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Der Weg zum Glück

····· lezzter Preis 2.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Der Weg zum Glück`, hier in der Komplettausgabe vorliegend, war der letzte große Fortsetzungsroman des großen deutschen Schriftstellers. Behandelt wird die Lebensgeschichte des berühmten Bayernkönigs Ludwig II. Die voneinandern unabhängigen Episoden verweben sich immer wieder zu einem äußerst unterhaltsamen und interessanten Gesamtwerk. ····· 1036145446

Prinzessin Jungfrau

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Die ästhetisch wertvolle Geste in der aristokratischen Gesellschaft zwischen 1600 und 1789 ist es, die Rüttenauer als Künstler angezogen hat. In diesem Roma erzählt er die Geschichte einer schönen, stolzen und leidenschaftlichen Frau, der Base von Ludwig XIV. und Herzogin von Montpensier ... ····· 1036145425

Die Enkelin der Liselotte

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Die `Die Enkelin der Liselotte` ist eine politische Heiratsgeschichte. Wie die meisten von Rüttenauers literarischen Werken spielt auch diese zu einem großen Teil in Frankreich. ····· 1036145424

Der Kardinal

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Die Denkwürdigkeiten des Kardinals von Retz gehören in einzelnen Teilen zu den erstaunlichen Selbstbekenntnissen, womit wenige außerordentliche Männer die Weltliteratur zu bereichern den Mut hatten, und worin dieselben zur Naturgeschichte des Menschen, insofern er ein moralisches Wesen ist, unersetzliche und unvergleichliche Dokumente geliefert haben, deren ewige Bedeutung längst erkannt ist. Es ist zu einem großen Teil rein politische Geschichte, nämlich eine Darstellung der Bürgerkriege (der sogenannten Fronde) in der Zeit der Minderjährigkeit des vierzehnten Ludwig. ····· 1036145423

Der Blaustrumpf am Hofe

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Ein Frauenspiegel aus dem Rokoko. Diese Ich-Erzählung aus dem 18. Jahrhundert ist eine Emanzipationsgeschichte, die unter anderem in Paris und der Normandie angesiedelt ist. ····· 1036145422

Bertrade - Die Chronik des Mönchs von Le Saremon

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Die Chronik des Mönchs von Le Saremon. In diesem historischen Roman erzählt Rüttenauer die Geschichte eines Geistlichen, der Hofkaplan der Herren von Armagnac wird und schließlich mit ansehen muss, wie diese ihrer Lehen enthoben werden. ····· 1036145421

Alamance - The Great And Final Experiment

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There is something peculiarly pleasing in the pictures which Mr. Wiley presents to the imagination. He does not deal in the darker and sterner materials of humanity to which some writers of fiction are so partial, and which they find so useful in making up scenes of agony and horror. Neither does he delight, as some, to pour out bitterness and gall, satire and invective, against social order and the human race. His landscape has always more of the sunshine than of the shade, and his men and women the clear serene aspect of truth and goodness. He relies for effect on the influence of the gentler rather than of the more violent emotions, and appeal\* much more to the affections than to the passions. The reader of ` Alamance ` on closing the volume, Will not feel perhaps the fierce and painful agitation consequent upon the perusal of a fiction of the modern French school, but he will find his mind stored with scenes and ideas on which the memory will dwell with oft recurring pleasure, he will find himself a wiser, a belter, and a happier man. As a writer of historical fiction, Mr. Wiley deserves special commendation. He has opened an entirely new vein of American history. His ` Alamance` and his `Utopia` have given an unpre-cedented impulse to historical inquiry in the state of North Carolina, to which they both refer. ····· 1036145323

The African Preacher

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The subject of this book was a native of Africa. When about seven years of age, he was kidnapped, brought to this country, and enslaved. He was supposed to belong to one of the last cargoes of this sort, ever landed on the shores of Virginia. He was purchased at Osborne`s, on James` river, by a Mr. Stewart, and was subsequently taken to the county of Nottoway, Virginia, where the whole of his long and interesting life was spent. He grew to manhood, ignorant of letters, and a stranger to God engaged in the occupations common to those in a state of bondage. The region of country in which he lived, was, at this period, deplorably destitute of the means of grace. The gospel was seldom preached, the Sabbath scarcely known as a `day of sacred rest,` and few were found willing to incur the odium of a public profession of religion ... ····· 1036145321

The Last Egyptian - A Romance Of The Nile

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An Egyptian romance of the present time, full of the charm of the land of the Nile and dramatic in plot and setting. The book is a most creditable romance vibrant with human nature and the mystery and fascination of the East. A young Englishman, with an abundant fortune and a passion for Egyptology, visits the village of Al-Kusiyeh because of the rumor that ancient arms and jewels had come from the Sheik. There he meets Kara, the lineal descendant of the great Athka-Ra and grandson of Princess Hatatcha, who, at seventeen, captivated London and Lord Roane, who divorced his wife for her sake, but whom she refused to marry. Their daughter was Kara`s mother. Lord Roan`s grand-daughter was the one unselfish, honest love of his life, and he and his dissolute son are given government positions in Cairo, where the Englishman and Kara both meet, and wish to marry the grand-daughter. Jealousy, treachery, plot and counterplot are thrown against a background of ancient custom and belief. It is a story of a vendetta, in which an Egyptian prince-to avenge the wrong of his grandmother-pits himself against the love of an Englishman for the possession of the woman who is by blood his cousin. ····· 1036145319

Daughters Of Destiny

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The scene of L. Frank Baum`s a.k.a Schuyler Stanton`s novel `Daughters of Destiny` is laid in Baluchistan, where things happen that couldn`t possibly happen elsewhere. The lives and fates of two women from America and another of the Orient are criss-crossed in a way to evolve details of curious character and extraordinary interest. ····· 1036145317

The Fate Of A Crown

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The Fate of a Crown, written by the famous `Oz` author L. Frank Baum under the alias of Schuyler Staunton is a stirring novel of the events of a South American revolution. A young man just out of college goes to Brazil as secretary of the prime mover in the revolution, and by so doing begins a series of adventures that run from tragic to comic, ending with the success of the conspiracy, a straightening out of many tangles, and the marriage of the hero to one of the most brilliant and beautiful conspirators. A most readable book. ····· 1036145316


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Der 1940 in München verstorbene Rüttenauer brillierte immer wieder mit seiner Erzählkunst, mit der er auch schwierige historische Themen exzellent darstellen konnte. In `Tankred` geht es um eine höchst pikante Affäre im französischen Hochadel Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Dem Hause Rohan wird ein Kind untergeschoben, das schon bald für sehr viele Verwicklungen sorgen wird ... ····· 1036145301

A Tale Of Two Cities

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This is the illustrated and annotated edition including an extensive biographical essay about the author and his life as well as a wealth of original illustrations. You will also find a detailed introduction (which is not included in other editions) regarding the history of the title and many insights. A Tale of Two Cities differs essentially from all of Dickens` other novels in style and manner of treatment. Forster, in his `Life of Dickens,` writes that `there is no instance in his novels excepting this, of a deliberate and planned departure from the method of treatment which had been pre-eminently the source of his popularity as a novelist.` To rely less upon character than upon incident, and to resolve that his actors should be expressed by the story more than they should express themselves by dialogue, was for him a hazardous, and can hardly be called an entirely successful, experiment. With singular dramatic vivacity, much constructive art, and with descriptive passages of a high order everywhere, there was probably never a book by a great humorist, and an artist so prolific in conception, with so little humor and so few remarkable figures. Its merit lies elsewhere. The two cities are London and Paris. The time is just before and during the French Revolution. A peculiar chain of events knits and interweaves the lives of a `few simple, private people` with the outbreak of a terrible public event. Dr. Manette has been a prisoner in the Bastille for eighteen years, languishing there, as did so many others, on some vague unfounded charge. His release when the story opens, his restoration to his daughter Lucie, the trial and acquittal of one Charles Darnay, nephew of a French marquis, on a charge of treason, the marriage of Lucie Manette to Darnay,- these incidents form the introduction to the drama of blood which is to follow. Two friends of the Manette family complete the circle of important characters: Mr. Lorry, a solicitor of a very ancient London firm, and ····· 1036145255

Sturmwind im Westen

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Hollaenders Roman war seinerzeit ein echter Aufreger, schildert er doch jene Berliner Dekadenz-Gesellschaft, von deren Genuß- und Erwerbsleben drei besonders charakteristische Affären plötzlich den Schleier rissen. Ein sittlich ernstes Werk, das den Leser erhebt, machmal auch erdrückt und den Autor zum Juvenal des Spree-Athens erhob. ····· 1036145239

The Master of Ballantrae

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. In his romance `The Master of Ballantrae` Stevenson has touched high-water mark. One is tempted to go beyond this and say that no modern work of fiction in the English language rises higher in the scale of literary merit than this. It is a story of human passion, of human weakness, of human love and hate. The scene of the tale, for the most part, is laid in and around the House of Durrisdeer, on the Solway shore. Four persons make up the dramatis persona, at the beginning of the story, and although others come into the drama as it wears on to its tragical close, it may be said that no greater number than this is called into the plot of the piece. An old lord overfond of his rascally elder son that son, devilish in his selfishness and satanic in his powers of fascination a young woman blindly in love with him and a younger son, who is early taunted with being the Supplanter, and who has the only virtue in the family these are the materials from which Mr. Stevenson has evolved one of the most admirable pieces of literary work that has been given to the world of readers in many a day. ····· 1036145210

The Merry Men

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. A story which shows Stevenson`s powder of vividly descriptive writing at perhaps its highest level, but one which, as a story, has been variously criticized. It was written in the Highlands in 1881, the year after his marriage, as one of a series of tales of horror (` crawlers,` as he called them), planned in collaboration with his wife. Aros of the story is the tidal islet of Earraid, famous under its own name in Kidnapped the Ross of Grisapol is the Ross of Mull and Ben Ryan, Ben More. The name of the Merry Men is plainly taken from the Merry Men of Mey, as sailors call certain rocks in the dangerous channels of the Pentland Firth. In writing what he called ` a fantastic sonata of the sea and wrecks ` Stevenson seems to have adopted a more complex and subtle scheme than was commonly his plan of construction, which perhaps is the reason why the tale is pronounced good or bad by the critics according to their discernment of its motive. ····· 1036145209


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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. In writing this, his third, book for boys, Stevenson turned from scenes and characters of pure invention to real people and places of a minor incident of Scottish history. The Appin murder, which provides the turning point of the story, has thereby become known to thousands who had not before heard of Alan Breck or the wrongly condemned James Stewart. The Highlands, in their unsettled state after the `45, are made the setting for the adventures of the sober David Balfour, in whose prim ways and staid talk Stevenson found the contrast with the rebel spirits of the Highland Jacobites. Save for the change of year from 1752 to 175 1, he keeps very close to the historical facts, as may be seen from the outline of these latter in the chapter on the Appin murder on another page. A single episode of this kind, grafted on to imaginary adventures, just suited Stevenson`s genius for romantic incident, while it did not lay upon him the physical strain of managing a full stage of historical characters in the manner of Dumas or Scott. Thus Kidnapped has the features of both an historical romance and a boy`s book of adventure. In blending the two Stevenson satisfied his young readers, and compelled the admiration of such non-adventurous bookmen as Matthew Arnold and Henry James. ····· 1036145208

Die Rose von Disentis

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Die hier besprochenen Begebenheiten fallen in die Zeit der französischen Umwälzungskriege, und stehen mit einem Vorgang derselben in Berührung, den die meisten Geschichtschreiber kaum erwähnen, oder doch nur beiläufig gedenken, obgleich dieses nur beiläufig besprochene Ereignis viele Hundert Menschen in Elend und Tod stürzte. Der Schauplatz des Trauerspiels sind wenig bekannte, selten besuchte Täler zwischen Felsen, von denen unsere Geographen und Reisebeschreiber kaum etwas zu sagen wissen, obgleich jene im Mittelpunkt Europas liegen, und zu den sehenswürdigsten der Schweiz gehören. Ebenso fremd für die übrige Welt ist das darin wohnende Völkchen, obgleich es sich in seinen Wohnsitzen des ältesten und unvermischtesten Herkommens rühmen könnte, wenn ihm an solchem Ruhme etwas gelegen wäre ... Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145083

Der Freihof von Aarau

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`Der Freihof von Aarau` ist ein spannender historischer Roman, der ins Mittelalter zurück führt und während des Zürichkriegs von 1444 von den Konflikten der noch sehr jungen Schweiz berichtet. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145082

Addrich im Moos

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Der hstorische Roman `Addrich im Moos` zeichnet ein Bild des Bauernkrieges in der Schweiz 1653. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145081

Der Sülfmeister

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Wolffs Roman beleuchtet das Stadtleben im mittelalterlichen Lüneburg. Die detailliert geschriebene historische Handlung lässt immer wieder damalige Ereignisse lebhaft und wirklichkeitsnah hervortreten. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145074

Der Raubgraf

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Eine historische Geschichte aus dem Harzgau. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145073

Das Wildfangrecht

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Eine pfälzische Geschichte aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145071

Das schwarze Weib

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Ein Roman aus dem Bauernkrieg. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036145070

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