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Intellectually Disabled and Normal Students: A Comparative Study

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Present book is an outcome of Ph.D. work. The socio-economic aspects of amentia have been especially emphasized by English writers. The 1929 Wood report (defined mental deficiency as a condition of incomplete development of mind of such a degree or kind as to render the individual incapable of adjusting himself to his social environment in a reasonably efficient and harmonious manner and to necessitate external care, supervision, or control. In present this study an efforts has been made to understand the role of sports activities in physical development of intellectually disabled students. The study also paves the way for understanding the levels of anthropometric measurements of intellectually disabled students, which is helpful in the adjustment as well as shaping up the personality of intellectually disabled persons in the society. This study has been of utmost importance and great help to the sports psychologists, special educators, physical education teachers, administrators of institutes and schools for intellectually disabled persons. Main objectives of the present study was To find out and compare the Intellectually Disabled and Normal groups of school going students aged. ····· 1036118396

Alternative Energy Resources

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Incessant demand for energy has compelled the exploitation of non-renewable resources ruthlessly. Their steady depletion and near decimation resulted in the quest for alternatives within the possibilities permitted by the available resources, level of human intellect and technological advancement. Since energy has always occupied a prime place in the development of a region, when not available locally, it is imported. In India too inadequacy of local sources created a need for imported substitutes and supplements. Commensurate with the pace of industrialization and urbanization, energy imports increased, constituting one-eighth of total trade today. The history of energy use indicates the quick succession of wind energy to firewood use, though despite its almost ubiquitous status, its use was short lived. Wind is considered one of the most viable of sources. The non-availability of adequate energy has plunged economies into sudden decline. Such problems compelled the exploration of new areas and exploitation of new alternative energy resources. ····· 1036118389

Life Styles of Working and Non-Working Wives

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book Life styles of working and non-working wives is a critical analysis of the changing roles of women in the 20th century Indian families and puts forward an argument for the concomitant changes in the roles of the other spouse, the husband. The book also argues for changes in the social norms and values. Though modernization has brought changes in the lifestyles of Indian urban families, a majority of them remained orthodox and conventional from within. The changes in the roles of women have not brought accompanying changes in the roles of men as partners. In spite of the women holding jobs, they are expected to continue their traditional role of homemaker. This resulted in a dissonance between values and norms held by men and women leading to the so called double burden for the working women. In fact, though the author speaks here only of urban middle class educated wives, she makes a valuable addition to knowledge by bringing a comparison between the problems of working and non-working wives with regard to child care, sharing of housework, elder care, perceptions about marital relations, leisure time activities and problems at workplace. ····· 1036118151

Gesund in Führung!

für 9.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Was sind Ihre Aufgaben als Führungskraft im betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement Das Heft beschreibt praxisnah und leicht verständlich Ihre Bedeutung für das Wohlbefinden im Betrieb und Ihre Rolle bei der Gestaltung gesunder Arbeit in Ihrem Unternehmen. Es enthält neben einer Kurz-Anleitung zur gesundheitsgerechten Mitarbeiterführung zahlreiche Tipps für Ihre eigene Gesundheit. So können Sie direkt loslegen mit der Förderung der Gesundheit in Ihrem Bereich! ····· 1036115771

BGM voranbringen: Praxistipps für betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement

für 24.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Einführung eines Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements ist kein Selbstläufer: Die Geschäftsleiter wollen gewonnen werden, der Betriebsrat ins Boot geholt, die Führungskräfte überzeugt und die Beschäftigten eingebunden.Hoher Einsatz, starkes Engagement trotzdem ist die Enttäuschung oft groß.BGM-Projekte scheitern selten an Zahlen, Daten, Fakten. Sie scheitern, weil sich Menschen nicht mitgenommen fühlen. Die Diplom-Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin Dr. Anne Katrin Matyssek beleuchtet aus der Sicht einer externen Beraterin, wie möglichst von Beginn an alle Beteiligten am selben Strang ziehen. Zu der Reihe `BGM voranbringen` gehören außerdem: - 1 Heft für Führungskräfte- 1 Heft für Beschäftigte- 1 Heft für Betriebsräte- 1 Heft für Geschäftsleitungen- 1 Heft für Arbeitsschützer und Arbeitsmediziner ····· 1036115571

Uns soll es gut gehen!

für 9.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Gesundheit steht alle Jahre wieder auf der persönlichen Wunschliste ganz oben: Wir alle wollen möglichst lange fit sein - persönlich und am Arbeitsplatz. Immer mehr Unternehmen erkennen, dass betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement sich für alle auszahlt. Aber worum geht es dabei Und was haben SIE davon Dieses Heft erklärt leicht verständlich, was jede/r einzelne tun kann, um Gesundheit im Betrieb mit Leben zu füllen - damit das BGM zum Erfolg für alle wird. Und damit es Ihnen gut geht und Sie auch morgen noch gern und gesund arbeiten. ····· 1036114612

Aspects of Education Reform

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The booklet contains three studies on the reform of the Albanian education system. The first study `Corruption in the Albanian education system` aims to identify opportunities for corruption in the Albanian education system. The second study `Some divergences from the curriculum compulsory education with the law on pre-university education` is organized in three parts. The first part examines the relationship between the law of education and the new curriculum, in the context of the fundamental changes that are materialized in education. This section summarizes the results of the comparative analysis and reveals some inconsistencies between the requirements of the Act and all curriculum documents. The third part summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the study. The third study `Moving from the Knowledge-based to the Competency-Based Program` represents the results of our study on the draft curriculum framework for pre-university education. The results of the research, our comments and conclusions are presented in four interconnected sections. ····· 103614740

Guinée-Chronique d`une Démocratie annoncée - Vol1

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Chronique d`une Démocratie annoncée retrace le processus des déséquilibres de la transition démocratique en Afrique à partir du cas de la République de Guinée. Le premier régime guinéen a été enseveli sans faire de distinction entre les acquis à conserver et les travers à supprimer. De 1984 à 1992, le pays s`est englué dans un multipartisme sauvage et effréné guidé par les passions ethnocentriques et régionalistes responsables d`une économie exsangue. Le volume 1 de ce livre porte un éclairage sur les causes et les conséquences. ····· 103614417

La place du chrétien dans la vie politique

für 30.60€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ce livre de poche contient une première partie de mes propres expériences dans le domaine politique avec bien évidemment la grâce de Dieu. Destiné aux chrétiens qui désirent s`y engager pour assurer véritablement le bien être de leurs semblables, il contient également des conseils primordiaux pour eux comme disciples de Jésus,autrement dit sel de la terre et lumière du monde, deux rôles à jouer en toutes circonstances. Les tentations étant innombrables dans l`arène politique, le sel ne doit pas perdre sa saveur, pour devenir fade, donc inutilisable,et la lumière ne doit pas être cachée, mais briller pour chasser les ténèbres.C`est un engagement qui se manifeste tant en paroles qu`en actes (Luc 14:34-35 Col.14:6). Dieu n`interdit ni la politique, ni la richesse. Cependant une vigilance absolue est à observer à l`égard des deux car principales causes de perte de la foi des chrétiens. J`exhorte vivement ceux ayant choisi cette carrière à se couvrir de la panoplie de Dieu, seule condition pour l`exercer avec succès comme mission, afin de soulager la souffrance de leurs semblables. Que Dieu vous bénisse abondamment. ····· 103614383

Dvazhdy lyubimyy

für 21.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Roman, napisannyy v `muzykal`nom klyuche`. O lyubvi, predannosti, druzhbe i nravstvennom vybore. Istinnaya lyubov` smela i sil`na, no geroi knigi muzykanty ot prirody, lyudi dostatochno sil`nye dukhom i tsel`nye nravstvenno prokhodyat cherez ryad ispytaniy, prezhde chem vnov` obretayut sebya i svoe chuvstvo. Roman - sonata `Dvazhdy lyubimyy` poluchil bol`shoe chislo iskrennikh i teplykh chitatel`skikh otzyvov v veb - seti i stal laureatom odnogo iz konkursov prozy, provodimykh Mezhdunarodnym Soyuzom Pisateley `Novyy Sovremennik`. ····· 103614243

Zamuzh po obyavleniyu

für 13.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Predstoyashchaya poezdka v gosti k podruge ne predveshchala nikakoy opasnosti. Vperedi geroinyu zhdal mesyats dolgozhdannogo otdykha v udivitel`no krasivom meste Germanii v solnechnoy Bavarii. Prekrasnaya priroda, progulki po uyutnomu nemetskomu gorodku so starinnoy arkhitekturoy, obshchenie s blizkim po dukhu lyud`mi - eto to, chego zhdala, kak obychno, Mila (geroinya). Eti poezdki, stavshie traditsionnymi, davali zaryad bodrosti na ves` god, do sleduyushchego otpuska. Nelepoe ob`yavlenie v gazete o zamuzhestve, kotoroe podruga dala ot ee imeni, prevrashchaet poezdku ne prosto v opasnoe, a smertel`no opasnoe, priklyuchenie. Chtoby vernut`sya domoy zhivoy i nevredimoy, ey prikhoditsya proyavit` chudesa izobretatel`nosti i khrabrosti. Priklyucheniya, pogonya i neozhidannye preobrazheniya geroini ne ostavyat vas ravnodushnymi i zastavyat prochest` knigu ne otryvayas`! ····· 103614169


für 71.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V romane `Otlichnik` proslezhivaetsya zhiznennyy put` molodogo cheloveka, priekhavshego iz provintsii v Moskvu. Glavnyy geroy, Dmitriy Krestnikov, bezhit ot neschastnoy lyubvi v stolitsu. Rabotaet na stroyke, poseshchaet teatral`nuyu studiyu i, kak sledstvie, postupaet uchit`sya v tvorcheskiy institut na rezhissera. Uchebu sovmeshchaet s vedeniem dramkruzhka v sredney shkole. Zavodit znakomstva, vlyublyaetsya, poznaet pervyy uspekh i pervoe razocharovanie. Nakhodit nastoyashchikh druzey i tu, Edinstvennuyu, o kotoroy mechtal. Zakrepivshis` v professii, sleduya printsipu: `Terpenie, Tvorchestvo, Talant`, stavit spektakli na provintsial`noy i stolichnoy stsenakh. Kniga izobiluet peripetiyami, dostoynymi priklyuchencheskogo romana, no vmeste s tem podnimaet voprosy, nad kotorymi stoit zadumat`sya. Rekomenduetsya dlya prochteniya tem, u kogo molodoe serdtse. ····· 103613908

Ne kras`te chernym korabli

für 13.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Grustit` v nachale reysa ne rezon. Kak budto neizbyvnuyu poteryu, Ya vse eshche nashchupyvayu bereg, Udarivshis` glazami v gorizont. Prosti menya, dalekaya zemlya Za to, chto ya, tvoy neputevyy zhitel`, Smotryu v svoyu poslednyuyu obitel` S dalekoy tochki - tochki korablya. Chelovek vybiraet more. On zhivet im i dyshit. Ego gorizont zamknut na krug. Eto ego zhizn` so svoimi pechalyami, radostyami i vechnoy toskoy o zemle.Kto-to mudryy skazal: Esli khochesh` vsyu zhizn` nichego ne delat` - polyubi svoyu rabotu. Ya poproboval - ne poluchilos`: mezhdu morem i chelovekom stoit vremya. Eta kniga o lyudyakh, s kotorymi avtor toptal golubye dorogi planety. Ona dlya tekh, komu po nocham snitsya more. ····· 103613904

Blizkie. Za chertoy dozvolennogo...

für 38.25€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V zhizni byvaet vsyakoe... On nikogda ne prinimal resheniy vo vred sebe, istinno verya v svoyu beznakazannost`. Nevozmozhno zastavit` stradat` togo, ch`e serdtse davno pokrylos` korkoy l`da. No odin vzglyad izmenil vse... Ona vsegda dumala, chto proshchat` - eto slabost`. S kazhdym godom prevrashchaya obidy v `oruzhie`, kotorym bila vsekh i kazhdogo. Ey stalo nevozmozhno prichinit` bol`. No odin lish` vzglyad izmenil vse... Lyubov`... Strannoe slovo, kharakterizuyushchee mnozhestvo chuvstv i emotsiy. My ne mozhem zhit` bez lyubvi. Bez svoey `vtoroy polovinki`. Byt` ne tsel`nym. No, chto delat`, esli eta `polovinka` i tak samyy dorogoy tebe chelovek Chto delat`, kogda lyubov`, chto sluchilas` s toboy, dlya vsekh - `nepravil`naya` Otstupit`sya Ili borot`sya za nee do poslednego Ved` lyubyat ne za chto-to, a vopreki. ····· 103613896

An Introduction To Corporate Managerial Accounting

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book aims at providing basic and fundamental principles of financial accounting and management accounting to first year students, particularly those studying for Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree. It seeks to guide the students, particularly those without a financial background, to grasp the basics of managerial accounting and how it applies in the business world. The book starts by laying basics of financial accounting by defining and explaining the following concepts: double-entry principle, trial balance, statement of comprehensive income, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows and statement of changes in equity. It also explains the general guidelines and standards that have to be followed in preparing the above. Basics of financial statements analysis are explained. The book then looks at basic management accounting and explains the following concepts that are necessary to a manager: basic standard costing and variance analysis, costing and pricing methods, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting and budgetary control. ····· 103613859

Meiobenthos of Chilka Lake (Lagoon)

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Chilka Lake which undergoes wide changes of salinity annually is best suited to study the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of water in relation to the prevailing seasonal water quality fluctuations. During the year 2004,the Ministry Of Earth Sciences, Government of India has identified Chilka Lagoon as a Model to provide a good database and initiated a project Modelling on Chilka Lake: An Ecosystem approach The present book addressed among other things issues concerning meiobenthic communities and their response to environmental factors, determining the species abundance patterns and community structure and finally the nematode diversity and response to environmental gradients and taxonomic distinctness diversity, canonical correspondence analysis paradigms some of which algorithms are presented first time on nematode species from the Indian sub continent. ····· 103613855

Musical orchestration

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The construction of all bowed string instruments are identical but there are certain techniques common to the entire group of hydrophones which are best discussed together as prelude to separate consideration of each instrument.If musician of instrumental orchestration with in different instruments can use this book in simple and interesting understanding and compose music for different conductors. ····· 103613842

Tackling Terrorism in Pakistan

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Pakistan a land full of natural beauty and resources with very hard working people, it is ideally located in south East Asia for trade and development, In last couple of decades Pakistan is going through internal fights against extremism, now there are two school of thoughts one in favor of development, modernization and other more conservative and traditional, in this book we have discuss the rise of terrorism in Pakistan and also means of controlling it through technology. ····· 103613611

Modelling and Investigation of Wetting Properties of Textile Materials

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wetting Phenomenon of Fibrous Structures: Test Methods and Mathematical Modelling of the System. Experiments are inevitable in order to collect required information about the investigated target. Unfortunately in most of the cases it is time consuming and usually additional auxiliary appliances are needed. For the investigation of the processes that are being performed in a macroscopic or in a microscopic levels, nowadays used test methods may not be a sufficient tool. Analysis for this type of processes can be simplified by implementation of mathematical modeling. It can also save time, visualize the process and deliver reliable results. ····· 103613449

Improving the Performance of Food and Beverage Department

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This monograph sets out to help food and beverage managers to identify and respond to opportunities for performance improvement, improved quality and profitability, by assessing the potential for operational efficiencies. Aim The development of a program of service for food and beverage operations. Many scholars have argued that good management is based on the effective use of objectives in order to develop suitable strategies and tactics by which to achieve this aim. Objectives Improved food and beverage performance, productivity, quality, value and service. Added benefits for customers, owners, managers and staff. Total customer satisfaction. Increased profits. Objectives, strategy and tactics will need to be reviewed constantly. However, effective we become there will always be more room for improvement. Successful strategy development must be based on continuing concern for customer care. The only enduring way to improve profit performance is by continuously seeking to meet customers needs more than effectively. The effective food and beverage manager needs to clearly understand the operating environment, the market, customer needs, wants and expectations. ····· 103613416

The Industrial Development Concepts

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Industries are the major component of resurgence for economic development of any country. They are not only instrument of change but vehicles of growth and diversification. The role of Industries were adequately realized long back, in particularly suited for the better utilization of local resources and for the achievement of local self-sufficiency in respect of certain types of essential. The most pressing need in Ethiopia is rapid industrialization to achieving the basic objectives of their economic and social progress. The development of industries will contribute to expansion of existing industrial base and growth. ····· 103613397

Computational Modeling of Biological Pathways

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Quantitative modeling of biopathway dynamics is crucial to the system-level understanding of cellular functions and behavior. Currently, a common method of representing bio-pathways is through a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). However, calibrating and analyzing large ODE-based pathway models often requires a large number of numerical simulations. To address this issue, this book presents a probabilistic approximation approach. by which the analysis of ODE-based models can be considerably simplified. The applicability of these techniques has been by studying two existing pathways and a `live` pathway called the complement system in collaboration with biologists. Apart from improved performance, the crucial insights gained from the study of complement system could contribute to the development of immunomodulation therapies. This book should be useful to researches in Computational Systems Biology field, or anyone else who may be considering utilizing ODEs for their modeling efforts. ····· 103613301

Characteristics of Patients Presenting With First Episode Psychosis

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Schizophrenia is a chronic debilitating illness that affects young individuals worldwide. It leads to difficulties in many areas including social and occupational functioning. Access to treatment for schizophrenics are usually beset with obstacles that lead to delays in obtaining the necessary intervention. One of the reasons for these delays is failure to recognize early symptoms of the illness and it is vital that they receive treatment early to prevent or minimize serious impairment later in life. This study was conducted with the aim of helping doctors identify early symptoms and how these symptoms may manifest differently between both genders and different ethnic groups. ····· 103613202

Las TIC en el aprendizaje de instrumentos musicales

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este trabajo se aborda el tema de la utilización de las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación, para optimizar el aprendizaje de instrumentos musicales en niños de la Orquesta Escuela Grillitos Sinfónicos. Se indaga, mediante entrevistas y observación participante, sobre la incidencia de la navegación en la Web, por las páginas documentales e historiográficas referidas a la música, en sus procesos de obtención de información, y sus efectos sobre las conductas de los niños y docentes que se valen de los datos obtenidos por estos medios para mejorar sus prácticas y aprendizajes. Se trata de demostrar la efectividad y la viabilidad de ciertas estrategias de aprendizaje, particularmente en lo referente a la ejecución de sus instrumentos y del repertorio orquestal, por parte de los niños, en el contexto estudiado, a través del análisis de la variables intervinientes en el proceso de búsqueda, asimilación, y acomodación de las diferentes habilidades de conocimiento musical. ····· 103613103

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