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Das Geheimnis

····· lezzter Preis 14.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Weg, der zu wachem Selbsterleben im Geiste führt, wird hier in erzählender, geradezu spannender Form gezeigt. Das Buch führt den Suchenden bis zu einer Erkenntnishöhe, die ihn weiteste Strecken göttlichen Lebens im Irdischen überschauen, und die daraus zu folgernden Notwendigkeiten für sein eigenes Leben erfassen lehrt. ····· 1036154412

Das Buch der Gespräche

····· lezzter Preis 12.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dieses Buch lässt den Leser teilnehmen an vielem, was im geistig gelenkten Leben des Autors für ihn bedeutsam wurde, und vermittelt zugleich tiefe Einblicke in ewige Bereiche. ····· 1036154411

Das Buch des Trostes

····· lezzter Preis 10.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bestimmt für Menschen, die trostbedürftig wurden, aber wirklichen Trost noch nicht fanden, und jedem tröstenden Wort eher Misstrauen entgegensetzen. Der Autor verzichtet auf sentimentale Beschwichtigungen er will die eigenen Kräfte des Trostbedürftigen wecken, die ihn zu neuem Vertrauen führen. ····· 1036154410

Das Buch der Liebe

····· lezzter Preis 10.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ein heute vielfach entwertetes und verfälschtes Wort erhält hier wieder seine in unvergänglicher Wirklichkeit wurzelnde Begründung. Unser innerstes Ich, letztlich aber auch die uns umgebende Aussenwelt entstammen der wirkenden Schöpferkraft der Liebe, die Leben spendet auf allen Stufen des Daseins. Ein Teil des Buches - das keineswegs zu philosophischer Spekulation führen will, sondern zu eigenem tätigen Wirken und der daraus entspringenden Erkenntnis - ist dem Grössten aller Liebenden, die je auf unserem Planeten geweilt haben, Jesus von Nazareth, gewidmet. ····· 1036154409

Der Weg zu Gott

····· lezzter Preis 10.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Es sind nicht zwei Menschen auf dieser Erde, die sich in allem gleichen würden. So aber, wie im Samenkorn der Pflanze ihre künftige Gestaltung schon beschlossen ruht, so trägt ein jeder Mensch in sich das Urbild seiner einstigen Vollendung. Das Buch zeigt, wie sich hinter manchen irrigen Vorstellungen dennoch echte Gotteswirklichkeit erkennen und erleben läßt. ····· 1036154408

Das Buch vom Glück

····· lezzter Preis 10.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das von so vielen gesuchte und von so wenigen gefundene Glück, welches nicht so rasch bricht wie das sprichwörtliche Glas, kommt hier in formvollendeten Abhandlungen zur Sprache. Keine fade, klügelnde Philosophie wird hier geboten, sondern Weisheit voll strahlenden Lebens und tiefgründiger Heiterkeit, die in jedem, der nur will, den in seinem Innersten verborgenen Quell wahren Glückes wieder zu erwecken vermag, eines Glückes, das nichts anderes ist als die Schöpferkraft individueller unvergänglicher Liebe. ····· 1036154407

Das Buch vom Menschen

····· lezzter Preis 11.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Zweifelsohne hat sich unser Erdenkörper im Laufe von Jahrmilliarden aus der Urzelle entwickelt, aber das ist nur die irdische Seite unserer Existenz. Die in allen Religionen enthaltene Lehre vom geistigen, überirdischen Ursprung des Menschen, der ihm eine völlig andere Seinskategorie zukommen lässt als sie ein noch so intelligentes Tier zu besitzen vermag, wird hier mit einzigartiger Offenheit dargelegt. Vom Menschen aus musst du zu `Gott` gelangen, sonst bleibt dir `Gott` in Ewigkeit ein Fremder. ····· 1036154406

Das Buch vom Jenseits / Das Buch vom Jenseits

····· lezzter Preis 12.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Buch beantwortet Fragen, welche sich jeder Mensch schon gestellt hat: Überdauert mein Ich-Bewusstsein den Zerfall des Körpers Muss ich in einem anderen Menschen- oder Tierleib weiterhin auf der Erde verweilen Hat Gott Zeit, sich mit den über Hunderttausend, die täglich aus dem Leben scheiden, persönlich zu befassen Findet das grosse Strafgericht statt Existieren Himmel und Hölle Was geschieht beim Sterben ····· 1036154405

Das Buch vom lebendigen Gott / Das Buch vom lebendigen Gott

····· lezzter Preis 15.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Für Menschen, die in harten inneren Kämpfen ihren Gott erringen wollten, aber ihn nicht fanden. Hier werden vom tiefsten Kern, der in den alten echten Religionen schlummert, die Hüllen abgeschält, so dass der Sucher sich wieder in Ehrfurcht neigen kann vor dem, was diese Religionen in sich bergen. ····· 1036154404

Das Buch der königlichen Kunst

····· lezzter Preis 14.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dieses Buch - eine Manifestation geistiger Kräfte - lehrt ohne törichte Übungen und Systeme ein Königreich der Liebe schaffen, das alles Vergängliche überdauern wird. Man wird gut tun, sich zuerst nur den seelischen Schwingungen dieses Buches ruhig zu überlassen und nicht allzu eilig seine Symbolik verstehen lernen zu wollen, die sich zur rechten Zeit dem berechtigten Suchenden ganz von selbst enthüllt. ····· 1036154403

The Sanctified Life

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this book Ellen G. White refers to `Sanctification`. It consists of eleven articles, that were published independently in the year 1881 and published as a pamphlet a little later. The articles are: Chapter 1-True and False Theories Contrasted Chapter 2-Daniel`s Temperance Principles Chapter 3-Controlling the Appetites and Passions Chapter 4-The Fiery Furnace Chapter 5-Daniel in the Lions` Den Chapter 6-Daniel`s Prayers Chapter 7-The Character of John Chapter 8-The Ministry of John Chapter 9-John in Exile Chapter 10-Christian Character Chapter 11-The Christian`s Privilege ····· 1036145560

The Interior Castle

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The saint wrote this luminous exposition of infused prayer in all its gradations and qualities, while she was suffering from a furious persecution. And yet it breathes that heavenly calmness peculiar to spirits dwelling in the loftier regions of heavenly peace. Like all of her writings she composed this one under a very stringent obedience from her confessor, at that time Canon Velasquez, afterwards Archbishop of Compostella. It is curiously allegorical in its framework and yet the high topics are very plainly treated of, and they are made as intelligible to ordinary readers as is possible all the more so, in fact, on account of the comparison she adopts between the stages of the soul`s advancement in prayer, and the progress of a guest in a magnificent castle passing from its outer to its interior splendors. The style is familiar, yet the tone is stately, often even majestic. The author sheds a clear light, clear though dazzling, on the vague and distant and ravishingly beautiful states of contemplative prayer. This is the extended annotated edition including a biography of St. Teresa. ····· 1036145491

Talks on Truth

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Talks on Truth` includes fourteen talks on the fundamentals of the Unity teaching, talks that will give you a clearer, deeper insight into the meaning of the glorious message that Jesus brought to men. The talks are: Reform Your God Thought Microorganisms The I AM in Its Kingdom How Shall the Dead Be Raised The Development of Divine Love The Ministry of the Word Ye Must Be Born Again Obedience The Church of Christ The Lord`s Body The Restoration of God`s Kingdom The Holy Spirit Attaining Eternal Life Jesus Christ`s Atonement Question Helps for Students of Talks On Truth ····· 1036145374

Christian Healing

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
It is certainly without doubt the most practical and clearest thing ever written on this great subject, to make man or woman understand, appreciate, and realize what the actual meanings of Jesus Christ`s teachings are. It is the greatest help the centuries has ever produced, and its author is taught of God and has had the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Every word and sentence and paragraph is full of life and healing, because it teaches why the Truth is true, and simply illumines all the way. Truly it is a wonderful master work, an unfailing guide to the understanding of the Truth which the Master taught to free mankind from everything that holds us in bondage. ····· 1036145373

Clairvoyance And Occult Powers

····· lezzter Preis 1.49€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is a treasure chest full of occult wisdom. It includes twenty lessons on that will let the reader dive deep into his own powers, strange phenomena and spiritual wisdom. Contents: Lesson I. - The Astral Senses. Lesson Ii. Telepathy Vs. Clairvoyance. Lesson Iii. Telepathy Explained. Lesson Iv. Scientific Telepathy. Lesson V. Mind Reading, And Beyond. Lesson Vi. Clairvoyant Psychometry. Lesson Vii. Clairvoyant Crystal Gazing. Lesson Viii. Clairvoyant Reverie. Lesson Ix. Simple Clairvoyance. Lesson X. Clairvoyance Of Distant Scenes. Lesson Xi. Clairvoyance Of The Past Lesson Xii. Clairvoyance Of The Future Lesson Xiii. Second-Sight, Prevision, Etc. Lesson Xiv. Astral-Body Traveling Lesson Xv. Strange Astral Phenomena. Lesson Xvi. Psychic Influence Its Laws And Principles Lesson Xvii. Personal Psychic Influence Over Others Lesson Xviii. Psychic Influence At A Distance Lesson Xix. Laws Of Psychic Attraction Lesson Xx. Psychic And Magnetic Healing ····· 1036145279

Genuine Mediumship

····· lezzter Preis 1.49€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers is one of the masterworks of William W. Atkinson. The book deals with abnormal and supernatural powers, clairvoyance, mental capabilities of man and the spiritual planes. Contents: Part I - Nature`s Finer Forces Part II - Mental Vibrations And Transmissions Part Iii - Thought Transference Part Iv - Clairvoyance And Kindred Phenomena Part V - Clairvoyance: Past, Present And Future Part Vi - Mediumship Part Vii - Mediumistic Conditions Part Viii - How To Develop Mediumship Part Ix - Mediumistic Phenomena Part X - Experiences In The Circle Part Xi - Higher Spirit Manifestations ····· 1036145278

Mystic Christianity

····· lezzter Preis 1.49€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Mystic Christianity` is a valuable resource for wisdom and serenity. It gives insights on the mystical teachings of Jesus Christ, on who he really was, doctrinal questions and much more. Contents: The First Lesson - The Coming Of The Master. The Second Lesson. The Mystery Of The Virgin Birth. The Third Lesson. The Mystic Youth Of Jesus. The Fourth Lesson. The Beginning Of The Ministry. The Fifth Lesson. The Foundation Of The Work. The Sixth Lesson. The Work Of Organization. The Seventh Lesson. The Beginning Of The End. The Eighth Lesson. The End Of The Life Work. The Ninth Lesson. The Inner Teachings. The Tenth Lesson. The Secret Doctrine. The Eleventh Lesson. The Ancient Wisdom. The Twelfth Lesson. The Message Of The Master. ····· 1036145277

The Spiritual Writings of William Walker Atkinson

····· lezzter Preis 1.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
William Walker Atkinson was one of the spiritual leaders among the New Thought pioneers. His writings also touch the topics of occultism, divination, psychic reality and the nature of manking. This edition contains the following works: Practical Psychomancy And Crystal Gazing Reincarnation And The Law Of Karma The Law Of The New Thought ····· 1036145276

The Spiritual Writings of Yogi Ramacharaka

····· lezzter Preis 1.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
William Walker Atkinson was not only a pioneer of the New Thought movement but also the author of many occult and spiritual works which he published under the pseudonym of Yogi Ramacharaka. When writing under this alias he claimed to be a Hindu. Indeed, he was not, but he was imperative to make Eastern philosophy and belief known in the Western world. This compilation includes the following writings: The Life Beyond Death The Hindu-Yogi Science Of Breath Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism The Science Of Psychic Healing The Spirit of The Upanishads (The Aphorisms of the Wise) The Bhagavad Gita - The Message of the Master ····· 1036145273

Conjugial Love

····· lezzter Preis 1.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed biography about Swedenborg, his life and his writings. This work, published in 1768, when Swedenborg was eighty years of age, was the first of the author`s theological works on the title of which his name appeared. It treats of the relation of the sexes of the nature and origin of love truly conjugial and of its indissoluble nature of the marriage of the Lord and the Church, and its correspondence of the spiritual conjunction of partners in true marriage of the change effected in both sexes by marriage of the causes of disaffection, separations, and divorces of the causes of apparent love, friendship, and favor in marriage and of iterated marriages. To which is appended a treatise on Adulterous or Scortatory Love in its various degrees, showing it to be in its nature the very opposite of Conjugial Love. ····· 1036145110

Apocalypse Explained

····· lezzter Preis 2.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed biography about Swedenborg, his life and his writings. This writing was left unpublished at Swedenborg`s death, although it had apparently been carefully prepared for publication. Except towards the end it is almost exclusively an exposition of the spiritual sense of Scripture. Not only is every phrase in the Apocalypse (as far as covered) separately explained, but thousands of passages, gathered from all parts of the Word, are quoted and expounded. These expositions close with the tenth verse of the nineteenth chapter. Towards the end extended doctrinal discussions are introduced. Both for its exposition of passages of Scripture and for its doctrinal statements this is an exceedingly important and valuable work. It is especially instructive in its expositions of the Psalms, the Prophets, and the Gospels. ····· 1036145107

Pistis Sophia

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed essay about Gnosticism. In these days of the ` higher criticism,` with its merciless analysis of original Scripture, much light would doubtless be thrown on the New Testament by an unprejudiced study of Gnosticism. This philosophy, which reached a flourishing maturity in the second century of the Christian era, but became virtually extinct in the sixth, taught that all natures - intellectual, moral, spiritual, and material-are successive emanations from Deity. Its professors claimed to have an esoteric and philosophic knowledge of Christian doctrines, and some modern scholars assert that the Gospels are replete with allusions to the Gnostic teaching. Although it is now fashionable to dismiss the Syrian and Egyptian schools as a fantastic combination of Oriental mysticism, Greek philosophy, and Christian theology, yet it is probable that a profound interest will be awakened among reasoning Christians by ` Pistis Sophia.` ····· 1036144414

Thrice-Greatest Hermes

····· lezzter Preis 2.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the complete edition including all three books and a detailed essay about Hermeneutics. The so-called Hermetic writings have been known to Christian writers for many centuries. The early church Fathers (Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria) quote them in defense of Christianity. Stobaeus collected fragments of them. The Humanists knew and valued them. They were studied in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and in modern times have again been diligently examined by many scholars. G. R. S. Mead has issued a translation of the whole body of extant literature, with extended prolegomena, commentary, etc. There is a wide difference of opinion as to the date at which this literature was produced. Mead believes that some of the extant portions of it are at least as early as the earliest Christian writings, while von Christ assigns them to the third Christian century, and thinks that they show the influence of neo-Platonism. To affirm that they influenced New Testament usage would be hazardous, but they perhaps throw some light on the direction in which thought was moving in New Testament times. ····· 1036144409

Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry

····· lezzter Preis 5.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. Dr. Albert G. Mackey, also the author of The Lexicon of Freemasonry appears as author of this ` Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences,` which, being a library in inself, superseded most of the Masonic works which have been tolerated by the craft-chiefly because none better could be obtained. Here, in one giant volume is a work which fulfils the hope which sustained the author through ten years` literary labor, that, under one cover he `would furnish every Mason who might consult its pages the means of acquiring a knowledge of all matters connected with the science, the philosophy, and the history of his order.` For more than thirty years Dr. Mackey has devoted earnest and constant study and research to the history, the objects, and the condition of Masonry. In the present work, the crowning and successful result of a life`s labors, he has received no assistance from any one. He says, ` Every article was written by myself,` and he adds, which would extenuate errors, had he fallen into any, `For twelve months, too, of the time occupied upon this work, I suffered from an affection of the sight, which forbade all use of the eyes for purposes of study. During that time, now happily passed, all authorities were consulted by the willing eyes of my daughters-all writing was done by their hands. I realized for a time the picture so often painted of the blind bard dictating his sublime verses to his daughters,` and his preface closes with the words, `Were I to dedicate this work at all, my dedication should be-To Filial Affection.` Up to the present time the modern literature of Freemasonry has been diffuse, lumbering, unreliable, and, out of all reasonable proportions. There is, in Mackey`s `Encyclopaedia of Masonry,` well digested, well arranged, and confined within reasonable limits, all that a Mason can desire to find in a book exclusively ····· 1036144302

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