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Anne Of Geierstein

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. In point of time, this romance follows close upon `Quentin Durward,` Charles the Bold being a leading figure in both. Here, however, the scene is largely Switzerland, while the characters are drawn from several countries. An idyllic romance between a Swiss maiden and an English refugee has for background the gathering cloud of the battle of Nancy. John Philipson, an English `merchant,` and his son Arthur, are travelling with a guide through Switzerland, when Arthur narrowly escapes death over a cliff`s edge. He is rescued by Anne of Geierstein, a mountain maiden, who conducts him to the home of her uncle, Arnold Biederman. Arthur distinguishes himself at archery and thus arouses the jealousy of Anne`s suitor, Rudolph Donnerhugel, who challenges him to a duel with swords. This is frustrated by the maiden, who has overheard the quarrel. Arthur and his father are invited to join a deputation of Swiss who are on their way to lay a grievance before Charles the Bold, on account of excessive taxation. The travellers are denied admittance to Basle, although provided with food by its citizens. They take refuge in the ruins of a castle, and while Arthur is on guard he fancies he sees an apparition resembling Anne of Geierstein ... ····· 1036145475

The Fair Maid of Perth

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `The Fair Maid of Perth,` the daughter of a sturdy glover of that city, is the central figure of a romance of the time of Robert III of Scotland. Prince David, his dissolute son, is the connecting link between court and people, and the story is likewise concerned with the feuds of warring elans which stained so many pages of Scottish history. The best swordsman in all Perth is the doughty armorer, Henry Smith. Brave in other quarters, however, he is easily frightened by the mere presence of Catharine Glover, the `Fair Maid,` whom he loves devotedly. His devotion is soon put to good service in beating off a party of roystering courtiers who have placed a scaling ladder underneath her window with evil intent. He cuts off the hand of Sir John Ramorny in the melee, and the party take to flight. As this is St. Valentine`s Eve, Smith is rewarded by being chosen the valentine of Catharine for the ensuing twelvemonth, according to a local custom. Citizens indignant at the attack of the courtiers lay the matter before the provost who in turn brings it before the King. The King learns that his son David, Duke of Rothsay, has been among the roysterers, and he orders that Ramorny-who has been the prince`s master of horse-shall be dismissed from his service ... ····· 1036145474


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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. A picture of the times of the Commonwealth is afforded by the novel, `Woodstock.` After the battle of Worcester, King Charles II went into hiding, and under many disguises to escape the vigilance of Cromwell. This story deals with one such episode. During a service in the church at Woodstock, the preacher is thrust aside by a rough, soldierly fellow, Tomkins, a servant of the State Commissioners, who announces the victory of the Roundhead forces at Worcester, and the sequestration of the royal lodge of Woodstock by Cromwell. Sir Henry Lee, the Keeper of this park for the Crown, has already been advised of this movement and prepares to submit, though bemoaning the times as a staunch Royalist. Joliffe, his servant, plans to shelter Sir Henry and his daughter Alice Lee in his own cottage. When they arrive there, they meet Colonel Everard, nephew to the baronet, and suitor for Alice`s hand, who offers them his own and his father`s protection. But Everard is a Roundhead, and therefore in disfavor with Lee, who will accept no favors from him. Undaunted, however, Everard determines to appeal to Cromwell to reinstate his uncle at Woodstock ... ····· 1036145473

The Betrothed

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `The Betrothed` is a picture of the troublous times at home, while English knights were away upon the Crusades. The scene is laid upon the borderland of Wales, during the reign of Henry II, and the action clusters around the person of a young Norman heiress beset by Welsh and English alike. The venerable Archbishop of Canterbury makes it his chief business to preach the Third Crusade and to this end he exhorts Normans, settled in England and Wales, to lay aside all private feuds with their neighbors. Moved by his teaching, Gwenwyn, a Welsh chieftain, and Sir Raymond Berenger, a Norman knight, exchange friendly courtesies and Gwenwyn even goes so far as to make plans to divorce his wife in order that he may wed the Norman`s daughter Eveline. When he makes this proposal, however, an answer is returned that the lady is already betrothed to Sir Hugo de Lacy, an accomplished soldier, but a man of mature years. The fiery Welsh consider this in the light of an affront, and make war upon Sir Raymond in his stronghold of Garde Doloureuse ... ····· 1036145472


····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. In a historical sense ` Redgauntlet` is a sequel to `` Waverley.`` It takes up the action some eighteen` years later, at `that point of time when the Chevalier Charles Edward, though fallen into the sere and yellow leaf, was yet meditating a second attempt, which could scarcely have been more hopeless than his first.` Mr. Alexander Fairford, a worthy advocate of Edinburgh, has received into his home, for his son Alan`s sake, an impulsive young man known as Darsie Latimer. Darsie has an ample income and is assured of a legacy upon reaching the age of twenty-five but meanwhile knows nothing of his family history and is warned not to venture into England. The two young men have a David and Jonathan affection, although Mr. Fairford eyes Darsie`s harum-scarum tendencies with disapproval. Alan enters the law, while Darsie sets forth on a jaunt to Dumfries, writing back chatty letters to his friend, who replies in kind. At Solway Firth, Darsie escapes the dangers of tide and quicksand by the intervention of a taciturn stranger, who conducts him grudgingly to an out-of-the-way and mysterious home, where Darsie is sheltered for the night .... ····· 1036145471

St. Ronan`s Well

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. The last of the `Waverley Novels` in point of time reaches a period only a few years prior to its day of writing. It is also `upon a plan different from any other that the author had ever written``-that of depicting contemporary social life. The chief thread of the plot, relating to the victimizing of an unfortunate young woman, is somewhat involved (and perhaps weakened by the author`s subsequent change in his original MS.) and can be explained more clearly at the outset than by following the development of the story. Clara Mowbray, the only daughter of a wealthy landowner in southern Scotland, is at sixteen the romantic comrade of an older and more unprincipled cousin, Hannah Irwin. Together they roam the countryside and read exotic works of fiction. In the course of these jaunts Clara meets a handsome young stranger, Francis Tyrrel, whose birth is under a cloud. They declare a mutual passion which is fostered by Hannah. Francis`s half-brother, Valentine Bulmer, the ostensible heir of their father, the Earl of Etherington, acts as go-between for the young people and arranges a secret marriage at night but at the ceremony Bulmer substitutes himself as the bridegroom ... ····· 1036145470

Quentin Durward

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. Although France is the scene of this romance, the hero and several other characters are members of the Scottish guard to the French King. The period is that when chivalry and feudalism are passing away, and the governments becoming centralized, Louis XI of France is, in fact, warring against his most powerful vassal, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Quentin Durward, a Scotch youth, comes to Tours, where his uncle is a member of the celebrated Scottish bodyguard, and seeks military service. First, however, he meets the pretended merchant, Maitre Pierre, who is actually King Louis himself and next the young adventurer narrowly escapes hanging for interfering with a public execution. He is enrolled among the guards and finds favor in Louis`s eyes by aiding him against the attack of a frenzied boar, in a hunt. On the same day of the hunt, the Count de Crevecoeur, on behalf of his master, openly renounces allegiance to Louis, and also demands the surrender of Isabelle de Croye, the Duke`s ward, who has fled from Burgundy to escape a political marriage ... ····· 1036145469

Peveril Of The Peak

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `Peveril of the Peak` is an elaborately constructed tale dealing with a pretended Popish plot against Charles II of England, but introducing a great variety of figures and interests, only a few of which can be given in a brief outline. Sir Geoffrey Peveril, currently known as `Peveril of the Peak,`-the popular title of all his ancestors from the time of William the Conqueror their natural father, because of their mountain castle in Derbyshire,-is an old friend of Major Bridgenorth, a neighbor. Peveril is a Royalist and Bridgenorth a Puritan, but their personal friendship is undisturbed during the troubled days of Civil War and in fact the Major is able to render his friend great service at this time. It is requited when the Major`s wife dies, leaving an infant daughter, Alice, whom Lady Peveril rears like her own the little girl being the childhood`s comrade of Julian Peveril, only heir of the Peak estates. When Alice is in her third year the two families become estranged, in this wise. The Countess of Derby, feudal sovereign of the Isle of Man, having suffered imprisonment at the hands of the Roundheads, causes one of their leaders, William Christian, to be executed ... ····· 1036145468

The Fortunes Of Nigel

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. With the coming of James I to the English throne, as successor to Elizabeth, the union of England and Scotland was at last effected-outwardly at least-although the inner cementing required a generation or two longer. The story of Nigel and his fortunes is really a story of life in general, during the early years of the Scotch King`s reign, as well as a careful portrait of the monarch himself. Nigel Olifaunt, a young Scotch nobleman who has succeeded to his father`s title of Lord Glenvarloch, with very little of an estate to bolster up his name, comes to London to press a claim owed by King James himself. His servant, Monoplies, gets into a street brawl and is brought into the watchmaking shop of David Ramsay. The latter`s friend, George Heriot, the King`s jeweler, thus learns of Nigel`s presence in the city, and having been a friend of the young lord`s father, he visits Nigel and lends him money to make a proper appearance at court. Heriot`s good offices do not end here, for he lays the case before the King, who promises a part settlement of the claim. Heriot also invites Nigel to a dinner at his home, where the Scot meets Margaret Ramsay, the pretty daughter of the watchmaker ... ····· 1036145467

The Pirate

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `The Pirate` is not connected with historic annals, nor does it deal with the sea, except in an incidental way. It is a tale of neighborhood life off the northeast coast of Scotland. Basil Mertoun, a reticent and misanthropic man about which nothing is known, takes up his residence in a tumble-down mansion on a Shetland cape, which he rents at a nominal sum from Magnus Troil, an old landowner. Basil is accompanied only by a young son, Mordaunt, who, more sociable and agreeable than his father, makes acquaintances all about the countryside. Especially does he frequent the Troil home, attracted thither by the two charming daughters of Magnus, Minna and Brenda but he is so impartial in his attentions that the local gossips do not know which he courts. Returning from their home one stormy night he takes refuge in the cottage of the Yellowleys, an eccentric old farmer and his miserly sister but is warned by Norna, a half-crazed seeress, to proceed on his way ... ····· 1036145466


····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. The historical gap between `` The Abbot`` and `Kenilworth` is very slight. The latter deals with Queen Mary`s `` sister and foe, the celebrated Elizabeth,` says Scott. `The interest of the story is thrown upon that period when the sudden death of the first Countess of Leicester seemed to open to the ambition of her husband the opportunity of sharing the crown of his sovereign.` The story gives a fine picture of the haughty Queen surrounded by her courtiers and men famous in history. Edward Tressilian, a young gentleman who has loved Amy Robsart, a maiden of good family, is distressed to hear that she is living sequestered in a country villa near Oxford. Believing her dishonored, he makes his way thither and entreats her to return to her father. She refuses, throwing out hints of a high and honorable alliance. Leaving in despair, he fights with Richard Varney, whom he suspects of base dealing toward Amy, but Varney is saved by the intervention of Lambourne. Varney is, in fact, only the tool and lieutenant of `England`s proudest earl,` Leicester, who, having become enamored of Amy Robsart, has recently persuaded her to enter into a secret but lawful marriage with him. The earl has fitted up the country nest of his bride-Cumnor Place-in truly regal style, but Amy is guarded by Varney and a surly steward named Foster, whose daughter is her sole maid ... ····· 1036145465

The Abbot

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. Although a stated sequel to `The Monastery,` `The Abbot` deals with a wider field and more exalted personages than its predecessor. A few of the old characters are continued, but interest in the deeds of any `` abbot`` or his monks gives way to the troubled chronicle of Queen Mary of Scotland, from the time of her imprisonment at Lochleven Castle, to her flight into England after the Battle of Langside. Nearly ten years have passed since the union of Halbert Glendinning and Mary of Avenel-years in which the Protestant soldier proves his worth to the Earl of Murray, now Regent of Scotland, and is knighted and given increasing responsibilities. But the life of Sir Halbert and his lady, otherwise serene, has a cloud in the fact that no children have been born to them. The lonely lady is attracted to a child whom her dog saves from drowning, and she takes him into her household as page, with the further design of adopting him. The lad, Roland Graeme by name, becomes spoiled and overbearing through petting, and thus incurs the dislike of the household, among them the stern old chaplain, Henry Warden. Roland finally attempts to stab Adam Woodcock, the falconer, and is sent away in disgrace to seek his own fortunes ... ····· 1036145464

The Monastery

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. In ` The Monastery`` we find ourselves in Protestant England. So widespread has been the Reformation, that the monks are not only alarmed about their prestige, but their property as well. The country has been in a general state of unrest from the beginning of Queen Mary`s reign until the year 1550 when peace is restored and the monks repair their ravaged shrines. `The Monastery of St. Mary` (Melrose Abbey) has been untroubled for several years, at the commencement of this tale. Father Philip, sacristan of the monastery, goes to confess the Lady of Avenel on her death-bed, and discovers a Bible in her possession. He confiscates it, but on his return meets a spectral White Lady who causes him to lose the book. The sub-prior disbelieves his strange tale and goes to Glendearg to see Lady Avenel, when he learns that the Bible has been mysteriously returned. He obtains it, in turn, and starts back to the monastery, only to have it seized by the same weird apparition. A follower of Julian Avenel is held on suspicion of complicity, but is released. Meanwhile young Halbert Glendinning, whose mother lives in Glendearg Tower, invokes the spirit of the White Lady and is conducted by her to an underground cavern where he finds the charmed volume in the midst of magic flames ... ····· 1036145463


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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. The period of `Ivanhoe` is a few months subsequent to `The Talisman.` Richard I has abandoned his Crusade, and, after an incarceration in an Austrian prison returns to his English throne to find plots against him headed by his brother John, and also a general state of unrest. Normans and Saxons still quarrel, and the story as a whole gives an admirable picture of feudal times. Ivanhoe is the only son of Cedric the Saxon, and has been disinherited by his father on account of his love for Cedric`s ward, the Lady Rowena. lie thereupon goes with King Richard to Palestine and wins renown in the Crusade. He returns to England disguised as a Palmer. Meanwhile his father maintains the ancient Saxon state at his manor of Rotherwood, at odds with the Norman `interlopers.` Cedric therefore accords but grudging hospitality to a Norman knight, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, when the latter seeks shelter from a storm, being guided thereto by a pilgrim. During the evening repast, Lady Rowena inquires news of the Crusade and is informed that Ivanhoe has gained fame and the favor of the King. Bois-Guilbert thereupon boasts that he himself would like to meet him at a pending tournament at which the pilgrim takes up the gage forthe knight ... ····· 1036145462

Bride Of Lammermoor

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. Although the period of this tragedy of Lammermoor is placed within the reign of William and Mary, the story (unlike most of the others) has little historical connection. It tells, instead, of the feud of two Scotch families, which-as in `Romeo and Juliet``-brings woe to two lovers who have dared plight their troth despite the ancestral hatred. Scott states that it is based closely upon fact. Edgar of Ravenswood is the last of a noble house which has formerly been rich and powerful but his father, having been involved in the Jacobite cause, is ousted from the family estates by Sir William Ashton. After the old lord`s death, nothing remains to Edgar save the dilapidated Tower of Wolf`s Crag, and the fidelity of two ancient servants Mysie and Caleb. Shortly after his father`s funeral, the young man rescues Sir William and his daughter Lucy from the charge of an infuriated bull, and thus wins the respect of his ancient enemy and a warmer interest on the part of the maiden ... ····· 1036145461

A Legend Of Montrose

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. The scene of `A Legend of Montrose` is laid `during the period of that great and bloody Civil War which agitated Britain during the 17th century,` and which finally cost Charles I his kingdom and head. In the Scottish Highlands the struggle lay between the Covenanters who adhered to the Royalist cause, and the Presbyterians the field being further complicated by private feuds and the presence of outlaw clans. Dugald Dalgetty, a boastful soldier of fortune, meets the Earl of Menteith, who persuades him to join the Royalist army. They remain overnight at Darnlinvaroch Castle, where Dalgetty is told the story of Angus and Allan McAulay and their troubles at the hands of outlaws. Allan, who is of gloomy nature, is soothed by the harp-playing of Annot Lyle, a girl whose birth is enshrouded in mystery. The next day several heads of clans arrive whereupon the Earl of Montrose, who has been in disguise, takes command of the troops in the King`s name ... ····· 1036145460

The Heart Of Midlothian

····· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. The Porteous Riot, which occurred in Edinburgh during the reign of George II, is the historical rallying point of this story of Scotch middle life. The narrative, however, harks back several months and also extends forward some years the present argument, therefore, will be more intelligible if it gives the facts in their proper order, rather than as set forth in the opening chapters of the novel. David Deans, an honest but stern old Scotch Covenanter and farmer, marries twice in the course of his life, and by each wife has a daughter-Jeanie being some ten years older than her half-sister, Effie. Jeanie has two suitors-a childhood`s playmate, Reuben Butler, now a university graduate and candidate for the ministry and the dull Laird of Dumbiedikes, who is content to come month in and month out and merely look his admiration. Effie grows up into beautiful girlhood, being called the `Lily of St. Leonard`s,` but is willful and spoiled. Her sister Jeanie has little control over the motherless girl, who secretly frequents dances and other gatherings abhorred by her father ... ····· 1036145459

Old Mortality

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `Old Mortality` was the familiar title of an actual personage, Robert Paterson, a harmless itinerant hermit who received this nickname because of his habit of visiting the tombs of Scotch Covenanters. His daily labor of love was to care for these stones and deepen their lettering with his chisel doing this in honor of the martyrs for the cause, who had fallen in their struggle against the state. He died about the beginning of the 19th century. The incidents of the present story are supposed to be based on reminiscences which he related to a friend. They deal with the Covenanter`s insurrection during the reign of Charles II of England. At a general muster of troops and volunteers, in Lanarkshire, Henry Morton, a young man of Presbyterian stock, wins a victory over Lord Evandale in a target-shooting contest. Morton stops with friends at a neighboring tavern where he meets John Balfour, a Covenanter or Whig, and also is party to a quarrel with Sergeant Bothwell of the King`s troops. Balfour escapes from the sergeant and is sheltered for the night by Morton. The next day the young man is arrested by the trooper, for aiding the insurgent, and is carried to Lady Bellenden`s castle, where Colonel Graham of Claverhouse is stationed temporarily ... ····· 1036145458

Rob Roy

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. Rob Roy MacGregor was a historical figure-an outlaw who `owed his fame in a great measure to his residing on the very verge of the Highlands, and playing such pranks in the beginning of the eighteenth century as are usually ascribed to Robin Hood in the Middle Ages,-and that within forty miles of Glasgow.` He was implicated in the Jacobite rebellion of 1715 -which is the period of this story-but from motives of self-interest. Francis Osbaldistone, the ostensible narrator of this tale, is a young Londoner whose father is a successful merchant and naturally wishes his son to succeed him in the business. But Francis has other ideas, and a quarrel results, in which his father sets him adrift in the world to make his own way, and threatens to disinherit him in favor of Rashleigh Osbaldistone, a Scottish cousin. Francis rides northward on a visit to Rashleigh`s father, Sir Hildebrand of Osbaldistone Hall. On his way thither he falls in with a nervous traveller named Morris, who afterwards accuses him wrongly of the theft of his bag but is cleared on the intervention of a supposed cattle-dealer, Campbell ... ····· 1036145457

The Antiquary

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `The Antiquary` is an intimate picture of Scotch neighborhood life in its varied phases, from the fisherman`s hut to the nobleman`s castle, at the close of the eighteenth century. The popular tumult over the threatened French invasion, following upon the Revolution in that country, is the only hint of historical connection. Jonathan Oldbuck, a gentleman past middle life and of pronounced antiquarian tastes, takes a great liking to a young man known as Lovel, whom he meets on a short journey. Lovel is an army officer, but both his actions and his antecedents are somewhat of a mystery to the curious villagers of Fairport, a seaport town, near Oldbuck`s country estate. Oldbuck, however, recognizes him to be a gentleman, and invites him to dinner, where he is presented to Sir Arthur Wardour and his daughter, Isabella. The two young people greet as strangers, although they have met before. In fact, Lovel is then in Fairport to urge his suit for the young lady`s hand, but a cloud upon his parentage renders him unsuccessful ... ····· 1036145456

Guy Mannering

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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. The second novel written by Scott turned aside from the path of history, so successfully followed in `Waverley,` and dealt no less happily with private scenes and characters. Some of the most enduring and popular types in the author`s entire gallery are to be found in `Guy Mannering.` Godfrey Bertram, the easy-going laird of the Ellengowan estate, whose hearth-stone is open to vagrant and gentleman alike, shelters a young Englishman of good family during a night when an heir is born to Ellangowari. The vistor, Guy Mannering, knows the rudiments of the discredited science of astrology, and-partly out of curiosity, partly to gratify the father`s whim-casts the horoscope of the infant. The prediction shows three periods of baleful influence upon the child, beginning at five years and ending at twenty-one-the last period strangely coinciding with a storm-centre prophesied for Mannering`s promised wife. Disturbed by these coincidences, Mannering absolves astrology henceforth, and in order to avoid the possibility of influencing his host`s son, he writes and seals the prediction, with instructions that it be left unopened until after the child`s fifth birthday. The next day he departs, and soon after enters military service in India, where he attains the rank of Colonel... ····· 1036145455


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This is the fully illustrated and extended annotated edition including a rare and extensive biographical essay on the author, his life and works plus a wealth of illustrations. `Waverley` is noteworthy not only in being the author`s first novel, but also because it gives a fine panorama of an important historic period. The story is written around the Jacobite insurrection of 1745, led by Prince Charles Edward Stuart in the endeavor to place his exiled father upon the English throne. It deals closely with Scotch people and customs. Edward Waverley, the hero, is a young English gentleman, prospective heir to his uncle`s large estate. As a means of completing his education, he is sent with a captain`s commission to join the regiment of Colonel Gardiner, stationed in Scotland. Affairs in camp not being of warlike nature at this time, he obtains an extended leave of absence, to visit his uncle`s friend, Bradwardine, baron of an estate at Tully-Veolan. Several weeks are spent with the worthy old Scotch veteran and his pretty daughter, Rose. At this juncture the baron`s cattle are driven off by Donald Bean Lean`s band of freebooters, and a `go-between` visits the baron to obtain `blackmail` for their return ... ····· 1036145454

Der Weg zum Glück

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`Der Weg zum Glück`, hier in der Komplettausgabe vorliegend, war der letzte große Fortsetzungsroman des großen deutschen Schriftstellers. Behandelt wird die Lebensgeschichte des berühmten Bayernkönigs Ludwig II. Die voneinandern unabhängigen Episoden verweben sich immer wieder zu einem äußerst unterhaltsamen und interessanten Gesamtwerk. ····· 1036145446

Prinzessin Jungfrau

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Die ästhetisch wertvolle Geste in der aristokratischen Gesellschaft zwischen 1600 und 1789 ist es, die Rüttenauer als Künstler angezogen hat. In diesem Roma erzählt er die Geschichte einer schönen, stolzen und leidenschaftlichen Frau, der Base von Ludwig XIV. und Herzogin von Montpensier ... ····· 1036145425

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