teacher is much more than an agent of a subject. Children spend a significant part of their day at school, which puts an enormous responsibility on teachers. In the late 1990s Estonian teachers arranged strikes in order to bring into the consciousness of the society the low pay teachers get for their hard work. The aim of research was to find out the essence of this overloud. One of the focuses was to find out how the political changes from a Soviet-ruled to a post-Soviet society are possible to trace in the practices of some Estonian school classes. The hypothesis was that most conflicts and problems at school have social background. This kind of research field is complicated and presumes qualitative research methods. In my case it was the educational ethnography and the grounded theory method. The solution for school problem has been social pedagogy: now in many Estonian schools professionals called social pedagogues are working. But the question is: problem child at school the problem of teacher, parents or social pedagogues ····· 10361164

Conservation Agriculture

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The rice-wheat production system has major role in food security in the region and provides livelihood and income to millions of farmers in IGP. The lack of suitable mechanization and modernization with proper soil-crop management strategies is probably the cause of higher cost requirement and low return in the system. Current crop cultivation practices in rice-wheat systems degrade the soil and water resources thereby threaten the sustainability. The concept of alternative agricultural system is put forward to improve in net return with minimum resource use from crop cultivation is conservation agriculture (CA) the best alternative to protect soil, water, environment, time and cost. CA practices in Nepalese context have drastically reduced tillage intensity, reducing the cost of cultivation and allowing timely sowing with comparable yield. ····· 10361158

Persistence of an Organophosphate Coumaphos

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Coumaphos is an organophosphorous acaricide which is used for control of cattle ticks in vats. Methods fo stabilization of coumaphos i.e. increased shelf life for the use of coumaphos suspension in the vats by maintaining pH has been given. Huge quantity of coumaphos waste solution is generated because of decrease in efficacy after prolonged use with treatment of large number of cattle. Procedures for safe disposal of coumaphos in soil by dealkylation and use of UV and solar radiation are described. ····· 10361103

Islam and Modernity: Dissecting the Thought of Seyyed Hossein Nasr

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The interaction between Islam and modernity continues to be an issue of paramount importance in the world, especially after the incident of 9/11 in the U.S. While some Muslim scholars hold the opinion that Islam is compatible with modernity based on certain variables, others deffer and hold the opposite view believing that Islam is incompatible with modernity based on their understanding of the religion. Based on this divergent opinions among the Muslims, this book, therefore, looks at the view of one of the leading scholars and philosopher in the Islamic world and indeed in the contemporary world, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, vis-a-vis the debate on the compatibility or incompatibility of Islam with modernity. The book tries to answer this question by dissecting the thought of Seyyed Hossein Nasr on the issue and looking at his submission from the point of view of the Islamic religion and other scholars of his standing from the East and the West. ····· 1036196

Cold Production of Heavy Oil with Bottom Water

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This study proposes a new (non-thermal) technique using Bilateral Water Sink (BWS) wells to develop heavy-oil reservoirs with strong bottom water drive - a problem for the conventional methods where the bottom water invades the wells by coning/cresting and leaves the oil unrecovered. BWS removes water cresting by separating the oil and water production using two (upper - oil and lower - water) parallel lateral sections of the same well so that the oil-water interface remains un-altered and the upper oil inflow is water-free. Reservoir simulation study demonstrates advantage of water-free oil inflow to the well where water drives the oil from the edges of the well drainage area to the well instead of bypassing it at the well. Analytical formulas are derived for critical rates ensuring the water-free oil production using the hodograph method and Dupuit Approximation. The resulting BWS well design model defines production strategy and computes oil recovery. The model is verified theoretically by making predictions for the actual oilfield that show a considerable increase of oil recovery from less than 15 percent for conventional horizontal well to over 40 percent for BWS well. ····· 1036162

BIDXML: An Extensible Markup Language (XML)

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BidXML provides a model based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) to standardize the bidding information. As a case study, the bidding process in different State Department of Transportation (USA) was thoroughly studied. XML was selected to create this model because it is envisioned to be the predominant data exchange standard over the web for providing a universal, flexible, and open data format standard. BidXML provides a standardized way to input, modify, and exchange of bidding information by all the participants involved in the bidding process. Utilizing the XML Schema Definition (XSD) Language, the research first defined a data representation Schema called BidXML that effectively models the bidding information in an open format. Bidding information pertaining to each construction project will then be represented by individual XML document that are based on the BidXML Schema. BidXML will also facilitate exchanging the data among various players in the construction industry. Moreover, this data will be easily integrated with other software used for scheduling, estimating, and contract administration. ····· 1036129

Reaction Mechanism Studies Involving 7Li Projectile

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Motivation of this book was the reaction mechanism studies involving weakly bound 7Li projectile for a number of systems covering light to heavy target range. The motivation for this research work was stimulated from the rapid developments in Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facilities in recent times. Since, presently available radioactive beams are less in intensity and are of poor beam quality, some more developments in accelerator technology are needed to improve the standard and reliability of these beams. In the meantime, one can use weakly bound stable beams, viz., 6,7Li, 9Be for the study of break-up of these nuclei on various targets. This can provide a strong basis for studies involving radioactive nuclei. Keeping these things in mind, these important phenomena of break-up in case of weakly bound 7Li nucleus was studied in detail. ····· 1036127

NRSP`s Microcredit Scheme and Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan

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Fighting against poverty is one of the core objectives of United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) under the project the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The potential to gain economic opportunities depends on the scale of access to monetary services. Micro finance made possible the access of the poor to the economic opportunities and enhanced their income in order to come out of the poverty cycle. The main objective of the study was to explore the impact of micro credit provided by NRSP on poverty alleviation in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. A survey with the help of purposive sampling was conducted and 100 borrowers of NRSP were selected as respondent from five villages. The result shows that Micro credit had made a significant difference in improving income levels of the borrowers. Micro credit is an effective tool which works as a mediator towards the improved livelihood of the loonies and also enhances their income. Borrowers were satisfied by the utilization of micro credit in a productive and purposeful way. People in rural areas have been benefiting from micro credit scheme. ····· 1036110

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