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Mass Media Usage

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Food security remains unfulfilled dream for millions of people and attempts to achieve it are being handled from different angles including information dissemination. Farmers need adequate and timely information in addition to farm inputs to enable them carry out effective farming. This book discussed mass media usage as one of the strategies that should be combined with other schemes to facilitate food production which is a major component of food security. The ownership and high use of radio sets and mobile phones by most male and female farmers even in remote rural arrears to obtain farm information attest to the value placed on mass media usage by food producers. The effect of the use of mass media technology was the high level of knowledge gained and the use of such information for increased production. Giving the identified challenges in the use of these mass media technologies, Service Providers are called upon to improve the quality of signals, network coverage and reduce call rates for mobile phones to improve usage level. ····· 1036199787

Organisational Values in Corporate and Media Discourse

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Organisational identity management is one of the most important issues in communication, issues that no modern company can ignore. Studies in this field may be invaluable to large organisations which endeavour to control versions about their activities circulating in the space of shared information. By combining several conceptual frameworks within communication studies, this book seeks to explore how large companies like BP project their value system to their stakeholders and how the media represent it to publics. Data obtained from texts produced by BP, as well as from newspaper articles, was analysed to build up a comprehensive picture in terms of how corporations attempt to communicate their values and how these messages are modified by the media, which in general provided some insights into understanding of communication efforts of an oil company. The study put forward a number of propositions suggesting what might be the factors affecting this process. The book also offers the lines of future inquiry into the area of organisational identity management, which may prove especially helpful for those who study communications management, as well as for practitioners. ····· 1036199749

Imidzh po-russki

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`Imidzh vse - zhazhda nichto`. Vot etoy aktual`noy probleme posvyashchena kniga. K sozhaleniyu, formirovanie imidzha sovremennykh rossiyskikh politikov, ryadovykh grazhdan idet krayne slozhno. Na gody rossiyskoe obshchestvo bylo otbrosheno mental`nost`yu rossiyskogo obshchestva, realiyami totalitarnykh ustanovok, ne izmenilas` situatsiya i v usloviyakh demokraticheskikh peremen. Te, kto khochet pozitivno vosprinimat`sya okruzhayushchimi, stroyat svoy imidzh metodom prob i oshibok (odni krasnye pidzhaki chego stoili). No peremeny nablyudayutsya. Ob etom idet rech` v knige. ····· 1036199665

Islam and Muslims in the American Media

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`Islam and Muslims in the American Media` discusses the themes and images that are projected about Islam and Muslims in the American media following the 9/11 events. It is grounded on the perception that newsreports in the media are not necessarily neutral. Rather, they are reported and articulated from certain ideological perspectives. They are a product of social and political circumstances that are deemed to be influenced by the culture of discourse production and consumption. The book provides evidences of the linguistic structures and discursive strategies which are believed to have a potential role in harbouring and prompting certain ideological themes about Islam and Muslims. From these evidences, it is shown the Media makes a departure from a monolithic representation towards a more fragmented perception. In fact, it highlights many diverse and competing themes about Islam and Muslims- showing them as a block that entails moderate and extremist camps and ideologies. In spite of that,it fails to make out where modernism ends and extremism begins. ····· 1036199651

Utilisation of EE for Agric Information Dissemination in Nigeria

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The need to explore the potentials of EE format for agricultural information dissemination in various media necessitated this study. A set of questionnaire was use to elicit information from radio and television producers/presenters as well as music and theatre practitioners. Data were collected on overall perception of media practitioners on the practicability of the use of EE, constraints and prospects of the use of its use for agricultural information dissemination. Data were analysed using inferential statistics including chi-square, Duncan multiple range test and analysis of variance at p = 0.05. While overall perception of practitioners was favourable for EE utilization for agricultural information dissemination, with its potential for raising awareness and mass mobilization, funding, general neglect of agricultural sector and infrastructural factors were implicated as constraints to the use of the format. ····· 1036199468

International campaigns of UNICEF

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UNICEF is a child right organisation, working all around the world to help children develop and have a better future. UNICEF is active in 190 countries and 36 of those countries have a National Committee, a UNICEF office where campaigns are launched and funds are raised. UNICEF the Netherlands is a National Committee established in 1955. The organisation is communicating with the public by campaigns. Other National Committees are doing this as well but with their own campaigning style. This research shows how National Committees are running campaigns and specifically on the subject of child exploitation. Important research factor are cultural differences. The charity climate of the Netherlands and other countries is discussed. Cultural differences are affecting campaigning styles. The intercultural communication model of Hofstede was used to explain this. Finally, recommendations are made to advice UNICEF the Netherlands on their child exploitation campaign. ····· 1036199330

Communication Perspectives of Terrorism and Conflict Resolution

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This book, edited by Dr. Oladokun Omojola, articulates some communication perspectives of terrorism and conflict resolution, their theoretical underpinnig and relevance. Chapters 1 and 2 emphasize the power of effective communication in resolving conflicts at indvidual and organizational levels. One finding of Chapter 3 helps to explain the relationship between mobile phones, conflict and peace-building. Chapter 4 focuses on conflict situations in Nigeria s most notorious flashpoint Jos - and identifies politics as a reason for the conflicts. Chapter 5 extends the discussion beyond Nigeria and embarks on the comparative analysis of the communication strategies involved. Chapter 6 calls for caution as media could become carriers of inaccuracies, which fuel terrorism. Chapter 7 advocates a reorientation in media coverage of terrorism while Chapter 8 unveils the economic effect of terrorism which media contents abet. Chapters 9 and 10 respectively discuss the culture of terrorism via the Internet and the promise of public relations as a resolution gizmo.The ten readings agree on one thing: The world will be suffused with peace when communication is accorded its rightful place. ····· 1036199316

Sovet po presse kak institut samoregulirovaniya SMI

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Effektivnost` zhurnalistskogo samoregulirovaniya kak instrumenta sotsial`noy otvetstvennosti SMI obshchepriznanna, imenno poetomu s kazhdym godom v mire poyavlyaetsya vse bol`she natsional`nykh i regional`nykh sovetov po presse. Rossiya ne ostaetsya v storone ot proiskhodyashchikh v mire protsessov. V nashey strane, nakhodyashcheysya v neprostom perekhodnom periode, effektivnye instrumenty samoregulirovaniya SMI vital`no neobkhodimy, tak kak ikh sozdanie i funktsionirovanie sposobstvuet stanovleniyu sil`nogo grazhdanskogo obshchestva i obshchey demokratizatsii sotsiuma. V rabote vpervye v otechestvennoy nauchnoy praktike provoditsya kompleksnoe issledovanie yavleniya samoregulirovaniya SMI. Vpervye provoditsya sravnitel`noe issledovanie, kasayushcheesya vsekh sovetov po presse, sushchestvuyushchikh v Evrope. Avtorom predlagaetsya klassifikatsiya i sistematizatsiya vsekh deystvuyushchikh v Evrope sovetov po presse, vyyavlyayutsya ikh sushchnostnye priznaki i zakonomernosti razvitiya. Pomimo etogo, na osnove izuchennogo empiricheskogo materiala predlozheny modeli sovetov po presse, sushchestvuyushchikh v Evrope. Vpervye opyt i sovremennoe polozhenie rossiyskikh organizatsiy samoregulirovaniya SMI otsenivaetsya s tochki zreniya sushchestvuyushchey evropeyskoy praktiki v etoy sfere. ····· 1036199280

Radio and the Menace of Malaria in Africa

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Undoubtedly, the menace of malaria in Africa is not only worrisome but equally nagging. It is such that seems to have defiled all medical solutions or miracles hence, the need for alternate methods to fight the disease so as to reduce its dangers in the continent. Therefore this book is an attempt to promote the use of communication in form of radio as a means of preventing malaria attacks in various communities of Africa. Radio as a channel of mass media is the only one that can reach the remotest part of any community even without electricity. The book which postulates Information, Education and Communication (IEC) through radio as a major means for preventing malaria attacks in Africa would be useful for health workers and researchers, communication experts, radio producers and a host of other professionals. ····· 1036199025

Newspapers for Quality Education in Nigeria

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All over the years, newspaper has only been seen as a means of disseminating information to large and heterogeneous audience. This no doubt has been explored extensively in all parts of the world. Observation however shows that its educational role has not been fully utilized so much that many people in Africa do not believe that newspaper is a teaching and learning resource. This book therefore presents newspaper as a valuable complementary educational resource that can be used in all levels of education particularly in primary and secondary schools. Hence it is the belief of the author that if newspaper is promoted in our educational institutions as a teaching and learning resource, the standard of our education might be improved in a great deal. Therefore, the book is a useful material for teachers, parents, students and journalists alike. ····· 1036199016

Experiential Learning and Virtual Learning Environments

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Social problems are increasing as many nations industrialize, modernize, and become interconnected. Addressing these problems requires a well-educated workforce capable of adapting evidence-based interventions to their local culture. Providing a world-class education for these professionals is an important challenge. Online education is growing much quicker than the research and development efforts needed to insure the quality of online learning. Experiential Learning and Virtual Learning Environments in the Acquisition of Active Listening Skills illustrates how virtual learning environments that use experiential learning can deliver the global knowledge needed by these professionals while they live in their local communities. It reviews the literature, explains the process of designing a virtual learning environment, and describes research to insure online learning is an effective method for workforce training on core stills, such as listening. It provides important information for trainers and educators who are teaching future professionals using online tools such as virtual environments. ····· 1036198810

New Media and Democracy: Nigeria`s President and the Facebook Example

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This book is designed to make voters, politicians, journalists, media trainers and communication scholars embrace the emergence of new media as they affect public consciousness in urban Nigeria - how they drive civic activism as well as inspire political discourse. It traces the use of new media technology with a deliberate focus on Facebook, an American online platform that is said to have more than 600 million subscribers and made available in many languages across the world with millions of Nigerians socialising and networking on it. It shows how Nigeria`s 14th President, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, positioned himself and his 2011 presidential campaign as being very modern and ICT-relevant, and how he gained more Facebook fans and followers than the combined tally of British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and South African President Jacob Zuma, placing second only behind America`s President Barack Obama. Hamilton and Daramola`s findings, analyses, literature review, theoretical framework and methodology shed more light on how the effective use of new media will shape the future of electioneering in Africa`s most populous country, Nigeria. ····· 1036198753

The Lost Battalion of Platonic Conversationalists:

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I argue that rhetorically, music functions constitutively, rather than merely persuasively as previous scholars suggest. The following analysis of five separate jazz songs from the Harlem Renaissance period elaborates the process by which musical lyrics constitute qualities already apparent in their audience members, structure visible cultural identifiers that prompt collective identities, and form sub-cultures. This analysis employs Maurice Charland s (1987) work on Constitutive Rhetoric to examine the collective bohemianism that emerged from the Harlem Renaissance as an identifiable sub-culture, as well as Kenneth Burke s (1969) methodological approach to identification. ····· 1036198641

Documentary Photography of Ecotourism

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The focus of the work in this book is to understand the relationship between photography and ecotourism. Its objective is to establish a generic framework for digital documentary photography of ecotourism. As a subject that is recently becoming quite popular, ecotourism is still an ambiguous and often misused term in Malaysia, if not, around the world with the guiding framework on how, why, and what to photograph being not readily available. It is a study that examines the underlying foundation and applications of ecotourism, and explores the theories and practices of documentary photography to promote it. The 130 million year old Belum Temenggor rainforest complex was chosen as the case study as it is representative and typical of similar ecotourism destinations in Malaysia. It also served as a critical test for theoretical propositions within the subjects of ecotourism and digital documentary photography for its array of objects and subjects. The study was done through published documentations, geographical records, and fieldwork consisting of gatekeeper interviews, direct observations, and participant-observation. ····· 1036198519

Identification and Awareness level of Students on Universities Brand

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For more than ten years, South Africa has been revamping its higher learning education system as part of a broader national reform movement aimed at overcoming the divisions caused by the now obsolete apartheid regime. The higher education sector has been transformed through a series of mergers and incorporations aimed at collapsing 36 universities and technikons into 22 institutions. Because of this, the concern about the new institution identity that will accommodate the merging institutions has become an issue of strategic importance. The identity of an institution matters because it creates identification.The identification produces strategic alignment and a unity of purpose between internal stakeholders and the institution. This book, therefore helps to shade light on the challenges facing brand managers in communicating their universities identity to students (strategic stakeholders)in a merged environment.And should be useful to corporate communication students. ····· 1036198471

Obrazy Kitaya i Rossii v mezhkul`turnoy kommunikatsii

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Mezhkul`turnaya kommunikatsiya sluzhit osnovoy vospriyatiya i poznaniya natsional`nykh kul`tur dvukh stran. Natsional`naya dukhovnaya kul`tura, vklyuchayushchaya v sebya tsennosti i obrazy myshleniya (mental`nost`), normy povedeniya, traditsii, predstavlyaet ogromnuyu trudnost` dlya ponimaniya. Mezhkul`turnaya kommunikatsiya osushchestvlyaetsya v raznykh formakh, dominiruyushchey formoy yavlyaetsya kul`turnyy dialog, kotoryy sposobstvuet ponimaniyu predstavitelyami odnoy strany predstaviteley drugoy, sotrudnichestvu na raznykh urovnyakh ekonomicheskoy i sotsiokul`turnoy sfer zhizni. V dialoge kul`tur znachimuyu rol` igraet obraz strany. Kitay i Rossiya nuzhdayutsya v razvitii otnosheniy v sfere kul`tury, kotorye nevozmozhny vne protsessa formirovaniya ikh polozhitel`nykh obrazov. V protsesse formirovaniya obrazov dvukh sosednikh stran opredelennuyu rol` igrayut slozhivshiesya stereotipnye predstavleniya. Istoricheski sformirovannye obrazy stran podvergayutsya pereosmysleniyu pod deystviem izmenyayushchikhsya torgovo-ekonomicheskikh, sotsiokul`turnykh, mezhregional`nykh otnosheniy. ····· 1036198418

Mobile Number Portability

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The Study Impact of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) on telecom services attempts to analyse the impacts of MNP on all stake holders especially customers. Study is limited to City of Bangalore and cities nearby. This research is particularly interested in investigating subscribers behaviours and perceptions such as motivations of changing or remaining with mobile carriers (operators) with the introduction of MNP. The availability of MNP has been thought to bring substantial benefits to subscribers: lower price, greater choice, higher quality and a greater range of services The outcome of our study In India Mobile number portability (MNP) won t impact much on telecom industry because as per the survey only 5% to 10% are willing to opt for MNP. ····· 1036198382

Pakistan`s Media Policy

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This book is basically a Ph.D which aimed to study the media professionals awareness and perception about Pakistan s media policy with specific focus on constitutional provision of the press freedom, sections of Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) pertaining to the press, press laws, Judiciary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, professional organizations, Press Council, government-press relationship, working conditions, and public & private sectors broadcast media.The book concludes with the suggestions that keeping in view the growing competition in the field of media in Pakistan, there is a need that representative groups of civil society be given dominant representation on Board of Directors of Radio Pakistan and Pakistan Television to liberalize the policies of government controlled media. Also such representation should be given in Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority(PEMRA) to make it more free and professional friendly. ····· 1036198335

Young Audience`s Satisfaction of Selected FM Radios

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This publication widely and conclusively depicts media- audience ties. It could also be taken as a source that highlights on the media satisfaction of young audience, particularly young audience in Addis Ababa. The thesis is definitely an illustration of developing country s audience preferences and media program offerings that commonly target the youth. As a result, in this volume one can easily view how media is strongly associated with the interests of young people even if there are delimiting factors that can cause some gaps to prevail and prevent the co-existence of media programs with satisfaction of young audience. The young audience also attempted to speak their minds by clearly outlining the programs which they are satisfied with. In contrast, other youth also reflected the contents of programs that dissatisfy them. Generally, this publication is an invaluable portrayal of young audience satisfaction vis-à-vis programs of selected FM radios in Addis Ababa. ····· 1036192528

Mass Media Influence on the Knowledge, Attitude & Behaviour towards EVD

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This book is a study on the appraisal of the influence of the Mass Media on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of the residents of the South-East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria towards the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). It was motivated by the need to clarify misconceptions of EVD transmission, prevention, and control as well as to ascertain the extent of the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the people towards the dreaded disease, thus, raising questions regarding the expected influence and effects of the Mass Media in the effort to rid the country of the virus. Results obtained indicated that the residents` exposure to Mass Media messages on the issue had a significant positive correlation in terms of contributing to their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards the virus. Based on the findings, it was recommended that to prevent a new outbreak, there should be a renewed and sustained effort by the Mass Media to cover a broad range of health topics more regularly and in greater detail. This book is a masterpiece and a very good contribution to the global knowledge of the impact of the Mass Media in directing the thinking and activities of the populace. ····· 1036192308

Women issues in Iran

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Studies on media audience and the reception of media content have shown that there are relatively large differences according to gender in manner of using media and the meanings attached to the activity. Iranian women do not have equal rights like men in issues concerning marriage,divorce, child custody and inheritance. This bookAnalysis of Persian Weblogs in 2009 concentrates on Persian weblogs as a virtual media for a variety of women s voice and views to be heard around the world. Moreover, the voice of women can be heard by discovering their main issues obstacles in the community, because not all women from different social classes in society have access to the internet to express their problems. However, the progress that has been achieved by Iranian women needs to be analyzed because they still face many difficulties to accomplish their potential. ····· 1036192293

Fundamentals of Communicative Skills

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This book is designed for use in communicative skills at the tertiary level. It serves as an invaluable source for basic issues involved in effective speaking and writing. The author approaches `communication` as a skill that has to be learned consciously. Each chapter examines a problem the learner of English as a second language is likely to face. Among such topics are outline, Ambiguity, Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases, Summary Writing, Composition Writing and Phrasal Verbs. Essential discourse types such as Public Speaking, Report and Memorandum Writing and Minutes writing have also been addressed. In the clarity and simplicity of his writing, Dr. Gborsong has shown himself a teacher in the best sense of the word and has thereby been able to present topics in such a manner that they can be easily understood. First year University students will find this book very useful. Prof. Kofi Yankson, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts, University Of Cape Coast ····· 1036192231

2010 Soccer World Cup: A South African Student perspective

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The advertising around the 2010 Soccer World Cup was constructed around the ideas of a local, united identity and used the event as a platform to promote and sell this idea more effectively. Media studies involve interpreting and understanding the effects that the media have on audience actions and reactions to the representations that they are exposed to in the media. Therefore this book analyses four specific South African advertisements aired before and for the duration of the 2010 Soccer World Cup. It further explores whether or not these advertisements played a role in increasing student perceptions and participation around the event. In doing so the research uncovers whether or not these advertisements interpellated the audience and promoted a sense of patriotism and national identity during that time among a sample group of students at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg campus. ····· 1036192091

The Mass Collaboration of Digital Information:

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As one witnesses the shift from analogue media to digitalism, so too is it possible to note a change in cultural practices of media consumers. Digital media users have been given the ability to engineer their own unique media experiences, but this has seemingly led to mass copyright infringement. YouTube, in particular, has been at the forefront of the copyright furore because it allows users the facility to post and share vast numbers of video clips freely with one another. The aim of this book is to explore the art of video mashing on YouTube, in an attempt to highlight that such practices are not undermining intellectual property rights, but instead, are producing a new avenue from which culture can emerge. ····· 1036192086

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