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The Fight For Monopoly

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This study was conducted to cast light on the process of liberalising the European Union energy market, with focus on the negotiation process from the Second to the Third Liberalisation Package of the Electricity and Gas market. The thesis seeks to analyze how the preferences of EU Member States influenced this process. Hence addresses the importance of Member State power in EU legislation. Addressing this, the thesis applies Moravcsik`s theory of Liberal Intergovern- mentalism. Derived from this theoretical approach, investigations are conducted into the area of Member States preferences with special focus on Germany and France and the coalition they formed during the process. And further how these preferences influenced the negotiation process and if these preferences changed during the period. ····· 10361102960

Chávez, The Venezuelan Petro State and Foreign Policy

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This book explores the behaviour of Venezuela within the international state system. What explains Venezuela`s recent international protagonism Is it Hugo Chávez and his `21st Century Socialism` Or is it simply a matter of high oil prices and Washington`s hostile stance towards center of left regimes in Latin America Dissatisfied by traditional theories on International Relations and The Natural Resource Curse, Remi Lehmann analyzes Venezuelan foreign policy since 1989: from the neoliberal oriented governments of Carlos Andrés Pérez and Rafael Caldera to Hugo Chávez. From FTAA tot ALBA, from OAS to UNASUR, the Argentine bailout and the reinsertion of Cuba into Latin-American politics. Taking into account the country`s political framework, its dependendence on oil rents and the controversial regime of Hugo Chavez, an explanation is offered for both differences and similarities in Venezuelan foreign policy over time. ····· 10361102839

Interventionist Foreign Policy

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This study set out to answer one critical question, namely,what is the most parsimonious theory that explains Uganda`s interventionist foreign policy behaviour in three of its neighbouring states of Burundi,Rwanda and the DRC during 1986-2006.Drawing on four theoretical approaches,viz.Constructivism, Poliheurism,Liberalism and the Security Dilemma theory,which is a variant of Realism,It is argued that,the Security Dilemma theory is the most parsimonious theoretical perspective because it explains multiple exercises of Uganda`s interventions in its western neighbouring states.Where the Security Dilemma is unable to explain Uganda`s interventionist foreign policy,it requires other theories to complement it to explain all the interventions conclusively.Alternative theories drawn upon to complement the Security Dilemma are Constructivism, Poliheurism and the Utilitarian Liberal position. The study argues that although the use of a single theoretical approach may indeed be able to explain a specific intervention at a given time,it may not be sufficiently comprehensive to encapsulate Uganda`s interventionist foreign policy in all three states thus the application of multiple theories. ····· 10361102661

The future of the CFSP and ESDP after the enlargement

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In the past decade there have been significant changes in the world order. Arising terrorism, possible nuclear arms race, escalating regional conflicts, state failure and organised crime are considerable factors in the global world. The European Union has to answer for these challenges, by the recent enlargements, representing the population of the rest of Europe. The Common Foreign and Security Policy, and the relatively recently born European Security and Defence Policy are the tools for the EU to act, to prevent and to fight against these problems. . In the widened European Union, the decision making procedures are more difficult, reaching a common consensus is even harder. In my work I look over some problematic questions regarding the future prospects of the EU. In the negative wave of the constitutional referenda, questions emerge: what are the possibilities for the ESDP/CFSP in order to not to be stopped in their developing process The disagreement in the future institutional reforms will have a break on the development of the EU ····· 10361102522

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

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This book contributes to answering the question whether or not there is a chance to successfully prevent the eruption of violent conflict in Zimbabwe by taking preventive diplomatic action. In order to do so, it first defines the concept of preventive diplomacy and discusses its viability and strategic value. Next, it develops a theoretical model outlining and weighing situational conditions perceived to be either essential for, or contributing to, successful preventive diplomatic intervention in interstate disputes. After having analyzed the political situation in Zimbabwe, the thesis comes to the conclusion that the chance for successful preventive diplomatic intervention is slim at best. Despite clear international willingness to engage in and support preventive diplomatic efforts, combined with ample availability of sufficient financial means and information, Mugabe`s corrupt patronage systems and other domestic pressures to preserve the current situation still manage to diminish virtually any chance to prevent the situation from worsening in Zimbabwe. ····· 10361102435

Constructive Sovereignty

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Constructive Sovereignty is an emerging international relations (IR) model intended to allow IR scholars to address changing international realities. Specifically, the model endogenizes phenomena such as non-state actors and globalization`s increasing onslaught against state sovereignty. Constructive Sovereignty maintains that states are not the primary actors, their constituents are. Therefore preferences are not fixed as in state-centric models. Since states merely represent the preferences of their respective constituents, they will only adhere to and ultimately embed those international norms that their constituents will accept. However, rather than attempting to explain, describe and predict the adoption of such international norms via the influence of international organizations (as with liberalism`s top-down approach), or via state- centric regimes (as with neo-liberalism`s bottom-up approach), Constructive Sovereignty posits that ultimately change comes from the inside out. ····· 10361102405

EU Energy Security Policy

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The purpose of this research is to measure how well the EU has balanced two of the stated primary aims in their energy policy strategy those of sustainability and supply security. The central research question is `How effective is EU energy policy strategy in balancing the conflicting/complementary aims of sustainability and supply security ` The focus in particular is on the two problems of climate change and energy scarcity and how the EU has responded to these conceptually in terms of policy initiatives and more concretely in implementation. Three theories are employed to conduct this research. In order to analyse the energy scarcity aspect of this research critical geopolitics and in particular the scarcity model is used. Neo-Gramscian analysis is used as a means to describe the emergence of the powerful EU climate regime. Ecological modernization theory is used to analyse the way in which the EU has approached the aim of energy sustainability and how this in turn affects the approach to supply security. The study concludes with policy recommendations based on major findings. ····· 10361102347

On Olympic Boycotts

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Is an Olympic Boycott an effective political tool or is it just misusing an international sports feast Olympic history has seen many boycotts of the Games, mostly initiated by political actors. The Olympic charter forbids political influence, but politicians/states are not bound by this charter. On other sanctions, like economic sanctions, they are bound by international law. This study examines whether Olympic boycotts do meet those standards. The historical Olympic boycott cases are scored on nine conditions of appropriateness, derived from international law and an extensive study on effectiveness of economic sanctions. This research shows that none of the Olympic boycotts meet that standard for appropriateness sufficiently. It is very unlikely that any possible future Olympic boycott can be an appropriate political mean. This study offers grounds for a debate on sports boycotts and is useful for politicians, the IOC and other international sport federations, scholars in the field of international sport as well as in the broader field of sanctions. Because of its extensive descriptions of Olympism and nine Olympic Games this book is exiting for anyone interested in Olympism. ····· 10361102339


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The study argues that the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan is neither an emotional issue nor purely an ideological tangle but equally, if not more so, an issue of realpolitik which is inherent in the nature of the territory of Kashmir. This dimension of the Kashmir dispute was overshadowed in the wake of the Indian move to raise the Kashmir issue at the UNSC in 1948. The importance of the territory lies in its wealth of water resources of the world`s mighty Indus River System comprising the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej rivers, serving as the jugular vein` of Pakistan`s agrarian economy. India is not prepared to lose the upper- riparian status and Pakistan is fearful of its vulnerabilities. Kashmir issue is also a question of control of the life-giving rivers in upstream originating from the territory of Kashmir, parts of which were captured by both India and Pakistan in 1948. The study highlights the linkage of the Indus rivers resource with political thinking, strategic planning and warfare between India and Pakistan in the past and comprehends its future role in the security calculus of the region. ····· 10361102190

Algeria: An account of International Politics

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The evolution of Algerian foreign policy from colonial rule to post independence is rich with events that marked international politics. Not enough is available about Algerian foreign policy stances and their echo in International Politics. Furthermore, there is a need to examine the role ideology played in the making and implementation of Algeria`s foreign policy after independence, especially under President Houari Boumedienne (1965- 1978) and to assess the factors behind the ideological stances of the regime as well as the underlying causes behind the pragmatic foreign policy postures that the regime adopted at the same time. It is necessary to understand the way pragmatism in President Houari Boumedienne`s dealings with the outside world was an inevitable option based on national interest calculations. This is despite the ideological overtures of the Boumedienne regime. Algerian foreign policy under President Houari Boumedienne rule (1965-1978) makes a good case study because of the particular role that ideology played in the making and implementation of foreign policy during this period. ····· 10361102154

The Rise of Iran and the New Cold War in the Middle East

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This work explores the relationship between the global` and the regional` in the making of the security dynamics of the Middle East. It examines how local actors in the Middle East were affected by the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and its consequences and how a new security structure was constructed in the region. In many aspects, Iraq War was unique in the modern history of the Middle East it was the first time after decolonization that an external power invades and occupies an Arab/Islamic/Middle Eastern state. This work particularly analyzes how the invasion of Iraq affected two main variables: patterns of amity and enmity and balance of power in the Middle East. It also portrays how Iran`s increasing influence in the region culminated in a new cold war that engaged all Middle East`s regional powers. To this effect, politics of Lebanon War in 2006 and Gaza War in 2009 are investigated. ····· 10361102027

Public Opinion and Turkey`s EU Membership: an Obstacle or a Challenge?

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This research is concerned with the accession of Turkey to the European Union. Turkey has been a candidate member state of the EU since 1999, and accession negotiations finally started in October 2005. From the very beginning of these negotiations on, there has been fierce public opposition against Turkish accession in the Member States of the EU - which is without historical precedent. This public opposition is central in this study. The focus of the present research is on the effects of public opinion on the process of foreign policy making as regards Turkish accession to the EU in the Netherlands. Although there are (net) benefits for the Netherlands to Turkish membership, many political parties in the Netherlands are reluctant to let Turkey become a member. This research argues that a focus on material interests - such as economic interests or security - alone offers an inadequate explanation of key developments in European integration. ····· 10361101975

China - Myanmar Relations

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China and Myanmar share a common history and strong economic ties. China is currently the largest investor and trading partner of Myanmar, while Myanmar forms only a small portion of China`s input. In the past, China`s ambition for fast economic growth had taken precedence over all other issues, but in recent years it also started to pay attention to its international reputation as was demonstrated during the last Olympic Games. Given Myanmar`s unenviable record of human rights, what will be the future of Sino-Myanmar relations in the next five to ten years ····· 10361101925

Interdependence between Energy and Foreign Policy

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Since energy has an impact on economy and security of countries, there is a direct link between energy and foreign policy. Energy is perceived as a way to make national foreign policy goals achieved. Therefore, energy relations between countries in the world take place at a larger context rather than just an energy issue. Analyzing the reasons behind the 1973 oil embargo clearly shows how energy can be used as a political weapon to achieve foreign policy goals. Russia is a very important actor in the field of energy. It is currently being accused of building energy leverage over the importing and transit countries in order to regain power and reputation which it lost since the Cold War. Turkey is a crucial energy transit country because it is so close to large energy supplier and consumer countries. Turkey is considered that it uses its geostrategic position as leverage to be a hegemony player in the region. While the approach of using energy as a political tool may seem successful in short time, it has been considered as very risky for long term period. ····· 10361101911

Democratic South Africa`s Response to Terror

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Formulating and executing strategies to respond to terrorism are challenges for democratic states. Not only should the strategies be efficient, but also not at the cost of human rights, the rule of law and the Constitution. During the mid-1990s to 2001, South Africa was the victim of numerous terrorist acts carried out by the People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD). This book discusses the problems and the methods used to combat domestic terrorism in constitutional democracies as well as the problems encountered by democratic South Africa in responding to PAGAD bearing in mind the legal-constitutional and the political constraints that this democracy faces. Using PAGAD as a case-study and discussing and analyzing the South African counter-terrorism strategies that were used against PAGAD, many interesting features are observed which clearly show that, while South Africa exemplified the problems that older constitutional democracies face when responding to terrorism, the country also deviated from what is usually expected from a constitutional democracy responding to terrorism. ····· 10361101790

J Street and U.S Decision Making

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The presence and acceptance of J Street in Washington allows American citizens to organize and form a group that supports Israel but may question some tenants of the U.S- Israel Relationship. J Street, is an example, of President Obama Administration`s commitment towards American citizenship and ideas of democracy. J Street s effort to lobby the President to pursue stronger efforts for a two-state solution entwines the democratic struggle in Israel and America. ····· 10361101757

Public Sector Environmental Accountability

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Public Sector Environmental Accountability is a very new concept related to how societies and in particular governments are trying to ensure sustainable development. The main question of this research is: what are doing Australia, Mexico and United States governments about environmental accountability The work identifies historical and theoretical development of environmental accountability concept. And provides results from a bibliographic, academic magazines, newspapers and websites research about legal framework, institutions, and procedures developed by each country to deal with accountability of environmental issues. With a very strong theoretical research text shows where it comes from What it is And what are the elements of a national environmental accountability system As a comparative analysis the convergences and differences of each national system are exposed supporting data with graphs and figures. And in conclusions part, some challenges, strategies and recommendations are remarked to improve national environmental accountability systems, specially in order to deal with public sector organizations. ····· 10361101747


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The main rules of the deterrence theory as well as the policy were formed during the Cold War in the framework of the bipolar interaction of the Unites States and the Soviet Union. After the breakup of the USSR and the bipolar world order the new global security system with the new challenges has emerged. Russia as the successor of the Soviet Union inherited its huge nuclear potential, today comparable only with the potential of the United States. The main aim of the book is to answer the question how the deterrence policies of the nuclear superpowers (Russia and the United States) have been transformed since the end of the Cold War and how this transformation influences the classic rules of the deterrence theory. ····· 10361101683

Divides and Rules

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Divides and Rules deals with a crucial episode of the democratization movement in Zimbabwe, the 2005 Parliamentary elections. In the wake of these elections, which were allegedly won through massive fraud by the ruling Zanu-PF party, the opposition party MDC and the various civic actors engaged in opposition politics faced a number of dilemmas. How to proceed, how to relate to each other, what strategic action to undertake these were crucial questions. In analyzing the Zimbabwean situation, Divides and Rules makes a contribution to theoretical discussions on how to make understandable complex political processes such as democratization, principally by applying the dilemma approach proposed by James M. Jasper (2004). Central to this is that analysis should rest on the micro- foundations of social behavior, namely human agency and choice, while simultaneously situating these in their institutional and wider cultural settings. ····· 10361101659

Ankara-Baghdad-Erbil Triangular Relationship

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The triangular relationship Ankara-Baghdad-Erbil underwent various developments deriving from political and constitutional processes, cultural and ethnic aspects (Kurdish inhabitants in Iraq and Turkey vs. resp. Arabs and Turks) and geographical aspects (immense hydrocarbon wealth underneath Iraqi soil). In this work, the effects of current and prospective oilfields in northern Iraq on the triangular relationship are analysed for the first time. The existing conflictive developments herein will be analysed: regional and national politics, disputed territories, Iraqi constitutional and election processes, allocation of revenue of prospective oil fields in northern Iraq, presence of PKK in northern Iraq`s Qandil Mountains. The ultimate development (or better put, the lack of it) is the Kirkuk conundrum in which all Ankara-Baghdad-Erbil conflicts are aggregated. For everyone with an interest in the modern history of Turkey and Iraq and the status of northern Iraq`s oil sector, this work provides a concise overview of the developments at stake within the Ankara-Baghdad-Erbil triangular relationship. Hence, this work is essential for every IR-student with a Middle Eastern curriculum. ····· 10361101643

The Role of United Nations in Local Crises

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The meaning and legality which has given to the concept of intervention has been evolved through the history. Today in contemporary world, human rights are one of the main concerning issues and therefore we come across with a new idea such as humanitarian intervention. Especially with the foundation of United Nations, the expectations and the legal meaning which has given to the idea of humanitarian intervention have increased. However, it can not be denied that this kind of intervention has social, political and military consequences. At this point, we come across with the question: Does humanitarian intervention eliminate the state sovereignty This study recovers the necessity of humanitarian intervention and its connection with sovereignty. ····· 10361101610

Weapons For Oil

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In many works on the relationship of the USA and the Middle East is always one of the most debated issues the degree of the U.S. dependency on oil imports from this region and U.S. vulnerability to their possible suspension. Although this is a very serious issue, there are only few studies that put it in the context of other major Western countries. In turn, the USA provide most Gulf states a military protection, through which they tie them tightly to themselves. The goal of my work is to assess a degree of dependency of the United States and Saudi Arabia on the two most strategic commodities - oil and arms. To answer this question, I made a mutual comparison and analysis of data especially U.S. governmental resources which helped me to confirm and refute some general claims. I was able to demonstrate that in many respects the issue of energy and military dependency is a far more complex because it works in both directions. This work thus removes some clichés about the U.S.-Saudi relationship and is useful to all who are interested in their military and energy relations in various perspectives and issues of energy security in general. ····· 10361101594

Assessment of the United Nations` intervention in Rwanda

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Peacekeeping and the role expected to be played by the UN have undergone serious changes. The shadow of Somalia deeply influenced the mandating of future mission while the U.S, through the PDD25, changed its course of policy towards UN Peacekeeping operations. The Rwandan 1994 genocide is of particular significance in the sense that it illustrates the challenges and difficulties encountered by the international community and the UN to correspond adequately to intra-state conflicts. The Rwandan genocide could not be prevented although UN Peacekeeping troops were on the ground prior to and during the massacres - in a period of hundred days, nearly one million people have lost their lives. Foremost, the book aims at evaluating the UN involvement in Rwanda, especially through the intervention of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). Subsequently, the mission`s mandate and its inherent challenges and difficulties encountered will be examined. The final part will scrutinize which, if any, lessons have been learnt from Rwanda and will portray weaknesses of UN Peacekeeping operations. ····· 10361101579


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The literature on democratization privileges the role of the internal factors and at best neglect the importance of the international factors. Such scholarships have emphasized a wide variety of domestic actors like the degree of state control, strength of civil society and role of the military.The need therefore to reexamine the increasing importance of the external dimension which seems neglected has been emphasized. By employing time tested theory this book offers a critical attempt at bringing such factors to light by critically assessing the role of the external factors in Ghana`s democratization process. This is done by subjecting two key players in Ghana`s democracy drive in the light of their democracy promotion effort and their effectiveness. ····· 10361101540

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