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Rain Water Harvesting Technology on Income and Employment

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This study assesses the impacts of rainwater harvesting technology adopted on household income and employment generation in three districts in the Central Rift Valley of Oromiya Regional State of Ethiopia. Results are based on data collected from a survey of 300 household stratified into those with rain water harvesting structures and those without from which equal number of sample households were drawn randomly. Tobit model was used to estimate impacts of RWHT on household income and employment of hired laborers. The results indicate that among the variables used in the model, the variables that are significant in explaining the household income and employment generation are, availability of farmers` active labor force, household perception ,leadership status ,number of rain water harvesting structures owned, total land holding, and off-farm income activities availability. ····· 1036191560

internet technologies and ecotourism marketing

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Kenyan ecotourism industry has not fully exploited the opportunities presented by the internet to propagate its growth. The internet provides a new and important electronic commerce medium for tourism. The scale of the internet and its use to promote `disingenuous` ecotourism products may accelerate negative outcomes. However, the understanding of internet-based ecotourism developments - both delivery and outcomes - is limited. The overall purpose of this study is to assess the possible impacts of the internet technology on the Ecotourism industry in Kenya. The advancement of Internet technology worldwide has contributed to the enhancement of ecotourism principles. Despite much discussion devoted to defining ecotourism conceptually, knowledge regarding how ecotourism is actually developed through the Internet is still lacking. This book attempts to address these issues by exploring how ecotourism concept is enhanced through the Internet. ····· 1036191548

Traveling Salesman Problem

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The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is one of the most widely studied NP hard combinatorial optimization problems and has already solved in the semi-optimal manners using numbers of different methods. Among them, Genetic Algorithms (GA) is pre-dominating. In this paper I solve the problem with a new operator, Inver-over, for an evolutionary algorithm for the TSP. This operator outperforms all other `genetic` operators, whether unary or binary, which was first introduced by Guo Tao and Zbigniew Michalewicz. I also propose a new algorithm for solving TSP and also introduced it modified version. To get a comparative idea of the performance of these algorithms I solve same problems with the two algorithms. The performance analysis shows that my proposed algorithm produces relatively better solutions in the case of the tour length every time. But when we increase the cities it takes more time to solve than the Inver-Over operator for TSP. ····· 1036191458

Eso que llaman envejecer

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El presente libro pretende lograr una aproximación a las características de la identidad de las mujeres adultas mayores y los vínculos que, a partir de ésta, han construido y siguen construyendo. El tema resulta importante puesto que en el desarrollo psicosocial de todas las personas, y en la adultez mayor no deberían perderse de vista estos elementos. Se presenta el tema partiendo de un marco teórico en el cual se retoman elementos como lo son: envejecimiento, representaciones sociales, construcción de la identidad, género, autoestima, vínculos emocionales y aspectos del modelo andragógico para, así, delinear los parámetros que guían la posterior propuesta de intervención soioeducativa para el trabajo con mujeres adultas mayores. ····· 1036191001

Microeconometría y análisis de la demanda asistencial

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Una de las alternativas sobre la ineficiencia, inequidad y baja cobertura del Sistema Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud de Colombia y dentro del proceso de modernización del Estado fue implementar una reforma al sector salud con la Ley 100 de 1993. Esta reforma considera indispensable que se tenga la información necesaria para tomar decisiones dentro de un sistema de mercado y de libre escogencia. Los problemas de asimetría en la relación de los actores que participan del sistema, permiten que la aplicación de las técnicas de agrupamiento borroso para la identificación de modelos borrosos se extienda al sector salud por tratarse de modelos locales no lineales para el control. En este trabajo se revisan las principales técnicas de agrupamiento para la identificación de los factores determinantes de asimetría de la información en la utilización del servicio médico en el Eje cafetero, incluyendo propuestas que permiten medir la asimetría de la información y clasificar dichos factores con técnicas borrosas. ····· 1036190857

Identidades en juego

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La siguiente investigación demuestra la relación existente entre las prácticas lúdicas y los procesos de identificación cultural, observados a través del recorrido de diferentes escenarios lúdicos en jóvenes de ascendencia mapuche. Los lugares elegidos comprenden diferentes espacios delimitados a los fines de este trabajo, circunscriptos en poblados del noroeste de la provincia de Chubut, Patagonia Argentina, dentro de los cuales se encuentran dos escuelas rurales, en una zona geográfica ubicada en la estepa patagónica, próximas al paralelo 42º. En estos contextos, los procesos históricos, económicos y sociopolíticos (aunque también características geográficas y climáticas), permite que los jóvenes lleven a cabo diferentes juegos, principal fuente de observación, aunque no la única, puesto que éstas prácticas se dan en el marco de relaciones sociales complejas, tanto en el marco institucional escolar como en la cotidianidad social extraescolar. Es así que los niños y jóvenes llevan adelante prácticas lúdicas en las que aparecen continuidades y divergencias vinculadas a las tradiciones mostrando el carácter relacional e histórico sobre los que se edifican los procesos culturales. ····· 1036190036

Estudio de bacterias patógenas de trucha arco iris

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En el presente trabajo, se realizó un estudio bacteriológico en tres unidades de producción de trucha arco iris en el Estado de Hidalgo. Se hicieron cuatro muestreos en dichas unidades en (junio, julio, agosto y octubre). Se tomaron muestras de peces y del agua de los estanques de cada una de las unidades. Se identificaron bacterias patógenas de los géneros Aeromonas, Pseudomonas y Vibrio, además de diferentes géneros de la familia Enterobacteriaceae en diferentes órganos (branquias, intestino, riñón y lesiones en aletas) y en el agua de los estanques de cultivo de la especie. Algunas de estas bacterias pertenecen a la microbiota normal de los peces, mientras que la presencia de las enterobacterias se relacionada con las inadecuadas prácticas de manejo que llevan a cabo en dichas unidades de producción. Las variaciones con relación al número de UFC/g y UFC/mL estuvieron determinadas por los diferentes meses de muestreo donde se observó que la mayor cantidad de bacterias está dada en los meses de verano mientras que disminuye gradualmente en los meses de otoño. ····· 1036189879

La gestión de aprendizaje en red

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La obra muestra la conformación de una estrategia de gestión de aprendizaje en red para articular el capital humano de la esfera agroalimentaria en un municipio cubano, considerando que la coordinación y el aprendizaje conjunto y en contexto, sustentado por el suministro eficaz de información es propicio para desencadenar los procesos innovativos en la cadena de producción agropecuaria. Se realiza la identificación de las instituciones del sector agroalimentario que resultan claves para integrar la red, así como las personas que mayores conocimientos portan dentro de estas organizaciones, considerados actores personales. Además se analizan sus necesidades de información, formación y las disponibilidades de conocimientos. Asimismo se realiza el estudio de los vínculos existentes entre los actores institucionales y personales y se proponen nuevos espacios de interacción, tomando como base las recomendaciones realizadas por los propios actores. ····· 1036189848

Riego eficiente de áreas verdes

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El agua, entendida como un recurso limitado y de primera necesidad, es amenazada día a día por la acción del hombre. Este recurso se está transformando de manera muy acelerada en un bien, que en pocos años más será causal de muchos conflictos entre naciones para obtenerla. La presente investigación pretende contribuir al uso eficiente de dicho recurso, centrándose en el ahorro del agua en el riego de áreas verdes, como jardines, canchas, parques, etc., privados y públicos. Estas áreas son importantes en las ciudades porque contribuyen de mane-ra eficiente a la purificación del aire, sin embargo, la mayoría de las veces son regadas de manera ineficiente permitiendo el despilfarro de este vital elemento, que es el agua. En el presente estudio se diseñó un modelo para optimizar la localización de aspersores de riego en áreas verdes, cuyo propósito es entregar al usuario una herramienta para planear un sistema de riego. Esto permitirá optimizar el uso del agua, lo que conlleva a un ahorro del recurso, y por ende, un ahorro económico para el dueño del predio, puesto que la mayoría de las áreas verdes que existen en las zonas urbanas son regadas con agua potable. ····· 1036189826

Women`s Agency and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)

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This study measures agency among married and unmarried young women in two disparate states of India namely Tamil Nadu and Bihar. It is also analyses the association of agency and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) young women. The study utilizes data from Youth in India: Situation and Needs, 2006-2007 survey. Bivariate and Multivariate techniques are used to understand the differentials, and factors associated with agency and Sexual and reproductive health. The Principal Component Analysis is used to compute the agency based on three indices namely decision making, freedom of movement, and self efficacy. The multinomial logistic regression is used to understand the factor associated with sexual and reproductive health knowledge. Higher Educated and economically better off women, more exposed to mass media, living in urban area have higher agency for both married and unmarried women. Findings reveals that women having higher agency are found to have higher odds of better knowledge on Sexual and Reproductive Health. ····· 1036188711

Frequency of ANCA in glomerulonephritis.

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Objectives: Current study was designed to determine the frequency of ANCA (p-ANCA and c-ANCA) in clinically diagnosed glomerulonephritis patients. Study Design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Place and Period of study: Department of Immunology, University of Health Sciences, Lahore in a period of one year. Materials and Methods: The study included 64 glomerulonephritis patients. Methodology: Levels of ANCA (MPO and PR3) were determined by ELISA technique. Results: Four (6.25%) patients showed positive reaction to myeloperoxidase [MPO] antigen while 1 (1.56%) was positive for proteinase-3 [PR3] antigen. Sero-positivity for MPO and PR3 in the patients of 40-60 years of age,was 14% and 3.6% respectively. p-value for MPO and PR3 was 0.05 and ····· 1036188535

The Development of Bullen Town in Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Ethiopia

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This work is unique in that it, for the first time, takes up urbanization and urban related issues in North-western part of Ethiopia, particularly in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. Because, studies on urbanization and urban growth in Ethiopia are generally confined to major cities like Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Naziret and others ignoring the situation of smaller but still very important towns, mainly in the North-western Ethiopia. Bullen town is such an urban area which has important historical, socioeconomic, political and institutional progresses and problems. However, the town has been marginalized and has been out of the scope of several research works so far conducted in Ethiopia. With this consideration, this project was aimed at assessing the historical development of the town, problems it faced and development options it has. By doing so, the findings of this research work are expected to indicate major areas of the problems associated with its economic, social and institutional developments so that concerned bodies can seek for solutions that will help tackle those problems. Moreover, scholars who are interested in conducting research in similar issues and area can easi ····· 1036188342

Alcohol Consumption Reduces Effortful Fatigue After Sleep:

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The current work examined whether greater alcohol consumption at night would predict less effortful fatigue the next morning. The theory is that effortful thought and behavior benefit from additional stored metabolites, and that drinking alcohol temporarily reduces metabolites but later increases them. Participants attended a drinking, social event at night. The next morning, they completed an effortful task (a breath-blowing task requiring forceful exertion and persistence) before and after a mentally fatiguing task (controlling attention). Consuming more alcohol during the event predicted less fatigue on the effortful breath-blowing task, computed as the difference between performance on the task before and after the attention control task. Alcohol consumption might be one strategy for reducing later fatigue on effortful tasks. ····· 1036188303

Aluminium based nanocomposites

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The phase evolution characteristics in the elemental blends of Al92Mn6Ce2, Al94.5Cr3Co1.5Ce1, Al87Y10Ni3 and Al88Ni9Ce2Fe1 compositions during mechanical alloying were studied. It was revealed that a wide variation of lattice parameter of Al-rich solid solutions in presence of similar level of surface and strain energy played a pivotal role in the amorphous phase formation by mechanical alloying. None of the aforesaid alloys resulted in a completely amorphous structure and hence, an attempt was made to consolidate the mechanically alloyed fully amorphous powder of Al88Ni6Ti6 composition to produce bulk Al-rich nanocomposites having densities near to the theoretical density. Consolidation was carried out by spark plasma sintering, hot pressing and conventional pressure-less sintering methods. The microstructural features and mechanical properties were also investigated for the ultrasonically cast nanocomposites of Al reinforced with nano-sized Al2O3 (average size ~10 nm) particles. Orowan mechanism predicted much higher yield strength than that observed in the present nanocomposites. ····· 1036188159

Extension and Communication Education

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Extension should note of the changes that are taking place in and around the country to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Agriculture is moving from subsistence to market oriented farming though a large number of farmers shall be producing for their own consumption. Farmers need a wide range of information for different resource and constraint situation for production as well as for pre-production and post production functions. These require some new approaches in extension. Sustainability issues have become very important as farmers are to obtain increased return from their enterprises by preserving and enhancing their own and also country s resources. Information technology is improving and spreading at a rapid rate. The people are also diversifying their enterprises. The author has written the book with 10 chapters and has discussed, analyzed in depth on the concept of cyber extension, expert system, persuasive communication, effect of mobile phone on society.This book may be an indispensable guide book for people and students who are related with agriculture, agriculture extension and communication in the schools, colleges and universities. ····· 1036188090

A Hospitable Society

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A prophetic voice should be raised through a concrete commitment to the plight of the immigrants, giving reasons for hope that are translatable into just polities and policies. It is through such hope that the anguish and fears of immigrants who live in Ivory Coast will find compassionate ears and hearts. Is there good news for these immigrants Can we imagine citizenship as extended to accommodate immigrants Correlatively, is it good news for Ivorians who have sought a national identity to understand themselves through a relationship with the immigrants from Burkina Faso These are questions this book hopes to answer. It seems it is a common occurrence among human beings to welcome others, but it is unusual to make others one of them. The tragedy today is that welcoming others and justly distributing membership have become equally unnatural to the practices of admission in modern societies. The challenge is there and we take it! ····· 1036187915

CIPP Liners - Quality Control

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In recent years trenchless technology methods have been used extensively to replace and rehabilitate deteriorated pipes. Among these methods cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) is perhaps the most commonly used rehabilitation method with more than 70 million linear feet being installed around the world over the past 30 years. Development of a limit state design approach for the correlation of the theoretical (design) buckling resistance to actual buckling (experimental) resistance for the purpose of evaluating the degree of conservatism in ASTM F1216 has been discussed. Guidelines to practicing engineers when field coupons test values are below the design values in terms of elastic modulus has been provided. ····· 1036187555

Study on Freshwater Snail (Viviparus viviparus, Linnaeus)

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In the inland aquaculture systems, traditional aquaculture started shifting from the culture of piscine to non-piscine aquatic animals in Bangladesh. The present study was concerned with emerging culture systems of freshwater snail, (Viviparusviviparus) at the farmers level highlighting its potential to use in fish feed formulation. The study was conducted over a period of 7 months from May to November 2009 in Rupal Integrated Farm Chothrasia, MuktagachaUpazila of Mymensingh district. Emerging culture systems of freshwater snail, its collection methods, proximate composition of snail mixed feed and comparative economic efficiency of snail mixed feed versus traditionally used fish feed were the focal points under the present study.The pond for freshwater snail culture was rectangular in shape with an area 120 decimals. After liming at the rate of 1-1.5 kg/decimal, pond was filled up with water where compost manure was spread throughout the pond during noon. Then snail seeds were stocked. After 15days of interval, compost was provided to the pond for satisfactory growth and breeding of snails. The collection of snail from the culture ponds were carried out by the four methods. ····· 1036187322

Molecular Modeling and Synthesis of HBV Polymerase Inhibitors:

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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the major cause of acute and chronic hepatitis which could lead to hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently, interferon- and nucleosidic inhibitors of HBV reverse transcriptase, polymerase, lamivudine (3TC), adefovir and entecavir are the only drugs approved for the treatment of chronic HBV infection. However, interferon- -produces many side affects with partial efficacy less than 30% of the chronic carriers responding to treatment. In addition, about 50% of the patients who respond positively to interferon- treatments are known to suffer recurrence of the viremia after cessation of the treatment. In contrast, 3TC has more universal applicability and is able to reduce the viral load very rapidly. Complete and sustained suppression of viral replication remain the most important goal in the treatment of patient with chronic (HBV) infection. Nucleoside and Nucleotide analogues have greatly improved the disease outcome for these patients and have also prevented hepatic decompensation or the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, there is need for drugs that directly inhibit HBV production. Most compounds explored so far are nucleoside analogs. ····· 1036187317

Image Denoising using Switching Adaptive Decision Based Algorithm

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This book concentrates on removal of SPN,RVIN,Gaussian & Speckle noise from images.Most of the nonlinear filters used in removal of impulsive noise work in two phases,i.e.detection followed by filtering only the corrupted pixels keeping uncorrupted ones intact. Performance of such filters is dependent on the performance of detection schemes. In this book thrust has been put to devise an accurate detection scheme and a novel weighted median filtering mechanism. Comparative analysis has been made with existing standard schemes with suitable parameters such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR),Access Time & Image Enhancement Factor.I am thankful to Prof.Dr.David Ebenezer,The experimental methods and results presented in this book have been in uenced by his article. ····· 1036187205

Teachers` Beliefs and Practices

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This book is an exploration of the relationship between one teacher s beliefs about teaching English as a second language and her classroom practice. It shows how the teacher s beliefs play out in the classroom setting. It highlights the teacher s beliefs about language, language teaching and learning, use of mother tongue, errors and error correction. It further uncovers the other factors like school policy, working experience and personal learning experiences which also impact practice. It concludes by maintaining that teaching is an extremely complex activity and it is not always possible to link belief to practice. It is, nevertheless, vital to study the teachers beliefs as any professional development activities teachers engage in must consider the teachers beliefs as teachers always view new learning through their own belief lens. Hence, focus on teachers beliefs is an important component for the success of professional development activities which educational institutions engage in. ····· 1036187030

Novel Biodegradable Polyurethanes Derived From A Sustainable Resource

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Research and development works in the realm of vegetable oil based polymeric materials have attracted increasing worldwide attention in recent years. This book highlights the utilization of vegetable oil, a sustainable resource, in the development of polyurethane resins in a systematically organised manner. In addition, various literatures regarding vegetable oil based polyurethane resins have been reviewed. The experimental part of the study describes our attempts to prepare, characterize and evaluate the properties of polyurethane resins based on Mesua ferrea L. seed oil. The book demonstrates that blending with commercial resins, formation of natural fibre decorated green composites and nanoclay incorporated nanocomposites lead to improvement in the performance characteristics of the prepared resins as coating materials. Biodegradability and cytotoxicity assessment of the blends and nanocomposites add value to the developed polyurethanes as novel biomaterials. The acceptable performance as binder for industrial stoving paints unmasks the industrial applicability of the prepared resin systems. Finally, the book discusses the major aspects and future scopes of the current work. ····· 1036186963

Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor

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This book covers a fruitful literature review of the anaerobic process. It includes a description of the different kinds of anaerobic reactors, emphasizing on UASB reactor. It takes into account the granules development, the kinetics models, and a review of the existing models describing the UASB reactor behavior. The main purpose of this work is the development of a model able to predict the substrate degradation, the biomass growth, and the location of the granule size along the height of the reactor. Based on knowledge about transport phenomena, a model was developed in order to describe the processes occurring in the UASB reactor. It was tested using data from the literature and software (Matlab, Comsol) was used to run the model. ····· 1036186922

Studies on Sign Communication

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There has been controversy over deaf education in response to a need for a more appropriate means of communicating with deaf children in all educational settings throughout the world.This controversy has led to a change in methodology from oral methods to Total Communication, to Sign Language and currently to bilingualism. For 28 years (1956 1986) education of the deaf in Kenya was through the oral system. This book therefore highlights Studies of sign of sign languages and sign communication among disabled persons in the society. ····· 1036186754

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