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····· lezzter Preis 58.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wounded. The Legacy of War zeigt beeindruckende Porträts junger britischer Soldaten und Soldatinnen, die versehrt aus dem Irak oder Afghanistan zurückkamen oder bei Übungen verwundet wurden. Bryan Adams richtet sein Objektiv auf ihre Narben, ihre Verletzungen und Verstümmelungen. Aufgrunddieser bedrückenden Unmittelbarkeit sind die Porträts eine Herausforderung für den Betrachter, gleichzeitig aber offenbaren sie die beeindruckende Charakterstärke und Tapferkeit, mit der die Opfer trotz ihrer Beeinträchtigung jeden Tag in Würde weiterleben. Es sind atemberaubende Fotografien von Menschen, die ohne zu zögern in den Krieg gingen und nun ihre Geschichte erzählen. Die Bilder werden von Interviews begleitet, die jedes einzelne Schicksal beleuchten. ····· 10361188454

Distance and Desire

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Distance and Desire - accompanying the same-titled exhibition in Neu-Ulm - is the first major publication to stage a dialogue between the ethnographic visions of late nineteenth and early-twentieth century African photography and engagements with this imagery by contemporary artists. Presenting an extraordinary range of portraits, albums, postcards, cartes de visite, and books from Southern Africa, as well as recent photography and video art from The Walther Collection, the catalogue includes original thematic essays by leading art historians, anthropologists, and cultural critics. Distance and Desire offers new perspectives on the African archive, reimagining its diverse histories and changing meanings. Distance and Desire investigates typical representations of African subjects, from scenes in nature and romanticized images of semi-nude models, to modern sitters posing in stylized studios, critically addressing the politics of colonialism and the complex issues of gender and identity. Among many diverse topics, the catalogue examines in-depth a series of cartes de visite from the Diamond Fields in Kimberley, the figure of the Zulu, the history of South Africa`s prominent studio photographers, A.M. Duggan-Cronin`s extensive ethnographic study The Bantu Tribes of South Africa, and the archive of elegant family portraits reproduced by the contemporary artist Santu Mofokeng in The Black Photo Album / Look at Me: 1890-1950. The catalogue also reveals how the heritage of African imagery figures in the practices of contemporary African and African American artists, whose compelling photography and video art reworks the archive through satire or appropriation. ····· 10361188450


····· lezzter Preis 40.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`When I was born, I came home to my grandfather`s house. His name was Morris Cohen. He was my mother`s father. I lived with him for three years until my parents built a small little house and we moved away. But from the time I was born until he died when I was 19, I either spoke to him or saw him every day. He owned a hardware store that catered to plumbers, electricians, woodworkers, contractors. It was an early version of a contractors` supply store. It was called `The Save Supply Company.` He was a very large man, and he felt he could do anything with his hands. He made tables, he fixed automobiles, he was an electrician, and he was lousy at all of it. But through sheer force of will, he forged ahead.` Jim Dine ····· 10361188449

Rolls Royce

····· lezzter Preis 45.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rolls-Royce, a world renowned iconic brand and symbol of all that is British, Koto Bolofo goes behind the scenes and examines in minute detail the making of the car that is the first choice of film stars and heads of state. Given carte blanche by Rolls-Royce, Koto photo documents the painstaking craftsmanship that goes into the creation of these superlative vehicles. Beautifully portraying the use of technology in this state of the art manufacturing plant which still puts a heavy emphasis on artisan crafts. This visual diary pays tribute to Rolls-Royce and stays true to the words of Sir Henry Royce Strive for perfection in everything you do. Koto s keen eye for detail and ability to see beyond the obvious, creatively captures the construction of these magnificent cars in a way that can only be described as perfection. ····· 10361188448

Paper Making

····· lezzter Preis 50.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hahnemühle is the oldest paper mill in Germany-and indeed the world-which has consistently produced fine art paper since its inception over 400 years ago. Using their own supply of spring water and imported pulps, Hahnemühle crafts luxury papers based on time-tested traditional methods. In Papermaking, Koto Bolofo graphically captures Hahnemühle`s artisanal processes and antique machinery alongside today`s most advanced technologies, uncovering the attention to detail, vision and pride that have sustained the company`s unmatched reputation for centuries. ····· 10361188447


····· lezzter Preis 50.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This whimsical and in-depth behind-the-scenes study leads the reader into the world of Steidl Publishers in Göttingen. With his inimitable and patient eye, Koto Bolofo takes us through the labyrinthine corridors and stairways of the publishing house, documenting the myriad processes and people at work, and giving us an insider`s glance into how Steidl`s books come to life. ····· 10361188446


····· lezzter Preis 50.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Koto Bolofo creases book spines and gently fl icks through pages to explore what has happened behind the scenes in the world of bookbinding-an ancient craft that has protected our most valuable manuscripts since the infancy of art and literature, keeping safe the wisdom of the past. As the processes of binding have now increasingly moved from man to machine, Bolofo`s Binding is a meticulous study of bookbinding today that embraces the new and laments the loss of the old. The human touch is still evident, but is gradually disappearing. Trying to hold back the tides of time, Bolofo playfully begs the question: has this cherished practice lost its soul and are we now slaves to the machine ····· 10361188445

Brand Wand

····· lezzter Preis 78.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die aufragenden, auf den ersten Blick leblosen Mauern aufgeschnittenerMietshäuser dominierten nach den Bombardierungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg das Bild deutscher Städte. Brandwände, ursprünglich in die Konstruktion des Hauses integriert und von der Straße aus nicht sichtbar, traten nun schroff hervor. Seither hat der Begriff eine Bedeutung hinzugewonnen: Er bezeichnet auch eine Wand, die der Brand einst verschonte. Zumeist grenzen Brandwände an weitläufige Brachen. Die `wild` gebrochenen Fensteröffnungen in zufälliger Anordnung sind manchmal auch schon wieder zugemauert. Als Symbole des Zusammenbruchs, des Neubeginns wie des Scheiterns tragen die Mauern die Spuren deutschen Schicksals: Einschusslöcher, Bombensplitter, Ruß, Umrisse vergangener Gebäude, Notreparaturen. Sie sind dicht bewachsen, kahl oder verputzt und mitunter von Graffiti und Werbung überzogen. Nach dem Ende der DDR und im Zuge des seitdem anhaltenden Immobilienbooms wurden viele Altbauten saniert, ihre Brandwände meist übertüncht. Schaut man aber hinter diese Mauern, findet man auf den Innenseiten oft Abdrücke derselben Geschichte, wie die Negativform desselben Gusses. Harf Zimmermann hat über einen Zeitraum von 15 Jahren hinweg gezielt nach solchen Mauern gesucht. Dieses Buch versammelt Beispiele aus dem Osten Deutschlands. ····· 10361188444

Here and Gone

····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
John Cohen was a founding member of the New Lost City Ramblers, one of the folk revival`s most authentic and respected musical groups. In the 1960s he made a series of photographs of the last years of Woody Guthrie`s life, and early portraits of Bob Dylan on his arrival in New York, depicting two titans of American music at opposite ends of their careers. In the process, Cohen portrayed one of the great moments of American folk music history. The book contains other images from the 1960s including the music scenes at Washington Square and on MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village, images of Jerry Garcia and the musicians in San Francisco`s `Family Dog,` as well as the psychedelic `Sky River Rock` festival. In 1970, Dylan requested Cohen make another set of color photographs of him with a `camera that could take photographs from a block away.` By then, he had become world-famous. Bob was seen walking unrecognized on the streets of the city and at a farm in upstate NY. The photographs were used in Dylan`s album `Self Portrait.` ····· 10361188441

High Desert

····· lezzter Preis 40.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`A Note to the ViewerThis book is divided into three separate parts: The photographs, the photographic chronology and the text. The advantages of this format is to give you, the viewer, at least three options. You can proceed chronologically from the beginning of the book to the end, thereby grasping the artist`s full intent to inform, entertain and intrigue. Or you may casually thumb through the book spotting only those details that give meaning to each piece. Or you may flip the pages rapidly just to get a bird`s eye view of the content. Or perhaps, you may discover some aspects of the book that we overlooked altogether. Nevertheless no matter what option a viewer chooses to take, it is our desire that each of you get so close to the piece that you see the smoke from its breath as it comes alive. Noah Purifoy April, 1997` ····· 10361188440

Looking up Ben James - A Fable

····· lezzter Preis 58.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`It is spring 2008 and my friend, photographer and book collector John Gossage is coming to the UK. We have planned to embark upon a minor road trip together. All John requests is that I drive and that we visit some `typical Parr seaside locations`. No problem.` Martin Parr `The protagonist of this work, `the photographer`, Mr. Parr is pictured throughout the book.` John Gossage Martin Parr and John Gossage`s British coastal trip covered spots like Georgian Clifton (Bristol), Severn Bridge (Wales), and Caerau, the mining village near Cardiff where photographer Robert Frank had made his famous report and met the miner Ben James in 1953. The road took them further north to reach Porthmadog and Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales, ending in Liverpool, Morecambe and smaller towns in the Lake District. The outcome are shots of street scenes, backyards, gardens, sceneries and very few people on the way, silent testimonies of small, unexpected details of everyday life in a world that is not visited by many, let alone photographed. As Parr concludes in his introductory text: `I am amazed that the collective vision of this volume is so familiar, but entirely alien. It restores my faith in photography to know that a mature and original photographer like John Gossage can see the things I just did not notice.` ····· 10361188439


····· lezzter Preis 40.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
At first Martin d`Orgeval`s fifth monograph, Découpages, appears as a collection of found objects, an anonymous catalogue with an unknown purpose. As the book unfolds, our vision embarks on a mysterious journey: the photographer`s unmitigated attention to shapes and shades, and lines and surfaces, challenges our ingrained viewing habits. Our personal associations and perceptions mingle with photographs of stacked marble plates in which nature and man`s intervention combine to produce self-processed, `cut-out` drawings and structures, `découpages`-a symbolic echo of what early pioneer of photography William Henry Fox Talbot coined in The Pencil of Nature (1844-46), the first commercially produced book illustrated with photographs. ····· 10361188438

The Family of Dog

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
With The Family of Dog, Michael Ruetz has implemented a unique photographic series in the last fifty years which at the same time presents a subtle and enlightening depiction of people and their social behaviour. Dogs, after all, are what we want to see in them and what we make of them. In the rarest case, a dog is simply an animal. Michael Ruetz photographed dogs on the street, at homes, on the beach or in front of the TV, which usually makes them fall asleep. He depicts them alone, with cats and cows and again and again as man`s companion. Ruetz avoids any mise-en-scène and imposing himself on the animals. Occasional provocative payoffs result from patient observation. As man in his daily routine, dogs slide into odd situations all the time. In this sincere and nevertheless ironic book, Michael Ruetz shows the various forms of canine existence, a comédie canine, in life as in death. ····· 10361188437


····· lezzter Preis 48.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wilmot is a little town in Ashley County, in southeast Arkansas. Its main street U.S. Highway 165 runs north-south on the east side of a railroad track, raised on a bed several feet above the highway itself. Once a town reliant on agriculture and cotton production, the growth of mechanized farming in the 1950s and 1960s and the arrival of mass retail in the 1970s made people leave Wilmot just as in other rural areas of the U.S.Susan Paulsen based her series on Wilmot on texts written and transferred to her by her cousin Mary Currie and sees it as a metaphor for the American agricultural south in general. Yet, at the same time it represents a visual archive of the liveliness of the town s former times, depicting many buildings that do not exist anymore today or are derelict. As her relative George T.M. Shackleford puts it: Paulsen has created photographs that have resonance for anyone who looks at them. That resonance comes not from some abstract language of forms seen in nature and captured in her lens, or from a series of facts gathered and arranged in a dispassionate order. That resonance comes not in spite of her involvement with the subject but because of it. ····· 10361188436

In Color

····· lezzter Preis 78.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This volume presents Bruce Davidson`s personal selections from his lesser-known color archive. Ranging from a period of fifty-six years and counting, these images are representative of the photographer`s color career. Assignments from various magazines (Vogue, National Geographic, Life magazine) and commercial projects led him to photograph fashion (early 1960s), the Shah of Iran with his family (1964), keepers of French monuments (1988), the supermodel Kylie Bax (1997), and college cheerleaders (1989). He photographed in India and China, but also at home in New York, in Chicago, and along the Pacific Coast Highway. In 1968, Michelangelo Antonioni invited him to document the making of his film Zabriskie Point. Davidson also continued to pursue personal projects, e.g. photographing the Yiddish writer and Nobel Prize laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer (1972-75), the New York City subway (1980), and Katz`s Delicatessen (2004). Often staying on in a country after an official assignment, he documented Welsh coalfields, family holidays in Martha`s Vineyard, and travelled through Patagonia and Mexico. ····· 10361188435

England / Scotland 1960

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In 1960, after an intense year photographing a notorious Brooklyn street gang The Jokers , Bruce Davidson decided to remove himself from the tension and depression of that work. He received an assignment to photograph Marilyn Monroe during the making of John Houston s The Misfits in the Nevada desert, and then travelled to London on commission for Queen magazine. Published by Jocelyn Stevens, Queen was devoted to British lifestyle and Davidson was charged, with no specific agenda, to spend a couple of months touring England and Scotland to create a visual portraitof the two countries. England / Scotland 1960 offers a poetic insight into the heart of English and Scottish cultures. Reflecting a post-warera in which the revolutions of the 1960s had not quite yet entered the mainstream, Davidson s photographs reveal societies driven by difference the extremes of city and country life, of the landed gentry and the common people. Published for the first time in its entirety in 2005, this new edition has a larger ideal format chosen by Davidson initially for his Black & White (2012), and now the standard size for his future publications with Steidl. ····· 10361188434

Guy Bourdin. A Message for You

····· lezzter Preis 55.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
With the eye of a painter, Guy Bourdin created images that contained fascinating stories, compositions and colors. He radically broke conventions of commercial photography with a relentless perfectionism and sharp humor. Famed for his suggestive narratives and surreal aesthetics, Bourdin used fashion photography to explore the realm between the absurd and the sublime. Now in its third edition, A Message for You is a road trip through Bourdin`s visual landscape, a collage of images that maps his artistic search and vision. The texts, Polaroids, poems, sketches and contact sheets unfold in real time through the memories of model Nicolle Meyer, a muse to Bourdin. Given total creative freedom and with an uncompromising artistic ethic, Bourdin captured the imagination of a whole generation. The late 1970s, recognized as the pinnacle of his career, are the focus of this monograph, which is the last of eight books exploring his most outstanding and undiscovered work so far. ····· 10361188433

Teen Tribe

····· lezzter Preis 56.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Teen Tribe is a series of intimate portraits of Martine Fougeron s two adolescent sons and their tribe of friends growingup in New York and France. Begun in 2004, Fougeron has followed the lives of her sons Nicolas and Adrien from the ages of thirteen and fourteen respectively as they entered adulthood. The book pictures adolescence as a transformative state, caught between childhood and adulthood, between the feminine and masculine, between innocence and burgeoning self-identity. As both mother and photographer, Fougeron combines a tender transparency for her subject with a more distanced view of the world of teenagers. Teen Tribe is a visual diary of her sons domestic lives arranged chronologically, capturing the different rites of passage and personal challenges they encounter over time. Inspired by Dutch paintings of domestic scenes particularly those of Vermeer, as well as by cinematic compositions, Fougeron s work is both a sensual biography of two boys, and a depiction of the universal process of growing up to which all can relate. Martine Fougeron was born in Paris in 1954 and studied at Wellesley College and l Institut d Études Politiques de Paris. For the past fourteen years she has lived with her two sons in New York. After a successful career as creative director of a perfumery, Fougeron turned to photography, studying at the International Center of Photography in New York. Her work on her two sons has been exhibited internationally and is held in major public and private collections including the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Fougeron is a regular contributor to The New Yorker and The New York Times Magazine. ····· 10361188432

The Big Picture

····· lezzter Preis 78.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is Arthur Elgort s first comprehensive book, showing his world-renowned fashion imagery alongside his personal work. The book spans Elgort s five-decade career and illustrates his longevity as an emulated fashion photographer. His lively and casual shooting style is significantly influenced by a lifelong love of music and dance, particularly jazz and ballet. Elgort s 1971 debut in British Vogue created a sensation in the fashion world where his soon-to-be iconic snapshot style and emphasis on movement and natural light transcended norms of fashion photography. Elgort subsequently rose to fame working for such distinguished magazines as American, French and Italian Vogue, Interview, GQ, Life and Rolling Stone and shooting advertising campaigns for fashion labels including Chanel, Valentino and Yves Saint Laurent. Arthur Elgort was born in 1940 and raised in New York City. He attended Stuyvesant High School, and Hunter College where he initially studied painting before switching to photography, which he took to naturally. Elgort s numerous books include Personal Fashion Photographs (1983) and the bestseller Models Manual released during the supermodel boom in 1994. Elgort has also directed two films, Texas Tenor: The Illinois Jacquet Story (1992), and the documentary Colorado Cowboy (1993) which portrays legendary cowboy Bruce Ford and won the award for Best Cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival in 1994. In 2011 Elgort received the Board of Directors Special Tribute Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America. ····· 10361188431


····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In 1977, I met Franco Basaglia, director of the manicomio (lunatic asylum) at the hospital in Triest, who was also theleader of an alternative psychiatric movement. Taking advantage of the chaotic political situation in Italy at the time, he started to close several psychiatric hospitals with a group of doctors, and had Law 180 passed in 1978, which resulted in the definitive closure of the asylums. Franco encouraged me to take photographs of this reality, If not, they will not believe us, he told me. With more than a hundred thousand people interned in psychiatric asylums all over Italy, the situation was indeed dramatic. He also introduced me to directors of other asylums in Venice, Naples, Arezzo and Turin. For four years, until the closure of the hospital on the island of San Clemente very close to Venice, I photographed these places of pain to preserve them in memory and to pay tribute to Franco Basaglia who died from a sudden illness in 1980. My film about San Clemente came out in 1982, but it s only now thirty years later after a long pause that I have finally edited and designed the photographic work that was begun all those years ago. Raymond Depardon ····· 10361188430

Los Alamos Revisited

····· lezzter Preis 950.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The negatives for what became known as the Los Alamos Project were made between 1965-1974, and were archived in two boxes labeled Box #17 and Box #83. In the nineties the boxes were transported from Memphis to New York, where William Eggleston, Walter Hopps, Caldecot Chubb and Winston Eggleston edited the photographs into a set of five portfolio boxes containing dye transfer prints, which were produced in an edition of five with three sets of artist proofs. In addition to this, thirteen images which hadn`t made it into the portfolios were printed and released as individually available dye-transfer prints, which were referred to as the `cousins` of the Los Alamos Project. Walter Hopps original vision was to make an exhibition of the Los Alamos Project, but plans for the exhibition fell through and the idea was abandoned. Hopps carefully packed and sent Box #17 back to Memphis, but forgot to return Box #83. For years, these negatives were lost. After Hopps` death his widow found Box #83 in his office and it was returned to the Eggleston Artistic Trust. All of the negatives in Box #83 had been reviewed numbered and ordered by Hopps, and later on they had been documented in a hand made book called Lost and Found Los Alamos. Towards the end of 2011, William Eggleston III (son of William) and Marc Holborn came together to review the nowcomplete set of negatives for a final edit. In early 2012 they finished their work and their edit forms the base for this threevolume set titled Los Alamos Revisited. The sequence of Los Alamos Revisited has been composed by Thomas Weski, who in 2002, together with the publisher Walter Keller edited the Scalo book Los Alamos. The edit for the Scalo edition had been made from the five portfolio boxes - Los Alamos Revisited brings together the complete set of photographs, including the long lost negatives: Box #83. William Eggleston was born in 1939 in Memphis, where he still lives and works. Steidl has published Eggleston`s Paris (2009), Before Color (2010) and Chromes (2011). ····· 10361188429

Erwin Blumenfeld. Blumenfeld Studio, Color, New York, 1941-1960

····· lezzter Preis 28.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Erwin Blumenfeld gehörte zu den gefragtesten und bestbezahlten
Modefotografen seiner Zeit. Vogue, Harper s Bazaar,
Cosmopolitan und Life waren seine Auftraggeber. Beeinflusst von
den Surrealisten und der künstlerischen Avantgarde unterwanderte
er schon mit seinen frühen Modeaufnahmen die
Konventionen des Genres und beeindruckte durch seine Originalität
und Perfektion.
Von seinem umfangreichen farbfotografischen Werk waren
bislang nur die für Magazinlayouts bearbeiteten Aufnahmen
bekannt. Für dieses Buch wurden die Originaldias aus dem
Archiv geborgen und die Farben akribisch rekonstruiert. So
sind seine Kompositionen erstmals in ihrer ursprünglichen
Form und Farbigkeit zu sehen. ····· 10361188428


····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the late nineties Bryan Adams became curious about making photographic self-portraits for his album covers, and
so chose to pick up the camera himself. That serendipitous decision was the beginning of a successful photographic
career, parallel to Adams impressive achievements as a singer, songwriter and producer. Exposed is a retrospective
of Adams photography and features portraits of friends and colleagues in the entertainment, fashion and art industries,
including Morrissey, Ben Kingsley, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Louise Bourgeois, Lindsay Lohan and Judi Dench.
This book, Adams first comprehensive monograph, exposes not only unknown facets of his subjects but also the
depth of Adams photographic faculty.
Bryan Adams, born in 1959 in Ontario, divides his time between music and photography. Adams has photographed for
magazines including Interview, i-D, Harper s Bazaar, and British and German Vogue. In 2003 he founded Zoo Magazine
for which he has received a Goldene Feder Award. In 2006 Adams was honoured with a German Lead Award for his
series of photographs of Mickey Rourke. Adams photographic exhibitions include those held at the Saatchi Gallery
and the National Portrait Gallery in London, and the Haus der Kunst in Munich. ····· 10361188423

On This Site

····· lezzter Preis 48.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
I went to Central Park to find the place behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art where Jennifer Levin had been killed. It was bewildering to find a scene so beautiful to see the same sunlight pour down indifferently on the earth. As I showed the photograph of this site to friends, I realized that I was not alone in thinking of her when walking by the Met. It occurred to me that I held something within: a list of places that I cannot forget because of the tragedies that identify them, and I began to wonder if each of us has such a list. I set out to photograph sites that were marked during my lifetime. Yet, there was something else that drew me to this work. I think of it as the question of knowability. Experience has taught me again and again that you can never know what lies beneath a surface or behind a façade. Our sense of place, our understanding of photographs of the landscape is inevitably limited and fraught with misreading. Joel Sternfeld Between 1993 and 1996, Joel Sternfeld photographed 50 infamous crime sites around the US. On This Site, contains images of these unsettlingly normal places, ordinary landscapes left behind after tragedies, their hidden stories disturbingly invisible. Each photograph is accompanied by a text describing the crime that took place at the location. This is the first Steidl edition of On This Site, originally published in 1996 to great acclaim. A major figure in the photography world, Joel Sternfeld was born in New York City in 1944. He has received numerous awards including two Guggenheim fellowships, a Prix de Rome and the Citibank Photography Award. Sternfeld s books published by Steidl include American Prospects (2003), Sweet Earth (2006), Oxbow Archive (2008) and First Pictures (2011). ····· 10361188417

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