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Der Band beleuchtet die Hintergründe des libyschen Machtkampfes und versucht, Antworten auf die brennendsten Fragen zu geben: Wie kam es dazu, dass ein ursprünglich revolutionäres, antikolonialistisches Projekt der Herrschaft des Volkes zu einer Diktatur über das Volk verkommen ist Was ist vom neuen Libyen zu erwarten Kommt es gar zu einer Teilung des Landes Und welche Interessen vertritt der Westen tatsächlich mit seinen Bomben und Marschflugkörpern ····· 1036151589


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RezensionDeutschland Radio Kultur:" Den Namen Nordkorea verbinden die meisten Deutschen mit Erbdiktatur, Hungerkatastrophen und Raketentests. Südkorea hingegen gehört zu den asiatischen Tigern und wurde zu einem Musterbeispiel für die Entwicklung vom Agrar- zum Industrieland. Dort werden Hyundai-Autos und Samsung-Handys hergestellt. Konsumgüter, die zum deutschen Alltag gehören.Als " grobschlächtige Vereinfachungen" sehen dies Du-Yul Song und Rainer Werning an. Der eine war Soziologie-Professor in Münster - als Koreaner in Tokio geboren studierte er in Seoul. Der andere arbeitet als Publizist in Berlin und war Student in Manila und Tokio. Aus eigener Erfahrung, aus Engagement für Korea wollen sie Stereotypen facettenreiche Bilder entgegensetzen." [Quelle: Uli Müller, Deutschland Radio Kultur] ····· 1036151587

The History of Mecklenburg County from 1740 to 1900

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The author spent much time and took great pains in looking up the early history of Mecklenburg, and left no stone unturned that might throw light on the character of those early patriots, who risked everything to establish independence. This was indeed a bold act, to sever all relations with the mother country, knowing that not to succeed, meant death on the gallows. The Rubicon was crossed, and they could not go back. Patriots of the county held many meetings and debated the question earnestly before the final meeting in Charlotte on the 19th and 20th of May, 1775. All the costs were counted, and each one knew what the consequences would be if they should fail. They were in desperate straits either to live as slaves and submit to all the indignities of a subjudicated province, or make a declaration of independence, maintain their freedom by force of arms, trusting in the God of right. This last resolve was adopted, success was achieved, and Mecklenburg occupied the foremost place for patriotism in all this mighty continent. Strangle that a history of so remarkable a country should have been neglected so long, and only here and there a fugitive piece has been preserved many things of note were enacted by patriots more than a century ago that are now faded from memory, that should have been preserved by those who lived at that time. It has been characteristic of North Carolinians to make history, but not to write it. ····· 1036146691

History of Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte (1740 - 1903)

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This volume is one of the best county histories which have appeared in the South. It does not confine itself to genealogical and patriotic matters but it very properly goes into the field of industrial and social history. This piece of good sense is, no doubt, the result of the author`s long identification with the business interests of his county. He was known far and wide as a successful manufacturer, and, as a writer on topics connected with the cotton industry, he has done much good work. He has drawn from the `North Carolina Colonial Records` for his account of the early settlement of Mecklenburg he has wrought into his book much of the revolutionary history of the period. In regard to the long-disputed matter of the `Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence` he has been content to tell the story simply in support of the `Declaration.` He has not gone into the features of the controversy, but lets the reader judge from the documents given in the second part of this book to substantiate the theory. It is fortunate that this is so, for Mecklenburg county, aside from its disputed `Declaration,` has had a history full of romantic interest. No other county in the State has surpassed it in its firm adherence to liberty and democracy. ····· 1036146677

Stories Of Ohio

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Mr. Howells has in the present volume given his writings the form of a series of historical stories, in which his native State is described and pictured from as remote a period as the geologic ice age. The slow-moving glaciers in the distant past covered most of the present State of Ohio. They rounded off the corners of her hills, smoothed the contour of her valleys, left glacial scratches on her rocks, and transported boulders from remote points where they had an origin and left them on the various glacial moraines. After the ice age came a strange and mysterious people who left traces of their one-time existence in the shape of curious and wonder-inspiring mounds and other earthworks of which Ohio has perhaps more than any other State. The remains of the ice age and the mound builders compete in interest with any fairy tale for young readers. ····· 1036146630

Suburban Sketches

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Mr. W. D. Howells` Suburban Sketches in the neighbor hood of Cambridge and Boston are characterized by many of the same features which are so charming in his well known pictures of Italian life. The fluent style, the kindly humor, the quaint suggestiveness, are all present we only miss the quality which is superior to them all, the naturalness which was so conspicuous in those sketches and which seems to be in a degree wanting in these. Perhaps it is because of the defect in the matter, but some how or other Cambridge and Boston, and the Horse Railroad which connects the two, which last feature figures very prominently in these sketches, do not seem to furnish the material for picturesque effects and unforced humor that seemed so abundant in the street sights and the house life of Venice. For this reason the achievements of the writer, though by no means inferior, are somewhat strained and forced. The humor is sought after, rather than comes of itself, the picturesqueness is painfully constructed, rather than fused of material that cannot be disjoined. But for all these drawbacks and defects, these sketches will be read with delight by many readers the humor, the picturesque effects and the charm of style are all still present, though they come in under constraint. So also are the human sympathies, of which Mr. Howells has no need to be ashamed, although the atmosphere of Boston seems to have exerted upon them a somewhat repressive influence. ····· 1036146593

The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution

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In this volume are reprinted for convenient reference more than ninety documents which are `intended to serve either as a basis for the study of the constitutional history of an important period, or as a companion to the political history of the time.` With the exception of four, mentioned in the preface, they are taken from books that are beyond the reach of most students unless they have access to large and well-equipped libraries The whole is prefaced by a concise account of the period, so that we have at hand what might be compared to the finder on a telescope. Among the papers are the following, of which we have often heard, and which we can here examine that they may throw light upon our understanding of the history of the period : The Declaration of Sports, the Scottish National Covenant, the Root and Branch Petition, the Solemn League and Covenant, the Self-denying Ordinance. ····· 1036146325

The Claim of the American Loyalists

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When, at the beginning of the last quarter of the eighteenth century, it became increasingly evident that the thirteen American Colonies would revolt from Great Britain and attempt to establish their independence, and when it became necessary for all men to take sides on the great question, a large number of Americans of wealth and abilities remained loyal to their King. The motives which actuated these men were, of course, various some were honorable, others selsh. But to the ardent patriot, blinded by zeal for liberty, nothing could justify, or even palliate, such conduct. As a consequence, the Tories of the American Revolution suffered not less in reputation than in estate, and names which would otherwise be found on the roll of honor in the history of Colonial America. are now but synonyms of reproach. One of the most active and inuential of these Tories, and, consequently, one of the most despised, was Joseph Galloway, a Pennsylvania lawyer, politician, and pungent pamphleteer but hardly more effectually has the soil of an English graveyard buried from sight his mortal remains than has the mass of opprobrium heaped up by partisan hatred hidden the memory of his deeds in the land of his birth. This pamphlet, which is the most well-known of all his pamphlets, contains a very clear exposition of the nature and necessity of the supreme authority of Parliament over the Colonies. It criticizes the acts of the Congress, and makes it very evident that its author would not have anything further to do with such assemblages. An attack upon this pamphlet, entitled `An Address to the Author of the `Candid Examination` was soon issued, for which Dickinson was in part responsible. This was in turn answered by Mr. Galloway in a `Reply.` ····· 1036146324

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1816 to 1826. ····· 1036146279

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1808 to 1816. ····· 1036146278

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1803 to 1807. ····· 1036146277

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1799 to 1803. ····· 1036146276

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1793 to 1798. ····· 1036146275

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1792 to 1793. ····· 1036146274

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1789 to 1792. ····· 1036146273

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1786 to 1788. ····· 1036146272

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

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The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1783 to 1785, including the second part of `Notes on Virginia.` ····· 1036146271

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

····· lezzter Preis 4.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1780 to 1782, including the first part of `Notes on Virginia.` ····· 1036146270

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

····· lezzter Preis 4.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1770 to 1779. ····· 1036146269

The Works of Thomas Jefferson

····· lezzter Preis 4.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The political theories and usages originated or adopted by Thomas Jefferson have shown such persistence and permanence in their value to our people and government as to demonstrate a far deeper and broader principle underlying them than is always recognized. In popular estimation, Jefferson stands as the founder of the Democratic party, and the developer of the theory of State Rights and on these foundations are based the so called `Jeffersonian principles,` and the respect and acceptance, as well as the criticism and contravention, accorded to them. To meet the need of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, that embraces all his lifetime, this work has been undertaken. Not content with relying upon the Jefferson MSS. in the Department of State, from which, substantially, the former editions were compiled, the present editor, while making full use of the records of the Department, has obtained many interesting documents from the papers of Jefferson still in the hands of his descendants the papers of the Continental Congress the archives of the State of Virginia the files of the French Foreign Office the private papers of Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Steuben, and Gates as well as from many state archives, historical societies, and private collections throughout the country. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the years 1760 to 1770. ····· 1036146268

The History of Salt Lake City and its Founders, Volume 2

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Tullidge`s monumental work on the beautiful desert metropolis, its history and growth, its evolution and its most significant troubles is obviously also a history of Mormonism and its growth and development in Utah, written by `authority of the Council and under supervision of its Committee on Revision,` and therefore giving a picture of Mormonism in the most favorable light in which it is possible to present the institution to the public. There are too many outside evidences of material prosperity and thrift everywhere to be seen in the resourceful valley where the Mormon emigrants from Illinois and Missouri began to make their home in July, 1847, and the vitality of the community has been too plainly manifested on many occasions, for any one easily to escape the conclusion that the `Mormon question,` as it is called, is still one of no insignificant importance. Why and how it has become of such material significance is probably more fully explained in thus volume than in any other one work published. This is volume two out of two. ····· 1036146215

The History of Salt Lake City and its Founders, Volume 1

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Tullidge`s monumental work on the beautiful desert metropolis, its history and growth, its evolution and its most significant troubles is obviously also a history of Mormonism and its growth and development in Utah, written by `authority of the Council and under supervision of its Committee on Revision,` and therefore giving a picture of Mormonism in the most favorable light in which it is possible to present the institution to the public. There are too many outside evidences of material prosperity and thrift everywhere to be seen in the resourceful valley where the Mormon emigrants from Illinois and Missouri began to make their home in July, 1847, and the vitality of the community has been too plainly manifested on many occasions, for any one easily to escape the conclusion that the `Mormon question,` as it is called, is still one of no insignificant importance. Why and how it has become of such material significance is probably more fully explained in thus volume than in any other one work published. This is volume one out of two. ····· 1036146214

The Battle of April 19, 1775

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`The Battle of April 19, 1775` obviously deals with the fights in Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Arlington, Cambridge, Somerville and Charlestown, Massachusetts. The book contains one of the most comprehensive accounts of the battle ever printed. The narrative is based on official reports, sworn statements, diaries, letters, accounts given by participants and witnesses, and every other available source. ····· 1036146213

Standard History of The City of Washington

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The history of the city of Washington, it is believed, could in no way be more effectively supplied than by telling the story, so far as possible, in the words of the participants. From the documents and records in the Government archives it is possible to give an almost complete story of the establishment of the city of Washington in the actual language of the men who achieved it and believing that in the words of Washington, Jefferson, L`Enfant, Carroll, Johnson, Stuart, Thornton, Scott and White, this story could be told with more intense interest than in any words of his own, the compiler endeavored, in giving this portion of the city`s history, to utilize to the fullest possible extent such of their writings relating to the subject, as are still preserved. ····· 1036146211

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