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Von der Kunst des Theaters

für 19.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1910. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143919

Literatur und Theater

für 29.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1896. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143817

Das Theater

für 17.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1921. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143775

Der Hans Wurst-Streit in Wien und Joseph von Sonnenfels

für 27.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Hans Wurst, einst als derb-komische Gestalt der deutschen Stegreifkomödie geschaffen, entwickelte sich schnell zum Sinnbild des zotigen Theaterspaßes. Für viele Kritiker war dies gleichbedeutend mit einer Abwertung der Qualität der deutschen Komödie, weswegen bereits im frühen 18. Jahrhundert von verschiedenen Seiten seine Abschaffung gefordert wurde. Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts entwickelte sich Joseph von Sonnenfels zu einer zentralen Figur im sogenannten Hans-Wurst-Streit. Karl von Görner nun fasst die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Hans Wurst Figur zusammen und erläutert die Rolle, die von Sonnenfels bei dem durch Kaiser Joseph II ausgesprochenen Verbot der Stegreifkomödien spielte. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1884. ····· 10361139475

Grundlinien zu einer Theorie der Schauspielkunst

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Mit Grundlinien zu einer Theorie der Schauspielkunst legt Friedrich Hildebrand von Einsiedel eine Reihe von Skizzen vor, die als Anregung für eine Verbesserung der Schauspielausbildung zu verstehen sind. Differenziert nähert sich Einsiedel der Thematik, ist es doch schwierig, eine künstlerische Darstellungsform, die von einem hohen Individualismus geprägt ist, in ein theoretisches Gefüge pressen zu wollen. Doch genau deswegen überzeugt Einsiedel er sensibilisiert Schauspieler und Ausbilder gleichermaßen für ihr Tun, ohne eine einzige Idee als den einzig wahren Weg vorgeben zu wollen.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1797. ····· 10361139350

Literatur und Theater

für 37.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In Literatur und Theater versammelt der Publizist und Journalist Maximilian Harden eine Reihe von Aufsätzen, alle von ihm um das Jahr 1890 verfasst. Bewusst hat er darauf verzichtet, seine Aufsätze den neueren Entwicklungen im Kulturbereich anzupassen, so dass sie ein ungeschminktes Zeugnis ihrer Zeit bilden. Was Harden dem Leser bietet, sind Momentaufnahmen von eingängigen Situationen sowie von Persönlichkeiten wie Gottfried Keller, Paul Heyse oder Fontane.
Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1896. ····· 10361139071

Das Theater

für 29.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Karl Borinski führt ein in die Welt des Theaters, beleuchtet seine Geschichte sowie die verschiedenen Gattungen der Bühnendichtung. Darüber hinaus hinterfragt er die Stellung des Theaters in der Öffentlichkeit und stellt seine Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft dar. Auf diese Weise gelingt ihm ein profunder Überblick, der jedem, der mehr über das Theater an sich wissen möchte, ans Herz gelegt sei. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1921. ····· 10361139070

Das Buch der Marionetten

····· lezzter Preis 39.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Schriftsteller und Kulturhistoriker Hermann Siegfried Rehm präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine historisch und geographisch gegliederte Übersicht der Geschichte des Puppentheaters vom arabischen Schattentheater über die Marionettenbühnen der Chinesen und Japaner bis zu den europäischen Puppenspielen. Illustriert mit 130 Abbildungen und mit einem umfangreichen Sachregister versehen. Sorgfältig nachbearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1905. ····· 10361138773

Las vanguardias en el teatro latinoamericano moderno. Siglo XX

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La influencia de las vanguardias en todo el teatro latinoamericano se hizo patente durante el siglo XX y se constituye en un hito de su desarrollo, crecimiento y consolidación. Lo interesante de estos movimientos es que no sólo contribuyeron a enriquecer el teatro continental sino que también fueron argumentos para el cuestionamiento, desplazamiento de géneros y un acercamiento a su audiencia. No obstante, esta etapa del teatro continental es muy poco conocida y no ha sido estudiada suficientemente. Por estas razones, el objetivo de esta investigación es el de revisar esta interesante etapa del teatro latinoamericano, como una manera de contribuir a su enseñanza y conocimiento, así como también a llenar un vacío dentro de la historia del teatro. En este sentido, se examinarán las vanguardias desde comienzos del siglo XX, con énfasis en los aspectos docentes y de instrucción para estudiantes universitarios de teatro, aún cuando pueda ser utilizado también para público en general. ····· 10361137721

Semiótica y Danza

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta obra es una propuesta de análisis semiótico del ballet `Nazareth` del Grupo Corpo Compañia de Danza, archivado en video. El proceso de creación de ese ballet representa la transposición intersemiótica de algunas referencias de la literatura de Machado de Assis para la composición musical del espectáculo y, por lo tanto, a la coreografía. La música es una adaptación de obras del compositor Ernesto Nazareth, por el músico literario José Miguel Wisnik, para la coreografía de Rodrigo Pederneiras. Así, importa como el Grupo Corpo se apropia de los diferentes lenguajes artísticos brasileños, como la literatura y la música, para componer la danza. El análisis es conducido por la semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce, por los conceptos de Haroldo de Campos como de `transposición creativa` o `transcreación` y por la Teoría Corpomídia de las profesoras Helena Katz y Christine Greiner, de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). El discurso del cuerpo hace en diálogo con el escenario, los trajes, la iluminación y la banda sonora de una danza en la pantalla. ¡Buena lectura! ····· 10361137694

Aproximaciones al concepto de training o entrenamiento del actor

für 50.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El training o entrenamiento constituye el salto cualitativo en la formación del actor en el teatro occidental, es el eje transversal o recurrente de la pedagogía de los grandes directores-pedagogos del siglo XX. Pero, ¿a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de training ¿Cuál su origen, fundamentos, aplicación Existen divergencias de tipo conceptual y técnico en el uso de los términos training y entrenamiento, al igual que diferentes visiones, enfoques y funciones. Este trabajo busca aportar elementos para avanzar en el establecimiento de un marco conceptual y técnico común que fundamente el entrenamiento del actor, pues hoy, a principios del siglo XXI, no podemos afirmar que contamos con una sistematización y teoría común sobre los procesos del aprendizaje del arte del actor ····· 10361136409

Teaching ancient Greek Theatre in English Secondary School

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ancient Greek plays were first produced more than two thousand years ago. Throughout this time they have been performed around the globe. Over the last few decades there has been a rise in their performances that reflect audience expectations for plays that challenge and negotiate existential issues. Ancient Greek Theatre is regarded as a difficult subject to approach but there is a growing interest in finding affective ways of approaching the art form in schools. This book starts by looking at the latest history of drama and theatre in English Education and how this affected teaching theatrical plays in schools. It examines modern dramatic methods and how they can be utilised to approach ancient Greek Theatre while considering the historic-political background of the art. Three projects were realized that allowed active student participation and the means to reflect on methods and approaches. A critical review takes place to identify and evaluate the elements of art form and suggest a new approach that offers students a fulfilling experience. ····· 10361135422

Dignity Dramatised

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The inevitable variations on the theme of National Dignity will forever call into question our definitions of the concept as well as the value we attach to it. At a critical point in Modern Egyptian History, Egyptian Dramatist Mahmoud El Lozy provides the fundamental Egyptian response to any attempt at jeopardising the increasingly valuable and threatened Egyptian National dignity. Samy Selim`s dissection of El Lozy`s epic trilogy shows us that, like all things Egyptian, even the playwright has limited control over the full weight of his creation. `We That Are Young` is indeed the encapsulation of the exemplary Egyptian revolutionary struggle against tyranny we see today. ····· 10361118974

Theatre Translation Is All About Interpretation

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book invites you to look at theatre translationas a process, a living and ever-changing system thatprofoundly depends on the target audience. The authorinvestigates the interrelation between the translatedtheatre text, the final production, as well as theTranslator and the Actor, who become the maincharacters of this book. Along with theatretranslation, it touches upon the genres of musical,cabaret and Travestie. Based on differentinterpretations of the musical Cabaret in America,Germany and Québec, the author ponders on the notionof the Actor s textual interference along with thephenomenon of the Actor-turned-Translator in theprocess of creating a translated theatre text. ····· 10361118546

Harold Pinter`s Plays as `Comedies of Menace`

für 49.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
For the past few decades people have been torn apart by wars, terror attacks, financial crisis even in countries which were the so called super powers of the world. This has resulted in people living with insecurity, lack of recognition, fear and nostalgia and also led to broken families and forgotten friends whom we try to communicate only through social networking websites. In such a scenario the plays of Harold Pinter also expose the same especially through the theatre technique called comedy of menace which is a kind of a dark comedy which arises from a menacing situation. In his works there is always a clash between man`s need for recognition and security and the pressure of the society which poses a challenge for him. All these views are expressed in the early plays of Pinter especially `The Birthday Party`, `The Room`, `The Dumb Waiter`, `The Caretaker` and even after all these years of its creation the ideas expressed are fresh and novel. This work aims at analysing the selected works of Pinter for the Comedy of menace explored by him. ····· 10361117920

Una nueva voz

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Existen en el medio teatral varias técnicas de entrenamiento vocal para el actor de teatro. ¿Pueden usarse siempre las mismas técnicas indiferentemente del sujeto ¿Es posible obtener de un ejercicio vocal siempre los mismos resultados o beneficios Al analizar las rutinas básicas utilizadas en la preparación vocal para teatro desde las patologías funcionales de la voz, es posible afirmar que no todos los sujetos están en disposición física de cumplir con determinadas exigencias particulares. Este trabajo analiza las diferentes patologías funcionales de la voz partiendo de algunos ejercicios en los entrenamientos de Linklater y Houseman enfocados desde el manejo de patologías. ····· 10361116680

West African Dance in the United States University Curriculum

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
African dance has been absent in school systems worldwide for many years. The presence of cultural dances has rarely made a mark in educational institutions. The most common forms of dance studied at the university level for credit are ballet, modern, jazz and tap. There is rarely a presence of African dance. One can independently study a variety of African dances. The question is, how can a student major and graduate from an accredited university if the courses are not offered This research delves into the aesthetics of West African dance, discussing customs, traditions, dance forms and additional components, which bring West African culture to life. It will be useful to professionals in the dance field who seek to establish a West African dance institution anywhere around the world. This project intends to analyze the lack of traditional African dance within a variety of university systems, and incorporates an example of a West African dance catalog using the State University of New York, College of Brockport`s (SUNY Brockport`s) dance curriculum as a template. ····· 10361115971

Shakespeare and the Dance

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Shakespeare`s plays are to be seen all over the world in any major repertory company. While much has been written on every aspect of the staging of his plays by Shakespearean scholars, actors and directors, the dancing has over time become less and less important almost to the point of obsolescence. While this trend is certainly not acceptable to me (and probably would not be to Mr. Shakespeare either were he alive today), directors when asked about the reason for there being no dance in the play lamely point to a lack of clear guidance from Shakespeare in his scripts as well as to rehearsal time constraints to teach the required period dances. My thesis will endeavor to show that a lack of dance in Shakespeare`s plays is not only historically incorrect but also robs the modern day audience of the full spectacle of the occasion that defined that historical period. There are many resources available to directors should they be willing to commit to a wholly accurate reading of the play because a Shakespearean drama without the dance is, to my mind, hardly Shakespeare at all. ····· 10361115875

Walking Backwards into the Future

für 49.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Recent artists like Norwegian Recycling and E-603 have created a new genre of art within music: digital recycling. These artists take many different well-known and less-known lyrics, music, and spoken word and combine them together. Through the lenses of post-colonial, gender, and queer theories, I examine Witi Ihimaera`s creative work. As the first published playwright in New Zealand and as an English professor at the University of Auckland, Witi Ihimaera is a role model and leader to many other Maori and New Zealand playwrights and writers. I am most interested in understanding what and how he has been influenced as an artist. I craft a document that extends the idea of a written word in a Maori context, in which I explore the major influences on Ihimaera as a theatrical creator and influencer of other Maori artists. In addition, I use examples from Witi Ihimaera`s fictional novel The Uncles Story, as well as many other of his plays and novels, to show examples of influences from Maori culture, Mormonism, and his homosexuality on Ihimaera`s work. ····· 10361115785

Text and Hypertext

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
It is conceived that hypertext fragments and atomizes a text by destroying the notion of linearity which results in a deconstructed, dynamic, and dispersed text. As a result, the relationship between a text and hypertext seems to be blurred, destroyed, and dissentangled concrete lines of demarcation between them are constantly drawn. Nevertheless, the link between textuality and hypertextuality could be differently revisited. Hypertextuality is a subset of textuality, rather than an adversary. The former is a derivative of the latter. It is a digital form of textuality a different form of narrative structure. Hence, text and hypertext could be dovetailed. ····· 10361114972

Joanna Murray-Smith and Daniel Keene: Class Oppositions

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Joanna Murray-Smith and Daniel Keene: Class Oppositions examines two significant Australian playwrights who currently make up over 50% of Australian theatre in the international market. Murray-Smith has found her way to Broadway and The West End. Keene has garnered much admiration in translation across Europe. She dissects an Australian world of money and education. He looks at an Australia where people have very little or nothing. Accompanied by a wide theatrical history of Australia, Carroll discovers why two playwrights of the same generation and the same city work in opposition yet find commercial and critical favour elsewhere like very few Australian playwrights before them. ····· 10361114835

Time and Space in Edvard Radzinskii`s Trilogy Theatre of the Times

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Between 1969 and 1980 Edvard Radzinskii wrote three historico-political plays which were later published as a trilogy entitled Theatre of the Times.... The book attempts to unravel the nature of time and space in the trilogy by invoking Mikhail Bakhtin`s notion of the chronotope in literary narratives. Bakhtinian concept of the chronotope affords a suitable strategy for examining a trilogy that aims to re-present real time and place. The concept also provides a vantage point from where the trilogy can be read both from within the time-space of its main protagonists and from that of its author, readers, performers and spectators. ····· 10361114782

A Multi-Tragic Paradigm

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Written on the eve of the French Revolution, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing`s dramatic poem `Nathan the Wise` became a paradigm for modern Jewish identity in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany and Eastern Europe. According to the Israeli theatre scholar Gad Kaynar, there is hardly anything more absurd than to speak about the reception of Lessing in Israel, (Lessing Yearbook 2000). This distinguished M.A. thesis attempts to do precisely that. Through personal interviews, hitherto inaccessible archive material, and the study of a broad range of documents and articles, it presents a fascinating overview of the reception of `Nathan the Wise` in Israel. Describing the personal stories underlying productions by Shimon Finkel, Joseph Zur, Joshua Sobol, and Doron Tavory, this original research offers insight into over forty years of Israeli history and its changing relationships with Germany and Austria. The book contains the first-time publication of the play `Signed with Blood, or: Bloody Nathan,` an adaptation of Lessing`s poem by the renowned Israeli dramatist, Joshua Sobol. ····· 10361113631

Uplifting the Community

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The history of Black theatre has been subject to varied opinions and often times the quality of the work has been questioned. Black culture has its own individual style and responds to its own standards of tastes, moral values, cultural cues and social contexts. It must serve the dual purpose of providing Black people with an artistic perspective of their history and culture while simultaneously illuminating the culture to non-Blacks. Black theatre is a part of the multilayered fabric of American theatre, and so its distinctive character must be addressed to determine its full impact. This book provides a clear means of accessing quality without forgetting culture. Ten principles of the aesthetic are explored: spirituality, originality/reclamation/simultaneity, function, rhythm, music, accessibility, recognition, audience/actor relationship, expression of diversity, and uplifting the community. Six plays serve as examples: A Raisin in the Sun, Day of Absence, for colored girls..., Colored Museum, Topdog/Underdog, and Gem of the Ocean. This book is for anyone interested in the beauty of Black theatre and the appreciation of its uniqueness. ····· 10361102743

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