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The Multicultural Organization

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Typical private sector industrial organizations in the Gulf States have a common characteristic which is the multinational make-up of the workforce. Each one of these nationality has its unique culture which has influence on the way that an individual behaves, acts or responds to various situations or events in the work environment. This research studies the case of Sohar Insurance Company which based in Oman. The research focuses on all levels of management within the company headquarters which contains of seven different nationalities: British, Iranian, Indian, Sudanese, Jordanian, Egyptian, and Omani in order to study the influence of different cultures on the way managers manage and interact within Sohar Insurance Company and the influence of Sohar Insurance Company`s culture on managing those different cultures. The research has found national culture has a big influence on the way managers manage and interact within Sohar Insurance Company. In addition, it has found that Sohar Insurance Company does not enhance and manage the cultures differences of the managers which create intercultural communication breakdown and conflicts. ····· 10361114915

Entry Mode Choices of Chinese Investors in Europe

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In the nowadays globalized world Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises have an increasingly important role for the world economic activity. Besides, rapidly developing countries and China, in particular, are becoming one of the main sources of Foreign Direct Investment. This paper examines the entry mode choices of Chinese multinational enterprises in Spain. A new theoretical framework is proposed, where the entry mode preference is examined as a two-dimensional decision, namely joint- venture vs wholly-owned subsidiaries and greenfield vs acqusition projects. Then, after an empircial section dedicated to Chinese foreign direct investment in Europe, the study provides a special focus on Spain and reviews Chinese FDI flows on a regional, industry, and firm level. This is the first attempt so far to characterize the entry mode preference as a two-dimensional decision, and apply this framework to Chinese multinationals. Hence, this work should prove useful to academic researchers working in the field of Chinese investment as well as anyone who would like to get an overview of Chinese firms that have invested in Spain. ····· 10361114881

How macro environmental forces affect business buying behavior

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The purpose of this research is to describe changes in buying behaviors from influence of macro environmental forces. The author investigates how the purchasing behavior of retailers and customers has changed after the financial crisis within the area of second hand trucks. It is interesting from companies and academic point of view to investigate how the buying behavior has changed, and what factors that influences the changing of the buying behavior. The buying process is a complex matter as many internal and external factors have an impact on the buying decisions. Environmental forces are affecting companies` strategies and buying behavior. Knowing the external environment is the context in which a business operates. Each factor can have an effect on the business, positive or negative, and therefore the companies develop plans and strategies to anticipate these effects in the best way. A part of this thesis work will identify and discuss the macro environmental forces that influence the retailers and customers` buying behavior and how they have changed their business strategies. ····· 10361114867

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth:A Case Study of Pakistan

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Objectives of this research study were to know about the influence of various economic, social and political determinants of host country in enhancing FDI.Further, an attempt has been made to exploring the impacts of domestic investment, FDI, human capital and trade openness on economic growth.For analysis secondary data have been utilized over the time period from 1971 to 2005.Regression models have been used and the methods of Least Square, TSLS, and Generalized Method of Moment have been applied as analytical techniques for the empirical estimation. It has been argued that foreign capital inflow particularly in the form of FDI is likely to encourage national economic development in a host country by playing supportive role to local investment and by bringing many other benefits. Pakistan is a developing country and characterized by low per capita income, burden of external debt, lack of capital, low saving rate, rapid growth of population, and deficit in balance of payment etc. Domestic resources are short to finance the development needs of the country, therefore, FDI is one of the important sources of external finance for the economic growth and development of Pakistan. ····· 10361114747

The Development of Informal Traders in Zimbabwe

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This study sought to investigate the challenges faced by the informal cross border traders (ICBTs) plying the Harare -Johannesburg route from 2006 to 2010. The study shows that informal cross border traders encounter a lot of challenges during the conduct of their business. Some of these challenges, in terms of severity include border formalities, lack of government support and high transport costs. Informal traders are not organized and do not join associations. This study recommends that informal cross border traders` associations embark on recruitment campaigns to educate the informal cross border traders about the benefits they get by belonging to an association. It also encourages associations to come up with savings clubs to mobilize funds from members for loaning to those members in need at an interest. Finally it also recommends that the government come up with a set of relaxed regulations that would create a non formal board to oversee the informal trade activities. It would then make it mandatory for informal traders to register with the board, making it easier to monitor, regulate and intervene. ····· 10361114720

Analysis of Swedish consumers` attitude to Chinese food

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The aim of this research is to find out what`s attitude Swedish consumers have to Chinese food. The questionnaires based on the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) are handed out to 100 Swedish respondents in order to investigate their motivation on Chinese food choice. Eleven factors involved in the questionnaire are labeled health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, natural content, price, weight control, familiarity, image of China, culture and safety. The information from two semi-structured interviews with Chinese food suppliers showed Swedish consumers` attitude to Chinese food in another angles. The ABC model and Balance Theory are seen as the theoretical basis for empirical research analysis. The eating habits of Swedish and Chinese are compared to show their difference which influence Swedish consumers on food choice more or less. ····· 10361114711

Global Warming and Food Security: An Economic Inquiry

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This book primarily attempts to detect the trend in the present upshots of global warming temperature data. It has been done through the estimation of the long memory fractional parameter, using simulation technique. The study also investigates empirically the impact of global warming on global agricultural production. The simulation-result exhibits a non-trend behavior of global warming that produces a contradictory outcome of profound uncertainties against the case of true world temperature data trend. The results of empirical investigations assert that in the late 21st century unabated global warming would have a negative impact on global agricultural production in the aggregate and the impact could be severe if carbon fertilization benefits do not materialize, especially if water scarcity limits irrigation. In addition, if warming would not halt in the 2080s, but would continue on a path toward still higher global temperatures in the 22nd century, agricultural damage could be more severe. The study also shows that the composition of agricultural effects is likely to be seriously unfavorable to developing countries with the most severe losses in Africa, Latin America and India. ····· 10361114631

The Impact Of WTO Quality Standards On The Horticulture Sector

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Standards and technical regulations have become one of the important issues in the international trade agenda. Due to the increasing importance of quality standards the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 established the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT. These quality standards are also applicable on the production and exports of horticulture sector of Pakistan. Due to the imposition of WTO quality standards many quality issues and packaging problems have been generated. The study analyze the major fruit production and fruit exports of Pakistan before (1984-95) the implementation of the WTO quality standards and after the implementation of the WTO quality standards and the results shows that in Pakistan the level of WTO quality standards implication is very low. Public sector does not conduct quality control assessment. Due to the improper cold storage system for fruits most of the production goes waste. Although the production and exports of many fruits are increasing but still there is a need to give importance to the WTO quality standards certification. ····· 10361114494


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The works of Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni (973-1048AD), a Persian polymath scholar who made significant contributions in diverse fields of study, were examined using frameworks of knowledge assets and knowledge flows. The contributions of this great scholar were revisited and the individual, his environment and the link between them were studied. The factors that have contributed to the tremendous achievements in scholarship by the genius of Al- Biruni were found to be the possession of multiple intelligences, a balance of wisdom with an ability to positively influence his environment and a strong Islamic value system within which he operated. The research suggests that possessing multiple intelligences and a balance in wisdom enables the people involved in multi-national, cross-cultural and cross-lingual knowledge transfer to be able to give better form and structure to knowledge enabling easier and better knowledge diffusion. His learning and research methodology was also found to be very conducive to knowledge flows and knowledge transfer in a cross-cultural, global context. ····· 10361114466

The Political Economy of Single Market Europe

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With a population of over 500 million and a GDP exceeding $US16 trillion, the European Union (EU) is the world`s largest economy. In 1987, the EU commenced implementation of the Single European Market (SEM) program. The objective of the SEM was to remove all internal barriers to trade. It emphasized the centrality of the four freedoms` to the harmonization of the EU economy: free movement of goods, services, labour and capital. The four freedoms` have transformed the EU from a customs union to a single market. In 1999, the EU also adopted a single currency, the euro. This book provides an economic and political analysis of the EU Single Market in order to assess its medium-term outcomes across a range of policy areas. The SEM involves a significant restructuring of EU economic and competition policy. The most comprehensive explanations of EU integration have come from international relations and integration theory. This volume focuses upon the key debates between neorealist and neoliberal explanations of EU integration within the framework of the Single Market. This book will be particularly useful to professionals working in the fields of European economics, business and finance. ····· 10361114416

Modern Portfolio Selection Theory

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Portfolio selection is an important research topic in the field of finance, but typically, existing portfolio models cover a single investment period and are static, while real-world investors operate dynamically over multiple periods. So multi-period portfolio selection models have been studied widely in recent years. This book mainly discusses the efficient frontier of the mean-VaR model for multi-period portfolio selection, and the algorithm and model for multi-period portfolio selection including uncertainty. Its main contents are as follows: firstly, effective solutions are given for the mean-VaR model for multi-period portfolio selection, and the efficient frontier problem is discussed. We then introduce credibility safety standards-based multi-period portfolio selection and fuzzy entropy-based multi-period portfolio selection models. We also present an empirical study for the two types of model. ····· 10361114279

European Union and New Member States

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This book argues that considerations of stability and short- and medium-term prosperity are the primary reasons why the EU has promised to enlarge eastward and why the Eastern European nations wish to join. The author believes that the success of a research paper relies greatly on using results from a number of these sources and formulating theories that are as objective as possible to maximize the validity of the findings. Thus, the present document examines the preparation of Bulgaria for future participation in the structural policies of the EU with the purpose of achieving economic and social harmonization on the basis of the introduction of principles of regional and social policy. Structural funds are among the instruments used to achieve the aims of economic and social harmonization, and thus the preparation for their most effective and efficient use during the pre-accession period is very important. Within this context, the book examines the necessary organizational, administrative, legal and financial measures which must be undertaken in the pursuit of successful future participation in the structural funds of the EU. ····· 10361114176

Factors influencing FDI A Case Study of Pakistan Telecom Sector

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This book is a valuable addition in the research field of factors influencing FDI. In this research study it is tried to investigate what are the key factors influencing FDI and why these factors are are considered important for the inflow of FDI regarding host country. In this book mainly focus on three factors Political instability, Rules and Regulations and Fluctuation in Economic Growth. These factors are considered crucial and analyzed critically by the investors prior to make decision for their investment in target country. In This book focus on situation of Pakistan regarding these factors and tried to measure what extent of relationsip exists between FDI and these influencing factors. ····· 10361114109

Controversial Mega-Events and the Sponsor`s Image

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How do controversial mega-events affect the social image of its sponsors This is the main question considered in this book. The research attempts to respond to this question as fully as possible. Therefore, several theoretical research streams are being discussed, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate image, sport sponsorship, and social risk. It is concluded that the finding are opposing the expectations. This research proves that negative publicity surrounding a mega-event regarding human rights abuses which are not related to the sport event do not damage the sponsor`s image. ····· 10361113969

Financial Crises and Transmission Channels

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Several financial crises experienced in emerging markets were preceded by the 1994 Mexican Peso Crisis or the 1997 East Asian Crisis results in a highly detailed literature on the transmission process of financial crises across the markets to emerge. This book aims at not only reviewing the aforementioned literature but also making an appreciable contribution to it by presenting an alternative perspective on the transmission process of financial crises across the markets, which states that an interdependence effect experienced in non- crisis periods could weaken, could disappear completely and could veer as well in crisis periods as a result of the contagion process.The confirmation of the offered alternative perspective on the transmission process of financial crises across the markets gives rise to a very important policy implication to emerge:the policy-makers are less likely to be able to prevent financial crises experienced outside from being transmitted to their own country, even if they could exactly predict the interdependence effect to exist. ····· 10361113965

Network Analysis

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When a company is working in association with other firms for the development of a final product there are several aspects of notable importance. The position occupied by the focal firm has an effect on its performance, what subsequently provokes an impact on its success. Relationships among members of the value-added chain are relevant in order to understand how each position in the work of the analyzed company influences. ····· 10361113921

Multinational Companies Business Strategies in Developing Countries

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Over the last few years the number of MNCs embarking on business opportunities in developing countries has increased. Some are proposing that investments from MNCs can play a part in poverty reduction, but little academic literature exists on business strategies for MNCs in poor markets. MNCs engage in various activities through FDI in developing markets, but traditional business approaches to new markets are no longer adequate. This book examines the characteristics of poverty, explores the promise of FDI and evaluates three new business approaches developed for MNCs entering poor markets. The analysis of the business strategies suggests five pointers for MNCs to help reduce poverty in developing countries. By following the five pointers MNCs can create a competitive advantage and form sustainable businesses that include instead of exclude the poor. The analysis should help shed some light on business opportunities in poor markets, and should be especially useful for professionals in International Business and Strategy fields, or anyone else who may be considering doing business in developing countries. ····· 10361113878

Biodiversity,Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and IPRs

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Demand for access to biodiversity or genetic resources and associated knowledge for economic use and development has significantly increased in recent years as a consequence of obligatory implementation of international agreements like Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). International trade particularly flows of investment and technology under World Trade Organization (WTO) are directly linked to protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) by the member countries. IPRs are viewed economically more important as patenting activities are quietly expanding and the researchers also increasingly perceive their implications on the state of public health, food security, biodiversity, agriculture, indigenous environmental knowledge, and international trade.In this backdrop this work highlights the need for protection of biodiversity and associated indigenous environmental knowledge for fostering both present and future generations. ····· 10361113868

The Effect of Trade Reforms: The Case of India

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This paper will investigate the effects of India`s global economic integration, especially trade liberalisation, by looking at the partial effects this reforms will have. Using these partial effects this paper will describe what the predicted effects will be according to two of the main results of the neo-classical trade theory, the Stolper-Samuelson theorem and the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem, and test whether these effects actually came true. This paper also describes the effects of the reforms concerning Poverty, Inequality, Foreign Direct Investments and the Information and Communication Technology sector. This paper provides results that support the Stolper-Samuelson theorem and a part of the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem and show some points of concern regarding poverty and inequality the Indian government has to deal with. These are also results that future liberalising countries should take into account when copying the Indian 1991 trade reforms. ····· 10361113829

International Business Students` Receptivity to International Careers

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Multinational organizations need to develop internationally sophisticated and skilled managers in order to compete with the competitive global environment. Organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to find employees who are willing to accept international assignments, one of the most powerful means to shape effective global leaders. Furthermore, organizations do not have an adequate understanding of what factors influence employees` willingness to accept an international assignment. This study analyzes the impact of multiple factors which may influence an individual`s willingness to accept an international assignment. Prior research that investigated individuals` willingness to accept an international assignment mainly focused on one particular aspect. Findings of this research include: students are generally more willing to accept a short-term than a long-term international assignment male and female students are equally willing to accept international assignments students are equally willing to accept international assignments within or outside of Europe from seventeen European countries, students are most willing to work in the UK, Switzerland, Spain and Sweden. ····· 10361113803


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With Corporate Governance scandals like Enron and the recent Satyam Computers, the focus on governance is set to increase. The governments around the world try to ensure good governance practices by setting standards. But some companies go beyond these regulations and standards. This book is an effort to look into the different motivations that companies have while choosing to practice good governance practices at the same time looking into the costs and benefits of good and bad governance. ····· 10361113759

Foreign Ownership, Exports and Labour Market

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The book analyses the impact of foreign capital and exports on the African labour market. Evidence shows that African workers are more productive and benefit from higher wages in the presence of foreign and exporting firms. We observe that exposure to international markets and foreign competition brings a number of benefits to African producers like learning and adopting international best practices. Productivity may, however, vary with the degree of foreign ownership and exporting activities of African producers as well as the markets in which they supply their commodities. ····· 10361113747

Trade Imbalances and Real Exchange Rate: A New Evidence from Pakistan

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Pakistan trade suffers from persistent trade deficits. It had a favourable balance of trade only twice once in 1950-51 because of the increase in prices of primary commodities like cotton and other raw materials as a result of the Korean War boom the second time was after the devaluation of the rupee and the oil crisis in 1972-73. After that the trade deficits of Pakistan`s economy have been gradually and steadily increasing. So, can the depreciation of the Pak rupee improve this phenomenon This present study implies the error correction model to estimate the short run equilibrium and heterogeneous panel cointegration method to examine the long run relationship between the real exchange rate and the bilateral trade balance of Pakistan and her selected 4 major trading partners (USA,UK,China and Germany) for the period 1980-2008. Using annual data, the empirical results indicate the devaluation of the Pakistan rupee deteriorates her bilateral trade balance with China but improves it with USA, UK and Germany. In the panel cointegrated framework, a long- run negative relationship between the real exchange rate and the bilateral trade balance exists for Pakistan. ····· 10361113728

Small and Medium Enterprise Development

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This study attempts to explore the changes and constraints that have taken place as policy gaps still remain in small and medium manufacturing enterprises. The industries in two industrial parks were studied i.e. Pul-e-Charki and Jumma Mohammad Mohammadi, where many Afghans are engaging with the traditional and modern manufacturing of goods. With the implementation of new economic policies many problems in the SME sector have been reduced and economic situations have improved. The establishment of new standardized industrial parks improved licensing procedures, new sources of raw material. Up gradation of machinery (from manual and semi mechanical to full mechanical methods) have contributed to expanding business. Likewise, entrepreneurs have more appropriate conditions to operate work themselves generating their creativity in production. The sector has gained initial results in the beginning stages of the market oriented economy model. ····· 10361113606

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