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Trade openness and economic growth: is there a direct causality?

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The idea that free trade is a desirable factor for the economy originates all the way back in the 18th century: Adam Smith (1776) predicted that countries could grow if they would all specialize according to their absolute advantage and that all will gain from free trade. David Ricardo (1817, p. 88) opposed tariffs based on the argument that they generate inefficient usage of domestic resources in his view, countries should specialize in goods for which they have a comparative productivity advantage. Recent studies have examined the relationship between openness and growth, with mixed results some (e.g. Edwards, 1993) argued that trade openness promotes growth, while others (Rodriguez and Rodrik,2000)have criticised this idea with a series of arguments, such as the inappropriateness of variables used for expressing trade openness. In this thesis, we will examine the arguments of both sides, followed by our own empirical analysis. ····· 10361102324

Globalizing Denmark

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Denmark is a small, beautiful country filled with proud people and strong cultural values. Life is pleasant and comfortable for most inhabitants, and the social system affords many individuals luxuries in life that are not available in other countries. This unique way of life is an attractive draw for many internationals looking to relocate for work, education, or other. But speak to any international student who has ever resided in Denmark, and they will tell you integration and acceptance in the Danish culture is not easy - and finding a relevant job is even more difficult. Studies show that there is an increasing need for an international workforce - so why is it so difficult for internationals The author uses the concepts of globalization, social integration, cultural intelligence, change management and language diversity to explore the internationalization process in Denmark. ····· 10361102268

Social entrepreneurs transforming economic development

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This book aims to seek a plan where rural areas in Mexico could be developed applying social entrepreneurship education, eradicating poverty and avoiding migration from rural communities to urban areas. Concepts as social and business entrepreneurship will be discussed as well as the fourth sector movement in order to link them with the current state of rural communities in Mexico and the players involved: Multinational corporations, private and public institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the population of rural communities. Together, they should seek a development beneficial for people in need. The way to achieve this development is by educating the players fostering the social entrepreneurship in the population. Social entrepreneurship entails all those activities and initiatives which identify problems and opportunities in communities, working in order to make the difference by adding value to the society, changing and improving a community life style. It is not about altruism, is about business with another approach. ····· 10361102259

Foreign Direct Investment, Exports and Economic Growth

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Sub-Saharan Africa is poorer than other developing regions in the world. African governments had embarked on substantial reform programmes to promote trade liberalisation and attract foreign direct investment. The study explores the motivations of foreign firms in choosing SSA as their investment location and examines the investment needs of the host economies. In modelling the home motivations, we distinguish between the labour and non-labour factors that attract FDI. The needs of the recipients are captured via the growth effect of FDI through the trade channel. The presence of international political economy factors in SSA are also considered. ····· 10361102221


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Bangladesh has experienced in dramatic price surge of food commodity since mid of 2007 to 2008. In general the genesis of the domestic food price crisis was identified on the backdrop of global shock of food price as well as energy price. In addition to this a sustain fall of the US dollar value, since mid-decade pressure on dollar-dominated commodity prices directly (Timmer 2008). Surprisingly few attempts have been made to systematically analysis of shock transmission from international to domestic market specially for Bangladesh. The present study analyzed the effect of global commodity market factor and domestic exchange rate development on domestic food price instability using monthly data series. Bi-variate co-integration approach suggested by Engler-Granger was applied for the analysis of transmission. The overall magnitudes of the pass through suggest that only 46 percent of the total world shock pass-through to domestic economy. Bangladesh acts as stabilizer in world price shock period by intervention policy.In spite of intervension shocks came through exchange rate. ····· 10361102200

Impact of trade openness on Albania`s foreign trade

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The connection between the trade policy and economic performance has been debated for more than one century. The issues regarding trade liberalization are still a subject of the further theoretical discussion and the empirical investigation, because of the contradiction of the larger empirical literature on the trade policy and economic performance. Thus, the main aim of this book is to investigate the effects of trade liberalization and integration on the foreign trade flows. We are based on the existing theories of the effects of trade liberalization on the economy and particularly the theoretical and empirical applications in the trade literature to estimate critically the implications of trade liberalization on the economic performance. This book also provides a detailed survey and analysis of the trade flows` structure and geography of Albania using information from reliable national and international sources. Further, an augmented gravity model is applied empirically to investigate the impact of trade openness on the trade flows of Albania. Lastly, some policy recommendations are offered for public institutions, government and all interest groups in Albania`s foreign trade. ····· 10361102159

Pakistan`s Trade Potential with Selected Asian Countries

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This work critically analyzes Pakistan`s trade policy and explores the determinants of bilateral export and import flows between Pakistan and selected Asian countries (SAC) in recent past. Much research on international trade patterns focuses on primitive causes of trade, such as differences in national factor endowments, preferences and technologies but we have focused on macroeconomic determinants to overcome the problems of trade deficit. It contains the latest theoretical and empirical research in the area as well as policy issues which may be helpful for policymakers of other developing countries facing same conditions. Our intended audience includes policymakers, professionals and students of economics and business who wish to examine international transactions. ····· 10361101931

How Multinational Companies Influence Multilateral Negotiations

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The main objective of this work is to identify how multinational companies (MNCs) act as negotiators in the context of international governance. The main hypothesis is that MNCs try to influence the states and their coalitions, nationally and transnationally, by exercising their structural power as well as their soft power. The defense of their corporate interests depends on the confluence of their interests with those of the states as well as the states` vulnerabilities to the corporations` activities. In the first part of the book, I present the theoretical framework related to the Complex Interdependence Theory and the three-level chessboard of Nye. I recognize the limitations of the MNCs` influence power through an extension of the Frieden-Rogowsky model. The second part of the work shows the role of MNCs in two case studies: the negotiations that led to the creation of an international regime of intellectual property in the Uruguay Round of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and the negotiations of the Cartagena Protocol of Biosafety, a complementary instrument of the Biodiversity Convention (CBD), which regulates genetically modified organisms (GMOs). ····· 10361101752

The Role of Agriculture in the Turkey-EU Integration

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Turkey-EU integration is not a straightforward one, having historical, cultural and political as well as economic dimensions. Within this wide spectrum, this study analyzes the implications of integrating Turkey`s agriculture with the EU. This is the first study to investigate the implications of extending the CU to include agriculture in a multi-sector, multi-region general equilibrium framework. It addresses some of the key issues such as welfare effects, sectoral resource allocations, agricultural unskilled labor mobility, revenue replacement and the cost of integration on the EU budget. The results indicate that much of the benefit of agricultural integration for Turkey will be conditional upon the availability of EU budget transfers to cover anticipated production subsidies. This is not a realistic scenario, however. Given the financial, economic and political difficulties EU is facing nowadays in the aftermath of the global economic crisis, a more realistic scenario would require Turkey to reorganize/downsize its agriculture, and EU to reform the CAP. Market-oriented reforms on both sides will be benefitial for all regardless of whether this integration takes place. ····· 10361101726

Microfinance as a Sustainable Solution for Alleviating Poverty

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This book presents the hot topic of microfinance, comparing the success of microfinance institutions across two geographic regions: Africa and Asia (specifically sub-Saharan Africa [SSA] and south Asia). The success of a microfinance institution is defined by its outreach and sustainabilty, which indicate social and economic performance as well as impact. Looking more closely at poverty issues, sub-Saharan Africa poverty has essentialy doubled to 380 million (more than the U.S. population) over 20 years despite many political and economic attempts to restore economic growth. Comparing reforms taken by China and Vietnam that resulted in large and sustainable reductions in poverty, this book argues that sub-Saharan Africa has much larger issues outside of access to credit by the poor that hinder economic development. While microfinance shows to have played a role in smoothing consumption, it has not shown increased entrepreneurship or self-sufficiency and has not affected aggregate poverty levels at all. ····· 10361101547

Claiming Indigenous Land Rights from the Bottom Up

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The current situation of dispossession of the Ogiek from their land in Mau Forest, Kenya is the result of the adoption of the State`s land and other policies that are similar to those adopted by the colonialist more than a century ago. In response the Ogiek have instituted several cases through the Kenya courts in an effort to once again access their ancestral lands. Not only has the Kenya government introduced land policies that have greatly affected the way of life of the Ogiek, it has also failed to meet its obligations at the national and international level in response to protecting the human rights of indigenous people. In light of this, this paper attempts to demonstrate analytically how some historical and modern socio-political dynamics have continued to systematically deprive the Ogiek of their land and to assess the extent to which the platform on indigenous rights has helped them in their struggle for their land. ····· 10361101476

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain

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Multinationals (MNCs) receive a considerable amount of critique for turning a blind eye to social, economic and environmental wrongs that occur throughout their supply chains. Particularly in the context of developing countries many feel that MNCs must not consent tacitly and instead act to resolve issues such as child labour. Since not acting can be tremendously harmful to a firm`s reputation, MNCs nowadays take their responsibility and involve themselves much more with the management of social and environmental issues. In the context of supply chain management, this is often done by implementing codes of conduct that prescribe social and environmental behaviour for all business partners. Some celebrate this state of affairs. They regard Corporate Social Responsibility as a stimulator for processes of development and speak of win-win` propositions. Others feel that a more nuanced point of view needs to be defended and warn for inconsiderately embracing CSR as the new development`. All in all, it proves that our present understanding of the matter longs for both theoretical and empirical profundity. This study aims to increase our apprehension of this intricate matter. ····· 10361101451

The Effects of Corruption on Indian Incoming FDI

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This paper examines the ways in which corruption inIndia has influenced the investment decisions of MNCsoperating or planning to operate in the country. Itfocuses not only on the direct channels through whichcorruption discourages FDI, but also on the indirectones, by analyzing the corruption-infrastructure-FDIand the corruption-human capital-FDI nexus inparticular. The paper finds out that both the directcosts and the indirect influence throughinfrastructure discourage FDI greatly. Whilecorruption affects human capital substantially, thisis not a major obstacle to FDI. ····· 10361101450

The Market Entry Decision and Success

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The Market Entry Decision and Success Although the market entry decision has received attention, literature dealing with it suffers from unstated assumptions that colour the understanding of what firms are trying to achieve the effects of time are rarely included, as too are the full impact of country-specific factors. Further, many studies are based on a partial sample of firms from a small or at least limited number of industries which tends to reduce the rich complexity of the overall decision process. This thesis tries to help remedy some of these shortcomings by providing an empirical study of UK firms entering three economies in East Asia: the Republic of Korea, Japan and Taiwan and their definitions of success. Success is a multi- dimensional construct which has definite associations with some entry decisions and that it is country-specific conditions which are most influential in determining which entry modes will be adopted and whether operational modes will have subsequently changed or be likely to change in the future. The thesis also deals with the appropriate matching of market entry modes with the particular economies studied. ····· 10361101447

Cross-Cultural Competence

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With a society so multifaceted and rooted in ancient traditions, yet highly globalised and modern, India is often giving western businesses mixed messages. This book goes beyond cultural stereotyping and seeks to embrace the paradoxes and the complexity of the Indian culture and describe it through a new perspective. It presents a recent study of Swedish businesses in India and in- depth interviews with the Swedish managers as well as the observations from a two-month field study in a Swedish multinational company in Bangalore. This study analyzes the critical role that cross-cultural competence has for western managers in India in reaching for organizational goals. Finally it invites the reader to a way of understanding how we can use cross-cultural competence as, not only an advantage but as a key to business success in India. ····· 10361101418


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The main conclusions of the research: 1) If the mathematical expectation of return on speculation in financial markets is less than the current rate of return in the interbank credit market, a professional participant will close up his financial activities in financial markets and transfer his assets to the interbank market. 2) Financial markets provide the conditions for manipulative transactions when the mathematical expectation of return on speculative transactions goes below the current value of the interbank market return, with no funds flowing from the stock market to the interbank market. 3) The higher the dealer-estimated probability of success of his speculative strategy, the higher the risk he would be willing to assume (the higher quotation he would be willing to offer). 4) Information is not a mandatory component for the speculative dealer to carry out speculative trading. Certainly he may use it but he is basically indifferent to the information flow. 5) The modern exchange trading system accepted globally, including Islamic countries, violates a few fundamental principles of Sharia and cannot be used in Islamic countries. ····· 10361101393

On the way to Eurozone

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Is there a necessity for revision of reference values (inflation and deficit) of the Maastricht monetary convergence criteria by considering the equilibrium characteristics of new, catching up member-states Drawing on governmental documents and reports issued by the IMF, EBRD, Bulgarian Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting, Bulgarian and Hungarian National Bank and interviews with former and present governmental officials and respected scholars, this work argues that the existing Balassa- Samuelson (BS) effect in the catching-up transition economies frustrates the possibility for compliance with the Maastricht monetary convergence criteria necessary for EMU membership. The study recommends the Maastricht criteria to be defined in reference to the average inflation rate of the euro zone (the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices, HICP), not the three EU members with the lowest inflation rate. ····· 10361101291

Leadership Behaviors and Top Management Teams

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of chief executive officer (CEO) leadership behaviors among Guatemalan organizations in relation to the level of agreement, commitment, and satisfaction of the top management team (TMT) members and organizational performance. The CEO leadership behaviors examined were autocratic, charismatic, face saver, power sharing, and visionary. It was hypothesized that that there would be a positive relationship between the CEO leadership behaviors and the level of agreement among the TMTs, commitment, and satisfaction. In addition, it was hypothesized that the level of agreement, commitment, and satisfaction would have an effect on overall organizational performance (growth revenue and sales volume). Due to the lack of research regarding executives and their TMTs (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1996), this study furthers the research among the upper echelon and Guatemalan organizations. A quantitative research design was used to test the hypotheses. The level of analysis was the CEO and TMTs or their respective organizations. ····· 10361101289

Social Insurance in Romania in the Context of Integrating EU

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XXI century began with a big problem for countries that have moved from organization to organization of the centralized economy to free trade principles, namely: the social problem which is in the period after the active life of those who through no fault of are their forced to cover the problem of old age insurance of the necessary daily. These problems began to be more every day in most of these countries. Romania, as a state that comes after such an experience, not an exception, but its social problems are both content and structure, and the fact that accession to the European space has brought the quiet before the storm`. In these circumstances the book presents a study developed a theoretical and methodological integration of social security in Romania in the European structures. The estimation and evaluation of coordination mechanisms need to try to establish the Romanian system of interaction with other similar systems of social insurance in the European community demonstrating the need for a new scheme, retirement Romanian role of argument that you can have a scheme more flexible in its economy. ····· 10361100978

Business Internationalization

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Traditional theories, models, and methods within the business literature often address a general view of the environment including sociocultural, technological, political, and economic factors. However, there is a lack of infrastructural attention in these concepts which this paper intends to contribute with by analyzing how regional specific infrastructural variables can be aggregated to one comparative measure and what that measure`s scope of use could be in the market analysis. In this paper, infrastructural data are compiled and calculated in a manner which allows an indexing which is presented as an Infrastructural Status Index (InfraStat Index). The contributions of this index are that it is a complementary part of the company`s environmental assessment, such as their PEST- and SWOT-analyses, and a supporting quantitative tool in their strategic planning processes. However, the index has both business and macroeconomic scopes of use and the authors intend to demonstrate the benefits in both fields. The main target groups of this paper are academics within the fields of business and macroeconomics and practitioners who are, or are about, to internationalize their businesses. ····· 10361100917

The CDM Sustainability Divide

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At a time when energy supply is crucial for development and reducing emissions is vital for mitigation of Climate Change, Renewable energy comes forth as a possible solution. The Clean Development Mechanism provides a subsidy to developing countries to reduce emissions of behalf of the developed world. The impacts from these projects affect the local sustainable development of the communities where they are located. The Study investigates the local impacts from Renewable Energy CDM projects that have come up in Tamil Nadu, India. The projects are evaluated on Development Indicators and selected CDM criterion including Additionality and Leakage. The evidence from the field suggests that some impacts from CDM Projects upon communities (especially agricultural) may be negative. In addition, the evaluated CDM criterion investigated highlights the difficulties of actual implementation. The following study will be of use to students, academics and those who wish to gain an understanding of the present global climate policy and the Indian renewable energy policy regimes. ····· 10361100743

The Competition Policy of the EU- Telecom Sector and Turkey

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The European Union (EU) has always attached great importance to competition since its foundation. The European Union uses competition policy as a tool to create a common market and an internal market under the principle of an open market economy with free competition. As a result of this, the competition policy of the Union has outlawed price-fixing and market-sharing cartels, abuses of dominant positions and anti-competitive mergers. However, the competition policy of the European Union needs to be modernised to enable it to be more effective in practice to keep up with the changing economic and political environment and to increase the level of competition not only within the Union borders but also in the international economy. However, there are some problems in application of the competition rules to the telecommunications sector.Within this framework, Turkey, seen here as a case study, has been striving to improve her national telecommunications sector`s competitive structure for the sake of its economy and citizens and to be able to compete on an international platform especially with the EU. ····· 10361100684


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Most of the developing world, especially in the Sub- Saharan Africa(SSA) experienced an acute crisis in the 1980s. The origin of this crisis can be traced back in thw 1970s and can be attributed to various factors both internal as well as external. Like most developing countries, Malawi also faced economic crisis by early 1980s. In order to address this crisis and economic imbalances that followed, the government called for economic policy reforms and the adoption of both stabilization and structural adjustment programs under the auspices of various multilateral and bilateral donors. In theory, both macroeconomic stabilization and structural adjustment programs aim at addressing fiscal crisis faced by most developing countries such as Malawi. Malawi has for the past two decades implemented various adjustment programs with an overall objective of improving its economic performance. This book attempts to analyse the policy reform objectives, their outcomes and the impact on the Malawi economic growth as well as poverty alleviation. ····· 10361100666

Import Demand Behaviour in Pakistan

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This work aims to analyze the impact of final expenditure components on import demand in Pakistan. Studying Import demand behaviour is important in economic literature because it has vast implications in tackling the problem of trade deficit faced by most of the developing and less developed countries of the world. It is more than just theoretical debate because it contains a rigorous empirical analysis by using the modern econometric techniques. Although it is a case study of developing South Asian country, Pakistan, yet the inference drawn may also be helpful for the policy makers of other developing countries facing the same situation. This information may also be useful for efficient utilization of both expenditure switching and expenditure dampening policies to overcome the above mentioned problem of trade deficit. This work is also helpful in providing directions for industrial policy. ····· 10361100651

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