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Neyrokhirurgicheskoe lechenie vestibulyarnykh shvannom

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V nastoyashchey monografii izlozheny dannye ob osobennostyakh klinicheskogo techeniya, metodakh diagnostiki i neyrokhirurgicheskogo lecheniya vestibulyarnykh shvannom (nevrinom VIII nerva). Dany svedeniya o patogeneze i patomorfologii opukholi. Blagodarya primeneniyu sovremennykh metodov issledovaniya v do- i posleoperatsionnom periode polucheny dannye, vazhnye dlya utochneniya khirurgicheskoy taktiki, vybora operativnogo dostupa i profilaktiki posleoperatsionnykh oslozhneniy. Kniga rasschitana na neyrokhirurgov, nevropatologov, otolaringologov, neyrofiziologov i vrachey drugogo profilya. ····· 103615160

Metod Ilizarova v lechenii otkrytykh povrezhdeniy nizhnikh konechnostey

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii predstavleny raznoobraznye vosstanovitel`nye tekhnologii lecheniya metodom i s pomoshch`yu apparata Ilizarova postradavshikh s tyazhelymi otkrytymi povrezhdeniyami nizhnikh konechnostey. Metodiki chreskostnogo osteosinteza obosnovanny kliniko-rentgenologicheskimi, fiziologicheskimi, mikrobiologicheskimi, immunologicheskimi, radioizotopnymi i biokhimicheskimi metodami issledovaniy. Podrobnoe opisanie metodik operatsiy daet predstavlenie o preimushchestvakh primeneniya chreskostnogo osteosinteza u postradavshikh, kogda neobkhodima al`ternativa sokhraneniya konechnosti pri `amputatsionnykh situatsiyakh`. Dannye dopolnitel`nykh metodov issledovaniy obosnovyvayut tselesoobraznost` metodik chreskostnogo osteosinteza po Ilizarovu v zameshchenii `ostrykh` defektov myagkikh i kostoy tkaney. Monografiya prednaznachena dlya shirokogo kruga travmatologov-ortopedov, imeyushchikh opyt ispol`zovaniya apparatov vneshney fiksatsii a takzhe prepodavateley i studentov meditsinskikh VUZov. ····· 103615155

Intramedullyarnyy osteosintez u detey s perelomami bedrennoy kosti

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Detskiy travmatizm v sovremennykh usloviyakh kharakterizuetsya vysokoy chastotoy mnozhestvennykh i sochetannykh povrezhdeniy, tyazhest` kotorykh v znachitel`noy mere obuslovlena skeletnoy travmoy. Perelomy bedrennoy kosti v strukture povrezhdeniy oporno-dvigatel`nogo apparata u detey, nuzhdayushchikhsya v statsionarnom lechenii, dostigayut 30%, soprovozhdayutsya znachitel`noy krovopoterey i oslozhnyayutsya razvitiem shoka u treti postradavshikh. Konservativnoe lechenie detey s perelomami bedrennoy kosti soprovozhdaetsya vysokoy dlitel`nost`yu gospital`nogo i reabilitatsionnogo periodov, rezul`tiruetsya nepravil`no srosshimisya perelomami ot 7 do 22% patsientov i razvitiem kontraktur kolennogo sustava ot 6 do 34% klinicheskikh nablyudeniy. Perspektivy sovershenstvovaniya lechebnoy pomoshchi dannomu kontingentu postradavshikh svyazany s razrabotkoy i vnedreniem meditsinskikh tekhnologiy, otvechayushchikh trebovaniyam minimal`no invazivnykh operativnykh vmeshatel`stv, ideologiya kotorykh naibolee polno realizuetsya pri vypolnenii zakrytogo intramedullyarnogo osteosinteza. ····· 103615069

Oslozhneniya polikhimioterapii tuberkuleza:

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Khimioterapiya zanimaet vedushchee mesto v lechenii bol`nykh tuberkulezom. Naryadu s bakteriostaticheskim effektom, protivotuberkuleznye preparaty (PTP) obladayut organotropnym deystviem na makroorganizm, okazyvaya negativnoe vliyanie na ego organy i sistemy. V klinike ono proyavlyayutsya v vide pobochnykh reaktsiy (PR). Razvitie pobochnykh reaktsiy (PR) neredko privodit k vremennoy otmene PTP, izmeneniyu skhemy khimioterapii, snizhaya effektivnost` lecheniya bol`nykh. V knige proanalizirovany chastota i kharakter PR na PTP. Izucheno ikh vliyanie na nekotorye zven`ya kletochnogo metabolizma (svobodnoradikal`noe okislenie lipidov i antioksidantnuyu sistemu zashchity, obmen svobodnykh aminokislot, ksenobiotiko-metaboliziruyushchuyu funktsiyu pecheni, aktivnost` klyuchevykh fermentov reaktsiy obrazovaniya energii i t.d.) i sistemu immuniteta. Issledovany faktory, vliyayushchie na razvitie PR i razrabotana metodika prognozirovaniya riska ikh razvitiya. Predlozhen metod korrektsii narusheniy vyzvannykh PR. Dlya ftiziatrov, pul`monologov i terapevtov. ····· 103614905

Epilepsiya i reproduktivnoe zdorov`e zhenshchiny

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Problemy reproduktivnogo zdorov`ya zhenshchin, stradayushchikh epilepsiey, privlekayut vnimanie issledovateley vsego mira. V Rossii okolo 3 millionov bol`nykh epilepsiey. Iz nikh bolee 25-40% - zhenshchiny reproduktivnogo vozrasta. V knige predstavleny dannye literatury poslednikh desyatiletiy o narusheniyakh reproduktivnoy sistemy u zhenshchin, stradayushchikh epilepsiey: endokrinno-gormonal`nykh rasstroystvakh, narusheniyakh menstrual`nogo tsikla, sindrome polikistoznykh yaichnikov, seksual`noy disfunktsii. Osveshcheny voprosy kontratseptsii, vedeniya beremennosti i rodov, grudnogo vskarmlivaniya u zhenshchin, stradayushchikh epilepsiey teratogennosti antiepilepticheskikh preparatov. Predstavleny rezul`taty sobstvennogo issledovaniya sostoyaniya reproduktivnoy sistemy zhenshchin s epilepsiey na fone antiepilepticheskoy terapii, vyyavleny faktory riska sindroma polikistoznykh yaichnikov, predlozheny rekomendatsii po vyboru metoda kontratseptsii, algoritm planirovaniya i vedeniya beremennosti i rodov u zhenshchin s epilepsiey, dana otsenka sostoyaniya detey, rozhdennykh zhenshchinami s epilepsiey. Kniga prednaznachena dlya vrachey razlichnykh spetsial`nostey: nevrologov, epileptologov,psikhiatrov,akusherov-ginekologov, endokrinologov,perinatologov,pediatrov. ····· 103614887

Krovotecheniya vo vremya beremennosti i rodov

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya posvyashchena krovotecheniyam vo vremya beremennosti i rodov patologii, imeyushchey neposredstvennoe vliyanie na sostoyanie zdorov`ya zhenshchiny, na pokazateli perinatal`noy zabolevaemosti i smertnosti, a takzhe na materinskuyu zabolevaemost` i smertnost`. V monografii dana neobkhodimaya informatsiya po voprosam etiologii, patogeneza, klassifikatsii, diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki akusherskikh krovotecheniy. Izlozheny sovremennye aspekty taktiki pri massivnykh akusherskikh krovotecheniyakh v sootvetstvie s trekhetapnoy sistemoy okazaniya meditsinskoy pomoshchi. ····· 103614883

Klinicheskie fenotipy atopicheskoy bronkhial`noy astmy

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bronkhial`naya astma ne yavlyaetsya gomogennym zabolevaniem, a skoree kompleksom razlichnykh fenotipov, trebuyushchim differentsirovannogo podkhoda k diagnostike i lecheniyu. Dolya atopicheskoy astmy sostavlyaet 78% ot obshchego chisla vzroslykh bol`nykh. Sushchestvenno razlichayutsya klinicheskie fenotipy atopicheskoy astmy, v zavisimosti ot vozrasta nachala bolezni, a takzhe klinicheskiy fenotip atopicheskoy astmy podrostkov muzhskogo pola, v diagnostike kotorogo bol`shoe znachenie imeyut bronkhoprovokatsionnye testy. Nalichie V16 Arg/Arg tipa 2-adrenoretseptora (19% u bol`nykh astmoy) ne vliyaet na estestvennoe razvitie astmy, odnako opredelyaet vyrazhennost` bronkhodilatatsionnogo otveta na korotkodeystvuyushchie 2-agonisty. Otmechena effektivnost` i bezopasnost` lokal`nykh metodov allergen-spetsificheskoy immunoterapii u bol`nykh atopicheskoy astmoy. Tsel` terapii astmy dostizhenie kontrolya, otsenka kotorogo dolzhna byt` kompleksnoy, i vklyuchat` ne tol`ko klinicheskie simptomy i funktsiyu legkikh, no i markery vospaleniya. Oksid azota v vydykhaemom vozdukhe yavlyaetsya odnim iz takikh markerov, osobenno znachimym dlya lits s atopicheskoy formoy astmy. ····· 103614803

Provision of Oral Care by Nurses in the Intensive care unit

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Critical care nursing is the field of nursing with a focus on the utmost care of the critically ill or unstable patients. The patient s oral care is a key component of nursing care. Oral care is often considered primarily an intervention for patient s comfort, a characteristic that may reduce its priority and hence frequency. When patients are hospitalized for critical illness in the ICU, the oral flora is altered, accompanied by a decrease in salivary volume and an increase in dental plaque. Hospitalization also alters a patient s usual oral hygiene measures, further compromising oral health. Oral care protocols have been shown to benefit ICU patients, but additional research is needed, especially on the optimal frequency of oral care, the duration of tooth brushing needed during an episode of oral care, and educational considerations to ensure consistency in oral care practices among healthcare providers and family members. This book specifies the need to develop and implement a comprehensive oral care program for patients in critical care and acute care settings who are at high risk for healthcare-associated pneumonia. ····· 103613845

Interferon Alpha and Ribavirin Induced Thyroid Dysfunction

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
According to WHO studies, approximately 170 million individuals of the world population are diagnosed to be infected with Hepatitis C virus. Unfortunately around 20 % of these patients experience progressive liver disease leading to cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma over 20 to 40 years. Interferon-alpha and ribavirin combination therapy is the standard treatment for chronic hepatitis C. These drugs may trigger production of different types of non-specific and specific autoantibodies. Thyroid dysfunction, which has been reported to occur from 3.9-33.33%, is the most common autoimmune disorder associated with combination therapy. Therefore, it is necessary that thyroid functions are monitored during therapy and the course of thyroid disease is watched for once autoimmune thyroid disorder develops. This book highlights the effects of Interferon and ribavirin on thyroid functions, its pathogenesis, clinical features and outcome through a cohort study carried out on chronic hepatitis C patients. ····· 103613526

Abdominal Muscles` Endurance among Women

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Studies on recovery of abdominal muscles function in women with birth experience have been questioned despite the availablity and prescriptions of different types of postnatal abdominal exercises. The effect on abdominal muscles endurance of the developmental changes resulting from puberty, pregnancy, parity and menopause that women undergo are still not well investigated. A better understanding of women s abdominal muscles performances after childbirth may lead to better utilization of physical therapy in treating related dysfunctions associated with pregnancy and parity. This book presents the assessment and correlates of abdominal muscles endurance of nulliparous and parous women. ····· 103613491

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes For the Prevention of Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer affects more women in the world today than any other cancer. Epidemiological studies have consistently shown that diet and lifestyle play a substantial role in the development of breast cancer in women. This study confirmed that apparently healthy and educated women participated in short term intervention can be motivated to increase their dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, improved their physical activity and reduce their body fat percentage. ····· 103613335

Recognising Hunger. Self-Regulation of Food Intake and Energy Balance

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This handbook is written in response to requests for a simple protocol to train people in recognizing hunger. The reader will find the method outlined here invaluable in reducing a complex interoceptive phenomenon to its simplest elements. ····· 103613170

Clinical Case Analysis

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The laboratory tests are an important and integral part of healthcare industry.The diagnostic evaluation contributes to patient physician relationship also.Hence, selection of tests,the analysis of the tests performed is essential and more essential is the analysis when there is a controversy.The authors decided to keep record of such data and felt to propagate so that they may be useful for others in the same profession.As the main author is a Clinical Biochemist the problems discussed are biochemistry related.The authors feel the effort will be of help to others. ····· 103611238

The Growth and Nutritional status of Yanadis in A.P,India

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Growth and nutritional studies are valuable as they provide virtuous knowledge on the health status of ethnic groups.The wide spread poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, absence of safe drinking water and sanitary living conditions, poor maternal and child health services, ineffective coverage of national health and nutritional services, have been traced as significant contributing factors for gloomy health conditions prevailing among these vulnerable population. Such a large vulnerable population in our country is of great concern in view of the extraneous social pressures and their impact on their health conditions. The Indian government as well as state governments have earmarked priority areas of research on tribes to get knowledge in the aspects of growth and nutritional status and ecological conditions of the tribal populations. In Andhra pradesh there are 33 tribal groups living in divergent ecological settings. For the present study, Yanadi,the second largest tribal group with dark-skinned,platyrrhine,below medium stature,longheaded,broad facial profile with a short chin, broad and short nasal features are inhabiting in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh is considered. ····· 103611075

Motor Relearning Program and Progressive Resistance Exercise in stroke

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Stroke is one of the leading cause of disability worldwide. The resultant is motor weakness which adversely affects the functional activities. The arm recovery after stroke is typically poor with 20% 80% of patients showing incomplete recovery depending on the initial impairment. The upper limb dysfunction is characterized by paresis, loss of manual dexterity and movement abnormalities that may impact considerably on the performance of the ADL with the recovery being poor and ranging from 20%-80% depending on the initial impairment. Neurorehabilitation approaches and various therapeutic techniques have evolved over the years from muscle reeducation in the 1940s to the neurophysiological/neurodevelopmental approaches in the 1950s and 1960s including NDT, Movement Therapy in Hemiplegia, PNF and sensory stimulation techniques, functional/task specific training, strength training, constraint induced movement therapy and so on. in this study Motor Relearning program and Progressive Resistance Exercise is being compared to find out the their effectiveness in upper limb function in hemiplegics. ····· 10361915

Antiishemicheskaya jeffektivnost` koronarnogo stentirovaniya

für 64.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Soglasno jepidemiologicheskim dannym, ishemicheskaya bolezn` serdca (IBS) prodolzhaet zanimat` vedushhee mesto v mire po svoej rasprostranennosti, vysokomu urovnju smertnosti i invalidizacii vzroslogo rabotosposobnogo naseleniya promyshlenno razvityh stran, v tom chisle i Rossii. V 2011 g. dolya boleznej sistemy krovoobrashheniya sredi vseh sluchaev smertnosti sostavila 55,9% (753,0 sluchaev na 100 tys. naseleniya). Problema lecheniya IBS ostaetsya odnoj iz naibolee aktual`nyh i prioritetnyh zadach mirovogo i otechestvennogo zdravoohraneniya. Nesmotrya na gromadnyj progress, kak v medikamentoznom, tak i osobenno v hirurgicheskom lechenii IBS za poslednie 25 let, issledovaniya v jetom napravlenii idut vse narastajushhimi tempami. Aktual`nym i nedostatochno osvyashhennym v sovremennoj nauchnoj literature yavlyaetsya vopros, kakim obrazom koronarnoe stentirovanie vliyaet na chastotu recidivov stenokardii, chastotu povtornogo infarkta miokarda (IM), uroven` kachestva zhizni (KZh) i samoe glavnoe, na pokazatel` vyzhivaemosti v otdalennye sroki posle vmeshatel`stva. Perechislennye obstoyatel`stva opredelyajut aktual`nost` vybrannoj temy i celesoobraznost` provedeniya dannogo issledovaniya. ····· 10361875

School-based HIV/AIDS` Health Education: Components and Curriculum

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This Health Education Curriculum was borne out of the need to encourage interventions that could eliminate the public health problem of HIV/AIDS among adolescents and it took cognizance of the fact that health education could not be said to have occurred unless there is an accompanying change in behavior. For expected change in behavior, the multifaceted conditions that influence behavior must be addressed. The curriculum was developed with particular attention to health education concepts, assumptions and components. Furthermore, several relevant behavioural theories guided the intervention study and lent support as the bedrock for the curriculum. Apart from the aforementioned components, the intervention features that guided the development of the curriculum was the inclusion of parents or guardians (significant persons) in the study, involvement of modeling and demonstrations as health education strategies instead of over-emphasis in only cognitive learning. It is therefore my greatest desire that this hand-book will be of immense benefit to all who are interested in preventive interventions and in spreading the message of HIV/AIDS prevention and control ····· 10361859

Voice in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The present study analysed the acoustic and perceptual voice characteristics in persons with GERD and LPR. 10 subjects with GERD, 10 subjects with LPR, and 50 normal controls were selected. Sustained speech samples of /a/, /i/ & /u/ and the narrated samples were recorded. The narrated samples were subjected to perceptual rating on GRBAS scale and 33 acoustic parameters of Multi Dimensional Voice Profile software (MDVP) were extracted from the sustained voice sample. It was found that few of the subjects with LPR were perceptually rated as exhibiting deviations in the form of mild to moderate roughness, breathy and strained voice whereas few of the subjects exhibited perceptually normal voice. The subjects with LPR showed significant deviations in frequency perturbation measures, Amplitude perturbation measures and noise related measures in (MDVP) software. Abnormalities in acoustic and perceptual parameters of voice were not evident in subjects with GERD. Hence, the present study confirms that GERD and LPR are distinct disorders with reference to voice and these results can be used for the early identification of voice problems due to Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. ····· 10361305

Assessing the need for a fast track unit at AUBMC emergency department

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The literature reports prevalence of overcrowding in emergency departments worldwide due to increased presentations for minor complaints. One reported solution to this problem is the establishment of fast track units. Several studies indicated that a fast track unit has a positive impact on patient satisfaction by decreasing waiting time, length of stay, and left-without being-seen rates of patients with low acuities. Self observation at the American University of Beirut Medical Center emergency department seems to suggest that it is struggling with overcrowding as well. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the need for the establishment of a fast track unit. In this study we propose to use a retrospective blind chart review of patients presenting to the emergency department. The variables that were extracted from the medical records, calculated and analyzed were: mean waiting time, length of stay, and left without being seen rate of patients presenting with minor chief complaints. Data suggests the need for a fast track unit at AUBMC. ····· 10361256

Surface ECG spatio-temporal analysis for atrial fibrillation treatment

für 41.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice, and one of the main causes of ictus and strokes. Despite the advances in its comprehension, its thorough characterization and the choice of the most suitable therapy are still an open issue. Radiofrequency catheter ablation (CA) is becoming one of the most popular solutions. Yet, very little is known about its impact on heart substrate, thus leading to an inaccurate selection of positive responders to therapy hence, the need for advanced signal processing tools able to quantify such impact in an objective and quantitative manner. Valuable information about AF can be provided by multilead electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings of heart electrical activity in a noninvasive and cost-effective manner. However, most of standard techniques are affected by several issues, such as their manual computation in only one ECG lead. This work aims at exploiting multilead ECG spatial variability through multivariate decomposition techniques, so as to extract proper predictors of AF termination by CA. This approach would help selecting a patient-tailored therapy, thus increasing CA success rate. ····· 10361206

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