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Englisch lernen - Einfach sprechen!

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Lernen Sie alles was Sie brauchen, um selbstbewusst alltägliche Unterhaltungen zu führen. Die beste Methode um Sprachen zu lernen ist viel zu sprechen! Was beinhaltet der NLS Sprachkurs
- Englischkurs für Anfänger
- Fliessend Englisch sprechen mit nur 10 Minuten am Tag
- Geeignet für folgende Sprachniveaus: Anfänger A1, A2, B1
- Trainieren des Hörverständnis mit der Audio-CD
- Aufnahmen von englischen Muttersprachlern
- Logische Erklärung der englischen Grammatik
- Alltagsrelevanter Wortschatz von 650 englischen Wörtern mit Paralleltext schnell und sicher erlernen
- Richtige englische Aussprache üben und
- Auch ideal zum Auffrischen der englischen Sprache.
Der NLS-Lerntext besteht aus einer spannenden Kurzgeschichte, die auf mehr als 650 Vokabeln aufgebaut ist, ausgewählt von unseren Sprachexperten aus der Liste der laut dem Oxford Dictionary 3000 wichtigsten Wörter für den allgemeinen Alltagswortschatz. Mit der Wort-für- Wort-Übersetzung im Paralleltext spielend leicht Vokabeln lernen. Beim NLS-Sprachkurs liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Sprechen. Lernen Sie die Sprache so wie Sie es auch mit ihrer Muttersprache gemacht haben: EINFACH SPRECHEN! So verlieren Sie alle Hemmungen und lernen die
Sprache ganz natürlich anzuwenden. Denn Sprechen ist etwas ganz natürliches, was leicht geht und Freude bereitet. Mit 10 Minuten am Tag lernen Sie einfach Englisch oder frischen ihre Englischkenntnisse wieder auf. ····· 10361178578


····· lezzter Preis 14.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Charles Bukowski, geb. am 16. August 1920 in Andernach, lebte seit seinem zweiten Lebensjahr in Los Angeles. Nach Jobs als Tankwart, Schlachthof- und Hafenarbeiter begann er zu schreiben und veröffentlichte weit über 40 Prosa- und Lyrikbände. Charles Bukowski starb am 9. März 1994 in San Pedro/L.A. ····· 10361197665


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Bei Amazon schreibt `Mardou`: Ein absolutes MUSS für jeden Bukowski-Fan!!!! oder Wirklich was Neues erfährt man über ihn vielleicht nicht, wenn man seine Bücher kennt, aber dennoch: Ein paar Stunden reinstes Bukowski-Lesevergnügen!!! oder Alles was das Herz begehrt: Gedichte, Kurzgeschichten, Fotos und Briefe, ein Interview und viele Texte von Schriftstellern/Bekannten über ihn. was will man mehr ! oder. Ach, kauft es Euch einfach, überzeugt Euch selbst davon und schreibt einen besseren Rezensionstext als ich! Aber einen kleinen Tipp hätte ich doch noch: Sorgt dafür, dass Ihr danach gleich ein weiteres Buch von ihm zur Hand habt, denn das hier macht Hunger auf mehr! ····· 10361197677

Englische Sprachgeschichte

····· lezzter Preis 15.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036156469

La presente per comunicarVi. Einführung in Wortschatz und Grammatik der italienischen Handelskorrespondenz

····· lezzter Preis 17.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`La presente per communicarVi...` wendet sich vor allem an Lernende, die über keine, geringe oder lückenhafte Kenntnisse der italienischen Grammatik verfügen - Verhältnisse, wie sie in Fremdsprachenunterricht im Rahmen der Berufsausbildung allgemein anzutreffen sind. Die systematische Beschränkung auf die wesentlichen Strukturen und auf das Grundvokabular der italienischen Geschäftssprache ermöglicht es, in relativ kurzer Zeit auch Anfängern die sprachlichen Voraussetzungen der italienischen Handelskorrespondenz zu
vermitteln. Mit einem bewährten Konzept werden die Schüler auf einen Kenntnisstand gebracht, der in der beruflichen Praxis anwendbar ist und eine solide Grundlage für eine spätere, weiterführende Ausbildung darstellt. Dem Fortgeschrittenen und allen, die Italienisch ohne grammatikalische Grundlage gelernt haben, bietet das Buch die Möglichkeit, systematisch oder auch nur punktuell, die italienische Grammatik auf der Grundlage des elementaren Wortschatzes der Handelskorrespondenz zu wiederholen.
Das Lehrbuch/Arbeitsheft umfasst drei Teile: Teil 1 enthält die Darstellung der Grammatik, Vokabellisten, Einsetz- und Übersetzungsübungen. Teil 2 bietet tabellarische Übersichten zur Konjugation der unregelmäßigen Verben, zum Verb und seiner Ergänzung sowie zu den gebräuchlichsten Präpositionen und Adverbien und andere praktische Übersichten. Teil 3 besteht aus einem deutsch-italienischen Wörterverzeichnis.
Die Form des Arbeitsheftes bietet vor allem lerntechnische Vorteile: Alle Übungen und Aufgaben sollen direkt in das Buch eingetragen und dort auch korrigiert werden. Der Lehrstoff sowie Aufgaben, Lösungen und Korrekturen bleiben beisammen, so dass der Lernprozess zur Wiederholung, zur Prüfungsvorbereitung und auch bei späterer Praxisanwendung immer wieder leicht nachvollzogen werden kann. Die 4. Auflage wurde gründlich durchgesehen, überarbeitet und aktualisiert ein Lösungsheft ist separat erhältlich. ····· 10361201564

Über den Einfluss des Englischen auf das Anglo-Normannische

für 17.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1906. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143731

Darstellung der Ablautverhältnisse in der schottischen Schriftsprache

für 17.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1904. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143879

Henry David Thoreau - Wege eines amerikanischen Schriftstellers

····· lezzter Preis 18.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nach der Lektüre von Thoreaus Tagebuch rieb sich der prominente Kritiker Alfred Kazin die Augen: Es sei `unnatürlich`, dass jemand Tag für Tag derart gut schreibe. Thoreaus Ruhm beruht zum einen auf `Walden`, dem Bericht über das Experiment eines einfachen, naturnahen Lebens, der maßgeblich zur Entwicklung des ökologischen Bewusstseins beigetragen hat zum anderen auf dem Essay `Civil Disobedience`, dessen Titel zum Schlagwort für Bürgerrechtler und Protestbewegungen in aller Welt geworden ist, von Gandhi, Nelson Mandela und Martin Luther King bis zu `Occupy` und `Black Lives Matter`. Gegenüber diesen beiden Klassikern ist das übrige Werk - politische Pamphlete, Natur-Essays, Reisebücher, das Tagebuch, die hinterlassenen Fragmente - nicht ins allgemeine Bewusstsein gedrungen. Zu Unrecht. Das Gesamtwerk beeindruckt durch erstaunliche thematische Vielfalt, gedankliche Tiefe und nicht zuletzt die von Kazin notierte stilistische Brillanz. Ein überzeugter Amerikaner, hochkarätiger Naturforscher und eigenwilliger Denker im Umkreis Emersons und der `Transzendentalisten`, erweist sich Thoreau vor allem als ein Schriftsteller von weltliterarischem Rang. ····· 10361177635

B. Traven. Über das Problem der inneren Kolonisierung im Werk von B. Traven

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Ludszuweit unternimmt den Versuch, B. Travens Darstellung der Unterdrückung der lateinamerikanischen Völker durch die katholischen Spanier aus dem Blickwinkel der `conquista spiritualis` zu rekonstruieren. Die `geistige Eroberung` raubte den Unterdrückten ihre religiöse, sprachliche und historische Identität. Der Autor geht davon aus, daß der Kolonialismus ein tiefgreifendes System von Eroberung, Entwertung und (vor allem psychologischer und intellektueller) Beraubung darstellt, das noch generationenlang weiterwirkt. Er weist in einer Analyse ausgewählter Werke Travens nach, daß diese `geistige Eroberung` kaum Platz ließ für: `Erlöse uns von den Übeln.` ····· 10361199437

Antonius und Kleopatra / Antony and Cleopatra

····· lezzter Preis 19.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Studienausgabe ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036156561

Wie es euch gefällt / As You Like It

····· lezzter Preis 19.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
As You Like It ist Shakespeares Variante des Schäferspiels, der Pastorale. Im Wald von Arden erproben die Höflinge das Schäferdasein und wägen Vorzüge und Nachteile des Lebens am Hof und auf dem Lande gegeneinander ab. Vier Paare zeigen mit perspektivisch wechselndem Spiel verschiedene Seiten der Liebe. Der Wald von Arden wird, ähnlich wie der Wald in A Midsummer Night`s Dream oder Prosperos Insel in The Tempest, zum Ort der Visionen, der Selbstfindung und der Verwandlung. Das Spiel mit vorgetäuschter und echter, erwiderter und nicht erwiderter Liebe, mit Wunsch und Erfüllung kennzeichnet grundsätzlich die pastorale Dichtung und prägt in gleichem Maße auch As You Like It. Shakespeares Verhältnis zur Schäferdichtung erweist sich als komplex, das Stück bricht in mancher Weise mit den Konventionen, hinterfragt sie und stellt neue Bezüge dar. Die wortgetreue Übersetzung und die Anmerkungen erschließen das an Wortwitz und Sprachsatire reiche Stück und geben weiterführende Hinweise. Die Einleitung und der Kommentar setzen sich mit den vielfältigen Bezügen dieser Komödie vertieft auseinander - mit dem literarischen und gattungsgeschichtlichen Hintergrund, dem sozialen und historischen Kontext, mit Theatergeschichte und Shakespeares Verarbeitung der literarischen Quelle. ····· 1036156565

King Henry VI. 1 / König Heinrich VI. 1

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Gegen Ende des Hundertjährigen Krieges verliert der englische Hochadel die französischen Eroberungen des erfolgreichen Soldatenkönigs Heinrichs V. durch interne Streitigkeiten und Fehden wieder. Die charismatische Jeanne d`Arc nutzt die Schwächen der englischen Führung entschlossen aus und befreit ihre Heimat von den Besetzern. Shakespeares Darstellung der Johanna von Orléans bricht mit überlieferten Traditionen, denn er schildert die französische Nationalheldin aus englischer Sicht und vor dem Hintergrund der frankreichfeindlichen Stimmung des 16. Jahrhunderts. Mit der bekannten Rosengartenszene nehmen in England die Rosenkriege ihren Anfang. In deren Verlauf werden jegliche Illusionen über die Uneigennützigkeit und über edle Ziele der englischen Mächtigen verloren gehen, eine Entwicklung, die sich im ersten Teil der Trilogie über die Herrschaft Heinrichs VI. andeutet. König Heinrich VI, Teil I führt den Hintergrund der Rosenkriege aus und ist somit grundlegend für das Verständnis der gesamten Trilogie. ····· 1036156568

The Two Gentlemen of Verona / Die zwei Herren von Verona

····· lezzter Preis 19.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Versuch, dem besten Freund die Freundin auszuspannen, gilt auch unter heutigen Jugendlichen als unfein des Freundes Freundin gar vergewaltigen zu wollen, kann jede Männerfreundschaft gefährden. Verlass ist nur auf die Gefühle der Frauen, welche alles zu einem guten Ende führen.
Wie in vielen Komödien Shakespeares sind die Diener in The Two Gentlemen of Verona lustiger als ihre Herren, und die moralischen Prinzipien des vielleicht einzigen Hundes auf Shakespeares Bühne sind denen aller Herren ohnehin überlegen.
Dieses vergnügliche Frühwerk Shakespeares behandelt Themen, die zeitlos brisant sind, aber nicht immer so offen dargestellt werden konnten, wie das in unserer Zeit möglich ist. In den letzten Jahren hat man sich deshalb auf der Bühne und in der Forschung wieder vermehrt mit den komischen Gefühlsverwirrungen des Quartetts aus Verona beschäftigt. ····· 1036156572

Byron und Moore

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In seiner um die Jahrhundertwende entstandenen Dissertation untersucht Dawson Gemeinsamkeiten in den Biografien und in den Werken von Lord Byron und Thomas Moore. Er zeigt, in welcher Beziehung die beiden berühmten englischen Dichter zueinander standen und wie sie sich in ihrem Schaffen gegenseitig beeinflussten. ····· 1036167353

Der Shakespeare-Dichter

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1902. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142115

Die Kasidah des Haji Abdu El-Yezdi DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Richard Burton (1821 - 1890) war einer der vielen englischen und europäischen Weltenwanderer, welche das 19. Jahrhundert hervorgebracht hat. Sprachmächtig und vielseitig interessiert, zieht er, nachdem er insbesondere in Indien, Persien und Arabien gelebte und Erfahrungen gesammelt hatte, in diesem Gedicht die Summe seines religiösen Denkens. Burton Setzt sich hier mit dem religiösen Denken überhaupt und mit den verschiedenen Weltreligionen im Besonderen auseinander. Die Widersprüche und fragwürdigen Wahrheitsansprüche der Religionen werden aufgezeigt. Das Gedicht ist insofern ein typisches Erzeugnis des 19. Jahrhunderts, als die geistesgeschichtlichen Ergebnisse der Aufklärung verarbeitet sind, mit welchen sich nun die Erkenntnisse der modernen Naturwissenschaft verbinden, was zusammen den überlieferten Religionen und Glaubensformen den Boden zu entziehen scheint. Das Gedicht lehnt alle Religionen ab, sieht aber ihren gemeinsamen Grund und schließt mit der halben Hoffnung, dass die Fundamentalkritik vielleicht doch nicht das letzte Wort sei. ····· 10361207710

Zwischenwelt 7. Chronist seiner Zeit - Theodor Kramer

····· lezzter Preis 21.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Coriolanus / Coriolan

····· lezzter Preis 22.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Coriolan, wohl Shakespeares politischstes Stück, zeigt den tragischen Sturz eines edlen, großen Mannes, der - siegreich im Krieg für Rom - unfähig ist, im Frieden seinen Stolz gegenüber dem (niederen) Volk zu überwinden. Die Titelvignette Ex Bello Pax spielt auf diesen Konflikt an, zeigt sie doch den Helm eines Kriegers, der seine Rüstung im Frieden als Bienenkorb neu nutzbar zu machen weiß - eine Kunst, welche Coriolan gänzlich fehlt. Seine Unfähigkeit, sich den Forderungen des Tages auch im Frieden anzupassen, bringt zunächst Rom und dann ihn selbst in höchste Gefahr. Neben der persönlichen Tragik des Protagonisten steht vor allem der Konflikt zwischen dem Volk und seinen Feldherren/Herrschern im Mittelpunkt des Dramas. Hier hatte Shakespeare zeitgenössische Bezüge vor Augen, die bis in unsere Zeit aktuell sind. ····· 1036156567

Shakespeare und seine Zeit

für 22.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1913. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141949

Byron und Moore

····· lezzter Preis 22.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In seiner um die Jahrhundertwende entstandenen Dissertation untersucht Dawson Gemeinsamkeiten in den Biografien und in den Werken von Lord Byron und Thomas Moore. Er zeigt, in welcher Beziehung die beiden berühmten englischen Dichter zueinander standen und wie sie sich in ihrem Schaffen gegenseitig beeinflussten. `Die Frage der Geistesverwandtschaft zwischen Moore und Byron ist deshalb ein besonders wichtiges Thema für die literarische Forschung des 19. Jahrhunderts, als beide in ihren eigenen Sphären der Dichtkunst den höchsten Standpunkt des Jahrhunderts und den höchsten selbst seit Shakespeare erreicht haben.` (Edgar Dawson). Dawson hat ein Werk geschaffen, das auch der heutigen Forschung zu Byron und Moore noch als essentielle Grundlage dient. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1902. ····· 10361172766

Unenglisches Englisch

für 23.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1911. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143084


····· lezzter Preis 24.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Eduard Engel entkräftet mit seinem Buch über den wohl größten englischen Dichter die weitverbreitete Meinung, man wisse nichts über dessen Leben. Denn auch wenn einige Lebensjahre und Eckdaten im Verborgenen bleiben, sagt Shakespeares Werk um so mehr über seine Person aus. Sein Spiel um Äquivalente, seine beeindruckende Wortkunst und die stilistische Vielfältigkeit zeugen von einer faszinierenden Komplexität und nicht zuletzt deshalb gilt er noch heute als ein tiefsinniger, abstrakter Virtuose seiner Sprache. Engel führt eindrücklich aus, warum in der internationalen Shakespeare-Forschung die Autorenfrage nicht als legitimes Forschungsthema angesehen wird und der Baconismus als haltloses Unterfangen bezeichnet werden kann. Darüber hinaus postuliert er die einzig angemessene Stellung und Haltung zu Shakespeares Werk: Demut. ····· 1036174886

Literarisch gespiegelt: Die Sprache - Die Gabe - Das Böse - Die Zeit

····· lezzter Preis 24.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Sprache - die Gabe - das Böse - die Zeit: Das sind Bezeichnungen für Erfahrungsfelder, in denen wir uns alle Tage bewegen. Der Alltag lässt allerdings kaum Spielraum, um über sie nachzudenken. Aber die Literatur stimuliert ein solches Nachdenken, indem sie die komplexen Bereiche in ihrer besonderen Weise zur Darstellung bringt. Gedichte, Dramen, Erzähltexte konfrontieren uns mit ausgewählten Aspekten von Sprache, von Gabe und Geben, von Bösem und von Zeitlichkeit, den Spiegeln eines Spiegelkabinetts vergleichbar, die ihr Objekt in verschiedene Bilder zerlegen, einzelne Ausschnitte einrahmend isolieren, vergrößern, verzerren und vervielfachen oder in ungewohnte Verbindungen bringen. Dieses Buch illustriert und erkundet in einer lockeren Folge von Skizzen eine Vielfalt solcher literarischer Spiegelungen. ····· 1036147431

Den Acheron durchquert ich, Einführung in die Lyrik Paul Celans

····· lezzter Preis 24.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Band ist eine Einführung in die Lyrik Paul Celans. Achtzig Gedichte dieses Autors werden interpretiert und im Kontext der vier Motivkreise Reise, Tod, Traum, Melancholie dargestellt. Die Entwicklung von Celans Bild- und Gedankenwelt wird im Blick auf jeden der Themenkreise von den frühen Gedichten bis zum Spätwerk untersucht. Fast vierzig Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung der ersten Dissertation, die im Jahr 1959 zur Lyrik Paul Celans von Jean Firges verfaßt wurde, legt der Romanist und Germanist mit diesem Buch nun eine Untersuchung vor, die den Titel tragen könnte: vierzig Jahre Dialog mit den Gedichten Paul Celans. Die Studie setzt sich mit der bis heute erschienenen Fülle an Sekundärliteratur über Celans Werk auseinander. Der Verfasser markiert dabei jedoch auch immer seine persönliche Position in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Im Rahmen exemplarischer Interpretationen werden Gedichte vorgestellt, an deren Beispiel für jeden Bildkreis diachronisch die Entwicklung der Gedankenwelt Celans und seiner poetologischen Konzeptionen nachvollzogen werden kann. Von den Gedichten ausgehend, eröffnen sich überraschende Einblicke in die Biographie und in die Lebenswelt des Dichters. Der Band richtet sich an Schüler, Studenten und Literaturwissenschaftler sowie an jeden lyrikinteressierten Leser. ····· 10361149108

Shakespeare didaktisch I

····· lezzter Preis 24.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Werk und Wirkung William Shakespeares spielen nach wie vor im schulischen und universitären Kontext eine wichtige Rolle. Mit der zweibändigen Publikation Shakespeare didaktisch wird versucht, der steten Nachfrage aus der Praxis gerecht zu werden. In jedem Band finden sich 15 Beiträge, verfasst von fachwissenschaftlich und -didaktisch anerkannten Autorinnen und Autoren sowohl aus dem Bereich der Schule als auch der Universität. Diese verbinden neuere fachwissenschaftliche Ansätze und Erkenntnisse konsequent mit einem jeweils spezifischen und zeitgemäßen Blick auf die Erfordernisse des Unterrichts. Die Aufsätze bilden in ihrer Gesamtheit einen didaktischen Leitfaden für die Arbeit mit Shakespeare sowohl im Englisch- als auch im Deutschunterricht. Vor allem die Einbeziehung des Faches Deutsch, in dem sich ein sehr breites Spektrum für die Behandlung der Werke William Shakespeares bietet, eröffnet neue Perspektiven im Hinblick auf fachübergreifendes und fächerverbindendes Lehren und Lernen. Neben orientierenden Positionsbestimmungen zu Fragen der Literaturgeschichte, Theaterwissenschaft, zu Übersetzungsproblemen sowie der Musik- und Kunstwissenschaft - auch hier werden die relevanten Schulfächer einbezogen - erfolgt die Vorstellung ausgewählter Shakespeare-Dramen in klar strukturierten `Musterinterpretationen`. Hierbei stehen exemplarisch u.a. die oft im Unterricht besprochenen Stücke wie Macbeth, Hamlet oder A Midsummer Night¿s Dream genauso im Mittelpunkt wie einige Historien-Beispiele, das Spätstück The Tempest und die Sonette. ····· 1036156668

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1857 in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143092

Die Sinne von Walden

····· lezzter Preis 24.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das frühe, hier erstmals übersetzte Hauptwerk Stanley Cavells markiert einen Wendepunkt im Werk dieses einflussreichen Denkers, der als Vaterfigur der heute maßgeblichen amerikanischen Intellektuellen gilt. Im Zentrum des philosophischen Schlüsseltextes steht das Werk Henry David Thoreaus und seine Bedeutung für uns. Darüber hinaus geht es Cavell aber darum zu zeigen, was einen originalen, einen initialen Text auszeichnet und wie aus Philosophie Philosophie entsteht, also um die Frage des philosophischen Denkens selbst. ····· 10361201100

Sin`s Multifaceted Aspects in Literary Texts

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Within art, society, culture, philosophy, literature and many other spheres, a constant issue being dealt with is that of sin. Reevaluation of this concept has proceeded down varied stimulating paths in relation to the multidisciplinary appraisal, although philosophical aesthetic and epistemic emphases commonly reflect issues present in literature. In certain instances, texts clearly refer to sin, while in other it is more of an ambiguous and obscured notion. Alongside the established understanding of sin, discourse, poetry and novels have responded to sin variously, due to the blossoming of ideas. French, American and British literature`s responses to the notion of sin will be investigated through the academic studies included in this volume. ····· 1036194506

A Plurilingual Analysis of Four Russian-American Autobiographies

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Among the many examples of Russian-American émigré literature, a number of less known authors moved to the USA, following their predecessors` transnational and plurilingual experiences. The bilingual (and sometimes trilingual) expressions in their works written in English invite a contrastive analysis of their transition from their source language, Russian, to their target language, English. This book explores the linguistic structure of the autobiographies of four Russian-American writers (Cournos, Nabokov, Berberova and Shteyngart) bringing into focus the linguistic `geology` of their texts, as they record their passage from a Russian world to an English one. These linguistic passages are examined from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective, by dwelling on the geographies of the émigrés` itineraries as well as on the process of linguistic transformation that such itineraries generated. By analyzing these writers` geographic and linguistic routes, this volume engages the reader in a metalinguistic discourse and highlights the influence of these first plurilingual experiments on modern theories concerning linguistic globalization. ····· 1036194838

Functions of shell nouns as cohesive devices in academic writing

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This study compares the functions of abstract nouns previously defined as shell nouns (Schmid, 2000) to create cohesion in academic texts written by professional published authors and international graduate students. To make this comparison, two corpora of research papers, one by international graduate students and one by published authors, were collected from 6 different academic disciplines (Art and Design, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Engineering, and Physics and Astronomy). The 35 shell nouns (Hinkel, 2004) were investigated in order to find out the frequency patterns in both corpora. The six shell nouns identified as the most common ones in the published corpus were qualitatively compared between published authors and international graduate students writings, and further analyzed for cohesive functions through different lexico-grammatical patterns in the two corpora. ····· 1036125602

La lectura extensiva en la actitud y comprensión crítica en inglés

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Este libro representa los resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo general fue analizar la efectividad de la lectura extensiva en la actitud y la comprensión crítica de historias cortas de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Para tal fin, se tómo una muestra de estudiantes de ILE de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda en Coro, Estado Falcón, Venezuela, quienes recibieron un programa de lectura extensiva, basado en sus gustos y preferencias, por 24 horas. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el programa promovió actitudes positivas hacia la lectura en ILE e incrementó el nivel de comprensión crítica de historias cortas. Lo cual permite concluir que lectura extensiva representa una manera productiva de mejorar la actitud y los niveles de comprensión de los estudiantes. ····· 1036122154

Über die Interpolation im angelsächsischen Gedichte Daniel

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Als ein Beispiel der christlichen Dichtung in der altenglischen Literatur hat sich Georg Steiner das Gedicht Daniel vorgenommen. Steiner zeigt die Abweichungen zu einer reinen Bibelübertragung auf und erläutert die poetischen Elemente in der Darstellung. Auf diese Weise gelingt es Steiner, anhand des von ihm gewählten Beispieltextes, dem Leser wesentliche Merkmale dieser Literaturgattung zu verdeutlichen.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1889. ····· 10361139341


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George Chapman war ein bekannter englischer Dichter und Dramatiker des späten 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhunderts, der sich zudem für seine Homerübersetzungen einen Namen gemacht hat. Max Stier wendet sich nun dem 1599 erschienenen Werk All fools zu und untersucht es auf seine Beziehungen zu klassischen Quellen, insbesondere zum Heautontimorumenos von Terenz.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1904. ····· 10361139440

A History of English Literature

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1899. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142700

Keltische Studien: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch von K. Windisch

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In seinen Keltischen Studien setzt sich Heinrich Zimmer sehr ausführlich mit den von K. Windisch herausgegebenen irischen Texten zuzüglich Wörterbuch auseinander. Zimmer diskutiert die Darstellung und Herangehensweise von K. Windisch und setzt diese in Verbindung zu Sekundärliteratur.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1881. ····· 10361139487

Das Massaker von Paris

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`Christopher Marlowe setzte 1592 kurz vor seiner Ermordung durch einen Messerstich den Schlußstrich unter dies Stück, das Dokumentartheater genannt werden kann lange vor Hochhuth und Kipphardt. Er bringt die zeitgenössische Geschichte auf die Bühne, die Bartholomäusnacht von 1572, die kurze Regierungszeit Heinrich III., seine Ermordung und den Übergang der französischen Krone von den Valois zu den Bourbonen in Gestalt des Protestanten Heinrich IV. Die Möglichkeit der Umkehr der Allianzen, der Hinneigung Frankreichs zu England hebt er am Schluß für sein englisches Publikum hervor. Eine Zeit, die ins Wanken kam, weil zwei Religionen sich befehdeten, eine Zeit, die ihre Widersprüche in Blut ertränken mußte, bringt Marlowe auf die Bühne. Unordnung, Verstörung, Mord herrschen unumschränkt. Inmitten der aufgestachelten Leidenschaften ihr Aufpeitscher in Übergestalt: der Herzog Heinrich von Guise, Protestantenschlächter, Machtstreber, der mit Kathina der Blutsaugerin am Schluß schon fertig zu werden gedenkt. Ein Herrenmensch und Condottiere. Er rüttelt an der Moral, um über ihren Trümmern die Macht zu erklimmen und notfalls am Himmelsrand anzustoßen.` (Georges Schlocker` ····· 10361161610

Die Tragödie von Troilus und Cressida

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ALT ENGLISCHES THEATER NEU, Band 5hrsg. und übersetzt von Christa und B. K. Tragelehn ... Nach seiner Schatten- und Höllenseite aber steht Troilus und Cressida am Anfang jener Werke der Verzweifl ung, in denen der Autor seinen brüchigen Rest von Vernunft an sich raffen wird, um das Unsägliche, das die Welt füllt und beherrscht, wenigstens im Fragment auszusagen. Gogols Tote Seelen, Kafkas Der Prozeß blieben Fragmente. Nicht das Wirkliche, gegen dessen Totalität Vernunft und Verzweifl ung anrennen, sondern das Werk muß am Ende, das nicht mehr gelingt, zerbrechen. Ivan Nagel ····· 10361161619

Origins of Poe`s critical theory

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Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was one of the most diverse writers of the 19th century. While his poems and short stories first gained popularity in Europe, his fellow Americans appreciated his sharp essays and merciless literary criticism. His legacy continues until the present day and transcends the borders of literature, influencing writers of both fiction and non-fiction as well as artists and even scientists. Poe himself and many others have often described the literary theory which underlies all of his work, yet less light has been shed upon how that theory was formed. Analysing the writer s works in conjunction with the various scientific, philosophic and literary material that he is known to have read, Margaret Alterton reconstructs the genesis of the very fundament of Poe s genius. ····· 1036174669

Lord Byron. Eine Autobiographie nach Tagebüchern und Briefen.

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Eduard Engel - Lord ByronMit einem Vorwort von Esther Gückel Die vorliegende Autobiographie eines des bekanntesten Vertreters der Schwarzen Romantik ist ein feinsinniges und erhabenes Werk, das anhand von Briefen und Tagebucheinträgen den Lebensweg Byrons nachzeichnet. Engel gelingt es, dem Leser einen der größten Dichter Britanniens sowie dessen Stellung zur Welt scharfsinnig und intelligent vorzustellen und verhilft ihm zugleich zu einem besseren Verständnis von Byrons Gesamtwerk. Schließlich existiert ein Gedicht nicht ohne seinen Dichter, ohne seine Person. Und gerade in Bezug auf Byron könnte diese Aussage nicht zutreffender sein, zeigen doch die Figuren seiner Werke durchweg eine Konzentration um das Innere des Dichters. ····· 1036174887

Exploring the Periphery

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This interdisciplinary collection of contributions aims at AVexploring and challenging the concept of periphery from various angles and in different fields of Applied Linguistics, Language Teaching, Literary and Cultural Studies. As the `writing back` paradigm of Postcolonial Studies illustrates, the concept of periphery still implies the existence of a center, which generates and sustains binary oppositions and hierarchical structures. In times of global migration and transnational mobility, the concept of periphery needs to be renegotiated in order to make sense of the newly emergent dichotomies in the linguistic, cultural and literary sphere ····· 1036147420


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Hamlet drückt mehr noch als die anderen Dramen Shakespeares die kulturellen Spannungen und Konflikte der Umbruchsphase vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert aus. Im Protagonisten des Dramas manifestiert sich die Entdeckung der Subjektivität in der Frühen Neuzeit. Zugleich ist das Drama aufgrund seiner komplexen Intrigenstruktur und vielfältiger Rollenspielsituationen von besonderer Bühnenwirksamkeit. Im Umgang des stark intellektualisierten Helden mit dem Problem der Rache werden bis heute relevante Fragen der personalen Identität, der Verwandtschafts- und Geschlechterbeziehungen und des Handelns im gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bereich aufgeworfen. ····· 1036156570

Untersuchungen über Jane Shore

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Als die unglückliche Geliebte König Eduards IV. fand Jane Shore oder auch Johanna Shore Eingang in viele poetische Bearbeitungen. Willy Budig hat sich diesen angenommen und sie literarhistorisch untersucht. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1908. ····· 10361139130

Die Magie im englischen Drama des Elisabethanischen Zeitalters

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Das übernatürliche Element, das Wunderbare, das Magische all dies hat im elisabethanischen Drama einen besonderen Stellenwert. Um dies deutlich zu machen, fokussiert sich Rudolf Zender auf drei Bereiche Zauberei, Wahrsagerei und Alchemie und zeigt diese an ausgewählten literarischen Beispielen auf. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1907. ····· 10361139516

Die Rätsel des Exeterbuchs

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Moritz Trautmann hat die altenglischen Rätsel erforscht und veröffentlicht hier die Rätsel des Exeterbuchs. Nachdruck des Originals von 1915. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141204

Contemporary Irish Novelists

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····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036156484

Der Shakespeare-Dichter: Wer war`s? und Wie sah er aus?

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Shakespeare ist Shakespeare oder etwa doch nicht Edwin Bormann greift hier eine der wohl umstrittensten Fragen der Literaturforschung auf: die Bacon-Shakespeare-Frage. Sie besagt, eigentlich habe gar nicht Shakespeare die unter seinem Namen so berühmt gewordenen Werke geschrieben, sondern Francis Bacon, seines Zeichen Zeitgenosse Shakespeares, Philosoph, Geschichtsschreiber, Naturforscher und Jurist. Bormann stellt die Protagonisten dieser Frage vor und führt den Leser anschaulich die Argumente für und wider der Bacon-Theorie vor Augen. Am Ende bleibt die Frage, die jeder Leser für sich beantworten muss: Shakespeare oder nicht Shakespeare . Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1902. ····· 10361139126

Die Cynewulf-Forschung von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

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Die Cynewulf-Forschung von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart versteht sich zum einen als ein Führer durch die umfangreiche Literatur von und über den altenglischen Dichter Cynewulf. Hierzu liefert Karl Jansen ein chronologisches Verzeichnis aller seinerzeit erschienenen Werke. Ergänz wird dieses im zweiten Teil um einen Überblick über die Entstehung und Entwicklung der einzelnen Fragen der Cynewulf-Forschung, die von Jansen erklärend erläutert werden. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1908. ····· 10361139120

Darstellung der Ablautverhältnisse in der schottischen Schriftsprache

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Mit Darstellung der Ablautverhältnisse in der schottischen Schriftsprache hat sich Paul Knopff eine spezielle Besonderheit der schottischen Sprache vorgenommen. Diese wird von ihm exponiert betrachtet, da er andere Eigentümlichkeiten der schottischen Sprache als bekannt voraussetzt. Dennoch geht es Knopff hier nicht nur um eine Erörterung der Ablautverhältnisse allein. Vielmehr zeigt er darüber hinaus auf, inwieweit das Schottische von den englischen Dialekten abweicht.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1904. ····· 10361139266

Concept Maps and Reading Comprehension

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Reading for meaning is a communicative process and involves mental processes similar to those of the other three language skills, that is, activation of relevant knowledge and related language skills to exchange information. Reading comprehension requires motivation, mental framework for holding ideas, concentration and good reading strategies. So applying good reading strategies would help the learners understand the learning materials in a more efficient way. ····· 1036198601

King Horn: Untersuchungen zur mittelenglischen Sprach- und Literaturgeschichte

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Selten ist im deutschsprachigen Raum die Frage nach der Stellung des Liedes von King Horn innerhalb der englischen Literatur so umfassend betrachtet worden wie hier vorliegend von Theodor Wissmann. Er untersucht nicht nur die historischen Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung von King Horn, sondern unterzieht darüber hinaus die Sprache ihrer lautlichen Seite nach einer genaueren Prüfung. Abschließend widmet sich Wissman einer eingehenden Inhaltsanalyse. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1876. ····· 10361139113

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143045

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel / Kaufmann / Voß. Nachdruck des Originals. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143412

Developing Your English Vocabulary

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Extending your vocabulary is of vital importance as you improve your English. First, teachers need to ensure that their students master a core vocabulary of around 2.000 words as the basis for all subsequent lexical development. The book explores the valuable work that has been done over the past century in identifying in a principled way just which words should constitute a basic core. It then shows, in a linguistically consistent way, through a rich selection of topical examples, how the basic core can be differentiated and expanded into related lexical items. And finally, noting that there are many school and university subjects that have to be studied in English, the book provides an advanced common core vocabulary of some 4.000 items which can embrace a wide range of academic, professional and personal interests. ····· 1036156610

The Analyst of Manners, Money and Masks

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August Lewald (1792-1871) is chiefly remembered for his editorship of the highly successful journal, Europa. His closely-observed Vormärz sketches and novels were also much read and reviewed by his contemporaries but have since been largely overlooked. They are the focus of this study. Lewald`s Jewish parentage and his wide experience in commerce and the theatre gave him insight into key preoccupations and conditions of his day, an insight acknowledged by contemporaries. Album aus Paris is a collection of sketches from the revered `Hauptstadt der Welt` Memoiren eines Banquiers is a satire that plays with the `rich Jewish banker` stereotype, and Theater-Roman exposes the `moderne Thorheiten und Schwächen` rampant `in der civilisirten Gesellschaft zu Mitte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts`. ····· 1036147421

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel / Kaufmann / Voß. Nachdruck des Originals. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143418

Images of Memories

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By employing the lens of the most recent critical studies on intermediality, the author analyses the interaction between literature and photography in three contemporary hybrid novels (Miss Peregrine`s Home for Peculiar Children by R. Riggs, 2011, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by J. Safran Foer, 2006, and The Dark Room by Rachel Seiffert, 2001) sharing the narration of traumatic historical events. The intermedial dimension realised by the confluence of the two media devices offers new ways to create meaning and to reflect upon the nature of collective and individual trauma, by re-enacting the distortion and the inaccessibility to the memories of those experiences. In this context, the reader emerges as an active participant in the process of fiction-making, as the act of reading becomes a renewed act of witnessing. ····· 1036194802

Prodigies, anomalies, monsters DrostenDoktorarbeit

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Schlafwandel, Bauchrednerei und spontane menschliche Selbstentzündung - dies sind die Phänomene, die uns in den Werken Charles Brockden Browns (1771-1810), des ersten großen Romanciers der Vereinigten Staaten, begegnen. Kein Wunder also, daß sich Sensationsschriftsteller wie George Lippard auf Brown beriefen. Doch auch Keats, Shelley und Scott zeigten sich beeindruckt von den Schauerromanen des Amerikaners, die neben einigen seiner Essays und Kurzgeschichten im vorliegenden Band vor allem auf ihre erkenntniskrititischen Positionen hin untersucht werden. Somit fällt das Augenmerk zunächst auf David Humes Kausationslehre, welche in zahlreichen Texten Browns ihre fiktionale Umsetzung erfährt. Hierbei ist es insbesondere die epochale, von dem schottischen Philosophen herausgestellte Nicht-Analytizität von Kausalaussagen, die den Charakteren der sich der menschlichen Erkenntnisleistung entziehenden fiktionalen Welten Browns immer wieder zum Verhängnis wird. Werke wie `Wieland or The Transformation` (1798) oder `Edgar Huntly or Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker` (1799) erscheinen in einem neuen Licht. Weit davon entfernt, allein das Unterhaltungsbedürfnis ihrer Leserschaft zu befriedigen, präsentieren sie sich vielmehr als kritische Bestandsaufnahmen des postrevolutionären Aufklärungsoptimismus und stecken demnach in recht offenkundiger Weise eben jenes Feld ab, welches in der amerikanischen Literatur ein halbes Jahrhundert später Autoren wie Melville und Hawthorne zu ihrer Domäne wählen werden. Zum Autor:Jörn Glasenapp geboren 1970 Studium der Anglistik und Germanistik in Hannover und Göttingen 1997-2000 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Göttinger Sonderforschungsbereich 529 `Internationalität nationaler Literaturen` Aufsätze zu Brockden Brown, Cormac McCarthy, Western und Cyberspace. ····· 10361207249

La globalización y el inglés en la sociedad española

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El presente libro pone de manifiesto la creciente presencia que el inglés está ejerciendo en la vida cotidiana de las sociedades europeas. Fenómenos como la globalización y el comercio internacional han hecho que el inglés se convierta en lengua franca o medio de comunicación a nivel mundial. El inglés se encuentra tan inmerso en las sociedades europeas que podríamos estar ante el surgimiento de cierto sentimiento de identidad con la lengua inglesa entre los ciudadanos europeos. Se trata de una influencia que incide en todos los niveles de las lenguas. Esta realidad me ha llevado a realizar un análisis de dicho impacto en el contexto de España. Con tal fin, he realizado diversos estudios que cubren diferentes entornos que constituyen los distintos capítulos de este libro. El primer capítulo estudia el campo de la publicidad. El segundo se centra en la traducción de los títulos de las películas estrenadas en cines españoles. El tercero analiza el uso de anglicismos en la prensa escrita cinematográfica. El cuarto capítulo investiga el contacto de los jóvenes españoles con el inglés. El último capítulo es un espacio reservado para emitir conclusiones y reflexionar sobre este tema. ····· 1036123169

Die englische Hirtendichtung von 1579 - 1625

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Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit leistet Katharina Windscheid einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Geschichte der englischen Hirtendichtung. Ihr Augenmerk richtet sie hierbei verstärkt auf die Eklogendichtung sowie auf die lyrische und epische Pastoralpoesie. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1895. ····· 10361139010

Edgar Allan Poe und die deutsche Romantik

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Paul Wächtler präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine Studie über die Zusammenhänge zwischen der deutschen Romantik und dem Schaffen Edgar Allan Poes. Dazu beleuchtet er zunächst das Romantische in Poes Leben und Wesen, um im Anschluss zahlreiche seiner Erzählungen und Novellen auf ihren romantischen Gehalt hin zu untersuchen. Sorgfältig überarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1911. ····· 10361139545

Linguistic Intelligence and Reading Comprehension Ability

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Intelligence has constantly been the matter of debate and interest in the field of psychology. Even in the idea of untaught people, a prosperous person is owed to his/her intelligence. During the past century many psychologists, researchers and theoretician have become involved and attracted by various intelligence theories. The first intelligence test was invented by the French psychologist, Alfred Binet. The investigations on the correlation between intelligence and achievement was the interest of the researchers for studies. In this study the researcher studied the relationship between linguistic intelligence and reading comprehension ability. Teachers, instructors and language learners can benefit from the results of the study. ····· 10361588

Pejzazh kak sredstvo sozdaniya misticheskoj atmosfery v romane Volhv

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V rabote rassmatrivaetsya rol`, funkcii i sredstva vyrazheniya pejzazha v romane Dzh. Faulza `Volhv`. Pejzazh sozdajot misticheskuju, zagadochnuju, tainstvennuju atmosferu v proizvedenii. Dlya jetogo avtorom ispol`zujutsya razlichnye stilisticheskie prijomy. Mistika v romane sozdajotsya pri pomoshhi ne tol`ko razlichnyh stilisticheskih sredstv, ispol`zuemyh avtorom, no takzhe i pri pomoshhi cveta, upotreblyaemogo s tem ili inym pejzazhem. ····· 103613210

Lexicheskie trudnosti pri perevode textov v nefilologicheskom vuze

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V dannoj knige rassmatrivajutsya osnovnye lexicheskie trudnosti pri perevode nauchno-tehnicheskoj i obshhestvenno-politicheskoj literatury, analizirujutsya prichiny ih vozniknoveniya i predlagajutsya sposoby preodoleniya slozhnostej pri perevode lexiki. V knige privodyatsya primery iz opyta raboty v nefilologicheskom vuze po perevodu nauchno-tehnicheskih i gazetnyh statej. Kniga sostoit iz chetyreh glav. V pervoj glave govoritsya o naibolee rasprostranennyh sluchayah lexicheskih trudnostej pri perevode nauchno-tehnicheskoj literatury, predlagajutsya preventivnye mery po nedopushheniju lexicheskih oshibok. Vo vtoroj glave osoboe vnimanie udelyaetsya lexicheskim i stilisticheskim osobennostyam obshhestvenno-politicheskoj literatury, znanie kotoryh sposobstvuet preodoleniju lexicheskih slozhnostej pri perevode. V tret`ej glave dajutsya metodicheskie rekomendacii po provedeniju zanyatij s gazetnymi stat`yami. V chetvertoj glave predstavlena metodicheskaya razrabotka `Sbornik tehnicheskih textov i lexiko-grammaticheskih uprazhnenij dlya auditornogo chteniya`, dajutsya sovety po sostavleniju metodicheskogo posobiya, cel`ju kotorogo yavlyaetsya usvoenie obshhenauchnoj, obshhetehnicheskoj i terminologicheskoj lexiki. ····· 103613377

King Richard III / König Richard III

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Richard III. erfreut sich auf der Bühne vor allem wegen der theatralischen Qualitäten der Titelfigur, Shakespeares berühmtester Schurkengestalt, außerordentlicher Beliebtheit. Doch auch im Gesamtkontext der Königsdramen und der Diskussion um den `Tudor-Mythos` kommt diesem Stück als Schlussstein von Shakespeares erster Tetralogie besondere Bedeutung zu. Zudem gewährt das Drama einen interessanten Einblick in Shakespeares Werkstatt, da sich hier Konvention und Originalität, Elemente des mittelalterlichen Volkstheaters und der klassischen rhetorischen Tragödie sprachlich und strukturell zu einer neuen Synthese verbinden. ····· 1036156569

Tempus / Temporalität und Modus / Modalität im Sprachenvergleich

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Die deutschen Formkategorien Tempus und Modus und ihre semantisch-pragmatischen Korrelate Temporalität und Modalität sind nicht nur für die natürlichsprachliche Kommunikation von größter Relevanz. Sie bieten auch - nicht zuletzt in ihrer Interdependenz - eine Vielfalt interessanter Forschungsprobleme, deren Klärung eine Synthese von Theoriebildung und eingehender empirischer Beobachtung voraussetzt. Dabei kann ein Vergleich des Deutschen mit weniger formenreichen Sprachen wie etwa den festlandsskandinavischen oder mit dem Englischen oder dem Französischen hilfreich sein. Auch die Betrachtung dieser Sprachen aus der Perspektive des Deutschen kann helfen, wesentliche Aspekte ihrer Struktur auf dem in Rede stehenden Gebiet zu beleuchten. Der vorliegende Sammelband, der auf ein Kolloquium am Germanistischen Institut der Universität Bergen zurückgeht, versammelt Beiträge, die insgesamt gesehen die Spannbreite der aktuellen Tempus- und Modusdebatte widerspiegeln und wichtige Impulse für die weitere Forschung vermitteln. Aus dem Inhalt: Peter Eisenberg: Kategorienhierarchie und verbales Paradigma. Die analytischen Formen im Passiv, Perfekt, Konjunktiv John Ole Askedal: Die Konstitution deutscher und norwegischer supinischer Verbketten in kontrastivem Vergleich. Zur Syntagmatik von Modalität und anderen Prädikatskategorien Rolf Thieroff: Modale Tempora - non-modale Modi. Zu Bedeutung und Gebrauch inhärenter Verbkategorien in verschiedenen europäischen Sprachen Horst Lohnstein / Ursula Bredel: Zur Struktur und Verwendung der Tempus- und Modusformen im Deutschen Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen: Wessen Redehintergrund Indirektheitskontexte aus kontrastiver Sicht (Deutsch - Norwegisch - Englisch) Sven-Gunnar Andersson: Zur Modusambivalenz beim schwachen Präteritum im Deutschen - auch kontrastiv zum Schwedischen Marcel Vuillaume: Zum Ausdruck von `Zukunft in der Vergangenheit` im Französischen und im Deutschen Alexander Schwarz / Laure Abplanalp Luscher: Vergangenheitstempora im Sprach- und Übersetzungsvergleich Deutsch - Französisch Oddleif Leirbukt: Über Konjunktiv Plusquamperfekt und würde + Infinitiv II als Ausdruck von Potentialität oder Irrealität in Konstruktionen mit Gegenwarts- oder Zukunftsbezug Gabriele Diewald: Faktizität und Evidentialität: Semantische Differenzierungen bei den Modal- und Modalitätsverben im Deutschen ····· 1036156504

Pfeile gegen die Sonne, 2 Bde.

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Ein Star, eine Legende: Jim Morrison. Über ihn wurde mehr geschrieben als über die meisten `Ikonen` der Gegenwart. Was ihm selbst am wichtigsten war, ist hier erstmals Thema: der Dichter Jim Morrison. `Pfeile gegen die Sonne` spürt Morrisons Vorbildern nach, seiner metaphernreichen Sprache, seinem Selbstverständnis. So entsteht eine intellektuelle Biographie im Schnittfeld von Philosophie und Literaturwissenschaft, Magie und Psychologie, Rockkultur und Politik. Erforscht werden alte und neue Mythen: kritisch, fundiert und doch spannend zu lesen. ····· 10361197670

The history of the English Novel: The Novel of Sentiment and the Gothic Romance

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Conceding that the latter half of the 18th century holds little of true literary value besides the works of Fanny Burney, Ernest Baker nevertheless finds that the period teems with interest : the public s demand for fiction and the rapidly increasing production of novels reshaped the book market, and writers who were poor novelists but persons of strong views or feelings spawned various subgenres worthy of exploration. ····· 1036174670

Keats, Shelley and Shakespeare - Studies & Essays in English Literature

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He took his soul as he would a bottle of rich red wine, and shook it up, and held it against the light to watch it settle down. No hurry, no worry a deliberate intensity. No fear of public opinion either no terror and trembling before any judge but his own conscience. (The Evolution of Keats s Mind) Imagine one unique medium, allowing of every inward change of feeling with no outward change of form. Imagine something which combines the freedom of prose with the sonority of rhyme, produces the effect of neither and is called blank verse. (The Blending of Prose, Blank Verse and Rhymed Verse in Romeo and Juliet) Humour in literature is nothing but the psychological study of individual exaggerations, made in a sympathetic spirit, guided and enlightened but not attenuated by reason. Such is the humour that was, if not created, at least revived, renewed, reinstated and definitely established as a literary form by Addison. (Addison s Humour: Its Matter and Its Form) This collection of nine essays and nine studies by Mary Suddard (1888 1909) contains literary criticism on the great minds of English literature. Apart from the eponymous writers, the book also features pieces on Chaucer, Swift, and Wordsworth, among others. Often brief and to-the-point, Suddard is nevertheless capable of picturesque, captivating language, thus doing her subjects justice. Composed during the final years of her life, these texts give a glimpse of a career that an untimely death precluded. ····· 1036174715

Heraldik in Dienste der Shakespeare-Forschung

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1908. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142004

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143187

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143196

Der englische Stil

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1907. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143235

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel / Kaufmann / Voß. Elfter Band: Timon von Athen, Troilas und Kressida, Maß für Maß. Nachdruck des Originals. ····· 10361143662

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel / Kaufmann / Voß. Fünfter Band: Königsdramen II: König Heinrich V., König Heinrich VI. Nachdruck des Originals. ····· 10361143680

Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot & Jane Austen

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In his detailed study Henry Bonnell analyses the works of three of the greatest literary women in 19th century England.He examines aspects of realism, the attitude towards nature and the role of passion in the writings of Brontë. Eliot`s work is investigated with respect to religion, philosophy, art and sympathy. In his study of Austen Bonnell shows how place and charm have influenced her texts. His book will be of interest to the social historian as much as to the students of literature. Reprint of the original edition from 1902. ····· 10361172710

Schriftsteller und Dritte Welt

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Written for the Screen

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Produktivnoe suffiksal`noe slovoobrazovanie

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Dannaya rabota posvyashchaetsya problemam obucheniya proizvodnomu slovu i ego funktsionirovaniyu v stile nauchnogo izlozheniya, a imenno produktivnomu suffiksal`nomu slovoobrazovaniyu v sovremennom angliyskom yazyke, tak kak soglasno nablyudeniyam v sovremennom angliyskom yazyke okolo dvukh tretey novykh slov polucheny posredstvom affiksatsii i slovoslozheniya. Slovoobrazovatel`nyy protsess v stile nauchnogo izlozheniya v sovremennom yazyke idet osobenno aktivno v svyazi s bystrym razvitiem novykh otrasley nauki i tekhniki. Usvoenie proizvodnykh slov, preimushchestvenno terminov, yavlyaetsya odnim iz osnovnykh istochnikov obogashcheniya leksicheskogo zapasa studentov neyazykovykh vuzov. Poetomu zadachey dannoy raboty yavlyaetsya razrabotka metodiki obucheniya studentov-nefilologov proizvodnomu slovu. Neobkhodimo chetko razgranichit` tseli obucheniya slovoobrazovaniyu dlya retseptivnoy i produktivnoy leksiki. Dlya retseptivnykh tseley studenty dolzhny ponimat` znachenie proizvodnykh slov, v to vremya kak dlya produktivnykh tseley studenty dolzhny umet` sostavlyat` novye slova, primenyaya izvestnye slovoobrazovatel`nye modeli. Rabota mozhet predstavlyat` interes dlya filologov i lits prepodayushchikh i izuchayushchikh inostrannyy yazyk v nespetsial`nykh vuzakh. ····· 1036118599

Die Rätsel des Exeterbuchs

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Moritz Trautmann, Sprachwissenschaftler und Herausgeber der Bonner Beiträge zur Anglistik , präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine eingehende Untersuchung der Rätsel des Exeter-Buchs, das bis heute als eine der umfangreichsten Sammlungen altenglischer Literatur gilt. Den ausschließlich in altenglischer Sprache abgedruckten Texten gibt Trautmann ein ausführliches Wörterbuch sowie detaillierte Erläuterungen zur Lösung der Rätsel bei. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1915. ····· 10361138533

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. Nachdruck des Originals. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143217

Unenglisches Englisch

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1911. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144413

Liminal Characters in the Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick

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The structural connection between the diachronic liminal characters and their synchronic liminal counterparts has a lot of effects and implications in Dick s sf. When synchronic liminal shamans bewitch other characters into becoming liminal initiates, the diachronic liminal characters are separated from their single-reality states and enter a state of uncertainty between a material world and a spiritual reality. At this stage, the diachronic liminal characters are all, like adolescents, unable to function properly in their lives. However, when they re-aggregate into a single-reality state, namely the world of adults , the diachronic liminal characters have developed and become wiser. What the diachronic threshold characters experience as real is debated through the various liminal states Dick s synchronic threshold characters find themselves in. By means of the estranged sf universes of the fictionalising philosopher Philip Dick, the answers to these questions present new interpretations of what is human, what is divine and what is civilized. ····· 1036138

Lack of Hegemony in Pakistani Media Discourse on Terrorism:

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In the face of the onslaught of terrorism the work reviews the language of the Pakistani media to discuss the creation of hegemony or lack thereof against terrorism. The main argument of the book is that the media, despite being strong advocates of fighting terrorism politically and militarily fail to utilise linguistic devices to create a hegemonic view of al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists as hardcore criminals out to plunder the country. At the same time the media fail to present the accomplishments of the security forces in defeating terrorists. This has had immensely significant social repercussions in that the Pakistani society has a certain soft corner for terrorists, despite frequent attacks on civillians, and it has failed to view terrorists as a menace. Other than to the observers of language the books will be of special interest to the students and teachers of linguistics and language and particularly researchers of Critical Discourse Analysis in Pakistan. Students of media studies and the media persons also stand to benefit from the book as it discusses the role of language in creating perceptions and transmitting information. ····· 10361153

The Impact of Portfolio Assessment on Learners Achievement

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the extent to which portfolio assessment may influence learners achievement, their learning process, and their attitude towards assessment for learning English. From the two groups involved in the study, the focus group received portfolio assessment whereas the comparison group received placebo. The instruments used were: 1) pre and post instruction tests, 2) pre and post instruction attitudinal questionnaires for students, 3) self-assessment checklists, 4) questionnaire on portfolio assessment-and 5) semi-structured interview with students on portfolio assessment. The pre and post instruction test data was analyzed through non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test, which showed a significant difference between the comparison and the focus groups. . In order to see the relationship between self-assessment checklist scores and the progress test scores, Spearman s rank order correlation showed high correlation between the two sets of scores. ····· 10361273

Effects of cultural components in foreign language teaching books

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The ultimate goal of English language teaching is to develop learners` communicative competence which will enable them to communicate successfully in the real world. Meaningful relationships with friends and neighbors and intercultural partners depend on the ability to deal effectively with differences in a positive manner. For this reason, language should be conceptualized as an integral part of society, culture and psyche. Language teaching and learning are not culturally neutral. One should consider the concept of languaculture as very useful in the construction of such a new understanding of the relationship between language and culture. The aim of this study is to examine the Iranian FLT course books in promoting intercultural competence and the prospect of creating intercultural understanding through English as a foreign language in the Iranian high school course books. ····· 10361300

The Usage of Diminutive Word Forms in English Language

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The purpose of my book was to find the importance of diminutive word forms in English Language, how often those forms are used and if they help people to express themselves better with the help of such words. Also, the book was guided on the survey, which helped to find out if the words are being changed in its meaning in order to give more intention to the word or the whole sentence even. In my book there are, also, different methods implemented on how it is possible to change the word structure or a part of a speech. The survey according to my book, helped to find out if a diminutive word is a common aspect in everyday life, what are the suffixes which mostly met to form the lessening form of a word. I hope my book helps to discover something new for those who are interested in word formation: teachers, students, people who adore English language. ····· 10361347

A Consecutive Approach to the Teaching of the Reading Skill

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This study investigated the relationship between two different modes of discourse, narrative and expository, and the influence of two consecutive patterns on reading ability. To run this study the students reading ability was examined in a longitudinal study of two groups from second-grade students in high school exposed to six reading tests. Group A with twenty subjects began their exam with three narrative tests and ended to three expository ones. Conversely, group B began with three expository tests and ended to three narrative ones. The analyses of data have been made using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and independent-samples T-Test. The findings confirm significant relationship between two modes of discourse in total score. (r =0.56 P=0.0001). It is also showed significant difference between two groups (T=3.02 P=0.0005) ····· 10361670

The Relationship between Self-esteem and listening

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The main objective of the present study is to inspect the role of self-esteem, as an affective variable, in the English language listening comprehension ability of Iranian EFL students. As will be discussed in the next chapter, listening is the most important and the most utilized skill (Carter and Nunan, 2001). Feyten (1991) states that forty five percent of daily life communication is spent in listening so it can be an important key to language learning. This study, also, wants to see if there is any relationship between self-esteem and the English listening comprehension scores of male and female foreign language learners separately. This relationship will be first investigated for the whole sample and then for males and females separately. Therefore if there is any relationship between these two factors, positive or negative, self-esteem can be regarded as predictor of the English language listening comprehension of EFL students. ····· 10361794

Subjectivity as a Locus of Conflicts in Girish Karnad

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The question of subjectivity occupies the centre of the Indian literary scene today due to rapid cultural changes, driven mainly by globalisation and the increasing popularity of media and information technologies. Girish Karnad, the great Indian playwright, poet, actor, director, critic and translator addresses the problematic of subjectivity in his plays in his own distinctive way. The issue is approached in his works from diverse but mutually complementary points of view, revealing the various facets of contemporary Indian subjectivity. The present book undertakes a study of five plays of Karnad in order to explore the emergence of a composite conception of contemporary Indian subjectivity. The book also examines the nature of this subjectivity and its cultural-political implications. ····· 103611099

International English Listening Comprehension Measurement

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International English (IE) includes any type of dialectical English spoken around the world (Hinkel, 2005). In the present study, a IE listening test was developed. The original form of the test consisted of six scales measuring, respectively, demographics, exposure to non-native English speakers, self perception of IE fluency, IE listening test, evaluations of non-native speakers` fluency, and attitudes towards non-native English speakers. Internal consistency, dimensionality, correlations among scales, and the effects of demographics on the test scores were analyzed based on the data collected from 32 participants in Study 1. Results indicated moderate to moderately high internal consistency for the scales except for the attitudes toward non-native English speakers scale. Study 2 constituted an actual computer administration with 106 participants. SE listening comprehension test was added to the study. All of the scales except for the SE test showed moderate to high consistency and unidimensionality. ····· 103613363

Sweeney Among the Nightingales

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In this tightly argued work, Dr. Wallen draws out the similarities and connections which exist between T.S. Eliot and several writers of the nineteen-thirties. Given the influence, novelty and (in the early years of the decade at least) notoriety of Eliot s poetry throughout this period, it is natural to expect his influence to be, in some ways, very direct and observable. The author chooses to single out five poets and one novelist of the period for special and detailed attention. This is due to his belief that Eliot s creative influence on the nineteen-thirties can be best demonstrated in all its complexity by reference to a number of specific writers. In other words, the connections between Eliot and these six writers typifies the nature of Eliot s influence on the decade as a whole. This influence moves from virtual plagiarism in Ronald Bottrall s case to a smart but derivative stylishness in the works of Auden and Spender and finally through to a more intelligent and indirect debt in the case of William Empson and Evelyn Waugh. ····· 103613778

Formuly rechevogo etiketa v angliyskom yazyke

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Issledovanie posvyashcheno formulam rechevogo etketa v angliyskoy lingvokul`ture.Rechevoy etiket - prinyataya v dannoy kul`ture sovokupnost` trebovaniy k forme, soderzhaniyu, poryadku, kharakteru i situativnoy umestnosti vyskazyvaniy. Rassmatrivayutsya raznye aspekty rechevogo etiketa, v chastnosti sotsial`noe povedenie kommunikantov, reglamentiruemoe etiketnymi normami lingvokul`turnaya sreda osnovnye printsypy obshcheniya Pola Graysa. Kul`turnaya obuslovlennost` rechevogo etiketa ochevidna i ne trebuet osoboy argumentatsii. Predstaviteli raznykh kul`tur po-raznomu obrashchayutsya, zdorovayutsya, proshchayutsya, izvinyayutsya i blagodaryat drug druga. Sotsiolingvistika i antropologiya o vzaimootnosheniyakh v chelovecheskom obshchestve.Privoditsya analiz poslovits i pogovorok v recheovom etikete na materiale angliyskogo yazyka, t.k. oni yavlyayutsya istoricheskoy i neot`emlimoy chast`yu yazyka. ····· 103614962

Leksicheskiy praktikum

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Dannyy praktikum prednaznachen dlya usvoeniya leksiki (nizshiy sredniy uroven`) i priobreteniya leksicheskoy kompetentsii. Struktura kazhdogo uroka sfokusirovana na opredelennom spiske slov (Headway Pre-Intermediate) i soderzhit raznye uprazhneniya i zadaniya. Vypolnenie zadaniy privedet k usvoeniyu leksiki bez spetsial`nogo zauchivaniya i uluchshit sposobnost` ispol`zovat` poluchennye znaniya v pis`mennoy i ustnoy rechi. Rekomendovano dlya russkogovoryashchikh studentov. ····· 103614998

Praktikum po istorii angliyskogo yazyka: drevneangliyskiy period

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Drevneangliyskiy yazyk predstavlyaet soboy etap razvitiya yazykov germanskoy gruppy, kogda on obosoblyaetsya ot prochikh bltzkorodstvennykh dialektov i priobretaet cherty, ne imeyushchie v nikh paralleley. Vybor tol`ko odnogo perioda v istorii yazyka pozvolyaet avtoru priderzhivat`sya printsipa sinkhronnosti opisaniya raznykh aspektov ego funktsionirovaniya, tak kak drevneangliyskiy period - eto otnositel`no nebol`shoy vremennoy otrezok, kharakterizuyushchiysya obshchey stabil`nost`yu grammaticheskoy i foneticheskikh sistem po sravneniyu s bolee pozdnimi epokhami. V svoyu ochered`, sravnitel`no-diakhronnyy kommentariy kasaetsya kak osveshcheniya fonemnogo sostava drevneangliyskogo yazyka po sravneniyu s obshchegermanskim i indoevropeyskim yazykovym sostoyaniem, tak i problem sravnitel`noy grammatiki. Sravnitel`no-istoricheskiy kommentariy osnovyvaetsya preimushchestvenno na materiale gotskogo yazyka, khotya v otdel`nykh sluchayakh privodyatsya i indoevropeyskie arkhetipy. Podlinnye teksty k kazhdomu iz devyati urokov snabzheny podrobnym grammaticheskim kommentariem-slovarem i zadaniyami k nim. Kniga adresovana studentam i aspirantam yazykovykh fakul`tetov universitetov, a takzhe shirokomu krugu chitateley, interesuyushchikhsya problematikoy istoricheskikh issledovaniy. ····· 103615154

English for Medical Purposes: A New Dimension in ESP

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This case study investigates the attitudes of medical students towards various English native and non-native varieties. The theories underpinning this project assume that ESP students,who are going to be involved in a multinational/multicultural workplace in their local hospitals with few or no native speakers, may not necessarily require the native models. In other words, the native models should not be exclusively regarded by educational authorities in the country. The researcher conducts her research at Jazan university which epitomises the different models as it has both native and non-native English teachers. ····· 1036118204

Expressionism in the Plays of Eugene O` Neil

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The 17th century England witnessed much racial discrimination. The existence of literary mythos, poetry, drama and fiction illustrated certain structures of national sensibility. Many literary stalwarts tried to exemplify certain factorial ethics through powerful and striking style of literary writings. Eugene O Neil is no exception and showed a profound understanding by exploring human nature and experiences with great attention. The present work is on Eugene O Neil s Expressionistic approach to drama, exclusively from his two plays, The Emperor Jones and The Hairy Ape. Expressionism is a style of art, literature and music which symbols and exaggeration to represent emotions rather than representing physical reality. The book takes the study of these two plays where expressionism formed the basis to explore the inner reality than the external. It is a technical movement as the stage that stands between the author and the audience. It is a flawless work done on Eugene O Neil s attention and persisting exploration to give the healing treatment from conventional drama to realism and symbolism. ····· 1036118919

Struggle for Psychological Independence

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Describing the post-colonial experience from the perspective of the psychoanalytic theory is the general intention of this study. This paper specifically looks at the trouble of the individuals living in such a post-colonial world, relating this with the individual in the psychoanalytic theory who faces similar sort of alienation in the Lacanian Symbolic Order. For the careful analysis, Lacanian Mirror Stage, Freudian psychoanalysis, nationalism, decolonization etc are described which would explain the experience of the never ending attempt of the individual in particular and the colonized society in general to go back for finding to meet the unconscious that is, the desire to be in fullness of power in the imaginary world with the mother or the pre-colonial states. Divided into several parts, this paper, after showing the conflicts raised following the imposition of the colonial or patriarchal rules, describes the process of turning back to the innocence or or the pre-colonial state and finally elaborates how, when the conflicts are unresolved, the problems become permanent which could emphasize the ongoing colonizer-colonized relationship as complex and distressing. ····· 1036119348

The Impact of Voki on EFL Learners` Speaking Performance

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The purpose of the current study was to find out beneficial ways of implementing e-learning tools, particularly, Voki in a classroom, and see whether it would have an effect on the development of EFL learners` speaking skills, as well as to find out the learners` attitude towards the program. Moreover, an attempt was made to reveal the participants` learning behaviors and strategies when using the program. From two groups involved in the study, the experimental group received treatment, whereas the control group received placebo. The study comprised both quantitative(pre and post tests, attitudinal questionnaire) and qualitative(semi-structured interview) data collection instruments. The findings of the study indicated that the application of Voki might be an appropriate method for improving EFL learners` speaking skills. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the learners had positive attitude towards the program, as it provided a learning environment that was fun, enjoyable, stress free and effective for improving their speaking skills. Moreover, it was revealed that the participants had a number of learning strategies that they used when creating their Vokis. ····· 1036120059

The Impact of Digital Storytelling on EFL Learners` Speaking Skills

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Situated in the field of technology and language teaching and learning, the current paper reports a mixed-method research study on the use of digital storytelling for developing EFL learners` speaking skills. The purpose of this research study, therefore, was threefold: primarily, to investigate the impact of digital storytelling on EFL learners` speaking skills, secondly, to reveal learners` attitude towards implementing the program, and thirdly, to report students` learning behaviors when using the program. Accordingly, this quasi-experimental study revealed the effect of a 7-week`s instructional treatment on speaking skills carried out in experimental group. A traditional method of storytelling was employed in the control group. The instrumentations used for data collection constituted pre and post tests, an attitudinal questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview, which served to collect qualitative and quantitative data, respectively. The results of statistical analysis displayed that there was a trend towards significant gains in the learners` oral production after the treatment. It also documented the learners` positive attitude towards the program. ····· 1036120060

Predictive Power of Language Proficiency on Academic Achievement

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Tanzania, like many other multilingual communities globally, has not eluded the problem of Language of Instruction (LOI). As a result, nearly five decades, English, the LOI in secondary schools and high education, has been a scapegoat of many secondary school students academic failure. The book shows clearly that English Language Proficiency (ELP) predicts future academic success of students. However, the influence is not as great as the proponents of Kiswahili exaggerate it to be this is to say, it is the non-ELP factors that affect performance greatly. The author therefore, concludes that the use of O- level and A-level secondary school results alone, as it is done in Tanzania and elsewhere, to predict one s capacity for secondary and higher education respectively is not enough since academic performance is an interplay of a number of factors. The book is invaluable for language teachers, teachers in training, University students,language policy makers and curriculum developers. ····· 1036120366

Colonialism and the Position of the Indigenous

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Hamidullah reacted out of his emotions on hearing the trail of Aziz, a trail based on the imaginative discourse of rape created by and aptly marketed by the British. But there are very few natives/indigenous who had the courage, social status and sense of awkwardness towards the British colonial rulers. Marlow might not retort the way a white usually retort after the natives attack in the river. But it is mistake to take this attitude as the proof of other whites regular behaviors. The two seminal writings A Passage to India and Heart of Darkness offered ample options to focus on the locations of the indigenous in Asia and Africa. This study will lead the readers towards the understanding of the horror of colonization and imperialism that dislocates the natives not only from their family/community/society but also from their own selves. They remain human only in stature. There are options for the readers to look at colonialism, imperialism and postcolonialism through textual connotations and get the explanation on how the gap between black and white is created through the binary Manichaeism. ····· 1036120535

Institutional Language-in-Education Policy and Classroom Practices

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Almost always, there are discrepancies between language policy as statement and language policy as actual implementation. This study examines how those discrepancies could be reduced specifically by looking at how language-in-education policy translates into observable classroom practices (i.e teaching, learning and assessment). The focus is on Rwanda s higher education as a context par excellence where the dual-medium language of instruction policy (i.e teaching and learning in both English and French ) was implemented from 1996 to 2008. On the whole, it was found out that the provisions of the policy are reflected differently in classroom practices. This is mainly due to the fact that not every student is able to conduct a natural conversation in either English or French (or both). To cover the gaps between the language policy and everyday practices it is suggested that a language-in-education policy, and not just statements, be elaborated to guide teachers in an effective implementation of bilingualism/multilingualism. This entails that in language planning, language should be looked at as a resource and not a problem. ····· 1036120606

Fashion and Literature

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This book studies how fashion and literature affect each other and how they affect our lives as means of expression. Fashion and literature are in constant interaction with each other and us, as both of them are important means of self-expression. While practising either fashion or literature, we are expected to follow some set of rules that regulate the ways in which we express ourselves. In addition to this external control imposed upon us, we also oblige ourselves to follow those rules while dressing or writing. Moreover, intentionally or unintentionally, we dress and write according to some rules ourselves have created in order to be accepted in the society. The Elizabethans and the Victorians did the same, however they were faced with stricter rules, and serious punishments in case they failed to comply. ····· 1036120785

motivation and language learning strategies

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This study investigated the relationship between motivation and the use of language learning strategies by university students. Furthermore, variables such as sex, the level of proficiency were also investigated. The instruments used in the study consisted of: (a) a questionnaire on motivation which was developed by Vallerand et al. (1992), (b) a questionnaire on language learning strategies developed by Oxford (1990), and (c) a TOEFL developed by ETS (Educational Testing service). The results of this study revealed that extrinsic motivation did not correlate meaningfully with the choice of language learning strategies. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation correlated meaningfully with the choice of language learning strategies. Also, there was no difference between males and females in terms of strategy choice and strategy use. Furthermore, the level of proficiency did not make any difference in the type of strategies students used. ····· 1036120936

Variability with Infinitival TO in Present Day American English

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Variation between the presence and absence of the infinitival marker `to` in complementation in American English is documented in this work. Data from internet usage and from a questionnaire survey are presented, with correlations offered between the survey results and various linguistic and social factors. Linguistic factors examined are the type of sentence and the negation of the infinitives. The social factor examined is gender. ····· 1036120966

Interpretation of 2nd Language Theoretical Methods of Teaching English

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This study sought to establish secondary school teachers interpretation, choice and use of second language theories and approaches in the teaching of English. This was achieved through the objectives of the study which were to evaluate factors that influenced teachers` choice of content, determine theories put in practice by teachers and establish the relevance of teaching and learning activities that were designed to achieve teaching goals. The study concluded that several factors including teacher personality and training and the caliber of learners influenced teachers` choice of the various theoretical approaches that were used. It recommended a refocus on theoretical approaches by all teachers as a way of stemming the crisis that English teaching finds itself in. These are of benefit to practicing teachers of English. English language teacher trainers specialists of English language education. ····· 1036121053

Body Representation and Gender Reformulation

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Using feminism as a reading mechanism, many of Stevie Smith s collected poems create a true image of the female s body and call for reformulating her gendered role. Smith s literary works are greatly influenced by her life. Though she did not call herself a feminist or like to be labeled so, her masculine name, her body shape and above all her viewpoints on women s issues, reflected in her work, strongly link her to the feminist circle. Key concepts of the body and gender provide a lens by which Smith s poems are minutely scrutinized hence, a deeper analysis of her poems focuses on the formative influence of the body in the reconstruction of gender through the subversion of social agencies traditional role, especially marriage. Her poems show how the longstanding traditions of the androcentric society form/deform the female body. Her fairytale poems create a world of fantasy where the body is transformed not only to escape stereotypical gendered roles but to claim each other s role. The paper reaches the conclusion that the stereotypical gendered role of woman can be reconstructed through a true representation of her body, which is best reflected in Smith s poems. ····· 1036121068

Somewhere Where We Can Meet

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This book is meant to examine the representation of place and cross-racial relationships in five novels by Nadine Gordimer. These novels are: Burger`s Daughter (1979), July`s People (1981), A Sport of Nature (1987), My Son`s Story (1990) and None to Accompany Me (1994). On the one hand, place is depicted as a setting of action in the sense that it anticipates the development of the relationship between the racial couples. On the other hand, it may be only an illustrative background of the success or failure of the relationship. Place, in other words,is representative of racial integration or disintegration. Furthermore, the book will examine the possibility of reading Gordimer as a post-colonial writer through her portrayal of the opposition the Self/the Other. It will show Gordimer s contradictory position in presenting a stereotypical image of the Other which undermines her ability to free herself from the prejudices of her race. Gordimer s inability to deny her identity as a white writer and to overcome barriers of racial difference becomes clear. Thus we find embedded in the sub-text of the novels many myths about the Other. ····· 1036121604

The Limitations of Henrik Ibsen`s Protagonists

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This book chiefly intends to explore the social, biological and psychological limitations realized in Ibsen s plays that not only end the pleasures of life but also bring his characters to the state of nonbeing (meaningless existence). Subsequently, this state of nonbeing drives Ibsen s characters to drastic and desperate actions. They are filled with frights and terrors, become rebellious, undertake extreme steps, which not only ruin their own lives but others as well. They either commit suicide or induce others to do so. ····· 1036124461

Ecological studies on mammals of south Sinai mountains, Egypt

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Egypt has special geographic location and the mild climate, putting it in a privileged position among the countries of the world. The eastern gateway to Egypt is Sinai Peninsula (the land of turquoise). Gazella dorcas, inhabit Sainai, have decreased because of climate changes and water shortages that adversely affect on the vegetation cover. Also wars projects, oppressive cutting of trees and the industrial development, all these things have led to the crumbling of natural habitats of these rare and important animals.Therefore it was necessary to assess the current status of this species of mammals doing some environmental studies in order to identify the Gazelle`s food components, compare it to camel`s ones and determine the Disappearance rate. ····· 1036124482

Vision of Budding Artists in Sons and Lovers and A Portrait

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This research work introduces the readers with Lawrence`s Paul and Joyce`s Stephen as artists,in the framework of psychoanalysis, having some similarities and differences in their artisic temperament,inclination, empathy, epiphany,inspiration for their art, rebellion, distortion of conventional morality,practical atheism, ideology,sensitivity to words and language. It uncovers repression, trauma,desperate isolation,intensity of loneliness, split mind,creativity and neurosis, existential neurosis,and creative release after shedding the neurotic refusal to embrace life. Art serves as an alternative source of gratification for their unfulfilled desires.It explores the psychological impulses, motivations of the artist by applying pathographic approach to art.It also shows how does their surrounding affect in their becoming artists. ····· 1036124938

A Semiotic Study of Misrepresentation of Punjabi Culture

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This study investigates the misrepresentation of Punjabi culture in the Punjabi Movies. The focus of the study is to investigate the multiple signs as means of communication employed in the movies carrying certain meanings for the audience. The study sheds lights on the issues relating to the misrepresentation of pure culture of Punjab on the big screens. The key theoretical concepts running through this work are those of misrepresentation and semiotics, both interconnected to each another and underline the fact that production of meaning is indeed a complex and an unconscious process. The tools of analysis employed in this investigation are primarily those of semiotic analysis and Critical theories to investigate into the apparent and hidden messages in the images. Different images from different movies have been selected for the analysis subjected to a detailed analysis using Pierce s Model for sign analysis. This is a multidisciplinary study that is going to venture into the domains of semiotics, cultural and media studies. The study is basically qualitative in nature. ····· 1036125502

On the Reliability and Validity of Grammaticality Judgment Tests

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The present study aimed to examine the influence of response format on the reliability and validity of the tests in question. To this end, the grammaticality judgment (GJ) test developed by Gass (1994) was selected as the instrument of the study which was manipulated in terms of the response format while the original items remained intact. Thus, a multiple-choice GJ test (MCGJT) was constructed to be compared with the traditional form, i.e., the dichotomous type (DGJT). In an interval of a month, the two tests were administered to a group of 110 engineering-major BS students. The results revealed that MCGJT was slightly more reliable (0.84 Cronbach s alpha) than the DGJT (0.83 Cronbach s alpha). With regard to validity, DGJT yielded slightly better validity indices in the first phase. Nevertheless, as a second phase to internal correlations, the correlations between the subsets and their totals were also explored this yielded almost similar results. ····· 1036125746

CLT in Bangladesh-An objective study

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Communicative Language Teaching(CLT), a language teaching approach of the Anglo-centric education system was introduced as an ELT approach in many countries where English is used as a second and foreign language. In the same vein, CLT was introduced in Bangladesh in 2001 from class vi to class xii with the aim of making the learners communicatively competent. In Bangladesh the traditional Grammar Translation Method had been in vogue for ages. But, when CLT was introduced in Bangladesh, the teachers came across a lot of problems in the way of its implementation. Here teachers are seen to have both right and wrong perceptions about CLT. Quite interestingly, though the wrong perceptions have a negative impact on their classroom practice, the right ones do not positively contribute to their execution of CLT. This book, therefore, looks into the practicing English teachers perceptions about CLT and the extent of their classroom practice of CLT. While doing it, the writer discovers mismatches between theory and practices and investigates why the mismatches between theory and practices happen. The writer also compares the Bangladeshi CLT scenario with other EFL contexts. ····· 1036125888

The Jewish Question in Ivanhoe.

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Amongst a lot of different themes, Sir Walter Scott`s Ivanhoe discusses the controversial subject of racial prejudice in the form of two Jewish characters that are easily not remembered, but who play a very important role in the book. These characters are the Jew Isaac of York and his daughter Rebecca. This thesis investigates how Isaac and Rebecca of York fit in the cultural context of pre-World War Two Britain and how Scott s British readers handled Jewish characters portrayed as good and pure people. It attempts to establish whether Isaac and Rebecca of York had become anachronisms or if they represented a stable Jewish identity in pre-World War Two Britain. ····· 1036125889

The Morphology of the Unknown

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The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown . With these words Howard Philips Lovecraft begins The Supernatural Horror in Literature . I contend that the importance Lovecraft attaches to the unknown in this critical essay on horror fiction or weird fiction, as Lovecraft termed it is reflected in his own works, as well. This thesis shows that the unknown actually forms the core of a narrative technique which we can identify in most of Lovecraft s works. Through close readings of three of his most famous texts, The Call of Cthulhu , The Shadow over Innsmouth and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward , this thesis analyzes the central role that unknowns play in them. It highlights how unknowns are created, maintained and resolved in the course of the narrative. The analyses also show how these unknowns affect the narrative flow and how the reader is affected by their presence. Ultimately, this thesis describes a narrative technique or model which is centered on the unknown and which is commonly found in Lovecraft s texts. ····· 1036186545

EFL Learners` Perceptions of English Teaching and Learning Activities

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To all those who love language teaching and learning and strive every day to learn about others as much a as they wish to teach all the language teachers to continue to build bridges of common life interest and ambitions through their effort in teaching children how to communicate with all people in all languages, colors and creeds. Language teaching and learning is a unique tool for spreading life aspirations and concerns. Languages bring all people together in a well informed and organized manner where they exchange life experiences and build relations of prosperity, growth and glory to all human kind every day. Language is the one powerful tool that is out there for everyone to use in order to continue moving our world forward on grounds of peace, harmony and consideration for all. ····· 1036186606

Author Representations in the Fiction of John Fowles and Peter Ackroyd

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This work evaluates the ontological status of the author-characters in John Fowles s Mantissa and Peter Ackroyd s Chatterton within the scope of certain poststructuralist and postmodern theories and it also attempts at demonstrating to what extent the character construction in the two novels experiments with the contemporary theories of the disappearance and the death of the author. This study concludes by suggesting that the representation of the author-characters in Mantissa and Chatterton follows the pattern of the poststructuralist claim of the death of the author ····· 1036186676

From a horseman to the best sports writing novelist: Dick Francis

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The main purpose of the work is the comparative analysis of the English books Dead Cert and Wild Horses written by horseman and novelist Dick Francis and translated into Czech by Jaroslava Moserová as the novels Smrt favorita and Divocí kon . The paper is divided into two main parts. The first theoretical part of the work focuses on the remarkable lifes of Dick Francis and Jaroslava Moserová. It also deals with the general theories of the translation. The second practical part first of all briefly defines the plots of the books and their main characters. Secondly it shows comparative analysis concentrating on the types of equivalence according to Dagmar Knittlová and Mona Baker by analysing the extracts from the books. Two methods of comparative analysis are presented and compared. ····· 1036187441

The Transfer of Reading-Writing Skills from L1 To EFL

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Language teachers have the chance of building upon their learners` schemata in both the social and cognitive contexts in language classrooms. Transfer of the knowledge present in the learners` schemata to a second/foreign language is of fundamental importance for their academic success. This study reflects on the transfer of skills and learning strategies, specifically reading and writing, in the Turkish EFL classroom. The findings of the study revealed that Turkish EFL learners at the specific Turkish secondary school are aware of their cognitive strategies and skills in L1 while they are unaware of their ability to transfer them to EFL. More specifically, the learners are particularly unable to transfer their reading skills, whereas the transfer of their writing skills is adequate. The study provided some low scale inferences for the teaching profession. Reading and writing skills are transferable in the Turkish EFL classroom provided that the learners retain certain cognitive skills if they are triggered off accordingly. However, cognitive skill transfer proceeds more effectively in writing as compared to the same phenomenon in reading. ····· 1036187875

African Women`s Quest for Self-Realization

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African Women`s Quest for Self-Realization is a literary study of the Nigerian woman writer Buchi Emecheta`s novels: The Joys of Motherhood and The Slave Girl. It offers a critical reading of Emecheta`s female charatcers and their depiction in an attempt to provide satisfactory answers to the hot debates concerning the feminist ideology of her writings.Our book is a study of the representation of the Nigerian woman s identity as female, black,colonized,and African in order to explain how race and gender were woven together as determinant factors that affected the female experience under colonialism. ····· 1036188262

Samuel Beckett`s Drama: Parables of Modern Life

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Samuel Barclay Beckett is a maverick writer of twentieth century. He has become one of the most discussed literary figures, not only of the twentieth century, but of any era. His offbeat dramatic works create a furore in the realm of world literature. It is true to say that, especially in the last fifteen years, his works have become a battleground on which literary critics have contested various positions. Beckett s oeuvre, particularly his dramas call for an attentive studying in respect for their dormant themes. His dramatic works challenge the reader to become actively engaged in the text with its words and with its silences. Reading Beckett s dramas made me realize that his dramas are absurd in the sense of their presentation of the action but not in their content. Beckett in Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Happy Days and All That Fall starkly paints the reality of modern life as he sees it. These four plays can be looked at as a montage of modern life. He has depicted the panoramic of the modern life in such a way that I ponder I am a part of his drama. ····· 1036188425

Predicting Readability for ESL Students

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The objective of this research is to present the design of a web application that predicts L2 text readability. The software is intended to assist ESL teachers in selecting texts written at a level of difficulty that corresponds with the target students` lexical competence. The ranges are obtained by statistical approach using distribution probability and an optimized version of the word frequency class algorithm, with the aid of WordNet and a lemmatised list for the British National Corpus. Additionally, the program is intended to facilitate the method of selection of specialised texts for teachers of ESP using proportionality and lists of specialised vocabulary. This web application is a free and open source software system which enables ESL/ESP teachers to carry out a comprehensive speed analysis without requiring knowledge of either computational linguistics or word frequency distributions and the underlying logarithmic proportionality. ····· 1036188426

Modernism in Eliot, Pound and Williams

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As human beings we always tend to see certain patterns and doing so eventually becomes our habit. A very recent example would be, now while reading a computer document using a certain font, a sudden change of the font creates disturbance. As a result a person loses track. In the same way, at the beginning of the nineteenth century or before that, poems followed certain regulated and given metrical and thematic patterns. Readers became conditioned to respond to the patterns. But in the 20th century a new context of thought started to bring the reader s experience. Other than just reading a poem for recreation a reader had to search for the exact point (meaning) of his reading. Free verse emerged poets have more emphasis on the implicit understanding of a poem. They found that, there is a soul in the sound body of poetry that makes a poem alive, a living thing . Generally from the 20th century poets started to create poetry by using visual images, sound images, metaphors etc. The modernist generation, both critically and creatively, was centrally concerned with the relations between literary form and modes of knowledge on understanding. (Bell 11). ····· 1036188648

Implicit and Explicit knowledge and medium of instruction in Pakistan

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Though many research studies have been conducted in the field of implicit and explicit knowledge by world renowned researchers like Stephen Krashen, Ellen Bialystok, Robert DeKeyser, Rod Ellis, Nick Ellis, Catherine Elder, Shawn Loewen, Rosemary Erlam and Jenefer Philp etc, the novelty of my research work lies in the fact that it is the first research study which has been carried out in the field of implicit and explicit knowledge in relation to the medium of instruction for the teaching of English as a second language in an EFL context i.e. Pakistan. In my view, the contents of this book are important in two ways. On the one hand, they provide the reader with an introduction of the basic concepts, terminology and previous research carried out in the field of implicit and explicit knowledge. On the other hand, it opens a new horizon of research in the field of implicit and explicit knowledge in relation to language learning context and medium of instruction. I hope that this book will serve its intended purpose and will prove to be a good source for facilitating further research. ····· 1036188767

Kasim Borrowings from English

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Many European languages were brought to the African continent through colonization, through American and British protestant Christians devotion working as Church missionaries, and through trade. Among these European languages, English has influenced the local languages. This research underlines Kasim ( a language spoken in the North of Ghana and in the South of Burkina Faso ) typology and it aims at showing the outcomes of language in contact through a phonological, morphological and semantic analysis. This contrastive analysis brings out the structural differences and similarities of words, both in Kasim and English and help to the study of some areas of interference and confirms the linguistics theory of Roberto LADO (1957). This book is useful for linguists, teachers of English as a second and a foreign language and students who are interested by the study African languages and international languages. ····· 1036188800

Online Reading Strategies and the Choice of Offline Reading Strategies

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According to some unofficial researches and my own experience in the field of teaching reading skill , I have found that some students had many problems when they were being asked to read some online text especially when they were supposed to participate in an on-line reading comprehension test. So I tried to find out the reason or reasons of this problem. The first probability for this problem was that the difference between on-line and off-line environment influenced the students` performance in an on-line reading comprehension test. The second probability that I have made for this problem was that having a high level of IT literacy had any effect on the performance of students in the on-line reading comprehension test or not. And the last hypothesis for investigating the reason of this problem was that students may have employed inappropriate strategies while they were reading on-line. All these probabilities and hypotheses have led the researcher toward formulating the null hypotheses of this study. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of on-line Reading strategies on the choice of off-line Reading strategies of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners. ····· 1036189261

Motivation, Self Efficacy and the Academic Achievement of Students

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This book is an effort to discover and find out the positive relationship among the three variables- motivation, self-efficacy and academic achievement of students- in the Pakistani context. It is discerned in this research that the feeling of self-efficacy is the most basic and important rung in the ladder of academic success with motivation serving the purpose of a significant intermediary. This study reinforces the role of parents and teachers as noteworthy in developing the self-efficacy beliefs of students which make them independent learners contributing to the reservoir of their intrinsic motivational level much needed for their academic excellence. ····· 1036191326

Apology Strategies of ESL Students

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The main focus of this book, which is of the most important and most frequent speech acts used in multicultural settings, is the speech act of apology. It investigates native Persian-speaking ESL university students` apology strategies based on Cohen and Olshtain`s(1981) framework, including those which do not imply an apology to find out differences attributed to gender. It is hoped that the findings of this book will have implications for ESL/EFL pedagogy. ····· 1036191830

How to Use Games to Promote Fluency

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This study focused on five particular communication strategies namely: 1- Paraphrase 2- Approximation 3- Hesitation 4- Words which are borrowed, invented, or anglicized, and 5- Reduction Strategies in order to promote fluency and improve communicative ability in English among intermediate level students. The study used a series of videoed and transcribed task observations based on Spot the Differences information-gap activities. The views and beliefs of 6 teachers and 6 Pre-Sessional students all from University of Essex were also sampled using structured, in-depth interviews. The teacher interviews revealed that the more experienced teachers focused attention on fluency and helping student to keep going , while less experienced tutors focused attention on both fluency and vocabulary learning in communication tasks. The student interviews findings also indicated that students` beliefs are affected by tutor beliefs. Data from the videoed observations revealed that body language was an important element in communicating meaning. ····· 1036192047

Dictation a Tool to Improve Writing

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Dictation is a method of taking down notes which is frequently used in offices and universities. However, dictation has been overlooked as a technique in addressing the difficulties of writing in English by teachers. Writing in English is increasingly becoming an intricate process amongst students whose native language is not English. Therefore, teachers who find difficult in addressing this problem may take dictation as a technique to help students who are poor or weak and distressful over getting their writing right. This book rekindles an old lost technique and rest assures of its results when dictation is practised from time to time religiously. ····· 1036192094

Turkish Immigration Literature in Germany

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This work is about the life of an unnamed heroine in the trilogy of a Turkish woman writer, Emine Sevgi Ozdamar, who is a representative of Turkish Immigration Literature in Germany. Her works, however, are different from the works of other immigrant writers. One reason is the language Ozdamar uses in her works. The language of her novels is a mixture of German and Turkish. Her literal translation of Turkish phrases and idioms to German is one of the distinctive characteristics of her novels. Content and context of the novels are also opposite the stereotyped immigration novels. The focus of this study is to analyze the changes in the life of the protagonist who undergoes a transformation in Germany. In the light of the relationship between social drama and rituals proposed by Victor Turner, the social drama of Turkey in the first novel, Caravanserai, and the transformation of the protagonist in the second novel, The Golden Horn, will be comparatively examined. Changes and novelties in the transformation of the protagonist after her immigration to Germany will be analyzed as an outcome of the social contradictions and norm conflicts between the sending and receiving societies. ····· 1036192226

Principled Polysemy Revisited: A Minimal Polysemy Approach

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Since the rise of Cognitive Linguistics, prepositional polysemy has become a heated topic and invited treatments of a great number of cognitive linguists. Among them, Tyler and Evans (2003) have been holding sway with their Principled Polysemy Model , in which they develop a more constrained semantic network for over. The present study is a critique of this model. By revisiting some typical examples among the 14 postulated additional senses of over, it is revealed that it exhibits three flaws:(1) a misleading premise, which regards meanings that come about on the basis of the preposition over and other words as the basic meaning of over (2) assuming still redundant and erroneous polysemy for over (3) frequent mismatched examples. This study suggests a minimal polysemy approach and reveals the significance of tracing back to the nature of prepositional meanings in probing into prepositional polysemy. ····· 1036192229

Multimedia Enhanced Language Teaching: Part-1

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Multimedia Enhanced Language Teaching is a book for Language Teacher and students. This book deals about role of computer, internet and technology in language learning and teaching. Chapters dealt with wide-ranging but relevant themes relating to the use of multimedia in teaching in general, and language teaching in particular. With several hundreds of languages and four different language families, India represents possibly the pinnacle of linguistic and ethnic diversity in humanity, and is still a great working pluralistic society. That Diversity is not a burden, but a great asset, is continuously recognized and tolerated throughout Indian history, more so since the beginning of our Independence Struggle. So, naturally, the chapters of the book that dealt with the teaching and learning of Indian languages and other topics attracted a wide variety, all forming a cohesive whole. It has been my pleasure and privilege to have a number of individuals and groups that cooperated with me in carrying out the needed activities to make the book a memorable one. ····· 1036192318

Descriptive and Theoretical Aspects of English Idioms

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This monograph primarily aims to offer a thorough overview of the key theoretical work in the field of idiomatology from a syntactic, semantic and socio-cultural point of view. The lexical multi-word unit of idiom is thus discussed at every level of linguistic analysis and is presented as an entity of its own lexical integrity that forms the core of the phraseological system of the English language. Given the pressing need for a clear and concrete delimitation of idiom as a linguistic term that will be used profitably as a working definition for further research into a wide range of issues in relation to the area of second language idiom acquisition in EFL and ESL educational contexts, it is hoped that the present study will function as a reference point capturing several angles of the topic. ····· 1036192583

Error Feedback Types:

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There has been an on-going debate on whether error feedback helps students to improve their grammatical accuracy from one draft to the other (Ferris, 1999 2001 Truscott, 1996 1999). According to previous research, one area which has not been properly studied is a comparison between groups receiving feedback and a no feedback group. Therefore, to fill this gap in research, the author investigated the effect of feedback on grammatical accuracy by comparing three types of feedback: errors coded, errors underlined, and no grammar feedback. Data analysis revealed no significant differences in the improvement of grammatical accuracy in the two treatment groups. It was however found that both treatment groups outperformed the no-feedback group in editing verb and noun-related errors. However, the control group outperformedthe two other groups in correcting their article-related errors. The author concluded that even if students do not receive grammar feedback, their writing improves because of the rewriting process itself. ····· 1036199013

The Image of Jersualem in the 19Th Century Travel Writing

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This book tries to discuss the image of Jerusalem from the perspective of three nineteenth century western protestant travelers Pierre Loti, Mark Twain and William M. Thackeray. The travelers are amongst those who are known as authors rather than travelers or explorers. Such choice is important to emphasize the line between fiction and reality. In the writings of such travelers, representation of Jerusalem is influenced by Protestant teachings by which the writers were raised. Also while depicting the city, the writers benefited from their ability to create fiction to transfer their ideas and feelings about Jerusalem. ····· 1036199014

Search for Identity in Harold Pinter`s Plays

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Harold Pinter, a Nobel laureate in literature in 2005 was some what different in the melee of the well known dramatists of the contemporary period, his characters move around like real characters, feel pain, anguish and anger as we do in our day to day life. These characters are victims of either traditions or systems or psychological, maladies. They Endeavour hard to look for an identity in the society, but the system of the society is bent upon hunting them out. They are either lost in the wilderness of the concert world or vanish abruptly. The nebulous world turns to them nefarious, detrimental and victim, while reaching their identities. Their incomprehensible self annihilation and destruction is marked with passivity and ambiguity. It is an attempt by the dramatist to depict the conflict of the generations, or a class of the society. Because as a modern dramatist Pinter does not allow the audience to make up its mind so easily and keeps the audience in a constant state of tension by bringing its mind into a dialectical opposition to its feelings. They are perpetually betrayed in their search as once they heave a sigh of relief the another problem crops up before them. ····· 1036199092

Dictionaries as Cultural Products

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Are dictionaries really an ultimate source of `correct` language `Dictionaries as Cultural Products` is the first manuscript of such volume to deal with intentional and unintentional cultural biases and limitations in lexicography. It offers both, a theoretical exploration of word meaning and a practical perspective on dictionaries in use. Although originally written as a thesis for a Master s degree in English linguistics, this revised version addresses a much broader range of readers. This book might attract not only professional linguists, but also students and teachers of English as a foreign language, as well as native speakers of English interested in explaining words through other words. In addition, this book would provide some helpful guidelines for dictionary-making in various spheres of business and education. ····· 1036199126

The Use of Song Lyrics in Teaching English Tenses

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Songs have been present in peoples lives from the very beginning of humanity. They have been with us during religious ceremonies, in bars and in the shower. Songs have become an integral part of our language experience, and if used in coordination with a language lesson they can be of great value. The research, presented in this book considers a comparative study and analysis in the usage of song lyrics and the traditional more formal course book exercises in the teaching of Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple tenses to year 7, 8 and 9 students. The aim of this book is to introduce the different methods of teaching English verb tenses, the use of song lyrics and music in the EFL classroom. It also focused on the reasons for using songs by demonstrating their effectiveness as a learning tool. The fact that grammar teaching may sometimes appear to be boring for certain students may make them rather unwilling to learn the grammar of a foreign language. In this situation, teachers should find some alternative, more motivating ways of teaching it. ····· 1036199251

Reflective Teaching

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Quality teachers are one of the best determinants of student achievement. Factors like teacher development, teachers` ability, and teachers` experiences account for students achievement than most other factors. This study intends to show how Reflecting Teaching can be effective way of teacher development at tertiary level in Bangladesh. In this research monograph, the researchers made an attempt to evaluate the impact and application of Reflective Approach or practice in Teaching. They also tried to investigate the role of Reflective Teaching in developing the learners speaking and reading skills in the EFL classes at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. As Reflective Teaching has gradually claimed its positive position in the teaching and learning environment across the world, an examination of its role in the development of language learning and teaching strategies should be conducted in a view that how this practice of Reflective Teaching facilitates the learner`s learning and what should be the role of the teachers in fostering it. ····· 1036199302

Teachers` Beliefs and Classroom Practices

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The main purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate teachers beliefs towards grammar teaching and their practices when teaching grammar in EFL classrooms. It aimed to collect evidence of their instructional practices and examine the relationships between their thoughts and actions. Furthermore, it attempted to stand on the probable contextual factors that influence the transformation of beliefs into practice. All the teachers involved in this study were Arabs, teaching English language in government preparatory schools in Sharjah. In the first stage of the study, 46 in-service teachers were invited to fill in a self-report questionnaire to elicit their beliefs and classroom practices regarding grammar teaching. In the second stage, two semi structured interviews were conducted with these teachers to gain deeper understanding of their personal opinions, beliefs and perspectives. The findings revealed that teachers undeniably have a set of multifaceted beliefs regarding the eight beliefs dimensions under study including the grammar role in learning, grammar approaches, grammar practising, error treatment, the use of grammatical terminology and students` first language. ····· 1036199441

Speech Manipulation in Modern English Conversational Discourse

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Most of recent linguistic researches are dedicated to the analysis of communicative discourse and to the study of speech in its functional aspect which has led to the amplification of interaction of linguistics with other humanities. However, linguistic researches which concern this topic lack thorough analysis of pragmatic concept of verbal manipulation, its strategies and tactics in conversational discourse and linguistic means of manipulation which conditioned the actuality of research. In the present work we performed systemic descriptive analysis of the phenomenon of verbal manipulation in the conversational discourse, its strategies and tactics, as well as lexico-semantic, structural and pragmatic peculiarities of verbal means of realization of these strategies and tactics from the pragmalinguistic aspect. ····· 10361100247

Theme of Otherness and Writing Back

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The British Empire spanned the Indian subcontinent, Australia, almost half of Africa, parts of North America and the Caribbean Islands during the colonial era and subjugated the people of these lands both physically and psychologically. The colonizers generated a Eurocentric ideology by projecting the Europeans as superior and the self belonging to the centre or Occident, whereas the colonized people (of which they are a part) are shown as inferior and the other belonging to the margin or Orient. The psychological domination that took place during the period of colonization persists even today. However, many postcolonial writers have successfully reshaped and redefined the constructed image of self and other by distorting the stereotypical images of colonized people, their cultures and languages in literature. Thus, they have taken the narratives to another level by giving voice to the other and by presenting their own colonial history and the consequences of colonization to match their own purposes. This thesis intends to look at the discourse of otherness, from colonial representations to postcolonial realities of other people and languages. ····· 10361100299

Portraits of Puritans in Nathaniel Hawthorne and Arthur Miller`s Works

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This work compares and contrasts the portrait of Puritans in selected novels and short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne with drama and film version of The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The work shows how Puritanism is viewed from a critical perspective by these two authors, indicating the means by which, through religion, guilt and shame was exploited. The romantic use of myth and symbolism by Hawthorne is juxtaposed with the dramatic elements employed by Miller. ····· 10361100326

Assessment for Learning

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Assessment for learning (AFL), as opposed to assessment of learning (AOL), is a relatively new trend in education that focuses on learning as an ongoing process rather than a finished product. This book reports on the findings of a study that investigated the possibility of using two AFL techniques, namely student-generated tests and conferencing in EFL grammar classes. The participants were 62 Iranian EFL students at the intermediate level of English language proficiency. The results revealed that the AFL procedures employed in the study had a significant effect on EFL students achievement in grammar and improved their attitudes to formal grammar instruction. ····· 10361100343

Personality Type and Writing Performance

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New trends in researching language have emphasized the significant role of personality factors and individual differences on the quality of learning languages. It is nowadays believed that the personality type each person possess may hinder or facilitate the process of learning or teaching language. Therefore teachers and instructors are expected to pay more detailed attention to the individuality of learners in their classes. The present research project investigated the relationship between personality type and the writing performance of English learners. A step by step process of research in this book is a truly valuable source for those who want to learn how to conduct researches in this area of research. A well-established framework about the similar researches done in the past as well as a solid theoretical framework has made this book a valuable guide for enthusiastic researchers in this field of research. ····· 10361113317

Computer application in English language teaching in Nigeria

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Computer application in English language teaching has since reached pervasive stage in developed countries, but in many developing countries it is still at conceptual stage. This book surveys the level of the practice in Nigeria, which is one of the countries in recent promulgated policies and made a lot of efforts to integrate computers in education. The survey examines facilities, accessibility, awareness and support. The finding shows that many factors are militating against Computer Assisted Language Learning practices in Nigeria, and a lot need to be done to move the level from conceptual to integrative. The book extensively discusses the problems as well as the way forward. ····· 10361114112

A Study of the Nature and Development of Shakespeare`s Comedies

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The main purpose of this study is to show the nature of Shakespeare s comedies and their stages of development from light comedy to intellectual comedy, and finally to gloomy comedies that border on tragicomedy. Although Shakespeare s comedies are, as a whole, different from those of his contemporaries and classical playwrights, they do not follow a certain pattern. Shakespeare sometimes chooses the tradition and conventions of classical comedy and manipulates them in his own way, but very often he neglects the traditional conventions and writes a different kind of comedy. Shakespeare s comedies are in many ways different from those of Jonson and other followers of classical comedy. His comedies are not satirical and they don t arouse hearty laughter. The characters in his comedies make us smile, but they do not evoke cruel laughter. This study endeavours to explore the difference between Shakespearean comedy and classical comedy, and Shakespeare s deviation from those conventions is mentioned with references to some representative comedies. What makes his comedies Shakespearean is the fundamental argument of the present study. ····· 10361116130

The Indian Diasporic Writers in the USA

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Indian Diaspora has prevailed and enriched almost every country in the world. Even in the most unlikely places you are like to find small glitters of the Indian community: a community which celebrates the festivals such as Divali, Eid and Holy and Gurunanak jayanti which represents the Unity in Diversity of India. Even so, there is one special branch of the Indian diasporic Bunyan tree which has made unique contribution to the world, the world of Literature. The reason for the writers of the Diaspora writing about India can be attributed to dictum that you can take the man out of his homeland but you can t get the homeland out from the person. A person might go far away from India but cannot get over the reminiscences, the memories and the feelings attached to the homeland because these would always be with him/her. The country of a person s origin, the native land, always has an attraction and since distances make the heart grow fonder, as the saying goes, writers of the Indian Diaspora are persuaded to write about it. This, in a way, is essential to re-establish and sustain their connectivity to their motherland. ····· 10361117643

Manipulation Techniques in Mass Media Texts

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This book addresses the problem of mind manipulation and its influence on the linguistic world image of the society. In this book we look into the manipulative nature of mass media language and modern methods of mind manipulation used in mass media, specifically the way that mass media influence the world view of language users and the development of the language itself. The book focuses on the impact of mass media on the denotation and connotation of the meaning, the role of mass media in artificial, purposeful change of the language, and through that, the information model of the world. Here we analyze linguistic means of information management, that is the use of lexical, grammatical, syntactical and stylistic tools, which mass media resort to in order to shape public opinion. For this purpose a comprehensive analysis was implemented to the lexical units verbalizing the concept `protection`, one of the basic concepts in the cognitive space of a man and society. ····· 10361117676

Tense and Aspect in Ateso

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The Ateso language has had very little publication. A detailed analysis of tense and aspect in Ateso has not been studied. The way tone, tense and aspect are interrelated across the Eastern Nilotic language family differ. This is the reason for writing this book whose main focus will be on Ateso. The book offers an analysis of tense and aspect in Ateso. It seeks to investigate tense and aspect marking, the distribution of tense and aspect and its correlation with tone. The book also looks at the order of occurrence of tense and aspect in basic sentence structures and assess whether tense and aspect morphological forms can be adequately described by the Checking theory of the Minimalist program. It provides an avenue of comparison of the Nilotic languages which are mutually intelligible with Ateso. It will be useful to linguists studying Eastern Nilotic languages. The linguists will find the book useful in comparison of tense and aspect marking in these languages with Ateso. ····· 10361118076

Liberal Aesthetics in Oscar Wilde`s Works

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A MUST READ for those who desire to delve into Oscar Wilde! This book boasts an insight into Wilde s literary and sexual stature by explicating his aesthetic notions. Oscar Wilde, a controversial figure in the Victorian period, brought a welter of criticism associated with his literary works and sexual orientation. However, aestheticism, literary criticism, and sexual studies seem to separate Wilde into distinctive entities, in which his hedonism, genius, and sexual deviation are discussed in seeming but incoherent continuum. Through the approach of cultural study, in which both language and meanings are contextualized in the Victorian setting, this thesis re-places Wilde back into his contemporary society and presents his significance as a whole. Queer as it might seem, this thesis reunites Wilde with his literary and bodily representation, and in this scenario, art for art s sake is rendered a social meaning which approximates collateral involvement if not proactive. Liberal and rebellious, Wilde s aesthetics becomes socially implicated, and therefore his being rejected by his contemporaries is further understood nowadays as his challenge for spiritual and corporeal freedom. ····· 10361118239

A Literature Workbook On David Mulwa`s Play: Redemption

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This workbook is centered on the play Redemption by David Mulwa. The workbook has adopted an integrated, responsive and learner centered approach. It systematically leads the student to learn a multiplicity of language skills while studying Redemption. It is prepared in such a way that it can be used in the absence of the instructor so long as the student is disciplined enough to follow the instructions given. Instructors can also use it in class together with the play. As you study Redemption with the help of your workbook, you will encounter various tasks, activities and questions which cover comprehension skills, grammar, summary and composition writing. The instructors are urged to sensitize their students to attempt the tasks, activities and questions in order to get a thorough and systematic understanding of the issues raised in the play. The tasks and activities serve to open up the minds of the students to a critical interpretation of the play and to enable them acquire the various language skills. This work book is useful to Literature students and teachers as well as Literature teacher trainees and educators. ····· 10361118371

Major Sources of Collocational Errors Made by EFL Learners

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The aim of the present study was to explore the mainsources of collocational errors made by learners ofEnglish as Foreign Language (EFL). To address thisissue, 40 Kurdish seniors studying EFL at KoyaUniversity s College of Languages located in NorthernIraq participated in this study. The results showedthat the participants collocational errors resultedfrom two major sources, namely, low frequency ofcollocations and the influence of L1. Factors such asthe frequency of collocation components and MutualInformation (MI) were found to be ineffective in theproduction of correct collocations because thesefactors did not cause errors in collocations. ····· 10361118670


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Myths have been an undeniable source in both shaping and expressing the values, norms and behavioural patterns in societies. However, the archetypes in myths have helped to oppress women in their personal and social lives and have forced them to accept identities which actually are not theirs. Feminist archetypal theorists propose that through a detailed study of common images of women s writings, fantasies and dreams, the archetypes women possess can be uncovered and the female experience can have the chance to be voiced more accurately. The aim of this study is to explore Surfacing and The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood and Indigo and The Leto Bundle by Marina Warner to lay bare the attempts of both writers to break away from the male-oriented myths so as to rewrite female experience via rewriting myths. In four novels, the archetypes and mythical elements are used in rewriting the gender and sexual identity markers which have long been imposed on women by patriarchal mythmakers. By rewriting these markers, both writers not only voice the genuine female experience and the body but also pave the way for the creation of new myths which would celebrate female identity and freedom. ····· 10361132091

Understanding English Language

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English as we all know is an international language. So its really important to develop love for this language and try to understand this language.People dont speak or write it effectively or rightly. They do many grammatical mistakes while speaking or writing English. English language is an asset for all of the human beings. Through this language only you can converse with people from any area, location of the world. Through this language only you can express yourself and can understand other people too. If you are a student, a researcher, in academics or in any walk of life, this language has to be learnt and known to all of us. All the researches, all the datas available are basically in English itself. So, if you want to gain and update your knowledge, the understanding of this language is mandatory. So this work is an attempt for all the starters to know this language, hence helping them to propagate international brotherhood. ····· 10361132419

Roles of Output in Foreign Language Learning

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In a foreign language context, grammar is always construed as an indispensable element to learn. It is the question of how to learn it that becomes a key issue to examine. Concern is placed on how grammar instructions can nurture and develop students` grammar interlanguage system. A wave of research ranging from intensive treatment toward specific linguistic features to focus on form in interactions is put forth. Apart from the insightful research on grammar, some teachers still have a propensity to rely on language input through the adoption of meaning-oriented tasks. A common view held by teachers is that an abundant exposure to language use would warrant the development of students` grammar. The communicativeness of the tasks is believed to enable the grammar learning to take care of itself. While the view, to a large degree, is justified, it might not be sufficient for the whole processing of the intricate development of L2 grammar learning to occur. Accordingly, Swain (1994) sheds light on roles of output as potential learning mechanisms to facilitate the process. This study is an attempt to find some evidence of roles of output in L2 grammar learning. ····· 10361132423

Speech Act Labels Misinterpretation

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People use languange in their daily communication. However, through the existence of language, misunderstanding may happen for various reasons. Different interpretation of Speech Act labels is believed to be one of many causes in communication misinterpretation. This work is aimed to show some important points concerning misunderstanding in communication: 1)The Speech Act labels which are misinterpreted in the conversation in `Tintin` and `Asterix` comic series, 2) How the Speech Act labels are misinterpreted, and 3)The effect of each misinterpretation in the conversation on the participants. This work covers linguistics, especially Pragmatics which emphasizes on the use of context. This work is also supported by two main reliable approaches: Speech Act theory developed by a famous philosopher John Searle and the theory of notion of face by Erving Goffman. ····· 10361132747

The Interplay Between Despair and Hope in the Work of Hubert Selby Jr.

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Hubert Selby Jr. s fiction is often characterized by its somber and bleak depictions of tragic characters plagued by depression, social exclusion or hostile surroundings. Trying to understand Selby s work through these darker aspects alone, however, can result in rather limited perspectives on the texts, as there are also some more hopeful themes and aspects to be found in his work. The main goal of this work is to point out the more optimistic other side of Selby s work in order to contrast it with its darker half, so that a deeper understanding of his work may be revealed. ····· 10361133283

Reading Difficulties in Children

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Reading plays a vital role in the language acquisition. Dyslexic children do face learning problems in reading and writing that affect their self-esteem and motivation towards English langauge learning at school. Therefore, teachers need to be aware of children`s reading difficulties and be able to implement remedial strategies in dealing with these inside their classrooms. This book presents a research study exploring reading difficulties in children at the primary level in the multilingual context of Pakistan, where English is taught as a second or foreign language. The book highlights critical insights in identification of chidren`s reading difficulties in the mainstream schools, using standardized testing tools. It explores phonics and other multi-sensory approaches to help teachers to remediate reading difficulties of their children. It further examines the contextual issues and recommends possible ways of addressing reading problems of children who are `reading disabled` or `dyslexic` with a hope that one day these children`s learning problems will be understood and their diverse learning styles will be catered for by the schools, teachers and parents all over the world. ····· 10361133357

A Grammatical Study Of Modal

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The modal auxiliary verbs of English Language convey special meanings that form an important aspect of human communication. They are: may, must, will, shall, need, dare, might, could, would, should and ought to and are verb inflections that show how an action is conceived by the speaker this is known as modality in Language.F.R. Palmers (1986) model of categorization and description of modality was adopted for analysis in the book due to its explicit manner of presentation. The exploratory analysis of modality on Christian stickers and posters provides new insights on how modal verbs occur and the range of meanings that can be realized from the modal system. In addition, the book proves to be useful to foreign language learners of English as it guides on ways to set about achieving meaning. Coupled with the multiplicity of easy to understand everyday relatable examples used from stickers and posters, learners are exposed to the full array of meanings that modal auxiliary verbs have, by so doing, learners competences are further developed. The book is a repository of resources that learners of English language can utilize to achieve accurate and effective communication. ····· 10361134214

Psychological traits in select Modern British Plays

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Life has two absolute truths, birth and death. The momentary experiences and memories that define what lies between these two truths have been structured into a linear progression of the human mind into the concept known as time. If one accepts this existentialist view of existence, then the concepts of fate and predestiny simply cannot exist. Each moment of life is dictated by chance and circumstance, bestowing fortune on some while misery on others. Samuel Becket, Tom Stoppard & John Osborne are three playwrights who have succeeded to convey serious messages in an absurd or comic way. Let it be the themes of loneliness, alienation, spatial separation for self or others or any other psychological themes the three have succeeded in portraying them through their characters. ····· 10361135523

An Interactive Approach to the Teaching of Reading

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In Pakistan students find reading of the original text of novels a boring activity. This books deals with the novel The Old Man and the Sea as a case study to suggest some strategies that a teacher of English can adopt to develop reading skills. It suggests activities for developing students personal engagement with the text by determining the purpose of reading, activating prior schema, and understanding foreign culture. Secondly, it proposes activities for helping students to understand the language structure used in a text by teaching word level structures, using conjunctions to teach sentence level structures, and utilizing sequence of sentences to teach paragraph level structures. Lastly, it advises activities for helping students to develop questions and reach conclusions while reading a text by exploiting the potential of creating visuals, asking questions and seeking their answers, and forming opinions and drawing conclusions. ····· 10361135710

Sociolinguistics Study of Code Switching

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The study of code switching is potentially the most creative aspect of bilingual speech. The topic has certainly aroused the curiosity of many researchers, and a host of different features of it have been studied. Sociolinguists have looked into speech communities, both monolingual and bilingual, trying to establish reasons for, changes of style and language switching. Sociolinguistics Study of Code Switching is concerned with aspects of code switching as a societal phenomenon among bilinguals. Chapters in the book integrate theoretical perspectives and analysis of the patterns of code switching in bilinguals discourse. The sociolinguistic variables are discussed in terms of three parameters physical setting, topic and participant roles. This book will be valuable to students of sociolinguistics as well as educators and all those who come into contact with the study of bilingualism and code switching. In addition, the book can also be used as a guide or source of information especially to future researchers interested in the field of code switching. ····· 10361135869

A Comparative Study of Initiation and Identity

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This study is a comparative analysis of initiation and the identity of the African woman as portrayed in the two novels, The River Between and Possessing the Secret of Joy by Ngugi Wa Thiongo and Alice Walker respectively. These two authors play out clitoridectomy as a rite of transition and incorporation of the African woman in African society. However, the contextual backgrounds that inform the setting upon which Ngugi and Walker narrate on circumcision of women leads to different conclusions about the practice. Ngugi, writes from the Kikuyu community in Kenya depicts the initiation of women through clitoridectomy as the defining moment of an African womans s identity. Kikuyu society is in the midst of colonial transition Christian missionaries in their proselytizing activities are dead set against the practice of circumcision of women as barbaric and inhuman. ····· 10361135896

Reciprocal Teaching and Language Learning Strategies

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The present study was conducted to determine the difference between reciprocal teaching only and explicit teaching of strategies before reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension of Iranian female EFL learners. The 63 participants were divided into two groups of RTO and ET-RT. There were two classes of 16 participants in RTO group and two classes of 16 and 15 participants in ET-RT group. Before starting the lesson, a pretest of reading comprehension with 60 multiple choice items was administered. One group received reciprocal teaching only and the other received explicit teaching of strategies before reciprocal teaching. The reciprocal teaching in both groups was conducted in 19 sessions. At the end, a posttest of reading comprehension with 60 multiple choice items was administered. The result of the t-tests showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean rank score of the ET-RT and RTO groups on the pretest and posttest reading comprehension. ····· 10361146382

Direct and Indirect Assessment of Writing

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This book shed some light on how two approaches to writing assessment: direct formats, which require candidates to compose a piece of writing, and indirect formats, which do not necessarily require any text generation. The study also looks at another type of writing assessment in between these two paradigms, called semi-direct, where the text production is more controlled than the direct assessment. The investigation of these assessment approaches is focused on three areas. First, it looks at whether indirect formats, represented here by an editing task, relates to the direct formats, represented here by an essay task, letter and summary writing tasks (as semi-direct formats), in respect of predicting someone`s writing ability. Then it looks at whether students` total scores, as well as, their subscores in grammar, spelling, punctuation will vary or not. Similarly, it looks at their content scores in the letter and the summary task. ····· 10361146947

Grammatik und Lexik

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The Sketch Book

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Reprint of the original, first published in 1843. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142674

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel / Kaufmann und Voß. Nachdruck des Originals. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143304

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1857 in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144419

Women in Thomas Hardy`s Tess and Henry James`s The American

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In the social context of nineteenth century, a woman was characterized as an entity that was in need of shielding embrace of either a husband or a father and a home. Hardy and James are often maligned by a feminist reader for portrayal of women who are either made to go behind the walls or punished for their refusal to submit to the patriarchal order of the society. The female protagonists, of the novels under discussion, Tess and Claire de Bellegarde confront with the issues of class consciousness, domesticity, marriage, as well as sexuality. These issues have been explored from the feminist perspective of Donovan, Marry Wollstonecraft, Showalter and Kauffman. ····· 1036199700

Ambiguity in Charlotte Brontë`s Villette

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Charlotte Brontë`s final novel Villette (1853) is associated with ambiguity because of its open ending: Does M. Paul return to narrator-protagonist Lucy Snowe or is he killed in a storm raging on the Atlantic Taking its famous ending as a starting point, this study explores Villette as a text in which ambiguity is all-pervasive in various ways. Among these is the narrator`s ambivalent attitude toward herself and others, epitomised in her stylistic idiosyncrasies. The links between ambiguity and doubt are explored through an analysis of Lucy`s signature phrase, `I know not,` expressive of her existential doubts and questioning attitude toward the world. The analysis moreover focuses on the motif of the oracle as a traditionally ambiguous utterance, and explores its relevance in the context of the generic tradition of Villette as a fictional autobiography. Another focus is the interplay of figurative and literal levels of meaning in the allegorical episodes, creating ambiguity. ····· 1036194761


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Hermann Freiherr von Friesen (1802-1882) war ein Literaturwissenschaftler. Nachdruck des Originals von 1875. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142817

Critical Perspectives on Commonwealth Literature

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Sarah ANYANG AGBOR`S text is a conceptual, historical and functionalexamination of Commonwealth Literature. The text comes acrossas a nice way to review some of the essential conceptual andhistorical development of Commonwealth literature. This text will beof special interest for students in Commonwealth studies.The workresponds to two ways of looking at Commonwealth literature. The fi rstis a conceptual defi nition, historical development and diversifi cationof Commnwealth Literature. The other is to investigate through sociologicalcriticism the various ways Commonwealth Literature dissents .This comparative analysis which is not limited to authors and regionsbut extends to the erstwhile and the contemporary, offers invaluableinsights into the longstanding debates surrounding the concept ofCommonwealth Literature in particular and draws conclusions thatdo not pretend to close the debate but rather articulate the discursivenature of Commonwealth Literature and the ambivalence of its ¿defi -ning` parameters.Professor Edward Oben Ako ····· 10361192729

Kak nachat` razgovor

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Kak izbezhat` oshibok i nedorazumenij pri ustanovlenii verbal`nogo kontakta v anglijskoj lingvokul`ture Kak dostich` polnogo vzaimoponimaniya uzhe v samom nachale razgovora Vy najdete otvet na jeti i mnogie drugie voprosy, prochitav rabotu, analizirujushhuju sozdannye predstavitelyami anglijskogo srednego klassa rechevye proizvedeniya v ramkah small talk, svojstva dannogo vida mezhlichnostnoj kommunikacii, ego pragmaticheskie celi, a takzhe sposoby i sredstva ih dostizheniya. Osoboe vnimanie udelyaetsya nachal`noj stadii obshheniya, tak kak imenno zdes` proishodit vzaimnaya ocenka kommunikantami statusno-rolevyh parametrov, psihologicheskoj distancii mezhdu nimi, planirujutsya opredelennye strategii i taktiki po privlecheniju vnimaniya, a takzhe libo po preryvaniju kontakta, libo ego podderzhaniju. Kniga, nesomnenno, zainteresuet teh, kto izuchaet rechevoj jetiket i zhelaet ovladet` kul`turoj obshheniya na anglijskom yazyke. ····· 1036119026

The Sea and the American Imagination.

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····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036156491

Francis Bacon and his secret society

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It is certain that, although much is known about Francis Bacon in some parts or phases of his chequered life, yet there is a great deal more which is obscure, or very inadequately treated by his biographers. For instance, what was he doing or where was he travelling during certain unchronicled years Why do we hear so little in modern books of that beloved brother Anthony, who was his comfort, and his second self And where was Anthony when he died Where was he buried And why are no particulars of his eventful life, his last illness, death, or burial recorded in ordinary books Francis Bacon (1561 1626): philosopher, playwright, poet, and conceiver of the scientific method for empirical inquiry. The staggering amount of publications in which he was involved and his demand for a worldwide reformation of learning, science, and religion have made him one of the most important minds of the Elizabethan era. As much as Bacon s public life influenced the world of science, there is an equal part of his life obscured by his secrecy. This book sets out to delve into these secrets in order to uncover the full extent of Bacon s work. His self-devised secret cipher, his apparent connections to the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, and the frequent gaps in his biography are thoroughly examined, making this a valuable addition to any Baconian collection. ····· 1036174714

Berlin Stories. Berlin as a Metaphysical City in English and American Literature

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Dieses Buch entspricht meiner Dissertation Berlin Stories. Berlin as a Metaphysical City in English and American Literature, die zwischen August 2007 und Juli 2011 entstand. ····· 10361107724

English Academic Writing: Social constructivism and corpora

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It is not uncommon or unexpected, in the literature on English as a Second Language Teaching and Learning (ELTL), to find that close links between theory and practice should be forged and maintained in the ELTL classroom. It can at times, however, be difficult for the practicing teacher to discover how the more theoretical considerations can become more practical. That is, how can these considerations be implemented in the classroom. At other times, it is difficult to know what exactly the theory is behind the practice being carried out in the classroom. However, as teachers become more experienced, they often discover that practice and theory can inform one another in order to ensure that the teaching is as effective and efficient as possible. This thesis is written in an attempt to demonstrate practical applications of more theoretical work, in the field of ELTL, and to clarify the theories behind the more practical elements of ELTL. It is divided into three main fields: The three fields described and explained are social constructivism, corpus linguistics, and action research. These three disciplines, or methodologies, have aroused a great dealt of interest over the past twenty years in the theory and practice of ELTL. All three are brought together, in this work, to describe an empirical pedagogic action research project conducted at Hildesheim University, in an English for Academic Purposes course, and, more specifically, for the teaching and learning of English Academic Writing (EAW). The EAW course was specifically designed for English as a Foreign Language students who are training to be state school English teachers. It incorporates elements of social constructivism, corpus linguistics, and was investigated using Pedagogical Action Research. It demonstrates that probably the best place to conduct educational research is in the classroom. ····· 10361107896

Der Naturalismus in England

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1897. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143077

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel und Tieck. Erster Band: König Johann, König Richard der Zweite, König Heinrich der Vierte, erster und zweiter Teil. Nachdruck des Originals von 1853. ····· 10361143562

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel und Tieck, fünfter Band: Der Kaufmann von Venedig, Wie es euch gefällt, Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, Viel Lärmen um Nichts. Nachdruck des Originals von 1854. ····· 10361143567

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1854. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143703

The Ethical Foundations of Postmodernity

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A (re-)turn to ethics, which began in the 1980s and 1990s and is still predominant today, has been ascribed to literary studies and theory. In this book theoretical issues within ethics are discussed based on the examples of literary analyses. The authors examined are Margaret Atwood, Jeffrey Eugenides, and Robert M. Pirsig. The main questions concern the foundation on which ethical concepts are based, and the way in which such concepts function. These topics are evidently connected to matters of human concepts and human nature in general, which are understood to be fundamentally communicative. Contrary to popular conclusions of relativity, the need for a realist foundation of ethics implying universal validity will be revealed. It is not only possible, but also necessary to develop such an idea of ethics within a postmodern relativist framework. A communicative foundationalist ethics will thus be designed. With regard to literature an increasing emergence of first-person narrative can be witnessed in addition to a new focus on a realist and more mimetic style after a peak of pluralist conceptions at the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries. The analysis of such narrative situations will reveal the significance of the narrative generation of individual personalities for an understanding of ethical questions. The conflict between relativist and realist points of view centers on the postmodern critique of the individual. The study of the literary generation of individuals will elucidate means of confronting this critique. The theoretical background includes the poststructuralist and communicative concepts of Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib as well as Ernst Tugendhat s analytical approach. Nina von Dahlern studied English language and literature, philosophy, sociology, and educational sciences at the Universities of Hamburg and Heidelberg. This book is based on her Ph.D. thesis. ····· 10361173045

***Strategies of Identity Construction

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····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036194173

Shakespeares Frauengestalten

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1893. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143269

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals in der Übersetzung von Schlegel, Kaufmann und Voß. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144385

Language of Tourism

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The language of tourism is almost omnipresent today. The more we travel, the more this language variety expands and develops. Each of us has probably bought and read a guidebook for a travel abroad, and has experienced a sightseeing tour with a tour guide. Each of us, especially when living close to a tourist destination, also often meets individual tourists equipped with a guidebook or gathered in a group led by a person carrying an umbrella above their head. A good tour guide as well as a good printed tourist guide serves as a tool which helps tourists get acquainted with an unknown environment and get accustomed to it. Is it possible to compare these two tools from the linguistic point of views What are the differences between the spoken discourse of tour guides and written discourse of printed tourist guides And are there any similarities This book not only offers an analysis of features of spokenness and writtenness in both types of discourses from the linguistic point of view, but also describes their situational context, prevailing lexico-grammatical as well as syntactic features, and consequently analyzes the function of these features in given context. ····· 103614

Translation of Neologisms

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This book is about evaluation of Translation of Lexis in Dholuo Radio Broadcasts in East Africa with specific reference to an assessment of Neologisms and Technical Terminologies as they are translated by Kenya`s Dholuo Radio Presenters. Neologisms and technical lexis are words, which were not initially part of Dholuo lexicon however, they have come into use as a result of technological advancements, scientific inventions and socioeconomic interactions. The work evaluates some of the neologisms and technical lexis likely to be mistranslated or misrepresented. It assesses mistranslation, misrepresentation and meaning-loss in the process of translation of these lexical items. It also appraises effective communication of radio presenters in interpretation and translation of Neologisms. ····· 103617

Incidental Focus on Form in Talk Show Classes

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In recent years, a large number of empirical studies have been carried out on the type, rate, and effectiveness of planned reactive focus on form (FonF). However, incidental reactive and preemptive FonF in general and their linguistic coverage in particular have not enjoyed this much attention. This book explores the frequency of reactive and preemptive incidental FonF, their linguistic coverage, and uptake in a communicatively-oriented EFL Talk Show class, where the primary attention is on negotiation of ideas and meaningful interactions. The book attempts to expand our accounts of FonF by addressing the relationship between preemptive as well as reactive Focus on Form Episodes in terms of their linguistic coverage of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation in an Iranian Talk Show class. It also examines the correspondence between the linguistic coverage of reactive and preemptive FFEs and the rate of uptake following them. Studying this book is highly recommended for language teachers, SLA researchers, and applied linguists as it provides valuable insights on providing earners with opportunities to attend to linguistic forms during meaning-focused activities. ····· 10361106

Teach Listening through Interactive Input Enhancement

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For discourse to be comprehensible and cohesive, you have to know who does what to whom when and where. Information about entities, time, space, and actions has to be carefully tracked and managed from one utterance to the next. This is achieved through a process known as anaphoric linking or reference tracking. The importance of this phenomenon is crucial in listening classes as listening is among those demanding skills in which EFL learners have to cope with vast ranges of linguistic, paralinguistic and even pragmalinguistic features. In this regard, this book describes an innovative approach to teaching listening comprehension through employing typographically highlighted texts followed up by classroom interactions. This is termed as Interactive Input Enhancement, an instructional treatment in which the teacher pushes L2 learners to notice input and/or produce output and provides them with interactional modifications in order to lead them to notice a mismatch between their interlanguage forms and the target language forms. This book will be very useful for language teachers who are looking for novel ideas on demystifying listening comprehension for their learners. ····· 10361126

Lutsotso Noun Phrase- phrase analysis

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The book is a detailed study in syntax suitable for undergraduate Masters and Phd students.The book covers technical areas like structure and rules governing the formation of noun phrases in Lutsotso of Luhya language which is one of the Bantu languages of Africa. The study utilizes Chomky`s 1965 standard theory in analyzing the Lutsotso noun phrase. In this book the nominal categories that are relevant to the noun phrase of Lutsotso are discussed.In addition formal aspects of formation rules, composition, their functions and what their domain of application are, are also discussed it is evident from this analysis that Lutsotso noun phrase is headed by a noun which is either followed or proceeded by determiners. Osore`s scholarly work gives new insights into linguistic research of Bantu languages. ····· 103613407

The Plays of Asif Currimbhoy: A Reading in Postcolonialism

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Colonialism is the conquest and control of other people s land and lives. Not limited to the incursion of various European powers into Asia, Africa or the Americas alone, it is a continuous, widespread feature of human history. Leela Gandhi remarks: Colonialism marks the historical process whereby the West attempts systematically to cancel or negate the cultural difference and value of the non-west `. India was one of the productive colonies for the West,and its natives mere human material . The Orient was treated as alien and unusual , civilizationally inferior, weak and suitable for colonisation, says Said. It was a playground for Western desires, repressions, investments, projections and that it was Europe s richest colonies and one of its recurring images of the Other . Asif Currimbhoy, the authentic voice in Indian English theatre deals with various notions of postcolonialism in all his plays, written during India`s post-independence period, with their focus on the cultural, social and political dimensions. Contemporary postcolonial discourses put capitalism culpable when it depends on racial hierarchies, self-other distinction,and all sorts of oppression. ····· 103613498

Problems of English Intonation in a Second Language Situation

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Speaking a second language creates problems of mispronouncing segmental and non-segmental sound features of the language. This book ascertains the restrictions on the proper use of the English intonation in a second language situation and implications thereof for intelligible communication. Various factors working compositely to create misnomer in correct pronunciation of English sound melody are identified as negative transfer phenomenon, a group of scholars` dissuasion in teaching the suprasegmentals, nonchalant attitude of learners to learn and practise as well as the absence of media[language laboratories, teaching machines as computers, etc,] in many tertiary institutions. Speakers of English are therefore ignorant about the English tune patterns and so the semantic suggestions of the tunes are minimally realised or are lost entirely.This work comes as a vade mecum for those who want to make their spoken English endearing. ····· 1036118483

Testing English Language: An Evaluative Study

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Assessment is one of the important aspects of language as it helps to improve the teaching learning and assessment process itself. It refers to the overall language program and not just with what individual students have learned. It comprises not only tests but also the continuous assessment which is made daily by the teacher, together with the analysis of the personal elements (students and teacher), and the material ones (school, classroom, syllabus, textbooks, readers and other materials, teaching aids, etc.). It also includes the methodology used and self-evaluation. A change in the evaluation or testing is very necessary. It needs to be made more pragmatic rather than be critical. The objective of a course should be theoretically reflected in the evolution process and discourage rote learning. Questions should be included to test the conceptual understanding, competency in language skills and performance of communicative skills. ····· 1036118857

Redefining Communicative Competence in Academic Interviews

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An international graduate student in the US needs to be grammatically, syntactically, semantically, pragmatically, culturally, and conversationally competent in interviews. S/he must also be a critical reader and a positive participant within communicative events to ensure academic success. This qualitative study suggests that aspects of conversational competence and the use of language as indicators of power typical of American academic interviews be included in our current conceptualization of communicative competence. ····· 1036119549

A Pragmatic Study of the Mistranslations in The Cow,Joseph&The Cave

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This book explores the pragmatic phenomena, the pragmatic losses and the pragmatic misinterpretations in the translation of the suras of The Cow, Joseph and The Cave. It sheds light on the problematics of translating the meaning of the Qur`an into English. It represents a link between pragmatics and translation. This inter-disciplinary approach has been overlooked in the translational process of the sacred text. The study investigates high sensitive areas in the core texture of translation. It tackles the thorny problems of meaning , ambiguity , verbal irony, collocation , body language, synecdoche , apposition , rhetorical question , euphemism , colour , serial verb construction , stretched verb constructions , reciprocal verb and pragmatic use and usage. On the other hand, the translation of the meaning of the Qur`an suffers pragmatic losses. These sharp losses are vivid in genre , texture , culture-specifics ,oath particles, emphasizers , onomatopoeia , cadence , alliteration , assonance , consonance , assimilation , duration and morpho-phonetic differences . Finally, this study mirrors the misinterpretations and provides a solution if possible via correcting the mistakes. ····· 1036119775

Unconscious Cast(e) and Dalit Writings

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Dalit literature also resists literary conventions and language rigidities and tries to create its own poetics against the set politics of the classical literature of the upper castes. The reality of dalit literature is distinct so is the language of this reality. It uses the uncouth, impolite spoken language, the dialect that is specific to dalits of a region, wherever possible and emphasizes the faithful reflection of the heartrending dalit experience in terms as simple as possible. There are correspondingly two parts to the book the first offers an account of Dalit writing s academic and intellectual background, and the second elaborates the themes and issues which have most engaged the attention of Dalit writings. In the main, the intellectual history of Dalit literature is marked by dialectic between Indian Writing in English, on the one hand, and their exposures in dalit narratives, on the other. So, too, this theoretical contestation informs the academic content of Dalit analysis, manifesting itself in an ongoing debate between the competing claims of nationalism and internationalism, strategic essentialism and hybridity, solidarity and dispersal. ····· 1036119921

Textual meta-discourse resources in English novels

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Writers in different fields utilize different means to achieve success in the communication of their intended meaning to their audience. By manipulating textual resources, writers sometimes say something and mean something different. Much has been said and written about discourse properties such as cohesion and coherence which contribute to what is called texture in a text. The use of such textual resources has been extensively examined in a variety of written and spoken genres. Along the same line of enquiry, a more recent approach in applied linguistics in general and discourse analysis in particular has been to investigate the distribution of meta-textual devices in academic writings, with little attention paid to such resources in literary writing. Intended to apply the trend of research on meta-text to literary form of discourse, this monograph sets out to compare the use of such resources in novels of both original nature and their simplified versions. The audience of the book are primarily researchres in discourse anlaysis and those interesred in text and literary analysis. ····· 1036120055

The Role of English Skills Courses in Syntactic Error Reduction

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English Skills Courses are important requirements for the attainment of a degree at the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton. This study was set to establish the impact of these English Skills Courses on the written syntactic construction by university students. Focus was on syntactic errors because such errors mar the intended meaning of the sentence, paragraph or essay. The assumption of this study was that English Skills Courses help the students to lessen syntactic errors in their written work and that syntactic errors are the most recurrent errors made by the students. The theoretical framework employed in this study was based on the input hypothesis, the error analysis, and the inter-language theory. A purposive sampling method was used to select a target group of 15 students and a control group of 15 students. The methods used were tests and observation schedules. Essays written for placement tests, mid-quarter exams, continuous assessment tests and final exams were collected and analysed for syntactic errors. The analysis included checking how frequent the errors occur and the trend they take after instruction. ····· 1036120621

Investigating Second Language Communication Strategies

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Second language communication strategies (L2 CS) have been studied with two contrasting approaches sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic perspectives. Distinction on the adopted framework has also led to differences in research methodologies and analysis of data. Regardless of the differences, the two groups seem to agree that consciousness, problematicity and oral discourse are three key elements of L2 CS. Both frameworks are also of the same understanding that tasks influence the choices of the strategies. The use of cultural notions in the study of L2 CS is not only something of interest for the researcher but also still lack of investigation in the field. In light of this, the study is aimed to investigate the kinds of strategies that Indonesian EFL speakers will utilise when dealing with specific cultural topics to a native speaker of English who is of different linguistic background and has no cultural knowledge on the target items. The findings of such study are expected to give references on the learners communication competence and should particularly be useful for teachers, researchers, school administrators and anyone interested to learn a second language. ····· 1036120895

Succeeding. English Verbal Collocations

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The textbook Succeeding. English Verbal Collocations represents the English-Russian dictionary with examples of phrasal verbs in modern English language. The primary goal of the book is to open semantic structure of combinations and feature of their use in speech. The textbook structure differs from the usual. Phrasal verbs are selected by a principle of rate of their use in speech. The system of exercises aimed at improving speaking skills, is presented not by separate sections, but included in the core of dictionary. The additional material contains authentic stories and illustrative dialogues. ····· 1036121377

Vision of the Post colonial World in New Nigerian Fiction

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Vision of The Post colonial World in New Nigerian Fiction analyses contemporary Nigerian fiction as a representative of its society. It offers a positive vision of post colonial Nigerian society, a society that should not be defined by century old stereotypical notions about Africans or Nigerians as uncivilized barbarians rather it should be defined as a nation that has a rich Culture, Literature, History, Religion, Languages and above all its people. It presents a promising Nigeria that finds its strength in its people who are ever ready to fight all odds and obstacles prevalent in their society. The book is based on theoretical analysis of selected contemporary Nigerian writers`s works. The four areas discussed in the book are personal and the political, religion, gender and language. The writers included are Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Helon Habila, Sefi Atta and Chris Abani all of whom present themselves as true inheritors of Nigerian Literary tradition and heirs to Nigerian literary giant Chinua Achebe. ····· 1036121550

Testimony and the Trauma of Slavery in Fred D`Aguiar`s Novels

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This work is an analysis of the fictional testimonies of some of Fred D Aguiar s outstanding novel protagonists who experienced the dreadful ordeal of the slave trade and who have undertaken to share the burden of recall. All the protagonists, whites, blacks, oppressors, and the subaltern convey their stories to the readers under the form of written accounts in prose, of poems, of thoughts, and of memories. I strive here to dissect the different traumata these characters have gone through and see which impact these have had on their identities, on the way they try to understand and fit into a world that often refuses to listen to their stories, and first and foremost on their narratives. For this purpose, and in a context where many accounts written by slaves are missing, my book backs up and highlights the similarities between fictional and non-fictional testimonial writings. As a response to these stories that went unrecorded, D Aguiar stipulates that contemporary literature about slavery can be regarded as a form of recuperation of these testimonies - History as roots for fiction, fiction as roots for History. ····· 1036124953

Computer-Assisted Language Learning for Listening and Speaking Skills

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Motivation has been researched in relation to language learning in the computer-assisted language learning (CALL) context in recent years. This book explores English as second language (ESL) learners language learning processes on computers for developing listening and speaking skills. The author investigated the extent to which CALL may motivate learners to take charge of their own learning, associated with learner autonomy, and enhance their language learning. This book is based on a study at two UK university language centres, concerning students working individually on computers. The results suggest that both students and teachers found it beneficial to work on CALL programs for individual study to develop students listening and speaking skills for several key reasons, relating to Motivation . ····· 1036125135

Sentence and Phrase Structure in the Poetic Language

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The investigation of sentence structure and phrase structure in the poetic language of Chaucer (14th century ) and T.S. Eliot (20th century) shows how English language has developed through highlighting the major similarities and differences (the syntactic features) between the two forms of the language. It seeks mainly to investigate sentence and phrase structures in terms of types, functional constituent (structural aspects) , position , realization or form, as well as the stylistic variants : word order ( fronting , postponement , discontinuity or broken order), pleonasm, ellipsis, passivization and negation. The conclusion that can be drawn from the comparative analysis is that both forms of English, i.e., Chaucer s language and Eliot s language are often similar and sometimes different. One significant finding is that the stylistic variants utilized by both poets refer to the fact that their forms of language are similar to the spoken language and their syntax is flexible as they permit themselves considerable freedom in word order for different purposes. ····· 1036125234

Arab Women Writers: Between Rebellion and Creativity

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Our work is not an attempt to recall that we have to confess that Arab women writers are as creative as male writers, but rather it is an attempt to expose the creative peculiarity and the unusual rebellion we perceive in the literary productions by Arab women authors regardless the language they write in. The two selected examples focused upon in this work, Huda Barakat and Ahdaf Soueif are ones of the most representative Arab women authors who have reached an important success and have gained wide readerships, in the Arab world and in the West. The choice of (The Stone of Laughter) and The Map of Love was not done at random, but simply because these two novels represent a very strong tool of argumentation to back up our hypothesis, i.e. that the Arab Women writers have a specific literary creativity and a peculiar rebellion that conserve their belonging both to the Arab culture and to the female gender. ····· 1036186977

Reading W. Scott`s Picturesque Scotland

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The nostalgia and exoticism experienced by the author after the stay in Edinburgh was the origin of this critical work. Inspired by her one year`s stay in Scotland, the author became interested in Sir Walter Scott and his achievement of inventing a romantic and attractive Scotland by putting local history, Gaelic folklores, and natural scenes in his novels. The book examines the picturesque aesthetics used by Scott in his first novel Waverley (1814) and reveals the paradoxical nature and politics of the time from Scott`s representation of Scotland. Scott creates a representative image for the `nation` of Scotland, but this national identity continuingly waivers between romance and history as well as imagination and reality. ····· 1036187108

Humour In Radio Advertisements

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This study examines the language of humor in radio advertisements. The objectives are: a) examine and identify the language of humor in radio advertisements. b) investigate and distinguish the different linguistics techniques in radio advertisements. This study seeks to examine how humor is exploited linguistically to enhance the radio advertisements effectiveness in reaching its target audience. In the analysis it was found that, various linguistics techniques were employed to create humor in radio advertisements such as the violation of Grice Cooperative Maxims and Implicatures, repetition, figure of speech, condensation, word play, punning, and Malaysian English. Other linguistics techniques were also discovered that were not covered in the theoretical framework such as aposiopesis, Shakespearean and Chinese opera. The language of humor is important in the world of advertising. Thus, a research on the language of humor in radio advertisement will reveal how the language of humor can be exploited for advertising. The field of linguistics is rich with infinite phoneme, morpheme, syntax and lexis for advertisements writers to create a distinguished advertising piece. ····· 1036187133

Correlations between Arabic Speaking EFL Learners

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This book aims at providing English language teachers and instructors with an understanding of cognitive and sub-cognitive strategies that learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) deploy while reading in order to comprehend what they read. Cognitive school of learning and approaches to language teaching go hand in-hand with language learning and instructions. Teachers and parents should give more attention and support to their children s cognitive abilities and levels of learning tolerance in order to enforce their learning strengths and support their weaknesses. This book is a gift to all the language teachers and learners who believe in building bridges of understanding and harmony between nations and cultures on pillars of different languages. It is also a gift to the true and sincere lovers of learning and teaching of languages, cultures and differences. Many nations of the world became stronger and more advanced because they embraced the difference of people s colors, languages, ethnicities and cultures. They became advanced nations and enriched cultures because they support the inclusion of all people in one multicolored well organized communities. Out of many we are o ····· 1036187202

The Blend of the Comic and the Serious

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The book tries to explore and identify the techniques and skills Tom Stoppard employs in bringing about the blend of the comic and the serious at different levels in his select plays which is his significant contribution to the modern drama. Through a thorough analysis of his plays, the book conveys the typical postmodernistic concerns of contemporary life. While conveying this vision of modern life to the readers, it does not fail to point out how Stoppard transcends the sense of the comic by exploring some of the most difficult, abstruse and sophisticated ideas clothed in modern philosophy and metaphysics and thereby proves that his plays are among the most profoundly intellectual of dramas written in the twentieth century context. The book is different from other studies that are available on Stoppard because it contributes to the better understanding and appreciation of Stoppard s plays by indicating the relevance of Stoppard to modern readers. ····· 1036187389

Trained Peer Review: The Potential for Change in Academic Writing

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Are you a writing teacher at college level Then you must have used peer review in one or more of your classes. You must also have experienced some frustration that peer review sessions were not very successful or very useful to students. You probably struggled with structuring these sessions and did not know what materials to use for better results. You also may have heard students complain about the use of these sessions or the trivial help they get from them. If this marks your experience with peer review in the college writing class, then this is the book you need to read. The book introduces a structured way of carrying out effective peer review sessions that are likely to help students progress and write better subsequent drafts. The book provides you with specially tailored materials for peer review sessions: from a review checklist to a list of helping phrases. Peer review sessions will never be a pain in the neck. ····· 1036187817

What dictionary related strategies do students in EFL contexts use?

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This book presents a study that explores the use of dictionary related strategies by students in Ethiopia. Students in foreign language contexts are often expected to make various important decisions regarding dictionary use. The author tried to determine if students could successfully acquire the strategies without any guidance. He asks under what circumstances dictionary is used with reading and if the range of operations are performed in the consultation process, if students pay attention to the range opportunities dictionary use can offer for text production, and whether they make informed decisions while choosing dictionaries to use at their level. The study used multiple instruments derived from the relevant literature and the specific behaviors are recognized as appropriate pieces of evidence of proficiency in dictionary use. The strategy is useful to many students it should be essential to help them get the best advantage from it. This book provides valuable information for various individuals interested in EFL, including teachers, instructional material designers, dictionary publishers, and researchers, to become responsive to the needs of EFL students as dictionary users ····· 1036188190

Culture and Motivation in Language Learning

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The study has investigated the relationship between culture and language learning in Pakistan. The motivational factors (i.e. instrumental or integrative motivation) of Pakistani learners have been reviewed in relation to culture and language teaching. For this purpose, first of all, the existing culture and language teaching models and approaches have been analyzed and their application in the context of L2 in Pakistan has been assessed. Then, native and non-native literature of English has also been discussed from a cultural point of view. The study, especially, investigated the cultural representation with respect to ESL learning in Pakistan in two areas. Firstly, the representation of culture in textbooks has been studied. The textbooks, which are used in Pakistan, have been analyzed in comparison with the textbook of other countries. They have been analyzed on the basis of the source culture, the target culture and the intercultural representation. Secondly, the study investigated the effectiveness of using the native culture for L2 learning in Pakistan. For this purpose, the selected extracts were used in class, and then the data was collected through questionnaire. ····· 1036188731

Nehru As A Historian

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Nehru decided to write World History because he rightly thought that the past was capable of moulding the future. According to him it is an exploratory process that makes us see in the dark.It deals with Nehru s Approach of History and how it differs from Will Durant s and H.G.Well s Approach. The comparison was drawn on the basis of their books Glimpses of World History ` and An Outline of History Comparisons were made on the various points such as Upnishads ,Treatment of Indian Art , Eminent Personalities , Caste system. There is a remarkable rhythm in Nehru s prose and he makes abundant use of the traditional elements of poetic art, Rich, apt and powerful use of quotations from English poets and writers as we find in Nehru s writings particularly in An Autobiography. The enrichment of his style by means of quotations is concerned, Nehru has drawn heavily on prose writers as well, besides making a proper use of lines of poetry. Nehru expresses his views about history in `Discovery of India` and remarks significantly that history is not constituted by men of power and authority. In fact those who toil and work in fields and factories are the real makers of history. ····· 1036188770

CEFR & ERROR Analysis in Second Language Teaching at University Level

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This work was initially motivated by a drive to analyse the situation whereby students are now faced with the new legislation affecting all European Universities. The Bologna Declaration on the European space for Higher Education encourages a system of comparable degrees, in order to promote employability and international competitiveness at a European level. English instructors are thereby required to work toward the establishment of specific and uniform criteria, conditions and procedures that enable students to obtain the common required level of proficiency. To this aim, the European Council published a manual, aimed to establish the standardisation of levels and approaches to language teaching. In order to calibrate the students levels of proficiency, and to approach teaching from a similar perspective, all forty-seven member states were invited to use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), based on the Communicative Approach. A thorough study of this renowned method is included in the present study, in order to identify the core issues and the theoretical implications it may present for the implementation of the CEFR document. ····· 1036189135

Shakespeare`s `Othello`

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To the Shakespearean reader, `Othello` is a literary treatise on the Other . However, a different reading reveals a neglected dynamic of how and why the presence of the blackamoor, speaks about the English. The self-made English identity is thus reshaped, where historico-political reading on the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, challenges this stability. This book puts forth the connection of the Battle of Lepanto to Iago`s envy in shaping the seventeenth-century English identity where early forms of ethnocentrism teeters on the edges when we realise that Shakespeare might not even portray a picture of the Other in Othello , but of the regression of the English in the double dealings of Iago. It provides new insights on the relevancy of contemporary European internal politics and how the Papacy influence Christian countries to the play. A Muslim reading on this play will shed light on the significance of combining historical knowledge on both the Islamic world and those in the Christian realms. This book is the beginning of a new train of thought. Get on it! ····· 1036189138

Translating Expressive Words from Telugu to English

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This book discusses about Expressive Words(EWs) are generally creating serious problems for many areas of language translators and language technology like, query answers, language abstraction, information retrieval,MT etc.EWs include reduplication, onomatopoeia, adverb, adjective as well as some easily classified examples. This book tried to attempt concerned with characterizing of EWs and explains them within the Telugu sentences. If a glossary of EWs is prepared,it may help the translators to translate and find some way out to solve the problems of translating EWs from Telugu to English.I tried to enumerate the groups of word that must be considered together for semantic interpretation. Here, its noted that reduplication of various forms, nominal and verbs are most frequently used categories. Onomatopoeia words are also noted in the text. The potent result would be,to suggest,the preparation of a comprehensive dictionary of Telugu EWs and phrases with a wide range of translation,in particular and a comprehensive dictionary of such terms and phrases from all Indian languages to the English. The book stands,it becomes fruitful when such a concept will see the light of the day. ····· 1036191335

Finite State Grammar and L2 Listening Comprehension

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God gave us two ears but only one mouth. This fact highlights the importance of listening in our lives and signifies its intricacy and complexities involved in learning it when it comes to mastering listening as a skill in a foreign or second language. There is no shortage of books, monographs and documents on the value of listening and how it can be developed and consolidated by L2 learners, and indeed, the difficulty learners may face in this regard seem to be concerned with the multiplicity rather than paucity of view points on how their listening problem may be tackled. Although advice coming from experts and experienced scholars in this area is embraced too eagerly by the clients, the problem of how listening problems can be sorted out will persist unless solutions provided by teachers and counselors have theoretical-research bases and been empirically tested. It is the aim of this research-oriented book to fill the existing gap by offering empirical advice on how a small portion of learner listener problems may be alleviated by applying certain grammar-based advice. The book is intended for both practitioners and researchers in applied linguistics. ····· 1036191602

Challenging Postcolonial Britain

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Challenging Postcolonial Britain explores the crisis of multicultural Britain in the 21st century. The massive immigration after the collapse of the British Empire has led to several changes in Britain`s unusual perception of home, self and landscapes of public places.The book is a comprehensive study of Zadie Smith`s The White Teeth, demonstrating that the writer`s vivid description of multicultural London reflects the main challenges Britain has to cope with. ····· 1036192244

Negotiating Black Motherhood in Toni Morrison`s Beloved and a Mercy

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An attempt to explore the negative aspect of black motherhood in slave and neo- slave narratives, the book concentrates on Toni Morrison s Beloved (1987) and A Mercy (2008). In order to free their children from the clutches of the demon slavery slave mothers showed a negative attitude towards motherhood some of them even killed their own children. This indicates a duality of selves in them resulting in ambiguity regarding their motherhood. Sethe in Beloved and Florens mother in A Mercy are such slave mothers projecting this ambivalent nature. They act as protectors and at the same time as destroyers. In both ways, we see resistance on the part of the mothers towards their masters. They act against the institution through their denial of black lives although standing on an ambiguous position as mothers. However, this aspect is to be observed in the context of the ante- bellum era, dominated by the inhuman system of slavery which indeed is to be blamed for such a negative turn in the black mothers. ····· 1036192647

Optimality Account of Stress in Standard British and Nigerian English

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The book holds that OT satisfies the requirement that any serious theory of phonology must rely on well-formedness constraints, which means it must be committed to universal grammar. This way, what marks individual or core grammar from the universal is the order in which these constraints apply. By implication,a language specific grammar therefore is but a means of resolving conflicting universal constraints. The book has also shown how the constraint ordering in SBE is re-ordered in NE, arguing that the different constraint ordering notwithstanding, these constraints are the same, and are present in each of these varieties of English. As it were, resolving these often conflicting universal constraints through ranking to scan violablility and preferences distinguishes one variety or dialect from another. This knowledge, especially the markedness between stress assignment in SBE and NE using this comparative constraint ordering approach could lead to improved teaching, learning and overall better usage of English in Nigeria if the pedagogical training is made to concentrate on the markedness instead. ····· 1036198304

Passionate Syntax for Passionate Subject Matter

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While a number of linguistic theories have been developed to study form-content correlation in poetry, there has been little application of these methods to Yeats s verse. This study offers a comprehensive method for the integration of form and content in Yeats which has not been available up to this time. A revealing 1937 statement asserts Yeats s commitment to a clear-cut correspondence between language and subject matter I need a passionate syntax for passionate subject matter. This statement has been mobilized to lay the ground for a reading of key poems that is geared toward showing how Yeats s later exploitation of spatio-temporal language and his complex syntactic patterns can enact a microcosm of his gyre-oriented concept of quest. The basic aim is to investigate the ways by which syntactic concepts like deletion, parallelism, nominalization, subordination and coordination are paradigmatically used to reinforce the quest theme. Two main classifications of iconic syntax are advanced: winding syntax where the word-order is distorted by multiple coordination of subordinate clauses and straight syntax where sentences are linear and stripped of complexity and subordination. ····· 1036198618

Teaching of Reference Skills in Indian Universities

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Using a dictionary, scanning an encyclopaedia, browsing a new book, using a library are some of the reference skills required by the students seeking higher education. Some of these skills get introductory focus in the school and perhaps college curriculum. It is assumed that these skills are learnt unconsciously by the students and there is no need to teach them. The reality seems to be different. Only a few of the undergraduate students know how to use a dictionary and most of them don`t know how to take advantage of a library. Many undergraduates hardly have any experience of scanning an encyclopaedia. Most learners do not seem to have acquired these skills even in their mother tongue. Even the postgraduate students are very poor in the use of reference skills. The undergraduate and postgraduate students require reference skills for their academic purposes like to study their subjects of specialization and to carry out the research projects. In the light of the absence of user education at the college libraries, this book would be useful to all the students seeking higher education in the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Science, Law, Management, Engineering and Medicine. ····· 1036198631

The Scriptural & the Sculptural Aspects of Isaac Rosenberg`s Poetry

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Isaac Rosenberg has been a fairly neglected poet when it comes to the analysis of Modern English Poetry. This book is an effort to re-excite literary interest in the brilliant yet unique work of this unsung hero whose singular contribution to English Literature is not limited to War Poetry alone. Born around the turn of the 20th century, Rosenberg reflects a distinct individualistic streak in his poetry which is a combination of `the sacred` and `the voluptuous`. The book explores `the scriptural` and `the sculptural` aspects which shape his poetic make-up including his war poems. Its an intensive study based upon an in-depth analysis of Rosenberg`s poems, his letters and his lectures on art. ····· 1036198945

Composing Writing in a Second Language

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Composing writing goes beyond mere textual/graphic representation of speech or thoughts. It includes the generation of relevant ideas and the meaningful synthesis and textual representation of such ideas. Composing writing becomes even more difficult and challenging for the English as a Second Language (ESL) learner/writer. This book offers much insight into the nature and problems of composing writing in a second language situation as found in Nigeria. ····· 1036199421

EFL Teachers Beliefs and Practices on Code-switching

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The debate over whether English language teachers should include or exclude students native language in their instruction has been a contentious issue for a long time but as of yet the research findings have not been persuasive. The present study investigated the beliefs and instructional practices with respect to the use of L1 by Iranian EFL high school teachers. In general, the findings showed that there existed no correlation between the teachers beliefs and their instructional practices. However, this study found that in certain areas of teacher talk, there was a relationship between the stated beliefs and practices. Furthermore, there was a consistency between some micro- and macro- functions of language and the use of L1 by teachers. Reading this book can help non-native English teachers to reflect on their practices and beliefs regarding code-switching and the use of their learners` mother tongue in their English classes. ····· 1036199738

Granular Causality

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This book is an introduction of the Theory of Granular Causality as it exists in natural language discourse. Although the phenomenon of granular causality is very common in discourse, there has been very limited work for understanding it, and no work done to extract such relations from discourse. This book shows that there is a simple mechanism for capturing granular causality relations from text, and describes mechanisms for using granular causality for discovering all types of causal relations in text. The book also describes numerous real world applications of using a hierarchical (granular) causality, and provides important evidence that humans understand granular causality as easily as sequential causality. ····· 1036199903

Corpus-based genre analysis and specialist informants` views

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This corpus-based study investigates the rhetorical organization of the introduction section of English research articles in the field of educational psychology using Swales`s (1990 & 2004) framework of move analysis. In order to provide more comprehensive findings, the text analysis is conducted alongside a questionnaire and correspondences via e-mail with the members of the English discourse communities who have agreed to participate as the specialist informants for the present study. The findings show that the fit between Swales`s (1990 & 2004) CARS (Create a Research Space) model is partial. The findings of this study have pedagogical implications. ····· 10361100276

Teaching Effective Reading Of Imaginative Texts In ESL/EFL Context

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Teaching reading of imaginative texts in ESL/EFL context poses great challenges to both the teachers and the learners. In most cases, reading imaginative texts is treated in the same way as reading other information based texts which are non-imaginative in nature. Reading imaginative texts is not just an information gathering exercise.It requires the reader to use the faculties of imagination and thinking. It involves the reader`s experiences and feelings. This book explicitly explores and recommends a transactional and communicative reading instructional approaches which are transactional, student centered and communicative based. From the experiences of teachers and students these approaches have been found to be very effective in teaching reading of imaginative texts in ESL/EFL contexts. This book is very useful to both the teachers and the learners in understanding and developing effective strategies for reading imaginative texts in ESL/EFL context. ····· 10361101621

A Text Type Approach Towards Translation Quality Assessment

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One of the main concerns of translation studies has long been the Translation Quality Assessment (TQA).The present study adopted an empirical and descriptive approach towards TQA and sought to propose the translation assessment criteria based on the text types. The text types which are considered here are expressive, informative and vocative text types.The results obtained showed that the quality factors which must be considered in TQA are grammar , word equivalents , Style , consistency of the vocabularies used in the translation , attending to the target language , layout of the translation , unity of the translated text , the unit of translators translation , translator s level of freedom in rendering the original text for the target readers , preserving the connotative meaning as opposed to denotative one , the extent of the translator s attending to the readership , preserving the sound effects and word plays , the extent of the translator s attending to the writer of the original text . ····· 10361117687

Female Self-Objectification and Identity in Fiction

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Hammad Mushtaq in this book presents a study of female characters of two crossculturally selected gynotexts with an aim to unveil various aspects of being a female in cultures that objectify the female body and the issues concerning identity and subject formation. The crosscultural analysis of the texts Morrison s The Bluest Eye and Sidhwa s Water provides an opportunity to discover the differences and similarities regarding identity formation and self-objectification of women and its impact on women in the Afro-American and Indian cultures. Objectification theory assumes that women generally style the image of their physical selves in light of the observers perspective which is conveyed to them through their gazes. This leads to certain undesirable behavioral patterns such as anxiety, depression, excessive body monitoring and sense of shame. Lacanian psychoanalytic approach is also applied on female characters of the two novels with special focus on the concepts of the Mirror Stage, the Lack and the Other. This book provides new insights into the effectiveness of psychoanalytic criticism and objectification theory for a deeper understanding of the female fictional characters. ····· 10361117936

Stylistics and the Form/Content Dichotomy

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Can linguistic theories and methods be useful to the literary critic The advocates of stylistics have long thought so, and in this work the author explores the benefits of stylistics over more traditional methods of analysis. Extra levels of meaning created through foregrounded elements form the basis of the discussion of Peake s Gormenghast and Brontë s Wuthering Heights, and the author returns to Brontë s novel in the final chapter to consider how the use of literary allusion helps the reader to create meaning. Pratchett s use of free indirect discourse in Going Postal is explored through linguistic theories of conversational management and Paul Simpson s transitivity and modality frameworks shed light on fictional point of view in Gilman s The Yellow Wall-Paper. The author also asks whether or not form and content are inseparable in a literary text through questioning the existence of an exclusively literary language and discussing past attempts to isolate the paraphrasable element of a given utterance. This book will be of interest to all lovers of literature who are keen to read criticism that engages first and foremost with the language of the text. ····· 10361118622


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This study derived from the growing body of descriptive research investigating two different types of focus on form tasks requiring the learners to produce output collaboratively. The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of two types of collaborative output tasks (dictogloss and text reconstruction) on promoting the students attention to form. The participants were 20 Turkish EFL students who completed the tasks in pairs of 5 and their talk was audio-recorded. The transcriptions were coded as language related episodes (LREs). The tasks were compared regarding the amount, type and nature of attention each task generated. The findings revealed that both tasks were effective in promoting the student s attention to from. While reconstructing the texts, both groups paid attention to a variety of grammar-based, meaning-based and orthographic items. However, in both tasks, grammar based episodes took the learners attention more compared to other two categories. Lastly, both tasks were effective in facilitating the students discussion on form and meaning, and at the end of their discussion, the pairs could correctly resolve most of the linguistic problems. ····· 10361131867

Mid-nineteenth century British and American Nature Art

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What happens to modern man if in the midst of life they find out that the world around them has changed beyond their rational capacity Some withdraw, other dramatically subdue in a doomed attempt for some reasonable explanation, or alternatively let their bitterness grow into hatred which ultimately destroys their life and perchance that of others. But we are not the first to experience this, and are probably the worst to deal with it. In the nineteenth century great social ideas and technological improvements of the time promised a new era only to show how easily high aspirations stumble over some fatigue that brought life back to its usual pace. Most people could live with that, but not the romantics. They could not contain the unrest for much better reasons than we have now. Some withdrew in a Lake District, others summoned all their knowledge about science to restore the right of the spirit to animate matter, or just believed that the spirit has not fallen victim but needs for new sensuality to seek it around. They all experienced in nature what the unstirred mind would ignore, defy or unhappily deal for a life where it could see itself reflected. ····· 10361132622

Swear Words Used by Male Indian Undergraduates in Daily Conversation

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This study deals with the notion that swearing is common in the spoken language of male Indian undergraduates and it is a topic worthy of linguistic study. The study investigates the use of swearing in everyday conversation, by young male Indian undergraduates in the university, as they form groups. Swearing among these undergraduates is used with great ease and seems to be part of a code that opens the door to popularity. They have become acclimatized to modern trend in language where swearing is considered as easy going, informal and trendy. The objectives of this study hypothesizes that swearing is essential for communication among the young male Indian undergraduates. Due to their close relationship, they can be natural and so swear. This study also hopes to provide an insight for people in society to see that swearing is a topic worthy of linguistic study because it is a neglected area of research. It will also address the language of swearing in everyday conversation of these young male Indian undergraduates. The significance of this study is to highlight that swearing is used with great ease and has come to be accepted as a norm among the young male Indian undergrad ····· 10361132954

Task-supported language teaching

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Teachers and learners alike have long struggled with the most appropriate procedures to solve the problem of the best way to learn a second or foreign language. Many theories and relevant applied methodologies have appeared during the last century all claiming to be superior to others in tackling the issue of L2 learning. Among the most fashionable and recent applications of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories has been task-based approach to language teaching and learning. The research-based book was set out to investigate whether task-oriented activities bear any superiority to those of more traditional evident in PPP (Presentation-Practice-Production) model in terms of grammar and writing gain of EFL learners. The book is intended to be of benefit to praticing EFL teachers as well as researchers in SLA. ····· 10361132994

Nevil Shute and the Accident of War

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Love has coexisted with war throughout the history of mankind. But Love rises above barriers erected by man, throwing up heroic tales of the oxymoronic `love for the enemy`. Shute took an active part in the two World Wars. He was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, a Balliol graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, a war time reporter, an aviation expert, a racing driver, and a writer of fiction, rolled in one. Many of his novels contain first-hand description of battles, fused with tales of love during and after war. The vagaries of trigger-happy Generals and fickle-minded power-mongers, often drive nations to war. But for this `accident of war`, genial and lovable individuals would never kill one`s own brethren. This book presents Shute`s `little men`, women and children entangled in valorous tales of love, cutting across national, religious, racial, ethnic and countless other barriers to sustain their feelings. It takes a close look at the characters who are in the centre of gripping tales of selfless affection, love and sacrifice as narrated by Nevil Shute in three of his novels, `Pied Piper`(1941), `The Chequer Board` (1947) and `A Town Like Alice` (1949) ····· 10361133678

A Rereading of George Bernard Shaw as a Romantic Dramatist

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George Bernard Shaw is one of the most influential dramatists in modern theater. He has been established in the literary canon as a social Realist, and as one of the staunch opponents of Romanticism. Equating Romanticism with idealism, Shaw believes that idealism is a flattering name for romance in politics and morals . This work attempts to establish Shaw as a Romantic dramatist despite his conscious revolt against Romanticism. Three selected plays are compared to the Romantics. In this, extensive use is made of Romantic poetry and ideas. Moreover, The plays selected for this work are Man and Superman (1903), Pygmalion (1912), and Saint Joan (1923). ····· 10361135763

Implicatures in interviews

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Conversational implicatures are ever present and commonly used in our day to day conversations. They are of importance in our conversations and it is almost impossible not to use them when it comes to communication. This study is on the use of conversational implicatures in interviews in the Kenyan print media. The study was to find out kinds of answers interviewees prefer to give when responding to yes/no questions. This study makes use of the pragmatic theory of implicature that is based on H.P. Grice s work to explore kinds of responses given and how hearers interpret and arrive at conclusions as to what the words uttered by the speaker mean or what they imply . The authentic data were taken from two news paper pull-outs, namely: Buzz Sunday Nation Magazine and the Pulse Friday East African Magazine. ····· 10361146706

Quest Motif in the Novels of Evelyn Waugh

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QUEST MOTIF IN THE NOVELS OF EVELYN WAUGH: A JOURNEY WITH PASSION AND PURPOSE is a lucid account of the fiction of Evelyn Waugh, the British comic genius. Ranked alongside P.G.Wodehouse and Shaw for his comic brilliance, Waugh was the enfant terrible of the Thirties of the last century. All through his fiction runs an earnest quest for purpose and meaning. A prolific writer of novels--romantic, satirical and catholic-- journals and reviews, he is regarded as a master of style. His works are varied and offer glimpses of a keen, searching mind behind the comic facade. Along with Graham Greene, he strove to revive Catholic fiction. In Brideshead Revisited, through the persona of the proletarian junior officer Hooper, Waugh depicts the rise of mediocrity in the Age of the Common Man. This book presents a comprehensive picture of Waugh s fiction as a quest for vocation and refuge which he finds in Roman Catholicism. Waugh s novels retain freshness even now as does his uncompromising quest. His fiction is noted for its intense focus and single-minded pursuit of a haven of peace in a crazy , materialistic universe. ····· 10361146709

Altengland und William Shakespeare

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1874. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143164

A Hundred Years of The Secret Garden

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Although Frances Hodgson Burnett published numerous works for an adult readership, she is mainly remembered today for three novels written for children: Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), A Little Princess (1905) and The Secret Garden (1911). This volume is dedicated to The Secret Garden. The articles address a wide range of issues, including the representation of the garden in Burnett`s novel in the context of cultural history the relationship between the concept of nature and female identity the idea of therapeutic places the notion of redemptive children in The Secret Garden and Little Lord Fauntleroy the concept of male identity constructions of `Otherness` and the redefinition of Englishness film and anime versions of Burnett`s classic Noel Streatfeild`s The Painted Garden as a rewriting of The Secret Garden attitudes towards food in children`s classics and Burnett`s novel in the context of Edwardian girlhood fiction and the tradition of the female novel of development. ····· 1036193902

A Syntactic-Semantic Study of Metaphor in Modern English Journalism

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Journalistic metaphors are not similar in nature and use .As for syntactic structure,journalistic metaphors can take up different patterns from the whole sentence with verb `be` to the word group level. In respect of syntactic behaviour ,some metaphors are resistant to pluralization, passivization,interrogation and modification ,whereas others are less resistant.Semantically,journalistic metaphors can be interpreted differently as containing implicit comparison or mapping between two domains.But, journalistic metaphors tend to be deviant , violate selectional restrictions, and normal collocations which add interest to the text. ····· 1036118517

English for Secondary Schools

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English for Secondary School: Way forward towards Students` Achievement has four chapters and it covers the writing skills and techniques, articles, prefixes and suffixes and also question tags. The book is expected to capacitate students with fundamental writing skills and the basis for various structural items. The book triggers discussion among students using the exercises provided at the end of each target structure. In due regards, model or key answers are provided at the end of the book to aid students in cross-checking the answers they provided for respective exercise. It is my hope that both students and teachers will find the book quite challenging and satisfying. ····· 1036118885

Transatlantic Cultural Contexts

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This collection of essays is a tribute to Eberhard Brüning, the Nestor of American Studies in East Germany, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. The subject areas addressed here - American fiction from Howells and Dreiser to Hemingway, West, Faulkner, and Wright the problem of the color line the historical and cultural relations between Saxony and the United States - reflect Eberhard Brüning`s lifelong preoccupation with the American literary tradition and the transatlantic dialogue, especially between his home region and the United States. American and German colleagues and former students who have contributed essays are witness to the close personal and institutional relationships which Eberhard Brüning has built across borders, continents, and generations. ····· 1036156582

Vowels in Pakistani English

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Owing to two prominent reasons (colonisation and globalisation) English has got the status of lingua franca when it comes to fulfil the communication needs of the nations. The widespread of English has caused the creation of new languages and dialects (New Englishes). This paper is an attempt to further strengthen the idea that Pakistani English (PE) is a different variety of English on the basis of differences in pronunciation making an acoustic analysis of the four front vowels i.e. /i:/, /I/, /e/ and /æ/. The subjects were selected from among the graduate students of University of Sargodha, who were fluent in speaking English with Punjabi as their L1. 30 male and 30 female speakers were recorded, using minimal pairs. Formant values of the vowels (F1 and F2) were measured using Praat. These formant values were compared with the formant values of the vowels of Received Pronunciation (RP) and American English (AmE). On the basis of differences in formant values of vowels, the conclusions were drawn that PE is a different variety, ascertaining the previous studies on PE. ····· 1036121567

Heraldik im Dienste der Shakespeare-Forschung

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1908. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141581

The Girlhood of Shakespeares Heroines

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Reprint of the original, first published in 1893. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142533

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel und Tieck, dritter Band: König Richard der Dritte, König Heinrich der Achte, Romeo und Julia, Ein Sommernachtstraum. Nachdruck des Originals von 1854. ····· 10361143568

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Shakespeares dramatische Werke in der Übersetzung von Schlegel und Tieck. Achter Band: Maaß für Maaß, Timon von Athen, König Lear, Troilus und Cressida. Nachdruck des Originals von 1855. ····· 10361143670

Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Reading Proficiency

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This book provides an initial view of the nature and quality of the students` multiple intelligences and how they are related to the students` gender and reading scores. As a teacher, what we know and what we do in the classroom should have significant influence on the thoughts, achievement and behaviors of the students. Teachers can teach learners, for instance, certain strategies to use their intellectual strengths in support of their learning. In this respect, the results can be used to make recommendations that may serve to make educators, teachers, trainers, and instructional designers aware of ways to modify instruction and offer a variety of opportunities for both instructors and learners in the classroom. I hope that the results of this study may lead teachers to provide opportunities for each individual to develop a consciousness of how their mind works and therefore teach towards the learning needs of all students in the classroom. This will help them to see that everyone has areas of strength and areas of challenge, and that it is worthwhile to celebrate their success and failure as a community of accomplished learners. ····· 10361189

Dystopia of the Romantic Ideals in Ann Radcliffe and Edgar Allan Poe

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This work seeks to explore the dystopia and inversion of the Romantic ideals as seen in the works of Ann Radcliffe and Edgar Allan Poe. The works of these writers demonstrate a strain of writing opposed to the Romantic stream, as the macabre and dark supernatural world usurps the beautiful and idyllic Romantic world, where the writer is the poet-prophet, who worships nature through his works. The splendour of the world bathed in celestial light is replaced by a world where a sense of terrible foreboding and doom predominates. The fearful aesthetic of Radcliffe and Poe depicts a labyrinthine world where attempts to achieve self-realization are thwarted. The Romantics exalted the poet as a gifted creature who could discover the meaning of life through work that focused on nature and the way it shaped the psychology and emotions of the individual. The Gothic artists explored the fatalistic side of life when even the narrator became an unreliable one as he failed to understand the phenomenon that confronted him. This work would be a valuable asset for readers exploring the Gothic and its inherent contradictions. ····· 103613165

Angliyskiy yazyk: Istoriya i razvitie turizma

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Uchebnoe posobie prednaznacheno dlya studentov (bakalavriat 3-4 kursov i magistratura), izuchayushchikh angliyskiy yazyk po spetsial`nosti `Sotsial`no-kul`turnyy servis i turizm` - ESP - urovney Upper-Intermediate i Proficiency. Pervuyu chast` posobiya sostavlyayut podrobnye glossarii ko vsem tekstam i uprazhneniyam UMK K. Kharding i M. Dakvorta `Going International. English for Tourism`. V glossarii vklyucheny: (1) dopolnitel`nye lingvisticheskie kommentarii i poyasneniya (tolkovaniya), (2) informatsiya kul`turologicheskogo, istoricheskogo i poznavatel`nogo kharaktera.K ryadu uprazhneniy dobavleny zadaniya dlya zakrepleniya izuchaemykh leksicheskikh i grammaticheskikh yavleniy. Vtoraya chast` posobiya sostoit iz podborki dopolnitel`nykh tekstovykh tematicheskikh materialov, kotorye mozhno ispol`zovat` v zavisimosti ot uchebnykh ustanovok kursa angliyskogo yazyka po nazvannoy spetsial`nosti.Predlagaemye teksty vzyaty iz razlichnykh pechatnykh i elektronnykh istochnikov, sokrashcheny i otredaktirovany avtorom dannogo posobiya. ····· 103615403

English, Business and Finance

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Modern world of business education is very strict to professionals. Foreign languages become an essential part of our educational and carrier grouth. This text book connects Economy and Language in order to help students and specialists not only to learn English but to gain information of the professional field. The book includes 12 Units containing special texts, exercises, tests and project tasks. It also provides the learners with the special material that can help them to develop skills of academic reading, writing and speaking. One of the most useful and important parts of the book is its Glossary. The Glossary contains the most common terms and their combinations that are being used in the field of Business and Finance nowadays. The text book can be recommended for the students of higher professional institutions and for the participants of Masters programms. ····· 1036118257

An Introductory Textbook of Linguistics for English Learners

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Thepurposeofthisbookistoexposeandconsolidatethefindingsofvarioussub-disciplinesinlinguisticsandencouragethelearners to go beyond the fundamentals. This book has been prepared with a clear aim of helping the student community to have a general awareness in linguistics. One may find that the book tries to discuss the subject by citing examples more from Englishlanguage, though the principles are applicable to other languages as well. The task was more of synthesizing the varied discourses and not of probing into the deeper aspects of language studies. ····· 1036119040

Words, Words, Words

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The first, second, and the third chapters of the book focus on the question of whether word learning can function as a predictor of language proficiency achievement. The purpose of the studies was to formulate mathematical models to prognosticate the performance of high school learners on the End of the Course Achievement (ECA) tests. The last chapter deals with vocabulary learning mainly gained through L1 equivalent rote memorization, i.e., paired associate learning, and the learners ability to transfer the lexical knowledge acquired as such into L2 reading comprehension context of use. ····· 1036119344

Validation in Language Testing

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This book deals with seven validation studies in language testing in which the author has made a contribution either solely or in conjunction with other colleagues. All the studies here are related to test validation in language testing. All the studies mentioned here have been published in different journals except one. Although the studies deal with language testing in an Iranian context, the global implications are legitimate. Almost all the studies deal with the same data set. But the studies use different approaches. At the beginning of each study it is mentioned where the study has been published.The book is a reliable source for validation researchers especially those who are interested in validating high stakes tests. The same approaches used here can be adopted for other contexts. ····· 1036120230

Politeness in Requests

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The present research study is anchored in the fields of interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) & cross cultural studies of speech acts to investigate comparatively the pragmatic perception of politeness in Request patterns across cultures of native English speakers (EL1s) and native Punjabi speakers learning English as second language (P-ESLs). The stimulus for this research study is to create harmony between English and Punjabi native speakers by having awareness of differences in the cultural conventions in making requests. It is evident from the results & findings of this study that in spite of the fact that there is great difference in the execution of request statements from the people of both cultural groups yet they are identical in their pragmatic perception or sensitivity of politeness in the speech act of request. Moreover, the stereotypes of less polite or unfriendly attitude of Punjabi ESLs in cross-cultural communication more especially in the speech act of request, is originated by the socio-cultural conventions of English society, lack of pragmatic competence of English language of Punjabi ESLs and excellence of linguistic competence of English L1s. ····· 1036120416

The Rectification Taxonomy Module

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This comprehensive, the latest research-based and the most advanced book on `The Module for Rectification Taxonomy` is really a practical aid in providing the most needed guidance to the English Language Teachers, Trainers, Course Designers and Policy Makers all over the world, for their better professional performance in the followings: 1. Module Development, 2. Speedy & Convenient, Independent, Self-sufficient and Self-contained Effectual Learning, Teaching and Training Through the Modular System of Instruction, 3. Acquisition and Development of Systematic Knowledge and Practical Skills for The Productive & Effective Rectification of Errors in Written Drafts of the English Language Learners at All Levels, 4. Improvement of Practical Knowledge and Skills, in a balanced proportion, about The Most Advanced Approaches, Methods and Techniques of The Scientific Systems of Error Analysis and Error Rectification, 5. Self-study as well as Self-repair for Both of The English Language Teachers and Learners with The Results of Better Confidence, and Motivated, Facilitated & Accelerated Excellent Learning Process, 6. Practical Benefits of Adopting Quasi-Experimental Research Design. ····· 1036121195

The Odyssey of the Metropolis

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Since the time of their formation, cities have had various great influences on the lives of human beings, necessitating certain ways of living and generating certain types of identity. In the postmodern city, as a result of the intricate interplay of power, capitalism, class struggle and the mass media, the phenomenon of mass consumption is transformed into a culture of consumption or the ideology of comsumerism. J. D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye is best read in such a context: the metropolis of New York in the tumultuous 1950s. The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, following his archetypal model, Ulysses, undertakes a journey of initiation in the heart of the city in order to become aware of the ambiguity of modern life and his own identity. Like many other novelistic heroes, Holden can be regarded as an incarnation of the character of the flâneur: a slow stroller of the streets and arcades who tried to read the cityscapes like a text and aimed at restoring legibility and clarity to them. But Holden, encountering the hyperreality of the metropolis, soon finds this goal unachievable and takes refuge in a more Existentialist thinking. ····· 1036124752

Research article introductions in Chinese: A genre-based study

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This study investigates the rhetorical organisation of Chinese research article introductions in the field of educational psychology using Swales s (1990 & 2004) framework of move analysis. This study found similarities and differences between the selected Chinese research article introductions and Swales`s CARS (Create a Research Space) model. Chinese research article introductions fit the CARS model in terms of the global organisation. However, both Chinese research article introductions and Swales`s CARS model have subtle rhetorical differences. This study attributes the rhetorical similarities to the influence of English as an international language on publications in China. It ascribes the rhetorical differences partially to membership of a specific discourse community but mainly to potential cultural influences. The findings of this study have pedagogical implications. ····· 1036186744

Socio-Cultural Matrix In The Novels Of Bhabani Bhattacharya

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This book is particularly significant for it helps to give a deeper insight into the creative process of the novelist Bhabani Bhattacharya.The old values have very close association with human life. It influences men and women s personal relationships as well as the collective , social life, through the sphere of religion , philosophy, culture and literature. The tension between the old and the innovation has been experienced by every culture and civilization at all times. According to the historical, political and social cultural context only the nature of the tension differs. ····· 1036187094

Interactive and Interactional Metadiscourse Signals

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Textbooks are the significant means of communication and delivery of factual knowledge between writers and learners in the academic world. Text organization and discourse persuasion are essential concepts in academic contexts where the writers have to consider the academic audiences and their educational needs. So, Interactive metadiscourse signals, which refer to text organization markers, provide useful information about how writers support their arguments, and interactional metadiscourse signals which build up a relationship with readers in different contexts are crucial components in textbooks. This study explored the use of Interactive and Interactional metadiscourse signals across four disciplines: Applied Linguistics, Sociology, Computer Science, and Economics in textbook chapter introductions.The analysis of this study showed that the distribution of Interactive metadiscourse signals was higher than Interactional metadiscourse signals in textbook chapter introductions. The findings of this study may have some pedagogical implications for teaching writing in academic disciplines to EFL learners. ····· 1036188009

Communication Strategies Proficiency and Consciousness

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The assumption is that it is fundamentally through interaction that context is built, invoked, managed and benifited, and that the simple knowledge of rules is never enough to establish a successfull conversation.Non-native speakers are recognizing the importance of fluency and accuracy in the use of English as a second language therefore,They try hard to overcome any communication breakdown by using their limited CSs when necessary, to be active interlocutors who participate in the creation and manipulation of the communicative context.Moroccan EFL university students were subjects of this investigation that studied the possible interaction between their level of proficiency and their awareness about the use of CSs. Author: Phd investigator at Salamanca university,salamnanca,Spain.A DESA holder in education(2003)from the faculty of education,Rabat,Morroco.The Degree of Salamanca and suffienciency of investigator(2005)from the university of Salamanca,Salamanca,Spain.Actually doing a master of teachers of English as a second language at the faculty of education,Spain. ····· 1036188781

Al-Jurjani`s Theory of NaZm and Halliday`s Theory

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This book is simply the M.A. study of the writer: `Al-Jurjani s Theory of NaZm and Halliday s Information Structure Theory: A Comparative Study.` The importance of the study expounded in this book stems from the fact that relatively little attention has been given to Al-Jurjani s theory in relation to other linguists. No previous study of this volume has been done so as to spot the similarities and differences between Al-Jurjani and Halliday, and to apply Al-Jurjani s theory to written standard Arabic literary and factual utterances to see whether they are valid or not. ····· 1036188799

Preponderance of Simulacra in Modern Times

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Virtual war is omniscient. What one perceives around oneself is Militarism , Peace Operation , War on Terror , Mutually-assured Destruction (righteously abbreviated as MAD) war in its old garb has become non-functional and is replaced by this totalitarian form of war. War against Terror in Afghanistan, wherein the dystopic permeation of virtual war is amply manifest, is the most potent example of virtual war where the discursive practices have codified war-reality into language that serves the specific, pre-defined political purposes making the actual conflict and the turmoil of war irrelevant and insignificant. The main objective of this book is analyzing the ontological meaning of virtual reality, and observing how vested irreality is used at verbal, visual and literary plane to create a strong political and massively acceptable rhetoric for war. In this endeavor, the nature of virtual reality is analysed in detail in the first chapter and in the following three chapters the attempt is to de-code the co-relational impact of virtual reality on the politically constructed grand narratives, the fictional records of War against Terror and the interactive visual narrative. ····· 1036191761

T S Eliot- Theory v/s Practice

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T S Eliot is known for his typical critical concepts in literature. Writing on Eliot was not an easy task, nonetheless I, as a student of literature, have tried to express myself on the use and practice of the indigenous ideas like `impersonality of poetry` and `literary tradition` in an academic setting. I hope this will help especially young students understand Eliot in a better way and will also help and encourage me to read and work more on the writers of his class. Eliot can be termed as `Mirza Ghalib` regarding sophistication and difficulties of his poetic expressions every time you read them, you find yet new meanings and themes between the same lines. this timeless quality does not let them get obsolete and this is what will keep pulling the attention of researchers of every age to work on them from newer angles. I gladly welcome esuggestions to improve upon my work. I thank Lambert Academic Publishers for honouring me with publication. ····· 1036191853

Reading literary and non-literary texts: A dialogic approach

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The current study sets out 1) to investigate the strategic needs of participants in reading literary and non-literary texts and 2) to shed light on the differences of reading literary and non-literary texts. To achieve this aim, thirty participants read three literary and two non-literary texts and wrote down the questions for which they could not find any answer.Next, these questions were categorized in five groups: Scripturally implicit, textually implicit, textually explicit, linguistic and miscomprehension. The findings suggest that the dominant problem of participants lies in textually implicit aspects of the text. Finally, a Kruskal-Wallis test was applied in order to compare the frequency of question types across literary and non-literary texts. The difference of all question types proved to be statistically significant across both literary and non-literary texts. ····· 1036191871

Collaborative learning and Students Apprehension toward Writing

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Writing apprehension has always been considered a serious obstacle for L1 and L2 teachers and students alike and, in most cases, it could impede students language learning. Accordingly, a considerable number of students develop a great concern about and negative attitudes toward writing, and avoid situations where writing is required. The treatment procedure employed in this study, which was assumed to reduce students writing apprehension, was a collaborative approach to learning. In this approach student writers work collaboratively in groups to explore, analyze, and negotiate meaning and solve problems in a non-threatening atmosphere. Therefore, this study was intended to investigate the impact of collaborative learning on L1 and L2 college students apprehension about and attitudes toward writing. Three hundred forty nine L1 students and 12 L1 writing teachers, and 77 L2 students and 3 L2 writing teachers participated in this study. Both L1 and L2 Students responded to the Daly-Miller Writing Apprehension Test twice, once as a pretest and another time as a posttest. ····· 1036199203

Writing Beyond the Edges

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The aim of this book is to investigate and analyse the transgression and blurring of genre boundaries and its connection with the emancipation of the female subject on the level of the narrative in Angela Carter s last two novels, Nights at the Circus and Wise Children, in the light of parodic intertextuality theory. The sort of oppression the narrators/protagonists Fevvers and Dora Chance as well as the other female characters undergo in both novels turn out to be intrinsically related to the ideological and formal constraints traditionally imposed on genres by patriarchy. These are precisely the norms and regulations Angela Carter sets out to unveil, question and undermine so as to pave the way for new alternatives as well as different future possibilities for men and women alike. The main contribution of this book lies in its attempt to relate genre, gender and social change in order to nourish further research on the political power underlying postmodern female rewriting or reinvention and blurring of genres. ····· 1036199655

Content Schema and Translation

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Successful translation depends largely on interpreting a text, inferencing from and predicting about it. Schemata in general and content schema in particular play a crucial role in these three processes on one hand. On the other, prospering interpretation is closely tied to common schemata between the writer and the translator. Consequently, translation process can be considered as a process of schemata transformation. It is the translator s as the reader of the source text schemata, which help her/him filling the existing gaps in a text. Viewing the translator as the reader of the source text would bring reading comprehension into focus, especially when dealing with novice translators and translator trainees. This book therefore tries to shed light on the integration of three effective factors in language learning with translation. To this end, the inter-connectivity among content schema, vocabulary size as a slight part of formal schema, and reading comprehension is identified. In addition, it would open new insights for translator trainers and trainees, curriculum and book designers, and anyone who is interested or engaged in translation and learning English. ····· 10361117681

Cupido lag im Schlummer einst

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In dieser Ausgabe werden drei bisher unpublizierte Gesamtübertragungen der Shakespeareschen Sonette aus den Jahren 1933 bis 1945 kritisch ediert. Es handelt sich um Übertragungen der Hamburger Studienrätin Sophie Zipora Heiden (1875-1945), des Schriftstellers Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941) und des Universitätsdozenten Friedrich Cornelius (1893-1976). Die Einleitung befaßt sich u.a. mit einem allgemeinen Überblick über die Sonettübertragungen aus den Kriegsjahren sowie im besonderen mit der Genese und Überlieferung der drei neuen deutschen Versionen. Eine Bibliographie, der Abdruck der Nach- bzw. Vorworte der Übersetzer sowie ein Variantenapparat, der die verschiedenen Lesarten der in fünf Abschriften überlieferten Übertragungen von Johannes Schlaf zusammenstellt, runden den Band ab. Die Sonette werden chronologisch auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten zusammen mit dem Original abgedruckt. ····· 1036156576

Grundriss zur kognitiven Theorie der Figurenrezeption

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····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036156615

Literatures in English: New Frontiers in Research

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The papers in this volume contributed by scholars from twenty countries are the product of the CISLE (Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English) Conference held at Innsbruck University. In accordance with our conference theme `Literatures in English: New Frontiers in Research` these selected papers contain what the critics regard as most important new aspects in their own writing and the works of other scholars or writers, or new thematic parameters and methodological approaches with exemplary illustrations and interpretations. Discussions of work in progress and projects are also included. In addition, several creative writers deal with central aspects of their new works. The approaches reach from aesthetic and ethical, semiotic, intertextual and intermedial issues, on the one hand, to questions of identity, slavery and abolition, alterity and otherness as well as diaspora, transnationalism and transhumanism, on the other. Also, a great variety of aspects of writers and works from each of the continents are taken into consideration - with special emphasis on Ireland, Africa (Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa), Singapore and Australia but also with the inclusion of India, the Caribbean and the Philippines, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, and the USA. ····· 1036156487

Query Focused Language Independent Multi-document Summarization

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A query focused multi-document automatic summarizer has been described. The system clusters similar texts in multiple related documents having related (sub) topical features. A document graph is constructed, where nodes are sentences and edge scores reflect correlation measure between nodes. Then clusters are constructed from the graph. Each cluster gets a weight and has a cluster center. Next, query dependent weights for each sentence are added to the edge score as well as to the cluster score. Top ranked sentence of each cluster in order is identified for inclusion in the output summary. It was tested on the standard TAC (formerly DUC) 2008 data sets of the Update Summarization Track and evaluated by ROUGE 1.5.5 where ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-SU-4 scores of 0.103 and 0.14 have been obtained. Then the experiments carried out at Jadavpur University as part of the participation in FIRE 2010 in the ad-hoc mono-lingual information retrieval task for English and Bengali languages, has been described. The experiments are based on stemming, zonal indexing, theme identification, TF-IDF based ranking model and positional information. Each query was specified using title, narration and description ····· 1036118086

Foreign Language Reading Anxiety In A Jordanian EFL Context

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The study aims to explore the sources of foreign language reading anxiety at Yarmouk University, Jordan. It is a study of two consecutive phases. The first phase is a qualitative exploration of the sources for which interviews and diaries were collected from six informants with different levels of English language proficiency. The second, is a quantitative phase that followed up on the qualitative phase for the purpose of expanding and generalizing the results of the generated themes. In the quantitative phase, a cross-sectional survey of 1500 number of undergraduate students who were taking Basic English courses was administered. A total of 1006 questionnaires was valid for analysis. However, only 408 questionnaires were randomly chosen according to the criteria of quota sampling techniques. The findings revealed that there were two aspects of foreign language reading anxiety: personal factor and text feature. Under the personal factor there were two main sources which are afraid of making errors and worry about reading effects. On the other hand, there were three main sources sources under the text feature which are unknown vocabulary, unfamiliar topic, and unfamiliar culture. ····· 1036118574

The Effect of Different Types of Feedback on Writing Accuracy

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Building on previous studies on the effectiveness of different types of written corrective feedback, the present study aimed at investigating whether direct focused corrective feedback and direct unfocused corrective feedback produced any differential effects on the accurate use of English articles by EFL learners across two different proficiency levels (low and high). In current study, the participants were divided into low and high proficiency levels by administering a TOEFL test. This led to formation of two proficiency levels, 60 participants in each level, totaling 120 participants. Then, each proficiency level was classified into three groups, two experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group received focused corrective feedback the second experimental group received unfocused corrective feedback, while the third one, as a control group, received no feedback. The ANOVA tests with post-hoc comparisons indicated that focused group did better than both unfocused and control groups in terms of accurate use of English articles in both proficiency levels. Therefore, these results suggested that unfocused corrective feedback is of limited pedagogical value ····· 1036118647

The Lighting of a Fire: Value of Dialogic learning

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The study explores `dialogic spaces` where students and their teacher engage in dialogue around literary texts in an advanced English composition and literature major class of female campus of one university in United Arab Emirates(UAE).It identifies the conditions which may hinder or facilitate dialogue in classrooms. The research findings provide some insight into the learning experiences and preferences of Emirati women. ····· 1036186586

Analiticheskie glagol`nye leksemy v sovremennom angliyskom yazyke

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Dannaya monografiya ob`edinyaet fakty analiza angliyskogo yazyka, izlozhennye v predydushchikh dvukh: Analiticheskie glagol`nye leksemy (APGL) 1 i 2. Vse raboty posvyashcheny aktual`noy dlya sovremennogo angliyskogo yazyka tematike - probleme analiticheskoy glagol`noy nominatsii, t.e. vyrazhenie odnogo ponyatiya ili znacheniya analiticheskimi binomami . Takikh bazovykh leksem-binomov chetyre tipa - glagol`no-glagol`nye (infinitivy, prichastiya), glagol`no-imennye (sushchestvitel`nye), glagol`no-ad`ektivnye (prilagatel`nye) i glagol`no-adverbal`nye (poslelogi-satellity) ili privychnee - frazovye glagoly. Analiticheskie leksemy - eto `sintaksicheskie slova`, kornem kotorykh mozhet byt` libo glagol, libo vtoroy element binoma (nazyvaet deystvie). Vtoroy komponent binoma vypolnyaet sluzhebnuyu funktsiyu slovoobrazovatel`nogo analiticheskogo affiksa - suffiksa ili prefiksa. Vse AGL - glagoly sovershenno vida, i v russkom yazyke im chashche vsego sootvetstvuyut glagoly s odnoy iz 19 pristavok sovershennogo vida (grammaticheskaya semantika kognitivnost`, kontseptual`nost`). ····· 1036186788

Booker Prize Winning Writers of The World

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Booker Prize Winning Writers of the World: Estimation & Expression is an anthology discussing a variety of issues concerning recent and emergent Booker Prize Winning Writers of World in English. The book contains somber research papers on Howard Jacobson, J. M. Coetzee, Aravind Adiga, Yann Martel, Paul Scott, Graham Swift, Nadine Gordimer, Peter Carey, Murdoch, Ian McEwan, Kiran Desai, Arundhati Roy, Anita Brookner and Kazuo Ishiguro. Consequently, the book may be considered as one of the finest milestones in the studies of this kind, moreover greatly focusing on globally acclaimed contemporary authors of the world. This book virtually contemplates on the Booker prize winners in English. It has significant research analysis drawn from teachers and researchers spread out both in and outside of India. The book, it is expected, will indeed, find a warm welcome in the hands of the connoisseur of the Booker Prize winning writers in general and the students & research scholars in particulars. ····· 1036187412

Grammatical Currents in Pedagogical Dictionaries

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Grammatical information about a particular headword in a learner`s dictionary seems to be one of major issues in pedagogical lexicography. It is one of many categories accounted for by dictionaries in the body of a particular dictionary entry. In this work we are primarily concerned with the type, amount, clarity, exhaustiveness, findability and efficiency of grammatical information in pedagogical dictionaries. Among many improvements which await introduction in such dictionaries, there is one that could be reflected in the design of the publication, thus more successfully guiding EFL learners in their use of new lexical items, according to their grammatical properties. The solution we attempt to advocate is a reference work for advanced learners of English as a foreign language that can comprise two main functions, that is the provision of the lexical items and all their properties traditionally included in the microstructure of a dictionary together with a grammar book that would be referred to by cross-references specified for many troublesome grammatical areas, particularly those whose origin might be contributed to the interference from the mother tongue. ····· 10361147326

Funkcional`naya specifika alljuzii

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Dannoe issledovanie posvyashheno vyyavleniju funkcional`noj specifiki alljuzii i alljuzivnogo texta. Avtor provodit sravnitel`nyj analiz textovyh vkljuchenij, vystraivaet ih ierarhiju i vyyavlyaet unikal`nye harakteristiki alljuzii. Vpervye delaetsya predpolozhenie o trehfaznosti alljuzii, daetsya komplexnoe opredelenie alljuzii i issledujutsya specificheskie funkcii dannoj edinicy v texte. Takzhe vpervye issleduetsya jexpressivnost` alljuzii. ····· 1036121077

Speech Perception Programme for Articulation-Phonological Disorders

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Some children are born with a problem in producing the actual speech which causes difficulty in expressing themselves and in using words together to communicate ideas. This problem may be a result of physical abnormality, cognitive grizzling or other developmental factors. They may substitute sounds which appear in their speech. Their errors may affect their personality and they may lose their confidence .This book is a theoretical.Also, an empirical attempt in the field of speech therapy. The theoretical part covers 3 main topics: the nature of articulation and phonological disorders in children, speech perception and its clinical application to speak remedially, and to envail the psychological impacts of the oral impairment on the child`s attitudes. The empirical part of the study will be restricted to remediate the types of articulation and phonological disorders which are known as substitution errors pattern. The treatment-aim-sounds /th,ð,ð, , ,k,l,in English and Arabic are mispronounced by 6 samples who succeeded to utter the 7 sounds. The findings are that: the two treatment programmes: the motoric training and perceptual training. `CSL` is used for the results analysis. ····· 10361133963

Rewriting the South

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1876. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143222

Der Naturalismus in England

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1897. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144407

Grundriss der englischen Literaturgeschichte

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Das Buch von Körting befasst sich eingehend mit der Geschichte der gesamten englischen Literatur bis hin zum 19. Jahrhundert. Es spannt einen weiten Bogen von der frühen altangelsächsischen Periode bis hin zum Zeitalter von Königin Victoria und ist in seinem Detailreichtum auch heute noch wegweisend. ····· 10361172645

Vocabulary Learning

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The purpose of the study was three-fold. One was to investigate the question of whether the Iranian EFL learners who receive their lexical instruction mainly through explicit approaches of vocabulary instruction were able to transfer their lexical knowledge acquired as such to L2 contexts of reading comprehension , the second was to examine the relationship between the learners performance on the vocabulary tests and their performance on the reading comprehension tests in both Grade One and Grade Two, and the third was to investigate the possibility of finding formulas which could predict a learner s score on the ECA test in any of the Grades (One, Two, and Three) of high school from his/her average scores on the vocabulary tests utilized in the routine EFL classes throughout the course in an academic year. ····· 103613271

Stress Assignment

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Stress in Moroccan Arabic, and also in other languages, poses challenging problems for phonological theory. This is due to the fact that stress exhibits conflicting properties which makes it difficult to provide answers to a number of issues. This book provides an investigation into a prominent aspect of prosodic phonology in Moroccan Arabic (a case study of the dialect of Rabat city), namely, stress assignment in the grammatical category of verbs within the framework of optimality theory as proposed in Prince and Smolensky and McCarthy and Prince. It particularly addresses a range of issues such as: the position of stress, the basis on which stress is located, the factors on the basis of which stress location is effected, the importance of the perceptual and the instrumental tests in shedding light on stress assignment, and the extent to which the optimality theoretic analysis confirm or disconfirm the results of the perceptual and the instrumental tests concerning stress placement. This book will be of interest to linguistics, teachers, researchers and to anyone interested in language study and phonological theory. ····· 103613463

Technical Vocabulary Acquisition through Texts

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In the field of second language acquisition, little attention has been given to technical vocabulary in the area of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) until recently. As a result we still know little about the characteristics of such vocabulary and how best to acquire it. This book addresses some of those issues through a corpus study of a semester s reading material for a graduate-level theology course at a theological seminary in the United States, and a case study with graduate, first and second language (L1 and L2) students studying theology. The corpus study examines the amount and frequency of technical vocabulary in theology textbooks in order to examine the extent to which these texts provide the lexical input necessary to aid in incidental learning of technical vocabulary in the mainstream classroom over the course of a semester by L2 students. The small case study compares how well L1 and L2 students were able to acquire technical vocabulary after reading assigned texts and listening to a lecture for one class. The results and implications should be of particular interest to vocabulary acquisition researchers and teachers of EAP. ····· 103613541

On Translating the Quran

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It goes without saying that the Quranic text even regardless of being a divine text transmitted to Muslims by the God-sent Prophet (peace be upon him) is a fertile area of research that has attracted a large number of scholars, academicians, and university students around the world due to the fact that it is the ideal of perfection in the Arabic language on various levels, the linguistic, the semantic, the rhetorical, and so forth. It is no accident, therefore, that the translation of the Qur`an was, and still has been, a problematic area that has incessantly raised a great fuss over how to bring a proper or even appropriate translation of it. Taking such axioms into account, as the writer of the present translational work, I have tried to bring translators as well as scholars of religious texts in general and the Quranic text in particular into real and practical problems of rendering such a sublime text. ····· 103613681

Angliyskiy yazyk: Svyazi s obshchestvennost`yu

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Uchebnye materialy po angliyskomu dlya izuchayushchikh spetsial`nost` `Svyazi s obshchestvennost`yu` urovnya ESP sostoyat iz sleduyushchikh blokov: 1.What is Public Relations. 2. The Development of Public Relations in Russia. 3. Texts on PR origin, founders, history, problems, roles and images, - for studying, comprehension and rendering. 4. English-English-Russian Glossaries. 5.Exercises and Tests. 6. Reader. 7. English-Russian Glossary of Terms, Notions and Commentaries on them. 8. Supplements. 9. Key to some exercises. 10. The List of Literature (Russian and foreign), Dictionaries and Internet-resources used. Ves` tekstovoy material - autentichnyy. Posobie aprobirovano pri obuchenii studentov 3-5 kursov i magistrantov nazvannoy spetsial`nosti v techenie pyati let. ····· 103615153

Validation of a high stakes test

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This book is the result of our approaches of validation enquiry that were applied on the data obtained from a language proficiency test,conssiting of grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension carried out with 3,398 PhD candidates as a partial requirement for entering PhD programs in Iran. The four approaches were facotr analysis, multitrait multimethod, test taking strategies and internal correalitons. All approches provided evidnec for the construct validity of the test. The book is replete with valuable information on how to conduct validation studies. Although the study was conduced in an Iranian context, implications are pertinent for international applications ····· 1036118201

Marlowe Reshaped

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The empowering of Marlowe and his literary texts is mostly the product of a general Victorian attempt to introduce the prestigious Renaissance English literature as a sign of English genius and national superiority. Then, there has been a shift in Marlowe criticism, this is not primarily due to a deliberate attempt to represent or misrepresent the playwright, but is rather, in some cases, a result of the critics`, scholars`, and researchers` self-identification with the playwright which produces relevant meanings. Interpreting Marlowe`s plays, accordingly, is closely linked to a set of beliefs, tenets, or ideological attitudes which the critic holds, and this makes the authorial voice of the text (words and their meanings) barely audible against the authority of the reader with their attendant perceptions and attitudes. Indeed, in Marlowe criticism, it is not always the text, or its context, which validates or invalidates one understanding or another. It has to do, as well, with the critic`s social, political, and economic position, as well as the place and time in which the literature is approached. ····· 1036118295

Relatedness and Resistance

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In the last 200 years, women have been expressing their awareness and outrage at patriarchal oppression and have been mobilising themselves to struggle against the injustices inherent in it. Women writers have, over the last two hundred years, been claiming a space and a voice for themselves in the literary field, and feminist literary critics have been re-examining literary works, whether canonical or not, to indicate ways in which gender constructs and gender stereotypes have been reinforced or challenged through literature. This book stems from a strong conviction that there is need for feminist literary criticism that is specifically relevant to the Indian situation. Shashi Deshpande and Mahasweta Devi were deliberately chosen for analysis: they represent opposite ends of the spectrum in their political engagement, the cultural moorings of their work, the location of their narratives and the levels of consciousness they awaken in their readers. Through this analysis, the author indicates that such literary works serve to heighten awareness and articulate a protest, to present an alternative view of life, to spur the reader on to active engagement with social structures. ····· 1036118339

Langston Hughes & Countee Cullen: A Comparative Study

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This study compares between the most important African-American Archetypes through a detailed analysis of Langston Hughes s philosophy of self-acceptance ( 1902-1967) and Cullen s self-detraction (1903-1946). The study consists of an introduction, five chapters, the first four of which are concerned with an analysis of the poetry. The last surveys their prose and drama. This is followed by a conclusion.Ch. I relates the identity dilemma felt by African-Americans with regard to the call for négritude and traces African archetypes through analyzing the maternal image of Africa. .Ch. II introduces strain in race relations because of the identity dilemma referred to in the previous one.Chapter III analyzes protest-related poems and shows to what extent each poet interacts with the problems of his society and finally proves that Hughes had indeed long been accredited the poet of the black people.Chapter IV discusses the two concepts of love and death and how they intermingle to show the dilemma of African-American people who are caught between two fires: hope and despair.Chapter V gives a bird s-eye-view on the prose and drama written by the two poets. ····· 1036118513

Metaphors, Blends and Cultural Associations in Advertising

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Because of the global nature of today`s world it is more and more necessary to understand the strategies used in different cultures to achieve a goal. Taking advertising as a common field where culture plays a decisive role and strategies include cognitive devices such as metaphors, this book explores the techniques used in four different cultures in order to examine these strategies and draw some practical conclusions as to what works in each culture for each gender when selling a product. ····· 1036118646

Language Learning Strategies: Reconsidering SILL

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The book provides a new look to the SILL as reportedly the most comprehensive inventory in the language learning strategies in the light of changing dynamics of digital era. A sample group of Net-Generation tertiary ESL learners are studied in a mixed-method approach study and the analysis and discussions are made based on the qualitative and quantitative data which are constantly compared to the SILL strategy categories to notice differences in the strategy use or emerging trends in the language learning strategies used by Net-Geners. The findings and suggestions for reconsidering SILL should help shed some light on language learning field in the new millennium and should be particularly useful to professionals in curriculum designing and language faculty to enhance the efficiency of language learning efforts through the almost limitless affordances provided by computer and network in the digital era. ····· 1036119224

William Faulkner

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Even though Yoknapatawpha County and the novels which brought it into existence are ultimately William Faulkner s imaginative creations, they have a very strong relationship to the American South, and Faulkner s home region in northern Mississippi in particular. This part of the United States underwent a transforming process of social change during Faulkner s life, and Faulkner monitored closely the disruptive consequences of the transformation of his region from a rural place, dominated by an agricultural economy to a new South, with a more diversified economy. He also observed the repercussions of this transformation in the form of social conflicts and contradictions. This study reads the Yoknapatawpha novels as Faulkner s literary response to the disruptive processes of social change and their consequences. It examines the influence of Faulkner`s creative engagement with social change, especially the way the narrative and thematic structures of his Yoknapatawpha novels are shaped by the force of change in the areas of economy, gender, and race. ····· 1036119678

Nineteenth Century Poets

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In offering other texts relevant to Romantic studies, our aim in this book has in most cases been to provide substantial extracts, much longer than would be possible in a printed form. The aim of this handbook is to offer the first truly integrated survey of this interdisciplinary and international field of Nineteenth Century Poets. Romantic writing, for the purposes of this volume, is defined to include poetry, prose (essays of various kinds and informal writings such as letters), that was being written at the same time. The best known poets who wrote during the period were Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats, but this book also provides a generous selection of poets, including the major poets whose work is now arousing considerable interest. The concise presentation of the main concepts of Social and Cultural Outlook of every poet is intended not only to offer readers a unique overview of current research in the field it is also meant to serve as a forum for bringing together approaches from areas as varied as neurosciences and literary history, thus adding further contour and depth to this emergent field of study. ····· 1036119754

The Judicious Integration of L1 in ESL Learning Contexts

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The use of L1 in Teaching English as a Second Language contexts is a ubiquitous but haphazard pedagogical practice in Sri Lanka. This thesis examines whether the use of L1 (Sinhala) could be validated across high, intermediate, and low learner proficiency levels in English. Sociolinguistically, the complex ontological and epistemological milieu of ESL in Sri Lanka granted this thesis an entrée for scrutinizing the evolution of resistance to English in the undergraduate participants. The findings of pilot studies validated the expulsion of high proficiency learners from the procedures of L1 integration. Conversely a significant % mean increase across the intermediate and the low proficiency learners was revealed under the Sinhala Gloss (SG) condition. The mean comparison for both populations was equal and low for No Gloss (NG) and English Gloss (EG) conditions resulting in the gloss condition performance indicator NG = EG SG. Scaffolding these findings to pedagogy, the study confines integrating L1 to skill development in lexical comprehension mechanisms in low and intermediate proficiency learners and discusses developing L2 inferring skills in the high proficiency learners. ····· 1036120479

In Search of a Cognitive Linguistic Model of Semantic Change

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Semantic change is a linguistic phenomenon that allows words to mean something different from what they used to. The problem has preoccupied linguists ever since the beginning of the 19th century. At that time many students of language first realised that sense alterations can be no longer treated as corruption or degeneration and tried to bring them into some kind of order and system. Although its golden period is long gone, the study of diachronic changes in meaning has never been abandoned entirely. In my research, I treat semantic change as a natural consequence of the dynamic and creative nature of human cognitive capacities. In the proposed model, semantic change is perceived as an unconscious act of creation resulting from the basic mental mechanism of putting two things together, otherwise referred to as conceptual blending. Paradoxically, language is possible only if it allows a limited number of combinable linguistic forms to cover a very large number of meaningful situations. Constructing cross-domain mappings and putting mental spaces together, we arrive at new meanings that become entrenched and conventionalised in language, leading to semantic change. ····· 1036120505

`Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children`

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The aim of this essay is to argue on visual aspects related to the world of literature and, in doing so, to dig up an original though nearly unknown piece of work, the Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children, a series of 30 illustrated short stories originally written and illustrated by authors Dave Louapre and Dan Sweetman and published in the U.S. by Piranha Press. The BSFUC provide in fact a good ground both for semiotic and linguistic speculation, but apart from the challenging experience presented by the work of translation which initially constituted the starting point and the only goal of the research - the true nature of this essay derives indeed from the chance offered by the set of stories to go beyond a simple analysis of a text in terms of linguistic features, and to consider the interaction between communicative codes as a powerful means to widen the spectrum of interpretative and emotional possibilities given to the audience of readers. Along with a first analytical part articulated on four chapters, this book is also provided with an appendix containing a specimen of 11 short stories translated from English into Italian. ····· 1036120800

The Structure of Determiner Phrases in Standard Arabic

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The Structure of Determiner Phrases in Standard Arabic employs Chomsky`s Minimalist Program to support the `Determiner Phrase` hypothesis, which states that that the determiner (D) is the head of the noun phrase. Due to its rich agreement features, Standard Arabic is selected to manifest the features of the category D. Author Maather Al-Rawi establishes a DP analysis of a number of nominals in Standard Arabic including possessives, pronouns, proper names, verbal nouns, and adjectives. The DP analysis accounts for the structure of nominals that have been unaccounted-for under the traditional analysis where N is the head. Under the DP analysis, Al-Rawi resolves a number of problems in the syntax of Arabic nominals. Her discussion leads important conclusions concerning the difference between two word order possessives in Arabic: D-NP and NP-D, the position of Arabic pronouns and proper names, the verbo-nominal nature of Arabic action nominals, the dual category of Arabic adjectives, and Comp(limentizer)-like nature of the Arabic article al- the . ····· 1036121360

Paul Bowles

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This study of Paul Bowles s North African writings, especially those concerned with Morocco, investigates the possibilities and limitations that accrued from the writer`s carefully maintained reputation as both a traveler (a translator of the exotic ) and as exile. The book offsets claims (by critics by Paul Bowles himself) to a putative freedom from national, cultural, or religious loyalties and challenges his status as `expert` on Muslim North African countries. Bowles`s North African writings are embedded in an imperialist discursive tradition and the `authority` of his textual representations feeds on the tropes of detachment and `invisibility` empowered and fostered by the myth of exile and/or expatriation. Bowles became regarded as such an authority that his travel and journalistic writings were literally assigned as `missions.` The financial comfort allowed by publishers` advances did not go without its concomitant share of political `contamination,` especially since, at the time, the North African countries were engaged in their independence wars... ····· 1036124610

Archetypes in the Confessional Poetry of Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton

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The study addresses the use of psychological and mythological archetypes in the confessional poetry of Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) and Anne Sexton (1928-1974) as universal reference frameworks for the two poets most intimate confessions. It discusses the distinctive common features of confessional poetry in general, and focuses on the importance of psychological and mythological archetypes for a study of the poetry of Plath and Sexton in particular. It also sheds light on the significance of the psychological and mythological archetypes evoked in some of the most influential contributions of psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud (1856 1939) and Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961) for the study of the themes and imagery in the confessional poetry of Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton. The themes and imagery discussed are those related to the portrayal of disturbances in the father-daughter and mother-daughter relationships, the daughter s attitude to love, marriage, and married life in general, the profound feelings of guilt, alienation and vulnerability, and, finally, death and suicide. ····· 1036125844

Sexism in the English language

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Sexism is a kind of discrimination by one sex against the other, especially by males against females. Applied to language, this biased representation of the sexes concerns the portrayal of men as the norm and women as the appendage or as the exception in language. This book analyzed sexism in the English language from three angles: morphology, syntax, semantics, aiming at foregrounding those hidden differences in the representation and treatment of women and men in language, because the differences are so prevalent within the society that they appear to be normal and commonsense to people. The book also traced the reasons for the occurrence of sexism in English from the historical, social and cultural perspectives because language is a form of social practice and oppression and sexism are phenomena of society. The aim of this book is to help people become aware that English is changing as society changes that we have choices to make, and that these choices have important consequences. ····· 1036186615

Assessing Receptive and Productive Vocabulary

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The relationship between receptive and productive second language vocabulary is unclear and indistinct. This title reviews various pedagogical receptive and productive vocabulary assessment tools and the theoretical assumptions underlying them to determine their reliability and applicability. The State Rating Task, based on Multi-State models of vocabulary acquisition, is presented as an alternative assessment tool for the measurement of low-stakes receptive and productive second language vocabulary. ····· 1036186617

Four English Translations of Sulaiman`s Prophetic Story

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This book focuses on the analysis of four English translations of Prophet Sulaiman s (Solomon) story that rendered by Arberry, Pickthall, Ghali, and Muhammad Al Hilali and Khan.The book includes four chapters, in addition to the conclusion. The 1st chapter is an introduction that discusses three obvious points: the choice of the topic and its importance, a survey of the history of translating the meanings of the Qur an, and the nature of the translation process.The 2nd chapter sheds light on the objectives of the book, the methodology of the research, the consulted exegetes, the Arabic and English dictionaries utilized throughout the research. In addition, it is concerned with the narrative and technical devices found in Sulaiman s prophetic story.The 3rd chapter is an attempt to syntactically analyze part of the translations of Prophet Sulaiman s story.The 4th chapter deals with the subject from the semantic point of view and focuses on comparing the four translations of the meaning of Sulaiman s prophetic story on the lexical plane, in addition to recommending the necessary corrections.The conclusion sums up the findings of the study. ····· 1036186815

The Myth of Explicit Communication

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The book is a critique of what in most linguistic and pragmatic theories is treated as explicit (as against implicit) communication. The critique is from the perspective of Burton-Robert s Representational Hypothesis. Two conflicting theories of the explicit-implicit distinction are discussed and found inadequate. These are Grice s theory of conversation and Sperber and Wilson s Relevance Theory. It is argued that neither Grice nor relevance theory succeeds in showing that an explicit-implicit distinction is empirically defensible or theoretically sustainable. It is argued that the very notion of explicit communication rests on conventional assumptions inherited from generative linguistic theory, particularly Chomskyan linguistic theory. The Representational Hypothesis is presented as an alternative. An account of meaning, which follows from the Representational Hypothesis, is defended. By way of illustration, the book then draws together a range of issues, problems, and questions arising within the generative paradigm. These are approached through the problems of nonsentential speech and ellipsis. ····· 1036186956

Shakespeare`s Hamlet versus Sumarokov`s Gamlet

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This book is about the possible distinctions between Shakespeare s Hamlet and Sumarokov s Gamlet, with the higher focus on the formal aspects of the texts that could be easily located, extracted, quantified, computerized, and, at the same time, could contribute towards identifying the authors intentions, especially relating to the structural and lexical organisation of both plays. The research reported here adopts an original multi-pronged approach including quantitative, qualitative and comparative analyses. Key findings shed light on substantial divergences between Shakespeare and Sumarokov s perceptions of the main and secondary characters, of the complexity of their relationships as well as provide evidence to striking diversions between the playwrights religious, socio-political, family, moral, philosophical and artistic conceptual frameworks. This work should not only benefit research on corpus linguistics with respect to literary texts but also be of interest more generally to scholars of translation and comparative literature, deepening our understanding of translation and literary processes. ····· 1036187078

Framing Dance Writing

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Dance, as a specialist discipline, is examined in the context of research in Corpus Linguistics that suggests that the lexicon used by those in a specialist discipline offers insight into the concepts and ideologies of that discipline. In this book dance writing is analysed through empirical data generated by a corpus of written dance texts. Lexical patterns, conceptual metaphor, and an ontological hierarchy are discussed in context within the discipline of Dance. Findings are tested through empirical data generated by a case study of one choreographer, Bill T. Jones, and from a corpus of texts about Jones` work, Still/Here (1994). Data generated from descriptive and interpretive analyses of Still/Here with a consideration of the work as autobiographical narrative provides a basis for a discussion of the shift in context from the dance work to a review written by one critic, Arlene Croce, and the privileging of interpretation over description in dance writing. ····· 1036187201

The Language of Banking and Finance in Arabic

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The rising role of banks and financial institutions in the Arab world and the world at large has made it necessary to consider the characteristics of the language used in the field of banking and finance. It is widely thought that the language of banking and finance in Arabic, LBFA for short, is linear or in other words filled with rigid figures, strict terms, and direct speech. The aim of the present thesis is to explore the distinctive features of LBFA from a pragma-syntactic perspective. Light is shed, too, on the communicative functions of the genres employed in this language. ····· 1036187371

The Self-Regulated Reading Process of Foreign Language Learners

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This mixed-methods study, using a task-based reading strategy inventory, a background questionnaire, think-alouds and semi-structured interviews, began as an attempt to address the gaps in research by investigating 345 Taiwanese 8th grade students who were learning English in an EFL setting, and whose L1 (i.e., Chinese) differs greatly from their L2 (i.e., English) especially in their writing systems: one is non-alphabetic, and the other is alphabetic. The two languages also differ morphologically and syntactically. The purposes of this study were: (a) to examine how 8th grade Taiwanese readers monitored, regulated, and controlled their reading-related thoughts and actions (i.e., reading strategies) to comprehend expository texts in the L1 (Chinese) and the L2 (English) (b) to inspect the relationship between reading achievement and reading strategy use (c) to investigate the transfer of strategies across languages (d) to uncover students views and attitudes toward L1 and L2 reading tasks and reading strategies and (e) to study the relationships among six personal variables with strategy use. ····· 1036187605

Sister Narratives

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Sister Narratives investigates the literary relationship of Margaret Drabble`s The Waterfall and A. S. Byatt`s Possession: A Romance by claiming that despite the actual sisterhood of the novelists the interrelationship of the 19th-century genres of the romance and the Bildungsroman establishes a literary sisterhood between these two 20th-century novels and the 19th-century female literary tradition. By reworking such female literary `myths` as Jane Eyre, The Mill on the Floss, Jane Austen`s novel of manners as well as the abundant spatial imagery of the 19th-century female literary tradition Drabble`s and Byatt`s works create an intricate intertextual relationship with each other and their foremothers` writing even though the two authors differ so much from a lot of aspects. ····· 1036187671

The Intercultural Dimension in EFL University Context

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Within the context of globalization, digital age, and modern technology, the English language has become an international language and crucial medium of intercultural communication between people from various cultures. However, cultural differences, stereotypes, prejudices, biases, and different worldviews may constitute a stumbling block in effective intercultural communication. Therefore, this may require new approaches to foreign language teaching and learning. The status quo of teaching practices in many EFL university contexts highlights the linguistic and literary competences, without giving enough attention to the development of cultural knowledge and ICC as new objectives in the English language pedagogy. These objectives are advocated in cutting- edge- knowledge in the field of EFL and current research. The new approaches have revolutionized and modernized the teaching of English in many countries with the purpose of helping students to use English communicatively and interculturally and become international citizens. This research explores EFL teachers beliefs regarding the concepts of culture and ICC and their roles in teaching English in EFL university context. ····· 1036187754

Worlds Subverted

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World Subverted: A Generic Analysis of Children s Fiction examines three important works in English children s fiction: C. S. Lewis s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Philip Pullman s The Subtle Knife, the second book of his trilogy His Dark Materials, and J. K. Rowling s Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone. The novels are analyzed in terms of their approaches toward the conventions of fairy tale, fantasy and romance to this end the novels are evaluated in relation to their concept of chronotope, and the quest of good versus evil. While the secondary world or multiple worlds presented are analyzed in terms of their perception of time and space along with the presentation of the supernatural elements, the characters are evaluated in terms of the common classification good versus evil. The main argument of this study concentrates on the gradual estrangement from the crystal clear distinctions of the fairy tale genre to a more shadowy, pessimistic, and ambivalent vision of the fantastic in the children s literature. ····· 1036187976

A Tiger in the Royal Court: Wole Soyinka and the Angry Young Men

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The years 1956 to 1965 presented a very defining moment in post World War II British theatre history. They produced a wave of an experimental theatre that gave rise to some of the most memorable playwrights in modern British drama, like John Osborne, Arnold Wesker, Harold Pinter and John Arden (the so-called Angry Young Men). Wole Soyinka was one of `The Angry Young Men`! In the late 1950s, Wole Soyinka, participated actively in the activities of the Royal Court Theatre as a script reader, writer and performer. This book particularly displays diverse voices of this African writer in the nascent stages of his development from his undergraduate years to England and back in Nigeria as practising artist. The focus is on Soyinka`s lesser known works which are presented as the critical seed-bed for the art that has been celebrated in the Nobel Laureate for Literature. ····· 1036188487

Late Victorian Imperial Adventure Novel

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British imperialism was formulated during the period from the late sixteenth century to the late nineteenth through the use of various discourses such as colonialism, racism, overseas commercialism and pro-imperial militarism. During the period, literary production was always used as a functional tool in the formulation and dissemination of the discourses of British imperialism. Therefore, after the 1870s, when the age of New Imperialism began with the emergence of new European imperial powers, popular adventure novels also began to emerge and then be appropriated as propaganda tools for the reinforcement of the imperial ideology in British society. Imperial adventure novels of George Alfred Henty represent this propagandist attitude in late Victorian popular fiction. However, another response to New Imperialism in Britain was the emergence of an anti-imperialistic approach. Although most critics, heavily influenced by postcolonial theory, have interpreted the imperial romances of Henry Rider Haggard as representing the pro-imperialist attitude, Ak ll argues and illustrates in this book that Haggard s novels reflect a worldview which was sharply critical of British imperialism. ····· 1036188921

New Ways of Seeing and Storytelling

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This is a book about Bruce Chatwin and his writing style. Even more, though, it is a book about how Chatwin came to be the person he was through his narrative style. The two innovative elements of his style are his anthropological approach to writing and his new mode of visual perception: the concepts of liminality and visualisation lie at the core of his texts. Chatwin s writing not only branded travel literature in the eighties but transcended to other fields of fiction and non-fiction. Furthermore, Chatwin s particular way of perceiving reality both abroad and at home made him perceive his own reality in a different way he defined himself through an unconventional kind of subjectivity, thus creating a representation of identity other than the one expected in autobiographical accounts. From Chatwin I have learned that fictions enable us to live. He portrays the world through his own fictions and by doing so, readers perceive that reality is plural. We are urged to look not so much for one single and individual truth but for several and universal. Chatwin s writing is the voice of a man who looks for the reconciliation of opposites within literature and life. ····· 1036188989

The chunking process of Japanese EFL readers

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One of the serious problems which Japanese EFL (English as a foreign language) learners face during reading is their lack of reading fluency. Therefore, this study addresses the process of how Japanese EFL readers recognize minimal information processing units, which are called chunks, and how these chunks are incorporated into the readers` entire comprehension. This study has three major purposes: (1) to examine the effects of phrase-based chunk-cues on reading comprehension, (2) to measure readers autonomous chunking units, and (3) to investigate the effects of chunk-cues with reference to (1) and (2). The results of six experiments can be summarized as follows. First, the effects of chunk-cues vary according to readers autonomous chunking, rather than readers` L2 reading proficiency and working memory span. Second, transitivity, one of the verb biases, affects autonomous chunking. ····· 1036191859

Vocabulary Acquisition In The Context Of Non-Systematic Input

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Vocabulary is no longer treated in a cavalier fashion, finding its way among the most important aspects of Second Language Learning. Nonetheless, the bulk of literature on L2 vocabulary acquisition does not mean that all is said in the field. Many aspects of this area are still in their infancy. One of them relates to the introduction and distribution of vocabulary and its impact on the amount and rate of L2 vocabulary acquired. Despite the claim for a systematic introduction, didactic materials normally show an unsystematic presentation of vocabulary. This mismatch between the theoretical and the empirical gives us a good reason to gauge the relationship between input introduction and acquisition. This book intends to be an introduction to the analysis of the reality described above, where the quantity and rate of vocabulary acquisition in a Foreign Language might be conditioned by the way vocabulary is introduced and distributed. By addressing this issue we want to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms of introduction and acquisition of L2 vocabulary. It is hoped that resource designers and the whole teaching-learning community can benefit from this study. ····· 1036192050

Repetition: a method for affiliation and agreement in Urdu

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The primary focus of the book is to present methods Urdu speakers use to display their affiliation and agreement with the other-speaker through variant forms of repetitions. The presence and absence of acknowledgment tokens with repetition effects its function in ordinary Urdu conversation. Moreover, the book describes that the repetition of acknowledgment tokens to acknowledge talk in multi-turn activities also perform variant functions than single acknowledgment token. These variant forms of repetitions provide helpful feedback for the ongoing activity to progress. Finally, the project concludes that repetition is systematic and organized in ordinary Urdu conversation and plays a vital role in the development of conversation. ····· 1036192454

Bridging the gap between the internal and the external

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It is widely accepted that positive attitudes to languages play a significant role in language acquisition and proficiency, this book is one of a growing number of publications which provide an extended account of this phenomena in a multilingual context (the Valencian Community in Spain where Catalan, Spanish and English all exert a powerful influence). Due to the interrelated social and cultural nature of language use, the recognised importance of an early start to language instruction, and the need to continue with effective teaching until adulthood in order to combat the later disenchantment felt by some learners, the study described in this book examines the sociocultural factors which affect the language attitudes of multilingual adolescent EFL students. In order to do this, 29 students aged between 12 and 16 years were analysed by means of a questionnaire adapted from Lasagabaster & Huguet (2007), the results indicate that such external factors as sociocultural status, a stay abroad period, and out of school exposure all have a significant effect on language attitudes. The book should be of particular interest to language teachers and linguistics researchers. ····· 1036192579

Siraiki: A Sociolinguistic Study of Language Desertion

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The main focus of this thesis is the phenomenon of Siraiki language maintenance and language shift in Multan. This is the first study of its kind carried out on any Pakistani language. The study examines the speech practices of rural and urban Siraiki Multanis in the home domain in the light of various demographic, social, political, and affective factors. It highlights the complex relationship of these factors with regard to change in the language use patterns of the Siraikis. The major sources of data for this study comprise of results from a matched-guise test, recorded speech of Siraikis in the home domain, and interviews. Triangulation of data and methods have been used in this research. The findings suggest that the phenomenon of Siraiki language maintenance/shift is differential in rural and urban Multan and no single factor can be held responsible for any changed or changing speech practices of the Siraikis. The conclusion argues that the attitude of the speakers towards their language is equally important in this process. ····· 1036192598

Patterns of Interaction in Tutorials

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An investigation of patterns of interaction in university tutorials employs a discourse analytical framework to describe such patterns, but also does so from a typical applied linguistic perspective in that it seeks also to address the issue of quality in this type of academic discourse, attempting to explicate in a relatively objective way our perceptions of what constitues more effective and less effective participation in university tutorials (in a second language context). ····· 1036198467

English Pronunciation Basics and Tips for Better Spoken English

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English Pronunciation Basics and Tips for Better Spoken English had not only treated isolated phonetic segments consonants and vowels but had also discussed some phonological processes affecting these individual segments such as allomorph, assimilation and aspiration. It also went further to look at the suprasegmental features which are phonological feature that extend and spread over the segments as they combine into syllables and words. A detailed review of the characteristics of the spoken English has been done. The glossary of phonetic terms at the end is a-must-read. It affords one a glance of terms expected within the book. The book is of benefit to all learners/teachers of English as a second or foreign Language both at intermediate and advanced levels of education. ····· 1036198496

Manipulation in Political Discourse

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This study introduces an attempt to scrutinize the interrelationship between language and thought in particular, how language can shape, influence and direct thought, and how thought can be represented in language. Such a thorny task is achieved by approaching the 2004 U.S.A presidential debates, held between Bush and Kerry, in virtue of Grice s Cooperative Principle and maxims. The Gricean pragmatics is evidently enriching when tackling a corpus of a political nature i.e political language is demarcated by inherent manipulation since it is originally used to affect people s minds to think in a certain way as a means of helping a politician to achieve his ultimate aim usually gaining power and authority. Harmoniously, pragmatics in general, and the Gricean pragmatics in particular, are the most manipulative areas in the field of linguistics since they are primarily concerned with how people manage to say one thing and convey another which may be different or even contradictory. Hence, this research dwells upon the political maneuvering practiced by both candidates in order to prove that linguistics can virtually provide an efficient tool for decoding a political phenomenon. ····· 1036198994

Collocation and Preposition Sense

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This book explores the relationship between the sense of the prepositions over, into and through and the combined form of their preceding and following nouns, using the hypothesis that the co-occurring nouns can predict different senses of the prepositions. It uses concepts drawn from both corpus linguistics and cognitive linguistics, in particular drawing on theories of phraseology formulated by Sinclair and others and on theories of preposition meaning formulated by Langacker and Taylor. 1,366 instances of the use of the prepositions from the ICE-GB corpus were examined. The results indicate a relationship between the senses of prepositions and their co-occurring nouns together with some features of their linguistic behaviour. Over, into and through have similar patterns when their trajector and landmark are combined. The thesis draws on statistical information regarding Human, Concrete object and Abstract object classifications to explore the distribution of sense of over. It uses equivalent information relating to into and through to reinforce and amend the semantic networks for these prepositions proposed by Lakoff and by Tyler and Evans. ····· 1036199213

Visions of Arcadia

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One of the most popular genres in the English Renaissance was the pastoral. Both poets of renown and writers of occasional verse composed poems extolling the life of simple shepherds playing their pipes in the idyllic rural surroundings commonly known as Arcadia. Delight, however, never lasts long. Pastoral poetry constantly oscillates between desire for Arcadian perfection, often embodied in the pastoral maiden, and a crippling sense of loss, absence and despair. Seeking to unlock the secret of Arcadia`s appeal, analyze the forms which the Renaissance Arcadia takes, and penetrate the causes of its frequent collapse, this study attempts a unique theoretical combination of psychoanalytical and historical insights. The study combines a primarily Lacanian understanding of desire and the effect of art with a detailed consideration of the intellectual and sociopolitical context of pastoral writing. Following a theoretical introduction, the book begins with an analysis of Spenser`s major pastoral works, continues with the comprehensive and representative Elizabethan anthology Englands Helicon, and concludes with the pastoral writings of Andrew Marvell. ····· 1036199252

Linguistic Approaches to Crossover Fiction

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Children s literature, and in particular children s fantasy fiction, currently enjoys an enormous popularity, and remains a phenomenon that deserves to be dedicated serious academic attention. This book explores the capacity of three linguistic approaches, namely, Text World Theory, Possible-worlds Theory, and Blending Theory, in the analysis of the text worlds of crossover fiction, which refers to those works primarily published for children but have attracted and appealed to adult readers. This book can be seen as a contribution to the study of stylistics, cognitive linguistics, and crossover fiction as it has analysed a number of prominent examples of the crossover genre such as Harry Potter and Twilight using linguistic frameworks not applied before to these stories. This book should be especially useful to academics and postgraduate students interested in cognitive linguistics, stylistics, crossover fiction, children s literature and fantasy. It would also be useful to professionals in the publishing business and anyone who may be interested in the characteristics of bestsellers. ····· 1036199403

The Effect of Age, Proficiency and Task Type on Lexical Transfer

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When learners approach a foreign language, there are many factors which affect the way they deal with the new language. These factors include personal characteristics of learners, typological similarities/differences between the target language and the previously known languages and the context in which the language is used. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the interaction between age, proficiency and task-type in determining the occurrence of lexical transfer. Specifically, the study focuses on the effect of this interaction on cross-linguistic influence in using content and function words by Moroccan EFL learners. Another objective is to investigate the qualitative difference between L1- and L2-based lexical transfer by determining the source of crosslinguistic influence: L1 Moroccan Arabic or L2 French. ····· 1036199492

Appraising Arguments:

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This work seeks to contribute to the growing literature on academic discourses by probing into a relatively new reading-to-write examination genre featured in the Singapore Cambridge Advanced level General Paper. The recently introduced Application Question on the GP comprehension question paper, aimed at producing more critical thinkers, makes an array of new linguistic and rhetorical demands on students taking the General Paper. Appraising Arguments unveils the many hidden expectations in the AQ response genre, as viewed through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistics, APPRAISAL and genre theory. It is hoped that Appraising Arguments will grant junior college students and GP teachers alike fresh insights into the Application Question and its manifold requirements. ····· 1036199501

A Stylistic Study of Keats`s Poetry

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Stylistics emerged out of the mediation between literary criticism and linguistics it concerns itself with the linguistic analysis of a text or discourse. The treatise is a new addition to the stylistic study. It aims at presenting a linguistic description of Keats s poetry at different levels of language. In textual and systemic perspectives, it explores the distinctive features of language in the selected poems of Keats at graphological, phonological, lexical, syntactic, semantic and discoursal levels. It also offers an insight into the interpretive tradition, contemporary approaches to literature and genesis of stylistic study. In addition, it seeks to equip the readers with an arsenal of analytical tools for interpreting literature in general and poetry in particular and add new dimensions to teaching and research in language and literature. ····· 1036199503

Bilingualism As Teaching Aid

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This book is an investigation into the contribution of bilingualism to learning English as a foreign language it proves that the limited and judicious use of mother tongue in EFL classroom does not reduce students communicative ability but can assist in teaching learning process. It proposes an explanation for this, based on the historical development of bilingualism over time that has remained the dominant practice in English language classes in developing countries. Moreover, it seeks to understand whether teachers and the learners who do have another language draw on it in ways relevant to the teaching of English, and to suggest reasons why learners and teachers languages are disregarded in the teaching and learning process. In doing so, the book draws on key bodies of literature in bilingualism, second language acquisition and critical studies in an attempt to provide a framework for research. ····· 1036199990

The Syntax of Questions in Modern Standard Arabic:

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This book examines the morpho-syntactic analysis of question particles and question words/phrases in a modern syntactic framework and provides the reader with a satisfactorily unified account of how questions are derived and represented in Standard Arabic in Chomsky s Minimalist theory. The work has, therefore, been organized into six chapters. Chapter One surveys the views of the traditional Arab grammarians, Western grammarians and modern Arab linguists. Chapter Two presents the syntactic development of the analysis of questions from the point of view of their historical overview in English. Chapter Three introduces the broad outlines of Chomsky`s Minimalism (1995 1998 1999 2000) and question affix analysis and demonstrates how the latter works to account for the syntax of question particles in Standard Arabic. Chapter Four offers a formal treatment of question words and phrases in Standard Arabic and discusses their syntactic distribution in complement and adjunct positions. Chapter Five provides a unified treatment of the syntax of Wh- and multiple Wh-movement in Standard Arabic, English and the Slavic languages. Chapter Six summarizes the findings of the study. ····· 10361100026

Genre, Schema, and the Academic Writing Process

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From a viewpoint of discourse as the connecting middle ground between genre, register and schema, this book establishes meaningful links between these notions. It disambiguates the conflated relationship between genre and register by suggesting that genre texts need to be modelled out of a balance between the generic knowledge and discipline specific needs. This book also investigates the relationship between schematic and generic structure and uncovers how far RA writers are aware of the text structure they employ in their writing and indicates how these structures have been internalised as schemata. ····· 10361100041

Cultural and Identity Politics

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The history of African-American literature is undoubtedly connected with the history of slavery. It primarily protests against racial discrimination, marginalization and social injustice. At the beginning of the twentieth century, African-American writers faced a plethora of serious issues: race and class inequality challenges to morality and religion interrogations of nationalism and the continuing problem of how to achieve a truly African-American identity in the face of complicating diversity. The quest for a distinct African-American identity leads to the development of several recurring themes like rebirth and renewal, the self-made man, and the melting pot that have circulated in American literature since its inception. The African-Americans have occupied a paradoxical place of simultaneous inclusion and exclusion in the history of national literature. Although they are indeed Americans and have played a crucial role in building the United States into a world power, the legacy of slavery and the ongoing, systemic racism have excluded Americans of African descent from the existing definitions and privileges of the American self. ····· 10361100080

An Unsettled Hearth

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This is a study of literature that focuses specifically on female writers. It is based on the premise that Kenyan female writers, though prolific, have for a long time been neglected by literary critics, and even when focused upon, are lumped together with other so-called Third world female writers. Thus, the idiosyncrasies in their particular works are very often overlooked. The study seeks to correct this by undertaking an in-depth study of each of the novels explored, while at the same time using each of them to study the Kenyan society with particular attention to the situation of the woman as depicted in the texts. The novel, which in this study is the primary source, is examined as a cultural tool. Given the large number of novels that have been written by Kenyan women writers, the study uses a case-oriented methodology to select a few novels that are used as representative samples for Kenyan writing by women. The texts selected cover a long time period published from the mid-sixties, just after Kenya s independence, to the outset of the present millennium. The study is guided by theories that are drawn from postcolonial studies, cultural studies, and gender studies. ····· 10361113458

Regulating Discourse: Compliments And Discourse Signposts

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The present monograph addresses two focal topic areas, i.e. compliments and signposts. The first part of the study proposes a formal and functional taxonomy of a variety of language manifestations of compliments, approached here as the results of context-sensitive processes of complimenting. The strategies of complimenting are projected onto the interface of two typologically remote languages, English and Czech, with the aim to identify cross-language similarities and differences reflecting socio-cultural norms of expectations in different language communities. The second part surveys the outcomes of present-day corpus-based research and recent theorising on communicative functions of various discourse signposts used in spoken and written language, and proposes a model of a unified taxonomy, a network of discourse signposts by which to shelter formally heterogeneous but functionally comparable tokens under the roof of their shared prototypical function, i.e. to regulate communication. Selected English discourse markers are compared with their Czech equivalents with the aim to deduce conclusions applicable in translation, interpreting, and ELT. ····· 10361114521

Gender and Critical Discourse Analyses

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This book comparatively examines the gendered discourses in the novels of the writers of different sexes/genders, Robert Heinlein`s Stranger in a Strange Land, Ursula Le Guin`s The Left Hand of Darkness, Joanna Russ` The Female Man and Samuel Delany`s Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia. It investigates how writers linguistically construct their characters as gendered/sexed beings as an effect of certain identity politics, ideologies and power structures. For this purpose, critical discourse analyses are applied to the extracts chosen from different parts of the novels under consideration. Butler`s performativity theory of gender and Foucault`s theory of discourse/power/knowledge and his conceptualization of subjectivity are also employed in the critical discourse analyses of the novels. The book argues that there is a close relationship between discourse, ideology and the constitution/representation of gender/sex as contingent on a particular sociocultural and historical context. Thus, writers` linguistic choices for the constructions and descriptions of their characters are not ideologically or politically innocent but imbued with sociocultural and ideological meanings. ····· 10361114541

Needs Analysis in Writing

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Academic writing is an important activity by which students` eventual success in university education is judged. Using the principles of needs analysis, researchers have been able to identify pertinent issues with regard to writing in an academic context. Needs analysis adopts sound theoretical frameworks to present a clear view of institutional requirements and students` language competence. This in turn gives us information that assists in developing more appropriate and effective language courses. This book is an outcome of research to address what aspects of communicative language use in terms of skills, target situation, fields of interest and genres of academic work are demanded of students by the lecturers and examiners and how their written work is evaluated by their lecturers in the disciplines which they study. In addition the nature of students` communicative competence that they bring to the university situation and how it compares with the target genres is also tackled. Finally, the book attempts to show how the answers to these issues can make the teaching of academic writing and communication skills more effective. ····· 10361118596

A Needs Analysis of Teachers Teaching Science in English

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Beginning 2003, the Education Ministry of Malaysia implemented a new policy of teaching Mathematics and Science in English. The rationale for teaching Maths. and Science in English is to enhance understanding of these subjects, as well as to enable Malaysians to keep up with the latest developments and compete in these two areas through English. This study examines the language needs of a group of secondary school Science teachers, in particular their perceptions of their English language needs. The perceptions of the Principal of the school and the Head of the Science Dept. about the English language needs of these Science teachers were also examined. Data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews and classroom observation. The findings indicate that the teachers perceived that they needed to improve their speaking skills and grammar. The Principal and the Head of the Science Dept. also perceived the main English language needs of the teachers as being speaking and grammar. The findings derived from this study can be used to design an appropriate English course for the teachers so that they can teach Science in English more confidently and effectively. ····· 10361131766

Unravelling Life`s Enigma

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The eternal journey of life, the continuous quest for achieving perfection nirvana as it is called, is the life s ultimate goal that all of us strive for, consciously or unconsciously. There has to be a meaning to this life, a reason to this existence and a purpose even if we have not seen it as yet. Sometimes life presents such hurdles, such difficulties that we are shaken from our stupor and jolted out of the mundane existence. Despite our sufferings, it is these that help awaken within us the urge to explore, discover more and strive towards perfection. We are what we are but we must become what we can. The book focuses on the human quest for evolution, for achieving perfection, for freedom, for realizing life s ultimate goal, for rising above the mundane, with a brief overview of how the protagonists in Richard Bach s writings march on their way to self-evolution by transcending through time, matter and space. Life is an eternal journey. Death is not the end of life but the beginning of another. Lessons are learnt in each lifetime with the ultimate objective of achieving perfect harmony with the cosmos. ····· 10361132199


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Although academic English has constituted an object of study for a number of years now, the major thrust of the investigations has been couched in pursuing linguistic inquiries into academic written English to the apparent neglect of academic spoken English. Consequently, this monograph constitutes an attempt to occupy the niche by investigating the syntax, semantics, pragmatics and functions of the basic verba dicendi (say, talk, tell and speak) in the lecture talk, a prototypical genre in academic spoken English. Since the research into the basic verba dicendi was empirical, drawing on corpus linguistics as a major methodological tool, the findings may be revealing inasmuch as they could either validate or disconfirm our introspective (hypo)theses concerning the actual use of the basic verba dicendi in academic spoken English. The applications of the findings might be numerous: EAP material writers would be in a better position to generate books which reflect actual language use educators could teach academic spoken English which is actually employed linguists would revise their knowledge of the basic verba dicendi in the light of their actual use in the academic milieu. ····· 10361132342

L2 Acquisition in the Arab World

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Language is a process of free creation its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation... A good teacher knows that the best way to help students learn is to allow them to find the truth by themselves. Students don t learn by a mere transfer of knowledge, consumed through rote memorization and later regurgitated. True learning comes about through the discovery of truth, not through the imposition of an official truth. Noam Chomsky. Thus, this book is considered the very first study which tackles the seriousness of syntactic and semantic errors in the acquisition of English by Arabic-speaking learners. What makes this book different from others in the field is the fact that the EG studies done worldwide depend on Native and/or Non-native speakers to judge the seriousness of the errors committed by L2 learners whereas this book employs statistical methodology, as being reliably objective and surpassing the existing ones. The book also probes deeply and presents a statistical account of the error sources and consequences. ····· 10361132710

Diaspora Dynamics and Transculturation

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In this age of globalisation, when the cultures are becoming deterritoralised, in this book the works of three transcultural writers, Shyam Selvadurai, Michael Ondatjee and Yasmine Goonaratne have been analysed, by challenging the outmoded nationalist and universalist paradigms, evoking a rethinking as to where and how cultures are located and also how to create new literary spaces in the formation of subjectivity in diasporic and postnational contexts, without diffusing or homogenising disparate cultures and identities. Their literature conveys an appeal for new regenerative politics, which recognises identities as combination of multiple traits and loyalities and allows all ethnic groups access to democratic politics yet priviliges none and does not include provision that guarantees the survival of such groups this position being comparable with the contigent and transcultural nature of cultures.The book examines the attempts of these versatile authors who, in order to express complexities of diasporic experience, adapt techniques of diasporic writing. Investigating in approach, this book offers new insights into the fast growing area of South Asian Diasporic Writing. ····· 10361133243

The Portrayal of the First Nations in the Plays of George Ryga

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This book is an insight on the First Nations people of Canada , their ancestral origin, their literary background, and their culture and livelihood. It projects the plays of George Ryga, a Ukrainian immigrant, who initiated the native Canadians to write their own thoughts and sufferings and present it to the world as Aboriginal grudges against the system created by the white Europeans. Ryga`s eight published plays have been discussed with a detailed study on two of his plays based on Native themes. The book has been arranged into six chapters. The first chapter discusses the First Nations historical, sociological and cultural background. The second chapter is an emphasis on the literary background of the First Nations. The third, fourth and fifth chapter is a study on George Ryga`s plays. The third chapter discusses his greatest play, The Ecstasy of Rita Joe. The fourth chapter is a detailed study of the play Indian. The fifth chapter analyses Ryga`s six other plays based on varied themes. The sixth and last chapter is a conclusion based on the research study. ····· 10361134237

Language-in-education policy and practice

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The language of education in multilingual societies has always attracted a lot of concern from educators and language planning specialists because of the complexity of language use in such contexts. The case of West Africa is particularly complicated because of the historical, sociolinguistic, psychological, political and economic issues associated with language choice within the subregion. This book addresses the language-in-education question in Anglophone West African countries of The Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. It reviews actual practice in the school system against the backdrop of policy statements or documentations. It considers the challenges of implementing language-in-education policies in these former British colonies and proffers solutions towards successfully implementing mother tongue-based bi/multilingual education within the subregion. The book should be useful to students and researchers of applied linguistics and sociolinguistics as well as to educationists and policy formulators. ····· 10361134340

Nurturing Creativity in Literature Classrooms

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This book presents an interdisciplinary study which outlines a theoretical framework for the integration of the teaching of literature with theoretical tenets of cognitive psychology and creativity. The rationale behind the study is based on the fact that pedagogy in the 21st century is focused on the production of critical and creative learners who are active problem solvers. This book outlines a cognitive teaching model for teaching literature in order to nurture students creative thinking and other higher order thinking skills. The model is based on information processing theories of human cognition and Bloom s taxonomy of thinking skills and incorporates contemporary approaches to interpret literary texts. ····· 10361134465

A semantic analysis of `cut` and `break` verbs in Sorani Kurdish

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I compared the semantic extensions of cut and break verbs in Sorani and English in concrete and metaphorical contexts. The results show that there is significant overlap between Sorani and English in the concrete and metaphorical objects that are used and not used with each verb. I investigated the LCS components of cut and break verbs semantically by providing four different semantic tests, three for durativity and one for intentionality. These tests provide semantic evidence for the CAUSE and PRODUCE components in the LCS of the verbs. The results show that the semantic features of the verb change depending on the features of the objects and whether they are in metaphorical or concrete contexts. Some Sorani verbs demonstrate different semantic components from English verbs in their meaning as they are used in different contexts with different objects. I compared the syntactic and semantic features of Sorani verb to determine the degree to which their syntactic properties correlate with their semantic features. The results show a strong correlation between the syntactic and semantic features of some verbs in concrete and metaphorical contexts. ····· 10361134502

Test-Taking Strategies of EFL Learners on Two Vocabulary Tests

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This dissertation reveals some of the test-taking strategies employed by EFL Saudi University Level learners who were English major on two gap-filling vocabulary tests. It also talks about how these cognitive processes affected students performance in the two tests. For the first time, this study contribute to the field of test-taking strategies by revealing two important issues : 1) the sources of information relied on to reach an answer, and 2) how test-taking strategies inform us about rating the difficulty of test types (in this study two gap-filling tests). ····· 10361135426

Contemporary Issues of Identity, Marginality and Space

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All over the world identity based movement brings to the fore questions of one s space, displacement, community, identity and politics. The discussions in this volume are thought provoking and throw light on the relationship between a place and what the place stands for, which is ideological but the engineering of space into place actually determines what is important and essential and what comes later on as an appendix. The effort is to portray a world and a temporality which is captive to the regime of representation and on the other hand a world moving towards a new humanism . The essays attempt at a sustained argument on all aspects of women s existence, and an exploration of issues pertaining to space, identity, and the question of otherness .It is an effort to define what we can be and what we have to struggle to go beyond. ····· 10361135535

A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis of Chukwuemeka Ike`s Novels

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The inroads which linguistics made into the field of style gave rise to linguistic stylistics, that is stylolinguistics. The `war of words` between literary stylisticians and linguistic stylisticians aside, this work is a symbiotic analysis involving the methods of operation in both fields. This eclectic approach is unique. We have selected Chukwuemeka Ike, a prolific African writer whose works have scarcely been given adequate attention by critics, and have subjected his fiction to linguistic and extra-linguistic frames to ensure in-depth analysis. We have explored the network of lexical selection, stylistically significant phrasal and clausal typology, sentence pattern, paragraph architecture and various linguo-literary schemes employed in the internal ordering of the message structure of the novels. The work has exposed the novelist`s great aptitude for presenting the socio-cultural and political themes of the novels with amazing flexibility and linguistic dexterity. This book will be invaluable to professional writers, critics, lecturers and students of language and literature, and indeed anybody who has an eye for language aesthetics. ····· 10361147080

The Development of George Orwell`s Characterization During 1934 - 1945

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The twentieth century has witnessed some crucial events, which force people to have the same feelings, emotions and ideas. The writers are those elite who can reflect every thing in their writings. George Orwell is one of them, whose views are shaped by the situation of this remarkable century. Fascism, Socialism, Anarchism and Communism are the dominant political ideologies during Orwell s time. They form Orwell s personal position and background of his writing. The book investigates the development of George Orwell s characterization during his important literary period of his life. This study focuses on four of Orwell s novels, which can be considered as his three stages of creating his characters. These novels are Burmese Days, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air and Animal Farm. Orwell is the writer who reflects his own experiences in his writings, so most of his characters are real people.Orwell s novels present solitary figures except Animal Farm because it is a different one. His earlier novels show good characters, vivid consciousnesses or at least one in each novel. Flory, Gordon Comstock and George Bowling have vitality and individual voices. ····· 10361147158

V.S.Naipaul and his trilogy on India

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Creative writers in a colonial society face some peculiar challenges. They are caught in a situation which demands from them to establish a personal identity and also a sense of belonging to a language medium primarily that of the colonizer. Tragedy of a colonial society over which an alien culture and language superimposes itself is that, the natives face conceptually the problem of existentialist situation to define and authenticate themselves on their own terms. There comes to light not only the difference between the oppressor and the oppressed but also the tremendous cultural impact this kind of situation has on the minds of sensitive writers. I have chosen V.S. Naipaul s travelogues on India for special study because he, by general consent, is one of the most significant contemporary writers of English prose. Added to that his writing reflect the dilemmas and tensions of societies which have been uprooted by the western civilizations onslaught and are as yet not in a position to come to terms with it. ····· 10361147227

Communication Strategies among Moroccan EFL Learners

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From a more general perspective, nobody can deny that language is actually encountered daily in different forms (spoken, heard, read and written), and language users can be either producers or consumers of language. Moreover, there is an assumption that all language activities are strategic, whether involving learners or not, since language is after all concerned with meaning construction and sharing. However, when it comes to foreign language learners, their `non-nativeness` almost always is seen as an indicator of `inappropriateness`. Though what such learners may produce would be characterized by an overall grammatical correctness, yet it is still inappropriate, in the sense that it is expressed in a way that differs from the native norms but with the aim of communication in mind. Reference here is made to the use of communication strategies. In an attempt to have a better understanding of CSs in a Moroccan non-native EFL context, this study examines the CSs used by Moroccan EFL university students in two different communication media. Special interest will be given to two issues namely the learners` level of proficiency and their degree of consciousness about their use of CSs. ····· 10361147237

Linguistic and Interactional Modifications

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The debate over using simplified versus authentic reading materials in foreign language classes has been a controversial issue among language teaching researchers for a long time. Proponents of authentic materials argue that authentic texts are more motivating and develop good reading habits. Proponents of simplified materials, on the other hand, contend that authentic materials are not suitable for students with limited language proficiency.This book offers a new solution to this problem by suggesting that it is possible to use authentic texts in foreign language classes by fostering student-initiated interaction.Therefore, foreign language teachers can safely take authentic texts to their classes without manipulating them through simplification, provided that they can encourage learners to initiate classroom interaction by generating their own questions. ····· 10361147386

Modernism and the Necessity of Distance

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It would only be reasonable for Modernists to invest in ideas of losing, leaving or escaping, as they really did with their own countries. The actual experience of emigration reinforced in them the necessity of distance in order to write. T. S. Eliot dwelled on the idea of distance to form his poetic and critical works. As, in psychoanalysis, the child-mother separation antedates speaking and language, so did in Modernism the necessity of distance facilitate self-referentiality in poetics. Modern poetry speaks about itself, because it was formed after events of real dislocation. The thesis reads Modernism as a major consequence of large-scale homeleaving and as a tradition of exile. ····· 10361147442

Blackadder, Monty Python und Red Dwarf.

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Fernsehkomödien sind auch für Linguisten ein reizvoller Ge­genstand. Was passiert sprachlich/kommunikativ, wenn ein Gag uns zum Lachen oder Schmunzeln bringt In dieser Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, komische Kommunikationsvorgänge aus der Sicht des Fernsehzuschauers nachzuzeichnen. Auf der Grundlage klassischer Komiktheorien entstehen ein komplexes linguistisches Modell der Komikrezeption und Beschreibungs­kategorien, die es erlauben, Formate von Fernsehkomödien genau zu beschreiben. Untersucht werden neben Klassikern wie Monty Python`s Flying Circus und Blackadder auch The Young Ones, Red Dwarf, Reeves & Mortimer und andere Komödien. ····· 1036156618

Deciphering gaps and silences in Kazuo Ishiguro`s early novels

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Gaps and silences are of lurid, floating character, always escaping cognitive approaches. By analysing the novels of Japanese-born British author Kazuo Ishiguro, readers play a jigsaw-activity filling in the informative gaps and deciphering auditory or spatial silences. How can these phenomenons be located To what extent is silence provocative by deflecting injurious details of the past and how does the writer`s artistic craft construct the layers of protagonists` distorted narration The main lines of inquiry are also to examine how protagonists are trapped by their first-person narration. In Kazuo Ishiguro`s early novels the provoking nature of gaps and silences will be explored by means of post-structuralist narrative discourse analysis and psychoanalytic literary criticism. ····· 1036125394

The Dynamics of Nonsense Literature: 1846-1940

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The thesis outlines the course of Victorian nonsense as a playful form of children s literature since Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll and its resurgence in the modernist novel as a dialogic form of writing that calls attention to the physicality of the text: its texture, sound, shape and colour. It traces the manner in which literary nonsense and its corresponding irrationality and chaos have been addressed. The thesis aims to widen the critical understanding of literary nonsense and to draw the topic away from the category of juvenile literature. Although the thesis pays particular attention to nonsense language and narrative fiction, my discussion of Victorian nonsense includes other categories of nonsense: portraits, caricatures, rhymes, alphabets, recipes and cookery. ····· 1036188526

Posobie dlya zanyatiy po domashnemu chteniyu i praktike perevoda

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Predlagaemoe posobie znakomit studentov s ostrosyuzhetnoy psikhologicheskoy dramoy S. Moema `Svyashchennoe plamya`. Vypolnenie zadaniy po domashnemu chteniyu budet sposobstvovat` rasshireniyu slovarnogo zapasa studentov, ikh znaniy v oblasti angliyskoy frazeologii, a takzhe razvitiyu navykov obsuzhdeniya literaturnogo proizvedeniya, ego idey i problem na angliyskom yazyke. Vypolnenie zadaniy po perevodu pomozhet studentam ovladet` navykami khudozhestvennogo perevoda, sravnit` i kriticheski otsenit` razlichnye varianty perevoda. ····· 103615376

Colonies, Missions, Cultures in the English Speaking World

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Gerhard Stilz, geb. 1940 in Schnait, studierte Anglistik, Geographie und Philosophie, promovierte und wurde Professor für Englisch an der Universität Tübingen. Zeitweilig lehrte er auch an Universitäten in Indien, den USA und Australien sowie in Stuttgart und in Halle an der Saale. Mehr als ein Dutzend Bücher und gegen 100 wissenschaftliche Artikel hat er im Bereich der englischsprachigen Literaturen und Kulturen publiziert. ····· 1036156616

Mímesis o idealización:

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En este estudio se analiza en qué medida tanto la actitud de las heroínas de la novela inglesa del siglo XVIII (1719-1761) como sus características y su destino final confluyen en una representación estereotipada. Asimismo, se pretende desentrañar la significación profunda de dicha representación dentro de la estructura ideológica y social del siglo XVIII. En este sentido se ha procurado definir el horizonte de expectativas de los sectores medios de la sociedad de la época y estudiar en qué medida las obras analizadas se someten a los modelos imperantes o los modifican. Tras describir y valorar el destino final de la protagonista femenina, se reflexiona sobre la recompensa que aguarda a la heroína virtuosa (o al menos reformada), una recompensa que conlleva la asimilación o anulación de una personalidad potencialmente subversiva. ····· 103612696

La didáctica no parametral en la enseñanza del inglés

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Esta obra presenta una aproximación crítica al papel exclusivo que tiene el libro de texto en la formación inicial del docente de inglés. Se muestra que dicho papel se fundamenta en una concepción educativa tradicional que se apoya en los principios de una didáctica parametral en donde, de manera acrítica, el libro de texto constituye el referente principal y se usa como guía para la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera. En contraposición a lo anterior, se propone introducir un nuevo paradigma en la formación de los docentes de lengua extranjera, cuyo fundamento radica en los principios propios de la didáctica no parametral, que justifica el descentramiento del libro de texto y la integración de otras formas de enseñanza más flexibles y significativas. ····· 1036189545

Érase una vez Ballybeg

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La obra dramática del norirlandés Brian Friel (Omagh, 1929) ha sido inevitablemente determinada por la cruenta historia de su comunidad durante las últimas cinco décadas. Desde su primer gran éxito, `Philadelphia, Here I Come!` (1964), hasta su última obra del siglo XX, `Give Me Your Answer, Do!` (1997), acompañaremos al dramaturgo en su búsqueda incesante de los orígenes de la violencia, de los límites entre realidad y ficción y del proceso de formación de la memoria. A lo largo de cuatro etapas veremos la evolución de un autor pionero en su voluntad de romper con los viejos mitos que fosilizaban una sociedad escindida, y estimado por los actores por la complejidad de sus personajes y la belleza y verdad que caracterizan sus diálogos. Friel ha sido representado en España desde 1988, aunque sigue siendo un gran desconocido en ámbitos académicos y teatrales en lengua española. Analizamos aquí desde la primera traducción de Josep Mª Balanya, `Traduccions` (1984), hasta la primera obra representada en Valencia, `Molly Sweeney` (2005), con un estudio de la traducción, gestación, producción y recepción de cada puesta en escena. ····· 1036189665

El Homosexual en la Frontera Americana

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La homosexualidad masculina se articuló en la literatura norteamericana en torno a dos ejes durante los primeros años de la guerra fría: las asunciones heroicas de masculinidad y la frontera como sitio y mito. La masculinidad heroica, en otros tiempos hegemónica, y la homosexualidad de los personajes que aquí analizamos se presentan unidas en una época donde el discurso médico, jurídico, publicitario y político quiso divorciarlas. Esa unión se produjo en uno de los sitios más masculinistas de la tradición norteamericana: la frontera, fuera real, simbólica o imaginaria. Estos personajes no consiguen alejarse de las posiciones patriarcales que los oprimen como homosexuales, con lo que esa masculinidad que tanto ansían abrazar queda lejos de ser garante de pleno desarrollo individual, excepto en la frontera categórica con la realidad, lo cual convierte a estas ficciones, escritas en el umbral de la posmodernidad, en una apelación a los procesos desintegradores y liberalizadores de la misma. ····· 10361116255

Un recetario inédito del s. XVI en la Biblioteca Hunteriana de Glasgow

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Este libro presenta la transcripción y el estudio de un texto renacentista no literario, más concretamente, de un manuscrito médico escrito en el siglo XVI (MS Hunter 93 (T.4.10)) y cuyo autor es John de Feckenham. La edición que se presenta en este libro se acompaña de un estudio del contenido y de la estructura del texto, en este caso del género receta, y de un glosario y unas notas que ayudarán al lector en la comprensión del mismo. ····· 1036123064

Shakespeares dramatische Werke

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1857 in der Übersetzung von Schlegel und Tieck. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142643