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Thrice-Greatest Hermes

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This is the complete edition including all three books and a detailed essay about Hermeneutics. The so-called Hermetic writings have been known to Christian writers for many centuries. The early church Fathers (Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria) quote them in defense of Christianity. Stobaeus collected fragments of them. The Humanists knew and valued them. They were studied in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and in modern times have again been diligently examined by many scholars. G. R. S. Mead has issued a translation of the whole body of extant literature, with extended prolegomena, commentary, etc. There is a wide difference of opinion as to the date at which this literature was produced. Mead believes that some of the extant portions of it are at least as early as the earliest Christian writings, while von Christ assigns them to the third Christian century, and thinks that they show the influence of neo-Platonism. To affirm that they influenced New Testament usage would be hazardous, but they perhaps throw some light on the direction in which thought was moving in New Testament times. ····· 1036144409

Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. Dr. Albert G. Mackey, also the author of The Lexicon of Freemasonry appears as author of this ` Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences,` which, being a library in inself, superseded most of the Masonic works which have been tolerated by the craft-chiefly because none better could be obtained. Here, in one giant volume is a work which fulfils the hope which sustained the author through ten years` literary labor, that, under one cover he `would furnish every Mason who might consult its pages the means of acquiring a knowledge of all matters connected with the science, the philosophy, and the history of his order.` For more than thirty years Dr. Mackey has devoted earnest and constant study and research to the history, the objects, and the condition of Masonry. In the present work, the crowning and successful result of a life`s labors, he has received no assistance from any one. He says, ` Every article was written by myself,` and he adds, which would extenuate errors, had he fallen into any, `For twelve months, too, of the time occupied upon this work, I suffered from an affection of the sight, which forbade all use of the eyes for purposes of study. During that time, now happily passed, all authorities were consulted by the willing eyes of my daughters-all writing was done by their hands. I realized for a time the picture so often painted of the blind bard dictating his sublime verses to his daughters,` and his preface closes with the words, `Were I to dedicate this work at all, my dedication should be-To Filial Affection.` Up to the present time the modern literature of Freemasonry has been diffuse, lumbering, unreliable, and, out of all reasonable proportions. There is, in Mackey`s `Encyclopaedia of Masonry,` well digested, well arranged, and confined within reasonable limits, all that a Mason can desire to find in a book exclusively ····· 1036144302

The Principles of Masonic Law

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. This treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry` is doubtless one of the most important and invaluable works in a Freemasonic library. Contents: Preface. Introduction. The Authorities for Masonic Law. Book First - The Law of Grand Lodges. Chapter I. Historical Sketch. Chapter II. Of the Mode of Organizing Grand Lodges. Chapter III. Of the Members of a Grand Lodge. Chapter IV. Of the Officers of a Grand Lodge. Chapter V. Of the Powers and Prerogatives of a Grand Lodge. Book Second - Laws of Subordinate Lodges. Chapter I. Of the Nature and Organization of Subordinate Lodges. Chapter II. Of Lodges under Dispensation. Chapter III. Of Lodges Working under a Warrant of Constitution. Chapter IV. Of the Officers of a Subordinate Lodge. Chapter V. Of Rules of Order. Book Third - The Law of Individuals. Chapter I. Of the Qualifications of Candidates. Chapter II. Of the Rights of Entered Apprentices. Chapter III. Of the Rights of Fellow Crafts. Chapter IV. Of the Rights of Master Masons. Chapter V. Of the Rights of Past Masters. Chapter VI. Of Affiliation. Chapter VII. Of Demitting. Chapter VIII. Of Unaffiliated Masons. Book Fourth - Of Masonic Crimes and Punishments. Chapter I. Of What Are Masonic Crimes. Chapter II. Of Masonic Punishments. Chapter III. Of Masonic Trials. Chapter IV. Of the Penal Jurisdiction of a Lodge. Chapter V. Of Appeals. Chapter VI. Of Restoration. ····· 1036144300

The Symbolism of Freemasonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. Of the various modes of communicating instruction to the uninformed, the masonic student is particularly interested in two namely, the instruction by legends and that by symbols. It is to these two, almost exclusively, that he is indebted for all that he knows, and for all that he can know, of the philosophic system which is taught in the institution. All its mysteries and its dogmas, which constitute its philosophy, are intrusted for communication to the neophyte, sometimes to one, sometimes to the other of these two methods of instruction, and sometimes to both of them combined. The Freemason has no way of reaching any of the esoteric teachings of the Order except through the medium of a legend or a symbol. Contents: Preface. I. Preliminary. II. The Noachidæ. III. The Primitive Freemasonry of Antiquity. IV. The Spurious Freemasonry of Antiquity. V. The Ancient Mysteries. VI. The Dionysiac Artificers. VII. The Union of Speculative and Operative Masonry at the Temple of Solomon. VIII. The Travelling Freemasons of the Middle Ages. IX. Disseverance of the Operative Element. X. The System of Symbolic Instuction. XI. The Speculative Science and the Operative Art. XII. He Symbolism of Solomon`S Temple. XIII. The Form of the Lodge. XIV. The Officers of a Lodge. XV. The Point Within a Circle. XVI. The Covering of the Lodge. XVII. Ritualistic Symbolism. XVIII. The Rite of Discalceation. XIX. The Rite of Investiture. XX. The Symbolism of the Gloves. XXI. The Rite of Circumambulation. XXII. The Rite of Intrusting, and the Symbolism of Light. XXIII. Symbolism of the Corner-Stone. XXIV. The Ineffable Name. XXV. The Legends of Freemasonry. XXVI. The Legend of the Winding Stairs. XXVII. The Legend of the Third Degree. XXVIII. The Sprig of Acacia. XXIX. The Symbolism of Labor. XXX. The Stone of Foundation.216 XXXI. The Lost Word. Synoptical Index. ····· 1036144295

Ancient Mysteries And Modern Masonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. The purpose of these lectures is to consider the origin and nature of the Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry and to show the relation which they bear one to the other. Freemasonry deals largely with the morals and symbols of the Mysteries of Antiquity, and originally was one of the channels of Ancient Wisdom. There were a few among the founders of Modern Masonry who possessed the Royal Secret, or, at least, had a knowledge of its existence, and, if the key has been lost, the Mason, as Heir-apparent of the Old Wisdom, should be foremost in the search for its recovery. All agree that the Masonic symbols and traditions are of the greatest antiquity, and can be traced to the far East--to the earliest civilization, from which time and place they have spoken in nature`s language to all peoples of the earth. We are more and more convinced that this picture language of our ritual contains a most complete philosophy--a knowledge embracing the eternal verities of the universe, and that these symbols were designed by the Initiates of old to preserve and convey that Ancient Wisdom to the present and future generations. Though empires and dynastic continents have appeared and passed away, these ancient symbols, hewn in rock-cut temples and monuments, have served to convey the Great Secret from ages past and will continue its record as long as this part of the universe remains. ····· 1036144284

Illustrations Of Masonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. This Tract is divided into Four Books. In the First Book, the excellency of Masonry is displayed.In the Second Book the general plan of the subjects treated in the three Degrees is illustrated, with occasional remarks and a brief description is given of the ancient ceremonies of the Order. This part of the Treatise, which the Author considers most essential for the instruction and improvement of his brethren, is considerably extended in the later Editions. The Third Book contains the copy of a curious old Manuscript on Masonry, with annotations, the better to explain this authentic document of antiquity. The Fourth Book is restricted to the history of Masonry from its first appearance in England, to the year 1812, in which are introduced the most remarkable occurrences of the Society, both at home and abroad, with some account of the principal Patrons and Protectors of the Fraternity at different periods. ····· 1036144265

The Arcana Of Freemasonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. This book is a collection of twelve lectures on ancient sources of Freemasonry, as stressed by the archaeological school. Contents: Introduction I Freemasonry, The Bridge Of History, Uniting The Past With The Present II The Soul Of Masonry III Out Of The Silence IV The Divine Name V 1717 to 1917: The Second Century Of Modern Masonry VI Some Subjects Suggested For Study VII Origins Of Freemasonry VIII Freemasonry, Past And Future IX The Origin And Explanation Of Some Masonic Signs And Symbols XI Some Proofs That Freemasonry Is Part Of The Eschatology Of The Ancient Egyptians XII The Four Cardinal Points XIII Operative Masons The Arcana Of Freemasonry Application Form The Worshipful Society Of The Free Masons Of The City Of York And Division. Operative Masonry Final Chapter ····· 1036144262

The Craftsman and Freemason`s Guide

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. Containing a delineation of the Rituals of Freemasonry, with the Emblems and Explanations so arranged as greatly to facilitate in acquiring a knowledge of the rites and ceremonies of the several degrees, from Entered Apprentice to that of Select Master, and the Order of the Priesthood. Especially in the hands of those upon whom devolve the active duties of the Lodge and Chapter, this will be found a ready and acceptable Manual of masonry. ····· 1036144221

The General Ahiman Rezon & Freemason`s Guide

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. Containing Monitorial Instructions in the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master Masons, with Explanatory Notes, Emendations, and Lectures together with the Ceremonies of Consecration and Dedication of New Lodges, Installation of Grand and Suborninate Officers, Laying of Foundation Stones, Dedication of Masonic Halls, etc. ····· 1036144219

The Hidden Life in Freemasonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. THE Masonic fellowship differs from all other societies in that candidates for membership have to join it blindfold, and cannot receive much information about it until they actually enter its ranks. Even then the majority of Masons usually obtain only the most general idea of the meaning of its ceremonies, and seldom penetrate further than an elementary moral interpretation of its principal symbols. In this book it is the object, while preserving due secrecy upon those matters which must be kept secret, to explain something of the deeper meaning and purpose of Freemasonry, in the hope of arousing among the Brn. a more profound reverence for that of which they are the custodians and a fuller understanding of the mysteries of the Craft. Although the book is primarily intended for the instruction of members of the Co-Masonic Order, whose desire, as is expressed in their ritual, is to pour the waters of esoteric knowledge into the Masonic vessels, the author hopes nevertheless that it may appeal to a wider circle, and may perhaps be of use to some of those many Brn. in the masculine Craft who are seeking for a deeper interpretation of Masonic symbolism than is given in the majority of their Lodges, showing them that in the ritual which they know and love so well are enshrined splendid ideals and deep spiritual teachings which are of the most absorbing interest to the student of the inner side of life. ····· 1036144218

The Meaning Of Masonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. This most interesting and illuminative work is worthy a place on every Mason`s bookshelf. `` It seems taken for granted,` says the author, `that reception into the Order will automatically be accompanied by an ability to appreciate forthwith and at its full value all that one there finds. The contrary is the case, for Masonry is a veiled and cryptic expression of the difficult science of spiritual life, and the understanding of it calls for special and informed guidance on the one hand, and on the other a genuine and earnest desire for knowledge and no small capacity for spiritual perception on the part of those seeking to be instructed.` In Freemasonry, as in all phases of life, many are called but few are chosen. Masonry is not a mere formalism but a life to be lived. If you do not live the life you cannot know the doctrine. Masonry is an effort to perpetuate the essential doctrines of the Ancient Mysteries, but, alas, it does so in a very perfunctory manner. So veiled are its allegories and symbols that it is almost impossible to penetrate into the Holy of Holies. ····· 1036144216

The Mysteries of Freemasonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. Morgan`s book belongs to the basic manuals every Mason should read. It does not only give deep insights on the rituals and practice of Freemasonry but also contains all the Degrees of the order conferred in a master`s lodge, all the Degrees conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Encampment of Knights Templars, Knights of the Red Cross of the Christian Mark and of the Holy Sepulchre, as well as the Eleven Ineffable Degrees conferred in the Lodge of Perfection and the still higher degrees of Prince of Jerusalem, Knights of the East and West, Venerable Grand Masters of Symbolic Lodges, Knights and Adepts of the Eagle or Sun, Princes of the Royal Secret, Sovereign Inspector General, etc. ····· 1036144212

The Origin, History & Purport of Freemasonry

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This is the extended annotated edition including a very detailed introduction about Freemasonic history and ethics. The intention of this work is to endeavor to unravel the intricate web in which the mystery (of freemasonry) is involved, by tracing the order back to its source, and, by showing its intimate connection and similitude to institutions more ancient, put it beyond a doubt, that it sprang from and is a continuation of the rites and ceremonies observed in those establishments. That the writer, as a freemason, is extremely liberal, may be judged from his own reprobation of the oaths imposed upon members. He considers a total abandonment of the oaths, at the present day, requisite. He says that the mysteries, from which the institution was derived, created, and that the custom of the times when it was established, sanctioned the most horrible oaths. The argument used, that these oaths are no longer necessary, is, we think, effectual against the existence of Masonry itself. ····· 1036144208

The Evidences Of The Christian Religion

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One of the basic apologetic works of Christianity is this work by Joseph Addison, dealing with God and his Attributes, the Dignity of the Scripture Language and many other open questions. ····· 1036143673

My Essential Writings

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Thomas Troward was an English author whose works influenced the New Thought Movement and mystic Christianity. This edition gives a perfect overview of his most important writings: The Edinburgh Lectures On Mental Science The Creative Process In The Individual The Law And The Word The Hidden Power ····· 1036143656

The Evolution Of The Soul

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In arranging the essays and lectures in this book for publication, their respective dates of production have been disregarded for the sake of presenting them, as far as possible, in a natural sequence. The first of the articles contains a statement of the fundamental principles of the author`s hypothesis, and may be regarded as introductory to those which follow. It will be found that these principles are restated, briefly, in other parts of the book but the repetition is due to the fact that the papers were written at considerable intervals of time, and for readers or audiences not always familiar with the author`s theories. I have ventured, however, to eliminate much of the iterated matter, leaving only that which bears directly upon the subject under consideration in the article in which it occurs. ····· 1036143654

The Divine Pedigree Of Man

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This book treats, as its title would indicate, about the character of the human mind as independent of the body, and so traces `the divine pedigree of man.` The author holds that there is a subjective and an objective mind. `Materialistic scientists have succeeded in demonstrating, that the objective mind is a function of the brain, and that it is inherent in the brain.` But it does not necessarily follow that the subjective mind is inherent in any one or more organs of the body on the contrary, all the facis tend to prove that it exists independently of any specialized organ whatever. The objective mind cannot, of its own volition, move one purely involuntary muscle. On the other hand, the subjective mind can and often does take entire control of the whole body and wields it at its will. This is universal law in the supreme hour. ····· 1036143653

A Scientific Demonstration Of The Future Life

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The present work is devoted to a scientific inquiry concerning man`s prospects for a future life. In pursuing this inquiry the author has endeavored to follow the strictest rules of scientific induction, taking nothing for granted that is not axiomatic, and holding that there is nothing worthy of belief that is not sustained by a solid basis of well-authenticated facts. In other words, he has studied the science of the soul precisely as the physical sciences are studied namely, from an attentive observation, and a systematic classification, of the facts pertaining to the subject-matter. ····· 1036143651

The Law Of Psychic Phenomena

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The primary object of this book is to assist in bringing Psychology within the domain of the exact sciences. It has long been felt by the ablest thinkers of our time that all psychic manifestations of the human intellect, normal or abnormal, whether designated by the name of mesmerism, hypnotism, somnambulism, trance, spiritism, demonology, miracle, mental therapeutics, genius, or insanity, are in some way related and consequently, that they are to be referred to some general principle or law, which, once understood, will simplify and correlate the whole subject-matter, and possibly remove it from the domain of the supernatural. ····· 1036143650

The Mental Cure

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The design of this book is to explain the nature and laws of the inner life of man, and to contribute some light on the subject of Mental Hygiene, which is beginning to assume importance in the treatment of disease, and to attract the attention of physiologists. It shows the influence of the mind on the body, both in health and disease, and the psychological method of treatment. ····· 1036143649

The Algonquin Legends Of New England

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This book is annotated with a rare biographical sketch of the author, written by Elizabeth Robins Pennell. This work contains a collection of the myths, legends, and folk-lore of the principal Wabanaki, or Northeastern Algonquin, Indians that is to say, of the Passamaquoddies and Penobscots of Maine, and of the Micmacs of New Brunswick. All of this material was gathered directly from Indian narrators. Contents: Preface. Introduction Glooskap The Divinity. The Legend Of Glooskap. The Merry Tales Of Lox, The Mischief Maker, The Amazing Adventures Of Master Rabbit The Chenoo Legends. Thunder Stories At-O-Sis, The Serpent The Partridge The Invisible One. Story Of The Three Strong Men. The Weewillmekq`. Tales Of Magic. Glint-Wah-Gnour Pes Sausmok. The Song Of The Stars. ····· 1036143601

Scientific Christian Mental Practice

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`Scientific Christian Mental Practice,` which once more becomes available with this ebook edition, embodies class instruction given by Emma Curtis Hopkins in the practical application of metaphysical Science as exemplified most particularly by Jesus Christ but with varying degrees of understanding by all true metaphysicians. Breaking open the twelve lessons of Science and receiving the ointment of the meanings is getting at the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. ····· 1036143168

Heal Your Fate - My Essential Works

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Gestefeld was a student of Mary Baker Eddy but had to leave the New Thought movement after a dispute with her teacher. She then created the philosophy `The Science Of Being`. This edition contains her works `The Breath Of Life` and `How We Master Our Fate`. ····· 1036143163

Thoughts are Things

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Prentice Mulford helped found the New Thought movement. The book `Thoughts are Things` contains thirteen essays selected from The White Cross Library. Contents: Chapter One: The Material Mind V. The Spiritual Mind Chapter Two: Who Are Our Relations Chapter Three: Thought Currents Chapter Four: One Way To Cultivate Courage Chapter Five: Look Forward! Chapter Six: God In The Trees Or, The Infinite Mind In Nature Chapter Seven: Some Laws Of Health And Beauty Chapter Eight: Museum And Menagerie Horrors Chapter Nine: The God In Yourself Chapter Ten: The Healing And Renewing Force Of Spring Chapter Eleven: Immortality In The Flesh Chapter Twelve: The Attraction Of Aspiration Chapter Thirteen: The Accession Of New Thought This edition also contains a rare essay about the author, his life, views and thoughts. ····· 1036143156

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