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Bilateral Missile Defense Cooperation and MTCR Compliance

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Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is the first international mechanism controlling proliferation of missiles and related technology. The core limitation imposed by MTCR is on proliferation of high propulsion ballistic missiles and related technology. It strictly limits the export of missiles capable of delivering a 500 kilogram payload to a 300-kilometer distance, otherwise known as 500kg/300km standard. MTCR also sets clear rules regarding the export behaviour of its member countries. The export limits guiding interaction among non-member countries apply equally to MTCR members. However, little attention has been paid to whether or not MTCR members indeed abide by MTCR rules.Taking into consideration the fact that missile defense uses the same technology as offensive missiles, this work is dedicated to understanding whether joint missile defense development programs between the United States and her allies might undermine the principles and rules of MTCR and therefore potentially contribute to the proliferation of ballistic missiles and related technology. ····· 10361113998

The limits of Transparency

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The concept of transparency has in recent years become increasingly relevant in a world characterized by its ever-growing complexity. Within a variety of spheres, calls for greater levels of transparency have become common-place, leading to the implementation of a number of transparency mechanisms aimed at promoting a higher degree of information disclosure. The Western European conventional arms sector - conceptualized here as a regime comprised of a particular set of principles, norms and procedures - is one such sphere which in the post-Cold War era has come to be regulated by a variety of transparency mechanisms that seek to control, monitor and evaluate transparency-related matters. The most recent of these mechanisms and the subject of this thesis, is the European Union (EU) Council Common Position 944 on Arms Exports. The object of this thesis will be to conduct an evaluation of the appropriateness of the Common Position`s transparency provisions for the specific framework of norms, principles and procedures governing the conventional European arms regime. ····· 10361113968

Global Warming, the US, and China

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This book takes its point of departure in the present climate change debate and the negotiations taking place to agree on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012. The US is the only developed country that has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Its rationale for not doing so is that the protocol is unfair since no emission limits are set for the developing countries. The US refuses to accept binding emission targets unless China is also obliged to binding emission limits. China on the other hand maintains the principle of `common, but differentiated responsibilities` and refuses to commit to reductions as long as the US does not ratify the Kyoto Protocol. This book tries to explain the behaviour of both the US and China in relation to the climate change debate and which indicators could signal a change in their stance. Furthermore, the relation of power politics between these two nations is also discussed in order to consider how the stance taken by either China or the US may affect the stance of the other. This work is of interest to students and professionals with an interest in international relations, climate change and power politics. ····· 10361113905

E-Government Policy in Mongolia

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This research seeks adaptability of e-government policy in Mongolia, based on comparative study with Japan by representing historical facts in logical and chronological sequences counting both nations` culture, tradition and mentality. Research consists of 4 key parts. First, the research summarizes e- government literatures. Second, research reviews recent trends of the Mongolian public sector, ICT development and e-government, and conducts study on Japanese ICT sector, e-government with case studies on e-local government projects in Okayama prefecture and Yokosuka city. Third, the research analyzes Mongolian e-government key challenges in comparison to Japan. The findings of study suggest that Mongolian government must seriously take into reconsideration of working style, business process reengineering, human resource management and financing arrangements. Finally, research argues that what lessons can Japan offer us about e- government policies in general. ····· 10361113824

Energy Security and Sustainable Development

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The rise of globalization and the trade in natural resources have progressively included Sub-Sahara African countries. The energy importing countries of the EU and China seek to increase their level of energy security, while the energy exporting countries of Sub-Sahara Africa are seeking to take advantage of the increase in exports in order to increase their economic development. The resource endowments, not only hold the opportunity of accelerating growth and increasing energy security, but if ill managed it can potentially create unbalanced economic growth and consequently socio-economic instability in the energy exporting countries. The purpose of this book is, to map and examine the intertwined policies of the international trade in energy, and more specifically the strategic policy directions, means and methods utilized by the EU and China, in their resource endowments in Sub-Sahara Africa. This helps to understand how the policy directions affect the level of energy security, while at the same time taking into account the consequences and opportunities the resource endowments have on sustainable development in the exporting countries. ····· 10361113705

Is Boycott The Best Way To Participate?

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Studies on election boycotts do not abound, and no scholars have conducted research focusing on the Arab world to date, despite the recent increase in the numbers of parliamentary elections being boycotted in the Arab region. The study thus intends to explore this field of research, both to acquire new knowledge about the effect of these boycott strategies as well as to contribute with necessary basic research that can be further built upon in future research on the subject. More specifically, however, this book aims to determine if election boycott is a sound strategy if the opposition in Arab states aspires democratization. In order to identify possible effects on the democratization process, the author utilizes the method of comparative historical analyses, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Based on an examination of the boycotts of parliamentary elections in the Arab region during the time period 1990-2010, the author tests and analyses the effects of election boycotts, defined as either minor or major boycotts, operating in two different types of regimes, on four dissimilar democratizing variables. ····· 10361113597

Oil Policy of Azerbaijan in a Global Perspective

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The geo-strategic importance of Azerbaijan is explained by the fact that it ensures not only access to the world market for its energy resources, but also accepts its territory to be used as a transit corridor to deliver the energy resources of Caspian basin to world markets. In this way, it continues its integration process into Western structures and contributes to the development of a transport corridor. With this in mind,Azerbaijan is learning fast how to use its new important position as a key energy supplier and energy transit country and how to make use of its new oil revenues to pursue its foreign policy principles. ····· 10361113558

U.S. Policy on Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline

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This book deals with the United States policy towards the Caspian Sea region in general and the Turkey s alternative proposal Baku-Ceyhan project in particular. This thesis consists of three different parts. In the first part, the concepts of idealism and realpolitik are explained within the framework of international relations. In the second part, the U.S. policy towards the Caspian region is dealt in an atmosphere where the unipolar world system arose after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The third part is devoted to the idea that the Caspian region and Central Asian States. ····· 10361113531

Picking up the Pieces in the Land of Multiple Boundaries

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In this book, Eugene Rukaranghira examines the causes and consequences of the 1994 Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi and challenges convetional wisdom atributing the genocide to ethnic hatred by highlighting the role of government in the planning and execution of this terrible tragedy. He argues that the concept of human development rather than economic development provides a superior insight into the possible causes and long term consequences of this failure of humanity to intervene in Rwanda. ····· 10361113421

The closer and closer energy dialogues between the EU and China

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Current events show China and the European Union working together more and more closely in energy management. The book tries to find the reasons for this and summarizes the interests behind the cooperation. Political rapport cannot exist between two great powers without common good while they may not benefit equally, certainly neither suffers from their relations. It tries to present the evolution of their interaction from the beginning. The book examines this issue from the perspective of the European Union. By analyzing the history of their energy consumptions, the current energy situations and the development of their relationship, it addresses the main question: What are the reasons for the closer and closer energy dialogues between the European Union and China Its sub-question concerns the particular motivations of the European Community for changing its energy policy and turning to China: what are the goals behind its strategy Why has the European Union changed its energy policy so that it now regards China as one of its main partners in the energy issues The book focuses on oil, gas and coal, fossil fuels whose value is rising as reserves diminish. ····· 10361113365

A Conceptual Strategic Management Model: South African Police Service

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Strategic Management A systems approach: Why are some organisations successful, while so many other businesses fail Is it a question of luck . They may have the right mix of products and/or services at the right time. But even if luck leads to success, it probably will not last. Most organisations that are highly successful over the long term effectively acquire, develop, and manage resources and capabilities that provide competitive advantages.High achieving organisations have also learned how to develop and manage relationships with a wide range of organisations, groups, and people that have a stake in their organisation.This book explores how organiations such as the South African Police Service can grow and prosper through successful execution of the strategic management process. ····· 10361113312

Colonial Language Policy of the British Empire

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Colonial education and language policies were important factors contributing to maintain control in colonies and protectorates of the ex-empires. Their pervasive effects have persisted remarkably even after the end of the colonial rule and as a result, the language of the ruled became the official and/or national language of many ex-colonial countries, particularly in Africa. This study intends to examine the language policy of British Empire in one of its most precious colonies of Africa Ghana, both before and after colonial periods along with the current trends towards the use of local languages in the country and also to analyze the correlation between language, culture and national development. It then continues with the analysis of the colonial language policy of the British Empire in a comparative context. The aim of this comparative analysis is to put forward the uniqueness of the language policy of this great empire, one of the greatest of all times, by evaluating the language policies of other major colonial powers of the time, particularly the ones that operated in the African continent. ····· 10361113246

Shaping the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU

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The study of EU foreign policy has devoted over the last years great emphasis to the conceptualization of the role of the Union as an international actor. This paper critically analyzes two overarching narratives realist and interpretivist - about the role of the Union as an international actor employing insights from critical theory. By such narratives, it is meant those perspectives that have been developed in scholarship and have sought to answer questions about how the EU behaves in the international system and how it should behave. The method of critical reading implies uncovering the premises on which the international role of the EU was constructed within the two narratives, then underscoring their consequences and juxtaposing them to their founding principles. This endeavor highlights the purpose behind the different types of foreign policy constructed and promoted by the two narratives. Simultaneously, the study enquires into the shared commitment between the two narratives for the creation of a common foreign and security policy for the EU. ····· 10361113157

The New Era of Diplomacy

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Public diplomacy and nation branding have recently been important topics in the diplomatic communities around the world and the importance for governments of reaching out to foreign publics has been recognized like never before. This book explores why these concepts have risen to prominence amongst several ministries of foreign affairs, particularly in Europe and North America, lately and have become an integrated part of their diplomatic strategy. Whether public diplomacy and nation branding will contribute to an increased efficiency in reaching foreign policy goals is still unclear and is investigated in detail. From a foundation of a history of diplomatic practice the author explores if this new trend signifies a new era of diplomacy and international relations, or if it is merely an added function in a modern ministry of foreign affairs with little impact on the way diplomacy and communication between states have been conducted. This book will help provide a better understanding of the latest trends in diplomacy for the practitioner, student of international relations or any person with a general interest in diplomacy and political communication. ····· 10361113081

Post-Colonial Political Transformations in Angola and Mozambique

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This study is designed to address a core question: what a comparison of the experience of Angola and Mozambique can contribute to our understanding of democratic transitions, especially in post-colonial Africa Thus, the objects of the research are fourfold. First, the study aims to explain, through a comparison of the experience of both countries, how they arrived at different outcomes from similar background conditions. Second, the research assesses the strength and weaknesses of prevailing approaches to democratic transitions, especially Rustow`s dynamic model. Third, it demonstrates the possibility of democratic transitions in poor and conflict-ridden countries. And, fourthly, it asserts the appropriateness of applying mainstream political science approaches to analysing politics in sub-Saharan Africa, a domain usually reserved to area studies` where the application of these approaches is not always mandatory. In short, this reserach contends that in socially and/or economically backward countries and where conflict is pervasive democratic transitions can also be conceptualised as a conflict resolution mechanism. ····· 10361113010

Extremismus im Namen der Religion

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Galt Indien im Westen lange als multi-kulturelle, tolerante und friedliche Gesellschaft, rückte mit den indischen Atomtests im Jahr 1998 ein beunruhigendes Phänomen ins Bewusstsein der Weltöffentlichkeit: der Hindu-Nationalismus. Die Demonstration nuklearer Zerstörungsmacht war eine der ersten Handlungen der gerade ins Amt gekommenen Bundesregierung unter Führung der hindu-nationalistischen Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) und führte zu Spekulationen, dass die nach Einwohnern größte Demokratie der Welt in einen fundamentalistischen Gottesstaat abgleiten könnte. Der Atomtest war nur der vorläufige Höhepunkt einer Entwicklung, die in den frühen 1980er Jahren begann und die einstige Wahrnehmung des Hinduismus als einer toleranten Religion ernsthaft in Frage stellt. Brutale Gewalt gegen religiöse Minderheiten ist längst keine Einzelerscheinung mehr. Allein die Übergriffe auf Muslime im Bundesstaat Gujarat im Jahr 2002 forderten innerhalb weniger Tage über 2.000 Menschenleben. Dazu werden Christen in ganz Indien bis in die Gegenwart Opfer fanatisierter Hindus. Dieses Buch basiert auf einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung im Fachbereich Internationale Politik an der Hochschule für Politik München. Es analysiert, wie der Hindu-Nationalismus die indische Demokratie in ihrem Bestand gefährdet und der daraus resultierende Extremismus die pluralistische Gesellschaft des Landes für immer in ihrem multikulturellen Kern verändern könnte. ····· 10361107697

Cuba as terrorist potential

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The terrorist attacks at 9/11 have put the world upside down. These young men, educated in the US, flying planes well-planned into different buildings and killed thousands of people. That this could happen -out of the blue- in our free Western society was a shock and needed a firm response. President Bush gave this firm response, and publicly declared the war on terror. The war on terror was accompanied by a list of seven nations, the `axis of evil`. These nations were considered as a potential terrorist threat for the United States. Cuba is quite a remarkable country in the list of terrorist potentials. This almost bankrupt island in the heart of the Caribbean seems to be far from an Islam fundamentalist breeding place. In this work all the reasons to mark Cuba as a terrorist potential are thoroughly explored. This political and historical analysis clarifies the complex relation between the US and Cuba in the context of a world where terrorism is widely feared. ····· 10361103101

Transitional justice for two Countries?

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Many examples from post authoritarian society demonstrate that dealing with transitional political circumstances is a recent area of human rights practice that creates some complex ethical, legal and practical problems. To address this issue, there have been many truth and reconciliation commissions established in transitional countries. This book will examine the problems of transitional justice in the human rights` universe using the example of the Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) of Indonesia and Timor-Leste. The CTF is the first truth commission established between two governments the former is the ex-colonialist regime and serves as the perpetrators, while the latter is the former colony and was subjected to massive human rights abuses for a long period. ····· 10361103061


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Security in the contemporary context is a contested concept. The conventional notions of security today stand juxtaposed with non-military, comprehensive security studies including challenges like social security, economic security, environmental security, food security and Energy Security . For a developing country like India, the geo-strategic location, regional equations, level of advancement and perceived notions of national interest, all impinge on security considerations. The trajectory of India`s rapid economic growth is linked to the struggle to ensure energy security. The core problem is that India possesses only about 0.5% of the world`s proven reserves of oil and 0.4% of the world`s proven gas reserves, and hence is dependent on importing the same. The challenge therefore, is to ensure that this dependence on external supplies does not become vulnerability, increasingly because over 70% of these imports are from West Asia. The book therefore tries to unravel the entire Indian energy security quagmire in the backdrop of West Asian geo-politics and internal dynamics. ····· 10361103047

A History Forgotten, A Revolution Misunderstood

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Omani colonialism: from the Southern tip of the Somali coast all the way down to Mozambique, Arabs ruled the coastline. This resulted in the Swahili language for example, which is linguistic proof of their former rule. But Western interpretations of colonialism prove insufficient or inconsiderate of the Omani case. Zanzibar has not yet been discussed as a settler colony however this paper shows that in fact Zanzibar must be treated as such. I examine the mechanisms behind expansion from the Arabian Gulf down to Zanzibar, contrasting them to European formal expansion into Africa. Also, crucial distinctions are made in regard to race relations, slavery, and metropole-periphery dynamics from the Western variant of settler colonialism. The Zanzibar Revolution of 1964, as the culmination of anti-colonial sentiments, is shown as unique as well as the posit against the Mau Mau revolt of Kenya illustrates. This paper walks through the neglected but vital aspects in which Omani rule in Zanzibar was not colonialism in the common case, contrary to popular perception. Omani rule was in fact a different sort of colonialism forgotten by both history and theory. ····· 10361103040

The Effect of Prices and Political Unity on Inter-state Gas Bargaining

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While a great deal of research has gone into the determinants of inter-state bargaining efficacy, current explanations often fail to predict the success of a bargaining episode. To fill the theoretical gap, two elements need to be considered. Often, asymmetrical interdependence is thought of as a source of bargaining power. But, the nature of the good that creates the asymmetrical interdependence has not been examined. I test whether the price of the good affects bargaining power and the relevance of the separation of purpose literature in the context of inter-state bargaining. Does the level of domestic political unity in the target state affect bargaining outcomes The findings suggest that the price of the good leveraged in an instance of inter-state bargaining and the level of domestic political unity affect the bargaining result. As the price of the leveraged good rises, bargaining power increases. And, higher levels of domestic unity in the target state increase the sender state`s bargaining efficacy. I also use the findings to develop a framework to explain the efficacy of Russia`s post-2000 inter-state gas bargaining with energy dependent CIS members. ····· 10361103027


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This work draws on a wide range of postcolonial and critical development scholars to construct a critical theoretical framework and to provide productive lens through which to make sense of the changing language, content and practice of Western aid interventions in Africa and other postcolonial societies, and to reveal continuities and discontinuities in the global architecture of aid. In particular, the study locates recent discourses on development and poverty reduction within the broader historical continuum of power inequalities in relation to international development cooperation and global governance generally. Mawuko-Yevugah argues that the new multilateral poverty reduction framework does not represent a rupture in Western discourses, policies, representations in Africa and other postcolonial settings and that, conceptions such as civil society, partnership, ownership or participation in the poverty reduction discourse produces new technologies of governance where a IFIs- elites consensus legitimizes the neoliberal hegemonic agenda. ····· 10361102974

The Fight For Monopoly

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This study was conducted to cast light on the process of liberalising the European Union energy market, with focus on the negotiation process from the Second to the Third Liberalisation Package of the Electricity and Gas market. The thesis seeks to analyze how the preferences of EU Member States influenced this process. Hence addresses the importance of Member State power in EU legislation. Addressing this, the thesis applies Moravcsik`s theory of Liberal Intergovern- mentalism. Derived from this theoretical approach, investigations are conducted into the area of Member States preferences with special focus on Germany and France and the coalition they formed during the process. And further how these preferences influenced the negotiation process and if these preferences changed during the period. ····· 10361102960

Chávez, The Venezuelan Petro State and Foreign Policy

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This book explores the behaviour of Venezuela within the international state system. What explains Venezuela`s recent international protagonism Is it Hugo Chávez and his `21st Century Socialism` Or is it simply a matter of high oil prices and Washington`s hostile stance towards center of left regimes in Latin America Dissatisfied by traditional theories on International Relations and The Natural Resource Curse, Remi Lehmann analyzes Venezuelan foreign policy since 1989: from the neoliberal oriented governments of Carlos Andrés Pérez and Rafael Caldera to Hugo Chávez. From FTAA tot ALBA, from OAS to UNASUR, the Argentine bailout and the reinsertion of Cuba into Latin-American politics. Taking into account the country`s political framework, its dependendence on oil rents and the controversial regime of Hugo Chavez, an explanation is offered for both differences and similarities in Venezuelan foreign policy over time. ····· 10361102839

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