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Sincronización económica de México con Estados Unidos

····· lezzter Preis 44.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Después del TLCAN y en medio de la globalización económica, México podría estar en condiciones de integrarse monetariamente a los Estados Unidos, sin embargo es poco asertiva la literatura al respecto, ya que está en juego la pérdida de autonomía para utilizar las políticas monetarias pero desde la teoría de la endogeneidad resulta muy conveniente dolarizar la economía este trabajo analiza la naciones que comparten la moneda como Ecuador, Finlandia, pero también se aborda el ejemplo de España y Grecia, como naciones empobrecidas después de la integración monetaria para compararse con la relación México-Estados Unidos. La economía actual apunta hacia la mayor integración entre países con la finalidad de formar bloques más homogéneos para compartir una serie de beneficios, tales como una mayor estabilidad económica y mayor inversión extranjera directa. ····· 1036122850

La Riqueza de las Naciones

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El libro busca profundizar nuestra comprensión del fenómeno de la pobreza crónica y de la emergencia de sociedades tecnológicas florecientes, con la esperanza de promover un futuro sostenible, armónico y próspero para toda la humanidad. Es un problema complejo como pocos y requiere por ello de aproximaciones diversas e interdisciplinarias. Mediante diversos métodos, se analizan componentes del crecimiento económico y cultural de todas las naciones del mundo, detectándose diferencias reveladoras entre países desarrollados y países en desarrollo. También se utilizan herramientas desarrolladas en las ciencias naturales, especialmente la biología evolutiva y el análisis de sistemas complejos, creando puentes que permiten una eventual integración de las ciencias sociales con las naturales en el estudio de los mecanismos sinérgicos que motorizan la evolución de las sociedades. Inspirado en la obra de Adam Smith de 1776, buscamos dar perspectivas modernas a problemas antiguos, abriendo nuevas ventanas al análisis de sistemas complejos. ····· 1036122431

Globalización, desarrollo regional y sector agroalimentario

····· lezzter Preis 88.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este texto sobre Globalización, Desarrollo Regional y Sector Agroalimentario, es resultado del trabajo de un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, la Universidad Veracruzana y la Universidad del Estado de México en México, de la Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, de la Universidad de Rio Piedras en Puerto Rico y de la Universidad de La Coruña en España, quienes han estado colaborando en conjunto desde sus respectivos centros de investigación, sobre las temáticas desarrolladas. Las investigaciones tienen como marco general el proceso de globalización, a partir de lo cual se definen estrategias, políticas y mecanismos que inciden sobre el desarrollo de América latina y del sector agroalimentario. El texto aborda las temáticas desde lo más general que significa una caracterización de la globalización y de otros fenómenos inherentes a este proceso tales como la formación de bloques regionales y el nuevo papel del estado, desde diversos enfoques, se destacan las relaciones de este proceso con la mundialización y la internacionalización del capital, especificando el contenido teórico del neoliberalismo y algunos estudios específicos sobre la producción de alimentos. ····· 1036122405

Trato Especial y Diferenciado en Agricultura

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En la historia del comercio internacional, a partir de la misma génesis del GATT el principio del TED para integrar a los PED evolucionó a lo largo de sucesivas rondas multilaterales de negociación (Cap. II). Luego de brindar un detalle de la inclusión del sector agrícola durante la Ronda Uruguay (Cap.III), se analiza la aplicación del principio del TED en el marco de las negociaciones agrícolas de la Ronda Doha del Desarrollo actualmente en curso en la OMC (Cap.IV). Finalmente se brinda un ejercicio de reflexión sobre el contenido o sustancia del TED, su aplicación o consistencia en el ejercicio reciente de la OMC, y su evolución futura o visión desde el punto de vista sectorial agrícola (Cap.V). La actual impasse de la ronda en la OMC, determinada por una recurrente confrontación de intereses estratégicos entre PD y PED, plantea el interrogante del agotamiento de un enfoque negociador históricamente acotado a cuestiones de acceso a mercados bajo forma de intercambios de concesiones arancelarias y listas de productos. Se somete la necesidad del retorno al espíritu amplio del principio del TED como factor definitorio para la culminación de las actuales negociaciones en la OMC. ····· 1036122400

Análisis de la gestión de riesgo de mercado y riesgo de crédito

····· lezzter Preis 44.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las entidades bancarias Españolas se han enfrentado a grandes riesgos en los últimos años y la deficiencia en la gestión del mismo y algunos factores externos inherentes a la política ha ocasionado serios problemas de estabilidad del sistema financiero al punto que hoy se requiere replantear las herramientas de control y vigilancia de las mismas. La supervisión de las entidades financieras debe garantizar su solvencia y continuidad. La quiebra de una entidad financiera por su incidencia en la confianza de los agentes económicos, es mucho más grave que la de una empresa convencional. Por esta razón las entidades financieras internacionales han dado mucha importancia a la implementación de herramientas que les permita medir los riesgos a los cuales se encuentra expuestas, es decir, para los riesgos de crédito, de mercado y operacionales dándole mayor importancia al riesgo de crédito por cuanto se asume que es el más importante, por ser el que mayor pérdida genera a la institución, además de poder llegar a desestabilizar la economía de un país. ····· 1036122294

Estudio Prospectivo de Hatos Ganaderos del Valle de Ubate - Colombia

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este libro, encontrará un ejercicio prospectivo orientado a establecer posibles escenarios futuros para los ganaderos, productores de leche del Valle de Ubate, al entrar nuevos mercados como el europeo y americano al mercado Colombiano, así mismo propone un análisis de las variables relevantes de las condiciones actuales de las fincas y productores de leche de la zona. El proyecto cuenta con datos relevantes de la industria colombiana como índices de productividad, estructura de las fincas lecheras, condiciones sociales y de mercado, condiciones del ganado, competitividad de la industria y variables ambientales. Al final encontrará una serie de recomendaciones a la industria, para poder fortalecer desde diferentes perspectivas la posición de los productores de leche Colombianos en el mercado nacional atacando diferentes situaciones coyunturales que deterioran su situación actual. ····· 1036121884

La liberalización del mercado mundial del limón

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Después de arduas negociaciones entre México y la Unión Europea, se acordó llegar a una etapa final con la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio, la cual inició el 24 de Noviembre de 1999 y concluyó el 1 de Julio del 2000, fecha en la que entró en vigor el Acuerdo. El principal objetivo de las negociaciones comerciales del Acuerdo de Asociación Económica, era crear una zona de libre comercio que cumpliera con las normas previstas por la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) en relación con las uniones aduaneras y la integración económica en materia de servicios. El TLC-UE representaba una oportunidad importante para México de atraer mayor inversión extranjera de los países de la Unión Europea, a través de alianzas estratégicas e intercambios tecnológicos. También representaba la oportunidad de colocar la cuantiosa producción agrícola en los mercados europeos, siendo el principal productor de limón en el mundo. El presente libro muestra los resultados del éxito o fracaso de este Acuerdo en la liberalización del mercado mundial del limón mediante un modelo de equilibrio espacial. ····· 1036121783

Strategies for attracting FDI in Albania

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
FDI are very important especially for the developing countries like Albania. The long isolation during the communist period until 1991 hindered the access of foreign capital in the Albanian economy. Changes during 1991 and 1992 brought the need of passing from centralized planning methods to free market system. The goal of this book is to study the relation between such indicators as: political stability, market researchers, strategic aspects, infrastructure, stimulating policies packages researchers, promotion of investments and FDI. The Albanian experience in attracting the FDI has been related mainly with the privatization process in the strategic sectors. This work provides data on foreign investors opinion related to investment climate in Albania, data on experiences of foreign investors, reasons for selecting Albania as investment location and the experience of investors with the Promotion Agency. The study aimed in verifying several hypotheses which were formulated through a conceptual model. ····· 1036121429

Global Challenges-Opportunities of Sugar Based Ethanol Fuel Production

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This review work is expected to provide essential policy measures taken, on ethanol fuel production,in some developing and developed countries.The growing debate about the food fuel-conflict is also discussed even if the scope is limited.Moreover the feedstock sources for Ethanol Fuel production, taking into account the experience of Brazil,in developing countries are also discussed. ` The poor need alternative energy sources and using wastes of sugar factory will be one of the choice`(Mohammed,2012) ····· 1036121428

Female Entrepreneurs: Orchids in the Forest

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`For a wonderful and highly original metaphor of the orchid used throughout the whole work where we see and follow, empirically and theoretically, several female entrepreneurs in their path of hard work and success for a penetrating and insightful empirical data gathering for a clever and rewarding interpretation and for a far reaching encouragement to all females to step into the entrepreneurial world.` - Prof.Dr. Philippe Daudi, Head of the master program of Leadership and management in International Program, Linnaeus University, Sweden. This work has been awarded the prize of `Outstanding Master`s Thesis with Great Originality and Sharp Insight` during the academic year 2010-2011 of Linnaeus University and received SEK 20,000 granted through funding provived by Kalmar Handlande Borgares Foundation. Read more about the authors` research from ····· 1036121300

Current Account Sustainability in the Central and Eastern Europe

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Current accounts have diverged substantially among the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). This divergence has raised concerns about the sustainability of countries external indebtedness. In this research the common criteria of assessing the current account sustainability are discussed and a framework for analyzing external imbalances in transition economies is provided. This study uses a model of the current account to analyze the fluctuations in current account balances experienced by CEECs over the period of EU membership and to highlight one of its main determinants external indebtedness of a country. A vector autoregression (VAR) model is used to test the causal relationships between the current account and the external debt in five CEECs. The results of the research show that high external debt accumulation may be a major cause of current accounts instability in CEECs. The recommendations to decrease dependence of the CEE economies on external financing to prevent national economies from currency, debt and financial crises are suggested. ····· 1036120669

The Day Oligopolistic Forces Lost Power

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During the last decade, the price of iron ore has risen from $13 per tonne in 2001 to approximately $140 per tonne in 2010. Using commodity data and theoretical argumentation, this thesis analyses how market power amongst actors in the iron ore market have influenced and been affected by different pricing systems, as well as how the price of iron ore has been affected by the shifts in market power and various pricing systems. We find that the price trend of iron ore relative demand is unique when compared to other metals. Evidence suggest that the greatest single factor behind the recent price development is that the pricing mechanism shifted from oligopoly pricing to a state converging perfect pricing in late 2008, causing oligopolistic forces to lose market power. Further, prices will most likely always be higher under the new pricing system than they would have been in any given theoretical situation under the old pricing system. ····· 1036120262

Trade and Development in Contemporary Vietnam

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The processes of economic reform (Doi moi) beginning in 1986 and of deeper integration commencing in 1995 were the major changes, within which, Vietnam s international trade regime was re-shaped. After an initially hesitant start in the late 1980 s, the efforts of liberalization have been accelerated since 1995 as the result of Vietnam s intensified integration into the regional and world economy with its tightening schedule for bilateral and multilateral commitments. Those institutional changes were of strategic importance in the past and will promote a new stage of development in the future. Although being implemented in a cautious and gradual fashion, trade liberalization undertaken by the government of Vietnam up to date could be regarded as successful. The success story of Vietnam in terms of progressive liberalization of trade, spectacular growth and impressive reduction in poverty incidence during the last 20 years could provide a good example of how liberalization of trade regime can be translated into trade expansion, economic growth and poverty reduction. ····· 1036119278

Determinants of International Trade in Defence Sector

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This research investigates interactions between defence-development-diplomacy (3D) within the framework of international trade determination in defence sector. As a consequence of historical evolution, the new 3D-paradigm of countries foreign policy reflects in the states of Economic North . Interdependent factors involved within are closely related to these 3D pillars, whereas the military trade in defence sector seems to be an interaction point of their influence. This study uses gravity model, being a conventional tool for trade studies, to explain the pattern of international trade in defence sectors of North-Atlantic countries. It provides a complex analysis of arms export and military import, using the estimations of different models specifications and theoretical evaluation of the relations between parameters employed in the research. It also elaborates the geopolitical and geoeconomic influences in terms of countries policies mix determination. The introduced analysis grants empirical support for a correlation of particular parameters in the 3D-framework. On the other side, the intercausality in the net of links among 3D-factors found certain theoretical support. ····· 1036119260

Economic Potential of Iran Pakistan India (IPI) Gas Pipeline

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Iran Pakistan India (IPI) Gas Pipeline is a transnational gas pipeline emanating from gas fields of Iran. It is a harbinger of peace and prosperity in South Asian region. This mega developmental project was surrounded by many controversies and political pressures from states within and outside the region. For this reason it kept hanging for a long time. IPI Gas Pipeline project is not only sighted as means of fulfilling energy requirements of much needed developing economies in the region, but also as a source of strengthening regional and bilateral ties among nations. The economic benefits outweigh the cost of IPI project s implementation. ····· 1036118542

The Role of Credit Rating Agencies in the Financial Crisis

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Credit Rating Agencies have endured public brunt for insufficiently policing Wall Street in the making of the late 2000s financial crisis. Still, the specifics of their `wrongdoing` is scarcely holistic, rather fragmented. This book is not an encyclopedia to stitch things up in that regard, but just about turns the volume up on the prevalence of conflict of interest, tenuous rating methodologies and systemic oligopoly in the credit rating sector. It recognizes the importance of rating institutions to investors` faith in the modern day economy and features the oligopolistic structure of the credit rating industry believed to be a function of NRSRO legislation. It discusses broad behaviours of credit rating institutions through theoretical sampling in grounded theory to reach a conclusive statement on the definitive role of credit rating agencies in the financial crisis. ····· 1036118528

Empirical Assessments of trade Liberalization and poverty alleviation

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While trade liberalization is expected to boost economic welfare, the reverse is true in Cameroon and most LDCs countries. To explore the possible effects of trade liberalization on poverty alleviation in Cameroon, this study examines key indicators of poverty. Parallel to Multilateral WTO negotiation s, which have temporally come to a halt, a large number of bilateral and regional trade agreements have been signed, or are under negotiation.. The purpose of this study is to present a broad view of recent events in this area of trade liberalization or regionalization and the South South Trade with special emphasis on agreements covering developing countries in general and LDCs in particular. Is Cameroon Trade the answer to alleviating poverty ····· 1036118235

Finansovyy krizis i antikrizisnaya politika

für 61.11€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Novizna nauchnoe izdanie zaklyuchaetsya v tom, chto v nem proveden kompleksnyy analiz sistemnykh krizisov bankovskogo sektora, vyyavleny puti finansovogo ozdorovleniya bankovskogo sektora v usloviyakh reformirovanii bankovskoy sistemy, opredeleny i proanalizirovany mesto i rol` monetarnykh organov v preodolenii i predotvrashchenii krizisa kreditnykh organizatsiy. V rabote predstavlena original`naya kontseptsiya prirody i osobennostey bankovskikh krizisov, nablyudayushchikhsya v raznykh stranakh mira, kotorym prishlos` fundamental`no reformirovat` svoi bankovskie sistemy v postkrizisnyy period. Nakonets, uspekh prokhodyashchego reformirovaniya bankovskoy sistemy v nemaloy stepeni opredelyaetsya pozitivnym osvoeniem mirovogo opyta i izvlecheniem urokov iz bankovskikh krizisov v drugikh stranakh.V kachestve polozhitel`nogo primera adaptatsii k usloviyam nestabil`nosti mirovykh finansovykh rynkov byla privedena Azerbaydzhanskaya Respublika: ee ekonomika v naimen`shey stepeni postradala ot krizisa, a finansovo-bankovskaya sistema proyavila dolzhnuyu ustoychivost`. ····· 103615305

Obosnovanie kontraktnykh tsen

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Predlagaemaya chitatelyu kniga okhvatyvaet zakonchennuyu didakticheskuyu kontseptsiyu distsipliny `Obosnovanie kontraktnykh tsen`. V uchebno-metodicheskom komplekse predstavleny osnovopolagayushchie svedeniya o ponyatiyno-terminologicheskom apparate i normativno-pravovoy baze distsipliny, a takzhe voprosy, obrashchennye k statisticheskomu i vneshneekonomicheskomu analizu tsenovoy informatsii. Krome togo, uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks soderzhit tipovoy uchebnyy plan, programmu kursa, rekomenduemuyu literaturu, metodiku provedeniya i soderzhanie prakticheskikh zanyatiy, proverochnyy test, metodicheskie rekomendatsii po predstavleniyu i oformleniyu kursovoy raboty, tematiku kursovykh rabot i referatov, a takzhe voprosy dlya podgotovki k ekzamenu. Uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks prednaznachen dlya studentov, obuchayushchikhsya po spetsial`nosti `Tamozhennoe delo`. Mozhet byt` polezen prepodavatelyam. ····· 103615046

Asimmetrichnaya globalizatsiya

für 22.32€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bolee dvukh desyatiletiy posle krakha mirovogo kommunizma globalizatsiya opredelyaet sushchnost` protsessov, proiskhodyashchikh v mirovoy ekonomike i v sisteme mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy. V dannoy knige analiziruetsya odna iz storon globalizatsii finansovaya, posokol`ku disbalansy i nestabil`nost` v mezhdunarodnykh finansovykh otnosheniyakh vlekut za soboy narushenie ravnovesiya v global`noy ekonomike. Priznavaya, chto problema effektov finansovoy globalizatsii ostaetsya klyuchevoy kak v sovremennoy sisteme mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy v tselom, tak i v razvitii otdel`nykh stran, avtory udelyayut osoboe vnimanie, glavnym obrazom, politike pravitel`stva i finansovykh vlastey SShA, polagaya, chto amerikanskiy faktor okazyvaet opredelyayushchee znachenie na vsyu sistemu. ····· 103614603

La tentation despotique

für 23.22€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A coté du plus grand nombre exclusivement voué à la corvée du travail, il se forme une classe libérée du travail productif qui se charge des affaires communes de la société. La contradiction entre la richesse qui ne travaille pas et la pauvreté qui travaille pour vivre, fait naître une contradiction entre le savoir et le travail. Une société dont la condition est de produire à un pôle la richesse et de l`autre la misère est condamnée à générer d`un coté la civilisation et de l`autre l`inculture Voila en quelques mots les défis à relever pour une démocratie qui n`épouserait pas les diktats du capital. La démocratie pour l`instant obéit aux lois du développement inégale tant sur les plans national qu international.Ces lois sont celle du système représentatif et des élections périodiques et enfin de l alternance au pouvoir dispositif toléré dans la mesure où l ensemble du processus confirme son adhésion à l organisation capitaliste de l économie Tout est organisé dans ce sens depuis 1980.La démocratie prépare-t-elle le lit du despotisme ····· 103614537

Politiques européennes-tome 1

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cet ouvrage rassemble certains articles écrits en 2011 et 2012 sur des sujets divers de politique générale européenne tels que les relations internationales, la gouvernance, la finance, la société, la défense et l`énergie. Il est le premier d`une série de publications régulières sur l`Europe. On y trouve une méthodologie de pensée innovante issue de retours d`expérience et de concepts d`approche globale pour une autre vision de l`Europe, forte de ses différences à la fois stratège, technique et humaine. ····· 103614453

Determinants of FDI in the Southern African Development Community

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In the early 1990s all the fourteen countries that make up the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region had moved away from authoritarian politics and state-controlled economies. These changes were in some countries a complete turn-around. Most of them were for the first time liberalising their policies, opening up to trade with their neighbours and, broadly, rejoining the global economy. With the exception of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia, rejoining the global economy required attracting foreign capital by means of attracting Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). For most of the countries, attracting FDI was not and has not been a fast-track. Freeing up the economy for private sector participation did not yield anticipated capital inflows as earlier envisaged. This book explores some of the bottlenecks that stifled the flow of FDI. It also investigates determinants for the movement of global capital and how the SADC region would position itself for this opportunity. The book concludes by suggesting policy changes that SADC countries should adopt so as to attract FDI as a bloc or as individual countries. ····· 103613474

Poland`s investment attractiveness after 20 years of the democracy

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The last 20 years of changes in Central and Eastern Europe had had positive effect on the investment attractiveness of the region and the way it is perceived by the potential foreign investors. Poland as the biggest country from CEE accounts for 28% of FDI in the region (as for 2008). In 2009 it was the only one European state with positive economic growth. Impressive, isn`t it Nevertheless the crisis affected us as well. The question today is: Can we still attract potential investors Do we have any advantages over other countries And also: can we learn from our mistakes all in all we lost some of the battles for few major investments in the region. In order to answer those questions one has to approach the problem of investment attractiveness from theoretical point of view: What are the driving forces for investment What are the reasons for choosing a specific investment location Apart from answering these questions, this book provides for a wide range of market, institutional, international and financial determinants of foreign investment. Moreover it presents the analysis of given determinants in Poland in comparison with other Central and Eastern European countries. ····· 103613420

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