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Elektrischer Leitwert von magnetostriktiven Dy-Nanokontakten

····· lezzter Preis 50.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der elektronische Transport durch Nanokontakte aus experimentell mittels der Methode der mechanisch kontrollierten Bruchkontakte hergestellten Dy-Drähten untersucht. Aufgrund seiner magnetostriktiven Eigenschaften lässt sich ein solcher Dy-Nanokontakt durch Variation eines äußeren Magnetfelds elektrisch schalten, wobei das Schaltverhalten vom Winkel zwischen Magnetfeld und Drahtachse abhängt.Bei rein mechanischem Schalten des Kontakts wird die Kontaktform .... ····· 10361164447


····· lezzter Preis 9.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die vorliegende Publikation widmet sich umfassend dem Thema der Kernenergie - ihrem Für und Wider - und betrachtet ihre Gefahren und ihren Nutzen. Dabei werden die Quellen der Energie, die Prozesse im Kernreaktor und die Gefährdungspotentiale (Harrisburg, Tschernobyl, Fukushima) anschaulich und nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Ausführlich setzt sich der Text mit den Formen der Strahlung, ihrer Dosis und der Belastbarkeit durch sie auseinander. Auch dem Thema Abfall und Endlager wird ein klärendes Kapitel gewidmet und die Frage nach dem Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie beleuchtet. Abschließend stellt der Autor mit der Frage `Wie steht die Menschheit weltweit zur Kernenergie ` den internationalen Vergleich an. ····· 10361159940

Nucleon-nucleon realistic interaction in electron scattering

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Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) interaction derived from nuclear realistic potential, is used to study elastic and inelastic electron scattering form factors in light nuclei, where a microscopic theory is employed to include the effects of high configuration outside the 1p-shell model space, which is called core-polarization (cp) effects. Higher energy excitations from 1s-shell core orbits and also from the valence 1p-shell to higher allowed orbits up to 1d5/2 2s1/2 1d3/2 are considered for core-polarization calculations. the outlined theory of elastic and inelastic electron scattering were presented in chapter two. Chapter three of this book devoted to the derivation of the core-polarization effects with higher configuration in the first order perturbation theory and the two-body matrix elements of three part of the realistic interaction: central, spin orbit and strong tensor force, where the two-body matrix elements calculation in harmonic oscillator single-particle basis using Moshinisky transformation. Results,discussions and conclusion are presented in chapter four. ····· 10361146514

Die Atomtheorie in ihrer neuesten Entwickelung

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1921. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144075

Radioaktive Umwandlungen

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Der Atomphysiker Ernest Rutherford, der für seine Forschungen im Bereich der Radioaktivität 1908 mit dem Nobelpreis für Chemie ausgezeichnet wurde und als Vater der Kernphysik gilt, erläutert im vorliegenden Band die Prozesse der Transformationen der radioaktiven Elemente. Auf Basis einer Vorlesungsreihe, die er 1905 an der Yale University hielt, führt Rutherford den Leser in seine Erkenntnisse ein. Sorgfältig nachbearbeiteter Nachdruck der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe aus dem Jahr 1907. ····· 10361138885

Response Functions of Quark-Gluon Plasma

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Study of quark-gluon plasma(QGP) has gained a lot of attention since last three decades. It is expected to be one of the most important and non trivial phase of hadronic matter under extreme conditions. In this monograph the response functions of QGP and their applications are studied in detail. This monograph contains an elementary introduction of QGP, basics of kinetic theory, coherent states in construction of the distribution function in phase space. A framework to determine the response functions of QGP is fixed. The explicit forms of the response functions for quarks as well as gluons for the ideal and non-ideal plasma are obtained separately. It is found that the response functions have two components: (i) Abelian and (ii) non Abelian. If the non Abelian interaction is switched off the non Abelian component vanishes. The response due to the gluonic component shows a richer structure in which it also possesses color tensor excitations. The static heavy quark potential and screening in QGP are analysed. The melting temperatures of heavy quarkonia are obtained. The Abelian and non Abelian components of response functions show two separate kind of Landau damping. ····· 10361134355

Radionuclides and Nuclear Data

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
To establish a nuclear data group for medical applications in Pakistan is the major aim of our group. The idea of establishing such a group was given by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (mult.) Syed M. Qaim (Professor of nuclear chemistry, institute für Nuklearchemie, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany and Hon. Professor of Physics at GCU Lahore). International collaboration has been established with the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Debrecen (Hungary). EMPIRE training was arranged for nuclear model calculations at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Now, the aim of involving the local bodies in multidisciplinary applications of nuclear data is in the way. The nuclear reaction cross section data relevant to the production of radionuclides in cyclotrons and at accelerators need more attention. The radionuclides are in practice for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The tumors are successfully detected by the emitted radiations and then the therapeutic techniques are adopted for their treatment. Nuclear science is for the peace of mankind. ····· 10361134287

A Proton Recoil Telescope for Neutron Spectroscopy

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A new proton recoil telescope (PRT) is presented: it is composed by an active multilayer of segmented plastic scintillators as neutron to proton converter, by two silicon strip detectors and by a final thick CsI(Tl) scintillator. Plastic scintillators and silicon detectors are used to track the recoil proton and to measure the scattering angle, while the silicon strips and the final CsI scintillator can measure the proton energy: from these data it is possible to get the neutron energy. The PRT can be used to measure neutron spectra in the range 2-160 MeV. The detector characteristics have been studied in detail with the help of Monte Carlo simulations. The overall energy resolution of the system ranges from about 20% at the lowest neutron energy to about 2% at 160 MeV. The global efficiency is about 3x10^-5. Experimental tests have been performed by using the reaction 13C(d,n) at 40 MeV deuteron energy. ····· 10361134116

Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils from Anthropogenic Activities

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This timely book presents an assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface soils of an industrial cluster in Ghana, West Africa. It employs Energy-Dispersive (ED) X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, a nuclear analytical technique, for the qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis of soil samples. The book however, is aimed to investigate the extent of heavy metal pollution and distribution as well as to verify any significant industrial impact. Concentrations of nine (9) heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Cd, Hg, and As) were measured and critically analyzed. These measured concentrations for each heavy metal were however compared to their respective threshold limit values (TLVs). The Particle-Size Distribution (PSD) analysis for the various sampled soils were also analyzed to verify any possibility of heavy metal seepage or infiltration, to establish any further possibility of underground water pollution. ····· 10361134046

Mirtejmur Issledowanie atomnyh qder rasseqniem chastic

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Natural Radioactivity of Igneous Rocks

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Eight samples were collected from three different locations: Bardbizin Mountain, Kanishilana and Rubarok area around the Sidakan district in the northeastern of Kurdistan region, Iraq. The studied samples measured by using gamma-ray spectrometry, planar HPGe detector with an active area of 100 mm2, with an energy resolution of 0.520 keV at the 122 keV Co-57 line and NaI(Tl) Scintillation detector 2×2 inch, with an energy resolution of 11.3 % at the 662 keV Cs-137 line. Activity concentrations of each of U-238 (Ra-226), Th-232 (Ac-228), Cs-137, and K-40, radionuclides were measured Along the study area the average value of radium equivalent activities, absorbed dose rate,Indoor and outdoor annual effective dose,The average value of external and internal hazard indices were calculated. ····· 10361133433

Cylindrical detector and preamplifier design for detecting neutrons

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Tissue equivalent proportional counters are frequently used to measure dose and dose equivalent in mixed radiation fields that include neutrons however, detectors simulating sites 1µm in diameter underestimate the quality factor, Q, for low energy neutrons because the recoil protons do not cross the detectors. Proportional counters simulating different site-sizes can be used to get a better neutron dose equivalent measurement since the range and stopping power of protons generated by neutrons in the tissue-equivalent walls depend on the energy of the primary neutrons. The differences in the spectra measured by different size detectors will provide additional information on the incident neutron energy. ····· 10361133055

Empirical and Phenomenological Studies

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the book we study the single term energy formula also called the power index, for the ground band energies of Xe-Gd nuclei. We study the variation of constant parameters a and b with J to check the constancy. We also compare the results of the power index with other two parameters formulae such as ab, pq,Ejiri and soft rotor formula (SRF) to chekck the accuracy of the power index. The comparative study is carried out for A = 120 - 200 mass region nuclei.The odd-even staggering (OES) and the gamma band energies of A = 120-200mass region are studied in Chapter 4. In this work the OES in the gamma band help todistinguish between its rigid triaxial rotor and gamma soft vibrator. The variation of S(J) with R42 signify a smooth shape e ect. The study of gamma band energiesis carried out with the help of SRF formula. ····· 10361132895

Opredelenie ceziya-137 spektrometricheskim gamma-karatazhom

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V predstavlennoj rabote daetsya opisanie karotazhnoj spektrometricheskoj apparatury i original`noj metodiki obrabotki gamma-spektrov. Privoditsya metodika provedeniya karotazha, a tak zhe metodika obrabotki i interpretacii. Opisyvajutsya rezul`taty polevyh issledovanij v usloviyah Semipalatinskogo yadernogo poligona, a tak zhe pri provedenii nazemnyh spektrometricheskih s#emok. Metodika opredeleniya soderzhaniya radioceziya v skvazhinah zashhishhena patentom G01V 5/04 24018. ····· 10361132716

Aspects of Quantum Field Theories on Lattice

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This book is intended for a beginner in Lattice Gauge Theory or even an outsider willing to get a quick glimpse of the subject. It provides a quick and simple outline of the nonperturbative formulation of Quantum Field Theory using a space-time lattice and Monte Carlo Simulation techniques. The introduction comprising the first twenty pages or so constitute the most useful part of this work where the basic formalism and its logical basis is briefly outlined with due emphasis on the extraction of continuum limit and connection to phenomenology. The rest of the book serves to provide illustrations, in rather simple and familiar settings, of how some of the aspects of the formalism are carried out in practice. The reader will also, hopefully, find the appendices useful. In particular, the section on estimators and uncertainties is of practical value and fundamental importance to the technique discussed here. ····· 10361132017

Elementar-`Teilchen` und die Relativitätstheorie

für 16.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Elementar-`Teilchen` bestehen aus einem mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit schwingenden Energie-Paket, lassen dadurch Raum und Zeit entstehen und begründen somit die Effekte der Speziellen und Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. ····· 10361121207

Patient Dosimetry and Quality Control in Diagnostic Radiology

····· lezzter Preis 61.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book comprises a thesis submitted to the Atomic Energy Council, Sudan Academy of Sciences (SAS) in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Medical Radiation Physics. The themes covered in the thesis include patient dosimetry and optimization in medical X-ray examinations, radiation protection aspects of equipment requirements, specification for digital and interventional radiology and a detailed description of elements of a developed quality control protocol for digital and interventional radiology. The Book contains chapters on basic radiation physics concepts, dosimetric quantities and units, radiation protection and radiation protection quantities, dosimetric quantities used in diagnostic radiology and key conceptual principles about medical imaging and digital radiology. The research materials and methods used in the study are described together with the results of experimental measurements performed. ····· 10361119610

Correlations, Stabilities and Black Holes in String Theory and M-Theory

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The present research offers thermodynamic geometric properties of black holes in string theory and M-theory. It systematically investigates the state-space and conformally related chemical geometries for extremal and non-extremal black holes, black strings, black rings and supertubes in four and higher spacetime dimensions. From the perspective of the intrinsic differential geometry, the questions of stability, regularity, existence of critical phenomena and phase transitions have been analyzed for charged anticharged black holes in a given basin of attractor. For the two parameter half BPS giants and superstars, an ensemble of arbitrary liquid droplets or irregular shaped fuzzballs shows that the chemical correlations involve ordinary summations, while the state-space correlations are depicted by standard polygamma functions. The state-space geometry provides definite stability character to black brane configurations under both the Planck length corrections and higher derivative stringy corrections. Perspective research includes D-branes, attractor mechanism, topological trees, Calabi-Yau compactifications, moduli space geometry and algebraic geometry. ····· 10361119344

Chetyrekhfermionnye modeli v elektroslabykh i sil`nykh vzaimodeystviyakh

für 58.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
S pomoshch`yu metoda funktsional`nogo integrirovaniya issledovano dinamicheskoe obrazovanie mass poley elementarnykh chastits v razlichnykh chetyrekhfermionnykh modelyakh s gruppami vnutrennikh simmetriy SU(2), SU(3), SU(5) i s narusheniem SR-chetnosti. Postroeny tozhdestva Uorda-Takakhashi, uravneniya Daysona-Shvingera i vychesleno polnoe effektivnoe deystvie. Predlozhena model` elektroslabykh vzaimodeystviy bez ispol`zovaniya fundamental`mykh poley Khiggsa. Massy leptonov i promezhutochnykh vektornykh bozonov formiruyutsya blagodarya nenulevomu kvarkovomu kondensatu. V predlozhennoy modeli sushchestvuet sostavnoy bozon Khiggsa kotoryy yavlyaetsya kollektivnym sostoyaniem leptonov i kvarkov. Rassmotreny neperturbativnye effekty v sil`nykh vzaimodeystviyakh. V nizkoenergeticheskom predele kvantovoy khromodinamiki (KKhD) ustanovleno narushenie kiral`noy simmetrii i poluchen effektivnyy lagranzhian chetyrekhkvarkovogo vzaimodeystviya. V rassmatrivaemom podkhode naydeny velichiny mass legkikh skalyarnykh i psevdoskalyarnykh bozonov. Pokazano chto lagranzhian s chetyrekhkvarkovym vzaimodeystviem daet opisanie promezhutochnoy oblasti sil`nykh vzaimodeystviy, lezhashchey mezhdu oblastyami asimptoticheskoy svobody i konfaynmenta kvarkov. ····· 10361119245

Transverse Momentum Physics in hA and AA Interactions at High Energy

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It is believed that the matter and radiation in the Universe were formed some fifteen billion years ago after a huge bang, called Big Bang. A fireball was created in this big bang. Now challenge is that how the fireball changed to the Universe we live in today. As laws of physics are improving day by day, we are becoming able to look further back in time, and to get knowledge about the evolution of this Universe. It is believed that matter and antimatter created in the big-bang were in equal amounts and also it is said that most of the antimatter was annihilated on matter during the formation of the Universe. This antimatter annihilation started when most of the matter we see in the Universe today was already in the form of hadrons made of quarks. But before this hadronized Universe, it had passed through a phase of quarks and gluons in free states. Physics of Quark Gluon Plasma QGP is the field in which physicists are trying to recreate this phase, and to study it in the laboratory. ····· 10361118434

Nuclear Fuel Rod Cracking

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Iodine induced stress corrosion cracking (I-SCC) in nuclear fuel rod sheathing is problematic for all nuclear reactors. The new Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) is discussed as a reactor design requiring related mitigation measures owing to a higher burn up and its unique refuelling scheme. A consequential release of iodine by the fuel pellets leads to stress corrosion induced failures and in extreme conditions can result in the release of radioactive contaminates into the atmosphere. This phenomenon is best exemplified by the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant in Japan, March 2011, where melted fuel rods burnt holes in the containment vessels causing the release of radioactive iodine over land and the Pacific Ocean. This book develops a mechanistic kinetic model of the chemistry and thermodynamics in the fuel-to-sheath gap. The study also proposes remedies for I-SCC and suggests possible experimentation. The research in this book has been referenced in journal articles and conference proceedings. This book will be particularly useful as a reference source for professionals in the nuclear industry and others studying thermodynamics and kinetics. ····· 10361118330

Arsenic Contamination of Boreholes in the western region of Ghana

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Surveillance of drinking water is a necessary action intended to prevent the general public from contaminating water borne diseases. In this study, arsenic concentrations in 22 borehole water samples from various locations in the Wassa West district have been studied using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. The samples were irradiated using a 30 kW tank-in-pool Ghana Research Reactor-1 operating at a thermal neutron flux of 5 × 10 n s 1 cm-2. Elevated levels of arsenic were found in virtually all the 22 samples. Arsenic concentration in the samples ranged from 0.06 ppm to 9.43 ppm. (Mean-2.23, Standard Error of Mean-0.57) These values far exceed the World Health Organization s recommended value of 0.01 ppm for arsenic in drinking water. The occurrence of arsenic in the area is traced to the existence of sulphide minerals such as arsenopyrites (FeAsS2) present in the underlying Birimian Basement rocks in the area. ····· 10361117967

Extra Gauge Bosons in E6 Models

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The decay width of the extra boson is calculated numerically in effective rank 5 models for different mixing angles of the model and for different mass values of the extra boson. The decay width of the boson to the Standard Model (SM) fermions is found to be between 4.42 and 19.36 GeV and the full decay width of boson to all particles is found to be between 20.87 and 37.15 GeV. In this thesis after giving the basics of the Standard Model, Supersymmetry (SUSY), Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MMSM) and Extra Gauge Bosons we calculated the decay width for the Standard Model boson and then the decay width to the SM fermions for boson for different mixing angles and masses. Finally, we calculated the full decay width at the angle for and . ····· 10361117919

Overall Uncertainty Analysis

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A study to perform an uncertainty analysis of the European accident consequence assessment system, Cosyma, has been carried out under contract to the European Commission. The study involved a series of analysis of the uncertainty in different sections of the system, followed by a final analysis of the uncertainty in the whole system. The overall aims of the study can be summarised as: - to formulate a state-of-the-art expert judgment methodology which is capable of finding broad acceptance - to apply the methodology to estimate uncertainties associated with the predictions of the probabilistic accident consequence system, Cosyma - to provide an input to identifying future research and development priorities. Uncertainties analysis involves specifying probability distributions for the values of each of the parameters involved, sampling sets of values from those distributions and propagating them through the model to derive information on the uncertainty in the model prediction. Those parameters whose uncertainties make major contributions to the overall uncertainty can then be identified using correlation coefficients between the input values and the model outputs. ····· 10361117731

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