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Assessment of the United Nations` intervention in Rwanda

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Peacekeeping and the role expected to be played by the UN have undergone serious changes. The shadow of Somalia deeply influenced the mandating of future mission while the U.S, through the PDD25, changed its course of policy towards UN Peacekeeping operations. The Rwandan 1994 genocide is of particular significance in the sense that it illustrates the challenges and difficulties encountered by the international community and the UN to correspond adequately to intra-state conflicts. The Rwandan genocide could not be prevented although UN Peacekeeping troops were on the ground prior to and during the massacres - in a period of hundred days, nearly one million people have lost their lives. Foremost, the book aims at evaluating the UN involvement in Rwanda, especially through the intervention of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). Subsequently, the mission`s mandate and its inherent challenges and difficulties encountered will be examined. The final part will scrutinize which, if any, lessons have been learnt from Rwanda and will portray weaknesses of UN Peacekeeping operations. ····· 10361101579


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The literature on democratization privileges the role of the internal factors and at best neglect the importance of the international factors. Such scholarships have emphasized a wide variety of domestic actors like the degree of state control, strength of civil society and role of the military.The need therefore to reexamine the increasing importance of the external dimension which seems neglected has been emphasized. By employing time tested theory this book offers a critical attempt at bringing such factors to light by critically assessing the role of the external factors in Ghana`s democratization process. This is done by subjecting two key players in Ghana`s democracy drive in the light of their democracy promotion effort and their effectiveness. ····· 10361101540

News media and religious terrorism. A vicious circle?

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This thesis analyzes the relationship between two of the most controversial actors of the 21st century, news media and religious terrorism. How they affect our lives, how they influence one another and how they connect on a global scale, are just a few questions I tried to answer to, looking back at some important events that changed the perception of terrorism worldwide and took news media to other dimensions. Nevertheless, this thesis builds a parallel between U.S./Western Europe news media channels and the Arabic ones, at the clash of worlds they represent. ····· 10361101526

EU-Russia Energy Relations after the Lisbon Treaty

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Current work highlights EU-Russia energy relations at present stage. The author examines main documents related to the energy sphere of EU-Russia cooperation and explains why the European Union and Russia have got different perceptions and approaches. Special attention is given to the cooperation after the Lisbon Treaty. This Treaty changes a lot in the EU energy policy creating new mechanisms for further integration in this sphere forming a legal basis for such documents as 2nd strategic energy review, 3rd energy liberalization package. Thus, it can lead to gradual emergence of EU common energy policy. ····· 10361101504

Foreign Policy of the Republic of Mali Since Independence (1960-2002)

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This work examines the foreign policy of the Republic of Mali since independence from France in 1960 to 2002. It addresses the following questions: Mali`s foreign policy objectives, the determinants of Malian foreign policy, the instruments and tools that have been used in order to achieve these objectives. The theory of political realism is applied to scrutinize and highlight foreign policy of Mali. This work analyzes Mali`s case study as it explores foreign policy in terms of its perception as to what defines its national interests. It identifies that the essential foreign policy objective of Mali has been the achievement of political stability and economic development for the country in the African region. The main objective reflected its foreign policy in maintaining organic links with France, and controlling the environment in the region to sustain cheap labor. Mali actively mobilized its instruments & tools to achieve its foreign policy objectives. The work used several variables: historical events, political data, cultural & economic factors as major indicators that determine the objectives of Mali`s foreign policy towards other states. ····· 10361101399

Embeddedness of Humanitarian Mine Action

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In post-conflict situations, landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) have a devastating effect on the population, blocking sustainable development. The cost of the placement of a landmine is very low, the cost of the removal is very high. The annual number of casualties in the whole world is between 15.000 and 20.000 civilians. Even a suspicion of the presence of landmines can already have a devastating effect on communities and their social-economic well being. This research describes the evaluation of the humanitarian mine action (HMA) programs that are funded by the Netherlands for the period 1996-2004. The programs are evaluated specifically on their embeddedness into a broader development strategy. Embeddedness has increasingly attracted attention, because landmines and ERW are a direct threat to individuals and communities, but also indirectly by being a barrier for short-term emergency interventions and long-term development efforts. This research is specifically interesting for organizations in the HMA sector. The research is also relevant for other organizations in the development aid sector that work in countries that are contaminated. ····· 10361101300

Impact of the European Union upon Democratization in Ukraine

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The research explores effectiveness of EU democratization policies towards Ukraine. The time-frame covers period from signing-up of the PCA between the EU and Ukraine in June 1994 till February 2007, when the latest evaluation of the ENP Action Plan for Ukraine was done. EU strategic interests towards Ukraine always predetermined character of democratic conditions and size of rewards suggested to Ukraine for the implementation of democratic reforms. The fact that the EU is not yet ready to integrate Ukraine into its institutions explains the vagueness of democratic conditions and mere scope of political incentives. Nevertheless, even providing precise and negative` democratic conditionality for Ukraine, the EU hardly intends to break relationship and leave Ukraine out of the European orbit even if Ukraine violates democratic provisions. After the Orange revolution, shift in the political regime of the country proved that pro-democratic government can implement democratic reforms even under imprecise conditions from the side of EU. Integration incentives could have contributed to stability of democratic initiatives of new Ukrainian government. ····· 10361101214

Glasnost, Perestroika and The New Thinking

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Mikhail Gorbachev`s visions of a reformulated Soviet Union encompassing glasnost, perestroika and The New Thinking after the abrupt departure of the ailing Konstantin Chernenko revolutionized Soviet foreign policy and the CPSU as well. Though mentored by the infamous Yuri Andropov, Gorbachev was not a product of the Great Patriotic War but rather a new-age Russian technocrat who realized that the experiment of the CPSU was coming to a close. He could not anticipate that he would unleash a dynamic torrent of unintended consequences that would cause the implosion of the entire Soviet Union and its satellite system transforming the Russian experiment in socialism to a new phase of experimental engagement with western-style democracy. Students of the political dynamics of the Russian empire will observe the evolutionary nature of the transition that the visionary Gorbachev precipitated. Historians and comparative political scientists will understand the gravity and important implications that this dramatic twist in Russian political history has wrought and the continued dramatic changes in store for the Medvedev-Putin siloviki administration in the current nationalized Russian state. ····· 10361101160

A Critical Assessment of Hydropolitics in Southern Africa

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Towards the Establishment of an International Water Regime in Southern Africa Water security in the Southern African region is increasingly being acknowledged as an issue of real concern given rising demographic patterns and its indispensable role in the economic development of sectors such as industry and agriculture. Since the flow of water does not respect political boundaries, co-operation in measures leading to consultations, joint planning and water management frameworks remain the only options for a sustainable future in a prevailing emerging era of ecological interdependence. It is therefore imperative that basin-wide regimes redressing the institutional and legal framework governing water rights and allocation issues be established at the regional level in order to promote equity in the utilisation of shared water resources as envisaged in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Water Protocol. ····· 10361101006

Russian Gas Policy and the EU Energy Security

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The relations between Russia and the European Union served as a topic for research for a number of authors, of Russian and European, as well as of the other , like Japanese or the US, origins. Gas issue is discussed in a few of them. This book discovers specific characteristics of Russia- EU partnership, in particular regarding gas policies. It aims at defining the evolution of the European Union policies in regards to the energy security and the gas policy of Russia as the main energy supplier to Europe. ····· 10361100969

Nuclearization of South Asia

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Strategic considerations and security concerns continued to influence the study of the nuclearization of South Asia. The Indo-Pak struggle for the deterrent capability has always been in conflict with the norms as well as the writ of the global nonproliferation regime that encompasses several treaties, extensive multilateral and bilateral diplomatic agreements, multilateral organizations and domestic agencies, and the domestic laws of participating countries. The non-proliferation regime lacks the instruments which are universally acceptable. In case of South Asian nuclearization, nuclear acquisitions were somehow dependent on the international non- proliferation regime which has been moderated by the interests of great powers, especially the Cold War blocks and their policies subject to the nonproliferation. Regional conflicts further intervened and proved to be benefiting South Asian nuclear desire. The main objective of this monograph is to highlight the issues that have challenged the writ of global non-proliferation regime. ····· 10361100923

Slovak youth and the European identity

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What is `Europe` for Slovak youth What do young Slovaks mean when they say that they feel `European` Slovakia has come through difficult transformation process. After the fall of communism in 1989, Slovakia became an independent state in 1993. Just eleven years after, Slovak Republic entered the European Union and in 2008 joined the Euro zone. What impact do these significant social changes have on youth Author belongs to the young Slovak generation who experienced all above mentioned changes. In this book author examines the Slovak youth and she also tries to find out whether they turn more to the EU level for their political or individual goals, or whether their socio-political horizon does remain mainly national. Author aims at the correlation between Slovak national identity and Europeanization. She also attempts to find out whether the so called `shift of loyalties` is actually happening in Slovakia. To put it in a nutshell, the author tries to discover whether or not the young generation in Slovakia has moved from nation-state to Europe. This book may be useful to all people interested in the current issue of the `European identity`. ····· 10361100911

Readjusting Government

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Since the 1980s public sector reform has been a dominant and lasting theme in notably the OECD countries. `Readjusting Government` is a comparative study of two recent Belgian and Dutch reform programs, respectively Copernicus and Andere Overheid (PAO). By adopting a similar case study approach this study aims to find lessons, best practices and recommendations to improve the working of administrative systems in modern day societies. To this end both case studies have been described and analysed in a structured manner, leading up to conclusions and recommendations to readjust government. ····· 10361100900

Transformation of Democracy in Croatia

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Europeanization suggests the progress of transformation, whose outcome does not only imply the political democratisation and implementation of market economy, but moreover it offers the EU membership as an outcome. Transformation in Croatia was not an easy one, nor the most rapid one, but it was certainly very interesting as it did not follow the classical transitional processes of post communist countries. However, it came to the last phase and today it is successfully consolidating democracy. This study explores the transformation process of Croatia through three different phases: pre-transition, transition and consolidation phase. The research is concentrating mainly on the evolution of democratisation process and on the external influences that had impact on the consolidation of democracy. It assumes that democratic consolidation in Croatia is not completely natural it is a product of political engagement to satisfy the demands of the EU for the accession. In that context, the question of the EU - Croatian partnership will be evoked, as during the research one could not help but realise that no one wants to be governed by the puppet government . ····· 10361100887

On the Limits and Possibilities of Environmental Governance

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This work aims to analyze partnerships between communities and businesses in the Forestry sector in Brazil and the question to be answered is whether business-community partnerships can be considered a governance mode in the Brazilian context. While the theoretical framework for the analysis relies on recent political science literature on governance and policy implementation, the analytical framework is based on a neo-institutional approach to the interaction between the partners. The model of analysis identifies the main actors in the partnership and aims to analyze the fulfillment of socio-economic demands by looking into the contractual agreement between these parties, examining the partners` perception of the agreement itself, touching the role of the state and its agencies as mediators and issues such as culture and identity. The puzzle to be solved is whether, given the economic benefits out of the contractual agreement between partners, such partnerships can be considered a durable win-win situation. ····· 10361100813

A study of Organised Crime from an International Relations perspective

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This study examines the current state of Albanian Organised Crime from an International Relations perspective, focusing mainly on its transnational aspect it also argues that an inherited lack of a well established state, and a poor and mistrusted institutional apparatus have served as fertile grounds for the cultivation and export of Organised Crime. As a result of a solid structure and highly secretive organisation, Albanian Organised Crime will continue to constitute an international concern, and a threat to state sovereignty and security, in the Balkan region, in Europe, and indeed beyond - unless it is tackled at all levels of its hierarchy. ····· 10361100810


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This book examines the relations between European Union and the region of western Balkans with special accent on the Republic of Macedonia that is current a candidate country for EU membership. We are trying to give an overview of the recent history of the western Balkans and the EU involvement in it, as well as their current relations. The story of EU becoming an independent and global actor in foreign policy is a story of the ways of EU dealing with the problems within its own yard western Balkans. The analysis should put some lights on the EU-western Balkan relations, the reasons behind and the possible future development. The book will be helpful for young researchers in the international relations filed especially interest in the Balkan area states. ····· 10361100794

Globalization and Peace Security in Africa

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The concept of global security has greatly evolved from what we knew it to be for a long time in the past. The old bi-polar international According to Professor Makumi Mwagiru a well-known Kenya scholar point out that international system that remained an inadequate barrier regulated relations between states has drastically restructured itself against the changing threats, needs and requirements of states, but has nevertheless remained an inadequate barrier for international peace and security. he also than be points out that today, the main threats to international peace are rooted in situations within states rather than between states. The books initiates a profiling of Africa`s role in globalization security agenda setting.Remakable, ground breaking acheievement, capturing the complex texture of a rapidly changing contitinent. it is also terribly moving. Every time you try to say africa is the wors crumble anountries break. From every generation you must exclude at least five countries.And just as you think you have nailed down a certainty you find opposite is also true. ····· 10361100782

EU`s Natural Gas Supply Between Russia and Central Asia

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Energy security in Europe is one of the most important issues for sustainable development. Having no or only limited energy resources, most European countries are in need of oil and natural gas supplies. However, heavy demand for natural gas from Russia makes the majority of EU Member States absolutely dependent on Russian gas. This sometimes brings unfavorable consequences and drives the EU to search for such alternative sources as Central Asia. This book contains three interconnected chapters which study the partnership between the EU, Russia, and Central Asia and analyzes future perspectives for cooperation especially in the field of natural gas supply. Furthermore, the book reveals the benefits and obstacles deriving from the interests of each, thus creating a picture of possible collaboration between them. Besides, the author use clear, plain language so as to help the reader better understand the matter. ····· 10361100750

European Neighbourhood Policy in South Caucasus

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After the collapse of Soviet Union the three new independent states of South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) became one of the most important regions in the East Europe. The interest of the European Union to this region started in the early 1990s. With help of UN, OSCE, Council of Europe and NATO, as well as the Commonwealth of Independent States and GUAM, EU promoted two kinds of security in this region, such as external and internal security. External security is influenced by geopolitical rivalries and future relations with regional actors and internal security is threatened by political tensions and separatist conflicts. In my thesis I wanted to show work and actions of the ENP and its advantages for the ENP partners on the face of the South Caucasian stats focusing on Azerbaijan as a case study. The aim of my thesis is to analyse the incidence in the three South Caucasian countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). This paper is divided to three paragraphs which are in its turn explaining ENP separately. ····· 10361100720


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This study contrasts European and American strategies for building democracy abroad it is argued EU and US approaches differ not only ideologically but also politically. On one hand, the United States acts out of a genuine commitment to fostering civil society and democratic change from below, and European thinking tends to approach democracy promotion in terms of strengthening state capacity. On the other hand, the United States, being a political and economic superpower, can effectively employ negative strategies such as sanctions and negative conditionality, and the EU, as a civilian power, is capable of exerting normative influence, but lacks effective leverage in relations with third countries without a membership perspective. Both approaches can be complementary, but they are best suited for different collaboration partners and have varying impacts as well as contextual applicability. Both claims are supported by a detailed account of Western involvement in Ukraine`s Orange Revolution. ····· 10361100715

Leidenschaft und Augenmaß

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In dieser Festschrift für Harald Fuhr behandeln Weggefährtinnen und Weggefährten unterschiedlicher beruflicher Stationen eine große Bandbreite an Themen aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive in drei Feldern: 1 Unter der Überschrift `Entwicklung und Verwaltung` sind Beiträge gefasst, die sich wie Harald Fuhr mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, wie Entwicklung gefördert sowie Ungerechtigkeiten behoben werden und Verwaltungen auf lokaler, nationaler und globaler Ebene dazu beitragen können. 2 Unter die Überschrift `Umwelt und Klima` sind Beiträge geordnet, die sich gemeinsam mit Harald Fuhr oder in gegenseitiger Inspiration der Frage widmen, wie regionalen und globalen Umweltveränderungen begegnet oder entgegengewirkt werden kann. 3 Unter die dritte und letzte Überschrift `Praxis` ist schließlich eine Reihe von Praxisbezügen summiert - Harald Fuhrs mehr oder weniger heimliches Steckenpferd in seiner langjährigen Arbeit als Wissenschaftler und Professor für Internationale Politik. Mit Beiträgen von
Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Malcolm H. Dunn, Joseph P. Ganahl, Sabine Kuhlmann, Heribert Dieter, Werner Jann, Wolfgang Merkel, Kilian Lüders, Nina Reiners, Tanja Börzel, Thomas Risse, Guillermo Navarro, Alonso Villalobos, Victor Milla, Hartmut Elsenhans, Thurid Hustedt, Markus Seyfried, Andrea Iro, Urvaksh D. Patel, Kristine Kern, Detlef F. Sprinz, Shradha Shreejaya, Devi K.V. Prasad, Charlotte Streck, Sebastian Wienges, Hendrikje Reich, Sven Egbers, Ursula Stiegler, Thomas Gebhardt, Andreas Obser, Christoph Reichard, Dieter Wagner, Ibrahin Amhed Leon Tellez ····· 10361100457

Schools for Democracy?

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This book challenges the assumption that civil society and its organizations act as schools of democracy. It argues that civil society organizations should be examined for their internal behavior. This book studies six oppositional organizations in Egypt to determine their levels of democratic behavior. These groups include: The Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Wasat party, Tagammu, Wafd, Al-Ghad, and Karama. It examines groups across ideological, generational, legal, and Islamist and secular divides. It finds that while all organizations studied call for democracy they do not all behave democratically internally. This calls into question whether they will support democratic institutions. ····· 10361100327

New Information Technologies, India And The North-South Relations

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Information technology is the Lifeblood of many other technologies, and in fact as often carrying mechanism through which other technological developments become operational.Access to economic data is a long term necessity in that mass media must reorganize and reconceptualize in order to serve development needs and that the stress, it is felt, has to be on the direct relationship between communication development and realities of third world economic necessities. In other words, the economic, political and developmental contexts of Third World Countries need to be understood on the basis of genuine communication needs rather than technological Wants .The question that remains as afresh in our mind in this part of the Third World: Communication for what, on whose terms, on what basis, with what principles and with what effects for the future The issue is no longer how to influence or gain access to the information networks of coroporate business or powerful governments.In Paul Ansah s words,the goal is, decolonization of information.This work examines the relationships between means and ends,between social system,institutional forms & organizational structures,it is a policy work. ····· 10361100311

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