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This study was designed to investigate the differences in organizational structures and business activities management between agricultural cooperatives in Japan and Vietnam, and to suggest the relevant experience on management of agricultural cooperatives from Japan to Vietnam. The comparative analyzes show that although there were commonalities of agricultural cooperatives of Japan and Vietnam, there existed a number of differences in terms of historical development, legal framework, structural organization, and business activities. There were also differences in types and organization of business activities. The reasons for both the commonalities and differences have been found so diverse, including the distance of economic development level between two countries. As a result,Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives can learn a lot of relevant lessons from Japanese case for better future development. ····· 10361114075

Living Behind a Glass Wall

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How is life like when you live illegally is a country like Sweden where your identity is controlled for your smallest daily activities This explorative qualitative study tries to uncover the living situations for the undocumented migrants according to real life stories accounted by women and men living as `hidden refugees` in Sweden. Going through unbelievable hardships on the way, these individuals reach in an unwelcoming society to go through more suffering and deprivation while watching the affluent `legal residents` behind the glass wall that separates them from a normal life. ····· 10361114009

America`s Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Foster Care

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This book investigates how administrators and staff at a community service agency in Richmond Virginia perceive the needs of unaccompanied refugee children as they transition into the American way of life and the challenges associated with the relocation of these children into foster care setting, and how service delivery to meet these children`s needs might be improved. A common theme that emerged from interviews conducted with these administrators is that successful integration of unaccompanied refugee minors into American society requires from the very start culturally competent approaches to placement, language assistance, and mental health therapy. Options for improving resettlement of these minors within the context of cultural competency include establishing culturally sensitive community drop-in centers, recruiting mentors such as culturally diverse celebrities and athletes to help facilitate the transition of these youth and enrolling these children in culturally diverse Outward Bound programs to encourage physical fitness. ····· 10361113999

Community Gardens Contribution to Household Food Security

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Community gardens are promoted to alleviate food insecurity but their contribution to household food security has not been evaluated. This study evaluated the contribution of community gardens towards alleviating food insecurity among 53 community gardeners in Maphephetheni, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Food security was measured using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale. Eighty per cent of households consumed insufficient food, 72 per cent consumed food of inadequate quality and 89 per cent were anxious about food supplies. Among the households surveyed, 89 per cent were categorised as severely food insecure. Community gardens and purchasing accounted for 11 per cent and 83 per cent of consumed food respectively. Limited community gardens size, droughts, floods, theft and pests and diseases limited community garden productivity. Community gardens did not significantly contribute to household food security. Further investigation of appropriate gardening practices and crops is required. Diversification of income sources should be promoted to ensure food security. ····· 10361113865

19th century African American Social Settlements

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During the late 1800s, education for African American children was practically nonexistent in the south.After the withdrawal of federal troops in 1876 from the region, life for African Americans returned to pre-civil status.Jim Crow laws were instituted the Ku Klux Klan emerged as the violent enforcer of oppression African American children were indentured to their former slave owners.Education became a distant dream. Explore in this book how African Americans created a system to educate their children.Learn about the forces that converged to create a network of private rural educational social settlements.Read about the controversy between Booker T. Washington and DuBois. This is a heart wrenching journey traveled by two women,Principals in the rural areas of Alabama.Learn about the shadow role of northern industrialists, the `robber barons` in molding and financing educational systems to suit their needs. Read about little known efforts by sharecroppers to improve their lives.If you are a social worker, sociologist, historian, history buff, policy analyst,policy wonk or interested in the history of the women`s movement,you will want to read this book. ····· 10361113842

The experience of parents of the disabled children:

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Being parents of a child is a unique experience for everyone. Although to be a parent of disabled child demands lot of patience and care. Parents of disabled children have significant experience in the society. In a country like India where disability is considered less important than other serious issues like poverty, unemployment and population, experience can be harder. Parents may face many experiences due to disabled children which can be positive or negative. Although, it may be difficult to get positive experience for parents of disabled children. Therefore aim of writing this book is to find the experience of parents of disabled children in rural and urban parts of India. The experiences have been divided in economical and socio emotional parts. The experience from both rural and urban parents has been compared in this book to find where parents have positive experience. ····· 10361113770

Contemporary Perspectives on Disability in India

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Disabled people are more or less absent in everyday life, politics and policy, development, interventions and research in India. Political exclusion and lack of access to basic services like health and education exacerbate the deep-rooted social stigma and cultural marginalisation and devaluation of this oppressed group. the plight of women with disabilities is even worse. It is only now in an era of human rights that their legitimate concerns are being taken up at different levels by the state, civil society, the media and the academy. This process has been acelerated by India`s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities in 2007. It is the purpose of this collection of papers to present a contemporary perspective on disability from these different vantage points.It is hoped that the juxtaposition of existing laws and ongoing discussions in the judiciary, the media, the academy and the public domain (including the hither-to almost absent voices of persons with disabilities) will shed more light on the intersections between disability, law, gender, reproductive health and sexuality in the Indian context. ····· 10361113679

Child Labor in Kashmir

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Taking into consideration the causes and consequences of the child labor, the situation reflects an extremely cruel social situation which engulfs socially, economically and educationally backward communities. The problem of child labor as existing in our society has given rise to multidimensional problems having adverse implications on the physical, social, emotional, moral and educational development of these children. It emerges that the socio-economical condition is one of the major factors for child labor in Srinagar.The growth and worries about unemployment and ignorance of parents make it a complicated issue.Unemployment also plays an important role in it as many parents think it is better to impart skills to their children than to provide them education as they feel education may not necessarily fetch them a job. Despite several welfare legislation enacted so far by the government from time to time to weed out this problem, the problem still persists. A change in social attitude besides social awareness is needed to discourage the practice of child labor. ····· 10361113540


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The empowerment of women is one of the central issues in the process of development of countries all over the world. India has a glorious tradition of recognizing the importance of empowering women over several centuries now. The contribution of writers and social reformers has been well documented. The Government of India has made empowerment of women as one of the principal objectives of the ninth, Five Year Plan and also declared 2001 as the year of `Women`s Empowerment`. ····· 10361113462


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The literature on social policies in the Third World, of which Uganda forms part, has criticized social work services as being poorly administered, badly funded and characterized by an excessive reliance on inappropriate remedial services. Uganda, faced with the growing number of AIDS orphans and the poor state in which the child care institutions are needs a change in approach. Using majorly secondary sources the book critiques earlier approached to development in general and community development in particular. A Community- Based Model is suggested with the objectives of: fostering community participation, organizational development, concrete benefits, social learning and strenthening of a sense of community. The process of organizing is suggested and it includes:pre-entry, contact/entry, community analysis, popular action and evaluation. Such a process will foster participation in projects, which can lead to community empowerment in all aspects community life. a change in training of community workers, including political and social ideals is recommended. ····· 10361113447


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The broad objective of this research is to examine that how sufficiency economy approach (SEA) can enhance community economic development (CED) and livelihoods in the current development context of Thailand. The specific objectives include an examination of the application of SEA in activities of CED an assessment of changes and attitudes of rural household livelihoods a construction of SEA indicators and an identification of factors explaining SEA in the implementation of activities of CED in order to provide policy implications to support the implementation of SEA. This research concluded that sufficiency CED requires that activities are developed based on community-demand with a firm foundation of community-reliance and moral condition to create activities that have a positive impact to all livelihood assets, not just the monetary terms. In this matter, SEA can corporate with any community development approach as it acts as a guidelines for community members to proper conduct activities of CED with knowledge and due consideration on the community capacities in order to reduce risk or unsuitable actions. ····· 10361113286

Conflict and Single Women

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The book focuses on the women of Kashmir who have lost their fathers`, husbands` and have to fend for themselves. The aim of the research was to understand the lives and struggles of these women. How they cope with their day to day lives. The difficulties they face and its repercussions to their health and mental health.The research is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative techniques so as to get an in depth insight of the respondents.The goal is to make these silent voices of the valley heard out loud. ····· 10361113277

Socio-economical related factors in women

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Man is his personality through the social development work occurs and can contribute to community goals. Useful in generating employment and economic significance, cultural, social and above all believe that Islam works great worship and constant beyond a mere effort were not material(Useful in generating employment and economic significance, cultural, social and above all believe that the great religion of Islam worship continued to work beyond a mere effort were not material)Industrial development, ····· 10361113173

Cross-Cultural Alcohol and Arrack Drinking

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Alcohol drinking across the world and arrack drinking in Indian sub-continent, including Bangladesh are seriously debatable. Most of the books written on the issues are culture-specific. Based on demographic, social and psycho-cultural stress theories and its hypotheses this book focuses on cross- cultural alcohol and arrack drinking patterns across the ethnic communities.In order to provide empirical support primary data on arrack drinking were collected from Muslim, Hindu,Santal and Oraon communities` drinkers from Bangladesh. Cross-cultural analysis suggests that arrack drinking patterns, as were alcohol drinking patterns, were significantly different associated with socio-demographic, socio- cultural status and social stress among the communities` drinkers. The book would help students, researchers and scientists in social and behavioral sciences to understand cross-cultural alcohol and arrack drinking patterns across the world. The results would also help policy-makers and practitioners to design cross-cultural mental health policy and programs to solve the problem studied. ····· 10361113135

Agricultural Credit in Vietnam

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The study focused on the effect of agricultural credit programs on borrowers` socio-economic conditions in An Giang Province of Vietnam. The research identified that the farmers got credit on both group guarantee and collateral basis. The credit mostly used for production purpose however, some of the borrowers used some credit for consumption purpose as well. Overall, the credit positively made contribution to income, food security, employment opportunities, savings and capacity strengthening. Since household income increased, it helped to improve the quality of life of villagers. However, the amount of credit provided was inadequate. This constrained improved socio-economic status of poor villagers. Another significant finding was that some of villagers could not achieve more benefits from using credit in their production activities because of restricted loan size. They could not get adequate amount of loan because of insufficient or lack of collateral. Finally, a set of recommendation has been made suggestions for improvement of the effectiveness of credit schemes. This can help the poor people to improve their income and quality of life. ····· 10361113111

HIV risk level among male homosexuals in Sri Lanka

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Homosexuality has been undermined and pushed down by mainstreams of socio-cultural influences in various societies. However, none of such societal effects could eliminate it. It is the responsibility of every community or mankind to protect them against infections or disease related to their sexual behaviours. This study tells you to surface the hidden community for scientific studies by using the respondent driven sampling technique ····· 10361112965

Berufliche Wiedereingliederung zukunftssicher gestalten

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In einer nach wie vor um Erwerbsarbeit zentrierten Gesellschaft nimmt die berufliche Teilhabe einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Zugleich eröffnet sich über die Erwerbsarbeit die Teilhabe am Leben in der Gesellschaft. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass auch Menschen mit gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigung und/oder Behinderung, die ihren ursprünglichen Beruf nicht mehr ausüben können, eine (neue) dauerhafte berufliche Perspektive eröffnet wird. Das wesentliche Mittel hierfür ist die berufliche Wiedereingliederung. Grundsätzlich verfügt Deutschland über ein im internationalen Vergleich sehr gut ausgebautes System der beruflichen Rehabilitation. Dennoch muss sich das System veränderten Bedingungen auf gesellschaftlicher, struktureller und politischer Ebene anpassen, um zukunftssicher zu sein. Daher befasst sich diese Arbeit mit den Möglichkeiten der Ausgestaltung einer zukunftssicheren beruflichen Rehabilitation. Am Beispiel des RehaFutur-Projekts werden Strategien zur Umsetzung veränderter gesellschaftspolitischer Anforderungen aufgezeigt. Zugleich wird deren Bedeutung für die Bildungsangebote der Berufsförderungswerke und vergleichbaren Einrichtungen betrachtet. Dabei folgt die Arbeit einer triangulativen Forschungsmethodik, indem Erkenntnisse einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche und die Befragung ausgewählter Experten auf dem Gebiet der beruflichen Rehabilitation miteinander kombiniert werden. ····· 10361108301

Ganztagsschule Plus: Jugendhilfe an Schulen - Das Plus im Ganztag

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Ganztagsschule Plus ist ein Modellprojekt des Sozialreferats der Landeshauptstadt München, mit dem mehr sozialpädagogische Qualität in Ganztagsschulen ermöglicht werden soll. Durch den Einsatz von sozialpädagogischen Fachkräften und sozialpädagogischen Angeboten der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe soll ein Kontrapunkt zur Bereicherung einer ansonsten rein schulischen Gestaltung von Ganztagsschulen gesetzt werden. Den Kindern und Jugendlichen sollen so mehr Mitwirkung, Erfolgserlebnisse, Spaß und auch Lernerfolg in der Ganztagsschule ermöglicht werden. Das Modellprojekt wurde von einer Forschungsgruppe der Hochschule München durch Befragung der Kinder- und Jugendlichen wie auch der Fachkräfte untersucht und wird hier im Kontext der Ganztagsschulentwicklung in Bayern, wie auch einer lebensweltorientierten Sozialen Arbeit reflektiert. ····· 10361108218

Rethinking land reforms

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Given that equitable access to land has an acknowledged role in boosting food security and alleviating poverty, this paper aims to examine the varied implications related to inequitable land tenure arrangements by illustrating their implications within the specific case of Pakistan. By illustrating how poverty remains rooted in the institutional structure of society and state in Pakistan, an attempt will be made to demonstrate how these very structures of power and dependence continue to not deprive the poor of their actual and potential income, but how they are helping fuel intolerance and hatred amongst the marginalized rural populace of the country. ····· 10361103113

Re-thinking corporate social responsibility

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This thesis provides a case study of the Chilean salmon industry, in a quest to identify the social, economic, and environmental effects of trade liberalization and examine if, and how, corporate social responsibility can be an effective corporate solution to the shortcomings of the trade led growth model. It is concluded that, whereas the reduction of trade barriers and integration into world market can be an engine of growth, it fails to secure an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable development, reflected in poor income distribution, social exclusion of economically vulnerable groups, low wages, and environmental degradation. Lax regulation and a high reliance on self-regulation has been insufficient to effectively address these problems. In conclusion, leaving CSR to the voluntary act of business and the invisible hands of the free marked will do little or no good. However, the problem it not CSR per se, rather how it was used. Consequently, this thesis calls for the need to rethink the concept of CSR. ····· 10361102989


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This book is a culmination of many years of research, consultancy and lecturing in the field of disaster management, with core focus on the role of sociological knowledge in drought and famine management in selected developing countries. The book highlights the causes of drought and famine, key concepts in drought and famine management, policy issues and how to mitigate the consequences of these disasters. The drought and famine mitigation strategies outline in this book, however, are not crafted exclusively for sociologists, but for many drought and famine management experts. More precisely, the book is useful to students and professionals in the areas of disaster preparedness, response, mitigation, recovery and rehabilitation. The book can also be a reader to individuals interested in disaster management work, especially drought and famine mitigation, but lack the requisite skills in this discipline to make meaningful contributions. ····· 10361102940

Contributing to improving of women`s human rights in school settings

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International human rights documents impose on the states direct and immediate responsibilities for arranging educational process. In the light of hardships that some states still face while providing every child with access to school, educational contents and settings are not always given due attention and assessment. Gender stereotypes which dominate in most of the cultures get an easy reflection both in official curricula and behaviors of school teachers and students. Eventually in resulted in the development of prejudices on learning abilities of girls and boys. In own turn, this gave a division to `female` and `male` job spheres, almost worldwide. The given analysis discusses the harmful effects of stereotypes in school settings which divide students based on gender. It also brings on the spotlight some examples of already implemented projects which aimed at revealing the fullest potential of both boys and girls through the introduction of innovative teaching methods. ····· 10361102492

Million Miles to Market

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Female participation in labour market has increased in Pakistan due to increased employment opportunities. Women are coming out of their homes in order to achieve economic independence as well as their rights and status like men in society and in the family. Today one finds Pakistani females working in wide range of occupations such as teachers, doctors, marketing and management professionals, as scientists, in armed forces, in transportation system. Women have also started to work in middle level occupations which were regarded as male professions a decade ago. The entry of women in labour market has fundamentally changed the status of women in the family as well in the society. This book, therefore, provides a critical review on the effect of self imposed social norms and religious interpretations on the social status of women in Pakistan. It also explores the ways how some rulers in Pakistan amended constitution to target women. The study should help shed some light on transformation of the status of Pakistani women and its acceptance and implications and should be especially useful to professionals in Social Sciences fields or anyone else who may be interested in women studies. ····· 10361102256

The Effects of Conflict on the Youth of Mfuleni

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The political violence that preceded the collapse of the apartheid regime in South Africa has declined dramatically since the advent of democracy. Ironically, far from the expectations of many South Africans, there has been an upsurge in the levels of violent conflicts in the communities especially in the townships. This study explores the factors that give rise to violent conflicts in South African communities with special reference to Mfuleni-a black township and how these conflicts affect the lives and development of youths in the area. ····· 10361102203

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