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Herstellung, Umwandlungsverhalten und keramischer Polysilazanschichten auf Stahlsubstraten Eigenschaften

····· lezzter Preis 22.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Oberflächen- und Dünnschichttechnologie gehört zu den wachstumsstärksten Branchen in Deutschland und wird in vielen industriellen Bereichen eingesetzt. Bedeutende Industriezweige wie die Automobilindustrie, die Umwelt- und Energietechnik, die Luftund Raumfahrt, die Mikrosystem- und Medizintechnik oder die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik sind z. T. sehr stark auf die Oberflächentechnologie angewiesen. Im Jahr 2002 betrug der geschätzte Jahresumsatz der Unternehmen der Oberflächenveredelung ca. 10 Mrd. Euro. Die wichtigsten Verfahren stellten dabei das Lackieren, das Galvanisieren, die Vakuumtechnik sowie das thermische Spritzen dar. Die Aufgaben von Beschichtungen sind sehr vielfältig und reichen von speziellen Gleiteigenschaften bzw. hoher Verschleißbeständigkeit über den Korrosions- und Oxidationsschutz bis hin zu bestimmten elektrischen, optischen oder dekorativen Eigenschaften (KOE08, MOH05). Vor dem Hintergrund stark gestiegener Rohstoffpreise insbesondere in den letzten Jahren hat die Vermeidung von Korrosion, Oxidation und Verschleiß metallischer Bauteile enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen. Volkswirtschaftliche Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass tribologisch bedingte Schäden ein Volumen von ca. 1 % des Bruttoinlandsproduktes (BIP) ausmachen. Der durch Korrosion und Oxidation entstandene volkswirtschaftliche Schaden wird sogar auf in etwa 4 % des BIP beziffert (BAC05). Die Oberflächentechniken zum Schutz von Metallen lassen sich grob in Beschichtungsund Wärmebehandlungsverfahren einteilen. Zum Korrosionsschutz werden am häufigsten Lacke oder Farben eingesetzt. Diese können über einfache Lackierverfahren wie Tauchen oder Sprühen appliziert werden. Sie sind jedoch in ihrer chemischen, mechanischen und thermischen Stabilität begrenzt. Oxidische sowie nichtoxidische keramische Schichten haben ein großes Potential zum Schutz von Metallen gegen Oxidation, Korrosion und Verschleiß. Diese Schichtsysteme, welche meist über die Vakuumtechniken (Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) oder Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)) bzw. durch thermische Spritzverfahren aufgebracht werden, besitzen eine gute chemische Beständigkeit und hohe Härtewerte. Nachteile der Verfahren stellen jedoch der große apparative und kostenintensive Aufwand sowie die Porosität der Schichten (thermisches Spritzen) dar (BAC05). Bei Wärmebehandlungsverfahren wie Nitrieren, Carburieren oder Borieren wird der Oberflächenbereich der Metalle durch eine diffusionsgesteuerte Reaktion mit bestimmten Elementen angereichert. Dies kann durch eine thermische Behandlung in den entsprechenden Spendermedien erreicht werden. Auf diese Weise lassen sich Schichten mit guten tribologischen Eigenschaften und einer exzellenten Haftung erzeugen. Die oft schwierige Übertragbarkeit auf unterschiedliche Bauteilgeometrien sowie die gesundheits- und umweltschädlichen Stoffsysteme vieler Verfahren wirken sich jedoch negativ aus. Eine Alternative zu den bereits etablierten Oberflächentechniken zur Erzeugung polymerer und keramischer Schichten stellt die Verwendung von Precursoren dar. Seit den siebziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts werden diese Vorstufen zur Herstellung von Keramiken benutzt (VER73, YAJ78). Wesentlicher Vorteil im Vergleich zu den pulverkeramischen Verfahren stellt dabei ihre kunststofftechnologische Verarbeitbarkeit dar. Die Precursoren basieren überwiegend auf siliziumhaltigen Verbindungen, wobei Polysiloxane, Polycarbosilane und Poly(carbo)silazane am meisten verbreitet sind. Nach einer geeigneten thermischen Behandlung (Pyrolyse) resultieren daraus Keramiken im System SiCO (Siliziumoxycarbid), SiC (Siliziumcarbid), Si3N4 (Siliziumnitrid) bzw. SiCN (Siliziumcarbonitrid). Diese Keramiken zeichnen sich durch eine gute Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit, eine hohe Kriechbeständigkeit, eine hohe thermische Stabilität sowie eine gute Oxidationsund Korrosionsbeständigkeit aus (CHO00, JAC01, KOL04, NIC99, RIE06). Die Bildung und das Wachstum einer schützenden und passivierend wirkenden SiO2-Schicht, welche den geringsten Sauerstoffdiffusionskoeffizienten aller einfachen Oxide besitzt, stellt dabei den Hauptgrund für die hohe Oxidationsbeständigkeit der Si-basierten Keramiken dar (AN04). Polysilazanbasierte Keramiken weisen dabei im Vergleich zu polycarbosilan- und polysiloxanbasierten Systemen eine etwas höhere Oxidationsbeständigkeit auf. Dies liegt daran, dass die Aktivierungsenergie zur Oxidation einer Si-N-Bindung (Ea = 330-490 kJ/mol) im Vergleich zu Si-C-Bindungen (Ea = 90-140 kJ/mol) höher ist (CHO00). Die Herstellung precursorbasierter Beschichtungen lässt sich grob in die Schritte Polymersynthese, Beschichtung und thermische Behandlung unterteilen. Daher kann der Prozess als eine Kombination aus Beschichtungs- und Wärmebehandlungsverfahren angesehen werden. Die Vorteile der Herstellung keramischer Schichten über die Precursorroute sind vor allem die Applizierbarkeit der Schichten über einfache Lackierverfahren wie Sprühen oder Tauchen, die Beschichtbarkeit von Bauteilen mit komplexen Geometrien, die niedrigen Keramisierungstemperaturen sowie die hohe thermische und chemische Stabilität der Schichten. Am Lehrstuhl Keramische Werkstoffe der Universität Bayreuth wird bereits seit mehreren Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Polysilazane gearbeitet. Speziell für die Herstellung keramischer Beschichtungen und Fasern wurde ein geeignetes präkeramisches Polymer (ABSE: Ammonolyseprodukt des Bis-Dichlormethylsilylethans) entwickelt, das bereits im technischen Maßstab (ca. 50 kg) hergestellt werden konnte. Dieses organische Polycarbosilazan besitzt einen hohen Kohlenstoffgehalt, sodass nach der Pyrolyse eine SiCN-Keramik mit einem freien Kohlenstoffanteil resultiert (MOT00, MOT02a, TRA01). Frühere Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass das kommerziell erhältliche Polysilazan PHPS (Perhydropolysilazan) ebenfalls sehr gut für eine Anwendung als Beschichtungsmaterial geeignet ist (BAU05, BRA07b, GUE04). Im Gegensatz zum ABSE stellt es ein rein anorganisches Polysilazan mit einem Si-Überschuss dar (KRO00). ····· 10361192692

Untersuchungen zur Erzeugung von organischen Nanopartikeln mittels einer Flüssigkeitsring-Vakuumpumpe

····· lezzter Preis 24.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einer neuer Verfahrensidee zur aerosolbasierten Erzeugung von organischen Nanopartikeln. Durch simultane Kompression und Kühlung eines Gas-Dampf-Gemischs in einer Flüssigkeitsring-Vakuumpumpe tritt Aerosolbildung aufgrund homogener Keimbildung auf. Neben experimentellen Ergebnissen aus Versuchen an einer Pilotanlage liefert die Arbeit einen Modellansatz zur Beschreibung der schnelle Zustandsänderung und des Übersättigungsaufbaus in der Pumpe. ····· 10361164345

Operaciones unitarias, Evaporación

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La operación unitaria de la evaporación es muy empleada en los procesos que se llevan a cabo en la industria química. En este libro se presentan los conceptos principales. El libro presenta además una serie de problemas de aplicación que se resuelven paso a paso. El sistema empleado para los cálculos es el MKS de ingeniería. El libro puede ser utilizado tanto por los estudiantes de las carreras relacionadas con la tecnología química, como por los profesionistas que deseen recordar los conocimientos básicos sobre la evaporación. ····· 103611436

Levaduras involucradas en el proceso de elaboración de tequila

····· lezzter Preis 26.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La fermentación alcohólica juega un papel importante en el proceso de elaboración de bebidas alcohólicas, ya que en esa etapa se produce todo el etanol del proceso y una gran variedad de compuestos volátiles los cuales impactan directamente en el bouquet de la bebida final. El factor más importante en la fermentación es la levadura, ya que por su acción convierte los azúcares presentes en el medio de fermentación en etanol, dióxido de carbono, biomasa y compuestos volátiles como no-volátiles. En esta obra se proporciona los fundamentos generales de la fermentación alcohólica, enfocándose en el metabolismo de las levaduras, géneros y características de éstas, así como las condiciones operacionales y nutricionales que pueden afectar su crecimiento, la síntesis de compuestos volátiles y por consecuencia la eficiencia del proceso de fermentación. El propósito de este libro es el de proporcionar información al lector sobre el proceso de elaboración de tequila y las levaduras involucradas. Asimismo se presenta un estudio de caracterización de levaduras nativas aisladas del jugo de agave tequilana Weber var. azul. resaltando las cualidades deseables para emplearlas a nivel industrial ····· 1036124321

Adsorción de contaminantes emergentes sobre carbón activado

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En la actualidad, hay alrededor de unas 100 mil sustancias potencialmente peligrosas registradas en la Unión Europea y constantemente se están desarrollando nuevos compuestos. Aunque las medidas adoptadas en el siglo pasado para evitar la contaminación acuática han reducido drásticamente la presencia en el agua de algunos contaminantes conocidos, el número de sustancias químicas potencialmente peligrosas que pueden llegar a alcanzar el medio ambiente es muy amplio, por lo que la atención en la investigación de la contaminación del agua se ha extendido recientemente a los llamados contaminantes emergentes o nuevos contaminantes, que se definen como contaminantes previamente desconocidos o no reconocidos como tales, cuya presencia en el medio ambiente no es necesariamente nueva pero sí la preocupación por las posibles consecuencias de la misma. En muchos casos, se trata de contaminantes no controlados, que son candidatos a ser incluidos en futuras regulaciones, en función de sus potenciales efectos sobre la salud y su mayor o menor presencia en las aguas de consumo. ····· 1036121811

Life Cycle Assessment der alterungsbedingten Umweltverträglichkeit biogener Hydraulik-Schmierstoffe

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Biogene Hydraulik-Schmierstoffe auf Basis synthetischer Ester (Kategorie: HEES) besitzen im ungebrauchten Zustand eine gute Umweltverträglichkeit, so dass sie in der Regel in die WGK 1 oder als `nicht wassergefährdend` eingestuft werden. Die während der Lagerung und tribologischen Anwendung auftretenden chemischen und toxikologischen Veränderungen, spielen bei der Einstufung von Schmierstoffen in Wassergefährdungsklassen bisher keine Rolle. Die Alterungs- bzw. Oxidationsstabilität gewinnt jedoch einen Bedeutungszuwachs, da sie neben der Lagerungszeit die Einsatzdauer von Schmierstoffen im tribologischen System bestimmt. Da es bei Unfällen oder Hydraulikleckagen immer zu direkten und unkontrollierten Einträgen in die Umwelt kommt, ist es unerlässlich abschätzen zu können, ob eine Umweltgefährdung durch Gebrauchtöle bzw. Altöle besteht. Mit einem vermehrten Einsatz biogener Hydraulik- Schmierstoffe in umweltsensiblen Bereichen besteht somit die Notwendigkeit für ein geeignetes Untersuchungs- und Bewertungskonzept im Rahmen eines Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). Die in dieser Arbeit angewandten aquatischen Testverfahren mit dem Water Soluble Fraction (WSF)-Konzept erlauben ein einfaches und schnelles Screening des alterungsbedingten ökotoxischen Potentials von Schmierstoffen durch oxidative Prozesse und tribologische Anwendung und ermöglichen darüber hinaus den Einsatz miniaturisierter Testverfahren. Zum Nachweis des genotoxischen Potentials hat sich der umu-Test als geeigneter Indikatortest für auftretende geno- und zytotoxische Effekte durch oxidative Reaktionen herausgestellt. Da Hydraulik- Schmierstoffe nicht selten in die Umwelt gelangen, ist die Prüfung der aeroben biologischen Abbaubarkeit für die Bewertung ihrer Umweltverträglichkeit unerlässlich. Der optimierte O2/CO2-Headspace Test hat sich dabei als geeignetes Verfahren für die Untersuchung biogener Schmierstoffe im Rahmen eines LCA bewährt und stellt somit eine vergleichbare Methode der geforderten Prüfverfahren für die Vergabe von Umweltzeichen dar. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Kombination aus biologischen Testverfahren und chemischer Analytik eine ganzheitliche Untersuchung der Auswirkungen und Ursachen alterungsbedingter Veränderungen von Hydraulik-Schmierstoffen nach tribologischer Anwendung. Die Quantifizierung des Metallgehaltes in Gebrauchtölen sowie die Bestimmung des wässrig verfügbaren Metallgehaltes ermöglicht eine bessere Interpretation und Unterscheidung der alterungsbedingten aquatischen Ökotoxizität. Die zusätzliche Charakterisierung der gebrauchsbedingten Veränderungen der ökologischen Eigenschaften erlaubt eine umfassende Bewertung und ist ein noch weitgehend unbekannter, aber wichtiger Aspekt in Hinsicht auf die Ökobilanz von Schmierstoffen. Eine solche methodische Vorgehensweise ermöglicht somit die Rückkopplung der gewünschten Produkteigenschaften auf die Herstellungsweise. Mit Hilfe der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Optimierung der Schmierstoffsynthese auf Basis pflanzlicher Edukte (HOSO) zu einer erfolgreichen Reproduzierbarkeit synthetischer Ester und somit auch zu einer gleich bleibenden Umweltverträglichkeit führt. Die Lagerung einfacher synthetischer Ester und komplexer Ester-Mischungen führt zu einer oxidativ bedingten Toxizitätszunahme mit zunehmender Temperatur und Lagerungszeit. Die alterungsbedingte Toxizität korreliert dabei mit dem steigenden DOC-Gehalt der WSF. Die für Hydraulik-Schmierstoffe typische kinematische Viskosität von 32 mm 2 /s wirkt sich positiv auf die Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur aus, da sie einen langsameren oxidativen Abbau durch Sauerstoffdiffusion bewirkt. Das Alterungsverhalten synthetischer Ester bei tribologischer Anwendung ist unabhängig von ihrem vorherigen Syntheseprozess bzw. ihrer Lagerung, so dass biogene Hydraulik-Schmierstoffe durchaus auch nach vorheriger Lagerung noch in umweltverträglichen hydraulischen Anlagen eingesetzt werden können. Die Langzeituntersuchung im umweltfreundlichen Tribosystem führt trotz Metalleintrag zu einer Abnahme des bereits durch Lagerungsprozesse vorhandenen öko- und genotoxischen Potentials. Bei kurzer Gebrauchsdauer hingegen korreliert der Metallgehalt mit der Ökotoxizität, da hier die tribologische Belastung im Vordergrund steht. Die Beeinflussung und Veränderung der Toxizität ist daher nicht ausschließlich vom Metallgehalt im Schmierstoff abhängig, sondern hauptsächlich von seiner alterungsbedingten Veränderung durch den Gebrauch. ····· 10361107544

Selektive katalysierte Reduktion von NOx mittels NH3 an Fe-modifizierten BEA-Zeolithen

····· lezzter Preis 35.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die selektive katalytische Reduktion von NOx mittels Ammoniak an eisenmodifizierten BEA-Zeolithen untersucht. Der Katalysator zeigt gegenüber dem kommerziellen V2O5/WO3/TiO2-System eine bessere tieftemperatur SCR-Aktivität, sowie eine bessere Beständigkeit gegen über hydrothermaler Alterung. Der Prototyp am Motorenprüfstand zeigt eine dem kommerziellen V2O5/TiO2-System identische SCR-Aktivität. Die vorliegenden Eisenspezies werden charakterisiert. ····· 10361164442

Determinación del Estado de Carga en Baterías de Plomo Ácido

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En el planteamiento de este libro esta la inquietud investigadora, que lleva a la realización de la Tesis de Licenciatura en Química, que se realiza en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Vigo, concretamente en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química. La función original es realizar la divulgación de un trabajo de investigación que se realizó dentro del ámbito tecnológico. Su tema central es saber en todo momento el estado de carga de las baterías de plomo ácido, ya que durante muchos años se desconoció el estado de carga de las baterías, por lo tanto, se trata de un gran avance tecnológico, principalmente en el sector de automóvil, ya que en base a esta investigación se realiza el diseño de un sensor y que permite saber en todo momento el estado de carga de una batería de plomo ácido. ····· 103611350

Sistema optoelectrónico de medida de pH

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La presente investigación genera un nuevo conocimiento en la medición de un pH, con una técnica novedosa a través de un sistema optoelectrónico que se aplica particularmente a sensores de película delgada, obtenidos por Sol-Gel. Estos sensores de matriz cristalina de SiO están dopados con indicadores orgánicos de acides. El sistema optoelectrónico de medida de pH entrega un dato numérico exacto del nivel de acidez del ambiente al cual el sensor esta sometido, estimando el cambio del color de la pelicula delgada. Se entrega a consideración de la comunidad científica un sistema de medida de pH en películas delgadas basado en métodos optoelectrónicos, instrumento innovador que es una alternativa al conocido método de medición con papel indicador, que permitirá monitorear con rapidez el nivel de pH en aplicaciones ambientales, cuidado de piezas de museos o archivos históricos y control de ambientes gaseoses húmedos entre otros. ····· 103611756

Diseño de Proceso para Producción de Biodiesel de Aceite de Ricino

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El manejo de la energía siempre ha sido determinante en el desarrollo tecnológico y científico de las culturas sin embargo, el uso desmesurado de los recursos fósiles y minerales ha generado un desequilibrio natural que conduce a una escasez definitiva de energía. Este libro presenta al biodiesel obtenido de aceite de ricino como una alternativa energética sustentable. El proceso de producción obtenido a 26°C implica un alto ahorro energético-económico por no requerir un sistema de intercambio de calor en el reactor. Resonancia magnética nuclear de protón (RMN-1H) es utilizada para determinar la cinética de la reacción. Finalmente, la incorporación de una nueva metodología de refinación de glicerina que satisface los estándares USP, sustituyendo la destilación fraccionada utilizada en los actuales procesos industriales por un solo lavado con acetona, incrementa sustancialmente la rentabilidad y calidad del proceso. Científicos, pequeños, medianos y grandes productores de biodiesel pueden beneficiarse con el escalamiento de los resultados aquí publicados 164 kg/día de biodiesel y 16kg/día de glicerol pueden producirse mediante dos lotes/día en un reactor intermitente de 122.26 L ····· 103612967

Diseño de estrategias para el uso óptimo del agua en las industrias

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En el presente libro se presentan modelos de optimización generales basados en técnicas de programación matemática para el uso eficiente y sustentable del agua en procesos industriales, con el objetivo de minimizar los costos de capital y de operación así como el impacto ambiental de los mismos. Se abordan problemas de interés práctico que incorporan regulaciones ambientales y restricciones operacionales, los cuales se resuelven usando técnicas de integración energética como másica de procesos industriales. En particular, se presenta el desarrollo y la aplicación de modelos de optimización para la integración másica del agua en parques eco-industriales y el diseño óptimo de sistemas de enfriamiento de agua. Además se presenta un nuevo método de optimización global determinista para el manejo de términos bilineales. ····· 1036121876

Diseño de un sistema de preparación de soluciones estériles

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La fabricación de un producto biológico a escala industrial, y en particular proteínas terapéuticas para uso humano, constituye uno de los procesos más complejos en la industria farmacéutica. La filtración esterilizante de las soluciones tampón es un paso importante antes de ser utilizadas en el proceso de purificación de las proteínas recombinantes. Este libro propone un sistema de preparación y filtración de soluciones por bloques, bombeadas por tuberías, que garantiza un producto con los requisitos establecidos y la demanda en cada planta de purificación. Mediante la selección de la membrana Sartopore 2 se logra reducir costos, y un aumento del nivel regulatorio y seguridad del producto. Se utiliza el ensayo de disminución de flujo para determinar los parámetros Vmax y Qo, que son empleados en el escalado del sistema. Además son identificadas, mediante mediciones de tensión superficial, que las soluciones que contienen Tween 20 alteran el valor mínimo del punto de burbuja. ····· 1036121895

Extracción de oleorresina de jengibre (Zingiber officinale)

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El jengibre es un producto no tradicional en el trópico cochabambino que tiene una demanda nacional e internacional en actual crecimiento, de esta manera se realizaron investigaciones conjuntas sobre la extracción de la oleorresina con el fin de promover su procesamiento e industrialización. Se inició el estudio con una caracterización de la materia prima determinando el contenido de humedad promedio, el contenido de aceites esenciales. Se realizaron posteriormente pruebas de secado, determinándose. El solvente elegido fue el etanol por obtener altos rendimientos en la extracción, disponibilidad en el mercado y baja toxicidad. Se determinó la influencia de la temperatura, tamaño de partícula, velocidad de agitación, relación polvo/solvente en el proceso de extracción, obteniéndose los mejores rendimientos a 50º C. Considerando los resultados obtenidos se realizó el diseño de una planta piloto de extracción, la cual consta de un secador de 200 Kg de capacidad, un extractor de 215 L, un evaporador y un condensador. ····· 1036122082

Rehabilitación de zonas contaminadas con hidrocarburos.

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Durante los últimos años, el incremento mundial de las operaciones de perforación, extracción, refinación, transporte y almacenamiento de petróleo crudo y sus derivados, ha generado un impacto ambiental negativo sobre el medio ambiente. Por su parte, son numerosas y diversas las soluciones encaminadas a eliminar, o al menos disminuir los daños ocasionados por la contaminación por hidrocarburos. Este libro aborda aspectos teóricos relacionados con las diversas tecnologías de tratamiento, así como de los proyectos de rehabilitación de zonas contaminadas con hidrocarburos por métodos biológicos, mediante el uso de bacterias aerobias. Se describen además experiencias obtenidas en el tratamiento de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos mediante técnicas de bioaumentación, a través de un estudio de caso en la comunidad costera de Reina , Cienfuegos, Cuba. El tema abordado resulta muy útil para estudiantes y profesionales que se desarrollan en el campo de la ingeniería, la biotecnología y las ciencias ambientales en general. ····· 1036122558

La fibra de coco como sustituto del amianto

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El amianto es el principal contaminante ambiental cancerígeno que se conoce, pero lamentablemente en los últimos años hay un incremento del uso del amianto en forma masificada en construcciones variadas, específicamente en techos y empaques, sistemas de saneamiento y otros. Ante esta problemática existen numerosas investigaciones sobre materiales alternativos que pueden sustituir las fibras del amianto en la elaboración de diferentes productos. Por ello, el objetivo general de esta investigación es proponer la fibra de coco como sustituto del amianto en los procesos industriales. La metodología empleada está enmarcada en la modalidad Proyecto Factible, sustentada en una investigación de campo de tipo experimental y en un estudio documental. El procedimiento se llevó a efecto en función de los objetivos, desarrollándose en las fases: Diagnóstico, Factibilidad y Diseño de la propuesta. Atendiendo a los resultados obtenidos se elaboraron el mástique y la teja sustituyendo el amianto por fibra de coco, con lo que se pretende gestionar posibles soluciones a la problemática que ocasiona este material. ····· 1036122662

Agroindustrialización de los excedentes de Papaya Maradol

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A lo largo de los años, México ha sido uno de los países con las condiciones climatológicas para sembrar frutas y hortalizas, donde las frutas tropicales como papaya, guayaba, piña y mango han formado parte importante de la producción y consumo a nivel nacional. Estos frutos son muy apreciados en el mercado extranjero, por su excelente sabor. Por otro lado, hay una tendencia a nivel mundial de consumo de productos minimamente procesados para poder conservar las propiedades originales de los alimentos. Debido a esto se tiene la necesidad de dar un valor agregado a los frutos para que puedan ser comercializados dentro y fuera de México, de tal forma que los productores tengan un ingreso a lo largo del año y no solamente en la época que cosechan. El estudio se realizó con los productores de Papaya Maradol de la Mixteca Poblana, para atender su necesidad de dar un valor agregado a la fruta fresca que no pueden vender. En el presente trabajo se dan algunas opciones para procesar los excedentes de Papaya Maradol en las huertas, logrando una vida de anaquel mucho mayor sin que pierda sus características originales y pueda ser consumida no solo en México, sino en todo el mundo. ····· 1036189457

Extracción por solvente de aceites de oleaginosas

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En este libro se presenta el estudio de la influencia del tipo de contacto sólido-líquido en la eficiencia de la extracción por solvente de aceites a partir de semillas oleaginosas, mostrando un trabajo con base teórica y experimental de los fenómenos que tienen lugar en dicha operación. Un equipo experimental de escala de laboratorio ha sido utilizado para realizar pruebas que representan una etapa del equipo multietapas de escala industrial, actualmente utilizado para la extracción de aceites por solvente. Se analizaron los dos principios básicos de contacto utilizados en esta operación: inmersión y percolación. Se estudió además el efecto de las intermitencias en el regado utilizando el esquema de percolación. De los resultados experimentales, corroborados por los resultados teóricos obtenidos a partir de los modelos matemáticos desarrollados, se observa que el método de inmersión proporciona mejores eficiencias en la extracción de la principal porción de materia grasa de la semilla. El método de percolación con intermitencias proporciona mayor eficiencia de extracción a mayor número de lavados. ····· 1036190340

Eliminación de Sustancias Toxicas del Agua con Electrocoagulación

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El enfoque de este libro es usar el proceso electroquímico de Electrocoagulación que utiliza electrodos de hierro para la eliminación de sustancias tóxicas del agua, en particular el Arsénico y Cromo. También, como objetivos particulares es la de ampliar el conocimiento sobre la tecnología de electrocoagulación, específicamente, realizar un estudio termodinámico de la adsorción de Arsénico y Cromo en las especies magnéticas de hierro generadas del proceso de Electrocoagulacion como son la magnetita, lepidocrocita y goetita, utilizando la ecuación de la Isoterma de Langmuir para el análisis teórico de dicho mecanismo. El proceso de electrocoagulación remueve el 98.8% el contenido de arsénico en el agua en un tiempo de residencia de 5 minutos en condiciones de operación de 14.6v y 0.63A. Así mismo, se logra obtener la remoción del 99.6% de Cromo en condiciones de operación de 9.6v y 0.74A. ····· 1036190625

Los Taninos y su Adición a una Matriz de Dióxido de Silicio-PHEMA

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En los últimos años se ha presentado un marcado interés en el estudio y desarrollo de nuevos materiales híbridos. Lo anterior es debido a que la síntesis de estos materiales permite fungir además como matriz de otro elemento, de esta forma se complementan y reforzan las propiedades de ambas partes. En esta investigación se estudió la síntesis y caracterización de un recubrimiento orgánico-inorgánico de dióxido de silicio (SiO2), poli(metacrilato de 2-hidroxietilo) (PHEMA) y taninos para su aplicación en metales como recubrimiento anticorrosivo. Adicionalmente, se sintetizaron los materiales PHEMA-Taninos y SiO2-Taninos para analizar como se comportan los taninos de forma separada en el PHEMA y SiO2. Estos materiales fueron estudiados usando espectroscopía de infrarrojo y Raman, análisis térmicos, microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. ····· 1036190822

Método experimental en la corrosión:

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En este trabajo se presentan a los investigadores y tecnólogos interesados en la ciencia de la corrosión una obra donde se presenta la aplicación de la técnica de impedancia electroquímica. Se dan las bases teóricas y la forma de obtener y analizar los datos experimentales, con especial énfasis en la aplicación del estudio de la corrosión y protección mediante el uso de inhibidores o recubrimientos. ····· 1036190828

Tratamiento de aguas residuales de industria de curtiembre

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Los residuos industriales líquidos de curtiembre presentan alta contaminación orgánica y tóxica provenientes del proceso. Ello constituye un problema ambiental y para la sobrevivencia de empresas que no cumplen exigencias de descarga de sus residuos. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer parámetros de operación de una planta de tratamiento biológico por lodos activados a escala piloto, para el tratamiento de RIL generado en una industria de curtiembre que descarga a alcantarillado público. De una industria de curtiembre se usó el RIL global, sometido a separación de sólidos en fosas de decantación. El procedimiento consistió en realizar ensayos de biodegradación batch para seleccionar un inóculo adecuado, considerando como criterio de selección la mayor velocidad inicial de consumo de sustrato. El seleccionado fue un lodo proveniente del tratamiento de RIL de un matadero. Luego, a través de una operación continua de un sistema a escala laboratorio, se obtuvo los parámetros de diseño del tratamiento piloto que logró remover sobre un 80% de DQO. Se concluyó que el tratamiento de lodos activados al RIL de curtiembre constituye una alternativa real de tratamiento. ····· 10361136976

Tecnología de Membranas: Recuperación de Solvente

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La obtención de aceites vegetales a partir de semillas oleaginosas, en la mayoría de las industrias aceiteras, involucra una etapa de extracción con solvente. El solvente más ampliamente utilizado es el hexano. La recuperación de solvente es una etapa crucial en el procesamiento de aceites vegetales debido a razones económicas (gran consumo energético), de seguridad y ambientales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la aplicación de la tecnología de membranas para la recuperación parcial de solvente y analizar los fenómenos involucrados en el transporte de miscelas aceite-hexano a través de membranas de nanofiltración. Para lograr este objetivo se prepararon membranas compuestas de nanofiltración Se estudió el comportamiento de las membranas frente a solventes orgánicos. Se determinó el flujo de solventes orgánicos, utilizando un equipo de permeación construido para tal fin. Se realizaron las experiencias de recuperación de hexano a partir de miscelas aceite de girasol/hexano. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que la tecnología de membranas es efectiva para la recuperación parcial de hexano a partir de mezclas de aceite de girasol/hexano. ····· 10361137209

An Overview of Agro-Waste Management in Production of Hardboard

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In this book we present our published articles for utilizing the agricultural wastes, especially rice straw, and sugar-cane bagasse as lignocellulosic materials in production of artificial wood of hardboard type. To optimize the preparation conditions for production high quality hardboards different approaches were evaluated during board preparation or as post treatment. Moreover, the role of neutral sulfite pulping in preparation of formaldehyde-free bagasse composites to satisfy the environmental regulations is also investigated. ····· 10361709

Study of Amine Solutions used in Absorption/Desorption Cycles of CO2

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The increasing concerns about climate change and global warming has increase the interest in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. Thus, the chemical absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous amine solutions has been investigated over the last decades. In the carbon dioxide absorption tests performed in a pilot unit, the following aqueous amine solutions with a concentration of 10 % by weight were tested: diethylamine, monoethanolamine, piperazine and ethanolamine. The tests were performed with an absorption time of 240 minutes. The obtained results for the tested aqueous amine solutions were: 0.492 mol CO2/mol amine for the diethylamine aqueous solution, 0.409 mol CO2/mol amine for the MEA aqueous solution, 0.395 mol CO2/mol amine for the PZ aqueous solution and 0.321 mol CO2/mol amine for the EDA aqueous solution. A cost analysis was performed in other to see which one of the amines was the most economical solvent. After analyzing the carbon dioxide loading capacity and the price per liter for each one of the amine, it was concluded that DEA was the most economical solvent, with a loading capacity of 0.982 mol CO2/mol amine and a cost of 25.70 EUR/L. ····· 103613179

Combined chlorine degradation

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Combined chlorine degradation, a study to investigate the use of photochemical systems (photolysis, H2O2/UV and NaOCl/UV) to deplete monochloramine compound. It was found that the direct photolysis treatment was a suitable method to degrade the given compound and that this degradation was greatly enhanced by H2O2/UV. This could be attributed to radical -OH produced in great amount by the photolysis of H2O2. However, no big advantages were observed when we used NaOCl/UV system. Indeed, this process generated radical -OH (but in feeble amount) and also radical Cl- (to form chloramins) and leading consequently to a less degradation rate comparatively to that obtained with H2O2/UV. This could be explained by a competition between the two species: -OH and Cl- for the compound. ····· 1036192191

Electro Deposición de Co-depósitos de Znco con Corriente Pulsante

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En este trabajo se investigó la co-deposición anómala del cinc y se trabajó con el proceso de electrodeposición por corriente pulsante para obtener co-depósitos de ZnCo a partir de un baño a base de cloruros. Se analizó la influencia de los parámetros de la electrodeposición sobre la morfología y calidad de los depósitos obtenidos, con el fin de utilizarlos como revestimientos anticorrosivos sobre acero. Posteriormente, los resultados fueron comparados con co-depósitos de similar espesor obtenidos por corriente continua. La técnica de corriente pulsante permitió obtener co-depósitos con concentración de cobalto en el intervalo de 0,8% a 1,0%, lo que permite que sean cromatizados también fue posible mantener constante el tenor de cobalto en el depósito en una amplia faja de densidades de corriente, posibilitando de esa manera que fuese aplicada en piezas más complejas, con formas irregulares y con espesores constantes. ····· 10361136259

Sostenibilidad del proceso de obtención de aceite esencial cítrico

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Ante la necesidad imperante de alcanzar un desarrollo económico-social sostenible se desarrolla el presente trabajo con el objetivo de demostrar los beneficios económicos, ambientales y sociales de la aplicación de la Producción Más Limpia en la gestión empresarial. Para ello se realizó una evaluación en la Línea de producción de Aceite Exprimido en Frío de una empresa de procesamiento industrial de cítricos de Cuba, apoyados en un análisis de viabilidad técnico, económico y ambiental de las opciones de mejora propuestas. Se pudo determinar en el inicio de la evaluación una concentración del producto en la corriente residual en el orden de 6% y solo una eficiencia del 26% en el proceso de Aceite Destilado. Como resultado se identificaron 17 opciones de PML, de ellas el 53%correspondieron a Buenas Prácticas de Producción. La introducción de la estrategia posibilitó elevar la producción en un 83.7%, reducir el consumo de agua en 39766.4 m3, reducir el consumo de portadores energéticos en 22004.1 L de Fuel Oil, reducir el consumo de energía eléctrica en 3.9 MW/campaña, disminuir la carga orgánica a la planta de tratamiento en un 45.5% de DQO y las emisiones de CO2 en 3566.99 t. ····· 1036122132

Untersuchungen zum MTO-Prozess an AlPO4-gebundenen ZSM-5-Extrudaten und Beschreibung der Reaktionskinetik

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Ziel dieser Arbeit war es ein formalkinetisches Reaktionsmodell für den MTO-Prozess an AlPO4-gebundenen ZSM-5-Extrudaten zu erstellen. Dazu wurde eine Prozessstudie unter typischen MTO-Prozessbedingungen durchgeführt sowie ausgewählte Olefine einzeln und zusammen mit Methanol zudosiert. Anhand der experimentellen Daten konnte ein geeignetes Reaktionsnetz abgeleitet und ein Modell der Reaktionskinetik entwickelt werden. ····· 10361164592

Taschenlexikon der Farben

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Lehrbuch der Essigfabrikation

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1857. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141946

***Eine Faser kommt selten allein

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Zum Stofftransport schwer flüchtiger Additive in Polymerbeschichtungen - Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der konvokalen Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie

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Schwerpunkt dieses Buchs ist es, den Einfluss von schwer flüchtigen Additiven auf die Mobilität von Lösemitteln zu quantifizieren sowie die Mobilität der Additive in Polymersystemen zu bestimmen. Ausgangspunkt hierfür war die Hypothese, dass sich Fick`sche Diffusionskoeffizienten einzelner Spezies in Polymersystemen durch Anpassung von Simulationsrechnungen an gemessene Beladungsprofile zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten eines Konzentrationsausgleichsprozesses bestimmen lassen. ····· 10361164663

Garbage Enzyme As An Alternative Method in Treatment of Sullage

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This study was conducted to explore the feasibility of using Garbage Enzyme to treat sullage. The enzyme was prepared from fruits dregs, kitchen waste, molasses and water and capable of having reinforcing and cleaning function to work with nature. In this study, sullage was collected at open drainage at Arked Meranti, Arked Cengal and Kolej 9 cafeteria`s and enzyme dosage determinations were done at laboratory scale. Sullage collected were analyzed BOD, COD, TSS and oil & grease. From the result obtained all samples treated using garbage enzyme prepared shows removal of BOD was 60%, COD and oil and grease almost 90%, then TSS was 80% after 7 days of treatment with different dosage of enzyme. Treatment from Arked Meranti, Arked Cengal and Kolej 9 Cafeteria in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) show removal of BOD was 85%, COD,90%, O&G 63% and lastly almost 100% of removal were obtained respectively after the treatment. ····· 103619

Industrial Dairy Whey Treatment Using an Integrated Treatment Module

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The dairy whey wastewater has been causing major environmental pollution problems in terms of high load of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and therefore leads to serious environmental pollution problems. Traditional business approaches involving different commercial processes such as employing membranes are followed to treat dairy whey. But the biggest challenges are the adverse effect of the whey proteins on membranes (membrane fouling) and operating conditions for the membrane performances are not optimized in any of the literatures and thus recovery of water or permeate is a difficult job. Moreover no such prior art depicts a convenient and user-friendly process and treatment module together for dairy whey treatment along with a possibility of reuse. This book, therefore, provides a novel approach for solving the said issues under a common roof where dairy whey treatment followed by its reuse in the said industry has been achieved in a user friendly way. ····· 10361254

Modeling Applications in Nuclear Materials

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Environmental contamination by radionuclide is a major concern at energy facilities. Actinoids along with lanthanoids are major contributors to the long-term radioactivity of nuclear waste currently targeted. More fundamental understanding of radionuclide is needed to better assess the nuclear stockpiles globally, which will help stem the clandestine proliferation of nuclear weapons, and better understand the implications of nuclear fuels` use and storage. Radionuclides migrate from the waste matrix and co-precipitate with other secondary minerals to form thermodynamically stable solid solutions. Co-precipitation onto the surface of solids is a potential way of separating, removing and utilizing nuclear materials from the waste stockpiles at energy facilities. ····· 10361477

Multiobjective Optimization of a Spouted Bed Reactor

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Gas-solid spouted beds are either cylindrical bed with cone base or the whole bed is in a cone shape where the gas enters as a jet. The gas forms a spout region that carries the solids upward in a diluted phase, which forms a fountain at the top of the bed where the solids fall down and move downward in the annular region. These beds have found wide and efficient applications as reactors, dryers, coaters, etc. Various design and operating variables affect the performance of these beds. Optimization helps guiding the experimental work, scale-up process, reducing the risk and cost of the design and operation. It also helps the defining of the best range of operating conditions, which can improve the performance and stability of the spouted bed reactor. The stochastic genetic algorithm technique has found more suitable search for non-linear spouted system. The results of the optimization technique compared with the experimental data using sophisticated optical probes and high accuracy pressure transducers. Advanced techniques as Computed Tomography and Computational Fluid Dynamic were used to confirm the experimental results. ····· 10361543

Hydrometallurgy in Gold Recovery

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This book an outline of the various methodologies used in the recovery of gold from secondary sources. Gold recovery is interesting due to its vast industrial applications, high market prices and extensively used precious metal, the sanctuary value attributed to gold during international political and economical crises, and the limited resource of this metal may explain the recent increasing gold share value. The state of art in recovery of gold from spent sources by pyrometallurgy hydrometallurgy bio-hydrometallurgy techniques are highlighted in this book. This volume also provides an overview of past achievements and present scenario of recovery studies carried out on the use of some promising methods which could serve as an economical means for recovering gold. The present tome also highlights the used varieties of leaching, cementing, reducing agents, peeling, coagulants, adsorbents, agglomeration solvents, ion exchange resins and bio-sorbents in real situations and hopes to provide insights into recovery of gold from spent sources. Evaluation of lucrative and environmentally friendly technologies to recover gold from primary and secondary spent sources was made in this cram. ····· 10361574

Electrochemical Reactor Performance Optimization and Modeling

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Electrochemical Process have been used for decades in various industrial branches. Electrochemical techniques represent powerful tools for investigation for physical phenomena such as mass transfer or hydrodynamics in the vicinity of solid surface in contact with liquid. This book consists of six chapters. The first one explains etching process and the copper etching machine, the second and third chapters cover the electrochemical reactors, optimization, modeling and their uses with supporting by many literatures in the same field. Chapter four deals with the experimental work of an electrochemical cell and its efficiency for regeneration of copper etching solution. While chapter five discusses the results of these experiments and optimizing them by Box-Wilson method then represents it by the suitable new model. Finally, chapter six represent the highlight of the book wherein the previous chapters the performance, optimization and modeling of electrochemical reactor are applied for real industrial process. ····· 10361731

Solid Waste Disposal in Oil, Gas and Chemical Industries

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In Oil, Gas and chemical Industries, solid waste has become more complex and consequence of improper disposal techniques more severe. To achieve compilance with environmental pollution criteria the following steps shall be considered: 1) An effective waste program to conduct a solids survey to find problem of waste quantities, characteristics, sources, cost and disposal options. 2) Establish ways and means for segregation, waste reduction and resource recovery. This book gives general description and procedure of solid waste disposal and covers some aspects such as:Types, hazard, nonhazard, siting, sources, segregation, reduction, resource recovery, treatment sludge concentration and sampling equipment. It provides fundamental of the information that is needed for design and operation of solid waste system. ····· 10361904

Chemical Process Synthesis

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In the development of Process Synthesis, there has been a need for simple tools that look at new ways of process evaluation and modelling. These tools need to be able to provide a basis for assessment of comparative process options with less rigorous data. This book demonstrates some of Process Synthesis applications from simple experimental techniques to tools for the understanding and analysis of distillation processes (separation with reaction, separation with mixing) using vector formulations. The book contributes to the area of chemical process synthesis by adopting the physical task based approach to process synthesis. i.e., the optimal arrangement of fundamental transformation tasks (physical/chemical) to achieve the processing objective which will define the design of the process and equipments, rather than the other way around. The significance of the contribution of this book is in offering extended fundamental insights in creating process synthesis options for reactive distillation systems, creating the essential structural basis for subsequent mathematical optimization. The book is written for practitioners and instructors in the field of chemical process synthesis. ····· 103611001

Effektivnaya ochistka pit`evoy vody

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Rassmotreny metody ochistki i vodopodgotovki pit`evoy vody. Proveden sravnitel`nyy analiz metodov okislenie primesey vody ozonom, khlorom i dioksidom khlora i pokazano, chto naibolee effektiven i bezopasen v primenenie yavlyaetsya ozon. Na osnovanii provedennogo issledovaniya kachestva vody s pomoshch`yu metodov mass-spektrometrii i zhidkostnoy khromatografii sdelan vyvod o tom, chto voda pit`evaya, postupayushchaya v nashi kvartiry trebuet dopolnitel`noy ochistki. Ustanovleno, chto naibolee effektivnaya ochistka dostigaetsya metodami obrabotkoy ozonom s absorbtsiey na ugol`nykh fil`trakh i posleduyushchim zamorazhivaniem vody i ottaivaniem ee. Predlozheny naibolee effektivnye usloviya zamorazhivaniya vody. Kachestvo poluchaemoy vody sootvetstvuet mirovym standartam dlya pit`evoy vody: ona ne soderzhit khlororganicheskie veshchestva i opasnye mikroelementy: As, Cd, Ni, Cr, Pb, Se, V, Tl, U, Th, a takzhe Fe, Al. Kniga prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh i inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh rabotnikov, studentov i aspirantov, zanimayushchikhsya voprosami ekologii i vodopodgotovki. Krome togo, budet polezna vsem, kto zhelaet pit` chistuyu pit`evuyu vodu. ····· 103614916

Electrochemical biosensors

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Over the last few years, biomedical engineering had a rapid progress on fabricating more precise and accurate biosensors, joining these results with a decrease in analysis costs. Electrochemiluminescence is a reliable and low-cost technique for the sensing of biomolecules, such as DNA and proteins. The scope of this book is to engineer this powerful method in order to design more sensitive biosensors. After an overview about the most common electrochemical techniques, the author presents a novel approach that involves carbon nanotubes to increase the sensitivity. This approach leads to a future miniaturization in order to build an integrated biosensor. This book could be useful to analyze thoroughly electrochemiluminescence aspects and to get new ideas for developing next generation biosensors. ····· 1036118218

Nonlinear identification using adaptive local linear neuro-fuzzy

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Neural networks and fuzzy logic have some common features such as distributed representation of knowledge, ability to handle data with uncertainty and imprecision etc. Fuzzy logic has tolerance for imprecision of data, while neural networks have tolerance for noisy data. A neural network s learning capability provides a good way to adjust expert s knowledge and it automatically generates additional fuzzy rules and membership functions to meet certain specifications. This reduces the design time and cost. On the other hand, the fuzzy logic approach enhances the generalization capability of a neural network by providing more reliable output when extrapolation is needed beyond the limits of the training data. To simplify the design and optimization of fuzzy models, process learning techniques derived from neural networks (so called neuro-fuzzy approaches) can be used.Different architectures of neuro-fuzzy systems have been discussed by a number of researchers. In this research, neuro-fuzzy system networks are deployed and used for the dynamic modeling of a nonlinear MIMO system (heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)) and a permeability prediction process. ····· 1036118802

Study of Modelling of Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell

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Due to global environmental concerns and energy insecurity, there is emergent interest to find out sustainable and clean energy source with minimal or zero use of hydrocarbons.Electricity can be produced in different types of power plant systems, batteries or fuel cells.Bacteria can be used to catalyze the conversion of organic matter into electricity. There are multiple physical, chemical and biological factors that interact and play a role in determining microbial fuel cell performance. Modeling of a microbial fuel cell system is a valuable tool for investigating system parameters with reduced time and money, as models can be easily modified to simulate various configurations and operating conditions.In this study, the model formulation is simplified with lump parameters of the fuel oxidation. The anodic chamber of a microbial fuel cell operates at anaerobic conditions. Model calculations evaluate the effect of different substrate utilization yields, standard potential of the redox mediator, ratio of suspended to biofilm cells, initial substrate and mediator concentrations, mediator diffusivity, mass transfer boundary layer, external load resistance etc. ····· 1036119024

The effect of hydrodynamic parameters in coarse particles flotation

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Hydrodynamic parameters have an important role in the flotation process. In this research, the effect of hydrodynamic parameters in the coarse particles flotation is investigated according to items below: (1) The effect of operational flotation parameters in the bubble size and rise velocity (2) The effect of dimensionless hydrodynamic parameters in the coarse particles flotation (Reynolds, Froude and Weber numbers) (3) The effect of air flow rate in the coarse particles flotation (4) The effect of bubble-particle interactions in the coarse particles flotation (bubble-particle collision and attachment probabilities) (5) The effect of type and dosage of frothers in the coarse particles flotation (6) The effect of cell geometry in the coarse particles flotation ····· 1036119142

Nanotechnology Vs Bionanotechnology

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This book has four chapters which includes the fundamental concept of nanotechnology and its role in biological sciences as termed as bionanotechnology. This book also includes the environmental implications of nanotechnology as its green & eco-friendly aspect and its applications in daily uses. Thus, this is excellent combo of introduction and application of nanotechnology in biological sciences. Nanotechnology, itself is a new advance chemical technology according to the present scenario which has couple of applications in all fields of sciences including biotechnology as well. It has also role in clinical sciences in which this technology is very popular in diagnosis of various diseases, immune and drug therapy. This book is dedicated to All mighty and my parents, ` Father, late Mr.Ram Kumar Sharma & Mother, Mrs. Sushila Sharma. ····· 1036119874

Application of RSM and ANN Modeling in Industrial Whey Treatment

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Coagulation flocculation is well established waste water treatment process since many decades. In this present study, experimental investigations using jar tests were validated with response surface methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). RSM was applied to optimize the effects of processing parameters on the yield of BOD and COD removal and a computer-stimulated artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed to get a good correlation between the input variables and the output parameter. This book, therefore, provides a novel approach for optimizing the process parameters during coagulation-flocculation process using the statistical tools where dairy whey treatment has been achieved in a user friendly way. Moreover this particular approach can be implemented across the globe for all dairy industries (irrespective of their sizes) as that will definitely help the engineers/users in the dairy waste water treatment by optimizing the process variables of the experimental conditions while minimizing the number of required experiments. ····· 1036119953

Dehydration of Ethanol-Water Azeotropic Mixture

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The potential use of raw and activated phillipsite as well as calcium chloride salt for separating the ethanol water azeotropic mixture in the adsorptive distillation process was assessed in this book 4A molecular sieves was taken as a reference adsorbent to which the water adsorption on selected materials was compared. The breakthrough curves of water sorption on these adsorbents showed that the treatment of phillipsite with 1M calcium chloride (1M-phillipsite) produced the best separation of the ethanol water azeotropic mixture, where the breakthrough time is about 55 mins which is almost similar to the molecular sieves (57 mins). ····· 1036120745

Emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate and styrene

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Emulsion polymerization below critical micellar concentration is a hidden and visionary area of polymer science and chemical engineering. An analysis is done between styrene and vinyl acetate. Various variables like initiator concentration , surfactant concentration and agitator speeds are investigated. A deep understanding of emulsion polymerization and polymer science will mesmerize the readers interested in details. ····· 1036121039

Modelado Termodinámico de Hidrocarburos

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El proceso de separación y purificación representa una parte importante del diseño y costos de operación de las plantas químicas. Aunque algunos nuevos procesos de separación se están aplicando en la escala comercial, los procesos de separación por contacto de fases tales como la destilación, absorción de gases y extracción, siguen siendo los principales procesos de separación. El diseño y operación de los separadores de contacto de fase se basan, en gran medida, de un conocimiento del equilibrio existente. En la industria petrolera, las Ecuaciones de Estado han desempeñado un papel central en el modelado termodinámico del equilibrio líquido-vapor de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, existe la necesidad de implementar modelos especializados. El presente trabajo plantea el desarrollo de modelos especiales empleando CAPE-OPEN, estándar que define un conjunto de reglas e interfaces de uso libre y sin propiedad para crear componentes de software interoperables con diferentes aplicaciones en simulación de procesos que implementen dicho estándar. ····· 1036122888

Investigations on Subterranean Arsenic Removal Techniques

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Arsenic Removal from Groundwater by In-situ Treatment simulated experimental studies were carried out to understand the process and factors that affect the efficiency of arsenic removal from groundwater. Arsenic removal technologies by ex-situ method are very well researched and technically implemented. Compared to this, in-situ water treatment is a very new and innovative technology. The process of in-situ treatment of groundwater virtually transfers the processes of the conventional above ground water treatment plants into the aquifer. The underground aquifer is used as a natural biochemical reactor and acts as a filter itself. In this method, subterranean groundwater is treated by using atmospheric oxygen as the oxidizing agent. In-situ process is cost efficient, free from sludge handling problem, free from uses of any chemical compounds, easy to operate and handle. It is eco friendly and can remediate organic contaminants, iron, manganese and many other impurities in addition to arsenic. ····· 1036124558

Synthesis & characterization of sulfo-functionalized nanoporous silica

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This book is an edited collection of authors papers regarding research on sulfo-functionalized nanoporous silica, published with various renowned journals. It provides in-depth scientific research findings on synthesis and characterization of sulfo-functionalized nanoporous silica typically with pore sizes in mesopores and micropores range. Detailed synthesis and characterization techniques are recorded with insightful discussion and findings. The use of ammonia adsorption microcalometry for characterization and application of such materials could also be found in the book. Besides synthesis with conventional route, the author also found a novel route to produce this material, which is noted in this book as Facile Synthesis of Sulfo functionalized mesoporous silica. This book would be helpful in giving a comprehensive understanding to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as academics and researchers who are involved in materials sciences and chemical engineering research. ····· 1036124686

Modeling of Air Pollution Around Gas Flares with Chemical Reaction

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This book examines the dispersion, modeling and simulation of air pollution for flare systems. It employs the use of Eulerian model in predicting the concentration of the gas flared at different point and time from a flare site. A numerical solution method based on the explicit finite difference scheme was used to solve the transient partial equation (model). Validation of the use of different numerical techniques in predicting air concentration profiles and the photochemical reactions involving emitted pollutants in the atmosphere around the flare sites was carried out. ····· 1036125159

Conductive Polymer-Biosorbent Nanocomposite

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Over the past decade PAn is considered so applicable ranging from electrical and electrochemical to many fields due to its cheapness, easily reversible redox properties, superior solubility in water and more stability in air than the other conducting polymers. As the first conducting polymer commercialized, PAn has significant flexibility in modifying its chemical structures and therefore the electrical and mechanical properties. This book is therefore focused on study, the adsorption behavior of arsenic ions from aqueous solutions using conductive polymer-biosorbent (PAn/RH) nanocomposite as a function of concentration, temperature, pH and time. ····· 1036125335

Bioremediation Techniques for Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbon

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Bioremediation is now considered as one of the promising and advantageous oil spill countermeasure since it is a cost-effective and eco-friendly approach. The aim of this book is to address different bioremediation approaches that have been adopted for oil spill bioremediation. In addition it also elucidates upon isolation and characterization of microorganisms, monitoring oil biodegradation and factors affecting oil biodegradation. ····· 1036125789


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Polymer blends are gaining technological importance due to their compromise set of properties, advantages in processing and reduction in cost. One polymer may possess a particular set of properties, while the other may have another set of properties. By blending two such polymers, a desired set of properties can be achieved. In the case of elastomers, blends are used in tires, belts, cables etc. For the successful applications of such blends, component elastomers must be miscible and compatible. The curing method adopted and the distribution of compounding ingredients has a vital role on the ultimate properties. The distribution depends mainly on the nature of the elastomers and the blending process. Therefore, knowledge of these parameters will facilitate in obtaining a successful elastomer blend. In the present work, investigation has been carried out on the compatibility and mechanical properties of blends consisting of ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) and chlorobutyl rubber (CIIR). This blend finds application in the manufacture of curing envelope and other high temperature performances. ····· 1036186979

Reactive Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from Aqueous Solution

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This book describes the reactive extraction of carboxylic acids (propionic, acetic, formic and butyric acids) from aqueous solution using organophosphorous (tri-n-butyl phophate) and amine (tri-n-octyl amine) based extractant dissolved in different active and inactive diluents. Equilibrium experiments are carried out to investigate the effect of acid and extractant concentration, diluent on the extraction efficiency. The performance of the extraction process is analyzed by calculating distribution coefficient, degree of extraction and loading ratio. Also, theoretical studies are performed to estimate the equilibrium parameters. ····· 1036187308

Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes and Clean Fuel Production

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Global warming is an important problem that affects human life, animals and plants. Emissions during the combustion of fossil fuels, such as carbon dioxide, NOx, SOx etc. are reported to contribute to this problem extremely. Nowadays, alcohols and ethers are considered as attractive alternative fuels due to their good burning properties and less carbon emissions. Dimethyl ether (DME) is one of the most promising alternates of such synthetic fuels. In methanol dehydration reaction to produce DME, solid acid catalysts, such as -Alumina and modified -Alumina, Na-modified H-ZSM-5, mesoporous alumino silicate were tested. These catalysts are porous solid with low thermal conductivity. The reaction heat is difficult to be transferred and the diameter of single tube of the reactor has to be limited to several centimeters in order to control the temperature of the hot spots in the fixed bed reactors. Also carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are desirable for many applications because of their high surface area to weight ratio and excellent thermal conduction property. Through this book CNTs was used for improvement of catalysts for dehydration of methanol to DME. ····· 1036187364

Photocatalytic Reactor Design and It`s Application

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This book gives an overview on Photo-catalytic reactor design, 3D Modeling and simulation using some software`s, its application in degradation of Rhodamine-B (Dye) using two catalysts (TiO2 & Nb2O5). The main objective of this work is to describe relevant aspects of degradation process recollecting material published in scientific literature as well as comparing it with practical experience. The influence of process variables such as Effect of amount of catalyst, Effect of Concentration of Rhodamine-B (Dye), Effect of pH on Percentage degradation was studied. ····· 1036187557

Stress Corrosion Cracking of X-70 steel in carbonates, solutions

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The aim of this work was to study the effect of different heat treatments on the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) resistance of X-70 pipeline steel in diluted solutions of NaHCO3 (0.1 M, 0.05 M, 0.01 M, and 0.005 M), and in solutions of NaHCO3 with addition of KCl, CaCl2 and MgSO4-7H2O, using the slow strain rate testing (SSRT) technique,and some heat treatments.The results obtained indicated that the quenched and quenched+tempered conditions are the only ones susceptible to HE and the mechanism of SCC in X-70 pipeline steel increased in most diluted solution of NaHCO3 at 50 C, and was dominated by film rupture an anodic dissolution. ····· 1036187632

Production of polyesters for polyurethanes at pilot plant scale

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Understanding variables that affect production of unsaturated polyester polyols based on dimer fatty acids Unidyme®14 and Unidyme®18 with ethylene glycol and 1,4-butane diol that were synthesized via the polycondensation reaction mechanism. We studied a fast way to determine molecular weight, which usually takes a lot of time and is not very economical and ecological. Among the experimental controlled parameters for each polyol synthesis a special attention was paid to these products viscosity, color, molecular weight, acid and hydroxyl value parameters of extremely commercial importance. The Unidyme®14 dimer fatty acid, having a dimer acid percentage of 94%, induces the polyols based on them to be products of relatively commercial relevance. As for the Unidyme® 18 dimmer fatty acid, its dimer percentage is 81,8%. Unidyme®18 its based polyols commercial interest is specially relevant not only when a lower cost is a relevant factor, but also when its trimmer content is important to confer non-crystallinity properties to the final end product. Also, flexible polyurethane foams were developed (1250-2000 molecular weight) polyol polyester and tested regarding oil absorption capacity. ····· 1036188189

Zeolitic tuff: water pollution, agriculture, and building applications

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Methods for production of a colored metal oxides pigment, nano-structured milky calcium and magnesium hydroxides, and nano-structured philipsite and magnesioferrite from zeolitic tuff. The methods comprises the steps of mixing pulverized zeolitic tuff with hydrochloric acid to form an aqueous colored acid solution. Thereafter, the aqueous acid colored solution is separated from the residue of pulverized zeolitic tuff by decantation and filtration. The aqueous acid colored solution is treated with sodium hydroxide solution and adjusts the pH at 5.0 to form colored precipitate. The colored precipitate is separated and subjected to drying to obtain brown-red metal oxides pigment. The filtrate also treated with sodium hydroxide and adjusted the pH at 11.0 to form white milky suspended nanoparticles particles from calcium and magnesium mixed hydroxides. Thereafter the residue of zeolitic tuff was treated with a mixture of water and ethanol (50/50 % by volume to separate the white fine particles (philipsit mineral) from the brown-reddish particles (magnesioferrite). These ultra fine particles can be used in printing inks and paper coatings. ····· 1036188387

Optimisation of Bearing Grease Production

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Grease is a mixture of a fluid lubricant, usually petroleum oil and a thickener (soap) dispersed in the oil. The base oil (petroleum) can be changed by using the biodegradable oils. Other then base oil, thickener may play an important role in the mixture. Soap thickeners are formed by reacting metallic hydroxide, or alkali, with a fat, fatty acid, or ester. Since the petroleum prices will increase each year, using non edible oilseed karanja as base oil is the best solution to produce grease in the low cost and decrease pollution. An environmental friendly biogrease has been formulated using karanja oil as base oil and lithium 12-hydroxy-stearate as thickener. Lithium complex greases are commonly specified for use in high- temperature applications, such as automobile wheel bearings and engines. The usual thickener system in lithium complex grease consists of the lithium salts of 12- hydroxyl stearate. In this study, the characteristics of lithium 12-hydroxystearate grease with additives to conventional lithium complex grease were compared. Biogrease can be synthesized via trans-esterification reactions. The making process of the bio grease was carried out in a reactor developed. ····· 1036188960

Biocomposites from Poly Hydroxybutyrate and Bamboo Microfibrils

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There is a growing demand to develop and commercialize bio-based composite materials, which can reduce the widespread dependence on petroleum and at the same time enhance the environment and economy. Biodegradable biocomposites or `Green Composites` consist of biodegradable plastic as the matrix polymer and biofiber/natural fiber as the reinforcing element.This monograph discuss in detai about the extraction of microfibrils from raw bamboo and the development of completely biodegradable, eco-friendly biocomposites from bamboo microfibrils and Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB).The physico mechanical properties of the resulting composites were measured in addition to their thermal properties. The properties of the composites were found to increase with increase in the bamboo microfibril content and reached an optimum and thereafter decreased with further increase in microfibril loading. The composite could be developed further for various structural applications. ····· 1036189191

Biomedical applications of polyamide-6 nanofibers via electrospinning

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Recently, one-dimensional nanostructures that include fibers, wires, rods, belts and tubes have attracted rapidly growing interest due to their fascinating properties and unique applications. Among them, electrospinning is a highly versatile technique to prepare continuous fibers with diameters of the order of nanometers. It is the most famous technique for the production of high aspect ratio nanofibers. The remarkable high aspect ratio and high porosity bring electrospun nanofibers highly attractive to various nanotechnological applications such as filteration, sensors, protective textile, catalysis, wound dressing, drug delivery, scaffolds in tissue engineering, and so on. This book, therefore, addresses a collective summary of the recent progress in developments of the electrospun ultrafine polyamide-6 nanofibers preparation, characterization and their applications. Information of those polymers together with their processing conditions for electrospinning of ultrafine nanofibers has been summarized. We are anticipating that this book certainly drive the researchers for developing more intensive investigation for exploring in many technological areas. ····· 1036189240

Catalizadores para hidrotratamiento soportados en alúmina y titania

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En este texto se presenta a manera de ejemplo la metodología para la presentación de un proyecto de investigación, desde su planteamiento, a partir de estado del arte para llegar implícitamente a los objetivos y metas que se pretenden alcanzar. Posteriormente se muestra la metodología a seguir y los resultados y discusión de un interesante tema de estudio, para finalmente concluir los aspectos relevantes del proyecto. Un aspecto relevante en el estudio es el uso de las técnicas a temperatura programada como TPD, TPR, TPS y TPR-S, las cuales permiten estudiar ampliamente a los catalizadores en su estado oxidado, reducido y sulfurado, por lo que se hace énfasis en su metodología, los resultados de ésta y su interpretación, que nos proporciona un gran número de argumentos para entender el comportamiento y actividad de los catalizadores. Para lograr esta propuesta, se aborda el estudio de formulaciones de catalizadores modificados con titania para los procesos de hidrotratamiento, con lo que se consigue comprender los aspectos fundamentales de un sistema catalítico de gran importancia para la disminución del contenido de contaminantes, emanados del uso de combustibles fósiles. ····· 1036189479

Ingeniería de reactores químicos catalíticos

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El presente texto está concentrado en los temas básicos de cinética y principios de catálisis, para luego analizar cuatro clases de reactores químicos muy interesantes y comunes: los lechos fijos, los lechos escurridos o percoladores, los lechos fluidizados y los lechos transportados. Al final de cada una de las secciones donde se revisa algún tipo de reactor se presentan casos industriales, en los que estos reactores encuentran una aplicación práctica y abundante. Se espera que el lector tenga conocimientos previos en los campos de estimación de parámetros cinéticos, fenómenos de transporte y reactores homogéneos. ····· 1036191069

Synthesis of Bio-Epoxide and its Application on Epoxy System

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This book gives a general overview on the epoxidation process of cottonseed oil. Several methods of epoxidation are available but conventional chemical method is adopted for large scale production. This book also focused on the finding of the potential utility of epoxidized cottonseed oil and developing newer means for its widespread applications. Vegetable oil finds sustainable and renewable source of raw material. The unsaturation present in cottonseed oil can be chemically modified to a value added product by a reaction called epoxidation . Due to the high reactivity of the oxirane ring epoxides can also act as a raw material for synthesis of variety of chemicals such aspolyols, glycols, olefinic compounds, lubricants, plasticizer and stabilizer for polymers and their demand is increasing day by day. Apart from this the kinetics of reaction and thermodynamic properties like enthalpy, entropy, activation energy, and Gibb s free energy were studied at optimized reaction condition. The application of synthesized epoxidized oil was also studied over the epoxy system. Thus an attempt had been made to increase the economic value of the cottonseed oil by converting into epoxidized oil ····· 1036192241

Emissions from the Combustion of B20 and ULSD Blends

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Biodiesel has been a promising alternative clean fuel to fossil fuels, which reduces the emissions that are released by fossil fuels and possibly reduce the energy crisis caused by the exhaustion of petroleum resources in the near future. Biodiesel is replacing diesel as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines. In this study biodiesel blend B20 and ULSD (B0) were combusted to investigate how the engine conditions influence the emission concentrations of H2, CO, CH4, CO2, N2 and morphological data of particulate matter. From our results under varied tested conditions we have incurred that, for low H2 emissions, B20 combustion under low temperatures and high pressures is preferred. For low CO emissions, B20 combustion under high temperatures and pressures is preferred. For low N2 emissions, ULSD combustion under low temperatures and high pressures is preferred. For low CH4 emissions, ULSD combustion under low temperatures and high pressures is preferred. For low CO2 emissions, ULSD combustion under low temperatures and low pressures is preferred. ····· 1036192530

Greener Products: Opportunities and Challenges for Surfactants

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The use of surfactants in Home and Personal Care products (HPC) is of vital importance due to their wide range of application. Surfactants are the major player in HPC because of their ability in wetting, spreading, dispersing, sticking, solubilization and dissolution. It is then clear that most of the challenges and/or opportunities towards benign (green) surfactant will automatically affect the HPC industry directly or indirectly. Therefore, It is worthy understanding the perspective and views of each of the stakeholders and representatives appearing in the supply chain of the surfactants in order to explore and better understand opportunities and challenges for greener products and how green chemistry can be applied to improve their sustainability.The book presents the views from the stakeholders of Surfactant supply chain which are Suppliers of raw material for surfactants, manufactures and formulators of HPCs, retailers, consumers, NGOs, trade association and water treatment companies. The comparison between developed (UK) and developing countries (TZ) is also discussed. ····· 1036192608

Development and evaluation of antimicrobial packaging film

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A safe and reliable delivery of food has emerged as one of the major industrial concerns of our time.some 30 percent of food losses in developing countries are the direct result of improper food packaging. Contamination of food products by pathogenic bacteria has emerged as a serious public concern. Bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli (O157:H7), Staphylococus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, and Shigella sonnei are identified as the most potent pathogens associated with food borne illnesses. Inherent antibacterial properties and film-forming ability of starch-saponin mix make it ideal for use as an antimicrobial packaging material. The results have clearly shown that a release rate of the saponin from the films can be modified by changing the composition of the initial casting solution. The maximum antimicrobial activities and tensile strength of the films increased with an increase in an amount of the saponin in the casting solution. ····· 1036198672

Grey Water Recycling Options & Technologies

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This book describes the principles and construction plans of grey water treatment chains for the different treatment options. The main aim is to sensitizing and encouraging national, regional and municipal water and environmental sanitation authorities and agencies to integrate grey water management into their development policies and programmers. The book consists of five chapters. Chapter one includes general introduction about grey water definition, characterization, uses, and recycling. Chapter two summarizes the different grey water treatment methodologies. Chapter three presents case studies for the application of grey water treatment systems in some developing countries. Chapter four deals with the evaluation of different grey water treatment systems produced commercially worldwide based on an evaluation strategy according to specific ranking system. In chapter five, a description for a newly developed cost effective treatment system designed and executed by R&D TECH is shown. As an outcome form the work, we designed software to be used for cost analysis of the different grey water treatment systems and will be included with the book. ····· 1036199090

Removing Heavy Metals From Contaminated Soils

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Soap can remove water hardness ions (calcium and magnesium) from hard water in the form of insoluble `lime soaps`. Might it also form heavy metal soaps when added to an aqueous dispersion of contaminated soil Some researchers have studied the use of soap to remediate wastewaters contaminated with heavy metals, but there has been no work carried out on using it to wash them out of soil. This work shows that by carefully controlling the pH and temperature of the soapy wash water it is possible to form the heavy metal soaps. These soaps are insoluble in water and float to the surface where they can be skimmed off. This therefore provides a new, very simple, cost effective method of remediating soils contaminated with heavy metals. Whilst the results to date hold much promise there is still a significant amount of work that needs to be carried out to optimise the process this work will hopefully stimulate further research in this important field. ····· 1036199941

Scanning and Evaluation of crease resistant resins

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In today s society, textile producers and manufacturers strive to use as little harmful chemicals as possible in their finishing of textiles. Though, producing a completely chemical free fabric is nearly impossible, many companies work actively to scan and evaluate alternatives to chemical substances that have a negative effect on the environment and the human health. This book is written by two students at The Swedish School of Textiles, as a last thesis in the bachelor degree of Textile engineering. The presented work is a task handed out by a Swedish company, concerning the crease resistant finishing of their bed linen. This final work is meant to provide the collaboration partner with a global scan of potential suppliers of resins for this particular finishing. To reassure the quality of the scan, obtained resins were treated on cellulosic weaves, and later on evaluated based on the demands the collaboration partner has for easy care treated textiles. The demands concerning the content of formaldehyde and the grade of smoothness appearance retained after ten washes were followed throughout the whole project. The work has been conducted at The Swedish School of Textiles. ····· 10361100292


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Maize is one of the raw materials for the production of dextrose by hydrolyzing of the starch. Maize dextrose is widely used in many countries as a sweetener and immediate energy sources for pharmaceutical products and many other food products as a chief component. This book is based on the research conducted on the extraction of dextrose from Ethiopian Maize Variety (BH-660). The book has a critical approach for evaluating the potential target maize varieties for starch, germ oil, gluten and dextrose production. In addition to these, the book can be also used as a reference for food process and pharmaceutical engineers. ····· 10361100672


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India is the home to more than 500 flowering plants that can yield dyes. Though there is a large plant resource base, little has been exploited so far. An Introduction to FLORAL DYES provides a precise technical knowledge about some of these flowering plants along with the basic principles of extraction and application of the floral dye in Textile Industry and in Powder - Gulal Industry. These floral dyes are non toxic, non allergic to human skin, easily available and more economical. Some natural dye sources produce truly exquisite shades and are more economical to purchase than synthetic dyes. The process of extraction of dye is economically viable as the raw materials are available at low cost. This technology can be used in small scale Industry as well as in large scale Industry. ····· 10361100770

Nickel free Titanium Based Shape Memory Alloys

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Biomedical shape memory alloys are required to have a superior corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and stable shape memory properties. Among many shape memory alloys, only NiTi alloys have been widely applied for biomedical applications, because they satisfy the above requirements. However, it has been pointed out that pure nickel is a toxic element and cause nickel hypersensitivity. It is preferable to develop absolutely safe nickel free titanium based shape memory alloys composed of non-toxic elements such as niobium for biomedical applications. In this book, the effect of molybdenum addition in Ti-Nb binary alloy was investigated. Two alloys with varying compositions namely alloy 1 (Ti-26at%Nb) and alloy 2 (Ti-26at%Nb-0.1at%Mo) were developed. After homogenization and cold rolling, samples of dimensions 30×3×0.86 mm were prepared using diamond cutting machine. The prepared samples were solution treated and then subjected to different tests to evaluate their properties. There is slight increase in micro-hardness (Hv) with increase in molybdenum. XRD spectra revealed the presence of two phases in the solution treated samples, -martensite (Ti4Nb) and retained austenite ( ). ····· 10361100852

Formulation Variables of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems:

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This book entitled - Formulation variables of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems: Gels Contains detailed formulation Study of drug release behaviour and rheological properties of gels. inclusion of ingredients such as hydroxy propyl cellulose,carboxy methyl ccellulose, sodium lauryl sulphate , tween etc plays a important role in drug release and formulation behaviour. The importance of ingredients can be understand only after the precise delivery of drug at a determined or predetermined rate. ····· 10361101049

Investigations of Biosorption Capacity Histories Witch

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By the grace of GOD, in this chatni we tried to present a line of action for investigators and researchers to adhere and follow to tackle the common and complex problems of daily life and of technical life. A student may find fuzzy logic/algorithm pictured with phenol/health/chesty reading biosorption,capacity,temerature akin and cadre feeling research oriented worthy style of salt taste in huuuge literature finishing towards adsorption, chemical technology and mass transfer band. One need to recognize the problem, then how to react to that problem is the main part to be established. Majority of problems are not solved because of not having been recognized well. A recognized problem is always solved to day or to mmorrow. We are presenting a way to look at the problems in a way that those problems become interesting and their solution, resolution, desolution and dissolution may be done again and again without any trouble. This is a template for writing write ups and finding stages for different actors to perform well and good for some time. The feed back for this knee of the bee is always welcomed. ····· 10361101083

Combination Drying Processes

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Convective and microwave-vacuum drying are the two drying techniques which have been well implemented for the drying of foodstuffs since years. One interesting question is how the combination of those two drying techniques can help to improve the quality of dried foodstuffs. The combination of convective and microwave-vacuum drying was implemented with a new modular drying processor to dry red bell pepper and model food in such a way which could result in minimising the degradation of vitamin C. In three sets of combined processes, the products were convective dried up to 70 % (first set), 50 % or 40 % (second set) and 30 % (third set) of initial weight at first and followed by microwave-vacuum drying till 15 % w.b. moisture content. The determined convective drying curves were used to calculate the Fick`s and self diffusion coefficients of those foodstuffs to get an overview of the diffusional behaviour of water. These analyses would help food manufacturers for implementing proper drying technique to preserve red bell pepper for different processing requirements. At the same time model food could be used for proper evaluation of the degradation kinetics of vitamin C during drying. ····· 10361101242

Bioreactor design for the production of recombinant proteins

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Bioreactors are the heart of any bioprocess operations. Currently there is a growing need for an efficient production of recombinant human therapeutic proteins worldwide. Most of the biotechnology based industries prefer Pichia pastoris as a host system for producing recombinant human therapeutic proteins because of the high cell density and product yield obtained from this particular species. This book explains the step by step approach for designing a bioreactor for producing recombinant human proteins through Pichia pastoris. The protein used in our study is only a model for this work. The novel design calculation methods presented in this book is very easy to learn and easy for the designers and students to design an efficient bioreactor for producing any proteins or enzymes in an industrial scale by only changing the few variables such as the empirical formula of the microbe and product of interest, operating conditions etc. ····· 10361101298

Removal of Acid Gas Impurities using Tunable Alkanolamine Solvent

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In this research work, new comprehensive models for prediction of physical properties (viscosity and density) of systems of different alkanolamines were developed. To predict the mass transfer rates and designing and operation of the gas treating units, the accurate determination of the physical properties and modeling of the system plays important role. The physical property of system of aqueous solution of different alkanolamines was modeled using Artificial Neural Network. This has significantly reduced the need for further physicochemical properties measurements for the large number of other potentially interesting alkanolamines blends. ····· 10361101700

Biodiesel Production and Optimization

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Up-to-date semi-refined and refined vegetable oils are the predominant feedstocks for the production of biodiesel. However, their relatively high costs render the resulting fuels unable to compete with petroleum derived fuel. In this book, the production of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME biodiesel) from soapstock, a byproduct of edible oil refining, have been analyzed. A hydrolysis route is used to produce FAMEs from cottonseed soapstock. The method involved complete saponification of soapstock followed by drying and making as a pulverized powder. Esterification of saponified, dried and pulverized soapstock with methanol was held in the presence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst. FAME products were purified as in a sequence of centrifuge at 4200 rpm, neutralization, methanol recovery in rotary evaporator, and absorption with anhydrous magnesium sulfate to dry water and silica gel to adsorb free fatty acid (FFA) in a bed column. The book also contains optimum production conditions and preliminary economic evaluation indicating that a soapstock-biodiesel can be used as a complimentary fuel for countries such as Ethiopia which depend entirely on importing petroleum. ····· 10361102318


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In this research we are introducing a novel approach to clustering data. Two or more records identified separately actually represent the same real world entity. Data clustering is the process in which groups of the records are not predefined. The proposed technique takes input symptoms form the doctors and extract the disease and its related multiple profiles of disease treatment stored in data ware house. But using clustering approach it divides all profiles into the related groups. Expert system only select three best ranking profiles by using one-way clustering and finally the expert system extract the treatment of the disease using two-way clustering. Data clustering is very crucial for business as information is the life blood of every organization. If data having dirt that miss guides the analysts during decision making which is disaster for the health of businesses. ····· 10361102376

Stimuli Sensitive Hydrogels

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This Book Contain a reveiw and research details on Stimuli sensitive hydrogels. These hydrogels are based on a concept of phase transformation of solution into viscous gel due to presence of stimuli i.e. pH, Temperature, Ionic concentration etc. Here , we are studying about Ophthalmic Hydrogels which are initially liquid in container but transforms into viscous gel when instilled into eye cavity due to the stimuli i.e.change in pH. Basic composition of hydrogels are API, poly acrylic acid polymer, viscolizers, chealating agents, isotonic agents etc. ····· 10361102487

Synthesis of Nano-Scale Core-Shell Particles by RAFT Polymerizations

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Synthesis of nano-scale/polymer core-shell particles, as LPA for unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins by the Z supported RAFT were investigated. CTA, BSPA was covalently attached to the surface of silica gel to make Si-BSPA and the RAFT polymerization subsequently occurred on the silica surface to form silica/polymer core-shell particles. BSPA was prepared from the potassium salt of 3-mercaptopropionic acid with excess of carbon disulfide, followed by the addition of benzyl bromide. The product was isolated by acidification of solution with hydrochloric acid. Before grafting of CTA on the silica gel, it was needed to activate the silica surface by boiling with hydrochloric acid. The nano-scale silica particle was synthesized by a two-stage hydrolysis of silicon powder in aqueous medium. The structure and morphology of the silica particles were characterized via TEM, DLS, and FT-IR. Si-BSPA was synthesized by reaction of the functionality of the surface by reacting the activated silica particles with 4-(chloromethyl) phenyltrimethoxysilane. RAFT polymerization of MA mediated by Si-BSPA was investigated, where of the initial concentration of monomer. ····· 10361102791


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The major component of cookie making is wheat and it contains low amount of -carotene, it is also deficient in some amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan. Carrot and quality protein maize on the other hand are a rich source of -carotene and, lysine and tryptophan respectively. Hence the study was aimed to supplement wheat flour with carrot and quality protein maze in order to develop a cookie rich in -carotene, lysine and tryptophan and to study the effect of processing on the quality attributes of cookies. This document give an insight on how processing could affect the quality attributes of cookie and should be useful especially for cookie or biscuit industries, professionals in food process engineering, and food science and nutrition . ····· 10361113175

Fullerene C60 thin film as a novel coating material for Si film anodes

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The aim of this thesis is to present the application of fullerene C60 thin film as a novel coating material for Si film anodes of lithium ion secondary batteries. Fullerene C60 film is prepared and synthesized by plasma assisted thermal evaporation technique. The thesis firstly focuses on the structural and electrochemical characteristics of C60 coated Si anodes. The estimation of Li-ion diffusion coefficients in the coated Si anodes is the second topic investigated. Finally, the thesis discusses about the effect of coating layer thickness especially on the electrochemical characteristics of C60 coated Si anodes. ····· 10361113481

Managing Galvanic Corrosion in Industry

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This book provides the top management in industry an accurate and quick tool to build the right decision regarding the mechanical structures facing potential problems caused by galvanic corrosion. The Integrity Management Plan (IMP) was utilized as a road map to provide the industrial management with all parameters that might affect galvanic corrosion in order to save time and in other word to save money by introducing empirical equations that convert corrosion from a scientific term to a tangible one. ····· 10361113566

Desalination Using Vapor-Compression Distillation

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Providing drinking water has been one issue for the world population. By 2025 this issue is threatening around three billion people who are hard to access clean potable water. The provision of potable water has become a challenge. The ability to produce potable water economically is thus the primary purpose of seawater desalination work. Reverse osmosis (RO) and multi-stage flash (MSF) for desalination are already used, but they are more costly than potable water produced from fresh water resources. As an alternative to RO and MSF, this work provides information for desalination system with the cost analysis. This investigates a high-efficiency mechanical vapor-compression distillation system that employs an improved water flow arrangement. Greater efficiency of the vapor compression system is achieved by connecting multiple evaporators in series, rather than the traditional parallel arrangement. This information should help encourage an exchange of information in open forum, and should be a benefit to representatives from engineering and economics that have an eye to acquire both economical and technical basic knowledge in the field of mechanical-vapor-compression distillation. ····· 10361113846

Performing Enzymatic Reactions Using Novel Polymer-Bound ATP

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the present work was devoted to develop an efficient synthetic process which requires cofactors. The enzymatic glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) production from glucose was demonstrated as a model process. As cofactors, two new polymer-bound adenine nucleotides (ATP and ADP) were synthesized using starburst polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers. Then, the kinetics of the reactions catalyzed by Bacillus stearothermophilus glucokinase (GK) and acetate kinase (AK) using these polymer-bound cofactors were studied extensively. Finally, the production of G6P using the polymer-bound ATP in a plug flow-type hollow-fiber membrane reactor (PFMR) in a diffusion mode as well as a continuous stirred tank-type membrane reactor (CSTMR) in a filtration mode was investigated theoretically ····· 10361113870


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Xylanase is an enzyme of glycosyl hydrolase family (11) that can easily break the beta-1, 4-d-xylosidic linkage of xylan, which is a major constituent of hemicelluloses. These days, xylanase are the enzymes on demand in pulp and paper industry. But for product enhancement, they need cellulase free xylanase.samples collected from the waste yard of food ndustry.First, =CSPY media was prepared. For enhancing the xylanase producing ability, wood scrapings were used as xylan substrate. From the first stage screening, actinomycete culture is obtained that has shown normal level cellulase free xylanase activity. For higher level activity, other natural substrates like corn cobs, baggaserice bran and pure xylan are used for optimization. This optimization process may enhance the production of cellulase free xylanase that could industrially fruitful in better pulp bleaching. Cellulase assay is done to confirm the absence of cellulase in the strains as cellulase free Xylanase is required. Strain improvement of the selected strains is done with EtBr technique and UV radiation to compare which technique is more fruitful as enhancing the production of required enzyme. ····· 10361114380

Cost effective process for removal of phenol from water

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Concern about wide spread contamination of surface and ground water by various organic compounds due to the rapid development of chemical and petrochemical industries have grown over the past several decades Phenol is classified as one of the most harmful contaminants of water .Chemical and petrochemical industries effluent are the primary sources of phenol. The environmental protection agencies are getting more and more strict about these effluent treatment so that water doesent get contaminated. The industries are bound to remove the contaminants from water. This book,therefore,provides a very cost effective process by which phenol can be removed from water. The analysis should help shed some light on this new economical and effective way for the effluent treatment plant of industries for removing phenol.This will also help our society to get safer environment. ····· 10361115051


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In the book, contemporary approach for monitoring and control of biotechnological processes on new formalization of process kinetics is presented. The new idea is the substrate kinetics to be considered as fully unknown and time-varying. This new formalization allows avoiding widespread conception for bioprocess models with constant yield coefficients. In practice, the model coefficients of such processes with nonlinear nature and low level of reproducibility are time-varying. Different applications and modifications of the proposed approach are presented. The modifications ensue from the process characteristics process target product and available information. The present book generalizes the long authors` experience with different bioprocesses in food and pharmaceutical industries, in wastewater treatment as well as for bio-fuels production from renewable sources. It is intended as a graduate level text for students in bioengineering as well as a reference text for scientists and engineers involved in bioprocess control design. ····· 10361115413

Prospects of natural gas in Bangladesh and MSTE technology

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Bangladesh has a lot of natural resources. Natural Gas is the main geo-resource among them. Natural gas of our country is unique in the world for its quality. Addition to this, a lot amount of condensate is extracted in gas processing plants. The industrial and power sector of Bangladesh has a great dependency on the natural gas either for fuel or for raw material. The processed gas is also used in domestic purpose & now a day in vehicles as fuel.But even after having a lot of gas the country is in gas crisis.This book includes natural gas and its processing and also how the processing plants work. The chapters deal with process description of gas, safety, maintenance, fractionation, laboratory analysis etc. Details of Molecular sieve turbo expander technology in Kailashtila gas field have been discussed. The analysis should help shed some light on the current gas situation of Bangladesh.Not only this book will also enlight people from Bangladesh,it will also help other countries which have gas reserve and also give them a view of advantages of molecular sieve turbo expander technology. ····· 10361115704

Hydroxyapatite, a wonder Biomaterial. Synthesis and characterization

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Nanotechnology is poised to change the way we perceive and practice science. Nanomaterials are the ones that posses at least one dimension lesser than 100 nanometer (nm). The science of nanotechnology revolves around the ability to engineer, control and exploit the unique chemical, physical and electrical properties that the infinitesimally tiny man-made particles exhibit. A biomaterial is any material, natural or man-made, that comprises whole or part of a living structure or a biomedical device which performs, augments, or replaces a natural function. Hydroxyapatite(HAp) falls under the category of calcium phosphate based ceramics and has been used extensively for replacing and augmenting bone tissue. This book reports a comprehensive analysis on the combustion synthesis route for Hydroxyapatite synthesis, and the different characterization methods to decipher the product`s size range, functional groups, crystallinity. A preliminary study on the applicability of HAp as an adsorbent in TLC is also reported. ····· 10361115855

Ánodos bimetálicos para celdas de combustible tipo SOFC

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Las celdas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC, del inglés Solid Oxide Fuel Cells), presentan una alternativa prometedora dentro de los tipos de celdas de combustible existentes, debido a la flexibilidad que presentan en el uso de combustible. Dependiendo de la naturaleza del ánodo, hidrocarburos (gaseosos o líquidos)e hidrógeno, pueden ser usados como combustibles. Estas permitirían emplear la principal base de recursos energéticos consolidada a la fecha como son los hidrocarburos, y a su vez, podría permitir una cómoda transición hacia la sociedad del hidrógeno. ····· 10361116641

Diseño de Reactores Mezcla Completa

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En este libro de texto se aborda de una forma novedosa el problema del Diseño y Control de Procesos, enfocado particularmente en Reactores Mezcla Completa, uno de los procesos más usados en un gran porcentaje en el campo industrial así como en el área académica. El lector podrá encontrar las bases teóricas que sustentan el Diseño Integrado de Procesos. Se plantea, un método que permite el Diseño de Reactores Mezcla Completa a través del Enfoque Simultaneo o Diseño Integrado . Con éste enfoque se considera la dinámica del proceso y su control simultáneamente en la fase de diseño, garantizando una respuesta dinámica adecuada del sistema. El algoritmo de solución implica resolver problemas de programación no lineal con ecuaciones algebraico diferenciales (NLP-DAE), en el que están involucrados todos los aspectos técnicos necesarios para describir el sistema y los criterios para el diseño de control basados en la respuesta completa del sistema Error Cuadrático Integral , índice de disminución y sobre-modulación. Demostrando que el DISEÑO INTEGRADO presenta mejor desempeño que el enfoque secuencial tanto desde el punto de vista cualitativo, económico como de su respuesta dinámica. ····· 10361116815

Industrial Methanol Reactor Dynamic Modeling and Optimization

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Considering higher price of oil converting natural gas to light petroleum products has been of great interest. This book tries to discuss converging natural gas to methanol in industrial scale reactor. The research focuses on mechanistic and grey box ( hybrid neural network model) modeling of reactor. Dynamic operation conditions of reactor have been obtained for indusial applications.The works first focuses on catalyst and tries to investigate different operating condition on catalyst performance using neural network modeling. The proposed method has great potential as a means to compensate for lack of the phenomenological kinetic modeling techniques. Next based on accurate neural network rate a hybrid model of industrial scale reactor is developed. In order to dynamic optimization of the reactor heterogeneous model of industrial reactor has been built. For the first time 2D, optimization of the industrial scale reactor has been presented. Optimum values for inlet temperature, composition and shell temperature as a function of time have been obtained based on dynamic optimization. ····· 10361118715

Chromium (III) Biosorption by Fungus

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This book attempts to highlight some notable features of various methods in practise for metal remediation from effleunts. The notable physio-chemical processes are generally efficient in removing the bulk of metal from solution at high or moderate concentrations, whereas they may be ineffective or extremely expensive especially when the metals in solution are at low concentration. As a consequence, their limits become more pronounced when voluminous effluents containing complexing organic matter and low metal contamination must be treated.An alternative method involving microorganisms is gradually emerging which has shown commendable capacity to sequester metal ions at a very reasonable rate and eco-friendly manner,termed BIOSORPTION. Various microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, yeasts, cyanobacteria and algae play an important role in the detoxification and removal of heavy metals.This book ellucidates the attempts made to isolate metal tolerant fungal species from tannery effluent and development of a process for microbial remediation of toxic and carcinogenic hexavalent chromium from solution. ····· 10361118824

Self Cleaning Surface

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In electronic industry, many components need to be cleaned. Normally, there is cleaning process to wash components before assembly. However, it is difficult to remove all sticky contamination. One method is to make component surface to have self cleaning property. It is a surface that repelswater like a lotus leaf. A droplet can roll and grasp dust on the lotus leaf with them. Then the lotus leaf will become clean automatically. This book describes the method to mimic the microstructures of a lotus leaf by creating artificial microstructures on the surface of steel. Zinc will be deposited on steel by electroplating techniques prior to synthesizing ZnO nanorods on the zinc electroplated steel. The Zinc coating layer is varied in thickness to study the correlation between the thicknesses of the zinc layer with the ZnO nanorods grown on the steel. In this book, it also addresses the issues related to the shapes and the sizes of ZnO nanostructures that effect hydrophobic surfaces and studies the method to increase the Water Contact Angle (WCA) on thesynthesized surface to improve self cleaning property. ····· 10361118934

Evaluation of Cheddar and Cottage Cheese Production from Doe and Ewe

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The study was aimed to produce cheddar and cottage cheese from doe and ewe milk. The sources of milk were from Arsi Negele and Kofele areas of Oromiya region of Ethiopia. Cheddar cheeses were made from whole doe, whole ewe milk and their mixtures contained ratio of 25, 50 and 75% of doe and ewe milk using standard procedure for cheddar cheese processing technology.The proximate, microbiological, Physico- chemical, sensory analysis and yield calculation of the cheeses were made at chemical Engineering laboratory, Holleta agricultural research center,Ethiopian health and nutrition research institute.The thesis generally includes processing technology and evaluation of cheddar cheese made from doe and/or ewe milk. As a result an economically feasible production system has been recommended by scaling up to industry level. ····· 10361119332

Process Dynamics Laboratory

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It would be clear to the readers of Chemical Engineering disciplines across the globe that this book contains the results of comprehensive study, design, and exhaustive experimentation to achieve the desired goals. It is the observation of the authors through their knowledge and experience that traditionally the teaching methodology currently practised does not go hand in hand with theory and laboratory performance. To address this issue the authors strongly felt that laboratory Orientation, Design approach and its Performance have to be preceded by proper protocol as it is a vital cog in the process wheel. To elaborate and justify this ideology the authors have after in depth study and firm conviction introduced the rationale for performing experiments and highlighted the connection with the real world. Through the chapters the authors are confident that not only the students but also the Educational Institutions teaching Chemical Engineering worldwide would put the concepts covered in this book into their day to day assignments. This methodology if properly adopted would mark a new wave in the field of Chemical Engineering. ····· 10361119583

Production of Hydrogen by Coal Gasification

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In all over the world we are facing energy crises. Our consumption is increasing day by day that is conflict with our oil and gas resources. To overcome this situation we should move toward alternate and environment friendly resources just like hydrogen. Hydrogen is a green fuel mean no emission of carbon when it is combusted. Pakistan is on 5th number for coal reserves that`s why i selected production of hydrogen via coal gasification. In this study the phenomenon of gasification which is the conversion of carbonaceous fuels into Syngas comprising of CO and H2 is under taken. A combination of the following steps is being used. Coal is fed to a downdraft gasifier and the gases, after gasification in a gasifier are first cooled recovering heat in waste heat boiler and then forwarded towards scrubber to minimize the concentration of solid particulates which are hard to be tolerated by downstream unit, the membrane. Since hydrogen required is of high purity therefore polymeric membrane is used to separate hydrogen from rest of the gases. This project will helpful for all energy sectors and research work. ····· 10361119668

Heat and mass transfer studies on different leather materials

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Leather is an important economic commodity. The feel of the leather invariably decides the quality of the leather. The rate and mode of drying alters the physico-mechanical properties of the leather significantly. Typically, in leather manufacture wet leathers with about 70% moisture levels are subjected to mechanical squeezing operation, samming, for removal of freely held water before subjecting to conventional drying processes to produce leathers with 15 20% moisture. Experiments are conducted to gain a clear picture of how drying variable affects the mechanical properties of dried leathers. Shorter drying time and proper initial water content are favorable conditions to produce stronger and softer leather. Possibility have been explored of using mass quantity such as drying rate to generalize relationship between drying variables and mechanical properties. From the experiments, it can be concluded that by vacuum drying process stronger and softer leather can be achieved, which will have high tensile strength, grain crack strength and tongue tear strength. Further they would not undergo any wear and tear during finishing processes. ····· 10361119726

Guide To Perform Graphical Pinch Analysis For Process Integration

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Pinch analysis enables a fast approach to an optimum thermal performance, while bringing new insights and improving the understanding of the nature of various thermodynamic processes in a plant. A graphical pinch based methodology is discussed in this book along with direct case studies of pinch analysis for a given stream data. These case studies mention about the various steps involved in a graphical pinch based analysis. Pinch analysis is supposed to be of limited use in industries, on the contrary pinch technology based methods can be used in many types of chemical as well as agriculture industries. The simple graphical approach used in this book is designed to determine the hot and cold utility targets, and it shares the same intuitive, insight-driven characteristics of pinch analysis techniques. Through the approach followed, pinch point for particular Tmin (10 degree Celsius in book) can be easily determined. ····· 10361131848


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The control of crystal morphology in industrial crystallization is critical because it significantlyaffects the efficiency of downstream processing (filtering, washing, and drying) and postprocessingphysicomechanical properties (bulk density, wettability, and tableting behavior). Inthe case of pharmaceuticals, crystal morphology affects drug bioavailability and thus itstherapeutic efficacy. Factors such as cooling rate, degree of supersaturation, agitation speed,agitation time, presence of seed crystals, and impurities have been routinely used to engineercrystal morphology.The first task was to derive quantitative solvent indices for tuning the crystal morphology. Thiswas achieved by conducting series of systematic and comprehensive cooling-crystallizationexperiments. The roles of inter- and intra- molecular hydrogen bonding, steric hindrance resultingfrom solvent functional group position, and aromatic pi-intermolecular interactions, indetermining the final crystal form were examined. Several organic solids, includingpharmaceutical compounds such as ibuprofen and aspirin, were crystallized from solvents withwidely varying polarities. ····· 10361132603

High- Density Polyethylene and Polystyrene Blend/Clay Nanocomposites

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This book introduces some new achievements in the field of nanocomposites and can be useful for all practitioners and students that are interested in the field of nanocomposites. The author during her work with nanocomposites found some new and interesting points which can be used by others who are interested in the field. Accordingly,some suggestions were included in the book which can be helpful for the students and prevent them from repeating the previous experiences. ····· 10361132670

Fabrication and Optimization of BSA Nanoparticles

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Nanotechnology is the creation and utilization of materials, devices and systems by control of matter on nano scale. Given the inherent nanoscale functions of biological components of living cells, it was inevitable that nanotechnology would be applied to life sciences. Such applications give rise to the term nanobiotechnology. Technical achievements in nanotechnology are being applied to improve drug delivery. Albumin nanoparticles have been shown efficacy as biodegradable carrier, which can incorporate variety of drugs in relatively non-specific fashion. Protein nanoparticles, due to the presence of charged group, can also be used as matrix. When the drug is encapsulated by the nanoparticles, the product are called nanocapsules, if the medicine is uniformly coated on the exterior of the nanoparticle then is called nanosphere. Simple coacervation was used for manufacturing BSA nanoparticles as a colloidal drug delivery system in this book and the essential parameters were considered. The objective of the present study is the optimization for the preparation of BSA-based nanoparticles by the Taguchi method which show a controllable particle diameter under 100nm. ····· 10361132931

Strain Self-Sensing Polymer Nano-Composites

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The present work aims for making a proper composite which can be used to monitor its own condition. These materials are called self-sensing composites. In order to achieve this target carbon nanotube (CNT) composites, due to their extraordinary electromechanical properties, are most desired. CNT composite self-sensors are going to be replaced by fibre optic sensors, suffer from high cost, low durability, small sensing volume and mechanical property loss. The most important application of self-sensors is in civil engineering, but this work tries to design a system able to self-sensing of damage because of the practical importance of structural health monitoring, which is needed for aircraft hazard. Referring to Literature indicates that there are two important concepts (Tunnelling effect and Bandgap structure), which explain for the conducting behaviour of CNT semi-conductors. As changing the bandgap structure of CNTs by a simple deformation of composite is pproximately impossible, tunnelling effect has the most influence on the electrical response of a composite as a function of deformation. ····· 10361133007

Technologies in Wastewater Treatment

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Environmental Engineering - TECHNOLOGIES IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT - AEROBIC TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS - The problem of water pollution due to industrial waste is attaining greater importance day by day. Distillery, sugar and dairy industries are the fast growing agro-based industries with high organic and inorganic contents which are high strength wastes and difficult to dispose or reuse. Due to the recent advancements in biotechnology, aerobic reactor is widely used as a tertiary treatment for the treatment of high strength industry wastewater. - FEATURES - 1. Physico-chemical analysis of distillery, sugar mill and dairy effluents and its pollution impacts. 2. Isolation of microorganism present in the sewage sludge, which is used as a seed culture in the Aerobic Reactor. 3. Experimentation in the continuous degradation of distillery, sugar mill and dairy effluents using an Aerobic Reactor under different experimental conditions. 4. Kinetic modeling of continuous degradation of distillery, sugar mill and dairy effluents. ····· 10361133807

Microflotation and adsorption studies with an N-arylhydroxamic acid

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A study was conducted to understand the adsorption of N-hydrocinnamoyl-N-phenylhydroxyl- amine (HCNPHA) on the surfaces of various pure minerals: sphalerite, pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite and quartz. HCNPHA is a member of the N-arylhydroxamic acids that are good base metal mineral collectors and HCNPHA gave the most promising results within the group.In this work, equilibrium studies were conducted at pH 9 and 10, using pure minerals and some microflotation studies were also undertaken. Chemisorption appears to be the most probable mechanism of adsorption on metal sulphide minerals. Microflotation studies were also conducted to understand the flotation of various minerals to HCNPHA at a pH range of 7 to 11. Optimum pH for sphalerite flotation was 9. Sphalerite was floated without the need for copper sulphate (CuSO4), which is very significant, as xanthates are unable to float sphalerite without CuSO4 (which is the costliest reagent). HCNPHA also required less CuSO4 than xanthates for reactivation of sphalerite.Xanthates are the collector of choice for mineral processing therefore HCNPHA provides a promise in developing an environmentally friendly alternative for xanthates. ····· 10361133822

Titania matrix

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Titanium dioxide shows outstanding chemical stability, high refractive index photochemical activity and high dielectric constant, which are expected to play important roles in many fields. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the application of TiO2 nanoparticles for pigments,catalysts and supports, ceramics, gas sensors, inorganic membranes,waste water purification and solar energy conversion. The uses and performances for a given application are, however, strongly influenced by the crystalline structure, the morphology and the size of the particles. Therefore, in this book development of synthetic methods of the production of TiO2 nanoparticles in which the particle size and the crystal structure of the products are being controlled are precisely describe.Different characterization techniques (SEM, EDS and UV-Vis Spectroscopy)are also displayed. The photocatalytic degradation kinetics was studied with these synthesized TiO2 on methylene blue (MB) and congo red (CR).The effect of pH on the photocatalytic degradation was also investigated. The TiO2 showed enhanced photocatalytic performance in presence of basic media than that of neutral or acidic. ····· 10361133865

Photocatalytic Reactor:

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Photo catalytic degradation is the degradation of photodegradable molecules by absorption of photons, particularly those wavelengths found in sunlight such as infrared radiation, visible light and ultraviolet light in presence of catalyst. Removal and degradation of organic dyes are matter of considerable interest, because of potential toxicity of dyes and theirs visibility in surface waters. A wide range of methods have been developed, amongst which the heterogeneous photo catalysis involving titanium dioxide (TiO2) appears to be the most promising technology. Here we express the designing of photo catalytic reactor, with or without aeration system in batch mode, for observing catalytic degradation performance of Methylene Blue (MB) removal. Dye removal kinetics, effect of aeration, initial dye concentration, catalyst dose on batch mode was investigates in this paper. A comparison of photo catalytic degradation between aeration and without aeration on batch mode also performed. It is found that, with aeration the dye degradation is much better than without aeration. ····· 10361134296

Preparation Process of Hollow Fiber UF Membrane

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Ultrafiltration first appeared at the end of the 19th century and was used for a long time as a concentration and purification technique in laboratory preparations. Studies have been carried out to improve the properties of ultrafiltration polymeric membranes most of them are related to flat sheet membranes prepared by the dry/wet phase inversion process. On the other hand, less researches has been done on the preparation and characterization of hollow fiber membranes. This is due to the fact that the preparation of hollow fiber membranes is much more complex than the former which involves various factors such as the rapid phase inversion kinetics and the interfacial mass transfer during the spinning process, as well as the large number of spinning parameters, for example, the structure and dimension of the spinneret, the flow rate of the bore fluid, the composition and temperature of both the bore fluid and external coagulant, the temperature difference between the dope and quench medium, polymer dope viscosity, the dope extrusion rate, the fiber wind-up speed, the air gap distance, etc. Nowadays hollow fiber membrane configuration is the preferred option in membrane application ····· 10361135664

Site Security

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Chemical process industries such as oil refineries, fertiliser plants, petrochemical plants, etc., which handle hazardous chemicals, are potential targets for deliberate actions by terrorists, criminals and disgruntled employees. Security risks arising out of these threats are real and must be assessed to determine whether the security measures employed within the facility are adequate or need enhancement. The essential components of security management programme include security risk assessment, security countermeasures, and emergency response. Security risk assessment can be carried out qualitatively by threat analysis, vulnerability analysis and developing Security Risk Factor Table. It is recognised that many of the conventional safety and security measures have to be modified in light of enhanced nature of threat. Two case studies: one of a fertiliser plant and the other on a refinery has been presented in this work to show the application of ideas. This work will be useful to the safety and security professionals, workers/managers of a chemical industry or any other individual interested to counter the hazard of terrorism. ····· 10361135936

Aditivos en yesos cerámicos

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El yeso es un material muy utilizado en la industria cerámica en la fabricación de moldes que servirán en la producción de refractarios, lozas y vajillas, sanitarios y accesorios. Los moldes de yeso deberán reunir ciertas características que los hagan adecuados para el uso requerido, como el vaciado de piezas huecas, conformado, etc. Las propiedades de estos moldes dependerán de la forma en que se controle el proceso de fabricación, siendo común que se presenten problemas en el control de fraguado, dureza, propiedades mecánicas y físicas que hacen que la vida útil de las piezas sea muy variable. En el presente libro se reporta un estudio sistemático para evaluar la influencia de aditivos químicos (acelerantes y retardantes) sobre el procesado, la transformación y las propiedades finales de piezas fabricadas a partir de yesos cerámicos. Se obtuvieron piezas de yeso cerámico y artesano con carboximetilcelulosa, borax, cloruro de sodio y Festermix como aditivos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que mediante la manipulación de las concentraciones de los aditivos es posible diseñar productos a la medida , en función de los requerimientos técnicos que demande una aplicación. ····· 10361137850

Titanium Dioxide

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Nanotechnology is one of the extensively high advanced technologies of the world and emerging in haste with its entire span and has a diversified use. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been extensively studied as a photocatalyst in nanotechnology for different applications such as water and air remedy, because of its relatively high photocatalytic activity, robust chemical stability, relatively low production costs, and non toxicity. Nano-structured TiO2 was synthesized using sol-gel method with and without presence of nano porous polymer . Photocatalytic efficiency of the samples have been characterized by several techniques (SEM, EDS, UV Spectroscopy and XRD). This photocatalytic process might be effective to remove this color and minimize the cost of an effluent treatment plant. ····· 10361146672

Chemical reaction - pervaporation hybrid process and its application to transesterification of methyl acetate with n-butanol

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Methyl acetate is a by-product during the production of poly(vinyl)alcohol (PVA). Per ton of PVA 1.68 tons of methyl acetate are produced. 1 Since methyl acetate is of limited industrial importance and methanol is a feedstock for PVA synthesis, the most attractive way would be to convert methyl acetate into methanol and n-butyl acetate, since n-butyl acetate is an important solvent for plastics, resins, gums and coatings. n-Butyl acetate can also be used as extracting agent, intermediate in organic synthesis or in the photographic industry. 2 One of the possibilities to obtain the desired products would be the transesterification of methyl acetate with n-butanol, which leads to n-butyl acetate and methanol. Due to the two binary maximum pressure azeotropes, 3 namely methanol - methyl acetate and n-butanol - n-butyl acetate, a conventional process with reaction followed by separation would cause a huge separation effort. Additionally, the low chemical equilibrium constant (close to unity) would result in low conversion and high capital costs. An alternative would be the application of reactive distillation or the combination of the reaction step with a membrane-separation process, e.g. pervaporation, to separate the reaction products from the reactants and therefore overcome the azeotropes and chemical equilibrium limitations. Besides kinetic information for the chemical reaction, reliable information about the heat and mass-transfer, the vapor-liquid equilibrium behavior, the various pure component properties and chemical equilibrium is required. To describe the pervaporation process the separation properties of the applied membrane like flux, separation factor or enrichment factor are needed. ····· 10361107301

Process development for plant-based extract production

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In this thesis a structured and standardized approach for the process design of plant-based extractions has been developed. This approach is founded on laboratory experiments performed in a standard apparatus to determine extraction kinetics for the best solvent and the targeted solute with regard to the solubility, selectivity as well as factors like regulatory constraints and consumer demands. As a benchmark, two different raw materials, pepper berries and vanilla beans, with different physical properties of the target compounds and the raw materials have been examined to cover a wide range of typical botanical variable feeds. Furthermore, mass balances have been set up for water, solvent, raw material and target compounds on a laboratory scale. A rigorous model supported by botanical investigations has been developed to predict percolation results. After determining the desorption isotherm the model has been validated with short residence time percolation experiments. With the aid of this validated model percolation experiments with long residence times can be predicted and different process scenarios calculated. A combination of design of experiments and rigorous modelling in combination with a standard equipment and experimental model parameter determination provides a fast and robust experimental design on the one hand and the precondition for a process parameter data-based learning curve on the basis of rigorous modelling in the mid- or long-term on the other hand. ····· 10361107445

Fest-Flüssig-Trennung in Tellerseparatoren

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Zur Reinigung von Schmierölen sind konventionelle Filter weit verbreitet. Diese besitzen jedoch eine starke Abhängigkeit zwischen Differenzdruck und Wechselintervall. Tellerseparatoren hingegen zeigen im Vergleich zu Filtern bei entsprechender Dimensionierung ein konstantes Differenzdruckniveau über lange Zeiträume. Bisher ist der Transport der Partikel im Inneren des Separators insbesondere in Bezug auf den Transport der abgeschiedenen Partikel im Detail noch nicht vollständig verstanden. Daher wurden detaillierte Untersuchungen des Tellerseparators vor dem Hintergrund der Schmierölreinigung durchgeführt. Das Ziel der Untersuchungen ist es, Grundlagen für die Produktentwicklung zu erarbeiten. Für eine geeignete Konstruktion und Dimensionierung von Tellerseparatoren ist es wichtig, das Abscheideverhalten der Partikel zu kennen. Hierfür sollen detaillierte Untersuchungen die Wege, die Partikel während der Abscheidung verfolgen, aufzeigen. Im Fokus der Untersuchungen stehen der Abscheidegrad und der Differenzdruck des Tellerseparators. Zur Erweiterung und Vertiefung des Wissenstands über Tellerseparatoren muss zunächst der Separator als Ganzes betrachtet werden. Es werden numerische Untersuchungen mit der Finite Volumen Methode unter Verwendung von numerischen Strömungssimulationen (Computational Fluid Dynamics, kurz CFD) durchgeführt genauso wie experimentelle Untersuchungen. Die Sedimentation von Partikeln im Tellerseparator wird zunächst unter der Annahme von geringen Feststoffkonzentrationen numerisch simuliert. Zur Berechnung dieser Mehrphasenströmung bestehend aus Feststoffpartikeln und Schmieröl wird das Euler-Lagrange-Model verwendet. Die numerischen Berechnungen werden außerdem mit experimentellen Untersuchungen verglichen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen des gesamten Tellerseparators führen zu weiteren detaillierten Untersuchungen des Transports der separierten Partikel. Weiterführende Untersuchungen demonstrieren, dass Partikel, die im Tellerpaket abgeschieden werden, weiter zum obersten Spalt im Tellerpaket transportiert werden. Erst dort werden die Partikel zu der äußeren Gehäusewand transportiert. In Folge des Transports der abgeschiedenen Partikel von Spalt zu Spalt steigt die Feststoffkonzentration spaltweise von unten nach oben an. Um den Einfluss der steigenden Feststoffkonzentrationen auf das Absetzverhalten der Partikel im Tellereinzelspalt zu bestimmen, werden experimentelle als auch numerische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. In diesem Fall wird lediglich ein Einzelspaltmodel der Geometrie betrachtet. Für hohe Feststoffkonzentrationen wird bei der numerischen Berechnung der Mehrphasenströmung das Euler-Euler-Model verwendet, welches eine Reduzierung des Berechnungsaufwand gegenüber dem Euler-Lagrange-Model ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen verbesserten Abscheidegrad bei steigender Feststoffkonzentration. ····· 10361107467

Self-lubricious tool coatings for ecological metal cutting

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The ambition of this work is to contribute towards the scientific background and understanding required to enable a knowledge-based design of self-lubricating tool coatings. The strategy is to apply ab initio calculations to identify transition metal oxides, so-called Magnéli phases, that possess low friction coefficients and therefore can act as solid lubricants, and to alloy TiAlN with these elements by sputter deposition. These Magnéli phase oxides are expected to form on the surface of the as-alloyed TiAlN tool coating during metal cutting processes and provide lubrication without the necessity to use additional, fluid lubricating agents. Thus, more precisely, the objective of this work is to contribute towards understanding the correlation between composition, structure, elastic properties and decohesion energies of transition metal Magnéli phase oxides, namely vanadium, tungsten and molybdenum oxides, and correlate these with the electronic structure thereof. Furthermore, as the second step, the follow up objective is to contribute towards understanding the correlation between composition, structure and mechanical properties of cubic TiAlN alloyed with such Magnéli phase forming elements. Here, tungsten is chosen as a demonstrator, therefore cubic TiAlN-WNx thin films are investigated. ····· 10361107519

Untersuchungen zur biologischen Behandlung azofarbstoffhaltiger Abwässer aus der Textilindustrie

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Industrieabwässer sind in der Regel stark organisch belastet und enthalten zudem oft refraktäre Stoffe, die nur schlecht biologisch abgebaut werden können. Speziell die Textilindustrie zählt zu den abwasserintensivsten Industriezweigen, deren Abwässer neben den hohen organischen Belastungen, zusätzlich Farbbelastungen aufweisen. Zunehmend befindet sich der Hauptanteil der textilverarbeitenden Industrie in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern, so dass vorzugsweise kostengünstige und zugleich effektive Reinigungsmethoden benötigt werden. Biologische Behandlungsverfahren erweisen sich meist kostengünstiger als chemische und physikalische Verfahren und liefern vergleichbare Ergebnisse. Unter anaeroben können eine Vielzahl von Bakterien schwer abbaubare Stoffe wie z.B. Azofarbstoffe spalten und darüber hinaus aus leicht abbaubaren Stoffen Methan bilden. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit sind Untersuchungen zur anaeroben/aeroben Behandlung eines farbigen Teilstromes aus der Textilindustrie. Dabei stehen im Focus die Reduzierung der organischen Belastung und der Farbigkeit. Als Verfahren wurden zum einen ein batchbetriebener Sequencing Batch Reaktor (SBR) und zum anderen ein kontinuierlich beschickter Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reaktor (UASB-Reaktor) gewählt und im Labormaßstab betrieben. Im SBR waren die anaerobe und aerobe Behandlung zeitlich voneinander getrennt. Im UASB hingegen wurde eine aerobe Stufe dem UASB Reaktor nachgeschaltet. Innerhalb der Versuchszeit wurden verschiedene Parameter wie Raumbelastung, Schlammbelastung, Betriebstemperatur und Farbigkeit variiert. Bei den Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass beide Verfahren bei der Behandlung von farbigem Textilabwasser angewandt werden können. Im Vergleich lieferte der UASB höhere Abbaugrade bei höheren Raumbelastungen und kürzeren hydraulischen Verweilzeiten. Zudem konnte im UASB-Reaktor energiereiches Methangas gewonnen werden. Allerdings zeigte sich im UASB-Reaktor eine negative Beeinflussung des Organikabbaus und der Methanproduktion durch höhere Farbstoffkonzentrationen (> 50 mg/l). Die Entfärbung lag im anaeroben UASB- Reaktor bei Abbaugraden zwischen 65 und 78 %. Im SBR zeigte sich eine Verschlechterung der Entfärbungsleistung durch längere Belüftungsphasen, die hingegen den Organikabbau verbesserten. Das Temperaturoptimum lag bei 30°C. In anaeroben Batchversuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die Entfärbungsgeschwindigkeit ebenfalls mit der Temperatur und der Farbstoffkonzentration steigern lässt. Demnach stellt das SBR-Verfahren ein stabiles Behandlungsverfahren für farbige Abwässer dar. Ein energetischer Nutzen konnte jedoch ausschließlich im strikt anaeroben UASB-Reaktor bei geringen Farbstoffkonzentrationen erreicht werden. ····· 10361107791

Oxygen incorporation in MAX phases and TiAlN and elastic properties of nanolaminates

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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde durch ab initio-Berechnungen und Experimente ein fundamentales Verständnis der Sauerstoffeinlagerung in M2AlC Phasen und TiAlN entwickelt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass interstitieller Sauerstoff eine wichtige Rolle in beiden Materialsystemen spielt, da dieser spontan gebildet wird, wenn Sauerstoff anwesend ist. Das Verständnis des Effektes von Sauerstoff auf Phasenstabilität, elastische Eigenschaften und Bindungsverteilung erlaubt quantenmechanisch geführtes Materialdesign von Materialien mit erhöhtem Oxidationswiderstand und Stabilität bei erhöhten Temperaturen. ····· 10361107808

Bestimmung der Emulgiereffektivität von Emulgatoren

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Emulsionen werden sehr vielfältig vor allem in der pharmazeutischen und Lebensmittelindustrie eingesetzt. Für die Herstellung von Emulsionen werden Zusatzstoffe, wie Emulgatoren und Stabilisatoren verwendet, um das System gegen Koaleszenz und Aufrahmen zu stabilisieren. Um eine anwendungsbezogene Auswahl von Art und Menge eines Emulgators treffen zu können, muss die Emulgiereffektivität von Emulgatoren für verschiedene Prozesse bestimmt werden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bewertung der Emulgiereffektivität von Emulgatoren beim Emulgierprozess. Zu diesem Zweck werden Untersuchungen am Beispiel von fünf verschiedenen lebensmitteltauglichen Emulgatoren und zwei in der Industrie eingesetzten Emulgierprozessen durchgeführt. Diese Ergebnisse können eingesetzt werden, um die Auswahl von Art und Menge eines Emulgators zu optimieren, um dadurch die Belastung von Emulgatoren in Zubereitungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie oder pharmazeutischen Industrie zu reduzieren. ····· 10361108002

The effect of Si and Y additives on the phase stability of Al2O3 thin films

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The goal of this thesis is to understand the atomistic mechanisms governing the structure evolution to control or affect phase formation and stability of alumina thin films deposited by filtered cathodic arc technique. The thesis is, therefore, subdivided into five chapters: A state of the art review is provided in Chapter 2. The review focuses on the polymorphism of alumina and the synthesis pathways for the different alumina polymorphs. Furthermore, it includes a summary of the current studies on the effect of additives on the stability of the metastable alumina phases with focus on the additives Si and Y. Chapter 3 describes the experimental and theoretical methods of research used within this study. Chapter 4 contains the experimental and theoretical studies of the effect of Si and Y additives on the high temperature stability of metastable gamma-Al2O3. Chapter 5 concludes the thesis and future research directions and perspectives are proposed in Chapter 6. ····· 10361108084

Charakterisierung der lokalen Korrosionseigenschaften von lanthan- und neodymmodifizierten (alpha-beta) Titanlegierungen

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Titanwerkstoffe besitzen in der heutigen Industrie eine hohe Bedeutung. Die am häufigsten eingesetzte Titanlegierung ist mit einem Anteil von ca. 50 % Ti6Al4V. Aufgrund seiner hohen Festigkeit ist diese Legierung schwer und aufwändig zu zerspanen, was eine Bearbeitung teuer macht. Seit einiger Zeit existieren sogenannte Automatentitanlegierungen, die durch den Zusatz von seltenen Erden eine bessere Zerspanbarkeit aufweisen. Der Zusatz der seltenen Erden Lanthan und Neodym führt zur Ausbildung von Ausscheidungen, die sich vornehmlich auf Korngrenzen wieder finden und das Korrosionsverhalten im Vergleich zu Legierungen ohne Zusatz von seltenen Erden deutlich verändern. Die Größe der Ausscheidungen liegt im Mikrometerbereich. Vor einem technischen Einsatz dieser Werkstoffe ist es notwendig, den Einfluss dieser Ausscheidungen genau zu untersuchen, um Vorhersagen über die Langzeitstabilität machen zu können. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein besseres Verständnis über die zugrunde liegenden Korrosionsmechanismen von Ausscheidungen aus seltenen Erden in vier verschiedenen Titanlegierungen zu erhalten. Die in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Legierungen waren: - Ti6Al2Fe1Mo0.9La0.5Cu mit und ohne Zusatz von 0.3Si mit Ausscheidungen aus Lanthan und Lanthan-Kupfer - Ti6Al4V2Nd mit Ausscheidungen aus Neodym - Ti6Al2V3Nb0.9La0.7Fe0.3Si mit Ausscheidungen aus Lanthan In dieser Arbeit wurde eine Kombination aus integralen Untersuchungsmethoden, welche das Korrosionsverhalten der entsprechenden Legierungen auf einer Fläche von mehreren Quadratzentimetern beschreiben, und lokalen Untersuchungsmethoden, die das Korrosionsverhalten auf einem Maßstab von wenigen Mikrometern beschreiben, angewandt. Durch elektrochemische Messmethoden wie Potentiodynamische Polarisation oder Chronoamperometrie war es möglich, erste Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Stabilität und der Kinetik der Oxidation von Lanthan- und Neodympartikeln zu erhalten. Es zeigte sich, dass die Auflösung der Partikel innerhalb kurzer Zeitspannen von wenigen Stunden stattfindet. Nach der Oxidation der Partikel sind diese bei ex-situ Messungen nicht mehr auf der Oberfläche aufzufinden. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mittels Untersuchungen am Rasterelektronenmikroskop bestätigt. Des Weiteren wurde mittels Elektronenstrahlmikrosonde die Zusammensetzung der Ausscheidungen charakterisiert. Durch den Einsatz von elektrochemischer Rasterkraftmikroskopie (EC-AFM) konnte die Oxidation der Partikel in-situ mit verfolgt werden. Hierbei wurde klar, dass es sich um einen zweistufigen Prozess handelt. Zuerst findet eine Oxidation des Lanthans beziehungsweise des Neodyms statt, die mit einem starken Volumenzuwachs einhergeht. Dieser lässt auf die Bildung eines Oxids oder Hydroxids der seltenen Erden schließen. Anschließend wird durch die Bewegung des Elektrolyten das oxidierte Partikel abtransportiert. Bei den auf der Oberfläche verbleibenden Löchern konnte kein Einfluss auf das weitere Korrosionsverhalten beobachtet werden. Nach oberflächlicher Auflösung der Ausscheidungen verhalten sich die Werkstoffe in NaCl Lösungen passiv. Im Vergleich verschiedener Legierungen zeigte sich Ti6Al2V3Nb0.9La0.7Fe0.3Si am stabilsten. ····· 10361108108

Immobilisierung der Carotinase AtCCD1 zur selektiven Aromastoffproduktion und in situ Produktabtrennung mittels Pervaporation

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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zum technischen Einsatz von einer der bisher am besten charakterisierten Dioxygenasen, der AtCCD1, durchgeführt. CCDs sind prinzipiell heterolog exprimierbar. Allerdings sind die Ausbeuten im Vergleich zu anderen technisch etablierten Enzymen nach wie vor unzureichend. Um Fortschritt auf diesem Gebiet zu erzielen, wurden erstmalig Hochzelldichtekultivierungen von AtCCD1-exprimierenden E.coli Zellen in einem Parallelfermenter-System durchgeführt. Die AtCCD1 Produktion wurde untersucht und mit bisherigen Expressionsmethoden verglichen. So konnte mithilfe eines Fed-Batch Verfahrens, mit Einsatz von Glucose Minimalmedium und Variation der Expressions-Induktion die volumetrische Aktivität etwa 4-fach gesteigert werden. ····· 10361108127

Electrofiltration of Biopolymers : Spatially Distributed Process Analysis

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In biotechnology the current downstream processing trends are directed towards integrated, faster and more effective processes. Electrofiltration is a hybrid method which is a combination of membrane filtration and electrophoresis in a dead-end process. Spatially distributed process analysis together with the applicability of electrofiltration for technically important biopolymers such as PHB, chitosan and hyaluronic acid enables the implementation of the technology into industry. ····· 10361164542

Biomass Derived Syngas Cleaning Technologies

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One of the fundamental steps to the successful operation of biomass gasification technologies for power generation is the efficiency of the gas cleaning step. Catalytic cracking is selected as the hot gas cleaning technology for this research using zeolite HZSM-5 catalyst in order to reduce tar produced from palm shells gasification in the laboratory scale fixed bed gasifier. The catalyst load of 2, 5 and 10 weight % of the weight of palms shells has been tested in experiment. Gas chromatographic analysis of the tar produced has been conducted along with the study of biomass gasification index (BGI), emissions of CO, NO, and SO2. Furthermore, suitable correlations for the tar removal cleanup for syngas derived from biomass palm shells at different operating parameters when using HZSM-5 catalyst have been developed from the interpolation of the experimental data obtained. ····· 10361769

Nichteisenmetallpotential aus Siedlungsabfällen in Deutschland

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Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht das Potential an NE-Metallen im Hausmüll, der weitläufig als Restmüll bezeichnet wird. Im Hausmüll, also dem Restabfall, werden nicht gezielt NE-Metalle angereichert, allerdings finden sich die NE-Metalle aufgrund von Fehlwürfen aus getrennt zu erfassenden Abfallströmen in der Senke Hausmüll. Durch die Behandlungsverfahren für Hausmüll werden aktuell rd. 20 % der enthaltenen NE-Metalle zurückgewonnen. Verfahrenstechnisch ist es jedoch durch Einsatz entsprechender Techniken möglich, die Rückgewinnung von Hausmüll enthaltenen NE-Metallen zu steigern. Da jedoch in Deutschland eine über die Jahre von Gesetzgeber und Wirtschaft geprägte Entsorgungsinfrastruktur aufgebaut wurde, muss eine NE-Metallpotentialermittlung die vorhandene Infrastruktur und deren primäre aufbereitungstechnische Aufgaben, wie die Inertisierung oder die Herstellung einer mittelkalorischen Fraktion, berücksichtigen. Durch diese Potentialermittlung wird, im Gegensatz zu einer rechnerischen Potentialermittlung über Metallgehalt und theoretischen Wirkungsgrad von Prozessen, der technische Wirkungsgrad der vorhandenen Behandlungsanlagen berücksichtigt. Betrachtet wird die Zugriffsebene für NE-Metalle in mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen, in der rd. 30 Ma.-% des deutschen Hausmülls entsorgt werden. Die restlichen 70 Ma.-% des Hausmülls werden in Müllverbrennungsanlagen entsorgt, so dass sich die Zugriffsebene für NE-Metalle in diesem Pfad hinter den Verbrennungsprozess in die MVA-Rostaschenaufbereitung verschiebt, die ebenfalls in diesem Zusammenhang betrachtet wird. Zur Ermittlung des Rückgewinnungspotentials für NE-Metalle werden Ergebnisse aus Versuchen zu den unterschiedlichen Zugriffsebenen herangezogen. Durch Versuche im Technikumsmaßstab konnten die anlagentechnischen Möglichkeiten der Abtrennung von NE-Metallen aus Rostaschen ermittelt werden. Des Weiteren wurden NE-Metallschrotte aus mechanisch biologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen und der Rostaschenaufbereitung auf deren Zusammensetzung hin untersucht, so dass eine realistische Abschätzung des Wertstoffgehaltes erzeugter NE-Metallschrotte möglich wurde. ····· 10361107232

Ultra-Low Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction with Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Catalysts

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Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung und Optimierung von Niedertemperatur (T ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361107234

Minimizing Salt and Metal Losses in Mg-Recycling through Salt Optimization and Black Dross Distillation

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Magnesium recycling processes typically are based on the use of fluxes, mostly containing MgCl2, KCl, NaCl and CaF2. It is state of the art that application of salt flux in contact with magnesium scrap leads inevitably to the formation of a sludge so called `black dross` containing the both metallic and oxidic magnesium as well as salt components. Up to now it has not been yet possible to recycle this sludge economically. Such the investigation to recover metallic magnesium as well as part of the salt flux from this sludge is the task of this work. The main targets are to decrease the metal/salt loss and to enhance the metallic coagulation with the aim of increasing the recycling efficiency of the entire magnesium recycling cycle with the scope of the environmental requirements for a sustainable process. The results of using lab- as well as pilot-scale experiments lead to an almost zero-waste-process, which closes the existing gap in the magnesium recycling loop. ····· 10361107268

Regioselective Aerobic and Anaerobic Aromatic Hydroxylations with Molybdenum Hydroxylases in Pseudomonas

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Among many other interesting reactions, molybdenum (Mo) hydroxylases catalyze regioselective hydrocarbon oxyfunctionalizations, for which typically oxygenases are employed in synthetic applications. However, oxygenase-based processes are often limited by oxygen mass transfer, cofactor regeneration, and/or enzyme instability due to the formation of reactive oxygen species. As Mo-hydroxylases produce, rather than consume reducing equivalents during substrate hydroxylation and use water, rather than molecular oxygen as oxygen donor, these enzymes have a high potential for overcoming limitations encountered with oxygenases. The potential and feasibility of these enzymes for preparative applications was investigated in the frame of this thesis with quinoline 2-oxidoreductase (Qor) and quinaldine 4-oxidase (Qox) serving as model enzymes. Up-to-date, several Mo-hydroxylases have been described, but rarely applied on industrial scale. For specific quinaldine hydroxylation to 4-hydroxyquinaldine, different Qox-based biocatalysts, reaction conditions, and key process parameters have been evaluated. The use of 1-dodecanol as carrier solvent and Qox-containing P. putida KT2440 as biocatalyst enabled high productivities (~0.4 g ltot -1 h-1 ) in a 0.5-L bioreactor setup without active aeration. Further evaluation of the key process parameters showed that inhibition by 1-dodecanol and the product was the most critical factor affecting process performance. As a proof of concept, the Qox-based process was coupled to downstream processing, including supercritical carbon dioxide treatment for breaking the stable emulsion followed by liquid-liquid extraction and crystallization allowing the isolation of 138 mg product with high purity (>99.9%). Furthermore, completely anaerobic quinoline hydroxylation was achieved with nitrate as electron acceptor using Qor-containing P. putida 86 expressing the nitrate reductase genes of P. aeruginosa. The achieved rate (7 U gCDW -1) shows the remarkable potential of Mohydroxylase-containing whole cells for O2-independent C-H oxyfunctionalizations. In conclusion, the development of an efficient integrated process and the first preparative O2independent C-H oxyfunctionalization by means of Mo-hydroxylase-containing microbial cells augur well for the development of efficient industrial oxyfunctionalization processes with reduced O2-demand in close future. ····· 10361107524

Erweiterung der modelltheoretischen Grundlagen zur Durchsatz- und Leistungsberechnung von Einschneckenplastifiziereinheiten

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Die Verarbeitung thermoplastischer Kunststoffe mit Hilfe von Einschneckenplastifizier-aggregaten stellt eines der am häufigsten angewendeten Verfahren in der Kunststofftechnik dar. Durch Simulationsprogramme können Plastifizierprozesse kosten- und zeiteffektiv optimiert und der dazu notwendige Versuchsaufwand reduziert werden. Die Basis hierzu bilden mathematisch physikalische Modelle, mit deren Hilfe sich das reale Prozessverhalten beschreiben lässt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich vornehmlich mit den Prozessgrößen Durchsatz und Antriebsleistung, deren Vorhersage Aufschluss über die erforderliche Baugröße der verfahrenstechnischen Einheit bzw. des Antriebsaggregats sowie die geeignete Wahl der einzustellenden Maschinenparameter geben. Naturgemäß sind Modellvorstellungen immer mit gewissen Vereinfachungen behaftet und demzufolge nur für einen eingeschränkten Bereich gültig. Daher werden Plastifiziereinheiten üblicherweise in die Funktionszonen Feststoffförderung, Aufschmelzen sowie Schmelzeförderung unterteilt, die sich hinsichtlich der dort ablaufenden physikalischen Vorgänge wesentlich voneinander unterscheiden. Im Wesentlichen wurde bei dieser Arbeit das Ziel verfolgt, einzelne, funktionszonenbezogene Durchsatz- bzw. Leistungsmodelle zu verbessern bzw. neu zu schaffen. Zu den behandelten Themen zählten die Erweiterung der Feststofffördermodelle in Nutbuchsenextrudern mit Wendelnuten, die Durchsatz- und Leistungsberechnung im Aufschmelzbereich für wandgleitende Materialien und die Berücksichtigung nichtisothermer Einflussgrößen bei der Prozessberechnung im Schmelzeförderbereich. Ergänzend zum bislang vorliegenden Kenntnisstand bzgl. des Fördervorgangs in Nutbuchsenextrudern mit Wendelnuten wurden bei den in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen sowohl reibschlüssige als auch formschlüssige Fördermechanismen betrachtet. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Granulate im Gegensatz zu Pulvern eher zur vorteilhaften formschlüssigen Förderung neigen, welche bei flachen Zylindernuten besonders ausgeprägt auftritt. Bei der Generierung von Prozessmodellen für wandgleitende Materialien kommt der Aufschmelzzone der Plastiziereinheit eine besondere Bedeutung zu, da aufgrund des Vorhandenseins dünner Schmelzefilme in diesem Bereich höhere Schubspannungen auftreten als in komplett schmelzegefüllten Schneckenzonen. Die Vorhersagen der vorgenommenen analytischen Modellierung zeigen, dass im Vergleich zu Wandhaftung mit einem geringeren Druckaufbauvermögen sowie einem reduzierten Leistungsumsatz zu rechnen ist. Zur Beschreibung des Schmelzeförderbereichs hat sich bewährt, Regressionsmodelle von Strömungssimulationsergebnissen zur schnellen und genauen Lösungsfindung einzusetzen. In dieser Arbeit wurden dazu erstmals reduzierte Versuchspläne auf der Basis nichtisothermer FEM-Simulationsrechnungen eingesetzt. Die nichtisotherme Betrachtungsweise führte dabei generell zu einem Rückgang der berechneten Antriebsleistung, was im Einklang mit den zuvor untersuchten theoretischen Zusammenhängen stand und zu einer Erhöhung der Simulationsgüte beitrug. ····· 10361107534

Model-based design of optimal chemical reactors

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The core of most chemical processes is the reactor, and therefore optimal reactor design has a large potential to enhance the energy and raw material efficiency of today`s chemical processes. In order to make breakthroughs in chemical reactor technology and to overcome the limitations of existing reactors, process intensification (PI) needs to be applied systematically in the reactor design task. Hence, the scope of this thesis is to create a model-based design methodology which includes PI options and enables the design of innovative tailor-made reactors. In the first part of this work, the fundamentals for the reactor design task are provided and the design framework is explained. The general idea of the design method is based on the conceptual framework of elementary process functions a fluid element is tracked on its way through the reactor and manipulated by optimal flux profiles to obtain the best reaction conditions over the entire residence time. In order to resolve the complex reactor design task, a three step methodology is developed. In the second part of this thesis, several industrially important examples of increasing complexity are considered. The SO2 oxidation, the air and oxygen based ethylene oxide process, and the hydroformylation of long chain linear alkenes are investigated demonstrating the wide applicability of the method. In summary, the developed reactor design methodology enables the design of optimal tailor-made chemical reactors, which is a first step on the way to more economical, greener, and more sustainable chemical processes. The potential of the method is exemplified on three industrially important processes. ····· 10361107593

Reaktionskinetik der heterogen-katalysierten Hydrierung und Ringöffnung aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe und der Hydrierung von Rapsöl

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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit zwei verschiedenen neuen Wegen zur Herstellung von Dieselkraftstoffen. Zum einen wurde dazu Rohbenzin (Naphtha) als Ausgangstoff verwendet, um einen leichtsiedenden Dieselkraftstoff herzustellen, der im Bereich der HCCI-Motorkonzepte (HCCI = Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) verwendet werden kann. Rohbenzin enthält typischerweise einen sehr geringen Anteil an Aromaten und besteht hauptsächlich aus Naphthenen sowie linearen und verzweigten Paraffinen. Während Aromaten und Naphthene niedrige Cetanzahlen (= Maß für die Zündwilligkeit eines Kraftstoffes) aufweisen und daher kaum in Dieselkraftstoff vorkommen sollten, haben Paraffine hohe Cetanzahlen. Allerdings nimmt bei den Paraffinen mit zunehmendem Verzweigungsgrad und sinkender Kettenlänge die Cetanzahl ab. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde geprüft, ob durch die Hydrierung der Aromaten und die hydrierende Ringöffnung der Naphthene zu Paraffinen (möglichst linear) ein Rohbenzin mit einer Ausgangscetanzahl von ca. 30 auf eine Cetanzahl von etwa 45 gebracht werden kann. Des Weiteren wurde die Hydrierung von Rapsöl zur Herstellung von konventionellem Dieselöl untersucht. Die Hydrierung von Pflanzenölen und anderen biogenen Einsatzstoffen wie Tallöl oder tierischen Fetten ist interessant im Hinblick auf die Erfüllung der seit 2007 in Deutschland gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Biokraftstoffquote. Bisher wird der geforderte Anteil an biogenem Dieselöl durch die Zumischung von Biodiesel (Fettsäuremethylester) zu konventionellem Dieselkraftstoff erfüllt. Biodiesel kann jedoch aufgrund seiner chemischen Struktur (Sauerstoffgruppen) und physikalischen Eigenschaften (höhere Viskosität als konventionelles Dieselöl) nur zu einem niedrigen Anteil beigemischt werden, ohne dass es Nachrüstungen an den Motoren bedarf. Bei der Hydrierung von Pflanzenölen entstehen vor allem Paraffine, die sich chemisch nicht von erdölstämmigem Dieselöl unterscheiden und somit unbegrenzt beigemischt werden können. Zudem kann Pflanzenöl gemeinsam mit Mineralölströmen (z.B. Gasöl) in bereits bestehenden HDS-Anlagen (HDS: Hydrodesulphurization) hydriert werden (Co- Processing). Wichtig ist dabei jedoch, dass durch die Zugabe von Rapsöl in Raffinerien die bisherigen Prozessbedingungen (Temperatur, Verweilzeit, Intervalle des Katalysatorwechsels oder der -regeneration) möglichst nicht geändert werden müssen. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher auch die gemeinsame Hydrierung von Pflanzenöl und Gasöl unter typischen HDS-Bedingungen untersucht werden. ····· 10361107655

On the Conservative Forces of Dissipative Particle Dynamics

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Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) is one of the most promising methods to simulate complex flows of multicomponent systems. In DPD, matter is represented using coarse-grained models which interact via soft-forces. The DPD conservative forces are responsible for the thermodynamic properties of the systems and therefore, it is crucial to model these forces properly in order to obtain feasible results. Regretfully, the DPD fluid behaves like a pseudo-gas (squared equation of state) when the standard conservative forces are employed. Moreover, DPD lacks of a physical meaningful parameterization approach for polar species. For these reasons, the use of non-standard conservative forces is investigated in this works. First, adaptable polynomial interactions are employed to explore the effect of the potential softness on the numerical stability and efficiency of the DPD simulations. Further on, the cutoff radius is extended to take the attractive part of the interactions into account. As expected, the simulation results show that attractive interactions are essential in the modeling of condensed matter. As the computational demands remain affordable for the hardest semi-soft interaction employed in this work, the author proposes using Lennard-Jones 12-6 potentials to model the interactions between the DPD beads. In this sense, DPD simulations using Lennard-Jones interactions are carried out for some chemical systems, including argon, methane and cyclohexane. In general, a good agreement is found between the simulation and experimental data, while the computational demands remain affordable. ····· 10361107673

Veränderungen des gelösten organischen Kohlenstoffs (DOC) während der Schnellfiltration reduzierter Grundwässer

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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Veränderungen des gelösten organischen Kohlenstoffs (DOC) während der Schnellfiltration reduzierter Grundwässer systematisch in Laborversuchen, an einer halbtechnischen Versuchsanlage und in großtechnischen Wasserwerken untersucht. Während der Filtration führen gekoppelte mikrobiologische und chemisch-physikalische Prozesse zu einer Oxidation des im Rohwasser vorhandenen Eisen(II) und Mangan(II) zu unlöslichen Eisen- bzw. Mangan-Oxidhydraten. Insbesondere unmittelbar entstehenden Oxidhydrate besitzen eine hohe chemische Reaktivität. Ein Teil der Oxidhydrate wird durch Filterspülungen nicht entfernt und führt nach Wochen bzw. Monaten des Filterbetriebs zur Ausbildung einer Schicht aus amorphen Eisen- bzw. Mangan-Oxidhydraten mit heterogener Struktur. Diese Schicht bewirkt neben einer Oberflächenvergrößerung eine katalytische Oxidation des Eisen(II), des Mangan(II) und den organischen Wasserinhaltsstoffen, was zu niedermolekularen Reaktionsprodukten führt. Die organischen Wasserinhaltstoffe reduzierter Grundwässer sind durch einen hohen Anteil von Fulvinsäuren und Huminsäuren charakterisiert und enthalten auch niedermolekulare Verbindungen. im Wasser vorhanden. Bei der hauptsächlich durch den Mechanismus der Komplexbildung geprägten Sorption der organischen Wasserinhaltsstoffe kommt es einerseits zur Konkurrenz zwischen gut sorbierenden, höhermolekularen Huminstoffen und schlecht sorbierenden, niedermolekularen Verbindungen. Aus den Untersuchungen konnten Handlungsempfehlungen zum Betrieb von Schnellfiltern gegeben werden. Es sollte verstärkt auf eine konstante DOC-Konzentration während der Filterlaufzeit geachtet werden. Auch scheint es, abhängig von der Eisen(II) und DOC-Konzentration und -Zusammensetzung, einen Betriebszeitpunkt zu geben, ab dem im Filtermaterial keine unbesetzten Sorptionsplätze für den DOC mehr zu Verfügung stehen. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt kann es zu einer verstärkten Auswirkung der konkurrierenden Sorption kommen, die zu einer Erhöhung der niedermolekularen DOC-Fraktionen im Filtrat führen kann. Finden sich im Ablauf eines Schnellfilters erhöhte Konzentrationen niedermolekularer Substanzen können diese zur Aufkeimung in Reinwasserbehältern und im Verteilungsnetz beitragen. Des Weiteren können schwankende Nährstoffkonzentrationen Stress für die im Biofilm vorhandenen Mikroorganismen induzieren, was im Extremfall zu einer Freisetzung von im Biofilm angesiedelten, potentiell pathogen Bakterien führen kann. ····· 10361107820

One-Step Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether Using Microreactors

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Zu Beginn der Arbeit war der Fokus auf der Synthese aktiver Katalysatoren zur direkten DME-Synthese. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde eine Reihe von Katalysatoren zur Methanolsynthese (CuO/ZnO/Al2O3) und zur Methanoldehydratisierung (HZSM-5) synthetisiert. Drei HZSM-5 Modifikationen mit einem Si/Al-Verhältnis von 100, 50 und 30 wurden hydrothermal synthetisiert und ionengetauscht. Mit dem Ziel, den aktivsten Dehydratisier-Katalysator zu finden, wurden die hergestellten Zeolithe bzw. ein kommerzieller gamma-Al2O3-Katalysator mit einem kommerziellen CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 kombiniert. Die mit diesen Mischungen erreichten DME-Selektivitäten und Ausbeuten wurden verglichen. Methanol wurde effizienter mit stärker sauren Katalysatoren dehydratisiert und die Performance der hergestellten Zeolithe war dem kommerziellem gamma-Al2O3 überlegen. In ähnlicher Weise wurde die Performance eines kommerziellen Kupferkatalysators mit zwei durch Fällung hergestellten CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 Katalysatoren verglichen. Diese Katalysatoren wurden mit kommerziellen gamma-Al2O3 gemischt und in Bezug auf Methanolausbeute und CO Umsatz verglichen. Aufgrund des höheren Anteils an aktivem Kupfer war die Performance des kommerziellen Katalysators besser als die der selbst hergestellten Katalysatoren. ····· 10361108113

Effects of chemical reaction on two and three dimensional MHD flows

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Prob.(I): Thermo diffusion and chemical effects on heat transfer in MHD mixed convection flow and mass transfer past an infinite vertical plate with Ohmic heating and viscous dissipation have been studied. Thermal diffusion caused both the fluid velocity and temperature to fall due to the presence of the chemical effect. Velocity and temperature profiles are higher for mercury than electrolytic solution. Soret effect increased the concentration of the fluid while chemical effect decreased. Prob.(II): A three - dimensional MHD flow with heat and mass transfer through a semi-infinite porous medium, in the presence of viscous dissipative heat and chemical reaction, is considered. A uniform magnetic field is applied normal to the bounding surface. Velocity of the fluid is increasing with velocity ratio parameter, Hartman number and Reynolds number whereas decreases with permeability parameter. Increase in Prandtl number and Reynolds number led to increase in temperature of the fluid. Fluid concentration decreased with increase in Chemical parameter and Schmidt number. ····· 1036124442

First-principles investigations of solid solution strengthening in Al alloys

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Any material properties, in principle, can be reproduced or predicted by performing firstprinciples calculations. Nowadays, however, we are dealing with complex alloy compositions and processes. The complexities cannot be fully described by first-principles, because of the limited computational power. The primary objective of this study is to investigate an important engineering problem, solid solution strengthening, in a simplified manner. The simplified scheme should allow fast and reliable prediction of the solid solution strengthening. ····· 10361107516

Zerstäubung überhitzter Flüssigkeiten

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Das Zerstäuben von Flüssigkeiten und Suspensionen ist ein grundlegender Verfahrensschritt in zahlreichen technischen Anwendungen. So werden Sprays einerseits zum Konditionieren von Gasräumen (Kühlen, Trocknen, Befeuchten) sowie zur Behandlung von Oberflächen (Reinigen, Beschichten) appliziert. Andererseits tritt die Spraytechnologie als eigenständige Prozessstufe in Erscheinung, um einen verfahrenstechnischen, chemischen oder biotechnologischen Prozess zu gestalten (nanostrukturierte Partikelbildung, reaktive Stoffumwandlung, produktschonende Stoffaufbereitung). Konventionelle Zerstäubungsverfahren, in denen es um das Zerteilen eines Flüssigkeitskontinuums in ein möglichst feines, homogenes Tropfenspektrum geht, weisen generell energetische und verfahrenstechnische Einschränkungen auf. Die reine Druckzerstäubung mittels Einstoffdüse - das grundlegendste und robusteste Verfahren - bedarf zumeist hoher Eingangsdrücke. Zweistoffdüsen erzielen dem hingegen zwar ein feinteiliges Spray, jedoch erst durch den Einsatz von additivem Prozessgas. Die Zerstäubung überhitzter Flüssigkeiten vereint die Vorteile der einfachen Geometrie der Einstoffdüse mit dem in der Zweistoffdüse erzeugten feinen Tropfenspektrum, indem die als Wärme zugeführte Energie zu einer partiellen Verdampfung des Prozessfluids im Düsenkanal führt. Bereits bei geringen Überhitzungsgraden führen die im Düsenkanal einsetzende Entspannungsverdampfung und der Drucksprung am Düsenaustritt zum Aufreißen des austretenden Flüssigkeitsstrahls. Es resultieren feinteilige Spraytropfen moderater Geschwindigkeiten. Einhergehender kommt es bei der Phaseninversion zur abrupten Abkühlung des Fluids und fortfolgend zum stetigen Einmischen von Umgebungsgas in das Spray (Entrainment). Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt grundlegenden Aufschluss über den Zerstäubungsprozess überhitzter Flüssigkeiten anhand des Modellfluids Wasser. Die Gestaltung des Sprays resultiert dabei aus der Gestaltung des Prozesses, der sich wiederum maßgeblich über die Betriebsparameter (Druck und Temperatur) stromaufwärts und stromabwärts der eingesetzten Düse definiert. Im Zentrum der experimentellen Untersuchungen stehen Einflüsse die sich aus dem Überhitzungsgrad und aus der Bauform der Zylinderdüse (L/D-Verhältnis, Oberflächenrauhigkeit und Benetzungseigenschaften des Düsenkanals) auf die mittlere Tropfengröße, die Temperaturverteilung und die Geschwindigkeitsverteilung des sich radial aufweitenden Spraykegels ergeben. Dazu kommen sowohl bildgebende als auch laseroptische Messmethoden zum Einsatz. Sie lassen Rückschlüsse über die Ausprägung der in der Düse einsetzenden Entspannungsverdampfung (Flash Boiling) und über eine Limitierung des Massendurchsatzes (kritischer Massenstrom) zu. Die Phänomenologie der Zerstäubung überhitzter Flüssigkeiten eröffnet infolge der steuerbaren Wechselwirkungsprozesse von Hydrodynamik und Thermodynamik ein breites Feld an Anknüpfungspunkten für die kontrollierte Partikelbildung im Spraytropfen sowie für die Gasphasenreaktion am Tropfen. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei dem hohen Zerteilungsgrad und dem mit der Entspannungsverdampfung einhergehenden abrupten Temperaturabfall am Düsenaustritt zu. ····· 10361107710

Evolutionary Optimization of the Operation of Pipeless Plants with Variable Transfer Times

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Pipeless plants are an innovative batch production system in which the chemical substances are transported in mobile vessels between fixed processing stations. They are characterized by a reduced cleaning effort and by a high degree of flexibility. The parallel handling of several batches leads to shorter production times. The optimal operation of a pipeless plant is a highly complex combinatorial planning and scheduling problem. Decisions have to be made on the sequencing and timing of the batches, on the assignment of the equipment, and on the collision-free routing of the mobile vessels. The processing duration of an operation may depend on the chosen equipment and on the duration of the routing of the vessels. A method that finds near-optimal but yet highly accurate and feasible schedules taking into account the specific characteristics of the pipeless plant was missing in previous research. This thesis proposes a simulation-optimization framework that unites a problem-specific evolutionary algorithm (EA) with a discrete event simulator. It is the first optimization approach for pipeless plants that is based on a detailed plant model, which considers the schedule-dependent routing of the mobile vessels, and the variable durations of chemical processing steps. The framework was successfully applied to a wide range of problems, including an industrial case study. Compared to a heuristic as-soon-as-possible schedule, the makespan could be reduced by up to 17 %. The best constraint handling was a combination of repair algorithms that eliminate most infeasibilities of the candidate solutions generated by the EA, and a decoder that postpones infeasible recipe steps during schedule building. Feasible, high-quality schedules were obtained within few minutes of computation time, which makes the approach suitable for online applications. The algorithmic framework can be quickly applied to new problem instances without requiring an in-depth parameter tuning. ····· 10361107720

Einfluss der Kaltumformung auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit metastabiler austenitischer nichtrostender Stähle

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Die Anwendung kaltumgeformter nichtrostender austenitischer Stähle hat in den vergangenen Jahren stetig zugenommen. Anlass für diese Entwicklung sind die bei der Kaltumformung auftretenden Verformungs- und daraus resultierenden Verfestigungsmechanismen, welche sowohl die Optimierung von Bauteileigenschaften als auch die Erschließung neuer Anwendungsfelder ermöglichten. Forschungsprojekte, wie das `Next Generation Vehicle`, eine Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Automobilhersteller und der Stahlindustrie, wie auch das Projekt `New Steel Body` der Thyssen Krupp Steel, sind maßgeblicher Bestandteil aktueller Bemühungen, die Emissionen im Automobilbereich durch Leichtbaukonzepte zu reduzieren. Im Zentrum dieser Projekte steht hierbei der Einsatz von TRIP-Stählen (Transformation Induced Plasticity), TWIP-Stählen (Twinning Induced Plasticity) sowie weiterer Legierungskonzepte, welche eine anwendungsspezifische Einstellung der mechanisch-technologischen Eigenschaften ermöglichen, mit der durch entsprechend hohe Festigkeitsniveaus eine Reduzierung einzelner Bauteilgewichte bis über 20% erreicht werden kann. Das gute Umform- und Energieabsorbtionsvermögen auch bei hoher Festigkeit prädestiniert diese Werkstoffe dabei für sicherheits- und crashrelevante Strukturkomponenten. Zahlreiche weitere Industrien nutzen die Festigkeitszunahme in Folge der Kaltumformung, wie z.B. das Bauwesen beim Einsatz von hochfesten Litzen. Trotz intensiver Forschung besteht bis heute jedoch noch keine Klarheit über den Einfluss der Kaltumformung auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit kaltumgeformter nichtrostender austenitischer Stähle. Insbesondere der Einfluss der martensitischen Phasen ist dabei noch nicht eindeutig geklärt. In der Literatur existieren in diesem Zusammenhang Arbeiten, die dieser Phase eine positive, eine negative oder auch gar keine Wirkung auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit zuschreiben. Ungeklärt ist auch der Einfluss weiterer Einflussfaktoren auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit dieser Werkstoffe, wie die Zunahme von Gitterfehlern (Versetzungen, Zwillinge etc.) in Folge der Kaltverfestigung. Neben einer grundsätzlichen Eigenschaft wie `gut` oder `schlecht`, die unabhängig vom Grad der Ausprägung ist, werden auch Modelle diskutiert, die den Einfluss der Kaltumformung in Abhängigkeit des Umformgrades sehen bzw. kritische Umformgrade benennen, die einen besonders guten oder schlechten Einfluss auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit haben sollen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat deshalb das Ziel, den Einfluss der Kaltumformung auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit metastabiler austenitischer CrNi- und CrNiMnN-Werkstoffe zu untersuchen. Dabei soll der Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Verformungs- und daraus resultierenden Verfestigungsmechanismen sowohl im Wirkkollektiv als auch differenziert betrachtet werden. ····· 10361108112

Gasphasenhydroformylierung von technischen Substraten mit neuartigen SILP-Katalysatoren

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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Gasphasenhydroformylierung von technischen Substraten mit neuartigen SILP-Katalysatoren (Supported Ionic Liquid Phase) untersucht. Mit der Verknüpfung von Ionischen Flüssigkeiten und geträgerten Katalysatoren entstand aus den zwei unterschiedlichen Verfahrensansätzen das SILP-Konzept. Durch Immobilisierung der Ionischen Flüssigkeit als dünner Film auf einem porösen Träger, in welchem der Katalysatorkomplex gelöst vorliegt, konnte zum einen die Menge an notwendiger Ionischer Flüssigkeit deutlich reduziert und zum anderen der Temperaturanwendungsbereich wesentlich vergrößert werden. Ebenso wird der Einfluss des Stofftransports im Gegensatz zur Zweiphasenkatalyse durch den dünnen Film an IL verringert. Damit konnten die Vorteile von Ionischen Flüssigkeiten und den SAPC/SLPC Systemen (Supported Aqueous Phase Catalysis/ Supported Liquid Phase Catalysis) kombiniert werden. Mit dem SILP-Konzept lassen sich zudem Flüssigphasenreaktionen, wie die Hydroformylierung, auf die Gasphase übertragen, indem der SILP-Katalysator als quasi heterogener Katalysator im Rohrreaktor eingesetzt wird. Dadurch kann die oft schwierige und aufwendige Produktabtrennung und Katalysatorrückgewinnung bei homogenen Katalysatoren wesentlich vereinfacht werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Evonik Oxeno GmbH wurden aufbauend auf der Gasphasenhydroformylierung von terminalen Alkenen, wie Propen und 1-Buten, technische Substrate (Raffinat 1 und Rohbutan) und interne Alkene mit SILP-Katalysatoren in der Gasphase umgesetzt. Die besondere wissenschaftliche und industrielle Innovation lag dabei in der Gasphasenhydroformylierung von technischen Substraten sowie in der Auswahl geeigneter Liganden. Es wurden erstmals Phosphitliganden anstelle der üblichen Phosphinliganden in der Gasphasenhydroformylierung sowie in SILP-Katalysatoren eingesetzt. Wurden bislang nur unverdünnte Substrate in der SILP-Katalyse untersucht, so konnte durch den Einsatz von verdünnten technischen Feeds der Bezug zur industriellen Anwendung hergestellt und erfolgreich nachgewiesen werden. Insbesondere bei Verwendung von verdünnten Substraten konnten hohe Katalysatorstabilitäten von über 900 Stunden und Katalysatoraktivitäten mit Raumzeitausbeuten (RZA) von 0,82 kg lKat -1 h -1 erzielt werden. Insgesamt zeigten die Ergebnisse aus den Laboranlagen, dass eine neue Verfahrensvariante der industriellen Hydroformylierung aus heutiger Sicht möglich erscheint. ····· 10361108118

Selbstüberwachung und Autokalibrierung von Hall-Sensoren für die robuste Magnetfeldmessung

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Integrierte Hall-Sensoren sind aufgrund vieler Vorteile aus unzähligen technischen Anwendungen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Mit der Analyse ihrer Eigenschaften sowie der Verbesserung ihrer Signalqualität und Erweiterung der Anwendungsmöglichkeiten beschäftigt sich diese Dissertation. Einleitend werden neben dem Hall-Effekt auch andere Prinzipien zur Magnetfeldmessung erklärt und in einen geschichtlichen Kontext bedeutender Erfindungen und Entdeckungen eingeordnet. In der folgenden Analyse der Eigenschaften von Hall-Sensoren zeigt sich, dass nach dem herstellungsbedingten Offset die Querempfindlichkeit auf Temperatur- und Stress-Einflüsse einen dominierenden Einfluss auf die Messwertqualität Hall-basierter Systeme darstellt. Die physikalischen Mechanismen des zu Grunde liegenden Piezo-Hall-Effekts werden erläutert und eigene Messergebnisse und Simulationen zur Stress-Entstehung dargestellt. Neben Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung des Stresses wird ein selbstentwickeltes Verfahren für eine sehr genaue Online-Kalibrierung integrierter Hall-Sensoren vorgestellt und die Messergebnisse eines Testchips mit bestehenden Lösungen verglichen und bewertet. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die integrierten Spulen auch hervorragend zur Erzeugung eines Referenzsignals für die Selbstüberwachung des Sensors in sicherheitskritischen Anwendungen eignen. Die Wirksamkeit der Selbstüberwachung wird mit Hilfe einer aufwändigen simulierten Fehlerinjektion überprüft und durch Experimente an realen Testchips bestätigt. ····· 10361108169

Ganzheitlicher Ansatz zur Konzeptentwicklung und -validierung für eine Anlage zur Meerwasserentsalzung mittels Membrandestillation

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Die industrielle Anwendung von Membrandestillation (MD) am Beispiel der Meerwasserentsalzung stand im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Durch die strukturierte und konsequente Umsetzung verschiedener Versuchsanlagen konnten wichtige Erkenntnisse für den industriellen Betrieb von MD-Anlagen gewonnen werden. Neben der Entwicklung neuartiger DCMD-Module wurde auch ein Anlagenkonzept vorgeschlagen und umgesetzt, welches die Wärmerückgewinnung und die Steigerung der Ausbeute möglich macht. Bevor jedoch eine MD-Anlage gebaut werden kann, ist es zwingend erforderlich die Einflüsse in diesem Prozess auf Material- und Modulebene zu verstehen. Hierfür wurde die verwendete Membran und der Spacer im Rahmen der Materialcharakterisierung näher beschrieben, sowie Einflüsse der Materialeigenschaften auf den MD-Prozess untersucht. Außerdem wurden Einflussfaktoren bei der Modulauslegung und dem Betrieb von MD diskutiert und damit verbundene Anforderungen für die spätere Konzeptentwicklung abgeleitet. Nach Abschluss dieser Betrachtungen wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen an einer Technikumsanlage durchgeführt. Für das MD-Modul wurden im Technikum experimentell die Einflüsse durch Modulauslegung und Betriebsparameter auf die charakteristischen Kenngrößen detailliert untersucht und bewertet. Anschließend wurde im konsequent darauffolgenden Schritt eine MD-Anlage betrieben. Hierbei bildeten die zuvor durchgeführten Untersuchungen eine zwingend notwendige Grundlage für die Konzeptionierung dieser Anlage. In dieser Feldversuchsanlage konnten PGMD-Module im kontinuierlichen Langzeitbetrieb erfolgreich getestet werden. Außerdem ermöglichte die Anlage die Betrachtung der über das MD-Modul hinausgehenden Peripherie und den Betrieb mit Meerwasser. Alles in allem lieferte diese Anlage wichtige Erkenntnisse bezüglich des Betriebs einer MD-Anlage, jedoch zeigte sich auch die zwingende Notwendigkeit einer Neukonstruktion der MD-Module und einer Verbesserung des Anlagenkonzepts. Daher wurde ein strukturiertes Konzept für eine neuartige vorindustrielle Anlage entwickelt. Hierbei wurden eine Wärmerückgewinnung und eine Retentatrückführung vorgesehen. Die verwendeten DCMD-Module wurden eigens für die vorab festgelegten Anforderungen der Anlage konstruiert. Mit Hilfe eines in Matlab entwickelten Simulationsmodells wurden Simulationsstudien durchgeführt, um den Einfluss der Wärmerückgewinnung und der Retentatrückführung bewerten zu können. Durch das Betreiben der Anlagen unter realen Gesichtspunkten konnten erfolgreich Rückschlüsse auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des MD- Prozesses gezogen werden. ····· 10361108343

Prozessintensivierung für die Produktion von antimikrobiellen Peptiden mit stabil transfizierten Drosophila melanogaster S2-Zelllinien

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Problemas resueltos para reactores ideales homogéneos

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Durante una revisión de este texto un maestro sobre el tema señaló que el libro era un `peligro` para los estudiantes puesto que su principal defecto era que es `demasiado ordenado`. Tomando en consideración que el orden no es un defecto presento al amable lector este documento y espero llegue a considerar que las ideas en él están efectivamente ordenadas. No obstante, debo hacer una advertencia al estudiante: este texto debe verse como una guía y motivación. Dado que los problemas en este texto se resuelven paso por paso no piense que con solo verlos ya aprendió. El aprendizaje significativo se presenta cuando el alumno busca, lee, comprende, practica y aplica los conocimientos en la solución de problemas en la vida real. ····· 103612878

Landfill Leachate Treatment: Laboratory Studies

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This monograph presents one of the most serious environmental problems, which have occurred worldwide in recent years, partly attributed to the generation of landfill leachate from local landfills. This wastewater poses serious environmental threats with respect to the pollutants introduced into the aquatic environment. One tonne of solid waste, disposed of in landfills, produces about 0.2 m3 of landfill leachate that contains various toxic and/or refractory pollutants. Unless effectively treated, leachate that seeps from a landfill can infiltrate surface water, thus posing serious hazards to aquatic organisms and public health. Considering the importance of this environmental problem, this monograph reports major findings from a series of leachate treatment employed in this study and highlights the various important factors that need to be considered when selecting the most suitable treatment in order to protect the aquatic environment. Due to the extensive literature survey of over 180 references (1963-2010) in the body of knowledge, this monograph provides a source of inspiration for environmental scientists, engineers, policy- and/or decision-makers and engineering students. ····· 10361408

Carbon Nanofiber Layers on Metal and Carbon Substrates

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Carbon nanofiber (CNF) layers are grown on flat and porous substrates for their application as catalyst supports for chemical and electrochemical gas-liquid-solid catalytic reactions. High yield of carbon is detrimental for obtaining well-attached and homogenously distributed CNFs. The preparation of stable and thick CNF layers involves a compromise between the deposition of a thick C layer and the amount of weakly attached CNFs. The water wetting properties of the samples are more significantly influenced by the CNF layer thickness than both surface roughness and porosity. The growth of CNFs on a porous stainless steel reactor had a significant effect on the catalytic performance. Even without the presence of H2 and Pd nanoparticles, the NO2- ions were successfully reduced. Moreover,a CNF layer and subsequent Pt nanoparticles are deposited on a carbon paper for the electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction. The Pt electrochemical surface area, when deposited on CNFs, is much higher than that obtained for commercial Pt/Vulcan. The external oxygen diffusion is higher for Pt/CNFs due to the intrinsic morphology of the CNFs that allows a better accessibility to oxygen diffusion. ····· 10361624

Equipos de Medida de Benceno en Aire Ambiente

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La contaminación atmosférica supone importantes riesgos para la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Entre los contaminantes regulados en inmisión en Europa se encuentra el benceno, cuyas medidas resultan de gran importancia por ser un carcinógeno humano. Para la adecuada gestión de la calidad del aire es indispensable el correcto funcionamiento de los equipos de medida de benceno en aire. En este sentido, la Directiva 2008/50/CE establece como método de referencia la Norma EN 14662, que evalúa una serie de características de funcionamiento de los equipos, asegurando así la calidad de los datos. Al conjunto de todas las pruebas que la norma expone (Ensayos de Laboratorio, de Campo y Cálculo de la Incertidumbre expandida) se le denomina Ensayo de Aprobación de Tipo. Los analizadores empleados en la UE a partir del 11/06/2013 deben ser de Tipo Aprobado. En este libro se somete un analizador de medida de benceno por cromatografía de gases, comúnmente utilizado en las estaciones de vigilancia ambiental, a las pruebas de laboratorio. Además, se discute y se proponen posibles modificaciones a los ensayos descritos con el fin de complementar el estudio de la idoneidad del analizador. ····· 103612528

Bioremediation of Industrial Wastewater

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Reactive dyes containing diazo bonds are more resistant to anaerobic reduction in comparison to monoazo dyes. Reactive Yellow-145 (RY-145) which is used as a model dye is a diazo dye having -SO3H group in its structure. A novel bacterial consortium was isolated from the soil samples of a local dye manufacturing unit at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. This culture was used for decolorization parametric study of RY-145 under various operating conditions. The consortium was successfully able to decolorize, 300 mg l-1 of selected dye up to 97% within 11 h under static facultative conditions at pH 7.0 and 37°C temperature. The UV - Visible Spectroscopic analysis results indicate the decolorization of dye. The HPLC and FTIR results confirm degradation of RY-145 into smaller compounds. For the commercial viability, combination of specially prepared synthetic medium and extract of agriculture waste is used as a growth medium for consortium in place of nutrient broth. COD reduction of nearly 70% is achieved for 20 times diluted industrial wastewater. Specially designed continuous column reactor (PMSCCR) has also been used for batch and continuous study of decolorization of RY-145. ····· 1036118293

Sweetening of Natural Gas

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In this book Sweetening of natural gas is discussed with the help of literature survey and calculations. Different processes, commonly used in industries are compared. Different methods for calculation water contents in Natural Gas are also given in this book. A brief method for designing absorber with stage to stage calculation is also given. Optimization for sweetening process is discussed in detail. Process designers and Chemical engineers will find this book a valuable guide to gas sweetening, both in terms of its application to efficient and cost effective operations. It will prove particularly useful to readers who want a `quick reference` guide to natural gas sweetening operations and procedures as well as those readers who wish to increase their knowledge of best practices. ····· 1036121530

Degradación fotocatalítica de COV`s de BTX`s en fase gaseosa

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Los múltiples compuestos que se emiten a la atmósfera de diversas fuentes de productos necesarios y de consumo frecuente como el cigarro, perfumes, combustibles, insecticidas, solventes, etc. y que contaminan a nuestro medio ambiente preocupa a los ambientalistas por los efectos potenciales sumatorios que no tan solo afectan a la salud, contribuyen también al cambio climático y al llamado Síndrome del edificio enfermo requiere de nuevas tecnologías para su tratamiento o mitigación. En este libro se ofrece una alternativa para tratar a estos compuestos en fase gaseosa mediante la Fotocatálisis asistida con un catalizador de DIÓXIDO DE TITANIO, en especial a los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV s) que se generan de la familia del benceno, tolueno y xileno (BTX) considerados como carcinógenos y que se encuentran dispersos en el aire que respiramos cada segundo. La metodología planteada permite degradar estos compuestos en otros menos tóxicos y obtener la mineralización de los mismos, tanto en ambientes cerrados como abiertos. ····· 1036121774

Ozono en aire ambiente

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El ozono es uno de los contaminantes regulados en inmisión en Europa y sus medidas resultan de gran importancia dado que la formación de este compuesto procede de la actividad fotoquímica propiciada por la radiación solar. La nueva legislación europea en materia de calidad de aire, Directiva 2008/50/CE, exige la evaluación de una serie de características de funcionamiento de los equipos utilizados para la determinación de ozono de modo que se verifique que se cumplen los criterios mínimos para asegurar la calidad de los datos. Para valorar si estos equipos se adaptan a la nueva normativa, en este trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento de dos analizadores de ozono por fotometría ultravioleta de marcas comerciales distintas mediante las pruebas de laboratorio del ensayo de aprobación de tipo de acuerdo con la norma UNE-EN 14625:2005, establecida como método de referencia y de obligado cumplimiento desde que la citada directiva entró en vigor. Además, se discuten ciertos aspectos de la norma y se proponen, en función de las pruebas realizadas, posibles modificaciones a los ensayos descritos con el fin de complementar el estudio del comportamiento de los analizadores. ····· 1036123003

Activations of Portland Blended Cement to improve mechanical Strength

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Supplementary cementing material (SCMs) of domestic resources was used for partial replacement of the Portland clinker in attempt to reduce CO2 emission in the cement production. Replacement of Portland clinker up to 20 wt.% with SCMs in the normal cement has reduced CO2 emission by 0.18 kg CO2/kg cement. Purpose of this research is to improve mechanical strength of portland blended cement made from Portland cement and trass, by mechanical and chemical activations. Portland blended cement were made in the mixture of Portland cement to trass in ratio of 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40%. Trass as natural pozzolan reacts with Ca(OH)2 from cement hydration to form additional calcium silicate hydrates. Study on mineralogy of trass however shows that most of trass contains more crystalline phase of SiO2 rather than the desirable amorphous silica or glassy phase of silica which is naturally reactive. In this research, trass were ground for fineness, represented by the specific surface area, Blaine of 2400 cm2/gr to 8000 cm2/gr or particle size between 10 to 45 um. Polyethylene glycol, PEG was introduced during milling to improve material s grindability as to obtain finer and more dispersed produc ····· 1036186598


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One of the major challenges in the pharmaceutical industries is to improve the physicochemical properties of newly discovered Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API). Improving physicochemical properties of APIs can be achieved through control of particle size distributions during production with the introduction of water-soluble polymers and/or surfactants, which act as additives to prevent particle agglomeration and crystal growth. Venturing into the nano-particle world by producing APIs at nano-scale through nano-particle formation processes are expected to enhance physicochemical properties of APIs. On the other hand, cryogenic and nucleation technologies are promising process that creates highly porous nano-structured particles compared to conventional process such as wet milling and high pressure homogenization which normally lead to degradation in API activities. It can be concluded convincingly, that developed technique is an effective particle formation process for pharmaceutical development (particularly Isoniazid & Griseofulvin) and manufacturing to improve dissolution rates of poorly water soluble APIs. ····· 1036187377

Synthesis and Modeling of Poly(L-lysine) Based Biomaterials

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Advances in polymeric biomaterials allow the emergent of the field of Regenerative Medicine which gave hope to many patients around the world. The shortage in organ donation, the immunoreactions to allotransplants, and the high cost associated with transplantation are some reasons for the growing interest in Tissue Engineering. This work focuses on the material selection and processing which are keys for a successful design of any tissue engineered structure. Poly(L-lysine) (PLL) was selected in this work as a base for developing scaffolds due to its biocombatability and bioabsorbability. PLL, however, has limitations in use due to its hydrophilicity that weakens its structures in aqueous and physiological conditions. To overcome these limitations, two hypotheses were studied in this work the first hypothesis is that a micro-scale composite of PLL with a high crystalline material can enhance the final properties of PLL. The second hypothesis is that properties of PLL structures can be controlled by forming a molecular-scale composite with another crosslinked bioresorbable polymer. Molecular Modeling techniques were also implemented in this study. ····· 1036187683

Safe Disposal of Pesticides Wastes

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Safe disposal of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) is based on its detoxification. The method presently being used is incineration, which helps in destroying the compound but is liable to generate decomposition products which are very toxic and harmful to fauna and flora and as well as to environment in general. The OCPs were previously extensively used in the cotton production and other agricultural activities in Pakistan and at least three thousand metric tons of obsolete pesticides have been stored under extreme hazardous conditions in more than thousand sites. Locally banned or severely restricted pesticides are easily available and DDT is continuously illegally imported and use in our country. OCPs are the most dangerous among all the pollutants released into the environment by human activity. The effect of OCPs on health and the environment range from acute toxicity to intergenerational endocrine disrupting effects. The aim of our study was to develop the cost effective and efficient method for the safe disposal of OCPs. ····· 1036188162

Fabrication of Pd-Cu Membranes

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Pd-Cu composite membranes on microporous stainless steel substrate (MPSS) were fabricated by novel electroless plating (EP) process. In conventional Pd-EP process, the oxidation-reduction reactions between Pd-complex and hydrazine result in evolution of Ammonia and Nitrogen gas bubbles those hinder uniform Pd-film deposition. It results in dendrite growth leading to poor film formation. This problem is addressed by introducing cationic surfactant in the electroless plating process known as surfactant induced electroless plating (SIEP). To verify the improvement of membrane performance after introducing surfactant in bath solution, Pd-Cu membranes are fabricated by both conventional electroless plating (CEP) and surfactant induced electroless plating (SIEP). The pre- and post-annealing characterizations of these membranes were carried out by SEM, XRD, EDX, and AFM studies. These characterizations showed a significant improvement of the membrane surface morphology, in terms of metal grain structures and grain agglomeration compared to the membranes fabricated by CEP process. Finally, SIEP membranes were studied for Hydrogen perm-selectivity and long term thermal stability. ····· 1036189080

Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas a baja temperatura (CREEP)

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En este trabajo se reporta la caracterización dinámico-mecánica de tres tipos diferentes de asfalto modificado con polímero, la cual se llevó a cabo utilizando un analizador mecánico-dinámico de DuPont: TA Instruments, modelo 983. La mezcla de asfalto con materiales poliméricos permite obtener materiales con mejores propiedades termo-mecánicas que aquellas que exhibe el asfalto solo, en un amplio rango de temperatura. Por lo frágil que es el asfalto a bajas temperaturas ( 0 ºC), es importante obtener conocimiento de primera mano del comportamiento de asfalto modificado, en esas condiciones. Consecuentemente, el objetivo principal de este trabajo consistió en analizar las propiedades mecánicas de los tres tipos de asfalto modificado mediante pruebas consecutivas de fluencia-recuperación en condiciones isotérmicas: -20, -15, -10 y 0 ºC. ····· 1036189498

Cationic Polymers based Non-viral Gene Carriers

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Nucleic acids-based next generation biopharmaceuticals (i.e., oligonucleotides, siRNA) are potential therapeutic agents have ability to cope with various incurable diseases. However, several biological barriers present a challenge for efficient gene delivery. Inception of nanotechnology now offer numerous non-viral vectors that have been fabricated and found capable of transmitting the biopharmaceuticals into the cell and even into specific subcellular compartments like mitochondria. This book illustrates novel chemically modified polyallylamine and polyethylenimine based nano- vectors for enhanced gene delivery. Modification of these polymers using imidazolyl and polysaccharides such as hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and heparin not only improve cytotoxicity index but also provides site-specificity for cell-type specific gene delivery. Incorporation of targeting moiety minimizes the chance of potential adverse effects and also reduces the amount the amount of dose required to achieve desired therapeutic effects. Recent developments in formulation of efficient drug carriers showed potential to develop gene therapy again diseases like cancer. ····· 10361101323

Bioprocesos para la producción de DNA plasmídico para uso médico

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Actualmente existe un gran interés en la producción industrial de plásmidos para uso médico, con aplicación en terapia génica y vacunas de tercera generación. Éstas técnicas consisten básicamente en transferir en forma eficiente un gen clonado en el plásmido, a células receptoras del cuerpo humano, para que codifique la síntesis de una proteína que al expresarse, realice una acción inmunizante o terapéutica. Los plásmidos como vectores no virales, se han considerado una alternativa para la prevención, tratamiento y cura de enfermedades hereditarias o adquiridas como, por ejemplo, hemofilia y sida. En este libro se presentan y analizan dos bioprocesos para la producción de DNA plasmídico, basados en tecnología de membranas con el propósito de facilitar su escalamiento y mejorar su sustentabilidad. Parte del análisis, consiste en evaluar la dinámica de las columnas de membranas de adsorción utilizando modelos de transporte y simulación con Matlab. Este libro es particularmente útil para estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado de ingeniería química, bioquímica o biotecnología, interesados en bioprocesos para la producción de biomoléculas. ····· 10361101372

Chip Electrochromatographic Systems

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Miniaturized analytical systems using chip electrochromatography (CEC) have been of great interest over the past decade. This book describes the development of aligned carbon nanotubes and photopolymerizable silica solgel (PSG) as novel stationary phase for CEC separations. First part reports the localized growth of CNTs using multi- phasic catalyst deposition in -channels. CNT characterization using raman spectroscopy, optical and electron microscopy is also detailed. Further , proof-of-concept separations using reversed phase as well as solid phase extraction onto the CNT bed are illustrated. The next part describes PSG developed as stationary phase for CEC. The engineering parameters governing morphology of PSG is explained. Characterization with electron microscopy, thermal porometry, nitrogen adsorption and calorimetry is further detailed. Additionally, computational models and confocal microscopy is conceptualized for studying the fluid dynamics. PSG formulations incorporating methoxysilanes to bind with affinity ligands is also reported. Finally, innovations in optical detection, chip material and induced pressure flow systems are enumerated. ····· 10361101777


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Bio-diesel is a renewable diesel fuel substitute that can be made by chemically combining any natural oil or fat with an alcohol. Most European bio-diesel is made from edible oil. In India the above situation does not hold valid because of large scale demand of edible oils for food purposes so non- edible oils are used. Based on the features of the oils form the non edible plants, we have short listed, Jatropha carcus and Pongamia pinnata for further exploitation and extensive studies. The two virgin oils can be used directly in light service CI engine, For application in HSD engines the two oils need modifications so that specifications become closer to that of average HSD. Literature scan of technological aspects of biodiesels show the following gaps in knowledge which calls for further investigations to strengthen this technology. A) Comparative studies of preparation of bio-diesel and detailed characterization. B) Limited studies on blends involving ME of JC & PP with Euro-III & Euro-IV HSD and their characterization. C) Oxidation stability of neat ME and influence of antioxidants on the oxidation behavior of blended esters with petrodiesel. ····· 10361113319

A Novel Separation Technique using Hydrotropes

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In this book a comprehensive study on the effect of hydrotropes such as sodium benzoate, sodium salicylate, tri-sodium citrate and urea on the solubility and mass transfer coefficient of a series of aromatic esters such as benzyl acetate, benzyl propionate, benzyl butyrate, benzyl benzoate and benzyl salicylate has been carried out. The influence of a wide range of hydrotrope concentration and different temperatures on the solubility of aromatic esters is presented. The influence of different hydrotrope concentrations on the mass transfer coefficient of esters has been ascertained. Data on various aspects of hydrotropic study on the solubility and mass transfer coefficient for a series of aromatic esters have been provided for the first time. The experimental solubility data for various solutes at different temperatures have been analyzed using the modified Setschenow equation. To propose a possible mechanism of hydrotropic phenomenon, the solution properties of hydrotropes like density and viscosity have been determined for a range of hydrotrope concentrations. The implications of the study have been fully discussed and the scope for future research has been suggested. ····· 10361114221

Carica papaya lipase: a versatile enantioselectivity biocatalyst

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The papaya lipase stored in the crude papain from spay-dried latex of Carica papaya has been discovered as a versatile enantioselectivity biocatalyst to obtain chiral acids by using hydrolytic resolution of their racemic esters. With adopting the enzyme screening, purification, medium engineering and substrate engineering tactics can effectively improve the ability of lipase- catalyzed hydrolysis of (R,S)-naproxen ester. By employing partially purified lipase or an appropriate organo-soluble base (ex: Triethylamine) addition in water-saturated isooctane, both have superior enhancement of lipase activity or enantioselectivity. In addition, it was also found that initial rate enhancement for (S)-ester displayed as increasing the inductive parameter (electron-withdraw capability), therefore it further implies the acylaction step must be the rate- limiting step during enzyme-catalyzed process. Besides, a novel means of applying substrate- assisted catalysis demonstrated the proton shuttle device acts as an effective tool for improving the lipase activity by forming an extra intra-molecular hydrogen bond (11.5~11.9 KJ/mol) in the transition state. ····· 10361114583

Hidrometalurgia del Oro: Extracción por Solventes

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En este libro se hace una revisión de los diferentes procesos para la extracción, concentración acuosa, purificación y recuperación de metales preciosos, así como una revisión de investigaciones en el área de extracción de metales por solventes. Se presenta un análisis de los resultados de investigaciones realizadas para el análisis de las variables que afectan la extracción por solventes utilizando un extractante base guanidina en soluciones de oro de operaciones hidrometalúrgicas de cianuración: Evaluación en sistema batch de las características del sistema en la etapa de extracción, cinética de extracción, capacidad de carga del extractante, efecto del pH y concentración del extractante Análisis de la selectividad del extractante para iones aurocianuro Au con respecto a otros cianoaniones contenidos en la solución de lixiviación: Ag, Cu, Zn, Fe en función de los coeficientes de distribución, efecto del pH, concentración del extractante y del modificador Evaluación de las variables de pH y concentración de reactivos en la etapa de despojamiento del extractante obteniendo una solución acuosa enriquecida. Análisis de Isotermas de Extracción y Diagramas McCabe-Thiele. ····· 10361116439

Transferencia de Oxígeno en un Biorreactor Tanque Agitado

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En este trabajo, se desarrolla un estudio teórico y experimental sobre la capacidad de transferencia de oxígeno de un biorreactor tanque agitado y sobre sus requerimientos de potencia. Además, se presenta un análisis sobre distintos aspectos del cambio de escala de la producción de Staphylococcus aureus Smith. También se describe una metodología de trabajo que muestra la manera de vincular y extrapolar la información experimental obtenida en un biorreactor a escala de laboratorio, con la finalidad de establecer pautas para el dimensionamiento, el diseño o la selección de un biorreactor de escala de producción comercial, o para la definición del área de biorreactores en la etapa preliminar del desarrollo de un proceso de producción. El objeto de estudio fue la producción de un reconocido agente patógeno, la bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, y de su antígeno capsular. Todas las experiencias fueron realizadas en condiciones de producción de esta cepa. La investigación y los resultados descritos en este trabajo son útiles para desarrollar tecnologías de producción de vacunas que combatan enfermedades ocasionadas por esta bacteria, como la mastitis bovina. ····· 10361116675

Modelado cinético de petróleo y agrupamiento

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En este libro, el autor expone la dificultad que se presenta en el modelado cinético de los procesos de refinación, desde el punto de vista de la complejidad de la mezcla, para lograr una predicción suficiente en la caracterización del producto, que permita obtener mayores beneficios en una ambiente industrial competitivo. En este contexto, expone una metodología centrada en estrategias de agrupamiento continuo, con datos de análisis típicos en refinerías, para la reconstrucción molecular de una fracción de petróleo, que garantice su caracterización. Esta metodologia, esta soportada sobre las bases de la termodinamica continua y las técnicas de contribución por grupo para la predicción de la densidad y la curva de destilación. Su desarrollo se ha enfocado hacia un modelo cinético predictivo del proceso de hidrotratamiento de gasóleo,conformado por tres módulos, i) el desagrupamiento de la alimentación de acuerdo a la estrategia continua, ii) la evaluación de la transformación de las reacciones principales con un balance molar discreto-continuo, iii) la predicción de las propiedades importantes para la caracterización del gasóleo hidrotratado. ····· 10361116828

A Theoretical And Experimental Study Of Surfactant Transport

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This dissertation studies the transport dynamics of a water soluble nonionic surfactant C14E6 at the air/water interface at concentration below the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and above the CMC. A method which involves using the pendant bubble as a monolayer film balance is used to directly measure the surface tension as a function of surface concentration. The equilibrium parameters could be uniquely determined by fitting the directly measured equation of state and adsorption isotherm. Instead remarkably different equilibrium parameters for the same surfactant system fit experimental data equally well in the traditional treatment. The kinetic constants are obtained by numerically solving the transport equations for surfactant transport from aqueous solution at concentration below the critical micelles concentration. Theoretically, a model was developed to describe the surfactant transport from micellar solution for the case in which the kinetic rate of breakdown of micelles into monomers is much faster than the rates of bulk diffusion of monomers and micelles. ····· 10361118812

Theoretical Modelling of Spray Drying Processes

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This book presents a thorough theoretical research of a spray drying process, performed by the author in the framework of his Ph.D. study at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, under the supervision of Prof. A. Levy and Prof. I. Borde. The topics covered are: Mathematical and numerical modelling of single droplet drying kinetics for droplets with insoluble and dissolved solids Analysis of particles breakage during drying processes Two and three dimensional modelling of drying process in a pilot-plant spray dryer using Computational Fluid Dynamics Steady and unsteady-state numerical analysis of spray drying process Comparison between numerical simulations using different turbulence models Droplet-droplet interactions in spray drying model Novel probabilistic approach for modelling of particle-particle collisions in spray drying processes.As a comprehensive information source about modelling the spray drying processes, this text will be useful to a broad range of graduate and postgraduate engineering students, process engineers, industrial and academic researchers. ····· 10361119771

Utilization of Plastic Waste in Asphalting of Roads

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This book gives a clear idea about resent advancement in plastic road construction as well as its various aspects. Also invisigates the possibility of using various plastics in asphalting of roads. The object of work is to describe relevant methods of use of waste plastic in roads along with Eco-friendly disposal of plastic waste, collection of related literature available worldwide for reference & to compare it with actual experimental values. It also aims at importance & use of plastics in daily life as well as proper road connectivity for economic growth, while consideration of its economic aspects & impacts. The experimentation involves preparation of blends of various types of waste plastic with bitumen- a major ingreadent in road construction and coating of waste plastic on aggregates as another process. The modification of bitumen with plastic & road constructed with polymer coated aggregates are tested for various test parameters & compared with normal values. The results are quite positive both ecologically and economically. ····· 10361119800

Chitosan Based Adsorbent for Removal of Oil from Industrial Wastewater

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Application of chitosan products in wastewater treatment has received considerable attention in recent years in the literature. In particular, the development of chitosan-based materials as useful adsorbent polymeric matrices is an expanding field in the area of adsorption science. This book, investigates the development of chitosan-based adsorbent for removal of oil from industrial wastwater treatment. ····· 10361133340

Aerogel filters for removal of nanometric airborne particles

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The aim of the thesis was to penetrate an entirely new subject therefore much work remains yet to be done. Further studies on reproducibility and possible control of pore size by preparative techniques used are needed. Similarly, little is known at present about technological viability of the proposed filters as air cleaning media, runnability studies under various operational conditions are required. Other possible applications may emerge including diagnostic applications in pulmonology and other medical sciences, which would also require investigation. Last but not least better model to describe filtration in composite random - fractal solids is required. This research is the most important scientific research that used the silica aerogel for producing filters for removal of nanometric airborne particles such as bacteria, viruses and other harmful particles. ····· 10361134372

Nuclear Disarmament

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What are the discussions about `Nuclear Disarmament` in UK political arena This documentation features the transcripts of the unabridged speeches held in the UK Parliament from the Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office- Bill Rammell, the Secretary of State for Defence- Mr. Bob Ainsworth and other MPs` of the UK Parliament. This non-partisan documentation offers the reader a direct glance at the parliamentary debate on `Nuclear Disarmament` and the discussions of the Parliamentary members in relation to the political agenda. ····· 10361135022

Kinetic Modelling of thermal debinding & sintering in MIM processes

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The metal injection molding (MIM) process is an efficient method for the high volume production of complex-shaped components from powders for high performance applications. Three systems, pure copper, Fe-12wt%Cu and heavy alloy parts from W-8%Ni-2%Cu powder mix were fabricated by metal injection molding. The soluble part of the binder was removed by organic solvent de-binding in n-heptane. The solvent de-binded specimens were used to study thermal de-binding of each system using evolved gas analysis technique. The thermo-gravimetric technique coupled with infrared and mass spectrometry provides sufficient knowledge to understand the degradation and reaction mechanisms during thermal de-binding.Thermo-physical data, on which temperature field calculation is strongly dependent, were also measured with best of available resources in AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) laboratory using DSC, TGA-FTIR-MS, DIL and LFA instruments. Then finite element models were formulated by embedded kinetics model and thermo-physical data of the system. The formulated FE model described the material behavior during the thermal de-binding and sintering. ····· 10361135809

Optimització dels paràmetres d operació del procés d electromigració

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L`electromigració és una tècnica usada per descontaminar sòls, la qual consisteix a aplicar una diferència de potencial entre dos elèctrodes per fer que els ions del sòl contaminat es desplacen cap als elèctrodes de signe contrari. A més, tenen lloc reaccions secundàries, com, per exemple, la hidròlisi de l`aigua. L`oxidació de l`aigua genera protons, els quals incrementen la solubilitat dels contaminants i beneficien el procés de descontaminació tanmateix, la reducció de l`aigua genera hidroxils, els quals disminueixen la solubilitat dels contaminants, que poden precipitar dins del sòl sense poder ser extrets. Per solucionar aquest problema, se sol afegir àcids a l`electròlit o es poden usar membranes o resines per retenir els hidroxils totes aquestes propostes incrementen el cost del procés de descontaminació. En aquest treball es proposa l`ús d`elèctrodes que alenteixen la velocitat de les reaccions d`hidròlisi de l`aigua, els quals estan constituïts per una tela feta de grafit. En primer lloc, s optimitzen els paràmetres del procés i, després, es comparen els resultats obtinguts amb els diferents experiments. ····· 10361136934

Application of Molecular Recognition Technology

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The first application of solid phase extraction (SPE) started approximately five decades ago, and until then development of SPE materials is continued, and it seems to be a never-ending story. Lately, research is focused in developing more explicit materials to achieve meticulous separation of ions from solutions containing complex matrices with high concentrations of interfering ions. One group of SPE materials includes those with macrocyclic ligands immobilized on a silica or polymer support this type of SPE has been reportedly available for ion-selective separation and pre-concentration of ions, and the technique is commonly known as molecular recognition technology (MRT). In MRT, the designed host materials possess a high degree of recognition to specific ions or groups of ions called guest , and the recognition capability remains effective at the very low concentrations of the guest ion or when those present in complex matrices. In this book, application of different MRT-SPE materials for the selective separation of trace ecotoxic ions from the aqueous matrix are described, and the effects of the various chemical species or forms on MRT-based separations are discussed. ····· 10361146226

Electrochemical Incineration of Human Wastes in Confined Spaces

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The problems posed by wastes are particularly demanding in space vehicles where it is desirable to utilize treatments that will convert wastes into chemicals that can be eventually recycled. Chemical treatments have proved relatively unsatisfactory and tend to be increasingly so with increase-of the mission time. However, use of heat to destroy waste and convert them to CO2 by the use of air oxygen has the disadvantage and difficulties of dissipating heat in a space environment and the inevitable presence of oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide in the effluent gases .Here in particular, electrochemical techniques offer several advantages including the low temperatures which may be used and the absence of any NO and CO in the evolved gases i.e. carbondioxide, hydrogen and nitrogen. For these reasons above, initiatives have been undertaken by us to develop a novel technology of waste removal by electrochemical methods. Technology may also be used to decompose domestic and sewerage wastes.The book would not only be useful for industrial purposes but also to research as well as graduate students of applied electrochemistry. ····· 10361146483

Hyper Production of Laccases

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The main objective of this research project was the production of laccase under optimum conditions, its partial purification and the effect of UV mutagenesis in Neurospora sitophila for hyper production of laccase. The temperature and pH of the incubation were 28 oC and 5.5 respectively. Growth medium employed to culture the Neurospora sitophila for the production of laccase was optimized through various experiments. The fermentation conditions like incubation period, moisture level, inoculum size, yeast extract and tween-20 were optimized. It was observed that the addition of yeast extract and tween-20 enhanced laccase production by Neurospora sitophila in corn cob. Neurospora sitophila produced maximum laccase 3.995U/mL/min in the growth medium of 70% moisture level, 5mL of the inoculum, 0.4% yeast extract and 0.2% of tween-20. The laccase produced by Neurosopora sitophila under optimized conditions was partially purified using ammonium sulfate precipitation. ····· 10361146809

Membrane Reactor Modeling for Hydrogen Production

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Membrane technology can be the next step in Hydrogen production since its temperature and pressure characteristics make it an competing process, though the membrane price is a serious obstacle for its development. Computer analysis through MATLAB modelling has been the heart of this research. Mathematical models have indeed to be developed in order to obtain membrane reactor performances, leading to a physical development of the process. Multiple parameters have effects on the system, and different models can be developed. This thesis has been written as a fulfillment for my Master of Science degree, in Chemical Engineering. ····· 10361147148

Celljuloza iz odnoletnih rastenij

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Predlozhena vozmozhnost` komplexnoj pererabotki nedrevesnogo rastitel`nogo syr`ya, v chastnosti, solomy i sheluhi krupyanyh i zlakovyh kul`tur. Osnovnym dostoinstvom nedrevesnogo syr`ya yavlyaetsya ego ezhegodnaya vosproizvodimost` i nevysokaya stoimost`. V to zhe vremya, odnoletnie rasteniya yavlyajutsya istochnikom ryada cennyh produktov prirodnogo proishozhdeniya, v tom chisle, celljulozy. Poluchenie celljulozy iz nedrevesnogo rastitel`nogo syr`ya vozmozhno sovremennym okislitel`no-organosol`ventnym sposobom. Organosol`ventnye sposoby delignifikacii, yavlyayas` jekologicheski maloopasnymi, pozvolyajut poluchat` tehnicheskuju celljulozu s vysokim vyhodom i unikal`nymi svojstvami v odnu stadiju pri temperaturah 90...100 oS i atmosfernom davlenii bez primeneniya hlorsoderzhashhih reagentov, chto sushhestvenno rasshiryaet oblasti ispol`zovaniya. Celevoj auditoriej knigi yavlyajutsya nauchnye rabotniki, studenty i aspiranty, predstaviteli profil`nyh organizacij, zanimajushhiesya polucheniem celljulozy i oblastej ee primeneniya. ····· 1036120533

Optimization of microwave assisted Hydrodistillation in Oil extraction

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In the wake of energy crisis, the alternatives for energy sources are much demanded. the use of herbs and plants in food industry has a long history. the disversity among the components of the plants has resulted in their use in many applications including flavors and medicine. The conventional methods for the extraction of essential oils such as Hydrodistillation (HD)and soxhlet in which the essential oils are evaporated by heating a mixture of water and plant materials followed by the liquefaction of the vapors in a condenser. These methods suffers from several disadvantages including losses in the volatile compounds, long extraction time and degradation of some components through thermal process.Microwave heating has an incontestable place in analytical and organic laboratory practices. In this book, microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD)was used to extract an essential oil from ginger. Results were compared with conventional hydrodistillation method. Results show that MAHD faster in extraction time, yield and costs compared with HD method. ····· 1036192448

Multi-Functional Additive for Hydrocarbon Drilling Industry

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As a drilling operation proceeds deeper and deeper, drilling temperature tends to increase rapidly. This increase influences the drilling mud rheological properties negatively. The negative effect includes severe decrease of mud viscosity and gel strength, which makes many of mud additives not functional at high temperature. On the other hand, efforts are needed to be taken seriously against the large amount of lignocellulosic waste from oil palm industry. Recycling the unwanted materials into a valuable product is an industrial and environmental challenge which necessitates the need of better waste management. Therefore, this study investigates the possibility of lignin graft copolymer (LGC) as a potential hydrocarbon drilling multi-functional additive. In this direction, water soluble lignin graft copolymer (LGC) was prepared from oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fiber as a renewable biomass source. In the application part, LGC has been subjected to the simulated hydrocarbon drilling conditions. The grafted lignin depicts high potential in viscosifying and gelling abilities at high temperatures. Also, it is performed reasonably well with fresh and saline drilling mud. ····· 10361146249

Lehrbuch der Essigfabrikation

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1857. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144588

Nanocomposite Membranes for Complex Separations

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Over the past few decades there has been great interest in exploring alternatives to conventional separation methods due to their high cost and energy requirements. Membranes offer a potentially attractive alternative as they potentially address both of these points. The overarching theme of this work is to design nanocomposite membranes for processes where existing separation schemes are inadequate. This book focuses on three challenges: 1) designing organic-inorganic hybrid membranes for reverse-selective removal of alkanes from light gases, 2) defect-free inorganic nanocomposite membranes that have uniform pores, and 3) organic-inorganic hybrid membranes and photocatalytic membranes for minimizing protein fouling in microfiltration applications. Also, the author presents the basic membrane theories for the readers who are not familiar with membrane. ····· 1036194

Supercritical Fluid Precipitation Technology

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Carotenoid formulation is of great interest for the pharmaceutical and food industry. A proper formulation and particle size is essential to obtain high colorant activity. Thus, a suitable technology to produce particles from these natural substances must be used to avoid the degradation and loss of commercial value of the colorants. Supercritical fluid precipitation processes are an excellent alternative to formulate carotenoids, especially supercritical antisolvent processes, which are the main topic of this thesis. Also, a novel method, the Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Emulsions (SFEE) is presented and the fundamentals of this process are evaluated with the aid of a mathematical model. ····· 103613769

Organic-Organic Separation Using Polymeric Pervaporation Membranes

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Pervaporation is a membrane process with proven potential in separation of volatile and organic mixtures. Among various polymers and solvent pervaporation cases, two polymers and their blends with another hydrophile polymer were studied for two pervaporation separations. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and cardo poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEKWC), two polymers with no pervaporation study history, were used to prepare dry-cast dense membranes using chloroform as the solvent. Pervaporation separation of methanol/MTBE, ethanol/ETBE, and ethanol/cyclohexane was investigated using prepared membranes. The effect of several operating conditions, namely concentration, temperature and flow rate on the pervaporation performance was studied. The mechanical properties and swelling behavior of the membranes were investigated in different feed concentrations. The obtained results could be interesting to the researchers in pervaporation field. ····· 1036118508

Catalytic Reforming of Model Compound and Real Feedstock

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A new trend in catalytic naphtha reforming requires decrease of aromatics in reformates and abolition of MTBE while maintaining high octane rate.Refiners have shifted to other sources of octane boosters in the gasoline pool. The fuel characteristics of branched chain alkanes make it attractive to be utilized to enhance the octane number.The selectivity towards branched hydrocarbons is limited over the currently used Pt-Re catalyst due to multiple competitive reforming reactions.By modification of catalyst and optimization of key process variables it is possible to alter the catalytic performance in a wide range. Metals such as Sn, Ge,Zn and Fe can amend the de/hydrogenation activity and possibly affect the selectivity of the catalyst. This study was carried out to decrease the aromatization activity and enhance the isomerization activity via modification of Pt-Re/Al2O3 catalyst with different concentrations of tin.The catalysts were characterized using different surface techniques and then screened for their activity,selectivity and stability in the isomerization of n-octane and heavy naphtha fraction.Effect of operating conditions were adjusted using Response Surface Methodology. ····· 1036121584

Green Chemical Approach in the Colouration of Fabrics

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The textile industry is believed to be one of the biggest consumers of water. On average, an estimated 200 litres of water is needed to process 1 kg of textile material. Textile dyes are organic compounds that are carbon based. In the dyeing process, dyes are dissolved in a solvent, usually water. Once the dyes are in solution, they are absorbed by the textile fibre, passing into the interior of the material by a process called diffusion . 100% exhaustion is challenging to achieve. The wastewater generated in the textile dyeing process can be difficult to treat due diverse nature od dyes and auxiliaries. Hence, studies in textile colouration by conventional and/or non-conventional methods that reduce environmental hazards have great scope for textile industries and other area of diverse applications. This research work has been carried out to explore the (i) utilization of natural materials for colouration by conventional method and (ii) application of non-conventional colouration methods to avoid the use of dyeing auxiliaries. ····· 1036125345

Synthesis,Characterisation and Uses of Polymer Bound Antioxidants

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This is a research based work done by Dr.Sulekha.P.B under the supervision of Dr. Rani Joseph. This work aims at preparing polymer-bound antioxidants with saturated backbone, envisaging the preparation of both amine and phenolic type of antioxidants. Characterization of the prepared antioxidants using IR, 1HNMR, VPO and TGA is done. The efficiency of such polymer-bound antioxidants is compared with that of conventional antioxidants in terms of volatility, extractability in solvents, ageing resistance, ozone ageing resistance etc. The study is undertaken with the intention of generating a class of bound antioxidants, which can be used in elastomers for aggressive and long-term application. The effectiveness of these antioxidants in NR, SBR, NBR , IIR and rubber blends like NR/SBR and NR/BR was studied. One of the potential areas where the novel polymer-bound antioxidants can be used is in the rubberization of roads. One of the main disadvantages of using natural rubber in bitumen modification is that it cannot withstand the high temperature during mixing and hence it is susceptible to degradation. Most of the conventional antioxidants are volatile and are not effective in protect ····· 1036125601

Studies on Itaconic acid Production using Aspergillus sps.

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Recent advancements in the field of industrial biotechnology have led to the development of successful organic acids, which is being used in the production of biodegradable plastics. Itaconic acid is made use as a co-monomer at a level of 1 5% for certain polymer products. It is also important as a constituent for the fabrication of synthetic fibers, coatings, adhesives, thickeners, and binders. The microorganisms such as Aspergills niger,Aspergillus terreus,Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus flavus were screened for itaconic acid production, Aspergillus terreus was found to be a good producer among the said Aspergillus sps..With the above confirmation, the optimization stuides were carried out for the production of itaconic acid through stastical approach. The itaconic acid production was studied using immobilized A. terreus on polyurethane foam. The growth studies and Biokinetics in batch cultures using A. niger, A. terreus, A. nidulans and A. flavus were investigated for itaconic acid production. ····· 1036186875

Stimuli sensitive polymers and biomolecule recovery

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Studies on Affinity Precipitation of Biomolecules Using Stimuli Sensitive Polymers Introduction Interactions between biomolecules and ligands play a critical role in medicine and biotechnology. Recovery of biomolecules in the pure form from a natural source and / or synthesized by a biotransformation route involves multiple steps and processes such as centrifugation, extraction, affinity chromatography and affinity ultrafiltration. Affinity based techniques are attractive as they provide higher selectivity and specificity and have emerged as an efficient bioseparation strategy for enzymes [Sii et al (1991)] and proteins [Senstad et al (1989)]. Affinity precipitation is a convenient bioseparation technique as it eliminates most of the drawbacks associated with affinity chromatography methods. Moreover, it offers ease of scale up, concentration and purification. The technique can be made into continuous operation process and the ligand used can be recycled. Affinity precipitation method usually consist of hetero bifunctional ligands coupled to the stimuli sensitive polymers e.g. poly N-isopropyl acrylamide (NIPA). ····· 1036187093

Acacia Genus and its Applications in Industry

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Plant phenolics represent a huge number of natural compounds that are of great interest and importance nowadays due to their various pharmacological activities. The aqueous methanolic extract of Acacia Saligna was applied on Polyamide 6S and eluted with water and water/ethanol mixtures with gradual increase in concentration. The successive extraction of plant afforded the isolation of sixteen phenolic compounds, among them Catechin, 7-O-Galloyl-Catechin, Myricetin-3-O- -L-arabinopyranoside, Quercetin-3-O- -D-glucopyranoside, Quercetin-3-O- -L-arabinopyranoside, Apigenin-7-O- -D-glucopyranoside and Luteolin-7-O- -D-glucopyranoside which isolated for the first time from Acacia Saligna. Today, the main thrust aspect in the selection of products is safety. The best product selection must take into account non-toxic and safer starting materials as well as finished products. Whereby, the investigation showed that the dyeing and antimicrobial finishing of chrome-tanned leather with Acacia saligna leaves extract will provide an anti-candidal finishing for different leather products with good mechanical properties and fastness properties. ····· 1036192271

Nonlinear Optimization of Chemical Processes

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Large scale nonlinear programming (NLP) has proven to be an e ective framework for obtaining pro t gains through optimal process design and operations in chemical engineering. The focus of both academia and industry on larger and more complicated problems requires further development of numerical algorithms which can provide improved computational e ciency. The primary purpose of this book is to develop e ective problem formulations and an advanced numerical algorithms for e cient solution of these challenging problems. In this book, we develop an advanced parallel solution strategy for nonlinear programming problems. The e ectiveness of this modern tool is demonstrated on a wide range of chemical problem classes including air separation unit, water network, and heat-integrated distillation columns. ····· 1036198697

Nanocomposites with Desired Properties

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In recent years, nanocomposite materials have been the subjects of intensive research due to their unique properties and numerous potential applications in heterogeneous catalysis, high-k dielectric materials, optical wave guides, paints, antibacterial agent, and fillers for thin paper. Manipulation of their sizes, shapes, microstructures, surface activity, and surface areas is crucial to improving their characteristic properties: catalytic activity, photoactivity, chemical durability, and their optical and thermal properties. The properties of final product strongly depend on the properties of these composites. Unfortunately, large scale economic industrial production of the composites is hampered by three main factors: (i) the use of high-cost and hazardous alkoxides (TEOS or TMOS) in the sol-gel synthesis (ii) the use of expensive autoclaves for the hydrothermal treatment, and (iii) long synthesis period (up to 7 days, in some cases). In this book, we report rapid, versatile, controllable, reproducible, and economical approaches to synthesizing nanocomposites with desired properties. The final products are superior alternative for large scale/industrial economic production. ····· 1036199357

Nanofiber Filter Media for Air and Hot Gas Filtration Applications

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Nonwoven fibrous media with nanofibers havesignificant filtration applications in automotive,chemical, transportation, power generation andpharmaceutical/biological industries. Nanofibers havehigher capture efficiencies in comparison tomicrofibers in the submicron particle size range of100 - 500 nm because of smaller fiber diameter andincreased surface area of the fibers. Nanofibers arein the slip flow regime as a consequence of whichsteep increase in pressure drop is considerablyreduced due to slip effect. The economic benefits ofusing nanofiber filter media are improved filterperformance and compact filters.Electrospinning process was used to fabricate polymerand ceramic nanofibers. The electrospun polymernanofibers were added to the nonwoven fibrous mediato improve filter performance for air filtration.This improved filter performance was in consistentwith numerical modeling. This book describes theexperimental and modeling results of particle loadingon fibrous media and application of ceramicnanofibers for hot gas filtration applications. ····· 10361114361

Kinetics and Reaction Engineering Aspects of Syngas Production

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This book integrates the disciplines of chemistry, chemical reaction engineering, kinetics, catalysis and thermodynamics. It mainly includes the kinetic study (intrinsic and effective kinetics) for the Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction, chemical reactors design, and the reactor modelling and simulation at technical conditions. This book is good for both the chemical engineers and chemists. ····· 10361114638

Detection and Removal of Heavy metal ions and removal using Packed Bed

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The book contains detection of heavy metals (as low as ppb level) using enzymatic inhibition technique. The toxicity of arsenic in drinking water is unexplainable and the different techniques including electrochemical procedure have been described here. The removal of arsenic was explained in packed bed and a mathematical model has been predicted here using adsorption isotherms. Finally, the model has been solved in visual basic and an extensive program was written in the following code. The instruments used and their techniques are vividly explained with specification and clear pictures. The references are also quite extensive in this publication. ····· 10361115330


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In this book, it was aimed to determine some heavy metal content in black olives cv. Gemlik, which meet an important part of black table olive demand in our country and are of importance in our region. In the research, the iron, copper, zinc, lead and cadmium content of fresh olives grown at the roadside and on mountains were analyzed and the chemical and metal analyses were carried out on olives harvested from different sites when fresh, in the 1st, 3rd and 5th months of fermentation, or during the marketing period. Moreover, analyses of magnesium, chromium, cobalt, nickel and tin were realized in addition to the metals mentioned, with the aim of determining the metal content of black olives sold in the Bursa market. According to the results obtained from the study, the effects of all three regions on the metal pollution of olives picked from roadsides and near industrial zones were found to be significant statistically. ····· 10361115935

Estudio Termo-Cinetico de Adsorcion en Especies de Electrocoagulacion

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Se realizo un estudio Termodinamico y Cinetico de la adsorción del dióxido de titanio y arsénico sobre especies generadas de electrocoagulación como magnetita, goetita y lepidocrocita. El dióxido de titanio fue usado para eliminar cianuro de agua (400 ppm de CN-) usando un proceso fotocatalitico. Con este proceso se logró un 94 % de eliminación de cianuro. Sin embargo, esta técnica tiene una desventaja para su uso industrial, la separación del dióxido de titanio después de la eliminación del cianuro es difícil debido a la fineza de las partículas, por lo tanto, el reuso del dióxido de titanio no ha tenido avance para el tratamiento de agua contaminada con cianuro. Para remediar este punto, se uso el proceso de Electrocoagulación (EC) para recuperar el dióxido de titanio de la solución. Usando la EC se logro un 99 % de recuperación. Tambien se usó la electrocoagulacion como una alternativa viable para eliminar arsenico de agua contaminada, con este proceso se obtuvo un 99 % de remoción sin adicionar algún otro reactivo químico. ····· 10361116838

Prototipo para el diseño rápido de separadores continuos.

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Se han creado las herramientas necesarias para estudiar la viabilidad de realizar separaciones de mezclas de dos y tres componentes basados en un método de separación en continuo SMB. Con esta finalidad, se ha creado un sistema de diseño rápido y económico de separadores que permite simular el comportamiento de una columna cualquiera integrada en un sistema SMB. Este sistema está constituido por una columna cromatográfica que puede trabajar en cualquiera de las cuatro zonas en las que se puede dividir un SMB.El sistema también integra un programa de simulación numérica y optimización de separadores SMB. La combinación del programa y el sistema de diseño de SMB permite establecer la variación de la concentración de cada sustancia en el tiempo pudiendo así determinar: el número de columnas per zona, el tiempo de cambio de cada columna, el caudal de operación en cada zona y la concentración de cada sustancia por cada salida del SMB.Para verificar el correcto funcionamiento del equipo se ha desarrollado la separación de dos componentes p-aminofenol y o-aminofenol como parte integrante del proceso de fabricación del paracetamol y se han encontrado las condiciones óptimas de operación. ····· 10361117493

Surface Modification Of Polymer Constructs For Tissue Engineering

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One of the major issues in tissue engineering is the seeding of mammalian cells onto natural or synthetic scaffolds, to which the cells should attach and colonise into three-dimensional (3D) orientation, defining the shape of the tissue. The structural and surface properties of the biomaterials used to make the scaffolds, such as pore structure, hydrophilicity and surface charge are therefore important parameters to consider, if they are to be used as supportive 3D matrices for cells, providing a strong mechanical contact between the cells and the scaffold. In this work, a variety of synthetic polymer scaffolds was fabricated via thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) followed by freeze-drying. The polymers under study were two biodegradable polyesters, poly (D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) and poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and two non-biodegradable polymers, polystyrene (PS) and polyurethane (PU). For the design and reproducible fabrication of polymer scaffolds, tailored for directed tissue growth, pore structure and surface chemistry of the selected polymer scaffolds were studied. ····· 10361118540


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Processing and storage vessels in chemical industries are available in different shapes. The time required to drain these vessels is known as efflux time. Draining a liquid from a large storage vessel through an exit pipe is always associated with laminar flow in the tank and turbulent flow in the exit pipe depending on the physical properties of the liquid and the geometrical characteristics of the exit piping system. During draining, the liquid experiences friction and this friction is a measure of drag. The drag increases many fold when the flow transforms from laminar flow in the tank to turbulent flow in the exit pipe. Hence, drag reduction options are to be explored. The phenomenon of drag reduction by minute concentrations of polymer additives has been attempted for over sixty years, ever since its discovery by Toms. This book is focused on understanding drag reduction using water soluble polyacryl amide polymer solutions when a Newtonian liquid ( water in this case) is drained from a cylindrical storage vessel ( Where the flow is essentially laminar) through an exit piping system ( When the flow in the exit pipe is turbulent). ····· 10361119212

Preparation and Evaluation of Superglycerinated Shortening

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Fats and oils play an essential role in the human diet and they have the important quality of improving the palatability of foods. For these reason, they are used in a great variety of food. These uses demand widely varying properties crystallization and melting behavior, so, this book will provide a good information on fat modification through enzymatic interesterification, which provides a safe, easy and cost efficient alternative to chemical interesterification and hydrogenation, and gives a more natural product, free of trans fatty acids. These subjects are required by researchers and technologists in the field of lipids. ····· 10361119325

Extracellular Thermostable alpha-Amylase from Streptomyces erumpens

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Alpha -amylase is one of the most important and widely used enzymes, in food and beverage industries. The alpha-amylase presently used in starch saccharification requires calcium for activity and/or stability. The thermostable alpha amylase produced by the actinomycetes strain Streptomyces erumpens is calcium independent.In this book, the process optimizations and production of alpha amylase by this strain in solid state- and submerged- fermentation, and its applications in starch saccharification to sugar, for conversion in to lactic acid and ethanol have been discussed. ····· 10361119607

Eco-fuel Briquettes

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In this work the various processing stages such as briquetting, drying, combustion and flue gas emissions were investigated in order to evaluate the socio economic viability of batch production of eco fuel briquettes from biomass waste material. A set of fuel briquettes made from a mixture of 32 w/w% spent coffee grounds,23 w/w% coal fines, 11 w/w% saw dust, 18 w/w % mielie husks,10w/w% waste paper and 6w/w% pulp contaminated water were investigated. A drying system that utilizes produced briquettes as a heating medium is proposed, and here drying will be affected over a refractory brick fireplace by means of convection and radiation. A basic model was set up to include radiation with the convection to predict a drying time of 4.8 hours. The combustion of briquettes was investigated using a ceramic stove linked to the testo Portable Emission Analyzer System. This enabled an air-to-fuel ratio of 1.44 and a burning rate of 2g per minute to be established. The energy transfer efficiency for boiling a pot of water was found to be 15%. The gas emissions were found to be within the acceptable limits as set out by Occupational Safety and health agency. ····· 10361133248

Fracture Height Containment

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This book was written as a joint effort between me and my academic advisor Dr. John Yilin Wang. The book evolves around the idea of reducing, mitigating the deliverability losses associated with gas storage wells. Gas storage wells across the USA are prone to suffer from deliverability losses of 5% per annum, owing to the various damage mechanisms. This loss when compared on a 10 year term can amount to 50%, which is a huge amount to loose in today`s energy driven economy. Also a significant amount of money is expended, without a clear knowledge of the damage being addressed. Secondly lot of these wells suffer from multiple damage mechanisms, hence doing a generalized treatment and hoping to get good returns will not serve the purpose. This research study was undertaken to identify the various damage mechanisms the storage wells suffer from and develop appropriate stimulation technologies in order to bypass and mitigate the damage and in turn increase or restore the wells deliverability. ····· 10361133802

Encapsulación de Nanopartículas de Metales de Transición en Zeolitas

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En los últimos años, el interés por las zeolitas intercambiadas con metales de transición ha ido en aumento debido a la exitosa actividad catalítica que las mismas presentan para una amplia variedad de reacciones, tanto en el campo de la química fina, como de catálisis ambiental. Las zeolitas pueden servir como huéspedes para activar iones ofreciendo un sistema de ligandos único con múltiples tipos de coordinación para los cationes. La topología de la zeolita, el tipo de catión, su ubicación y coordinación son los factores que controlan su actividad catalítica y sus propiedades magnéticas. El magnetismo a nanoescala ha cobrado gran interés científico debido a sus potenciales aplicaciones tecnológicas. Cuando el tamaño de las partículas magnéticas se reduce a unos pocos nanómetros, éstas pueden presentar propiedades no observadas en el estado másico como magnetorresistencia gigante, superparamagnetismo, grandes coercitividades, etc. Debido a estas propiedades físicas únicas, las nanopartículas magnéticas contribuyen a cambios revolucionarios desde la biomedicina hasta la spin-trónica. ····· 1036122449

Ingeniería de los procesos con microorganismos

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La idea de este trabajo se inició con la lectura del libro Biological Reaction Engineering: Principles, Applications and Modelling with PC Simulation de los autores Dunn, I.J., Heinzle, E., Ingham, J. y Prenosil, J.E. Estos autores proponen una colección de programas en lenguaje ISIM abordando la simulación de bioprocesos tanto con microorganismos como con enzimas. Me ha parecido oportuno realizar la presente versión escogiendo aquellos ejemplos donde intervienen microorganismos y añadiendo otros nuevos. Todos los programas se han realizado en el lenguaje MATLAB®, por constituir una herramienta de uso común en Ingeniería. En algunos de los ejemplos se han utilizado los modelos obtenidos en la Sección de Biotecnología del Departament d Enginyeria Química del Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS School of Engineering) de la Universitat Ramon Llull de Barcelona. Como el objetivo de este libro radica en facilitar la comprensión y mejorar el manejo de reactores en Biotecnología, los programas presentados son muy sencillos y fácilmente mejorables, especialmente en su interfase de usuario. ····· 1036122510

Degradación de residuos plásticos sobre materiales nanoestructurados

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La diversificación de las aplicaciones de polímeros en la vida moderna, la aparición de actividades productivas novedosas intensivas en el uso de diferentes plásticos, el cambio en los hábitos de consumo, como así también la evolución tecnológica mundial ha producido un incremento exponencial del consumo de materiales plásticos en los últimos 30 años. Por esta razón, es necesario desarrollar métodos de reciclaje para tratar estos residuos. Los métodos de disposición final como enterramiento o incineración, ya no tienen suficiente aceptación, por lo que se han planteado diversas alternativas. Entre ellos el reciclado químico aparece como uno de los tratamientos más prometedores, que consiste en convertir los residuos plásticos en hidrocarburos líquidos y gaseosos de mayor valor agregado, de interés para la industria química. En este trabajo se han sintetizado y caracterizado diversos materiales catalíticos, evaluando la influencia de los mismos y de las variables en la degradación termo-catalítica de PEAD, PEBD, PP, copolímero PP-et y PS. Los catalizadores utilizados han sido los materiales microporosos (ZSM-11, ZSM-5 y Beta) y mesoporosos (MCM-41). ····· 1036122517

Esquemas de Control para Procesos Industriales

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Este escrito es un intento por enfocar el control lineal y no lineal a sistemas complejos (Bioprocesos, ingeniaría química y biorreactores), se presentan una serie de herramientas con las cuales se puede analizar e interpretar nuevos comportamientos en base a teoría de control, el diseño de nuevas leyes de control no lineales y su comparación con las clásicas permitirán confirmar la robustez de estos nuevos esquemas, por otro lado se debe apreciar el hecho que este libro da un panorama general del control de procesos encontrando que aún queda mucho por aprender tanto a nivel teórico como practico. Lo anterior, considerando que la industria biotecnológica necesita cumplir con estrictos estándares locales e internacionales de seguridad industrial, legislación ambiental y producción continua de alta calidad, esto lleva a implementar sistemas de optimización eficientes en los procesos industriales con un enfoque multidisciplinario. ····· 1036189638

Diseño de Nuevos Ligantes Sintéticos a partir de materiales reciclados

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Transferencia de oxígeno en fluidos modelo y caldos de fermentación

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La determinación de coeficientes volumétricos de transferencia de oxígeno (kLa), en sistemas vivos, tradicionalmente ha estado restringida a los sistemas donde las células estén cerca de las condiciones óptimas de desarrollo y donde se pueda mantener la determinación en concentraciones de oxígeno superiores a la crítica, ya que no respetarse estas condiciones la propia determinación se volvería una variable que altera la transformación estudiada. En este estudio se encontró que aún en fermentadores regulados el sistema vivo puede ser sometido a condiciones de estrés, lo que modifica drásticamente los perfiles de consumo de oxígeno que se mantienen en valores de oxígeno disuelto cercanos al crítico. Bajo estas condiciones el método empleado para determinar el kLa debe poder aplicarse en intervalos pequeños de variación en la concentración de oxígeno disuelto y bajo condiciones metabólicas variables. El método dinámico por variación de presión para la determinación del kLa demostró ser una alternativa viable en zonas de riesgo por consumo de oxígeno sin causar alteraciones significativas en el entorno celular. ····· 1036190684

Introducción al diseño simultáneo de proceso y control

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La tarea del diseño de procesos podría decirse que es capital en todas aquellas ingenierías asociadas con las plantas industriales, y así se evidencia del lugar que ocupa la ingeniería de procesos en la formación de tales ingenieros. Sin embargo, hasta no hace más de 20 años tal tarea se concentraba en el diseño del equipo de proceso, sin considerar para nada el diseño del sistema de control para dicho equipo. Esa separación, totalmente inconveniente entre ambos diseños, generó procesos no controlables, que luego requerían sistemas de control muy costosos y de alta sofisticación para poder mantener el punto de operación para el cual se diseñaron. Afortunadamente, desde hace más de una década la investigación empezó a entregar herramientas y procedimientos para abordar el Diseño de Equipos de Proceso y el Diseño de Sistemas de Control de una manera sistemática y coordinada. Este texto presenta una aproximación completa al uso de la controlabilidad de estado para realizar el diseño simultáneo del Equipo de Proceso y sus Sistema de Control. ····· 1036190820

Aplicación de modelos de red neural

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Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta nuestra generación es el de la construcción de inteligencia artificial. Dentro de esta se pueden distinguir dos grandes áreas, la Inteligencia Artificial Simbiótica y la Subsimbiótica. Las redes neurales se encuadran dentro de las subsimbióticas. Por otro lado, hoy día un problema de gran importancia es la Contaminación Atmosférica, dicho problema es complejo, ya que está afectado por un gran número de factores así como de las características atmosféricas. Este problema llevó a finales de 1996 al proyecto LIFE-MACBETH, para evaluar los escenarios, establecer la causa-efecto, y aportar soluciones de este proyecto se han recogido los datos para este estudio. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido, estudiar las aplicaciones de las neuronas en el campo de la exposición personal y comparar los resultados obtenidos con el método tradicional. ····· 1036190835

Sistemas de Destrucción Catalítica de Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles

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En este libro se presenta el estudio de viabilidad técnica de la solución a una importante problemática medioambiental que las empresas de impresión de envases deben enfrentar en la actualidad: la emisión de Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles (COVs) a la atmósfera. En las mismas, dos de los compuestos usualmente empleados son el acetato de etilo y el etanol. Por lo tanto, la eliminación de estas sustancias en el efluente gaseoso es el eje central del estudio. Bajo esta premisa, se ha seleccionado la destrucción catalítica como una tecnología adecuada para las condiciones del efluente a tratar, y se ha profundizado científicamente el estudio detallado teórico-experimental correspondiente para aportar información necesaria a nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos. ····· 10361137121

Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology

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Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology is an emergent course in Ethiopia. It has great role in mitigating solution for different environmental stresses. All human activities irrespective of the scope and severeness have an impact in soil, air, water and life of the receiving bodies. Thus, the main focus of this book is to study the fate of chemical pollutants in the environment. This book comprises five chapters such as, Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, Aquatic Chemistry and Water pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry and Air pollution, Soil Chemistry and Pollution and Environmental Toxicity and Toxicology. The overall goal of this book is to gain an understanding of the fundamental chemical processes that are central to a range of important Environmental problems and to utilize this knowledge in making critical evaluations of these problems. ····· 1036120446

Kinetic studies on catalytic vapor phase pyridine synthesis

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Catalytic vapor pyridine synthesis from acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and ammonia is an attractive way of synthesis for growing demand of pyridine bases. The basic objective of the present work to focus on catalysis, mass transfer and kinetics of the aminocyclization of aldehydes constrained by the catalyst deactivation. The HZSM-5 catalyst and the coke formed during the aminocyclization have been extensively characterized by FT-IR, DTA, TGA, XRD, SEM, TPD, CHNS and BET Surface area. A series-Parallel reaction scheme has been considered for evaluating the kinetics of aminocyclization reaction. The external and internal mass transfer resistances have been minimized by operating above the experimentally determined and theoretically validated threshold gas/vapour superficial velocity and catalyst particle size. Appropriate rate equations have been formulated for aldehyde conversions to pyridine and picolines. By employing non linear regression analysis, the reaction rates, the reaction velocity constants and activation energies have been determined employing process data unconstrained by the catalyst deactivation. ····· 10361119

Mixed-acid Fermentation for Biofuel Production

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Mixed-acid fermentation is the core step of the MixAlco process, which converts biomass in hydrocarbon fuels. In this work, Smith is the first to sucessfully operate a large-scale (~3000 gallon) pilot fermentation at steady-state. From this experiences, he details challenges of operation and the tools and techniques he developed that eventually lead to sucessful operation. Based on the pilot fermentation work, Smith designed two experiments to investigate the behavior and optimal concentration of nitrogen in mixed-acid fermentation. A theme throughout this work is the challange of previous methods and assumptions. In each chapter, Smith builds on previous work, provides new insight, and advances the art of mixed-acid fermentation. In addtion to his research findings, Smith developed new experimental and analytical techniques, refined old definitions, and added new ones. This is a must read for any student, scholar, or engineer of mixed-acid fermentation. ····· 10361531

Supercritical Fluid Technology for processing of omega-3 rich oils

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Since the first epidemiological studies, carried out in the 80s, established the protective effect of fish oil against cardiovascular diseases, the interest for fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids has been highly increased as well as the demand of omega-3 enriched products and nutraceuticals. As consequence, the searching of new omega-3 natural sources, the design of competitive fish oil and omega-3 production processes and the development of different strategies for omega-3 incorporation in food products have become important fields of research all over the world. In the last years, the valorisation of fish by-products as a source of omega-3 rich oil has been considered an outstanding strategy to reduce the waste generation and increase the competitiveness in the fish industry. On the other hand, the development of green technologies based on the use of supercritical carbon dioxide has acquired an enormous interest to produce high value compounds such as omega-3 in a eco-friendly way. This book presents an application of supercritical fluids in extraction, concentration and formulation of omega-3 rich oil using fish by-products as a raw material. ····· 10361808

Automotive Emissions and Its Control

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The usage of automobiles has been increasing expotentially which also increasing emission of pollutants like hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter greatly. These pollutants have negative impact on air quality, the environment and human health. The stringent regulations are in force across the globe to minimize it. Automotive Emissions and Its Control provides an up-to-date reference to academicians and professionals on emissions from SI and CI engines powered vehicles and its control technologies. In this book engine design, engine emissions, impact of emitted pollutants on environment, worldwide vehicle emission standards etc. are presented. The pollutant emission control technologies like improvement in engine design, fuel pretreatment, use of alternative fuels, fuel additives, exhaust treatment or better tuning of the combustion process etc. are discussed in the detail. The recent developments on exhaust aftertreatment such as cold start emission control, NSR, SCR and diesel particulate filters etc. are covered in the book. It also discuses three way catalytic converter based on noble metal for minimizing emissions with its limitations. ····· 103611050

Absorción gas-líquido en sistemas superficialmente contaminados

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El presente libro se centra en la importancia de los contaminantes superficiales sobre el proceso de absorción gas-líquido física y química. Para ello se ha analizado la influencia de las propiedades físicas sobre el proceso de absorción mediante la adición de solutos, modificando la viscosidad y la tensión superficial respectivamente. También se ha tenido en cuenta la naturaleza del agente de superficie con la misma zona hidrofílica pero distinta zona hidrofóbica (con cadena hidrocarbonada de distinta longitud). La influencia de este tipo de compuestos ha sido analizada desde el punto de vista de la hidrodinámica y de la transferencia de materia. La evaluación de los efectos Marangoni y barrera, y la información que esta evaluación previa aporta sobre el proceso de transferencia de materia (en base al coeficiente de transferencia de materia) indica que el tamaño de la cola hidrocarbonada del agente de superficie presente en la fase líquida tiene una gran importancia sobre el proceso global de absorción. ····· 103611319

Katalizatory gidroochistki neftyanykh fraktsiy

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Ekologicheskie trebovaniya k nefteproduktam, ukhudshenie kachestva neftey, uglublenie ikh pererabotki trebuyut sozdaniya novykh katalizatorov gidroochistki. Osnovnye puti povysheniya ikh aktivnosti: ispol`zovanie novykh nositeley, vvedenie modifitsiruyushchikh dobavok i ispol`zovanie dlya sinteza kompleksnykh soedineniy i geteropolisoedineniy (GPS) Mo i W. V dannoy rabote predlozheno edinoe ob`yasnenie prichiny povysheniya aktivnosti katalizatorov pri vvedenii razlichnykh dobavok, soglasuyushcheesya s sovremennymi predstavleniyami o morfologii aktivnoy fazy i prirode aktivnykh tsentrov katalizatorov gidroochistki. Primenenie GPS dlya sinteza katalizatorov gidroochistki otkryvaet novye vozmozhnosti. V sostav molekuly GPS mozhno odnovremenno vklyuchit` atomy osnovnykh aktivnykh komponentov (Mo ili W), promotorov (So ili Ni), modifikatorov (P, Si, B, As, In, V, Sn, Zn, Ga i mnogikh drugikh elementov). Rezul`tatom provedennykh issledovaniy stal vybor sostava oksidnykh predshestvennikov, iskhodnykh soedineniy dlya sinteza i sposobov sinteza modifitsirovannykh katalizatorov gidroochistki neftyanykh fraktsiy na osnove geteropolisoedineniy Mo i W dlya polucheniya sovremennykh topliv i masel. ····· 103614807

Waste Plastic to Carbon Nano Materials

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Recycling of waste PE plastic converts them from one form to other which remains in environment and creates the environmental pollution . Major attention of this work is given for the conversion of waste PE plastic to other products, which will not create pollution in the environment. The conversion is done with eco-friendly method. Pyrolysis (thermal cracking) of plastic waste is possible to obtain a mixture of hydrocarbons, working at atmospheric pressure and moderate temperatures.Pyrolysis by Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) yields relatively narrow molecular weight distribution of hydrocarbons and can improve the selectivity in products obtained. Thus, the CVD pyrolysis is an environmentally friendly process, which is economically viable too. ····· 1036119306

Vulcanización de Elastómeros con Peróxidos Orgánicos

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La Vulcanización es el proceso químico por el cual se produce la unión de las cadenas poliméricas para formar una red o retículo estable y además, conservar una alta elasticidad. Es decir, un material plástico se transforma en otro elástico. Este proceso químico se puede realizar mediante uniones C-S-C (vulcanización tradicional azufre/acelerante) o uniones C-C (Vulcanización con peróxidos). Este último presenta exclusivamente un mecanismo de entrecruzamiento por vía radical. Como los cauchos estudiados son insaturados, se considera que el mecanismo de adición al doble enlace sería muy importante por la posibilidad de formación de nudos en la red de elevada funcionalidad, que posteriormente podrían tener incidencia en la respuesta del material en relación con sus propiedades a tracción. Esta posibilidad de la reacción de adición al doble enlace generaría una reacción de polimerización con dobles enlaces próximos que formarían un pequeño volumen o cluster densamente entrecruzado. ····· 1036122162

Thermoplastic Natural Rubber

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Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are rubbery materials with properties and functional performance similar to those of conventional vulcanized rubber. Interest in natural rubber (NR) and thermoplastic blends (TPNRs) has also been increased recently. By blending with polar thermoplastics such as polyamide-12 (PA-12), epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) is one of the modified NR forms used to prepare TPNRs which improves compatibility of the polymer pairs. Blend compatibility was promoted because of interaction between oxirane rings in ENR and polar functional groups in polyamide molecules (i.e. NH2, -COOH, -NH-CO-) and hence the blend properties. Temperature scanning stress relaxation (TSSR) measurement revealed an improvement in stress relaxation behaviour and thermal resistance of the blends with ENR. Moreover, it is possible to apply the TSSR to determine the compatibility of the blends based on the temperature coefficient ( .max) value in combination with ATR-FTIR technique. ····· 1036187234

Carbon Dioxide Capture from Upstream Natural Gas

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Natural gas (NG) is one of the major types of fossil fuels which could be regarded as a primary energy source for domestic, automobiles and several industrial processes.The CO2 contents in NG vary widely in various gas fields of the world. Most recently, the composition of CO2 in natural gas has been found to be very high which ranges from 28 to 87 % in some of the Malaysian gas fields of Sarawak (Darman and Harun, 2006). As the production of NG from prevailing gas fields is expected to decline in a decade based on the current reserves. Therefore, there is a great need to pay more emphasis for the development of gas reserves with rich CO2 contents in order to sustain long term future energy challenges as the existing gas fields with low CO2 contents are rapidly depleting. This research project was carried out at Chemical Engineering of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) under graduate assistant-ship scheme and study leave from University of the Punjab during 2006-2009. ····· 1036187388

Producción de salmuera saturada a partir de rechazo de desaladora

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Esta tesis doctoral quiere aportar un grano de arena en la conciliación de la industria química con la naturaleza. La experiencia ha recibido el apoyo de Solvay, Grupo AGBAR y la Agencia Catalana de L Aigua (ACA). Recientemente, estas empresas e instituciones han firmado un convenio de colaboración para continuar la línea de investigación, y ya se han dado los pasos necesarios para trasladar la planta piloto a las instalaciones de la desaladora de Barcelona. ····· 1036190790

Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Using Algae

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The present study attempts to understand to what extent biomass application can be useful to treat industrial effluent so as to isolate heavy metals. The researcher has carried out various laboratory experiments to identify suitable methods. The present report is documentable of the work discussion on previous literature, methodology and the relevance. Heavy metals are present in nature and industrial wastewater. Due to their mobility in natural water ecosystems and toxicity, the presence of heavy metals in surface water and ground water has become a major inorganic contamination problem. Discharge and treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals are important issues in environmental protection. Various industries produce and discharge wastes containing different heavy metals into the environment. Biosorption is a property of certain types of microbial biomass to concentrate heavy metals from aqueous solution. This is new research to use of blue green and green algae, which are growing on automobile industrial effluent naturally and we can to use them for removal of the heavy metals. ····· 1036191383

Carbon Dioxide Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Mass Transfer

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To screen amine solvents for application in CO2 capture from coal-fired power plants, the equilibrium CO2 partial pressure and liquid film mass transfer coefficient were characterized for CO2-loaded and highly concentrated aqueous amines at 40 100 °C over a range of CO2 loading. Promising solvents with large CO2 capacity, fast mass transfer rate and moderately high heat of absorption were identified. A rigorous thermodynamic model was developed for a selected amine solvent in the framework of the Electrolyte Nonrandom Two-Liquid model using the vapor-liquid-equilibrium and liquid speciation data. The lab-scale mass transfer rate data was represented with a rate-based model created in Aspen Plus®, in which the reaction rate was described with activity-based termolecular mechanism. The rate-based model can be used for design and simulation of large-scale CO2 capture process. ····· 1036198272

Deterministic, Stochastic and Fuzzy Logic Modelling of DI/WFI Systems

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Fuzzy Logic (FL) has emerged as a method challenging stochastic methods in modelling uncertainty. Here deterministic, stochastic and FL methods for the assessment of spare capacity of pharmaceutical high purity water systems (HPW) are compared with the goal of finding the most appropriate method of modelling uncertainty for industrial use. The results provide evidence which suggests that stochastic methods are superior to FL in simulating uncertainty in chemical plant utilities including HPW systems in typical cases whereby extreme events, for example peaks in demand, or day-to-day variation rather than average values are of interest. The average output or other statistical measures may, for instance, be of interest in the assessment of workshops. Furthermore the results indicate that the stochastic model should be used only if found necessary by a deterministic simulation. Consequently, this work concludes that either deterministic or stochastic methods should be used to simulate uncertainty in chemical plant utility systems and by extension some process system because extreme events or the modelling of day-to-day variation are important in capacity extension projects. ····· 1036198403

Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Pyrolysis of Biomass

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The pyrolysis process consists of the thermal degradation of biomass feedstock, in the absence of oxygen/air, leading to the formation of solid (charcoal), liquid (tar and other organics) and gaseous products (methane, ethane, carbon monoxide, etc). Pyrolysis can be used as an independent process for the production of useful energy (fuels) and/or chemicals. It also occurs as the first step in gasification or combustion process. An understanding of the chemical processes and transport mechanisms of biomass pyrolysis is important for many applications including optimization of boilers and large scale furnaces, estimating the dominant design variable in pyrolysis reactor and gasifier. This book focuses on modeling and simulation studies of pyrolysis of biomass particles. Dominant design variables are identified for pyrolysis process through sensitivity analysis. The models on pyrolysis of biomass are corrected, updated, and also new models are proposed by incorporating the shrinkage effect. The results are very useful for the design of pyrolysis reactor and gasifier. This book is suitable for students in all engineering discipline. It will also be helpful to research scientist. ····· 1036198452

Dynamic Behavior of Ferromagnetic Particles in a Liquid-Solid MAFB

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Magnetically Assisted Fluidized Bed (MAFB) is a novel technology where an external magnetic field interacts with magnetically susceptible particles. The magnetic field creates two types of forces: external and interparticle forces. The magnetic field decays linearly from bottom to top, having its maximun at distributor plate. A mathematical model based on interaction of ideal dipoles is proposed to account for the interparticle magnetic force. Alginate beads, containing ferromagnetic powder, are used as discrete phase and tap water as the fluidizing media. Experiments of pressure drop, bed expansion, mixing-segregation, and selective magnetic separation in a cylindrical and rectangular columns are tested. The fluid dynamics and particle motion are simulated by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Particle Discrete Method (DPM), respectively. The CFD uses the SIMPLE method to integrate the volume-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the DPM is based on the Newton equation of motion. A FORTRAN code, named AZTECA, is developed to simulate all experiments, handling almost 4,000 particles in a 2-D layer. The data post-processing is done with a Visual Basic code, named BOLITAS. ····· 1036198758


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Since the first energy crisis in the early 1970s, much research has been devoted to the development of efficient systems that would enable the absorption and conversion of solar light into useful chemical energy sources. Hydrogen generated from renewable sources of energy has the potential to replace fossil fuels in the future, whereas renewable hydrogen production is not popular yet because the cost is still high. This thesis investigates the use of layered perovskite type materials as photocatalysts for visible light driven water splitting. This treatise focuses on the synthesis and characterization of photocatalysts which are suitable for production of hydrogen from solar light irradiation in photoreactor. ····· 1036199444

Rubber Toughened Polyamide 6/ Polypropylene Nanocomposites

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Rubber-toughened nanocomposites (RTNC) consisting of a series of compatibilized polyamide 6 / polypropylene (PA6/PP) blends, polyethylene-octene elastomer (POE) and organophilic modified montmorillonite (organoclay) were produced by melt compounding followed by injection moulding. Polypropylene grafted maleic anhyride (PPgMA) was used as compatibilizer. The incorporation of organoclay significantly increased the stiffness and strength but at the expense of the toughness. Conversely, the incorporation of the POE increased the toughness, while the strength and stiffness decreased. The modulus and strength of the nanocomposites was not significantly affected by types of elastomer and their functionality and the blending sequence. However, the toughness of the nanocomposites toughened by maleated elastomer was higher than the unmaleated elastomer. Two steps method gave the best mechanical properties due to its good dispersion of the organoclays and elastomer in the matrix. XRD established that the organoclay was well dispersed (exfoliated) and preferentially embedded in the PA6 phase. ····· 10361100257


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Hevea brasiliencis has been the only commercial source of natural rubber. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a group of detoxification enzymes which protects plants and other organisms against wide variety of xenoboitic compounds. We have isolated a cDNA clone (called Hevea GST clone-1) that encodes a Phi class GST from the leaf tissues of Hevea. The Hevea GST clone-1 was sequenced. The cDNA was 954 bp in length and the longest open reading frame within the sequence starts with ATG at osition 82. The open reading frame contained 643 nucleotides and encoded a peptide of 219 amino acids with calculated mass of 24,853 Da. When compared with the well-documented rat liver classes of GST, the similarity was bserved for amino acids at position 50 95. As expected,the amino acid sequence at position 140 170, which is well conserved within the plant GSTs, had no clear similarity with the rat classes. The presence of Ser- 12 at the active site and the trio Glu-Ser-Arg at position 67,68,69 (part of G-site) shows that the sequence encoded by the glutathione S-transferase of Hevea clone-1 belongs to the plant specific class Phi. ····· 10361101495

Liquid-liquid Flow through Pipe and Pipe Fittings

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Liquid-liquid flow finds a number of applications in chemical petrochemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, there is a growing interest to transport heavy crude by utilizing a particular distribution of oil and water known as core annular flow. Despite the increasing applications, the literature on liquid-liquid flow is relatively scarce and the present work attempts to investigate the physics of flow through extensive experimentation and numerical analysis. ····· 10361101808

Isolation of Bioactive Compounds from Symplocos racemosa

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In Indo-Pak subcontinent, there have been fairly organized efforts for pharmacological studies in the physiologically active plants constituents. Various centers have been established in both Pakistan and India for systematic studies on medicinal plants. The most recent and sophisticated amongst them is the H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical Sciences, University of Karachi, where bioassay directed isolation studies of active constituents from various natural sources, especially from plants are routinely carried out. These studies have already resulted in isolation hundred of new natural products possessing potential for the treatment of serious human ailments like aids, cancer, tumor, diabetes, hypertension etc. The work embodied in this book is mainly dealt with the isolation and characterization of chemical constituents from three medicinal plants and their possible biological activities. The isolated compounds whether new or have been previously reported in the literature, were characterized by using various sophisticated spectroscopic techniques ····· 10361102539

Catalysis to produce hydrogen

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The share market of hydrogen is increasing with the implementation of fuel cell systems and the growing demand for zero-emission fuels. Hydrogen production by using metal catalyst will need to increase with this growing market. However, some carbon is deposited on the catalyst but there was a window of operation where the deposited carbon did not have too great an effect on hydrogen production under different conditions. Carbon formation deactivates the catalyst, resulting in short life cycles. In order to improve process performance, in particular minimizing catalyst deactivation caused by carbon formation and maximizing the yield of hydrogen product, the addition of the promoters to catalyst is the most familiar method. The book is focused on the art of the promoters application on metal catalyst for hydrogen production from the methane steam reforming process at high pressure and the steam iron process over promoted Fe-oxide based catalyst. ····· 10361102923


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Batch and semi-batch reactors are used in the manufacture of low-volume high-value chemicals, where even a marginal increase in product yield can lead to considerably higher profits. Most of the present optimization and model based control schemes for semi-batch reactors are based on mechanistic models, whose development is a difficult and time- consuming exercise. Therefore, this book provides a new data driven approach for modeling, trajectory optimization and tracking of semi-batch reactors based on parameterization of input and output trajectories using orthonormal polynomials, and development of an artificial neural network model relating them using information available in historical databases. The generated optimal set point trajectories are tracked by developing data driven versions of generic model control. Simulation studies on semi-batch reactors illustrate their applicability. This can be useful to academic researchers working on data-driven modeling and optimization of batch processes and to industrial readers to explore the possibility of achieving better operational policies based on their historic operating data. ····· 10361113165

Conditional Moment Closure Modelling of

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This monograph presents an application of the first- order conditional moment closure (CMC) approach to modelling turbulent non-premixed flames of methane, propane and ethylene, with particular attention given to sooting flames. One objective of the current research is to investigate the practicability of incorporating gas-phase chemical mechanisms of varying length and complexity into calculations of turbulent non-premixed flames. Another objective is to extend the current scope of CMC combustion modelling by incorporating calculations of detailed gas-phase chemistry, soot formation and oxidation, and radiative heat transfer. Overall, predictions are in far better accord with experimental data when differential diffusion is accounted for in the model, and realistic prediction of soot levels are not possible without the incorporation of such effects. Given the simplicity and relative accuracy of the model described, it offers potential for future development to cover a wide range of hydrocarbon fuels, including the high hydrocarbons used in practical combustors, as well as for application in complex combustor`s geometries. ····· 10361114534

Organic Modifications of Clay and Polymer Surfaces

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The work reported in the book deals with the surface modifications of the organic and inorganic substrates in order to achieve special applications. Inorganic montmorillonite layered silicate surfaces were organically modified to generate polymer-clay nanocomposites for permeation- barrier packaging films, whereas surface properties of polymer particles were modified by polymerization of thermally sensitive polymer brushes from the surface to be used for chromatographic separations. ····· 10361114950

Anaerobic Biohydrogen Production

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Biological hydrogen production is becoming important in the renewable fuels panorama and quite promising in the succession of fuels evolution with several technical, socio-economic and environmental benefits. Among the biological approaches, dark fermentation represents a promising and environmental process to achieve hydrogen from a wide variety of low-cost renewable feedstock. This book, can be useful to understand the basis of the process for a real scale application considering energy and practical aspects. To reach this goal, it was followed an experimental approach to find out the biological parameters and dynamics which influence the hydrogen production. Then, to obtain the energy sustainability of the whole process, the attention was focused into the integration of dark H2 bioreactor with other biotechnologies, in order to valorize the end liquid products. These attracting proposed systems can be taken in consideration as alternatives to develop cost- effective energy generator by organic refuse treatment. ····· 10361115485

Industrial Graphite

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The book depicts processes for making industrial graphite products from both natural and synthetic graphite. State of art in this subject up to date has been covered in the book. Commercial aspect of making industrial graphite products have been discussed in the book. This book while will serve as a reference material for graduate and research students, will also serve as a source material for information related to industrial graphite products. ····· 10361115598

Spray Drying of Fruit Juice with Vegetable Fibre as Carrier

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The production of free flowing powder by spray drying of sugar-acid rich foods requires an appropriate carrier. High molecular weight materials such as maltodextrins are commercially used as a drying aid because of their higher glass transition temperature (Tg). Alternatively, fibre-rich by-products from fruit and vegetable juice processing might provide high molecular weight elements that are suitable as a drying support. Freeze dried carrot fibre was centrifugal-milled to 50-100 µm sizes. Fructose and apple juice concentrate were used in this study. The fibre semed to show as crystal induction in the spray drying products of the two materials. Dried sucrose, glucose and fructose were used to study glass transition temperature of melted amorphous sugars and mixtures by the visual experiment and DSC at 0.1°Cmin-1 of heating and cooling scans. The Gordon-Taylor equation and the Coachman and Karaze equation were used to predict Tg of sugar mixtures. Dielectric analysis in the range 200 Hz -1 MHz between 10-105 ° C were applied to find the onset Tg (based on DSC results) from freeze dried mixtures of carrot fibre+fructose. ····· 10361115739

Optimización de la eliminación biológica de nutrientes

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La industrialización y crecimiento de la población en las últimas décadas ha provocado un incremento considerable en la generación de aguas residuales. Este fenómeno ha dado lugar a la aparición de leyes y normativas cada vez más exigentes para controlar la contaminación de estos vertidos y evitar la contaminación de las aguas de los acuíferos, ríos y costas. Esta creciente exigencia de la calidad del agua residual tratada, obliga a una mejora continua de los procesos de depuración de aguas residuales.Entre los procesos de tratamiento más extendidos para la eliminación de nitrógeno y fósforo en una EDAR se encuentran los procesos de eliminación biológica. Este tipo de tratamientos unidos a los procesos de eliminación de materia orgánica y sólidos suspendidos, incrementan considerablemente la complejidad de operación de una EDAR y más aún en el contexto de la minimización de residuos y de consumo energético. De este modo surge como un requisito imprescindible para la correcta explotación de una EDAR, la instrumentación, control y automatización de los procesos biológicos. ····· 10361116364

Suelos contaminados con elementos traza

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La recuperación de los suelos contaminados con elementos traza y metales pesados resulta muy difícil debido a que éstos no son degradables, al contrario que los contaminantes orgánicos o los radionucleidos de vida corta. La mayoría de las técnicas de recuperación se basan en métodos físicos y químicos económicamente costosos y que alteran drásticamente la estructura y las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo. Sin embargo, en la última década ha crecido el interés por el desarrollo de técnicas respetuosas con el medioambiente y económicamente viables. Dentro de estas técnicas está la Recuperación Natural Asistida, basada en la utilización de enmiendas y/o plantas que aceleran los procesos de adsorción, precipitación y complejación que ocurren de forma natural en el suelo, los cuales disminuyen la movilidad y la biodisponibilidad de los contaminantes. Dicha técnica estimula asimismo la actividad microbiana del suelo y el reciclado de nutrientes. El presente trabajo representa un estudio detallado y único sobre el potencial de varias enmiendas y/o el desarrollo de cubiertas vegetales para estabilizar elementos traza en el suelo y recuperar suelos contaminados con dichos elementos. ····· 10361116413

Beneficios del Control Predictivo en Plantas Químicas de Gran Escala

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Las industrias necesitan mantener la competitividad en el mercado, minimizar el consumo de energía y materias primas, y al mismo tiempo maximizar la producción. Estas tareas deben cumplirse respetando legislaciones medioambientales, restricciones de seguridad, operativas y de calidad. Este desafiante escenario obliga a los fabricantes a buscar soluciones basadas en técnicas avanzadas de control y optimización. Sin embargo, evaluar a priori cuán conveniente puede resultar invertir en control avanzado no es sencillo. En este contexto, el uso de modelos computacionales de plantas químicas completas representa un soporte invalorable para la toma de decisiones. Por otra parte, el Control Predictivo (CP) es reconocido en la industria porque posibilita que los procesos alcancen su punto de operación óptimo. Este libro presenta una metodología para analizar cuantitativamente la implementación de CP en un proceso de Pulpa y Papel, considerando distintos aspectos técnicos y económicos. Se demuestra la capacidad de la estrategia para cumplir con los requerimientos del proceso y operar de forma rentable y segura, comparando su desempeño frente a una típica estrategia descentralizada. ····· 10361116698

Optimización de reactores químicos

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En este libro, su autora, describe una metodología que puede aplicarse al proceso de diseño conceptual o para mejorar los procesos existentes de la Industria Química. En la actualidad, existen herramientas como el modelado, la simulación y la optimización. El, primero, el modelo, permite construir y representar de la forma más realista posible un proceso de estudio en lenguaje matemático. En caso de la simulación, permite responder a la pregunta: ¿Qué pasaría si... Finalmente, la optimización, permite responder a la pregunta: ¿Qué hacer si... La combinación de estos tres instrumentos, integrados en una metodología, genera respuestas a problemas existentes en los procesos actuales esto permite proponer opciones para su mejora, ya sea a través de la renovación de piezas y equipos, o presentando un re-proceso de los diseños, o mediante el planteamiento de procesos innovadores. Adicionalmente, la Incertidumbre, se encuentra presente como parte de operación de los procesos. La pregunta a responder a esta parte final es: ¿Cómo sería la propuesta del diseño conceptual si al estudio le pudiera incluir algunos escenarios de operación Pregunta que se responde en el presente texto. ····· 10361116832

Internal-Reforming of Methane over Nickel-based SOFC anodes

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Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are considered as one of the promising energy conversion systems due to their high efficiency, fuel flexibility and environmentally friendly operation. Internal steam reforming of methane continues to be a topic of much interest in power generation from SOFCs, due to its potential to increase the overall system efficiency, minimize reforming components, and provides effective cooling. The reforming reaction is very fast compared to the electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen. This results in large temperature gradients in conventional stacks. Development of new tailored anode catalysts with reduced steam reforming activity but which still show a high activity with respect to electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen is a possible way out to this problem. This book provides the information about the fundamental characteristics of Ceria-Zirconia materials and the catalytic performance of Nickel- Ceria/Zirconia cermet anodes for POM and SRM reactions. Effect of steam content on Nickel nano- particle sintering and its effect on reforming activity has been profusely discussed along with the electrochemical behavior of these anode materials. ····· 10361119096

Catalytic Combustion for Mitigation of Lean Methane Emission

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The global warming problem might be the greatest threat to the future of mankind, and scientists have concluded that Energy related activities are the main cause. Leaks in natural gas transmission facilities are the main sources of fugitive methane emissions which are difficult to mitigate. This book aims at evaluating the possibility of using catalytic reactor t for mitigation of fugitive methane emissions. The focus will be on natural gas compressor station which is a major single source of fugitive methane. Computer modelling of the flow patterns inside the building demonstrated the influence of ventilation openings, ambient temperature and leak location. For a typical building most methane emitted inside will exit through the ridge vent provided the main doors remain closed. When the extraction rate through the ridge vent is controlled, the methane concentration can satisfy the CFRR feed quality. The reactor performance was studied in detail. Two different types of catalysts were evaluated and also a number of parametric studies were conducted. Overall, the proposed technology offers promising results for methane emission abatement. ····· 10361119341

Studies on the Photochemical Reactions with Nanosized Inorganic Oxides

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TiO2 is widely used in different catalytic reactions. The current work investigates the photocatalytic oxidation of MO, RB, TB and BG under UV/Visible light and different nano-sized transition metal molybdate (M = Ni, Cu, Zn) incorporated titanium dioxide/bismuth titanate (MxMoxTi1-xO6/NMBT/CMBT), NixCr1-x MoxP1-xO4 and Fe2O3/TiO2 photocatalysts. All these compounds are synthesized by chemical solution decomposition (CSD) or precursor method, except Fe2O3/TiO2 alloy. The Fe2O3/TiO2 mixed oxides is synthesized by mechanochemical method. The mechanism for oxidation of different organic dyes are following. This is probably due to generation of electron and hole through transformation of Ni(II) to Ni(III) and Fe(III) to Fe(II) ion, where electron resides in conduction band and hole is captured forming Ni3+/ Fe2+, which efficiently reacts with intermediates of dye molecules and decolorized the dyes. However, NMT , CMT, NMBT and Fe2O3/TiO2 semiconductors have smaller band gap energy (Eg = 2.66, 3.03,2.81, 2.26 eV), and high surface area (SBET 149, 101, 71.04, 58.5 m2/g) compared to TiO2. Among these catalysts NMT have smaller particle size about 15nm measured from TEM. ····· 10361119342


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This thesis is devoted towards the development of polymeric matrices and bioconjugated quantum dots for immuno-based detection of S.typhi in water. Thesis involves the surface modification of nylon membrane by grafting with GMA using free radical graft copolymerization. S.typhi specific IgG immobilized NyM-g-GMA was used as solid phase in development of ELISA for detection of S.typhi. Developed sandwich ELISA was found to be specific, reproducible, reasonably rapid and sensitive with detection limit of 103cells/mL. Developed sandwich ELISA was found to have two-fold higher limit of detection as compared to the assay performed using PS plates. For further validation of the developed immunoassay, water samples were collected from different sources in and around Delhi and tested for various parameters of validation. A method for fluorescence based detection of sandwich immunocomplex of bacteria and antibody conjugated CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on surface modified porous polycarbonate membrane was also developed. Fluorescent aggregates were observed on the anti-Sty IgG immobilized membranes under confocal microscope and semi-quantified using spectral profiling. ····· 10361119743

CFD Simulation of Oilfield Separators

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Multiphase separators are one of the most prevalent unit operations in any chemical process. They are generally the first process equipment in an oil production platform, and their efficiency influences the performance of all downstream equipment, such as heaters, compressors, and distillation columns. Thus, oilfield separators play a key role in the production capacity of entire facility. In this book, a realistic simulation approach based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is developed to provide high-quality visualization of the multiphase separation process. Furthermore, classic separator design methodologies are evaluated and improved design criteria are proposed. A useful method is presented for estimation of the droplet sizes used to calculate realistic separation velocities for various oilfield conditions. The velocity constraints associated with re-entrainment phenomenon are also discussed and novel correlations are provided. This book, also demonstrates the benefits that CFD analyses provide in optimizing the design of new separators and solving problems with existing designs. ····· 10361132061

Modelling of Catalytic Distillation

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Catalytic Distillation (CD) is a form of process intensification where a heterogeneously catalyzed reaction is performed in a distillation unit. This fusion of functions has been shown to have the potential to reduce capital costs, operating costs and environmental impacts. It is hypothesized that a fundamental mathematical model of both the mass/heat transfer and reaction kinetics is required to accurately predict the behaviour of even perceived simple kinetic equation reactions performed in a CD column, and that such a validated model can yield a deeper understanding of the dynamics in such systems. To achieve this, 1-hexene hydrogenation Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics were derived and fitted to experimental semi-batch data. The reaction kinetics were then included in a non-equilibrium distillation model which was compared to experimental CD hydrogenation data. The reaction kinetics and mass transfer correlation coefficients were then fitted to the CD data. The methodology detailed here should be useful to those interested in combining experimental data, simulation and statistical analyses in the field of CD. ····· 10361132792

Supercritical Crystallization of Organic Materials

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Nonconventional processing methods can lead to the development of materials with unique chemical, physical or mechanical characteristics that make them suitable for specialized applications. One such method is crystallization with supercritical fluids (SCFs), where the unique fluid characteristics and solvent properties of supercritical fluids are utilized. Crystallization using SCFs have several advantages over conventional liquid solvents/antisolvents crystallization as their physical properties such as density and solubility can be tuned within a wide range of processing conditions by varying both temperature and pressure. As most organic materials have poor solubility in SCFs, antisolvent techniques are more attractive. Among these is the gas antisolvent (GAS) process. In the GAS process, high pressure SCF is injected into the liquid phase solution, which causes a sharp reduction of the solute solubility in the expanded liquid phase. As a result, precipitation of the dissolved compound occurs. The potential advantages of the GAS crystallization process lies in the possibility of obtaining solvent free, micron and submicron particles with a narrow size distribution. ····· 10361134233

Drying of Pears

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Drying is one of the most ancient ways of preserving foods, and fruits in particular. Solar drying is the cheapest of method, but it has some drawbacks associated with weather dependence and quality control. Therefore, to find alternatives is of the utmost importance. Based on a traditional product, an open air sun dried pear with most appreciated organoleptic characteristics, a study was carried out aiming at knowing the phenomena involved in the drying of this food product. This book presents the experimental study performed, including characterization of the traditional solar drying and alternative convective dryings, shrinking and porosity, radial concentration profiles, kinetics, isotherms and nutritional properties, as well as the modelling and simulation of the drying process. It is shown that the complex traditional drying can be greatly simplified, being more adequate for industrial implementation, and giving way to similar but safer products. This is a useful book for academic as well as agricultural and industrial professionals, since it coves the engineering aspects related to the drying of pears, which can however be extended to other fruits or even other foods. ····· 10361135549

Análisis de la destrucción química de fenoles

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Actualmente la legislación está llevando a cabo una serie de medidas para la mejora de la calidad ambiental. Como consecuencia de ello, el colectivo industrial se ve obligado a considerar el impacto medio ambiental que provocan los efluentes procedentes de su actividad productiva. Un caso a destacar dentro de los efluentes industriales son los fenoles por sus efectos nocivos en la población. Los resultados de este trabajo de investigación han servido para profundizar en la oxidación química para la eliminación de compuestos fenólicos, empleando peróxido de hidrógeno como oxidante. La tecnología Fenton constituye una solución versátil para el tratamiento de efluentes que contienen fenoles mediante oxidación química, ya que se trata de un proceso efectivo y económico. Los análisis planteados en este estudio pretenden contribuir a la mejora de la panorámica científica actual, en lo referente a la aplicación de las tecnologías de oxidación química avanzada en la degradación de contaminantes tóxicos, altamente refractarios y caracterizados por su escasa biodegradabilidad, presentes en las aguas residuales. ····· 10361136272

Studies on in situ Microfibrillar Composites

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This monograph discusses a new class of fiber reinforced composites called as microfibrillar composites(MFCs)prepared from two fibre forming thermoplastic polymers. MFC technology provides an excellent method to make use of commingled plastics in which both low melting temperature general plastics and high melting temperature engineering plastics co-exist. In this work, the properties of MFCs prepared from polypropylene (PP)/ polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and low density polyethylene (LDPE)/PET blends were analyzed. In the case of PP/PET MFCs the effect of draw ratio on the morphology, static and dynamic mechanical, thermal, rheological properties were studied. The MFCs prepared at the optimum draw ratio exhibited significant increase in the tensile and flexural moduli in comparison with the conventional blends. In LDPE/PET system, the effect of blend ratio and the effect of compatibilizer content on the properties of normal blends,microfibrillar blends and composites were evaluated. The static and dynamic mechanical, solvent sorption and thermal degradation properties of the microfibrillar blends/composites were found to be superior to conventional LDPE/PET blends. ····· 10361147285


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Alles Wissenswerte rund ums Pharmawasser: Unverzichtbar im Praxisalltag bietet das Grundlagenwerk einen weitreichenden Überblick, unter anderem zu Qualitätsanforderungen, Verfahren der Herstellung, Werkstoffen, Lagerung und Verteilung, Anlagensteuerung, Monitoring, Qualifizierung, Validierung sowie Inspektion der Systeme. Die vorliegende Neuauflage wurde durchgängig aktualisiert und überarbeitet sowie um das Thema Wartung und Instandhaltung erweitert.Aus dem Inhalt: Qualitätsanforderungen - Systeminspektion - Wasseraufbereitungsverfahren - Herstellungsanlagen - (Highly) Purified Water - TOC - Destillation - Reinstdampferzeugung - Edelstahlwerkstoffe - Polyvinylidenfluorid - Rouging - Ventiltechnik - Anlagenbau - Verrohrung - Desinfektion - Sanitisierung - Steuerung - Automatisierung - Mikrobiologisches Monitoring - Qualifizierung - Validierung - Wartung - Instandhaltung ····· 10361195986

Audits in GCP and Beyond

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Audits stellen ein wichtiges Tool für die Qualitätssicherung in der Entwicklung von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten im Hinblick auf das Wohlergehen der Studienteilnehmer, der Integrität und Validität der Studienergebnisse sowie der Transparenz von Prozessen dar. Das vorliegende Buch bietet bereits in der 3., überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage einen umfassenden Überblick über die Methoden und Verfahren des Auditing im klinischen Bereich (GCP) sowie den daran anknüpfenden Bereichen, wie z. B. der Herstellung (GMP), der Pharmakovigilanz (GVP), der Labore (GCLP) sowie bei Nicht Interventionellen Studien (NIS) und Studien mit Medizinprodukten. Alle Phasen von der Planung bis zum Abschluss werden beschrieben und die verschiedenen Audit-Typen in klinischer Forschung und verwandten Gebieten vorgestellt. Weitere Bereiche sind das Auditieren von Computersystemen und Archiven. Auch die Themen Risikomanagement und Inspektionen werden hier angesprochen. Jeder, der in der Pharma-/Biotech-Branche, in Contract Research Organisations (CROs) und Hochschulinstitutionen oder kommerziellen Einrichtungen tätig ist, profitiert vom umfassenden Knowhow der Autoren, die ihre ganze QA-Erfahrung in allen Bereichen des Auditing hier offerieren. Auditoren können ihr Fachwissen vertiefen und erweitern wer ein Audit erwartet, erfährt, worauf Auditoren in den unterschiedlichen Audits das Augenmerk richten. ····· 10361195979

Gute Transportpraxis

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Die Gute Transportpraxis in der Arzneimittelbranche ist derzeit wieder hochaktuell: Impulsgeber sind der Gesetzgeber und Fachorganisationen, denn neue EU-Leitlinien setzen Standards, die es zu erfüllen gilt. Dabei ist es gar nicht die ausgeübte Praxis, die einer grundlegenden Verbesserung bedarf. Vielmehr sind es formale Forderungen, die zusätzlich gestellt werden, insbesondere an ein Qualitätssicherungssystem, das alle Aktivitäten nachvollziehbar dokumentiert wissen will. In diesem Dschungel der Anforderungen eine praxisgerechte Orientierung zu bieten, das Gesamtgebiet der Guten Transportpraxis in all seinen Facetten übersichtlich gegliedert vorzustellen, ist Hauptanliegen des Buches. Im Fokus steht dabei das koordinierte und integrierte Zusammenwirken unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, die Darstellung der daraus resultierenden Synergieeffekte, der Wissenstransfer zwischen Fachgebieten, die mitunter ohne Querverbindungen nebeneinander existieren, somit das Erkennen großer Zusammenhange. Mit anderen Worten: ein ganzheitlicher Lösungsansatz, statt an einzelnen Symptomen herum zu kurieren. ····· 10361195984

Atomwaffen. Was u.a. Dr. Guido Westerwelle dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Atomwaffen` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2002 (15. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `Atomwaffen` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361134923

Reducción de boro en aguas procedentes de la desalación

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El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido profundizar en el estudio de la eliminación de boro de las aguas procedentes de la desalación mediante las dos vías alternativas más factibles, la ósmosis inversa y el intercambio iónico. Para ello se ha trabajado a escala piloto, en continuo, tratando un agua en condiciones reales, procedente directamente de un proceso de desalación de agua de mar. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento de tres membranas de aguas salobres de diferentes fabricantes. Se ha determinado la influencia del pH en el flujo de permeado, en el rechazo de sales y de boro y el comportamiento cinético de la membrana respecto al rechazo de boro. Por otra parte se ha estudiado el comportamiento de tres resinas de intercambio iónico, específicas para la eliminación de boro, de diferentes fabricantes, analizando los parámetros cinéticos. Se ha realizado una valoración económica, tanto del proceso de ósmosis inversa como del de resinas de intercambio iónico, comparándose los resultados. Los dos procesos pueden ser válidos para la eliminación de boro desde el punto de vista técnico y económico. ····· 10361136680

Caracterización de Emisiones de Partículas en Motores Diesel

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El impacto medioambiental de los productos de la combustión de motores diesel puede minimizarse evaluando la influencia que en el proceso de formación del material particulado (MPD) tienen las condiciones de operación del motor y la formulación del combustible. Este material está constituido por una fracción soluble (SOF) formada por hidrocarburos resultantes de la combustión incompleta del combustible o procedentes del aceite lubricante y otra insoluble (ISF) formada por una fracción orgánica (hollín) y otra inorgánica compuesta mayoritariamente por sulfatos, nitratos y agua. Los resultados corroboran el efecto negativo de los hidrocarburos aromáticos del combustible sobre la formación del ISF y la gran contribución del aceite lubricante a la SOF. Los estudios de adsorción realizados con el ISF obtenido en los modos de operación de bajo y alto grado de carga, muestran que este material adsorbe más SOF en condiciones urbanas por su mayor área superficial y menor tamaño. El modelo cinético permitió deducir que el C2H2 es la especie pirolítica más importante y la responsable del MPD formado y que los compuestos poliaromáticos favorecen su formación a altas concentraciones de C2H2. ····· 103613058

Lana y poliamida 6 tratadas con plasma

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Los tejidos de lana son ampliamente apreciados por sus cualidades de confort pero tienen el inconveniente de encoger durante el lavado. El tratamiento con plasma de baja temperatura es una técnica respetuosa con el medio ambiente que permite modificar la superficie de las fibras y con ello reducir significativamente el encogimiento de los tejidos en medio acuoso. Sin embargo, este tratamiento conlleva un empeoramiento del tacto de los tejidos de lana, cuyos mecanismos fundamentales y posible suavizado se investigan también en este trabajo. Por la presencia de grupos en común en su estructura química, fibras y tejidos de poliamida 6 se utilizan como modelo de superficie para la lana. Por primera vez se han realizado tratamientos de tejidos de lana y poliamida 6 en la post-descarga del plasma, mostrando la eficiencia de este tratamiento en la modificación superficial de las fibras y en la mejora de la resistencia al encogimiento de tejidos de lana. Estos tratamientos han permitido identificar las principales especies responsables de los efectos del plasma fibras y tejidos de lana y poliamida 6, abriendo vías para un mayor control de los procesos de plasma en materiales textiles. ····· 1036123054

Cerámicos de Fraguado Rápido

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Los materiales con liga química magnesia-fosfato presentan como característica distintiva el fraguado rápido a temperatura ambiente (10-30 minutos) y el desarrollo temprano de resistencia. Hasta el presente dicha liga ha sido principalmente empleada en reparaciones rápidas de estructuras de hormigón dañadas (puentes, pistas de aterrizaje, pisos industriales). Este libro presenta un estudio científico-tecnológico sobre la utilización de dicha liga en materiales cerámicos de base cordierita, extensamente usada en aplicaciones de alta temperatura que requieran buenas propiedades termomecánicas y resistencia al choque térmico (moblaje de hornos, quemadores de gas, soportes de catalizadores). Estos materiales pueden ser preparados por el usuario y son aptos para reparaciones de emergencia o conformado rápido de piezas para temperaturas de servicio hasta 1300 ºC. El estudio incluye la caracterización estructural, textural, comportamiento térmico, mecánico (en frío, en caliente y en fractura) y al choque térmico de estos hormigones, debiendo resultar de gran utilidad a profesionales de la ciencia e ingeniería de los materiales o a técnicos deseosos de conocer y usar nuevos materiales. ····· 1036123274

Producción de Vitamina E a partir de salvado de arroz

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# ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036190451

Estudio del Ampollamiento Osmótico de Pinturas Marinas

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El ampollamiento de los recubrimientos anticorrosivos de pintura es un tipo de deterioro que se presenta muy frecuentemente en las pinturas marinas aplicadas en la obra viva de los buques. A pesar de los importantes costes de mantenimiento que este fenómeno genera, todavía no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos de formación de ampollas, así como los diversos factores que influyen sobre los mismos. Algunos de los posibles factores que influyen en este proceso son: la salinidad del agua, la existencia de contaminación salina en la intercara acero/pintura, el espesor y tipo de pintura, la adherencia acero/pintura, la temperatura del agua, etc.. Cuando en la interfase acero/pintura de los substratos metálicos se presentan contaminantes salinos, se producen dos tipos de ampollamiento: el osmótico, influido directamente por el propio proceso de la ósmosis y el catódico, relacionado con los fenómenos de corrosión del sustrato. En la presente trabajo se plantea un estudio experimental en el que las pinturas marinas se aplican sobre sustratos no metálicos, de modo que se evite totalmente el proceso corrosivo, y, por tanto, el mecanismo de ampollamiento catódico. ····· 10361136206

Producción de Hidrógeno a partir del Reformado de Glicerina

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Según previsiones de la Comisión Europea, la Unión Europea debería de modificar su actual sistema energético para dar respuesta al aumento de la dependencia energética exterior. Para ello, la Unión Europea está haciendo un gran esfuerzo en promover el uso de nuevos vectores energéticos, como el hidrógeno, y fuentes de energía renovables, como la biomasa, siendo ésta última la más empleada para producir biocombustibles líquidos, como el biodiesel. El biodiesel se produce mediante la transesterificación de metil-ésteres de ácidos grasos extraídos de la biomasa. En este proceso, además, se produce glicerina, como subproducto, que es gestionada como un residuo industrial. Para dar salida a este residuo, la tendencia es emplear directamente la glicerina como materia prima para obtener productos de alto valor añadido, como el arriba citado hidrógeno. El reformado catalítico con agua es el proceso más investigado para llevar a cabo la conversión de glicerina en hidrógeno, en el cuál se emplean catalizadores de Ni y Pt. No obstante, estos sistemas pueden desactivarse y promover reacciones secundarias no deseadas debido al soporte, de ahí que se desarrollen soportes modificados. ····· 10361136607

Purificación de Omega-3 mediante reacciones enzimáticas

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Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFAs) tienen importantes funciones fisiológicas como tales ácidos libres o como triglicéridos. Estos métodos han sido seleccionados fundamentalmente en función de su eficiencia, es decir, de su viabilidad técnica, rendimientos, purezas obtenidas, etc. El ácido graso mayoritario de los lípidos de esta biomasa de la microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum es el ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA, 23%), que es un PUFA n-3, con numerosos beneficios descritos para la salud, y que está presente en aceites de origen marino y biomasa de microalgas. Sin embargo, las industrias farmacéutica y agroalimentaria buscan, cada vez más, métodos saludables de obtención que preserven al máximo la estabilidad de los PUFAs y sean poco contaminantes. En el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de las etapas de un proceso de obtención y concentración de PUFAs que cumpla estos requisitos, además de proporcionar la mayor eficiencia posible. Estas etapas son: - hidrólisis enzimática de triglicéridos ricos en EPA, - esterificación enzimática selectiva de ácidos grasos ricos en EPA y - extracción y purificación de los lípidos de la biomasa de P. tricornutum. ····· 10361137314

Lack von A bis Z

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Theodor Beyeler, Ausbildungsentwicklung und Fachlehrer, Verband Schweizerischer Lack- und Farbenfabrikanten, Winterthur/Schweiz: `Dieses Buch verdient es tatsächlich als ein Standardwerk in allen Bereichen der Farb- und Lackindustrie eingesetzt zu werden. Die Fülle der Fachbegriffe sind ausführlich und leicht verständlich beschrieben, geeignet sowohl für Einsteiger, Studenten und Seiteneinsteiger aus dem Bereich Verkauf/Einkauf und weiter interessierte Personen. Die Fachbegriffe werden nicht nur definiert, sondern bei Produktgruppen auch auf deren Eigenschaften und Verwendung hingewiesen. Chemische Grundkenntnisse erleichtern das Lesen, sind aber keine Vorbedingung für die Benutzung. Viele Begriffe enthalten zudem Querhinweise auf weitere Stichworte oder Synonyme. Es ist ein grosser Gewinn, im deutschsprachigen Raum ein Werk zu haben, das die Begriffe umfassend beschreibt und so deren einheitliche Verwendung ermöglicht. Obschon ein Nachschlagewerk, lässt sich in diesem Buch kurzweilig Lesen wie in einem Lehrbuch, zur Auffrischung und Erweiterung des persönlichen Wissens. Das Nachschlagewerk ergänzt auf ideale weise die bekannten Bücher von Paolo Nanetti `Lack für Einsteiger` und `Lackrohstoffkunde`. Diese 3. Auflage kann allen bestens empfohlen werden.` ····· 10361163416

Pigment- + Füllstoff-Tabellen

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Tabellenbuch für Pigment- und Füllstofftabellen ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361199126

Light Stabilizers for Coatings

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The durability of coatings is one of the most important quality characteristics and can be achieved by incorporating light stabilizers in the paint. These substances are comprehensively described in this book, which also deals with chemical and applicational aspects. ····· 10361162978

Pigment Processing

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This monograph is a comprehensive practice-related exposition of the fundamental principles of pigment processing. It provides a complete survey of the theoretical principles and practical results of pigment application covering all aspects from the physical characterisation of pigments, the optical properties of pigmented systems, the rheological behaviour of pigment dispersions to the actual dispersion process. Indispensable for chemists, physicists, colourists, technicians als well as laboratory assistants engaged in research, development, application or production in the pigment industry but also to those in the relevant technical colleges and research institutes. ····· 10361163291


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Ulrich Hoffmann, Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart `Das Buch Kunststoffbeschichtung` ist hoch aktuell und für den praxisorientierten Projektbearbeiter oder Planer sowie für den fortgeschrittenen Studenten empfehlenswert. Das Autorenteam, der erfahrene Praktiker Jürgen Ortmeier sowie der Wissenschaftler und Pädagoge Guido Wilke, spiegelt sich in den fundierten Grundlagen und praxisnahen Tipps, z.B. bei der Sicherstellung der Lackfilmqualität, wider. Schwerpunkt ist die werkstoffspezifische Betrachtung der Kunststoffe und deren Beschichtungsmaterialien. Die Vorbehandlungs- und Lackierverfahren und die Anlagentechnik sind kurz angerissen. Besonders gut gefallen haben mir die letzten beiden Kapitel, in denen typische Beschichtungsstörungen, z.B. Lackhaftungsdefizite und Lackierfehler, die Prüf- und Analysenverfahren und Vermeidungsmaßnahmen beschrieben sind.` ····· 10361163410

Additive für wässrige Lacksysteme

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Das neue Werk von Wernfried Heilen gibt einen tiefen Einblick in die verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche von Additiven für wässrige Lacksysteme. Es beinhaltet eine komplette Übersicht über die wichtigsten Einsatzgebiete und Wirkungsmechanismen von Lackadditiven. Breiten Raum wird den Kapiteln Netzen und Dispergieren, Entschäumung, Substratbenetzung, Entlüftung, Verlauf und Rheologie gewidmet. Ferner werden die Bereiche Co-Bindemittel für wässrige Lacksysteme, UV-Stabilisierung, Gebinde- und Filmkonservierung sowie Hydrophobierungsmitteln intensiv beleuchtet. Additive für wässrige Lacksysteme empfiehlt sich als unverzichtbares Lehrwerk für alle, die sich mit der Formulierung von wässrigen Lack- und Beschichtungsstoffen beschäftigen. ····· 10361163411

Microbicides in Coatings

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When it comes to protecting coatings, it is essential to strike the right balance between controlling germs in order to avoid economic damage on the one hand and tolerating microbial life where it is necessary and useful on the other. The new book from Frank Sauer provides a comprehensive overview of the working mechanisms and possible applications of microbiocides for coatings - invaluable for formulators and technicians as well as for business people with a basic knowledge of chemistry and biology. ····· 10361163429


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Wetterbeständigkeit ist eine unerlässlich wichtige Eigenschaft einer Lackierung. Um Kenntnisse über dieses wichtige Qualitätsmerkmal zu gewinnen, sind entsprechende Tests nötig. Die Kurzbewitterung dient dem Lackprüfer hierbei als wichtigste Prüfmethode, um Aussagen über Wetterbeständigkeit und Langlebigkeit treffen zu können. Die Methode erweist sich als ein unverzichtbares Element der Qualitätssicherung. Das Buch Kurzzeitbewitterung beinhaltet die jahrelangen Erfahrungen des Autors auf diesem Gebiet und liefert wertvolle Tipps und Erkenntnisse, die dem Lackentwickler und Lackprüfer in Ihrer täglichen Arbeit von Nutzen sein werden. ····· 10361163430

Radiation Curing

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Radiation curing is the fastest growing technology in the inks and coatings industries. The popularity of this technology was the drive to publish a book like this. It has been written as reference guide who combines theory and practice for the daily work. The book focuses on 100 % liquid coating systems that are radically or cationically curable by UV or electron beam radiation. Furthermore it offers guidance on how to select raw materials and features a troubleshooting chapter which provides concrete answers to possible problems. Radiation Curing was not only written for formulators but also for students and young professionals in coatings and printing inks with no previous experience in this topic. ····· 10361163432

European Coatings Handbook

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`Comprehensive`, `based on practice` and `up to date` sum up the aims of the European Coatings Handbook compiled by the faculty team at the University of Applied Sciences of Krefeld, one of the leading training establishments for coatings industry in Germany. The second edition of the handbook covers the entire spectrum of coatings formulation in a single volume and acts as a vehicle for acquiring and deepening a sound knowledge of all the important principles of coatings production. The handbook`s topicality in all aspects of coatings composition, application methodology, quality assurance, environment and industrial health, and safety is highly useful -not only to those in training but also to established professionals who wish to update their knowledge thoroughly. ····· 10361163413