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Roman Holidays And Others

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With that genially serious attention to minute details, that humorous circumstantiality in treating the commonplace, which we have all come to know so well and to like (or dislike) so heartily in Mr. Howells, he has filled a substantial volume with his easily-flowing narrative of a Mediterranean vacation journey, naming his book `Roman Holidays and Others.` The first landing of his party was made at Madeira, whence they proceeded to Gibraltar, and then to Genoa, Naples, Rome, Leghorn, Pisa, Genoa again, and Monte Carlo. The style of the narrative if it is necessary to indicate it at all is well illustrated by the opening words of the second chapter: `There is nothing strikes the traveler in his approach to the rock of Gibraltar so much as its resemblance to the trade-mark of the Prudential Insurance Company. He cannot help feeling that the famous stronghold is pictorially a plagiarism from the advertisements of that institution.` Mr. Howells says of the Romans of these days that they have `a republican simplicity of manner, and I liked this better in the shop people and work people than the civility overflowing into servility which one finds among the like folk, for instance, in England.` ····· 1036146650

Certain Delightful English Towns

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A companion volume to `London Films`, in which Mr. Howells writes of Bath, Oxford, Canterbury and other delightful English towns, with glimpses of the country in between. The author catches the true spirit and dominant tone of each locality, and he regales the reader with various little adventures along the road. Mr. Howells is especially alert for details that link English history with our own, and have a special interest for the American traveler. ····· 1036146647

London Films

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In `London Films` Mr. Howells certainly maintains his deserved reputation. His delightful essays are characterized by a genial sympathy quite unlike any other author`s of the present time. It is this sympathy with his subject that gives the charm to the book. There is a broad indefiniteness or lack of mathematical accuracy that gives a pleasing literary tone to the book. He writes of the royal family, its movements and customs, although confessing the royal family has rarely come his way. Mr. Howells is decidedly pro-British. In many respects they excel us. He calls the appearance of the English dames authorized rather than authoritative, and says the dignity of the old people of both sexes is not matched in America. In its buildings and effects London excels New York. The dress of the English girl is contrasted with that of the American. Mr. Howells finds the American girl has more chic and the English more sentiment. His preference is clearly for the sentiment. While granting the sentiment in the English girl`s dress to exceed the American girl`s, you still have the choice of whether you want all that sentiment or not. The difference in dress is certainly an expression of the general difference in English and American character. Americans in general will probably let the sentiment go. Of course, as regards style Mr. Howells stands, with some few others, at the top of the writers of today. ····· 1036146646

Miss Bellard`s Inspiration

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`Miss Bellard`s Inspiration` has a charm altogether out of proportion to its pretensions. It is no more than a novelette in dimensions, and its story is of the simplest. but displays in the telling a very delicate art. There are six people concerned Miss Ballard and her ancé, the aunt and uncle with whom they spend a few days in the country, and a married couple who are their guests by chance. This couple proves to be singularly mismated, and the spectacle afforded by their bickerings so alarms the heroine that she discards her lover, lest some such future may be in store for them also. She speaks by way of explanation, about `that strange sort of feeling I had that we would be like them, if we married, and that there was not room in the world for two such quarrelsome couples` Later on, when the jangling pair have reached the point of imminent divorce, the rejected lover makes the following plea for a resumption of the old relations: `If they are separated for good and all, don`t you see that it gives us our chance ` The argument is convincing, and these are the words in which the heroine describes her capitulation: `The point was a very ne one, and I kept losing it but he never did and he held me to it, so that when he did go away, I promised him that I would think about it. I did think about it, and before morning I had a perfect inspiration. My inspiration was that when I was so helpless to reason it out for myself, I ought to leave it altogether to him, and that is why we are going to be married in the spring.` This is the orthodox conclusion, if brought about by whimsical means, but we cannot escape a certain concern for the young man`s future. ····· 1036146645

A Little Swiss Sojourn

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`A Little Swiss Sojourn` was passed in the village of Villeneuve in the canton of Vaud, where a comfortable pension, vineyards galore, a gothic chapel, the placid lake, the snow-covered Alps, an occasional château (to let, furnished, for $500 a year) lent charm, dignity and ample opportunity for reminiscence to the visit of three months of which this narrative records the impressions. It is a pretty picture of an alien civilization, having certain quaint analogies with our own hard-favored rural New England, which Mr. Howells sets forth with characteristic appreciation. ····· 1036146622

Tuscan Cities

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To meet Mr. Howells again on his Italian rambles is like rejoining an old friend in the midst of scenes associated with the beginning of our friendship. This rich volume is a grateful recollection of the book which first gave him a place in our standard literature. Much of the old charm of `Venetian Life` is certainly here. The daring disregard of conventionality, the happy discovery of aspects of life un noticed by previous travelers, the artistic and novel use of illustrative side-lights, the quick insight into the characteristics of places, the unforced flow of delicate humor, the fascination of a style distinguished more by natural grace than by laborious polish, and the genial understanding between the author and the reader all these qualities reappear in the new record of travel and if they seem less striking than they did of old, we must remember that Mr. Howells himself is no longer a fresh sensation but a familiar favorite. Half the volume is devoted to Florence under the title of Florentine Mosaics. Mr. Howells gives us something quite unlike the ordinary impressions of a traveler. Here is neither set description of scenery and architecture, nor systematic study of life and manners but the author passes at will from pictures of the streets and squares and churches and palaces, to brief comments upon the people, and glowing transcriptions of dramatic episodes in Florentine history. . . . Siena is visited in the same temper, although Mr. Howells took his pleasure there with a keener zest than the well-known sights of Florence were able to afford him and the tour took in Pisa, Lucca, Pistoja, Prato and Fiesole, of which he writes much more briefly than of the more important cities. ····· 1036146608

Italian Journeys

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The `Italian Journeys` of Mr. Howells date from the year 1864, when the author was still our Consul at Venice, and had just taken the first step in his long, honorable career as a man of letters by the publication of Venetian Life. His excursions lead him not only from Venice as far as Belmont, but also through many highways and byways of the Italian peninsula, one foot in sea and one on shore, by Parma and Mantua, Bologna and Genoa, Padua, Ferrara and Arqua, to the more familiar environment of Rome and Naples. Since all travelling, as the ` sage observes, gives a return in proportion to the knowledge that a man brings to it, the value of a book of travel must depend upon the traveler and no one needs to be reminded that this adventurer, in setting forth, was especially well equipped for the enterprise by his years in Venice, which gave him exceptional opportunity for study of the Italian language and literature. Day by day, he recorded the haps and hazards of his wandering, with the keenness of observation and delicacy of expression which already had gained for him the regard of thoughtful readers. His individuality is never lost it is always his point of view that we acquire not the pale reflex of another mind which has glanced that way before him. He keeps throughout, unblinded by prejudice and unobscured by affectation, that clear, receptive vision which makes the intelligent American traveler one of the best in the world. But over and above this he brings to bear upon all he sees a peculiar sympathy, which is the result of long association with things Italian. He is always an American, but an acclimated American. The prospect at Arqua reminds him of the Ohio hills that at Mantua of the Middle Mississippi yet at the Stella d`Oro, in Ferrara, he can join a group of Italian soldiers, and, winning their confidence, become one with them, for the time being, in their pleasant scheme for unifying Italy by persistent elimination of local dialects from their after-dinner talk, in favor of the common language. ····· 1036146327

Venetian Life

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A large part of Howell`s time in Venice was given up to a critical study of life in that city, and in his `Venetian Life,` which appeared in 1866, he has given to the world the result of his observation and study. The book abounds in dainty pen pictures of the beauties of Venice as he tells us of the Grand canal, we can almost hear the dipping paddles of passing gondolas, and the barcarolle wafted on the evening breeze. It may seem almost sacrilege to lovers of the old legends, that he explains away the romanticism of the Doge`s palace, and denominates the Bridge of Sighs a ` pathetic swindle`. The book`s finish was such as to reveal the highly interesting literary individuality of the author. ····· 1036146326

History Of Six Weeks` Tour

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History A Of Six Weeks` Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland with Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva and of the Glaciers of Chamouni is a travel narrative, that Mary Shelley has published in 1817. It describes two journeys that Shelley undertook with Percy Bysshe Shelley and her stepsister Claire. The first journey led them all across Europe in 1814, the second one to the Lake Geneva two years later. ····· 1036145659

A Tramp Abroad

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`A Tramp Abroad` is one of Mark Twain`s famous travel books, describing the events of a journey to Europe with his fictional friend Harris. They start their journey in Germany, travel through Switzerland and the Eastern part of France and touch cities in Northern Italy as well as some well-known mountains in the Alps. Twain`s humor is exceedingly fit to tell of many funny situations that the both of them encounter. ····· 1036145331

Pictures From Italy

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This is the illustrated and annotated edition including an extensive biographical essay about the author and his life as well as a wealth of original illustrations. You will always find a detailed introduction (which is not included in other editions) regarding the history of the title and many insights. The Pictures from Italy are excellent in themselves and excellent as a foil to the American Notes. Here we have none of that air of giving a decision like a judge or sending in a report like an inspector here we have only glimpses, light and even fantastic glimpses, of a world that is really alien to Dickens. It is so alien that he can almost entirely enjoy it. For no man can entirely enjoy that which he loves contentment is always unpatriotic. The difference can indeed be put with approximate perfection in one phrase. In Italy he was on a holiday in America he was on a tour. But indeed Dickens himself has quite sufficiently conveyed the difference in the two phrases that he did actually use for the titles of the two books. Dickens often told unconscious truths, especially in small matters. The American Notes really are notes, like the notes of a student or a professional witness. The Pictures from Italy are only pictures from Italy, like the miscellaneous pictures that all tourists bring from Italy. ····· 1036145261

Passages from the English Note-Books

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This is the extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, as well as an introductory to the book written by George Parsons Lathrop. The `English Note-Books` were the result of Hawthorne`s residence abroad, on being appointed Consul at Liverpool, by President Pierce. Although the `English Note-Books` are not so abundant in imaginative hints as the American, their range of topic and observation is wider, and they show how readily the author, who had lived as a recluse at home, adapted himself to society, to the obligations which his public position and his fame brought upon him. ····· 1036145133

Wanderjahre in Italien

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Die `Römischen Figuren` legten den Grund zu den `Wanderjahren in Italien`, der köstlichen Frucht jener glücklichen Tage, wo er `entzückt den wechselvollen Eindrücken der Natur und der Kunst sich hingebend` die ganze Halbinsel durchwanderte, später dabei ganz erfüllt von dem großen Stoff, den er sich inzwischen als Lebensaufgabe erwählt hatte. Inhalt: Ravenna Die öffentlichen Monumente von Florenz San Marco in Florenz Die Insel Elba Streifzug durch die Sabina und Umbrien Das Schloß der Orsini in Bracciano Römische Figuren Der Ghetto und die Juden in Rom Die Villa Malta in Rom und ihre deutschen Erinnerungen Aus der Campagna von Rom Subiaco, das älteste Benediktinerkloster des Abendlandes Aus den Bergen der Herniker Aus den Bergen der Volsker Eine Pfingstwoche in den Abruzzen Von den Ufern des Liris Idyllen vom lateinischen Ufer Das Kap der Circe Circe Das Bourbonenschloß Caserta Neapel Die Insel Capri Benevent Lucera, die Sarazenenkolonie der Hohenstaufen in Apulien Manfredonia Der Erzengel auf dem Berge Garganus Andria Castel del Monte, Schloß der Hohenstaufen in Apulien Lecce Tarent Palermo Agrigent Segesta, Selinunt und der Mons Eryx Syrakus ····· 1036145119


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Während einer Italienreise fasste der Autor den Entschluß, von Livorno aus nach der Insel Korsika überzusetzen, die ihn, wie er bemerkt, schon `als Kind mächtig gereizt` hatte, insbesondere aber, was er dort sah, mit der Feder für sich und die Mitwelt in eigener, neuer Weise festzuhalten. Land und Leute auf historischem Hintergrund zeichnend, hat er so die `historische Landschaft` als ein neues Genre in die Literatur eingeführt. Er hat selbst später dankbar bekannt: `Corsica hat mir den festen Boden unter die Füße gestellt`. So ist das Buch `Corsica` entstanden, welches mit seinem reichen, vielseitigen Inhalt entschieden zu den besten Arbeiten von G. gehört. ····· 1036145114

Holland in den Jahren 1831 und 1832

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1830 und 1831 war Wienbarg Hauslehrer von Charles Ernst Alexander Selby, dem Sohn des Dänischen Gesandten in Den Haag, Baron Charles Borre Selby. In dieser Zeit schrieb er seine Reiseberichte `Holland in den Jahren 1831-32`. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145047

Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802

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Der Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802 beschreibt in neuer Weise die Eindrücke des Schriftstellers als Reiseerlebnis: subjektiv, eigenwillig, politisch, kritisch, alltagsnah. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144689

Reisen eines Deutschen in England im Jahre 1782

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Wie jeder Deutsche, der Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts etwas auf sich hielt war auch Moritz gerne auf `Studienreisen`. Hier erzählt er die Eindrücke aus seinem Aufenthalt auf der Insel. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144349

Italienische Reise

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In den Jahren 1788-1789 unternahm Herder als Begleiter des Domherrn Johann Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg eine Italienreise. In Rom fand er Anschluss an die Gesellschaft der Herzogin Anna Amalie von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, die ebenfalls auf Reisen war, und befreundete sich mit der Malerin Angelika Kauffmann. Johann Friedrich Reiffenstein, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein und Johann Heinrich Meyer führten ihn durch Rom. Dort erhielt er eine ihn interessierende Berufung nach Göttingen. Weiter ging es nach Neapel, die Rückkehr führte ihn über Florenz, Venedig und Mailand. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144006

Automobile Reisen

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Bierbaums 1903 erschienenes Reisebuch `Eine empfindsame Reise im Automobil` schildert eine Fahrt, die das Ehepaar Bierbaum 1902 mit einem Cabrio der Marke Adler von Deutschland über Prag und Wien nach Italien (und auf der Rückreise via die Schweiz) unternahm. Eine weitere, hier enthaltene Fahrt, führte ihn von münchen über Innsbruck nach Südtirol. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036143973

Ein Winter in Spanien

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1852 machte sich Hackländer mit Freunden auf zu einer Reise durch Spanien. Er berichtet von seinen Erlebnissen u.a. in Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Toledo, Granada und Sevilla. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller, Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036143936


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Dieser Band beinhaltet die Aufzeichnungen, die der österreichische Nationaldichter auf seinen Reisen nach Deutschland, Frankreich, England und Griechenland verfasst hat. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller, Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036143920

Outre-Mer - A Pilgrimage Beyond The Sea

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This is the extended annotated edition including an extensive primer on the author`s life and works as well as a detailed introductory note to the work itself. This first major work of the famous author is a travelogue of his journeys to Europe. It is a form, which, as every reader knows, has been recommended by the high example and success of Mr. Irving and, in recording only such circumstances as suit his fancy, an accomplished traveller is certainly more likely to preserve the proper measure of spirit and freshness, than when he enters on the task of preparing an elaborate and formal narrative. It must not be supposed, that, in adopting the form of Mr. Irving, Longfellow has been guilty of any other imitation. They have both entered on the same field, in different directions. The Pays à Outre-Mer was the name, by which the Holy Land was known to the pilgrims and crusaders and the author describes himself as a pilgrim of the Land beyond the Sea. This land filled the visions of his youthful fancy, and when he first beheld its shores, it was with the same emotions, with which the wandering palmer used to hail the bounds of Palestine. It does not appear, however, that in roaming over classic ground, he felt as if he were undergoing penance on the contrary, he seems to have pursued his journey with a tolerably cheerful spirit, and when it was fairly over, to have sat down to embody and preserve the recollection of the scenes he had passed through. ····· 1036143661

Italienische Reise

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Die Italienische Reise ist ein Reisebericht, in dem Johann Wolfgang von Goethe seinen Italienaufenthalt zwischen September 1786 und Mai 1788 beschreibt. Das zweiteilige Werk basiert auf seinen Reisetagebüchern, entstand jedoch erst wesentlich später, zwischen 1813 und 1817. Neben Dichtung und Wahrheit und Kampagne in Frankreich zählt es zu seinen autobiografischen Schriften. Chronologisch stimmt die Italienische Reise mit seinen Tagebuchaufzeichnungen weitgehend überein, ist im Gegensatz zu diesen jedoch stark stilisiert und entbehrt ihrer Ursprünglichkeit. Während Goethe die eigentliche Reise inkognito unternahm, tritt er im Reisebericht selbst als Erzähler in der ersten Person auf. Trotz der intensiven nachträglichen Überarbeitung ist die Italienische Reise in Tagebuchform gegliedert. Dabei beginnen sich im Laufe des Werks Adressaten heraus zu kristallisieren: die ersten Teile sind an keinen bestimmten Leser gerichtet, später wendet er sich explizit an seine `Freunde`, und schließlich an konkrete Personen. (aus ····· 1036143087

Bilder und Träume aus Wien

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Als der deutsche Humorist 1836 eine Reise nach Wien unternommen hatte, kam er nicht umhin seine Eindrücke zu Papier zu bringen. Zu stark hatten ihn die Menschen und die Stadt selbst beeindruckt. Inhalt: Vorrede. Reise nach Wien. Das lärmende Wien. Erster Traum. Die Wiener. Die Wienerinnen. I küss` die Hand. Strauss und Lanner. Der Graben. Der Prater. Zweiter Traum. Speise und Trank. Die Fiaker. Kaffee- und Bierhäuser. Naderer. Das Burg-Theater. Dritter Traum. Volkstheater und Volkspoesie. Der Gang durch St. Stephan. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller, Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036143002

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