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Motion & Emotion

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Gundel Kilian liebt die flüchtigsten aller Künste - die darstellenden! Selbst Tänzerin im Stuttgarter Ballett (von 1948 - 1953) war ihr wohl vorbestimmt, den Beruf der Fotografin nach ihrer Heirat mit dem berühmten Fotografen Hannes Kilian zu erlernen. Dieses außergewöhnliche Buch zeugt von ihrer Leidenschaft und Liebe, Menschen auf und hinter der Bühne festzuhalten. Es würde jeden Rahmen sprengen, alle Aufnahmen ihres Werkes zu zeigen, doch die Auswahl aus der Fülle der Fotos ist in diesem Bildband wunderbar gelungen, die `Highlights` von Oper, Schauspiel und vor allem Ballett sind sensationell. Auch die Persönlichkeiten, die Gundel Kilian mit der Kamera festhielt, dokumentieren Jahrzehnte und werden jeden Theaterliebhaber begeistern. ····· 10361195363

Bjørn Melhus

····· lezzter Preis 28.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bjørn Melhus: NACHTWACHE/NIGHTWATCH ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361194485

Digitalisierte Jugend

····· lezzter Preis 24.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Themen des aktuellen Schwerpunktes u.a.: Joachim von Gottberg: Digitalisierte Jugend. Einführung ins Titelthema Jenni Zylka: Nie war die Jugend so wertvoll wie heute Klaus Hurrelmann: `Das Jugendalter ist keine Übergangsphase mehr!` Nora Schultz: Baustelle im Kopf Susanne Vollberg: Klug durch YouTube! Zur Relevanz von populären Wissenschaftskanälen und Lernvideos für Jugendliche Robin Blase: `Ich bin mir der Verantwortung bewusst.` Andreas Hartmann: Battle-Rap als neuer Mainstream Claudia Mikat: Unfassbar nice! Tabubrüche im Battle-Rap und Jugendschutzaspekte Daniel Hajok, Daniel Hildebrandt: Das veränderte Bild von Jugend im Jugendmedienschutz. Ein Streifzug durch 64 Jahre Indizierung von Medien Maximilian Reich: Kolumne: Ausweiskontrolle beim Bäcker ····· 10361193443


····· lezzter Preis 29.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Medium Film suggeriert Unmittelbarkeit und Wirklichkeitsnähe wie kein anderes Medium. Es lässt in einer Weise auf Ereignisse blicken, die der direkten, vormedialen Wahrnehmung sehr ähnlich ist. Im dokumentarischen Bereich schafft der Film das Abbild von Vorgängen im Spektrum der Medien, es scheint Beweischarakter zu haben. Dies gilt auch, wenn es um die Thematisierung der Vergangenheit geht. So verwundert es nicht, dass historische Filmdokumente, meist eingeschnitten in Dokumentationen aller Art, Konjunktur haben. Dabei ist der Bedarf der modernen Mediengesellschaft nach immer `neuen`, das heißt noch nie gezeigten `alten` Filmbildern groß. Das gilt in verstärktem Maße auch für lokales und regionales Filmmaterial und auch der Amateurfilm erfährt hier zunehmend Beachtung. Doch gerade die scheinbare Unmittelbarkeit und historische Verlässlichkeit alten Filmmaterials wirft - von der Archivierung bis zur Verwertung - Fragen auf, denen sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, Archivare, Journalisten in diesem Band stellen. ····· 10361193403

Fünf Tage Insel. Hiddensee

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Seit über dreißig Jahren treffen sich die fünf Fotografen Christine de Boom, Volker Döring, Jens Koch, Steve Ludwig und Volker Pöhl zu gemeinsamen Projekten. Im Jahr 1988 fuhren sie zum ersten gemeinsamen Fotografieren auf die Insel Hiddensee, für ihr inzwischen siebtes gemeinsames Projekt im Herbst 2019 erneut. Der Vergleich zwischen den ersten fünf Projekten, deren Fotografien sie 2008 in einem gemeinsamen Buch vorlegten, und 2019 zeigt Kontinuitäten und Veränderungen - im Stil der Fotografen und im Charakter der Insel. ····· 10361189861

The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine, California

····· lezzter Preis 58.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the late 1960s and early `70s Lewis Baltz became fascinated by the stark, repellent, manmade landscape that was rolling over California`s then still agrarian terrain. Baltz made a number of projects on this subject, the best known of which, The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine, California, was first published in 1974. With this book Baltz took his place near the center of the New Topographic movement, a newly coined term emblematic of a cool, distanced, yet critical view of the emerging man-altered landscape. The Topographic position, detached and glacial, has since influenced photographic practice in the United States, Germany and Japan. ····· 10361188516

Feierabend / Après le boulot / After Work

····· lezzter Preis 65.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Following Arnold Odermatt`s Karambolage, On Duty and Off Duty, all published by Steidl, Let`s call it a day presents more rediscovered masterpieces by this remarkable selftaught photographer, who trained himself primarily through his duties as a policeman in the small, secluded Swiss canton of Nidwalden. Odermatt thus developed an unconventional artistic fingerprint, which served him well during his working days as well as after hours. Whenever off duty, Odermatt often volunteered to take pictures throughout Nidwalden. He photographed his motifs usually only once, developed prints on demand and then archived them in his attic-all was preserved but ignored. Luckily, the photographer`s son has rescued these treasures and ensured their publication. Let`s call it a day is the fourth volume in a series of books that brings into focus this extraordinary work. ····· 10361188514

Loaded Shine

····· lezzter Preis 25.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Taken between 2008 and 2013 in New York, Lisbon, Paris and Berlin as well as in the French and Portuguese countryside, these photographs by Paulo Nozolino bear his usual dark symbolic syntax. Still using 35mm fi lm and occasionally a flash, this tight sequence of vertical pictures shows us, once again, his everlasting concern for the state of the world and his quest for the pure, true, non-manipulated analogic image. ····· 10361188513

CTRL-X. A topography of e-waste

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ctrl-X. A topography of e-waste explores the irresponsible handling of limited resources, one of the most pressing problems of our globalized world today. In this book Kai Löffelbein follows the electronic-waste trails from Europe and the United States to the post-apocalyptic scenery of Agbogbloshie in Ghana, the e-waste city of Guiyu in China and the backyard workshops of New Delhi. Here he meticulously documents the appalling conditions under which workers, sometimes even children, attempt to recover any valuable raw materials contained in our e-waste, refuse that is illegally exported from the West in order to bypass expensive recycling. In an increasingly digitized world, a life without electronic devices seems inconceivable for us: computers, cell phones, MP3 players and tablets have become our daily companions. And as long as we continue to defi ne ourselves by the products we consume-the latest smartphone, the fastest processor and the thinnest laptop-the millions of tons of e-waste produced annually will continue to increase. ····· 10361188512

Lake Pictures

····· lezzter Preis 48.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Lake Pictures is a series of photographs of Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes bordering the state of Michigan. The picture -taken at the same place, during the four seasons, and at different times of day and night-explore the changing atmospheric nature of the lake through the prisms of water, sky, color, light, place, space and time. Looking at this immense body of water and the sky above, both initially seem boundless, as if stretching forever into the distance. Only the fine horizon line between the two separates and joins them, pulling us into each photo and reminding us that this sense of infinity is but an intriguing optical fiction. ····· 10361188510

Inventaire, un paysage automobile

····· lezzter Preis 28.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In 1967, Jean-Luc Godard released his film `Week-end.` One of its scenes, in which the two protagonists stubbornly overtake an extensive traffi c jam in a Facel Vega Facellia cabriolet,qualifies as the longest tracking shots in the history of cinema. The camera slowly passes by the line of about forty motionless cars whose occupants employ the most varied techniques to kill time. In a sense the viewer is also waiting, for seven long minutes, wondering what the cause of thetraffic jam might be. In what for Godard is a metaphor for life-the camera`s journey ends in a pool of blood, the victims and the crippled cars have meanwhile been cleared from the street-Pascal Cavin sees, somewhat nostalgically, an impressive catalogue of cars. By isolating and labeling the individual vehicles in forty-five stills, he creates a thorough historical inventory of the automobile types populating the streets in the late 1960s. ····· 10361188509


····· lezzter Preis 55.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Guy Bourdin was a groundbreaking image-maker and undoubtedly one of the most influential fashion photographers of the twentieth century. Intriguing and revolutionary, his work has achieved a cult-like following the striking use of color, suggestive narratives, and surrealist aesthetics establishing a visual language all his own. Though best known for his color images, Bourdin launched his career in black and white in the early 1950s. Untouched explores this largely unseen work and gives insight into the early development of his photographic eye. The carefully constructed images, initially conceived as an exhibition series, reveal his artistic motivation years before he began working on assignments for French Vogue and Photo Femina. In both concept and composition, these photographs display his fascination with striking graphic layouts and narrative cinematic portraiture. Capturing people he encountered on the streets of Paris, Bourdin trained his eye to transcend the reality of the medium, developing a unique perspective through unconventional manipulations of the picture plane. Untouched is the first volume in a series of eight forthcoming books that explore the photographer`s complete works. ····· 10361188496

Fancy Pictures

····· lezzter Preis 48.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Fancy Pictures brings together six of Mark Neville`s socially engaged and intensely immersive projects from the last decade. He often pictures tight working communities in a collaborative process intended to be of direct, practical benefit to his subjects. The Port Glasgow Book Project (2004) is a book of his social documentary images of the Scottish town. Never commercially available, copies were given directly to all 8000 residents. A second Scottish project involved Neville living and working with the farming community of the Isle of Bute for 18 months. Deeds Not Words (2011) focuses on Corby, an English town with a strong post-industrial identity that has suffered serious industrial pollution. Assembling photos and scientific data, he produced a book to be given free to the environmental health services department of each of the 433 local councils in the UK. In 2011 Neville spent three months working on the front line in Helmand, Afghanistan, as an official war artist. He made stills using multiple flash systems, and 16mm movies employing high-speed slow motion cameras. Often taken whilst out on patrol, Growing up in Helmand (2011) depicts a military occupancy by young people, almost children, of a country also populated by young people. Young Afghanis have taken on adult responsibilities early in life, mirroring the age of the teenage troops they engage with. Two projects for the USA are also included. Invited by the Andy Warhol Museum in 2012, Neville looked at the legacy of the steel industry in Pittsburgh, USA, through the prism of contemporary class and race. The critically acclaimed photo essay Here is London, commissioned by the New York Times Magazine, echoes the style of the celebrated photographers who documented the boom and bust of the 70s and 80s. ····· 10361188494

Beautiful America

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Jerry Berndt documented the period between 1968 and 1980 in America like no other photographer. Personally involved in the anti-Vietnam War activities of the 1960s, Berndt`s work combines photojournalism with documentary, conceptual and street photography to create a unique view of America`s social constitution during these decisive years. Berndt consistently placed himself near political conflict, systematically portraying the spectrum of America`s people and cityscapes, including the middle and working classes, as well as the inhabitants of America`s often ignored ghettos. In the early 1970s, Berndt withdrew from political protest and worked for newspapers, imbuing his pictures with a timelessness beyond current events. His work from this period shows how Americans expressed themselves culturally and socially (in beauty pageants, car showrooms, fashion shows and on the street), while also exposing the foundation of America`s changeable urban infrastructure (offices, bars, arterial highways, billboards and parking lots). This book visualizes an important, uneasy period of transition in American`s recent history, and highlights the literal and ironic aspects of its `beauty.` ····· 10361188491

Choupette by Karl Lagerfeld

····· lezzter Preis 24.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Choupette ist die berühmteste Katze der Welt - und die verwöhnteste: Sie hat eigene Angestellte, wird manikürt und bekommt ihre Mahlzeiten nur auf Tellern der Nobelmarken Goyard und Vuitton serviert. Nun kommt ihr erstes Buch heraus. `Choupette by Karl Lagerfeld` umfasst eine Auswahl von Polaroids, die Karl Lagerfeld täglich von seiner geliebten Katze und Muse macht. Choupette genießt ihr Luxusleben in vollen Zügen - und das zeigt sie auch: Wir sehen sie auf einem Bücherstapel sitzend, zusammengerollt im Waschbecken des Badezimmers, und natürlich vor dem Spiegel. Dieses Buch ist ein liebevoller und verspielter Blick in die prachtvolle Welt von Choupette. Ob sie einer weiteren Publikation ihrer Porträts zustimmen wird, ist aber noch nicht entschieden: `Ich denke ans Geschäft`, sagt Karl Lagerfeld, `sie tut das nicht.` ····· 10361188490


····· lezzter Preis 43.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What exactly is a shadow Is it light tracing an object or the shape a body throws when it comes between a light source and a surface Is it a metaphor for the intimate, darker side of a person`s nature, the unconscious side of one`s self, where daemons and secrets are kept hidden or repressed Is it an allegorical place or state of being, somewhere between darkness and light, living and dying Or is it a state of illusion, like Plato`s cave Is it a verb that means to follow or accompany, or even to spy on Shadows, a new collaborative series by Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves, explores the real and symbolic nature of the shadow as image and figure of speech. Grant`s photographs capture Reeves`s shadow at times as a silhouette and at others as traces of light as he and the camera move together. In transforming the images into color and reversing light for dark, Grant has made the shadows themselves the source of light. Reeves`s texts, written in tandem with the creation of the images, give voice to the multiple manifestations of the shadow: as a projected figure, a place of concealed emotion, and an invocation to shadow play. ····· 10361188472

Simon Johnston: Meridian

····· lezzter Preis 30.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Meridian project is a series of large format black and white photographs taken in England on the line of zero degrees longitude. Using GPS technology to establish accurate locations, Johnston took photographs on this line from coast to coast, with the camera facing either due north or due south. A vertical fluorescent orange line was then superimposed in the center of the photographs to represent the line of zero degrees longitude. The addition of the line transgresses the conventional purity of the photographic picture plane and makes visible that which is invisible/theoretical/conceptual. This graphic intervention mirrors the way we superimpose a rational grid over the globe, mapping and regulating space and time to better coordinate and facilitate international trade and navigation. Although a prime meridian was established in the Greenwich Observatory in London in the late 18th century, many other countries used their own prime meridians, causing much confusion, and it was not until an International Meridian Conference in 1884 that it was agreed that Greenwich would become the global Prime Meridian. This cross-section portrait of a country also deals with the way in which time is measured, the Prime Meridian being the international dateline from which all other time zones are calculated. Thus time and navigation are also subjects of the series. The photographs depict the span of history, from ancient churches to industrial buildings, as well as various forms of transportation, by road, rail and air and from barges to ocean vessels. ····· 10361188469

Rheinhausen 1988

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Im Winter 1988 brachte das Zeit-Magazin anlässlich vehementer Arbeiterproteste gegen die Schließung des Krupp-Stahlwerks Rheinhausen eine dreiteilige Reportage. Am Beispiel der Familie Ebert, die in vierter Generation für das legendäre Hüttenwerk bei Duisburg arbeitete, dokumentierten der Journalist Wolfram Runkel und der Fotograf Dirk Reinartz in Wort und Bild Geschichte und Niedergang des Standortes Rheinhausen. Schleichend vollzog sich der Wandel von der bedingungslosen Solidarität zur Firma, die ihren Mitarbeitern neben Arbeitsplätzen ein ganzes System an Alltags- und Freizeiteinrichtungen bot, hin zur bitteren Enttäuschung und Auflehnung. Rheinhausen wurde zum Sinnbild der `Stahlkrise` und für das Ende einer über hundertjährigen Industriesparte. ····· 10361188467


····· lezzter Preis 88.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
These three volumes of Tom Wood`s new work, Landscapes, are drawn from the artist`s extensive unseen and unpublished landscape work. The first volume concentrates on Wood`s photographs made in response to the West of Ireland, County Mayo, the landscape of his birthplace and childhood and an area he has returned to as an artist almost every year since 1975. Taken over decades, views of this wild and remote landscape, many of them glimpsed from the car, bus or train during his journeys there, are combined with fragile fragments of surviving family photographs, video stills, and intimate and affectionate portraits of day-to-day life within a rural community. The second volume consists of Wood`s landscapes predominantly made within Merseyside, where he lived and worked for 25 years, from 1978-2003. In this more urban environment, his landscapes encompass pictures of people`s homes and gardens, parks, wastelands, and the river Mersey. Wood moved to Wales in 2003 to address what he has referred to as `the matter of landscape.` His open and experimental approach to photography means he is constantly pushing its formal and conceptual possibilities. Selected from the photographs he has been making in Wales, the third volume is the most formally abstract of the three books and includes many photographs taken with a panoramic camera - complex, optically rich pictures with multiple points of view and focus. ····· 10361188463

Hinter den Bergen

····· lezzter Preis 28.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Berge, Kühe, traditionelle Arbeitsweisen auf der einen Seite, Reklametafeln, Ski-Hütten und die Exzesse einer enthemmten Freizeitgesellschaft auf der anderen: All das haben die Alpen zu bieten.

In seinem neuen Buch zeigt Lois Hechenblaikner, auf welch dramatische Art und Weise sich die Alpen in den letzten zwei Generationen verändert haben. Seine Farbfotografien stellt er den Schwarzweißfotografien des bereits verstorbenen Agraringenieurs Armin Kniley gegenüber und konfrontiert den Betrachter so mit zwei gegensätzlichen Szenarien, zwischen denen bis zu sechzig Jahre liegen. Die Doppelbödigkeit der entstehenden Pendants führt bisweilen zu ungläubigem Kopfschütteln: Heute blüht in den Alpen nicht mehr der Enzian, sondern der Massentourismus, und die Kühe sind aus lila Plastik. Nicht Heuballen, sondern Golftrolleys werden im Konvoi über die Wiesen gezogen. Treffend analysiert Hechenblaikner die Umfunktionierung einer agrarwirtschaftlichen Nutzlandschaft in eine benutzte Freizeitlandschaft - und hält damit unserer Gesellschaft einen Spiegel vor. ····· 10361188462

Chronophagia. Selected Works 1984 - 2009

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Beirut. Tripoli. Havana. Chernobyl. New Orleans. Rio. Amman. Versailles. Over the course of thirty years, Robert Polidori has travelled the world photographing places with names so familiar we feel we know them already. On the occasion of his first museum retrospective in the United States, the artist has selected more than one hundred photographs for this volume that challenge our preconceptions, mining both the accoutrement and the psychology of space for what they tell us-and for what they withhold-about history, memory, identity, and time. The catalogue to this exhibition is now published as a book. ····· 10361188457

Invisible City

····· lezzter Preis 34.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
For a decade, Ken Schles watched the passing of time from his Lower East Side neighbourhood. His camera fixed the instances of his observations, and these moments became the foundation of his invisible city. Friends and architecture come under the scrutiny of his lens and, when sorted and viewed in the pages of this book, a remarkable achievement of personal vision emerges.Twenty-five years later, Invisible City still has the ability to transfix the viewer. A penetrating and intimate portrayal of a world few had entrance to or means of egress from , Invisible City stands alongside Brassai s Paris de Nuit and van der Elsken s Love On The Left Bank as one of the 20th century s great depictions of nocturnal bohemian experience. Documenting his life in New York City s East Village during its heyday in the tumultuous 1980s, Schles captured its look and attitude in delirious and dark verité. Long out of print, this missing link in the history of the photographic book is now once again made available. Using scans from the original negatives and Steidl s five plate technique to bring out nuance and detail never seen before in print, this masterful edition transcends the original, bringing this underground cult classic into the 21st century for a new generation to discover. ····· 10361188455


····· lezzter Preis 58.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wounded. The Legacy of War zeigt beeindruckende Porträts junger britischer Soldaten und Soldatinnen, die versehrt aus dem Irak oder Afghanistan zurückkamen oder bei Übungen verwundet wurden. Bryan Adams richtet sein Objektiv auf ihre Narben, ihre Verletzungen und Verstümmelungen. Aufgrunddieser bedrückenden Unmittelbarkeit sind die Porträts eine Herausforderung für den Betrachter, gleichzeitig aber offenbaren sie die beeindruckende Charakterstärke und Tapferkeit, mit der die Opfer trotz ihrer Beeinträchtigung jeden Tag in Würde weiterleben. Es sind atemberaubende Fotografien von Menschen, die ohne zu zögern in den Krieg gingen und nun ihre Geschichte erzählen. Die Bilder werden von Interviews begleitet, die jedes einzelne Schicksal beleuchten. ····· 10361188454

Distance and Desire

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Distance and Desire - accompanying the same-titled exhibition in Neu-Ulm - is the first major publication to stage a dialogue between the ethnographic visions of late nineteenth and early-twentieth century African photography and engagements with this imagery by contemporary artists. Presenting an extraordinary range of portraits, albums, postcards, cartes de visite, and books from Southern Africa, as well as recent photography and video art from The Walther Collection, the catalogue includes original thematic essays by leading art historians, anthropologists, and cultural critics. Distance and Desire offers new perspectives on the African archive, reimagining its diverse histories and changing meanings. Distance and Desire investigates typical representations of African subjects, from scenes in nature and romanticized images of semi-nude models, to modern sitters posing in stylized studios, critically addressing the politics of colonialism and the complex issues of gender and identity. Among many diverse topics, the catalogue examines in-depth a series of cartes de visite from the Diamond Fields in Kimberley, the figure of the Zulu, the history of South Africa`s prominent studio photographers, A.M. Duggan-Cronin`s extensive ethnographic study The Bantu Tribes of South Africa, and the archive of elegant family portraits reproduced by the contemporary artist Santu Mofokeng in The Black Photo Album / Look at Me: 1890-1950. The catalogue also reveals how the heritage of African imagery figures in the practices of contemporary African and African American artists, whose compelling photography and video art reworks the archive through satire or appropriation. ····· 10361188450

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