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Kunst und Design

····· lezzter Preis 20.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nicht erst seit heute finden zwischen Kunst und Design Dialoge statt, in denen sich die Schnittstellen und Strategien entgrenzen und unbekümmert neu definieren. Von der Forschung wird das Thema jedoch weitgehend ignoriert. Ihre Urteilskraft bindet sich nach wie vor an die Gattungsfrage und wagt kaum einen Blick über die Grenzen. Die Territorien des Denkens wurden kategorisch abgesteckt, obwohl die Aufhebung der Grenzen von high und low seit der Moderne maßgeblich zum Programm der Avantgarden gehörte - und somit auch für die Theorie gelten müsste. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die Diskussion durch eine Neubetrachtung und Neubewertung vielfältiger Kunst- und Designphänomene zu beleben und aufzubrechen. Die Zusammenstellung der Beiträge geht auf die gleichnamige Tagung `Kunst und Design - Eine Affäre` zurück, die vom 29. - 30. November 2010 an der Hochschule für Künste Bremen stattfand. Organisiert vom Institut für Kunst- und Musikwissenschaft waren Design- und Kunstwissenschaftler sowie Künstler und Designer eingeladen. Wie häufig die Interferenzen von Kunst und Design auch Thema der künstlerischen und gestalterischen Arbeit selbst sind, zeigen wir über eine kleine Auswahl jüngerer Projekte von Studierenden der HfK Bremen im Mittelteil des Buches. ····· 10361153894

Der schöne Mann

····· lezzter Preis 14.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361153893

Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare Interior Design Practice

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This study addresses the design strategy known as evidence-based design (EBD), and seeks to discover the current state of EBD use and perceptions of healthcare interior design practitioners in North America. The study also addresses the motivations of healthcare interior designers to use EBD, as motivations may lead to further understanding of EBD s staying power as a strategy. Several emergent points of this nationwide survey of healthcare interior designers provide support for the findings of other EBD surveys administered to related populations. One finding suggests that most responding interior designers engage with EBD at an elementary level as determined by analysis using Hamilton s levels of EBD use (2009). Another suggests that acceptable sources for evidence used to make design decisions vary, and some designers described that previous applied design practice experience (normative theory) is a valid source. Generally, results seem to confirm that EBD is likely in the early stages of making its mark on healthcare interior design. EBD has yet to reach widespread consensus in meaning and application, yet holds promise to provide enhanced validation to design processes. ····· 10361147297

Das XVIII. Jahrhundert - Dekoration und Mobiliar

····· lezzter Preis 36.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Es ist ein fundierter Überblick über die mannigfachen Stilwandlungen in der Dekoration und im Mobiliar des 18. Jahrhunderts, den Richard Graul hier präsentiert. Graul beginnt hierzu mit einer Einführung in die Innendekoration Frankreichs zwischen 1660 und 1745, bevor er den Bogen zum Klassizismus im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts schlägt. Für Deutschland gelten in dieser Zeit die Stile des Barock und Rokoko als dominierend, die von Graul ebenso sorgsam beschrieben werden. Zuletzt macht Graul einen Exkurs nach England und erläutert den Einfluss des dort vorherrschenden Einrichtungsstils auf Deutschland.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1905. ····· 10361139420

Der chinesische Teppich

für 26.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Adolf Hackmack macht es sich im vorliegenden Band zur Aufgabe, die Symbolik chinesischer Teppiche zu erklären. Detailliert erläutert er Muster, Ornamente und die Bedeutung von Farben und führt seine Leser in die Geschichte und Technik der Teppichknüpferei ein. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen illustriert und einem Namens- und Sachregister versehen. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1920. ····· 10361138561

Deutsche Möbel der Vergangenheit

für 39.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Architekt Ferdinand Luthmer bietet im vorliegenden Band einen Überblick in die Einrichtungs- und Alltagsgegenstände in deutschen Wohnungen. Er skizziert die Entwicklung vom frühen Mittelalter bis ins frühe 20. Jahrhundert und geht insbesondere auf Renaissance, Barock, Rokoko und Empirestil ein. Illustriert mit 144 Abbildungen.Nachdruck der zweiten Auflage aus dem Jahr 1913. ····· 10361138416

Bekleidungskunst und Mode

für 42.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Kulturhistoriker Max von Boehn (1860-1932) gelang mit diesem Buch ein Klassiker zum Thema Kleidung und Mode. Historisch führt sein Buch von der Nacktheit des Menschen in der Urzeit, über die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Kleidungsstücke und Herstellungstechniken bis zur Entstehung der modernen Modeindustrie und den Reformbewegungen der Neuzeit. Dabei fließen auch ethnologische Erkenntnisse aus allen Teilen der Welt ein. Der Autor geht auf die repräsentativen und psychologischen Aspekte von Schmuck, Färbung, Tätowierung und Körperdeformierung ein und beschreibt ästhetische Gesichtspunkte der Scheiderkunst. Selbst Verfechter der Reformkleidung, schließt der Autor mit einem Kapitel über die Reformbewegungen zum Thema Mode. Illustriert mit 135 Abbildungen. ····· 10361138357

Criterios para el diseño de objetos lúdico-didácticos

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta investigación pretende determinar de qué manera el diseño industrial interviene a través del proceso proyectual en el diseño de objetos lúdico-didácticos para niños, poniendo en forma diferentes conceptos dados por otros campos de conocimiento (psicología evolutiva, psicología cognitiva, aprendizaje, lúdica, didáctica, semiótica). Es así como considerando al diseño como transdiciplina o eje sintetizador en la configuración que transversaliza, materializa y organiza estos conceptos en un todo: el objeto se busca establecer los criterios y las relaciones existentes entre los mismos para proyectar un objeto lúdico-didáctico. A nuestra consideración, dichos criterios optimizarían la consecución de objetivos de aprendizaje y desarrollo planeados, en cuanto se maneje la conjunción de diferentes factores integrados a través la configuración objetual. ····· 10361136715

Using Schemata as a Cognitive Design Process

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Given the inherent stresses, complexity, potential unfamiliarity, and other navigational challenges posed by built environments, a particular environmental setting, such as the airport, provides the opportunity for designers to observe users, identify affordances, and resolve existing design issues of an environment in which a specific order of tasks are required to be completed before initiating the next task or protocol. This book addresses the relationship between the affordances of the built environment, and the associations between PREception, Actual Experience, and POSTception drawn cognitive maps, especially those involving one`s anticipation, movement, and actual behavior. Although this book focuses specifically on the airport, the application of this methodology provides a designer with a qualitative and quantitative process, as well as feedback, from an infinite selection of demographic populations and built environments. ····· 10361134480

Human variation and designing

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The economic growth and technological improvements have led to greater demand and development of machines and devices. Designs that once suited the western populations have been followed in India despite of the fact that there is considerable difference between the anthropometric data of Indians and westerners. Therefore there is a great need to generate an anthropometric data bank for different regions of Indian population in order to let the ergonomists develop user-friendly man-machine systems. The population and gender differences found in the anthropometric dimensions of the two population groups under study emphasize the usefulness of this study in the context of design of equipments, products and agricultural tools/ machinery used in India which is based on body dimensions of foreign workers. It will help the designers to develop and introduce machines suiting to the requirements of the population so that human drudgery in operation could be minimized and operator s comfort could be enhanced. ····· 10361133709

Culture Rich Design A Cultural-Semiotic Framework in Product Design

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The aim of this book is to extend the application of culture into product design with particular attention to urban streetscape elements (known as street furniture). Poor understanding of culture and the lack of opportunity to use culture in a practical manner within the student group were explored as the problem areas. The initial motivation for the book stemmed from a desire to encourage the integration of the non-technological aspects of the design products, in which culture was categorised. This was believed to mainly achieve by developing a Cultural-Semiotic framework, which enables and encourages design students (novice designers) to approach culture in their projects. Therefore, a hypothesis was formulated to examine the extent of the framework: A culturally orientated framework can be developed to determine important/significant variables to produce predictable culturally relevant changes in product design in general and urban streetscape elements in particular. ····· 10361132084

Nature`s Fractal Geometry:

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Fractal forms found in nature have the potential to create a resonant aesthetic, which may also provide restorative effects from stress. This study tested 36 participants for physiological effect during stress and recovery while viewing four art images, a Pollock, a savannah, an abstract and a plain grey field. When compared to a grey field the Pollack image with a fractal dimension of 1.5 was shown to be restorative by physiological response as measured by blood volume amplitude during stress. When compared to a grey field the savannah with a fractal dimension of 1.4 though not statistically significant, yielded a trend toward restoration. No statistical differences were found between the savannah and Pollock images supporting the hypothesis that the underlying fractal form, not just nature, provides for a restorative effect. Fractal forms provide designers a tool for creating spaces which can conform to aesthetic and cultural preference. ····· 10361119488

Application of Ergonomics in kitchen Designing - Indian Perspective

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Kitchen is the focal point of a woman`s family life and is the area in which the most needed task of homemaking related to feeding the family is performed. The traditional kitchen has undergone many changes. Kitchen is an asset to any house and a truly worthwhile investment, as it makes cooking and related tasks a pleasure. A well planned, well equipped and good kitchen design must cater to a family`s lifestyle, their eating habits and entertainment patterns and should make cooking and related tasks a pleasure. A Kitchen which is comfortable to work in, easy to maintain, beautiful to see and time and energy saving is the dream of every homemaker.A kitchen designed with ergonomic concepts can offer comfortable and efficient work areas. A kitchen is the symbol of the culture of the family. It is the center of multi various activities and the heart of any house. Every kitchen is unique in itself. But there is scope for enhancing the work environment of the homemaker by incorporating ergonomic concepts to make kitchen more functional, efficient,comfortable and pleasant offering an instant welcome and cheer. ····· 10361119235

Interactive Creation Strategy in the Fantasy Era

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book describes an Interactive Creation Strategy to enhance product value in an intensely competitive market. As products reach maturity, they become more similar in the range of functions that they provide. This leads to competition via reduced retail price and ultimately reduced profitability. A competitive design strategy is therefore needed that can produce higher value products. An Enhanced Value Experience has been identified that can assist designers to provide quality products and to give them a unique positioning. On the basis of this value opportunity, an Interactive Creation Strategy has been formulated and applied to the domain of retail furniture. Through this, customers can create their own potential products.The Interactive Creation Strategy incorporates four functional layers: (1) key technique layer, (2) integration and communication layer, (3) experience layer, and (4) decision making layer. ····· 10361118926

The Boundaries of Living Spaces

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
It is essential and necessary to handle architecture not only, with the buildings, but also with the life that takes place inside the buildings as well. Because, man is the `object` in architecture. All natural and artificial environment forms a basis for a fiction, in which man exists in its center. Everything should be arranged in such a way that, man could survive his life more happy, relaxed and comfortable. Since the man`s happiness and comfort is needed in the first place, the `living space` which is the smallest unit of a dwelling has a separate meaning and emphasis. If there is a failure in this area, then all the true solutions will not be able to change that failure. This book examines those spaces and questions the boundaries of living spaces. ····· 10361118377


für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Observar es detenerse ante una situación y dar una segunda mirada a lo que nos parece tan normal a la vista. Primero percibimos, luego nombramos y en seguida dibujamos, plasmando en el papel esto nuevo frente a nosotros. Este es el proceso creativo anterior al diseño, en el cual se origina el pensamiento formal del objeto mediante nuestro observar. Esta tesis de título hace referencia a dos proyectos formulados y construidos en dos situaciones distantes, pero similares en una misma observaciñon: el estudio del acontecer de la sombra que genera una membrana tensada, construyendo un lugar habitable perceptible al ojo que entiende que la forma proyectada en el suelo, generada por una sombra, es un lugar apartado en un espacio abierto sin quedarse ajeno al acontecer del afuera. Es este un lugar de detención que invita a contemplar y resguardarse sin estar oculto. ····· 10361117351

Manual de señalética

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los pasillos se agrandan, el tiempo se acorta y la desesperación se intensifica cuando nos hallamos en un lugar determinado y no sabemos hacia dónde dirigirnos. Pensamos en señales y automáticamente nos vienen a la mente las de tránsito. Pocos piensan en aquellas ubicadas en espacios concretos, como un hospital, un centro comercial o mismo una universidad, y en la importancia que éstas pueden llegar a tener. El presente libro, además de establecer las claras diferencias entre los sistemas de señalización y los de señalética, explica las señales en sí, desde la perspectiva de Saussure, Peirce y Barthes, entre algunos de los autores que se mencionan. Asimismo, expone su vínculo con la comunicación visual y aporta conocimientos adicionales respecto a la señalética, tomando como base textos de Costa. Estamos ante un estudio sobre el tema y su importancia. Para ello, se analiza el ambiente universitario latinoamericano, tomando como caso particular dos universidades argentinas y venezolanas, para evaluar los sistemas señaléticos presentes en cada institución y la identidad corporativa de las mismas. ····· 10361117187

Tiempo y Movimiento

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El Motion Graphics es una técnica de comunicación que potencia el área de estudio y aplicación del diseño gráfico, y de las distintas especialidades en la comunicación, motivando a los profesionales a especializarse, buscando los nuevos desafíos creativos que se presentan. La técnica se desarrolla a partir de la interactuación entre el diseño gráfico, que se mantiene como el eje central, el elemento cohesionante, con otras disciplinas como la dirección de cine, la arquitectura de la información, la animación, el arte visual, el diseño de sonido entre otras áreas de conocimiento. Su estrecha relación con el cine provoca que, ésta forma de comunicación, maneje variables perceptivas y representativas como las de tiempo, movimiento y sonido lo que amplía el campo de estudio y aplicación del diseño gráfico. A través del estudio y la investigación se concluye que existe un impacto del Motion Graphics, que produce un cambio trascendente en el diseño gráfico, tanto en los contenidos teóricos que hacen a la formación académica, como en la práctica diaria de la vida profesional. ····· 10361117163

Análisis de la Aplicación de la Memética en el Diseño Gráfico

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Existen, aunque no nos percatemos de ello, mínimas unidades de información en nuestros cerebros, libros, ilustraciones y computadoras que conforman todo lo que somos. Los seres humanos nos distinguimos como la especie dominante no por nuestra inteligencia, sino por nuestra capacidad de imitación. Es así como estas pequeñas ideas se propagan y transmiten su información a otros cerebros. ¿Increíble Sí. ¿Complicado No tanto. Nosotros los diseñadores generamos memes gráficos día a día como parte de un proceso inconsciente. Un meme gráfico es una unidad de información compleja y memorable que, por medio de la imitación, busca auto-replicarse utilizando las imágenes como sus vehículos de transmisión. Tales vehículos pueden ser fotografías, grafitti, logos, billboards, una valla publicitaria, un cartel, televisión y otros medios visuales utilizados en la cultura.A pesar de que su uso ya se extiende moderadamente en el contexto de la mercadotecnia viral, no es suficiente para un análisis desde una perspectiva visual y útil para el diseño gráfico. Ésta es una pequeña gran idea que posee el potencial de cambiar la forma en la que diseñamos y en la que los demás perciben el diseño gráfico. ····· 10361117114

El diseñador como gestor de comunicación en organizaciones sociales

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este trabajo propone ampliar la reflexión sobre las tareas y funciones que el diseñador gráfico puede cumplir hoy en el espacio social y específicamente en las organizaciones sociales. Esta investigación incluye reflexiones sobre la profesión del diseño, la formación del diseñador y sus competencias cada vez más complejas, interdisciplinares y estratégicas. Se aborda también el campo de la gestión para el desarrollo de la comunicación organizacional y se analizan las demandas actuales que tienen estas instituciones en los escenarios de crisis cultural, social y medioambiental actual. En el contenido se revisan aspectos teóricos fundamentales, se describe un estudio vivencial y participativo realizado en dos organizaciones sociales de Ecuador y Argentina y finalmente se propone una metodología que pueda potenciar y desarrollar la comunicación en estas organizaciones. ····· 10361116463

Transclusion of Document Fragments

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Transclusion is a concept that allows users to reuse document fragments from different source pages, not by duplicating it, but by including a reference to the original work. Thus, transclusion provides an interesting platform for authors to quote text from other documents in a way such that the quoted text can be compared alongside its original context, and changes in the original document are reflected automatically in the user document. Several researchers have partially implemented transclusion using various techniques and technologies. The issue of transcluding text from a dynamic source page still persists because dynamic content changes have not been reflected. This research was based on finding a solution to this problem. ····· 10361116223

Developments in Auditorium Design in last fifty years 1960-2009

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The present research is concerned in analyzing the auditorium buildings in terms of all factors relating to architecture, buildings and activities. A critical study has been done on the examples of well known auditoriums. Information about their architects, construction dates, plan form, section, elevation, and seating arrangements was given. The developments in auditoriums in the last fifty years were studied. With this study it is hoped to give design ideas for new auditoriums, and designers of contemporary auditoriums. The study aims to become a kind of reference for those who will be designing new auditoriums. It is important to note that all these researches have contributed to close the gap between design and developments, and attribute to developing the interactions between man and architecture. The research is divided into three parts: Part one is the context provided, background information, classification of the auditoriums, history of auditoriums and the methodology of the research. Part two contained the data and the analysis of developments in auditorium design. Part three covers discussion and conclusion of the research. ····· 10361116074


für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Digital technologies have converged with digital forms and integrally affected developments in art, music, design, film and literature. Visual communication is undergoing a profound transformation as new technologies continually challenge the way images and things are produced. The problem issued in this study is on the inadequacy of learning visual communication design with the traditional method because of the democratization of desktop digital technology in recent learning environment. This research combines the qualitative and quantitative approach, the study used visual data collection, particularly sketches drawn by participants. Quantitative approach was used in compiling and categorizing data through participant observation, which means researcher took place during data gathering. It is to explore and to discover whether the increase in music and graphics in contemporary era of digitalization, can enhance the essentials of creative design through the analogy between music expressions and graphics elements. This research providing morphology of visual language of music and visual expression, particularly in the study of lines and its composition. ····· 10361115802

Roominess Adaption System. Designing a kitchen for disabled people

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Disabled people have many problems in their dailylife, this project tries to help in one of them.Kitchen for disabled people use to be expensive andthis design attempt to solve this problem. Afterattend to Exhibition of assistive technology fordisabled people Leva & Fungera` in Göteborg and talkwith many disabled people, several design methodswere used to find a set of kitchen units that allowto realize different combinations for thecustomization of the kitchen. ····· 10361113596

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