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Conceptual and Preliminary Design for a HALE UAV

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Over the last few years, Unmanned Aerial Systems have proved to be highly efficient and capable of performing a wide range of applications, as well as development being more economical when compared to equivalent manned systems. This has resulted in the market for UAS increasing. An emerging role in this market is played by what is referred to as HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance) UAV. This category of UAV presents itself as the ideal platform from which a wide range of different missions can be undertaken, both Military and Civilian, with versatility and a low maintenance cost. As a consequence, a growing number of Aerospace Companies from all over the world have shown interest in this innovative form of UAV. The purpose of this report is to present the design of a contemporary HALE UAV. The design process starts with the Conceptual phase, with the definition of the statistical analysis and the Matching Diagram. The results are optimized in the Preliminary phase by iterative procedures. Tools and methods used to size the aircraft design parameters are also presented. The research for this project was conducted at Imperial College of London and submitted to Politecnico of Turin. ····· 10361131857

Electrical propulsion applied to commercial flights

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This book proposes a synergy among several technologies (hybrid engines, wing-in-ground aircraft, unmanned drones, overhead power lines) bundled to a single large infrastructure aimed to achieve huge savings in aircraft - one of the few vehicles in practice still excluded from the recent trends toards a more environment-friendly mobilitity. It focus on both technical and economic aspects of such intervention, and shall provide common grounds for further research in the field. ····· 10361131828


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Investigation on Intermetallic Nickel Aluminides was carried to determine the suitability of this material to replace the existing automotive body. The purpose is to produce vehicles which are lighter, more fuel efficient and cause less pollution. Attractive properties of Ni-Al intermetallic including low density resulting lightweight, high oxidation and corrosion resistance, combined with their ability to retain strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures lead to its selection as a candidate of alternative material. The properties obtained was compared with current or existing material which are high strength steel (HSS) and aluminum (luxury cars). It can be eloquent that intermetallic nickel aluminides enfold most of the basic quality for a material to be suggested or recommended as alternative material for body in white application. ····· 10361119649

Recycling Capabilities by Rapid Manufacturing

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With larger competition from the universal economy, manufacturers face the challenge of delivering new customized products more rapidly than before to meet customer needs. Several technologies cooperatively known as Rapid Manufacturing (RM) have been developed to shorten the design and production cycle. The concept of Design for Environment (DFE) has harmonized design concerns with environmental issues. This research focuses on the Design for Recycling (DFR) or Design for Environment (DFE) Methodology for Rapid Manufacturing. This methodology is applied at the design stage of producing product to increase percentage of recyclability and decrease environment impact. The idea is also can be applied to products which have been reached to End-of-Life cycle and changing design of those products to making their recycling more easily than they are. ····· 10361119427

Ergonomics of Intelligent Vehicle Braking Systems

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The present book examines the quantitative characteristics of driver braking and pedal operation, and discusses implications to the design of braking support systems for vehicles. After the current status of the relevant research is presented through a literature review, three different methods are employed to examine driver braking microscopically, supplemented by a fourth method challenging the potential to apply the results in an adaptive brake assist system. Through a combination of naturalistic driving, test-track, and accident investigation studies, the book presents the multi-faceted nature of brake-pedal operation and its implications for future braking systems. Within this framework, the penultimate chapter is dedicated to an example application in an adaptive braking assist system. ····· 10361119220

Understanding Fuzzy Expert System with Real Example in Easy Step

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In this book, we will explore the emulation of human thought, capable of dealing with uncertainties, ambiguities, and contradictions. The human thought can be expressed in rules. To handle uncertainties, ambiguities, and contradictions, we will use fuzzy system techniques, implemented by a fuzzy expert system. Expert systems are computer programs, designed to make available some of the skills of an expert to non-experts. The hundreds of edited works and tens of thousands of archival papers show clearly that this is a rapidly growing technology, where new discoveries are being published every month. It remains our fervent hope that this introductory textbook will assist students and practicing professionals to learn, to apply, and to be comfortable with fuzzy expert system and fuzzy logic. We implements two real case study with more detail, so the reader being able to create desired fuzzy expert system after the short period of reading this book. ····· 10361118998


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Comprehensive comparison on quarter-car, half-car and full-car models were conducted to analyze the effect of using semiactive control policies, namely skyhook, groundhook and hybrid controls, in improving ride quality of passenger vehicle. Sprung mass acceleration, suspension deflection and tire deflection responses were analyzed for measurements of ride quality, rattle-space and road holding. Three different analyses were conducted on each model frequency-domain transfer function analysis, time-domain transient state and steady state analysis. Results shows that hybrid control policy gives significant improvements in most responses while at the same time it does not compromise road holding ability of vehicle. Further quantitative comparison of responses on all three models shows that quarter-car model is unable to accurately represent responses in full-car model. Half-car model gives reasonable representation of full-car model in some states. RMS analysis conducted on a H-car 2-DOF system shows good agreement to the previous work on Q-car 2-DOF. This book should benefit researchers working in the area of semiactive control of vehicle suspension system. ····· 10361118298

Opel/Volkswagen. Was u.a. Wolfgang Clement dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Opel/Volkswagen` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `Opel/Volkswagen` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361117889


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Die Zahl der Europäer, die ins Ausland reisen oder ihren Wohnsitz in einen anderen Mitgliedstaat verlegen, nimmt von Jahr zu Jahr zu. Diese Freizügigkeit ist eines der Gründungsprinzipien und eine der schönsten Errungenschaften der Europäischen Union. Die Europäische Kommission spielt eine maßgebliche Rolle dabei, diese Freiheit Wirklichkeit wergen zu lassen. Eine gut organisierte Führerscheinverwaltung ist für die Gewährleistung der Freizügigkeit entscheidend. ····· 10361117764

Elektroautos. Was u.a. Wolfgang Tiefensee dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Elektroautos` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `Elektroautos` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361117753

LKW-Maut. Was u.a. Dr. Andreas Scheuer dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `LKW-Maut` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `LKW-Maut` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361117709

Diseño de Terminales Offshore de Regasificación de Gas Natural Licuado

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Cada vez resulta más complicado encontrar lugares adecuados para instalar una terminal de regasificación para descarga de buques gaseros. Por ello, la industria ha dedicado gran atención durante los últimos años al desarrollo de tecnologías que contribuyan a la implantación de terminales de regasificación en la mar, y ha propuesto diseños para la instalación de unidades flotantes o en contacto con el fondo marino en distintas partes del mundo, estando algunas ya operativas. En este texto se identifican los retos tecnológicos a los que se enfrenta la industria de regasificación offshore, además de compendiar distintas soluciones técnicas planteadas para esta primera generación de terminales, lo cual sin duda, será fuente de inspiración para nuevos diseños y base de una todavía incipiente industria de licuefacción offshore. Finalmente, se realiza un ejemplo de aplicación consistente en el diseño básico de una terminal de regasificación situada varias millas alejada de la costa gallega, bajo jurisdicción española. ····· 10361117397

Análisis Fluido-Termo-Mecánico de Vehículos Cisterna Criogénicos

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A través de diversos proyectos de investigación y diseño de vehículos cisterna criogénicos, se ha adquirido una notable experiencia tanto en el conocimiento del producto a desarrollar como en la utilización de herramientas de diseño específicas aplicadas al diseño de éstas y otras estructuras similares. Estos conocimientos se han plasmado en esta tesis doctoral. La combinación diversos medios, tanto técnicos como materiales y humanos, hace posible la consecución de proyectos de desarrollo de estructuras vehiculares pesadas llevando a cabo una serie de tareas de análisis, diseño, cálculo y optimización de las mismas cuyo resultado final es la obtención de una nueva estructura óptima según los parámetros de diseño marcados al comienzo de la fase de desarrollo y que suele abarcar diversos campos diferentes de conocimiento: diseño estructural y optimización mediante técnicas tradicionales y novedosas, análisis frente a fatiga, diseño térmico del aislamiento, diseño fluido dinámico del interior de la cisterna y diseño aerodinámico del vehículo ····· 10361117131

La Flecha Justicialista

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El Pulqui II fue un proyecto de avión caza desarrollado en la Argentina durante un poco más de cuatro años entre los años 1949 y 1953. El proyecto no solo fue el 33 avo diseño de la estatal fábrica de aviones de Córdoba también fue para la Argentina la oportunidad única de formar parte la élite de países que dominaron tempranamente la tecnología de aviones propulsados por motores jet. Si bien los prototipos fueron probados en vuelo con relativo éxito, el proyecto industrial de producción en serie nunca se concretó. La administración peronista lo abandonó para fundar un polo de industria automotriz en Córdoba, la provincia mediterránea de la Argentina. El proyecto automotríz que dio de baja al Proyecto Pulqui II con menos ambición tecnológica puso a la Argentina a la vanguardia, mucho antes que Brasil en el proceso de industrialización de Latinoamérica. ····· 10361116590

Implementation Of HVAC System Through Wireless Sensor Networks

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The main theme of this book is dealing with the implementation of not only the HVAC System but any any industrial unit dealing with the certain parameters can controlled through wireless sensors in a very efficient manner as compared through wired sensors.This project also made me to learn and in searching of so many peculiar things that i have never studied before. The whole span for accomplishing this project will always indelible for me that how i face the problem and then troubleshoot them. All above I thank to Almighty ALLAH who give me and my colleagues Sana and Tehmina a great strength to complete this project. I pray for myself and all my fellow engineers for a bright future ahead. SAIRAH KHATOON ····· 10361116191

Robot-Assited Search and Rescue

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Our research into robot search teams is conducted primarily in the domain of Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), characterised by collapsed man-made structures. This terrain is often treacherous, requiring the robots to have sufficient navigational sensors in addition to their mission sensors and for rescuers wearing protective garments, and barrier materials to protect themselves while equipped with essential devices and sensors. False negative have deadly consequences for a victim who goes undetected, while false positives might actively interfere with rescuers effectively in accomplishing their jobs. That is why an intelligent systematic approach is urgently required to deal with uncertainties, guide the search and rescue team and make the most of their equipment. ····· 10361115811

Quality of the design of test cases for automotive software

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Facing the growing complexity of car electronics, carmakers and automotive electronic suppliers are looking for efficient methods to develop, verify and validate electronic modules. In fact, they focus on the software part of these modules since it accounts for more than 80% of the total number of problems detected on these modules. In this context, we achieved our research project with the aim of proposing a global approach able to improve the quality of automotive embedded software. We started with an audit of the software practices currently used in automotive industry and we pinpointed potential levers to improve the global software quality. Based on the results of the audit and the literature review related to software quality, we developed a new Model-Based Testing approach in order to automatically generate test cases for a software product. This approach takes into account most of the automotive software constraints and context. The results of our experiments reveal significant improvement in software quality: more bugs are detected earlier and in less time. ····· 10361115757

Vehicle Monitoring Using Vibration Characteristic

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This work presents an approach to the condition monitoring in vehicle. A vibration test profiles is obtained in road testing of sedan size car. The first step is to define the performance parameters under study. The output depend variable are frequency, R.M.S, energy, and acceleration amplitude which have been considered for the measurement. Design parameter such as steering ,brake pedal, seat and engine are defined as those related directly to operational testing on specific test vehicle and which summarize the input to the vehicle in the given speed conditions. The overall objective of the research study was to analysis the vibration signature due to the mechanical problem in order to reduce the rate of the vibration. All the performance and operational characteristics of leading-edge of vibration technological were approaches to monitoring the vehicle systems. ····· 10361115561

Modeling and Control of Electronic Throttle Drive

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The automotive drive-by-wire or electronic throttle system has facilitated notable improvements in fuel economy of internal combustion engines and enhanced performance of other vehicle systems such as automatic transmissions and traction control systems. The book presents a comprehensive and experimentally verified approach to modeling, identification, and position control of the electronic throttle DC drive. Since the electronic throttle is characterized by notable nonlinear effects due to gearbox friction and a dual return spring, and is also subject to production deviations and parameter variations, special attention is given to compensation of friction and return spring nonlinearities, and on-line adaptation of the control system. The overall nonlinear control strategy is embedded and experimentally examined within a spark-ignition engine idle speed control system. The book may be useful for researchers and practitioners within the fields of automotive systems and industrial servodrives, as well as to engineering educators dealing with electrical servodrives, automotive mechatronics, and control system applications. ····· 10361114485


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AUTOPILOT SYSTEM FOR AN UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV) contains Autonomous Navigation and Control system for a fixed wing plane (Autopilot system). The project includes the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Based Control system Development, and programming it into single board computer installed in the model aircraft. The software architecture was developed using C++ language in Linux operating system. All sensors, necessary for the control are interfaced with the system. It also includes Live data transmission with graphical representation in MATLAB (defining all states of the aircraft during flight) live video transmission for surveillance purpose and Intelligent control system for Online System Identification was developed & tested on a real flight. ····· 10361114421

A Study of the Use of Biodiesel Fuel in Internal Combustion Engines

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Based on the GT-Power software, an engine cycle simulation for a biodiesel fueled direct injection compression ignition engine has been developed and used to study its performance and emission characteristics. The major objectives are to establish the engine model for simulation and then apply the model to study the biodiesel fueled engine and compare it to a petroleum-fueled engine. The engine model has been developed corresponding to a 4.5 liter, John Deere 4045 four-cylinder diesel engine. Submodels for flow in intake/exhaust system, fuel injection, fuel vaporization and combustion, cylinder heat transfer, and energy transfer in a turbocharging system are combined with a thermodynamic analysis of the engine to yield instantaneous in-cylinder parameters and overall engine performance and emission characteristics. At selected operating conditions, effect of engine performance and emission on engine load/speed, injection timing/pressure, EGR level, and compression ratio have been investigated. Variations in cylinder pressure, ignition delay, bsfc, and nitric oxides emissions have been determined for both a biodiesel fueled engine and a conventional diesel fueled engine. ····· 10361114401


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This paper is a gift for growing mechanical engineers, a milestone for further research in locomotive interfacing technology, touching almost all the courses included in Mechanical Engineering. Those students/trainees/internees who are interested in knowing about locomotives, this book give adequate information collected after deep research and practical experiences done in Pakistan Locomotive Factory, Risalpur, Pakistan. ····· 10361113987

Renewable and Alternative Fuelled Diesel Engines

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India being predominantly agricultural country requires major attention for the fulfillment of energy demands of a farmer. Irrigation is the bottleneck of Indian agriculture, it has to be developed on a large scale, but at the same time diesel fuel consumption must be kept to a minimum level because of the price of diesel and its scarcity. Finding an alternative fuel for diesel fuel is critically important for our nation`s economy and security. The complete substitution of oil imports for the transportation and agricultural sectors is the biggest and toughest challenge for India. Vegetable oils are renewable in nature and can be directly used as fuels in diesel engines. One such potential being non-edible oil extracted from the seeds of Honge oil (Pongamia pinnata). With the use of Honge oil as an alternative to diesel, and biomass derived from Honge tree, a farmer can become self- sufficient in his energy requirements. Moreover, he would also be contributing towards a healthier environment and thereby reducing the dependence of the nation on other countries for oil imports. ····· 10361113689

Vehicular ad hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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The convergence of telecommunication, computing, wireless, and transportation technologies facilitates that our roads and highways can be both our communications and transportation platforms. These changes will completely revolutionize when and how we access services, communicate, commute, entertain, and navigate, in the coming future. The specific characteristics of vehicular networks favor the development of attractive and challenging services and applications. In this book we focus on safety applications. Specifically, we develop and evaluate a novel protocol to improve safety on the road. Our proposal combines location information of vehicles, and roadmap scenario characteristics, to improve warning message dissemination. In safety- based applications for vehicular networks our approach is able to reduce the broadcast storm problem while maintaining a high message dissemination effectiveness towards surrounding vehicles. Finally, we assess the performance of our proposed protocol using our enhanced simulation platform, evidencing the importance of an adequate simulation framework to achieve more realistic results and draw more meaningful conclusions. ····· 10361113613

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