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Investing opportunities in the automotive industry: profiting from EVs

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The penetration rate of the electric vehicles today is less than 1%, but in nine years from now, it is expected to reach 38% of the global market. For this reason, the automotive industry is undergoing the biggest change since its inception: the transition from internal combustion engine to electric motor. During my work, I started trying to figure out what is an electric vehicle (EV) in all its major variants, trying to analyze the reasons why this technology is so debated since the birth of the car. There are 5 key drivers of the industry: 1) lithium battery 2) partnership (through automakers, battery makers, infrastructure providers and Government) 3) future cost of oil 4) cost and source of electricity and 5) public programs. In the second part, my attention was devoted to the analysis of all the investment flows in the industry until today. Moreover, I defined the markers of potential investment success. To understand the value proposition, the reader will find a risk-reward analysis of the industry. I identified the three most important stakeholders (Automakers, Battery suppliers, Infrastructure Providers and Government), defining for each of them a reward/risk ratio. ····· 1036188082

Statistical Analysis of Crash Data

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
While motorized travel provides many benefits, it can also do serious harm in the form of road-related crashes. The problem could be addressed thorough several approaches with engineering initiatives being recognized as the most sustainable and cost effective. Still, the success of the engineering approaches in reducing crash occurrences hinges upon the existence of reliable statistical methods that can provide accurate estimates of safety. However, it was not until recently that advances in statistical modeling techniques have facilitated the fitting of more advanced models to accurately estimate the safety of a road entity. This book, therefore, makes use of these new statistical tools to propose several novel models and methods to analyze crash data. The proposed techniques introduce novel statistical approaches that hold great promise in improving our understanding of the factors that affect the occurrence of crashes. As such, the information in this book should be especially useful to academics and professionals in the traffic safety field, or anyone else who may be interested to know more about the basics, concepts, and emerging methods in crash modeling. ····· 1036187718

Butanol-Diesel Blend Used in a Conventional Diesel Engine

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This piece of work lends insight on the world s future energy chart by reporting an experimental based study on biofuels, particularly butanol, being utilized in diesel engines. A literature review is carried out in diesel engine combustion and emissions, as well as in butanol being used as a clean and regenerable fuel. Then, the experimental methodology is introduced, describing equipments and basic setup for the experiments performed in this research. Results from these experiments are reported and discussed in the following chapter, which lead to useful conclusions about butanol utilization in compression ignition engines. At the end, future research directions are recommended for more in-depth investigation in this field. Overall, the topic of this work is interesting, and the study well organized. ····· 1036187655

Advanced Theory of Peat Vehicle Mobility

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Advanced Theory of Peat vehicle has been written with emphasizing the fundamental engineering principles underlying the determination of the mechanical properties of peat terrain, developing simulation models for optimizing the vehicle design parameters, the rational design and development of non guided and intelligent vehicle more accurately in order to control the vehicle during traversing on unprepared peat terrain both in straight and turning motion. This book is intended to introduce senior undergraduate and postgraduate students to study on the theory of peat vehicle mobility. An analytical framework for determining the mechanical properties of peat in view of predicting the tractive performance of vehicle is presented. The measuring techniques of the stiffness of peat s surface mat and underlying weak peat are also presented. An innovative instrumentation system is presented in this book to investigate the vehicle performance. The intelligent advanced hybrid air-cushion tracked vehicle for peat swamp is presented in this book which makes this book more attractive to automotive professional. ····· 1036187482

Software-Based Intelligent Power Storage and Management:

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The need for reliable electrical power supply is very primary for satellites to navigate their orbits and achieve their varied mission objectives. The Satellite Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) generates, stores, conditions, controls and distributes power for satellite s housekeeping operations. This publication examines the design of a software-based Intelligent Power Storage and Management Control System (IPSMCS) for application in the intelligent coordination of power storage, power savings, payloads switching and battery temperature control in the EPS of a satellite. The IPSMCS achieved an improvement over the conventional satellite power management and control systems in terms of system s size reduction, self-contained intelligence, flexibility and improved system response to power emergencies. ····· 1036187136

Povyshenie nadezhnosti dvigatelej gorodskih avtobusov

für 64.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V rabote proanalizirovany faktory, vliyajushhie na nadezhnost` dvigatelej avtobusov, jexpluatirujushhihsya v gorodah so slozhnym rel`efom mestnosti. Predlozhen klassifikator neispravnostej dvigatelej avtobusov, postroeny statisticheskie modeli nadezhnosti modeli otkazov sistem dvigatelej avtobusov. Vvedeno ponyatie uprezhdajushhego tehnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya i opredelena ego periodichnost`. Proveden jexperimental`nyj analiz temperatur detalej po skorostnym i nagruzochnym harakteristikam raboty issleduemyh dvigatelej, postroeny regressionnye modeli v vide polinomov 3-ej stepeni. Razrabotany osesimmetrichnye konechno-jelementnye modeli temperaturnogo sostoyaniya porshnej dvigatelej s ispol`zovaniem granichnyh uslovij 1-go roda. Proizveden kolichestvennyj analiz, ustanovleny zakonomernosti i razrabotany matematicheskie modeli nagaro i lakoobrazovaniya na poverhnostyah porshnej dvigatelej. ····· 1036187101

Schattenparker, Bordsteinrammer und andere Fahrschüler

····· lezzter Preis 9.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Andreas Hoeglauers Job erfordert Durchsetzungfähigkeit, Sensibilität und Nerven wie Drahtseile - er bringt Menschen das Autofahren bei. Ob mal wieder eine Horde renitenter Heranwachsender versucht, seinen Theorieunterricht zu sabotieren, ihn seine Lieblingsfahrschülerin Milena in ihrer 199. Fahrstunde einmal mehr an den Rand des Wahnsinns treibt oder der unbelehrbare Herr Berger schon wieder auf den letzten Drücker die Fahrstunden seiner Söhne verschieben will - -Andreas lässt sich nicht unterkriegen. Mit stoischer Ruhe und einem flotten Spruch auf den Lippen schleppt er selbst vermeintlich hoffnungslose Fälle bis zur erfolgreichen Fahrprüfung.

In Schattenparker, Bordsteinrammer und andere Fahrschüler erzählt der Autor die amüsantesten Anekdoten aus seiner Karriere. Mit viel Witz porträtiert er seine nicht immer ganz pflegeleichten Schützlinge und Kollegen. Ein lustiges und aufschlussreiches Buch für alle, die ihren `Lappen` schon in der Tasche haben oder mit dem Gedanken spielen, endlich das Projekt Führerschein anzugehen. ····· 1036166738

Steam Engine Practice

····· lezzter Preis 59.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book was written at the peak of steam engine use in 1885 and comprises almost everything an operator or engineer of such engines still has to know. ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036159828

Classic Aeroengines

····· lezzter Preis 79.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Detailed and well-written explanation of all classic aeroengines until the end of WWI. First issued in 1916. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036159697


····· lezzter Preis 68.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Drohnen haben lange Vergangenheit auf der ganzen Welt, waren aber nie so häufig in den Schlagzeilen zu finden wie in den letzten Monaten. Die Faszination dieser sich rasch entwickelnden Geräte beflügelt immer mehr Menschen diese sowohl privat als auch in einem weiten Bereich kommerziell zu verwenden. Kameraflüge, Gebäudeinspektionen oder auch der Transport von Waren sind hier nur ein paar der aktuellen Beispiele. Leider wird diese Faszination überschattet von den immer häufiger auftretenden Zwischenfällen mit Drohnen, die den Ruf nach strengeren Reglementierungen und besseren Kontrollen immer lauter werden lassen. Dabei sind die Rahmenbedingungen für den Betrieb von Drohnen schon heute sehr streng, sie werden nur vielfach nicht eingehalten. Dieses Buch setzt es sich zum Ziel die geltenden Bedingungen in Österreich darzustellen und einen Ausblick auf eine neue EU Reglementierung zu bieten die gerade im Entstehen ist. Dabei werden auch Problemzonen wie Datenschutz, Verfolgbarkeit und Drittschadenshaftung mit beleuchtet. ····· 1036159578

Numerical Simulation Of Large Amplitude Ship Motions

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The reliable prediction of the seakeeping behavior of ships in real seas is a demanding task for naval architects and of great interest to ship owners/operators, as it affects both the design and operation of ships. In this work, a set of methods, namely, a time domain transient Green function solver, alternatively a time domain hybrid solver for zero speed problems and the adopted hybrid solver for nonzero forward speed problem, are developed to study the seakeeping behavior of ships and floating structures in waves. Validation cases cover both simple mathematical geometries and practical ship hulls, either without or with forward speed. Obtained results include radiation/diffraction forces, wave making resistance, motion simulation and added resistance (drift force). It is proved that by properly selecting a solver the developed package is capable of simulating large amplitude motions of ships or floating structures in waves thus it can serve as an advanced tool for the assessment of ship design and operation. This work is expected to offer researchers in similar field a state of art review of the problem and certain amount of inspiration in terms of numerical implementation. ····· 1036125840

Dokovanie sudov

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Antonenko Sergej Vladimirovich - doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor kafedry korablestroeniya i okeanotehniki Dal`nevostochnogo federal`nogo universiteta. Rodilsya v 1943 g. vo Vladivostoke. V 1966 g. okonchil Dal`nevostochnyj politehnicheskij institut. V 1974 g. zashhitil kandidatskuju, a v 1994 g. - doktorskuju dissertaciju po voprosam dokovaniya sudov. ····· 1036125814

Active Tilt and Steer Control for a Narrow Tilting Vehicle

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nowadays, the problem of the pollution, the cost of the energy, the traffic congestions and the progress in the technology of control systems more recently motivated a new interest in small narrow commuters vehicles for individual mobility. However these kind of vehicles are likely to have reduced stability against overturning during cornering due to the particular geometric with a narrow track width and relatively high center of gravity. This brings about the need for an active control system that ensures the tilt stability or an appropriate leaning during cornering without affecting the handling of the vehicle. Hence, Active Tilt and Steer control tends to be an alternative strategy that combines the action of traditional power steer and tilting actuator acting on the front suspension in order to allows the vehicle stays upright at lower speeds, and at higher speeds allows car-like steering while the vehicle self-leans into the curves like a motorcycle. ····· 1036125779

Assessment of On-street Parking in Lokoja, Nigeria

····· lezzter Preis 61.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Parking as an important component of transportation needs of the city to ensure safety and easy flowing of traffic. A shortage of parking space increases the searching time for a parking space and induces traffic congestion. The lack of well-organized and authorized off-street parking facility causes illegal parking on the carriageway and result in traffic chaos, congestion delay and accidents due to on-street parking which invariably affect traffic movement. To this end, this research work was carried out to study the effects of on-street parking on traffic movement in Lokoja. The research was conducted using questionnaires and field observation to collect the required data for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the study. Structured questionnaires were administered specifically at the locations/corridors in the study area where on-street parking were prominent. Four hundred and fifty one (451) questionnaires were administered to the shop-owners and one hundred seventy four (174) to the parked vehicle-owners. A total of six hundred and twenty five questionnaires were administered in the research. ····· 1036125622

User friendly Intelligent traffic signal

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Today, most of the traffic lights in India are controlled by Programmable Logic Control (PLC). This controller is chosen due to its higher cost and it is not user friendly Programming language. The program could be modified to suit the requirement of any particular traffic lights. This project used the intelligent traffic signal as a controller and it was designed to control the 4-junctions of traffic light. There was 3 mode of operation Normal mode, Emergency mode and Night mode. In Normal mode, the operation of traffic light have been setting based on the study conducted on the numbers of vehicles move on the road. The traffic light automatically changes to emergency mode operation when there have the emergency vehicle such as police, firebrigade and ambulance use that junction. Third mode is night mode which operate during less traffic are using that junction. The IR transceivers have been used to implement this operation mode. ····· 1036124998

Modelling and Simulation of High Speed Supercavitating Vehicle

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Supercavitation is an emerging technology in which the most cursed Cavitation is used as a beneficial to engineering application. Supercavitation is achieved when a body moves through water at sufficiently high speed, so that the fluid pressure drops to the water vapour pressure and a vapour bubble (called cavity) envelops the entire vehicle (except the cavitator and fins). Hence, the skin friction drag of the vehicle becomes almost zero. Hence, vehicle can move in the two phase medium.The development of supercavitating vehicle has been confronted with various challenging problems such as the potential instability of the vehicle, the unsteady nature of the cavity dynamics and the complex, non-linear and time delayed nature of the interaction between vehicle and cavity. Moreover depending upon some non dimensional parameter e.g. cavitation number ( ), the equilibrium of the vehicle may shift from a stable equilibrium to a limit cycle. ····· 1036124720

Ifep for Nuclear Submarines

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Integrated Full Electric Propulsion (IFEP) has a great role to play in the fuel economy of commercial and military vessels but for a nuclear submarine there are far better options to be explored. A nuclear submarine lacks the advantage of silent operations compared to conventional diesel-electric submarine. However, recent advancement in power dense naval electric propulsion systems has presented IFEP as a viable option for stealthier nuclear submarines. The suggested roadmap is a full electric drive submarine utilizing Advanced Induction Motor and Pulse Width Modulation Converters through AC transmission, with a futuristic approach towards Superconducting motors and alternators with DC transmission. The IFEP equipment has been selected through scaling of available technology to the required rating and standard. ····· 1036124668

Vehicular Electric Equipment Diagnostics Using Power Grid Analysis

····· lezzter Preis 61.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The submitted work deals with a design of unusual approach to diagnostics of standard electric devices in vehicles. Vehicular power supply network is used as an information carrier for diagnostic signs provided by the devices. The signs come out of the focused devices electric consumption. The devices are their own sensors in this principle. There is expected only one point in power supply network for measurement in ideal way. Each connected device adds than its `electric footprint` to the power consumption transients at the root of the network. This concept allows material savings in contrast to the current trends of vehicular diagnostic concept. ····· 1036124642

Sistema de semaforización inteligente

····· lezzter Preis 35.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A lo largo de la historia de Bogotá D.C, el flujo vehicular se ha ido incrementando constantemente, mientras que los recursos proporcionados para el desarrollo de la infraestructura vial han sido limitados, esto se ha reflejado en situaciones donde el volumen de tránsito en uno o mas puntos de una vía excede el volumen máximo que puede pasar por ellos. Por lo tanto, el control de tráfico inteligente se convertirá en una herramienta muy importante en el futuro, para controlar la congestión vehicular y beneficiar así, la calidad de vida de las personas, el medio ambiente y la economía de la ciudad. ····· 1036124268

Acceso al espacio de bajo-coste

····· lezzter Preis 29.61€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El establishment del sector aeroespacial determina que acceder al espacio es caro y peligroso sólo unos pocos pueden acometer tan difícil tarea. Al comienzo de la carrera espacial se pasó, en tan sólo 12 años, de mandar el primer satélite artificial a poner el hombre en la luna pero por alguna razón todo quedó congelado allí. La evolución del mercado aeroespacial parece estar dominado por un Lobby de grandes jugadores que imponen sus reglas. En esta obra vamos a abordar temas relacionados con el espacio desde el punto de vista amateur para demostrar que esto no es así. Aprenderemos sobre casi todos los campos de la astronáutica a base de experimentar y sin usar una sola ecuación. Si bien detrás de todos los esarrollos habrán cálculos, estos podrán ser obviados por el lector amateur al disponer de herramientas abiertas de confianza que harán el trabajo por nosotros. Pondremos especial atención al desarrollo xperimental de motores de bajo-coste que son el cuello de botella para acceder al espacio de forma rápida, frecuente y barata. ····· 1036123986

Acondicionamiento de autos para parapléjicos

····· lezzter Preis 44.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este texto se plantea la necesidad de movilidad autónoma que tienen los parapléjicos y se brinda una solución acorde con los avances tecnológicos, haciendo un gran aporte social, realizando un cambio de cultura en los bogotanos al ver una de estas personas manejando por sus propios medios. En un futuro poder incursionar con este tipo de soluciones en el transporte público para llegar a aquellas personas que no tienen la suficiente capacidad económica, brindándoles mayores oportunidades laborales.Mas que una oportunidad de negocio y creación de empresa es una opción de vida,de una vida avanzada donde las personas con discapacidad limitada en extremidades inferiores se sientan igual a las demás personas al momento de manejar un auto y no solo eso sino también sentirse autónomos en el ingreso y salida de su automóvil ayudando al autoestima y oportunidades laborales para la gente en estas condiciones. ····· 1036123375

Control ambiental de los puertos pesqueros y deportivos de Cantabria

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La preocupación por el medio ambiente y las consecuencias que su degradación pueda acarrear a las personas y a los bienes, se ha generalizado en las últimas décadas más que ningún otro sector. En la actualidad, ninguna actividad puede desarrollarse sin respetar el medio ambiente. La gestión de los puertos pesqueros y deportivos no ha sido ajena a esta tendencia, donde es necesario minorar cualquier forma de contaminación. Los impactos negativos que las actividades pesqueras y de ocio realizan sobre recursos comunes o sobre el tejido social, a través de riesgos ambientales (o sanitarios en sentido amplio) y en la generación de desechos, inciden en la calidad de la instalación portuaria y la de sus áreas poblaciones anexas. Los costes derivados de esos impactos dejarán de ser externos al mercado y de ser sufragados por el conjunto de los ciudadanos, ya que afectarán directamente a las empresas náuticas. La calidad ambiental, pasará a ser clave para el éxito de un turismo de calidad, ya que la demanda de entornos no degradados implica la de una calidad ambiental alta, no sólo para turistas en el sentido estricto de la palabra, sino para cualquier `consumidor de ocio`. ····· 1036122179

Bamper avtomobilya - jevoljuciya dizajna i funkcii

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Jevoljucii bamperov avtomobilya na opredelennyh istoricheskih jetapah pokazyvaet ochevidnuju vzaimosvyaz` funkcii i dizajna s konstrukciej, mate-rialom i tehnologiej ih izgotovleniya. Proishodit rasshirenie funkcij bampera i trebovanij k ego svojstvam. Ochevidno, chto sushhestvuet ustojchivaya tendenciya zameny metallov dlya izgotovleniya bamperov polimernymi materialami. V rabote proveden analiz dizajna bampera legkovyh avtomobilej malogo klassa i ego jelementov na razlichnyh istoricheskih jetapah razvitiya avtomobilestroeniya, a takzhe analiz funkcional`nyh svojstv bamperov v sisteme `kuzov-avtomobil`` dlya legkovyh avtomobilej malogo klassa. Ustanavlivaetsya vzaimosvyazi funkcii i dizajna bamperov s materialami i tehnologiyami ih proizvodstva. Opredeleny klassifikacionnye priznaki bamperov i predlozhena ih klassifikaciya. Razrabotan sistemnyj podhod k proektirovaniju bamperov, otvechajushhih trebovaniyam passivnoj bezopasnosti, ajerodinamiki i dizajna, i privedeny primery primeneniya ego na praktike dlya sozdaniya bampera s zadannymi kachestvami. Rabota napisana dlya studentov i praktikujushhih dizajnerov, specializirujushhihsya v proektirovanii sredstv transporta. ····· 1036121603

Road Passive Safety

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Road accident consequences are influenced by many factors. Destruction effect on passengers in case of road traffic accident was decreased especially using deformation zones optimization and restraint system application. There is still significant reserve in solid barriers aggressiveness reduction. The danger can be demonstrated by stiffness and firmness of the barrier which effect impact hardness. From statistical point of view represent accidents with solid barriers one sixth of all accident in certain year, but they are more serious because of one fourth of all traffic accident victims. Solid barriers can be represented by drainage ditch culvert face. The access bridge is not usually conspicuous enough near the traffic lane so the driver can ditch and crash this barrier in case of exceptional situation such as avoidance manoeuvre. This work deals with the technical solution of access bridges with integrated deformation zone. The project was supported by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSM 6840770043). ····· 1036121551

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