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The woman in the Bible, who is she?

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Woman in the Bible, who is she Is a critical look at the records of the various women whose names appear in the Holy Book - the Bible. Their actions, decisions and emotional outbursts have far reaching consequences which affect the fabric of society down the line to our present day....And this is her prayer: .....Hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdom come Let your will be done on Earth As it is in Heaven......... The reader is encouraged to look deeper in to the behaviour of the woman, realizing on the concern she has for the child and the society, thus pinpointing the motivating force behind the woman s selfless actions. The book looks at the institution of marriage, obedience to authority and the effect these have towards the modeling of a just and perfect society in which the strength of pure love will vibrates beyond sexual borders. ····· 10361133770

Beauty for Ashes, a Garment of Praise

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This book is a concise summary of a wonderful child s lifestyle prior to her demise. It is a masterpiece a real life issue with lots of scientific background and biblical perspective. It depicts true greatness. Like poet Flynn puts it in one of his stanzas: `A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks, as the worth he has attained as the fountains at which his spirit drinks, and the insight he has gained.` It is intended that people might draw nigh to God after reading this book. The book has been thoroughly examined, with a view of eliminating errors, incorporating suggestions of readers, updating concepts, and discarding irrelevant materials.Copyright ©July 2011 Grace K AbabioAll rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher and the author. ····· 10361133645

Nature in the Lives of Saints Brigit, Patrick and Columba

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Broad claims about an innate Celtic love of nature should be approached with caution when referring to the 7th-century Lives or Vitae of the Irish saints. A literary and geographic examination of Cogitosus s Life of Brigit, Muirchú s Life of Patrick, and Adomnán s Life of Columba reveals that many of the landscapes and natural elements depicted are handled from the perspective of Classical, Biblical and Patristic traditions. While the authors of these Lives were keen observers of their natural environments, focusing on colorful details of farming and animal husbandry, wilderness, and wild animals, they express these for the most part in terms of the mainland classical literary tradition. Our own sympathies with a supposed Celtic nature tradition may be indicative of today s increasing urbanization and environmental dislocation. Looking back to a Celtic golden age to solve our contemporary environmental and ecological challenges does not address what is a unique phenomenon of our own times needing new insights and approaches. ····· 10361133458

The Association of Catholic Priests The Society of St.Peter and Paul

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Society of Apostolic Life is different from Prelature or Ordinariate.A Society of Apostolic life is a group of men or women within the Catholic Church who have come together for a specific purpose.This type of organisation is defined in the Code of Canon Law under canons 731-755.Clerics of a society of apostolic life are usually incardinated into the Society.Members of a Society of Apostolic Life are allowed to own property.Canon Law speaks of such societies as being comparable to institutes of consecrated life.St.Philip Neri can be considered the father of Societies of Apostolic Life.Society of Apostolic life has the advantage of allowing the insertion of lay people into the clerical Society of Apostolic life for example,cooperating Brothers and Sisters.According to the Code of Canon Law this Society enjoys full autonomy,can form its members,can incardinate clerics.The Society can be international in ambition.The Society of St.Peter and Paul based in Kenya believe we have a contribution to make to the Church through our society.The contribution will improve the lives of our priests and ultimately improve the Church in the way St.Francis of Assisi did.The book is good to all of us ····· 10361132992

Das ist mein Leib, mein Blut

für 9.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das vorliegende Büchlein will durch die Erläuterung der zentralen biblischen Texte Erkenntnisse fördern, die ein grundlegendes Verständnis der Eucharistiefeier von ihren frühesten Anfängen an ermöglichen. Dabei kann es zu neuen und überraschenden Einsichten kommen. Wer seinen Glauben verstehen und zu einem soliden, selbständigen Urteil finden will, sollte sich in dieses Büchlein vertiefen. ····· 10361121084

Serving Communities

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Transitioning individuals and communities out of poverty, homelessness, or joblessness requires visionary leadership. However, a vision without a strategy is just wishful thinking. Serving Communities provides a practical approach to strategy formation for Churches and Christian Ministries engaged in community building and renewal. While this book is written from a Christian worldview, any community-based organization can use it to design and implement strategies that empower individuals and transform communities. Serving communities is principle-centered and advocates a paradigm of community building that is based on the values of hope and human dignity. ····· 10361119745

Bonhoeffer and the New Monasticism

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A critical reading and interpretation of key Bonhoeffer texts, including `Sanctorum Communio`, `Discipleship` and `Life Together`. Analysis of these texts is integrated with an exploration of Bonhoeffer`s personal development, as interpreted by his biographer, Eberhard Bethge. Particular attention is given to the intentional community at Finkenwalde during the years 1935-1937 with a view to assessing Bonhoeffer`s monastic convictions. It is these convictions that allow us to compare Finkenwalde with the contemporary movement known as New Monasticism. If we can connect the two, we have argued for the recognition of Bonhoeffer`s training experiment as a prototype community of the New Monasticism, and located the beginning of a discrete era - not only in monasticism, but in the history of Christianity. ····· 10361119615

The Succession Crisis to the Diocesan See of Muhabura, Church of Uganda

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Leadership conflicts in Church of Uganda is not a new phenomenon. Church of Uganda has been riddled with leadership crises in some of its dioceses since the first Ugandan black Archbishop took office in 1965. Election and retirement of Bishops and subsequent succession to the position of Bishopric have always been fragile and contentious issues in Church of Uganda often resulting into disagreements among Christians. This book provides a detailed account of the worst succession crisis to the position of Bishop of Muhabura Diocese that Church of Uganda has ever experienced. This book should be useful to Church leaders, lay Christians and Clergy as well as ordinary people interested in seeing a united Christian church in harmony.It is also a master piece for serving church leaders both laity and clergy to read and evaluate themselves on those specific issues that may be a source of contention and conflict in their churches. The book is also an important resource to academicians as it is a milestone contribution towards the debate on management of leadership conflicts in a modern religious institution faced with unavoidable internally and externally generated forces. ····· 10361119438

Brazilian Neo-Pentecostalism and the IURD

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The Brazilian Neo-Pentecostal Movement has impressively spread throughout the country in the past two decades and significantly diversified the evangelical landscape in the nation. Churches affiliated with this movement comprise the fastest growing segment in Brazilian evangelicalism, and Neo-Pentecostals make up nearly half of those in the Pentecostal camp. The Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD, Universal Church of the Kingdom of God) is the most well-known denomination to come out of Neo-Pentecostalism and possibly the largest contemporary missionary export from a third- world nation. Therefore, the missiological case study centers on the IURD to determine if it has actually facilitated or inhibited the successful evangelization of Brazilian society. Documents by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and evangelical scholars who are in general agreement with the Lausanne Movement provide sound criteria for the necessary evangelical mission assessment. ····· 10361119402

Homiletics out of Africa

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Through my entire ministry life I have learned one of the things that make preachers relevant in the present generation is preaching the word and not hot Air. Apart from the Anointing of the Holy Spirit of God, we must Learn Homiletics-(The Science and Art of Preparing and delivering the Sermon/ Message or preaching).Pastors, preachers and leaders are burn out and some Quit ministry and churches because they don`t depend on the Holy Spirit to give them the Message and prepare it Homiletically.They have nothing else to give to their Audience. It is time pastors and leaders must learn the Science and Art of preaching. This book provides the Homiletics needed, simple basics Principles needed in public speaking. It can be used in training pastors, students in bible colleges, seminars, conferences, coaching and train local and international preachers. To bring about Quality preaching and sermons. The material, Ideas and Concepts in this book are part of my personal preaching and experience in my entire pastorate life, It has been effective in my country and my missionary work which I do globally. This will help you and any one else called to preach the Gospel of Christ. ····· 10361119173

Arguments for Priestly Celibacy

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There is no link between celibacy and the priesthood.It should remain a choice for those who wanted it. It`s a practical problem not a theological problem. If it were a theological problem, the Eastern churches could not have married priests in their home territories.Benedict XVI PP has accepted married priests in an Ordinariate. This is perhaps the backdoor to the problem of married Clerics. As long as we can move into the 21st century, recognise the problems we have and get on with the real job of the Church, i.e. ministering to the needs of the laity in the best possible way recognising that we are now in the 21st century and not in post medieval times. Let us have happily married clerics who really want to be in the church to serve. Such a move could be beneficial, as clergy with a family could offer different gifts and it would enable men who did not feel called to celibacy to enter the priesthood. There is no reason why clerics shouldn`t be allowed to marry. It has always been a matter of discipline rather than doctrine. The practice of not allowing clerics to marry in the Roman Catholic Church has its origins in discipline not doctrine. The book is good to all Christians. ····· 10361119066


für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Responsible Church Leaders in Africa: Sampling Z K Matthews, David Gitari, Jesse Mugambi, Josiah Kibira and Mercy Oduyoye, captures the crucial theme of responsibility in the political and ecclesiastical ladders. The main objective of the book is to demonstrate that Africa too has responsible leaders worth being envied. Their roles are inspirational their early lives were problematic but by God`s grace & coupled by their hard work, masses of people can find inspiration and go beyond them in their respective professional fields. Certainly, the book is relevant to everyone who may want to study more about responsible African church leadership African studies in general, colonial injustices, neo-colonialism in Africa, post colonial Africa and post colonial reconstruction of Africa. Stories contained in this book are paradoxically sad and inspirational. It helps us to have a better understanding of Africa through sampling profiles of leading church leaders and some reputable scholars. It will be useful to students of African church history and African women`s theology classes where a systematic approach has been attempted for the first time in the history of the module. ····· 10361118996

The Witchcraft of the Tithe:

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Of late Christians all over the world have come up openly to challenge the tithing heresy in books, newspapers and social media. Prosperity pastors are now trying to defend the heresy because they are afraid that their prosperity ponzi` scheme is about to collapse like a sac of rotten potatoes.The word `tithe` literally means `a tenth`. And today it is used as a Law in many churches to force Christians to give one tenth of their income to that church. Many are told that they are `robbing God` if they do not give at least this much to the institution they attend each Sunday. But is Tithing a New Testament practice at all Is it really for Christians, or is it part of the Old Covenant Is there really a law in force stating that all Christians must give ten percent Or are we supposed to be `cheerful givers` - simply giving whatever God has placed on our hearts Are you confused about tithing This book takes you through the fallacies and ambiguities of the tithing heresy. ····· 10361118867

Church and Land

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Church put it is being leased for a short period. Some churches have assumed that the Government will give them Land for free. And thus waiting for eternity to Own Land It is the highest time the Church Bought Land and owned it because it is the Lord Desire, It is biblical and it is God property.The Church Needs to Understand that There will be No Development without Owning Land. There is No Impact in Community without Owning Land there is No Authority in any Location or Country without Owning Land. This book will enlighten Pastors, Church leaders, religious leaders and Organizations on why they should know the Law and why they should own Land. Not only that but it will open the eyes of churches and organizations as well as religious leaders. On their duty in land issues and their involvement in Land in their country, the final word is that The Church Must Own Land by all means. ····· 10361118827

The Relevance of Catholic Social Teaching Today

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The purpose of the Social Teaching of the Church isnot to offer a theology of social economic life.Rather it is a serious theological invitation tothink theologically about a free society.The needsfor the human rights tradition,the place of the humanperson in the area of work,just wage unions andareas pertaining to authentic development ofpeople.When we have theologically instituteddevelopment,then there is genuineness andaccountability.Issues pertaining to economics areChristian issues and Christians thinking about thembrings about their importance in the world. But weknow that Christianity is a comprehensive meaning andwe know that one need not be a Christian tounderstand much of what the world affairs affecthumanity.To those who are Christians and know aboutjustice and the gospel values cannot avoid socialeconomic issues in their lives.But whoever venturesto speak about justice should be just himself.One isnot a Christian on Sunday and wears a secular hat onweekdays.Preachers too should not preach water anddrink wine.The book is good to clergy and Religiousduring and after formation.It can be used inUniversity and colleges in School of Humanities. ····· 10361118556


für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The spirituality of God`s people and their commitment to the virtues of Christ are, in many respects, a reminiscent of the spirituality, efficiency, and effectiveness of pastors and elders who do ministry in Christ`s stead. Their preparation for the gospel work is therefore crucial. Christ took the Twelve and mentored them in their own background in order for them to establish the vibrant apostolic church. God`s way of leadership emphasizes in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52b RSV). Thus, the gospel must be relevant to people too. Edward R. Dayton and David A. Fraser have written that Our field` is not a merely geographical location. In actuality it is people. Culturally Sensitive Mentoring Approach to Ministry provides contextualized mentoring principles devoid of syncretism.Kwame affirms that Church leadership training should go beyond the seminary.It must incorporate the socio-cultural understanding of the community where leaders serve. Such practical training must be given by senior pastors with accumulated wisdom and experience in Christ to young pastors, who are vulnerable to frustrations in ministry,to deepen pastoral relationship in order to impact their communities. ····· 10361117937

Vocation to Catholic Priesthood and Religious life

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When God Speaks we must Listen.Prayer itself born in Catholic families,nurtured by programs of Christian formation,strengthened by the grace of the sacraments,is the first means by which we come to know the Lord`s will for our lives.To the extent that we teach young people to pray,and to pray well,we will be cooperating with God`s call. Programs,plans and projects have their place but the discernment of a vocation is above all the fruit of an intimate dialogue between the Lord and his disciples.Young people,if they know how to pray,can be trusted to know what to do with God`s call.The Catholic Church teaches there are four types of vocation:but here we talk of life in a religious order,and life in the priesthood.Each vocation requires discernment,the process by which we determine God`s will for our life.Religious orders and dioceses may have different requirements.Discern if you are ready to serve the Catholic church as a religious,living under the vow of chastity and obedience.Once you have completed the process of discernment,you can be admitted to a seminary or house of formation.This book is good before,formation during formation and after formation for Religious and Clergy. ····· 10361117916

Refocussing and God Spaces a holistic counselling theory and practice

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Refocussing and God Spaces is the theory and practice developed by the author Dr Diane Divett. Influenced by her New Zealand Maori and Irish heritage, coupled with pastoral care experience, she saw the need for a holistic therapy. Accordingly, Refocussing with its seven foci system` was designed to identify and attend to unmet needs in all aspects of people`s functioning, in their being, having and doing. This included all dimensions: the transpersonal, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Central and unique to Refocussing is God Spaces`, providing a predictable, reliable and repeatable way to encounter God in and beyond therapy. These encounters with the Divine provide a way for people`s unmet needs to be healed, resourced or resolved. The rationale being that while psychological process is necessary to identify unmet needs God Spaces allows careful integration of a theological process to attend to those needs. This satisfies people`s faith needs, namely, that the inclusion of God is also essential in any therapeutic process. ····· 10361116217

Towards Optional Celibacy

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Today Catholics understand celibacy to be the calling of some,but not all.They understand Jesus to have advocated celibacy as one of his councils of perfection not for everyone but specifically those who seek the higher life of the Kingdom of Heaven: Not all men can receive this saying,but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men,and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.(Matthew 19.12).Jesus advocated for optional celibacy.The married priests support Jesus in advocating for optional celibacy. Many of the early fathers of the church praised the marriage of clergy.At the turn of the third century Clement of Alexandria promoted marriage as a way of salvation for all,including priests,deacons,and laity. Making celibacy mandatory for priests raises some problems. As a church mere discipline,celibacy may fit a priest`s life.But when it becomes mandatory it loses some lustre.Priesthood is a sacrament celibacy is not.The book is good for religious and clergy during formation and after. ····· 10361116185


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Culture versus Gospel in Africa: Sampling Centennial History of Mutira Mission, Central Kenya (1912-2012), demonstrates how the European Missionaries transformed the lifestyles of the Kikuyu, Kamba and Mbeere ethnic groups living in the then Mutira pastorate. By then, the pastorate covered Kirinyaga and Riakanau in Mbeere of Embu County. The book goes on to show how the pioneer missionaries such as Laight, Butcher and Hillard encountered African traditional practices such as circumcision, dances, killing of twin children, modes of disposing the dead, taboos and abominations, herbal medicine, marriage and betrothal, clannism, African worship and general mode of life. They dismissed all African cultures as bad. In view of this, the author shows how Gospel and Culture got into unending conflict to date. In other words, where is the clear demarcating line between Gospel and Culture Can we erase all elements of culture in African Christianity In demonstrating the impact of Christian missions (1912-2012), the book outlines the histories of some leading figures whose success is beholden to the missionary labors. It is a must read for all keen students of African histories and cultures! ····· 10361116122


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Church splits have been very common in churches, It has caused a lot of harm to development of churches and Ministries, This area needs to be addressed Urgently to curb and Heal Leaders that have been affected so far. Especially in the Body of Christ. We have taken this Opportunity to come up with Remedies to church split which is affecting 80 percent of churches in the Whole world. In This book we have laid a proper foundation and Plan of dealing with Church split in any church setting any where in the world .This material will help your church and leaders to learn the way to avoid Church splits.It can also be used in training church leaders and Ministries. We believe this book will Impact your Life and others who will learn from you and this book as well. May the Lord bring the Insight you need as you read this book. Dr Mackenzie and Tundo Lucheli. ····· 10361116086

The Dysfunctional System of Lies

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The current church system has become totally apostate. It has been infested with materialism and the worship of man. Christians have been completely dis-empowered as regards understanding the word of God. The trust in experiences and carnal preachers has become the order of the day. The Gospel is no longer attractive to non-believers because they do not see any deference between born again` Christians and themselves. The entire church system has become corrupted. Pastors can no longer differentiate between a false and genuine conversion. The preachers are struggling with sin as much as their flocks. The bottom line has become Jesus obeyed for you` you do not have to obey anything. They do not understand the meaning of repentance. Christians need to urgently flee these churches into small groups in order to DIG INTO THE BIBLE. Become keenly aware of Early church history and learn to sort through the fallacies. Get yourself in line with Real Repentance and Faith and BE CERTAIN that you have come into the Faith in the Manner of Scripture. NOT According to some Traditions men teach. ····· 10361115727

The King James Bible

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Hammers of critics have tried without success to smash the indomitable King James Bible. The hammers of critics have long worn out the King James Bible (Authorized Version) has stood supreme. This book takes you through some of the most prominent` criticisms of the King James Bible. The book demonstrates how all criticisms have been quashed hence rendering the King James Bible the best English translation and the manuscripts on which the King James Version is based (Masoretic and Received Text) the genuine embodiment of God`s Preserved words. Have you been perturbed by the criticisms` of the King James Version, this book is a must read for you. ····· 10361115686

Prophets for Today

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Believing that the Indian Christian Church needs to be incarnated in the Indian soil to establish the Reign of God that brings peace, justice, unity and fellowship, here the author studies the prophetic role of women religious in India. Basing particularly on the Congregation Sisters of St. Anne of Tiruchirapalli (SAT), India, it focuses on prophetic nature of religious life. Jesus was a prophet, living in a context which was politically colonized, socially patriarchal, economically oppressive and religiously fundamentalist. As he went around,interacting with people, Jesus perceived very clearly the oppressive structures present in the society. It was his interaction with the ordinary people and his experience with them that moved his heart to take a clear stand for the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed, specially the women. Jesus articulated all these concrete experiences from his deep contemplative experience of God, whom he experienced as Abba - Father/Mother(George Soares-Prabhu). It was the integration of these two inseparable experiences of God and of the poor which shaped Jesus` vision for a new society. Jesus the prophet is the model for women religious. ····· 10361115670

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