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Trade Imbalances and Real Exchange Rate: A New Evidence from Pakistan

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Pakistan trade suffers from persistent trade deficits. It had a favourable balance of trade only twice once in 1950-51 because of the increase in prices of primary commodities like cotton and other raw materials as a result of the Korean War boom the second time was after the devaluation of the rupee and the oil crisis in 1972-73. After that the trade deficits of Pakistan`s economy have been gradually and steadily increasing. So, can the depreciation of the Pak rupee improve this phenomenon This present study implies the error correction model to estimate the short run equilibrium and heterogeneous panel cointegration method to examine the long run relationship between the real exchange rate and the bilateral trade balance of Pakistan and her selected 4 major trading partners (USA,UK,China and Germany) for the period 1980-2008. Using annual data, the empirical results indicate the devaluation of the Pakistan rupee deteriorates her bilateral trade balance with China but improves it with USA, UK and Germany. In the panel cointegrated framework, a long- run negative relationship between the real exchange rate and the bilateral trade balance exists for Pakistan. ····· 10361113728

Small and Medium Enterprise Development

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This study attempts to explore the changes and constraints that have taken place as policy gaps still remain in small and medium manufacturing enterprises. The industries in two industrial parks were studied i.e. Pul-e-Charki and Jumma Mohammad Mohammadi, where many Afghans are engaging with the traditional and modern manufacturing of goods. With the implementation of new economic policies many problems in the SME sector have been reduced and economic situations have improved. The establishment of new standardized industrial parks improved licensing procedures, new sources of raw material. Up gradation of machinery (from manual and semi mechanical to full mechanical methods) have contributed to expanding business. Likewise, entrepreneurs have more appropriate conditions to operate work themselves generating their creativity in production. The sector has gained initial results in the beginning stages of the market oriented economy model. ····· 10361113606


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`Underdevelopment whirlpools` is a result of the loss of developing countries of a transaction factors system`s formation due to the time lags and the need to increase the system of transformation factors for innovative response to the rapidly evolving external environment`s impact. In Russian conditions `underdevelopment whirlpools` arise as consequence of extensive model of development. Only the regions with fields of raw materials are not in `underdevelopment whirlpools`, the rest part of Russian territory is dragged into whirlpools of different depth. In this book, prepared for performing at the 6th International Scientific Conference: `Economic forecasting: models and methods`, we examine problems of economic growth of Russian regions. Treating this subject we emphasize problems of differentiation and disproportion of economic growth, determine perspectives of reducing the economic growth lag between regions of Russia and developed countries. ····· 10361113594

The social performance of the microfinance industry

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The microfinance industry is developing and expanding at a fast pace the formal banking industry has discovered the potential of offering microfinance related products and services and private investors are getting more and more interested in this industry. In hand with this development goes the development of the industry being criticized for not being that socially responsible as it pretends to be and being led by mission drift due to its increased emphasis on profitability. Worldwide alleviation of poverty, empowerment of women, job creation, education this all sounds very rose-coloured, but what is the exact impact of these microfinance activities How do investors know which investments yield strong social returns To elaborate on this emerging concept, the importance of adopting a tool to measure the social performance of the microfinance industry will be highlighted. The results will not only help microfinance providers to better understand its products/services, clients and operations, but also aims at decreasing the knowledge gap regarding the relevance and impact of social performance measurements. ····· 10361113550

Growth,Unemployment and Poverty: A Case Study of Pakistan (1972-2006)

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Growth, Unemployment and Poverty in Pakistan Growth is the most imperative and momentous apparatus for both developed and developing countries to trim down the fundamental problems of unemployment and poverty. Being a developing nation, Pakistan`s growth occurrence reveals fluctuation.This study attempts to evaluate empirically the role of growth on unemployment and poverty for Pakistan from 1972-2006. The sources of growth are the central character of all economic policies. The interaction between capital, labor, openness of trade, foreign direct investment and inflation have occurred significant position as factors of growth and these variables are used in this study. Not only growth but also pattern of growth is now become a highway towards the sustained growth and to minimize the crucial problems of unemployment. Unemployment is the wastage of valuable human resources. Unemployment makes severe the problem of poverty. This study is based on Two Stage Least Square. The empirical results show that growth has no significant impact on unemployment and poverty. Sustained growth with employment generation can minimize poverty. ····· 10361113465

Cross-border M&As in the Russian market

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The Russian market of cross-border mergers and acquisitions did not receive enough attention in research. Due to lack of studies on this growing market the current work aims to examine the performance of foreign companies acquiring Russian targets in the period of 1994-2009. A sample of 96 transactions was investigated to determine wealth created for bidding companies. Foreign acquirers show positive and statistically significant returns for several event windows. Thus, on average, the results support the argument that cross-border acquisitions in the Russian market create value for acquiring companies. The examination of factors that might influence the performance of bidding companies is also part of this research. The results show that acquirer size and previous acquisition experience have significant negative effect on value created in cross-border acquisitions, while acquirer profitability show a positive significant impact on the stock reaction to the announcement of M&A deals. This book should be particularly useful to professionals working in the field of M&As in the Russian market, students of Business studies, and anyone else interested in this topic. ····· 10361113232

Corporate Social Responsibility in banking

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With banking being a relatively clean sector, it has not faced the scrutiny related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) felt by other industries such as oil & gas, forestry and transportation. Recent high profile corporate scandals and accusations of irresponsible behavior, however, have led to organizational crises and are pressuring the banking industry to modify current practices of for instance lending, advising and investment. U.S. banks were the first designated scapegoats when the financial crisis hit in late 2007. However, it quickly became apparent that the banking sector globally, with few exceptions, had been engaged in risky and unsustainable business. This book has issued how the banking sector use CSR in dealing with organizational crises, and how the concept can be useful in efforts to repair the legitimacy and reputation of banks. Norwegian bank DnB NOR and Danish financial services provider Danske Bank have been applied as case examples. ····· 10361113151

A shift in consumer research paradigm

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This print endeavours to formulate an alternate research method, drawing inspiration and attributes from the anthropological discipline together with literature on user driven innovation, in order to construct a generic applied research method that is conducive to understanding consumers and discovering their latent demands, all for the purposes of generating innovative new product development ideas for organisations. ····· 10361112978

Foreign Aid Dependency

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Aid dependency is believed to act as an impediment to self-sustained development. The concept became important due to concerns for the lack of aid effectiveness in Africa, particularly among countries receiving high volumes of aid. It has been suggested that aid itself may be the problem. This book presents Zambia as a case of an aid dependent country. Aid dependency is defined, and the book shows how this may have an adverse effect on the course and the pattern of development. To begin with, the historical context of the development of the country s economy is analysed to establish the roots of this dependency. The financial and economic variables are then examined to establish the extent of aid dependency. Nevertheless, it is argued that aid dependency is more than a state of accounts. The debilitating effects extend to institutions responsible for economic policy-making including planning, budgeting and public finance management. Aid dependency also has serious implications for ownership and sovereignty, as the ability of policy makers to respond to the needs of the country is compromised by the dominance of donors in the aid relationship. ····· 10361112943

Teilung von fondsgebundenen Versicherungen im Rahmen des neuen Versorgungsausgleichs

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Im Fall einer Ehescheidung findet ein Ausgleich der während der Ehezeit von den Eheleuten erworbenen Anwartschaften auf eine Alters- oder Erwerbsminderungsversorgung statt. Dieser `Versorgungsausgleich` wurde durch das zum 01.09.2009 in Kraft getretene `Gesetz zur Strukturreform des Versorgungsausgleichs (VAStrRefG)` grundlegend neu geregelt. Durch den neuen Versorgungsausgleich wird bei einer Scheidung grundsätzlich jedes Anrecht auf eine Versorgung, soweit es in der Ehezeit erworben wurde, jeweils hälftig zwischen den geschiedenen Ehegatten intern geteilt. Für die Versorgungsträger stellt die neue Rechtslage eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Die meisten privaten und betrieblichen Versorgungsträger hatten eine Realteilung in der Vergangenheit ausgeschlossen und mussten meist nur eine Auskunft zu der betroffenen Versorgung geben. Durch das neue Gesetz muss jedoch die tatsächliche Teilung für jede einzelne Versorgung innerhalb der von den Familiengerichten vorgegebenen Fristen ermöglicht werden. Fondsgebundene Versicherungen werden in dem Gesetz nicht explizit erwähnt.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Forschungsfrage, wie die Interessen der drei von dem Versorgungsausgleich betroffenen Parteien - ausgleichsverpflichtete Person, ausgleichberechtigte Person und Versorgungsträger - von den Gestaltungsspielräumen, die dem Versorgungsträger bei der Umsetzung des Versorgungsausgleichs vom Gesetzgeber gelassen werden, beeinflusst werden. Eine genaue Untersuchung hierzu findet für fondsgebundene Versicherungen statt. Dabei werden drei verschiedene Teilungsmöglichkeiten für fondsgebundene Versicherungen untersucht und in Bezug auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die Interessen der drei vom Versorgungsausgleich betroffenen Parteien hin verglichen. ····· 10361108491

Mobile Phones and E-Commerce among Micro and Small Enterprises in the Informal Sector: An Empirical Investigation of Entrepreneurship in Nairobi

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Lack of employment has pushed many people into self employment in the informal sector in Nairobi and Kenya at large. Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are recognized by the government for their contribution to the GDP. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are assisting the operators of MSEs in this sector to become more entrepreneurial. The ICT that is widely used in the sector is the mobile phone. Studies done on the usage of ICTs among MSEs have mostly concentrated on the roles of computers and internet usage, and given contradicting results on the benefits of using these technologies in e-commerce. Evidence on the role of mobile phones among MSEs in Kenya is lacking, especially, the evidence on factors facilitating and preventing their adoption, and the effects of the adoption on the performance of an MSE. This thesis analyzed the determinants of mobile phone possession, the extent of its usage in e- commerce, and the impact of mobile phone usage on the performance of an MSE. The hypotheses that were tested and strongly rejected were: a) e-readiness factors that is, characteristics of the owner, the attributes of the firm and the environment under which the firm operates, have no effect on the adoption of mobile phones and their usage in e-commerce and b) the adoption of mobile phones and their use to transact business has no effect on the performance of an MSE. Data for the study was collected from the 8 divisions of Nairobi Province. Three models were estimated using these data, namely, the logit model, the probit model and the LPM (linear probability model). The main findings of the thesis are as follows: a) the majority of MSEs in Nairobi`s informal sector are poor although a few of them had sales running into millions of Kenya shillings b) the sector is dominated by literate people, the majority of whom were male operators c) many of the operators had mobile phones, and they used them for business transactions d) each MSE paid a daily fee of 20 Kenya shillings to the City Council officers e) the key readiness factor influencing the possession of the phone is electricity f) education has a strong influence on the usage of the phone for e-commerce and g) mobile phone possession and usage for e-commerce are highly associated with sales turnover and with employment creation within the informal sector. It is recommended that MSEs be categorized by the value of items sold and not the number of employees. A clear distinction should be made between MSEs in the informal sector and those in the formal sector. Further, a conducive, operating environment which accommodates electricity needs to be provided. Computer training and innovations associated with the usage of mobile phones should be encouraged and facilitated among MSEs to enhance their performance. Research on business start-ups and innovations due to mobile phone usage should be carried out. Finally, research on specific transactions of mobile phone usage in e-commerce needs to be conducted. ····· 10361107887

Conditions for entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka: A Handbook

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This book is needed as it helps in translating theories related to entrepreneurship into an understanding of the action on the ground in a developing country influenced by Buddhism. By doing so, the book builds entrepreneurial capacity regarding context and business activities in countries similar to Sri Lankan. The book does this by evidencing a case of co-creation of knowledge involving two universities, University of Nordland, Norway and University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. The chapters all relates to how entrepreneurship is conducted, and how the institutional framework in Sri Lanka limits and opens for entrepreneurial opportunities. Together, the chapters evidence the interdisciplinary nature of entrepreneurship. The book project came into being when The Norwegian Centre for Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) funded a NUFU cooperation project, `The entrepreneurial university`, as a co-operation between University of Nordland, Norway (UoN) and University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (UoR). NUFU is an abbreviation for `The Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education`, and its aim is to build research and educational capacity in the south on issues important for the south. SIU is Norway`s official agency for international programmes and measures related to higher education. It is commissioned by several national and international public organisations to administer programmes within all levels of education. The aim of the book project is to generate new knowledge related to how UoR could facilitate entrepreneurial growth in its region. The NUFU project suggests that exploitations of marine resources could be the content of such an entrepreneurial effort. The studies reported in this book then represent different approaches to an understanding of how the institutional structures hinders or facilitate entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka. The universities involved in the book project hope that the outcome could strengthen our efforts to serve our public responsibilities as knowledge developers and knowledge providers. Universities also have a responsibility to activate knowledge and to help creating viable societies. This we seek to accomplish by doing the research reported in the book. We also hope that the reader of the book will gain new insights useful in their work. The teacher in entrepreneurship that would like to offer his students knowledge on the conditions for entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka would find a set of helpful insights. These insights are to some extent also relevant for other developing countries and countries similar to Sri Lanka. The practitioner is also provided support in his strives to understand the limitations and the opportunities that are available in such an environment. The included chapter also offers implication for policy makers seeking to improve the conditions and the institutional framework for entrepreneurship. Aid organizations need to cooperate with the forces shaping the business environment and the findings reported in the book could be helpful in this task. The ones interested in developing joint research between universities in the north (west) and the south (east) are also offered hints for improved practises. ····· 10361107323

The cooperation of universities in different countries

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In the book the author has investigated the most important aspects of having international cooperation between universities. The book has been based on the knowledge transfer or knowledge exchange approach. It starts with a description of the methodology of the whole study. A case study approach is chosen. In addition, the author defines the most appropriate theories that can be applied. To get empirical evidence to the theories applied, mainly interviews have been used. This has been done with direct interviews with the Danish side and using electronic communication tools with the Latvians. A common interest field was eventually found - satellite technologies. The satellite technology perspective is then applied to see, how the defined cross-border barriers affect the cooperation possibilities. ····· 10361103083

Global teams and development of global competences

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Within the last decades we have witnessed a rapid rise in multinational corporations and as a consequence global teams are becoming increasingly widespread. The processes in these teams are different from the processes in local teams and it is vital for companies to understand the difficulties, as well as the opportunities, that are inherent in global teamwork. This book explores the processes in global teamwork and the various ways these processes may have relevance for development of a particular kind of competences, labeled global competences. Time, the organizations innovative focus, organizational support, corporate political issues and team members` perception of and cognitive reflection upon global teamwork are variables that are found to influence these processes. This book will be useful to everyone working within a multinational context. ····· 10361102987


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Dr. Isola is a proficient Business instructor with proven management track record in 3 continents. In USA, Dr. Isola increased business department`s student population by 100% within 12 months and managed 6 professors as department chair. Successfully coordinated HLC and ACICS accreditation visits. In Hong Kong Dr. Isola increased student`s enrollment by 500% in 14 months as Director of student`s admissions working with the same number of staff for the entire period. In Africa, he oversaw the increased of an Investment company`s deposit base by 2700% in less than 12 months. He is a prolific author with several published books. He is an inventor with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office, Sept 2006) and Marquis Who`s Who listee since 2006 (Who is who in Asia 2006 who is who in the World 2007). ····· 10361102965


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The approach of the EU on Corporate Governance has undergone a constant development. Initially considered a part of national company law of its member countries, it made its way to become an interdisciplinary matter dealt with at EU level. With regards to Turkey the challenge is of double nature: the harmonization of its related regulations in accordance with the acquis communautaire within the EU accession process and the improvement of its competitiveness to attract more foreign investments. This work analyses the benefits and features of Corporate Governance and identifies the convergence/divergence areas in the Corporate Governance practices among EU members. It provides an overview of Turkey`s regulations, implementations and recent reforms revealing its weaknesses/strengths and similarities/differences compared to the EU. The book concludes with recommendations on future priorities and initiatives for Turkey. As this book deals with theoretical, legal and practical aspects of Corporate Governance in the EU and Turkey, it appeals to academicians and practitioners as well as investors seeking to understand the applied standards. ····· 10361102876

The Effect of Guanxi on the Foreign Market Entry Process into China

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Business network theory believes that foreign market entry of a firm is the result of the interactions between the actors of the firm and the network. When entering into China, the Western firms have to face some new network conditions that derive from its socio-cultural environment. This study aims to test one of the cultural specialties, guanxi`s effect on the foreign market entry process of the Western firms into China. Using data collected from Swedish firms established in China, the study finds that under the influence of guanxi, the market entry process of Western firms into China appear to show some different features compared with that into Western country markets. It takes more time to become established in China, more social activities and more non-business actors are involved in the process. These social activities within business circles are shown to contribute to the longer establishment time for Western firms operating in China. The findings suggest the existence of a social dimension to the business relationships and the need of a multi-level perspective of business relationships and networks. ····· 10361102737


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IT has remained an inevitable business tool for over many years due to globalization and geographically dispersed markets. What remains unexplored is the potential impact of such technologies in less developed markets. In spite of the argued benefits of IT in supply chain collaboration, there has been limited empirical academic study on the rationale for IT communication tools between supply chain partners, the infrastructure needed for implementation and the impact on inventory management in developing countries. To address this gap, the book takes an extensive look at the potential benefits of IT for LDCs taking into account SC collaboration, knowledge and technology transfer and thus optimized inventory management and customer satisfaction within the automobile industry. The book makes significant practical implications for companies wanting to achieve competitive advantages by improving customer satisfaction in emerging economies. It presents a new paradigm for further research by students and research scholars. ····· 10361102726


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This book deals with the concept of globalisation, its history, instruments and problems for the African continent. While identifying it as one of the recent developments currently changing the physiognomy of global politics, it specifically focuses on its challenges, consequences and implications for Africa particularly, in the realm of equality of membership, requisite inputs into the policy process and, the encapsulating assertiveness of the global village. In the process, it was argued and revealed that, globalisation is the final conquest of capital over the rest of the world and that its `antecedents` and `uneven thesis` are explainable within the one- arm banditry and ethos of capitalism. Furthermore, it was argued that this will continue to be so, irrespective of its aim at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe and its purported benefits to mankind. The central thesis of our study is that the asymmetry of power and interests of the member states of the global village, as well as the lopsidedness in the rules of the game there-in, cannot benefit Africa and her people. ····· 10361102693

The globalizing services value chain

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Starting from a virtually zero base, the globalizing services value chain has been growing exponentially during the first decade of the XXI century, and has showed a remarkable resilience to the negative impact of the 2008-2009 worldwide recession. The core engine of the GSVC is the unceasing attempt on the part of large and advanced capitalist enterprises to cut costs, in order to survive and thrive in the midst of global oligopolistic competition. A crucial characteristic of the globalizing services value chain GSVC, and one that goes a long way to explain its extraordinary expansive drive, is that it affects not only traditional services, but also many activities which were traditionally embodied in the industrial manufacturing process. Thanks to technological progress in information and communications technologies (ICTs) and other areas, these activities can presently be disembodied. Such a vertical disintegration of the production process allows the newly-created services activities to be performed in a remote location, transformed into informational inputs, and purchased through market transactions. ····· 10361102518

Energy Economics, Petroleum Taxation,International Business Negotiation

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The standard development and growth theory and practice in the post-Second World War era gravely misled about the key determinants of economic development. The postwar models focused mainly on the patterns of savings and investment by a representative household and firm. According to such models, the biggest development challenge was raising the rate of capital accumulation. The socialist economies-including the Soviet Union, China and, in case of even India, they took the emphasis on capital accumulation to the extreme, by employing various forms of compulsion, including extreme suppression of peasant incomes, to raise national saving rates in order to speed industrialization, urbanization and development. The savings-led model of development proved to be inadequate both in theory and in practice. China and India are the largest economies today, which have fully integrated into global markets but there are fundamentally different conditions in the two places such as differences in the extent of urbanization, industrialization, and rural development, even differences in solving poverty and unemployment problems. ····· 10361102387

Trade openness and economic growth: is there a direct causality?

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The idea that free trade is a desirable factor for the economy originates all the way back in the 18th century: Adam Smith (1776) predicted that countries could grow if they would all specialize according to their absolute advantage and that all will gain from free trade. David Ricardo (1817, p. 88) opposed tariffs based on the argument that they generate inefficient usage of domestic resources in his view, countries should specialize in goods for which they have a comparative productivity advantage. Recent studies have examined the relationship between openness and growth, with mixed results some (e.g. Edwards, 1993) argued that trade openness promotes growth, while others (Rodriguez and Rodrik,2000)have criticised this idea with a series of arguments, such as the inappropriateness of variables used for expressing trade openness. In this thesis, we will examine the arguments of both sides, followed by our own empirical analysis. ····· 10361102324

Globalizing Denmark

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Denmark is a small, beautiful country filled with proud people and strong cultural values. Life is pleasant and comfortable for most inhabitants, and the social system affords many individuals luxuries in life that are not available in other countries. This unique way of life is an attractive draw for many internationals looking to relocate for work, education, or other. But speak to any international student who has ever resided in Denmark, and they will tell you integration and acceptance in the Danish culture is not easy - and finding a relevant job is even more difficult. Studies show that there is an increasing need for an international workforce - so why is it so difficult for internationals The author uses the concepts of globalization, social integration, cultural intelligence, change management and language diversity to explore the internationalization process in Denmark. ····· 10361102268

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