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Bamper avtomobilya - jevoljuciya dizajna i funkcii

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Jevoljucii bamperov avtomobilya na opredelennyh istoricheskih jetapah pokazyvaet ochevidnuju vzaimosvyaz` funkcii i dizajna s konstrukciej, mate-rialom i tehnologiej ih izgotovleniya. Proishodit rasshirenie funkcij bampera i trebovanij k ego svojstvam. Ochevidno, chto sushhestvuet ustojchivaya tendenciya zameny metallov dlya izgotovleniya bamperov polimernymi materialami. V rabote proveden analiz dizajna bampera legkovyh avtomobilej malogo klassa i ego jelementov na razlichnyh istoricheskih jetapah razvitiya avtomobilestroeniya, a takzhe analiz funkcional`nyh svojstv bamperov v sisteme `kuzov-avtomobil`` dlya legkovyh avtomobilej malogo klassa. Ustanavlivaetsya vzaimosvyazi funkcii i dizajna bamperov s materialami i tehnologiyami ih proizvodstva. Opredeleny klassifikacionnye priznaki bamperov i predlozhena ih klassifikaciya. Razrabotan sistemnyj podhod k proektirovaniju bamperov, otvechajushhih trebovaniyam passivnoj bezopasnosti, ajerodinamiki i dizajna, i privedeny primery primeneniya ego na praktike dlya sozdaniya bampera s zadannymi kachestvami. Rabota napisana dlya studentov i praktikujushhih dizajnerov, specializirujushhihsya v proektirovanii sredstv transporta. ····· 1036121603

Road Passive Safety

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Road accident consequences are influenced by many factors. Destruction effect on passengers in case of road traffic accident was decreased especially using deformation zones optimization and restraint system application. There is still significant reserve in solid barriers aggressiveness reduction. The danger can be demonstrated by stiffness and firmness of the barrier which effect impact hardness. From statistical point of view represent accidents with solid barriers one sixth of all accident in certain year, but they are more serious because of one fourth of all traffic accident victims. Solid barriers can be represented by drainage ditch culvert face. The access bridge is not usually conspicuous enough near the traffic lane so the driver can ditch and crash this barrier in case of exceptional situation such as avoidance manoeuvre. This work deals with the technical solution of access bridges with integrated deformation zone. The project was supported by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSM 6840770043). ····· 1036121551

Aerodynamics of Supersonic Flying Bodies

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book deals with the aerodynamics of supersonic flying bodies where the shock waves are captured accurately , also the results explain the mesh generation over a two and three-dimensional missile and Mach number contours, temperature contours, pressure contours, density contours and internal energy contours for the selected range of Mach number which is tested for various missiles shapes.In recent years, a great attention is directed toward the simulation of flows around the missiles, since this simulation is the corner stone of the missiles design. Basically, the missile, is described as a weapon or object capable of being thrown or projected so as to strike a distant object. One distinction between a missile and an airplane is that, unlike an airplane, a missile is usually expendable in accomplishment of its mission. ····· 1036121210

Friction Welding of 6063 Aluminum Alloy to Stainless Steels

für 74.61€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book aims at providing the unique information on friction welded products of dissimilar metals of Aluminum alloy and stainless steel which has wide range of applications. Aluminum alloys are attractive due to their lower weight, corrosion resistance, superior recycling ability and good workability. Due to these properties Stainless steels - Aluminum joints are widely replacing conventional stainless steel products in many important areas like spacecraft, cryogenic applications, chemical plants and high vacuum systems. In the presentation of this book major emphasis has been laid on the combination of dissimilar metals of Aluminum Alloy and Stainless steel to produce a weldment that meets the intended service conditions. Although the joint strength and acceptance tests are essential for welded products, and also service conditions such as Thermal cycling and Corrosive environment encountered during service are also equally important. Dr. Pulla Sammaiah received his M.Tech. Degree in Industrial Metallurgy from RECW, now National Institute of Technology, Warangal. Ph.D. Degree from University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. ····· 1036121157

PrandtlPlane Wing Structure

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The purpose of the work described in this book is to verify with a FEM analysis a preliminary design of the wing structure of a 250 seats PrandtlPlane aircraft, made up in aluminum alloy. The wing structure has been optimized with a multistep process. Moreover, a composite design of the structure is here investigated, with a preliminary sizing of the wing and a FEM analysis of the system together with the buckling analysis of the compressed skins is accomplished. The results in terms of weight and stress distribution are shown, and a comparison between the metal and the composite solution is performed. ····· 1036120952

Study of Vehicles Handling & Riding Characteristics by ADAMS Software

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The main purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility to perform vehicle dynamics simulations of handling and riding characteristics using ADAMS/Car (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems) program, from MSC model. and to use the result in building a control scheme that improving the vehicle stability system, taking into account the systems used and manufactured, and help to improve it. This paper will focus mainly on studying automotive dynamics in contact with ADAMS/Car program, also study the response of an automotive steering and suspension, using computer, to show the response according to several inputs, and at different time periods then made a scheme for a developed system and controller, that can interact with the main auto electronic control unit (ECU), to improve the vehicle handling and riding characteristics. The improvement to the efficiency of the vehicle systems studied to make the design more ideal using the results taken from the software used. ····· 1036120835

Future Public Vehicles

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FPV is a concept paper containing the future scope in commercial and public transport designs. It has been tried to make a faster, fuel efficient, safe and reliable design. Aerodynamics is considered as the first criteria in designing the concepts SAIs. Air cutting gives the concept better speed, grip on the road and better fuel efficiency. It still needs detailed research on the model to have better feasibility and reliability on the design. ····· 1036120816

Vehicle Styling and Aerodynamic Performance Evaluation

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The urban youth of India, in the absence of cars which reflect their personality, resort to after market modifications which usually results in performance degradation and lapse of manufacturer s warranty. The inadequate roads and crowded cities warrant the need for compact luxurious cars. Aerodynamics plays a major role in the fuel economy of a car and the styling needs to be constrained with aerodynamics. In the present work, a user survey was conducted to understand the target customer, followed by a CFD analysis of the Swift to understand its flow behaviour. Concepts were created based on the data from both sources. CFD analysis carried out on the Xite concept returned CD and CL values which were higher than the Swift. Modifications were made to improve the flow. The modified Xite owing to its improved drag and lift over the standard Xite was chosen for final detailing and customisation. From the present work, it was concluded that a huge potential existed for premium compact cars with sporty traits for the urban users with most users users wanting a car to make a style statement and for exclusivity. Improvements in aerodynamic performance were also observed. ····· 1036119609

Motor Vehicle Spinal Injuries

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The primary purpose of this research work is to present a comprehensive analysis of occupant kinematics and spinal injuries, during road traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia from the points of view of statistical analysis, modeling of occupant kinematics, and biomechanics. An in-depth database containing information on 512 real world vehicle crashes was constructed. The study identifies the characteristics of the collisions and occupant spinal injuries in Saudi Arabia, and suggests measures to mitigate them. A logistic model has been presented which can be used to provide information about the crashes and spinal injuries. State of the art techniques for accident reconstruction have been demonstrated to mitigate the severity of the accidents and resulting spinal injuries. Computational simulations have been demonstrated to simulate spinal injuries in various vehicle crashes. The knowledge from this study can be used to better understand the injury mechanics behind spinal injuries, and to develop measures to aid in the identification of safety issues such as roadway design, human factors, vehicle design and crashworthiness related to occupant protection from spinal injuries. ····· 1036119444

Politics of global civil aviation industry

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Civil aviation is a highly protected industry where the impact of the economic globalisation is invisible. National control over foreign ownership and control over cabotage restricted this industry to become a fully globalised industry. Based of the theory of economic liberalisation, in 2007 The European Commission, had coined in the idea of a establishing a transatlantic open aviation area (OAA) where there will be no- control over foreign ownership and control and over cabotage. The EC argues that the transatlantic OAA would liberalise the 60% of global civil aviation. Both sides of Atlantic strikes the first phase of two phased agreement. This book analysed the historical phases of civil aviation and gradual changes that happened over the times in the EU and the US civil aviation industry. In the context of first phase agreement main objective of this book is to examine the agreement and its potential possibility to become a successful model for a globalised civil aviation industry. ····· 1036118487

Novel Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Engine

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Conventional gasoline engines work on the fixed compression ratio which is a golden mean between the knocking at high loads and fuel economy at low loads. A variable compression ratio engine can work at various compression ratios depending upon the vehicle performance needs. Engine downsizing, great fuel economy, no knocking operation and flexibility in fuel used make them a brilliant choice as automotive engines in near future. However the VCR engines also suffers from disadvantage of mass manufacturing due to their complexity. The author of the present book studied the details of VCR engines and proposed a concept of conversion of fixed compression ratio in to a variable compression ratio engine. The newly designed mechanism makes use of a split type of cylinder block which varies the compression ratio by lifting the cylinder head. The mechanism can be loaded on two stroke as well as four stroke engines. Mechanical simplicity, improved fuel economy and increase in the brake thermal and volumetric efficiency are the major advantages after conversion of fixed compression ratio engine into a variable compression ratio engine. ····· 1036118459

Ustoychivost` i kolebaniya parashyutnykh sistem

für 80.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya posvyashchena dinamike odnokupol`nykh parashyutnykh sistem na etape spuska. Opisyvaetsya postroenie matematicheskikh modeley dvizheniya parashyutnykh sistem, analiziruetsya ikh ustoychivost` i kolebaniya pri malykh i bol`shikh vozmushcheniyakh. Prednaznachena nauchnym rabotnikam i inzheneram, kotorye zanimayutsya issledovaniem i proektirovaniem parashyutnykh sistem razlichnogo naznacheniya, a takzhe prepodavatelyam, aspirantam i studentam tekhnicheskikh vuzov. ····· 103615451

Povyshenie effektivnosti DVS putem ispol`zovaniya szhatogo vozdukha

für 61.11€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmotreny vozmozhnye, v bol`shinstve svoem original`nye, napravleniya ispol`zovaniya szhatogo vozdukha, poluchennogo za schet utilizatsii energii otrabotavshikh gazov porshnevykh dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya, pozvolyayushchie povysit` ikh moshchnostnye, ekonomicheskie i ekologicheskie pokazateli. Privedeny rezul`taty motornykh ispytaniy dizelya s pnevmaticheskim raspylivaniem topliva, a takzhe rezul`taty modelirovaniya rabochego protsessa porshnevogo dvigatelya s razdelennymi protsessami szhatiya i rasshireniya. ····· 103615383

Elementy teorii ustoychivosti kolyesnoy pary gruzovogo vagona

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya posvyashchena postroeniyu dinamicheskikh i matematicheskikh modeley kolyesnoy pary gruzovogo vagona, pozvolyayushchikh opredelit` reaktsii rel`-sovykh nitey i na ikh osnove proizvesti otsenku ustoychivosti malo nagruzhennoy kolyesnoy pary protiv vkatyvaniya na golovku upornogo rel`sa. Korrektnost` postroennykh matematicheskikh modeley dokazana rezul`tatami vychislitel`nykh eksperimentov. Monografiya prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh rabotnikov, aspirantov i prepodavateley vuzov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Il. 88. Bibliogr.: 63 nazv. ····· 103615286

Teoriya krepleniya tvyerdotel`nogo gruza na otkrytom podvizhnom sostave

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya posvyashchena resheniyu tekhnicheskoy problemy krepleniya tvyerdotel`nogo gruza pri vozdeystvii prostranstvennoy sistemy sil (PSS) pri dvizhenii podvizhnogo sostava (vklyuchaya i avtotransport) na lyubom uchastke puti. V ney zavershena teoriya krepleniya gruza na otkrytom podvizhnom sostave pri vozdeystvii PSS, razrabotannoy v predelakh primenimosti osnovnogo zakona dinamiki pri otnositel`nom dvizhenii. Monografiya prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh rabotnikov, aspirantov i prepodavateley vuzov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta, a takzhe dlya inzhenerov-raschyetchikov, zanimayushchikhsya razrabotkoy tekhnologii krepleniya gruzov na vagonakh. Ona mozhet byt` polezna studentam starshikh kursov spetsial`nostey 190701 `Upravlenie protsessami perevozok (zheleznodorozhnyy transport)`. Tabl. 3. Il. 43. Bibliogr.: 100 nazv. ····· 103615248

Mekhanika povorota traktora

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige razrabotana metodologiya modelirovaniya krivolineynogo dvizheniya proizvol`nogo mnogoopornogo tyagovo-transportnogo agregata. Metody postroeniya modeley silovogo vzaimodeystviya osnovany ne na obshcheprinyatykh empiricheskikh zavisimostyakh (uprugiy uvod kolesnykh mashin i koeffitsient soprotivleniya povorotu gusenichnykh), a na zakonakh mekhaniki, chto pozvolyaet opisyvat` s obshchikh pozitsiy kontakt kolesnogo i gusenichnogo dvizhitelya s lyubym tipom grunta, uchityvaya ikh formu kontakta, zakony raspredeleniya davleniya i uprugo-deformativnye svoystva. Privedeny i dokazany teoremy ortogonal`nosti, na osnove kotorykh zapisany novye uravneniya negolonomnykh svyazey, pozvolyayushchie modelirovat` lyubuyu skhemu upravleniya povorotom i rezhim krivolineynogo dvizheniya. Vpervye rassmotreny i resheny s obshchikh pozitsiy zadachi passivnogo povorota (pod deystviem vneshnikh sil) na primerakh stroitel`no-dorozhnoy tekhniki. Ispol`zovanie novoy metodiki modelirovaniya pozvolyaet znachitel`no rasshirit` krug issleduemykh mashin i inzhenernykh zadach. V knige imeetsya mnozhestvo primerov. Ona budet polezna inzheneram-konstruktoram, uchenym-issledovatelyam, prepodavatelyam i studentam tekhnicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103614958

Metody diagnostirovaniya sudovogo elektrooborudovaniya

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya posvyashchena razrabotke metodov diagnostirovaniya slozhnogo elektronnogo oborudovaniya. Metod isklyucheniya var`iruemogo parametra lezhit v osnove razrabatyvaemykh protsedur diagnostirovaniya, otsenki sostoyaniya ob`ektov diagnostirovaniya, opredelenie urovnya rabotosposobnosti, obnaruzheniya sostoyaniy predshestvuyushchikh otkazu, prognozirovanie sostoyaniya rabotosposobnosti i momenta otkaza ob`ekta diagnostirovaniya. Postroenie protsedur provoditsya na osnove statisticheskikh resheniy, algoritmov na osnove neyronnykh setey. V kachestve primerov rassmotreny elektronnye skhemy stabilizatora napryazheniya, skhemy upravleniya tiristornymi preobrazovatelyami i drugie. poluchennye rezul`taty svidetel`stvuyut o vysokoy effektivnosti protsedur lokalizatsii i prognoza otkazov s ispol`zovaniem karty semeystva kharakteristik var`iruemykh po odinochke parametrov, postroennoy na osnovanii metoda isklyucheniya var`iruemogo parametra ····· 103614901

Prikladnaya mekhanika zheleznodorozhnoy tekhniki v sisteme MathCAD

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnoe posobie soderzhit kratkoe izlozhenie vazhneyshikh polozheniy klassicheskoy mekhaniki primenitel`no k razmeshcheniyu i krepleniyu gruzov na vagone. V posobii dany zadaniya na opredelenie reaktsii vneshnikh svyazey v za-dachakh perevozki shtuchnykh gruzov v otnositel`nom dvizhenii otsenku bezopasnosti dvizheniya podvizhnogo sostava pri simmetrichnom i nesimmetrichnom razmeshchenii gruza. Predstavleny real`nye skhemy i raschyetnye modeli razmeshcheniya i krepleniya gruzov na vagone (do 30 variantov) v shesti gruppakh zadaniy po opredeleniyu reaktsii svyazey. Sostavleny tablitsy chislovykh dannykh dlya 120 variantov. Privedeny metodicheskie ukazaniya k resheniyu zadach. V zadaniyakh, naprimer, trebuetsya nayti reaktsii razlichnykh vidov vneshnikh svyazey v zadachakh pogruzki-vygruzki i perevozki shtuchnykh gruzov pri deystvii ploskoy i proizvol`noy prostranstvennoy sistem sil. ····· 103614889

Spetsial`nye zadachi gruzovykh perevozok

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnoe posobie soderzhit kratkoe izlozhenie vazhneyshikh polozheniy klassicheskoy mekhaniki primenitel`no k razmeshcheniyu i krepleniyu gruzov na vagone. V posobii dany zadaniya na opredelenie reaktsii vneshnikh svyazey v za-dachakh perevozki shtuchnykh gruzov v otnositel`nom dvizhenii otsenku bezopasnosti dvizheniya podvizhnogo sostava pri simmetrichnom i nesimmetrichnom razmeshchenii gruza. Predstavleny real`nye skhemy i raschyetnye modeli razmeshcheniya i krepleniya gruzov na vagone (do 30 variantov) v shesti gruppakh zadaniy po opredeleniyu reaktsii svyazey. Sostavleny tablitsy chislovykh dannykh dlya 120 variantov. Privedeny metodicheskie ukazaniya k resheniyu zadach. V zadaniyakh trebuetsya nayti reaktsii razlichnykh vidov vneshnikh svyazey v zadachakh pogruzki-vygruzki i perevozki shtuchnykh gruzov pri deystvii ploskoy i proizvol`noy prostranstvennoy sistem sil dat` otsenku ustoychivosti ot oprokidyvaniya sistem tvyerdykh tel (konstruktsii), ispol`zuemykh pri pogruzke i vygruzke gruzov opredelit` tsentr tyazhesti shtuchnogo gruza slozhnoy konfiguratsii, obshchego tsentra tyazhesti sistemy `vagon-gruz` i velichinu prodol`nogo i poperechnogo smeshcheniya obshchego tsentra tyazhesti neskol`kikh gruzov na vagone. ····· 103614871

Krutil`nye kolebaniya kolenchatykh valov avtotraktornykh DVS

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rassmatrivayutsya voprosy vozniknoveniya krutil`nykh kolebaniy kolenchatykh valov porshnevykh dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya. Privedena metodika rascheta parametrov izuchaemogo protsessa i ikh vliyanie na vykhodnye pokazateli dvigatelya. Rassmatrivaetsya mnogo massovaya deystvitel`naya i sootvetstvuyushchaya emu ekvivalentnaya raschetnaya skhema. Opredeleny rezonansnye chastoty vrashcheniya kolenchatogo vala i proveden garmonicheskiy analiz krutyashchego momenta dvigatelya. Rasskazyvaetsya puti postroeniya chastotnykh i fazovykh diagramm, opredelyayutsya sil`nye i glavnye garmoniki. Privedeny formuly dlya opredeleniya pereraskhoda topliva i poteri moshchnosti dvigatelya pri vozniknovenii rezonansnykh rezhimov raboty.Predlozheny razlichnye konstruktsii gasiteley krutil`nykh kolebaniy i algoritmy ikh raschetov. Predstavlyayut interes gasiteli s shirokim diapazonom deystviya. ····· 103614838

Prognozirovanie ustalostnoy prochnosti rabochikh lopatok turbomashin

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V bol`shinstve sluchaev detali turbomashin (valy, rotory, diski, lopatki i t.p.) rabotayut v usloviyakh peremennykh tsiklicheskikh nagruzok, poetomu odnim iz osnovnykh vidov ekspluatatsionnykh otkazov yavlyayutsya ustalostnye razrusheniya. Eksperimental`nye issledovaniya ustalostnoy dolgovechnosti lopatok turbomashin krayne zatrudneny ne tol`ko iz-za vysokikh temperatur i davleniya, no i iz-za vrashcheniya rotorov turbomashin vo vremya raboty, chto uslozhnyaet razmeshchenie tenzo-i termometriruyushchey apparatury. V etoy svyazi, razrabotka metodov i programm raschyetnoy otsenki ustalostnoy dolgovechnosti rabochikh lopatok yavlyaetsya edinstvenno tselesoobraznym vyborom dlya issledovaniya dolgovechnosti dannykh detaley turbomashin. Eto pozvolyaet opredelit` dinamicheskie napryazheniya i ustalostnuyu prochnost` rabochikh lopatok eshche na stadii proektirovaniya i prognozirovat` resurs konstruktsiy. Kniga adresovana spetsialistam, nauchnym sotrudnikam i aspirantam sootvetstvuyushchikh spetsial`nostey, a takzhe prepodavatelyam. ····· 103614820

An Examination of the Factors Impacting on the Contribution of the

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The research study was carried out to examine the factors imparting on the contribution of the transportation function in Zimbabwe towards the performance of an international logistics channel. The study was motivated by the dilapidated infrastructure due to lack of sustainable investment in transport infrastructure and services, leading to the deterioration in transport infrastructure and services due to deferred maintenance and slow adaptation of new transport technologies including information and communications technologies(ICTs) which enhance the operations of the transport sector, high transport operating costs and transport congestion. ····· 103613721

Ship Route Optimization

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Optimization of ship routes is an important consideration in maritime industry. By application of optimal control theory in conjunction with hydrodynamics and weather forecasting tools, most economical and safe route can be charted. Although a large volume of work is available addressing the ship-weather-routing problem. But most of them appear to concentrate on theoretical development related to the algorithm rather than the algorithm itself. The possible reason for limited detail on the actual algorithm that is used by ship navigators may be the commercial and proprietary nature of such algorithm. Also these works do not provide any optimized sea-routes but only solutions to the idealized problems. This work focuses on development of a practical ship routing algorithm which can be used by ship navigators using on-board computers during a voyage, and routing decisions can be made as the voyage progresses. I hope the detailed and practical oriented nature of this book will be helpful for readers to gain better insight in marine navigation. ····· 103613422

Intelligent Electromechanical CVT Ratio Controller

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Good ride performance is one of the most important key attribute of a passenger vehicle. One of the methods to achieve this is by using continuously variable transmission (CVT). This is because a CVT has the capability of providing an almost infinite ratio within its limits smoothly and continuously. In this thesis, the work focuses on developing an intelligent control system that will provide the appropriate CVT ratio based on a vehicle maximum power driving strategy. This will provide maximum acceleration performance at all time during driving. On-line values of the engine speed and throttle opening are used as inputs to the developed intelligent controller, which then will provide the appropriate required CVT ratio for the vehicle to perform accordingly. An electromechanical dual acting pulley CVT designed (EMDAP-CVT)and developed by the Drivetrain Research Group (DRG) UTM, is used in this work. EMDAP-CVT with zero belt misalignment give a great performance and longer belt life. Adaptive artificial neural network (AANN) is then applied as intelligent controller and the results show that the intelligent controller using AANN performs satisfactorily. ····· 103613184

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