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Palabras cruzadas

····· lezzter Preis 59.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Luego de cuatro años al frente del poder y con otros cuatro más por delante, el kirchnerismo encontró en el conflicto con el sector agropecuario la posibilidad de derrumbarse y perder lugar en el mapa político. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, después de ser elegida con el 45% de los votos, se enfrentó a los productores del campo por un impuesto a las exportaciones de los granos. Ese debate mediático y legislativo tomó mayor repercusión de la esperada y puso al tema en la tapa de los diarios. La `guerra` entre el campo y el Gobierno se desarrolló durante el año 2008 cuando la sociedad todavía aprendía a vivir con el sello kirchnerista. La visión de los diarios Página 12 y La Nación marcaron dos posturas desiguales dentro de la cobertura mediática del conflicto. Cada uno contó la realidad construyendo a través de las palabras una identidad sobre los protagonistas. El campo y el Gobierno fueron definidos, caracterizados y estereotipados por estos dos periódicos reconocidos por sus posturas desiguales y enfrentadas. La Argentina fue protagonista de un duelo que pudo haber terminado con un gobierno democrático a tan sólo cuatro meses de haber iniciado su gestión. ····· 1036189555

La comunicación emocional en Internet

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La observación y el conocimiento confirman que siempre estamos comunicando y siempre hay emociones involucradas. En la comunicación emocional en Internet también. Sin embargo, se detecta la necesidad de demostrar esta afirmación e implementarla en ámbitos formales como el de la educación. La investigación realizada en este libro pretende demostrar que es posible una Comunicación Emocional eficaz en los entornos virtuales, entendiendo por comunicación emocional la capacidad y habilidad que tiene cada sujeto para comprender sus estados emocionales y los de los demás, así como para trasmitirlos a través de una correcta expresión verbal y no verbal, con el fin de relacionarse apropiada y eficazmente con los demás y consigo mismo, utilizando para ello un nuevo lenguaje complementado que le permita ayudar a conocer características emocionales y de personalidad de aquellos con los que se relaciona. ····· 1036189480

Política 2.0

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La revolución tecnológica que ha transformado el mundo en las últimas décadas. Las comunicaciones, la música, el periodismo, la economía son algunos de los diversos ámbitos en los que han impactado con fuerza. Pero faltaba llegar la revolución tecnológica al ámbito de la política. Y fue entonces la campaña presidencial de Barack Obama, en las elecciones estadounidenses del año 2008, la que marca un antes y un después en el modo de hacer política, y logra convertirse en el referente mundial al incorporar el uso de la Web 2.0 como su principal herramienta de comunicación entre el candidato y sus electores. Desde aquel entonces, esta estrategia se convierte en la nueva y más moderna herramienta de comunicación política más utilizada en los últimos años. Gracias a la Política 2.0, Barack Obama logró captar los votos necesarios y convertirse en el primer presidente afroamericano de los Estados Unidos de América. ····· 1036189438

Framing del Referendo sobre el TLC en Costa Rica

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Durante los últimos veinte años las investigaciones sobre el framing en diversas partes del mundo se han ido extendiendo a los estudios de los medios de comunicación. Los frames ofrecen ángulos desde donde se interpretan los eventos, construyen contextos, y, junto con los esquemas mentales de los públicos y los elementos culturales de un pueblo o de una nación, contribuyen a la definición de una situación . Juegan un papel importante en los modernos conflictos de interpretación que surgen ante realidades no conocidas, oscuras, o por lo menos difíciles de comprobar. La discusión sobre el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) en Costa Rica tuvo en vilo al páis durante varios años hasta que se convocó un referendo. El presente libro plantea como objetivo el estudio de los frames del Sí al TLC y del No al TLC presentes en los artículos de opinión del periódico La Nación y el Semanario Universidad durante el período que transcurrió entre el anuncio del referendo del hasta el día de las votaciones. Se elaboró también una puesta al día sobre el estado de la teoría sobre el framing, recurriendo a la bibliografía en castellano y en inglés más actual que fue posible conseguir. ····· 1036189378

Periodismo, Conflicto Armado y DIH

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los medios de comunicación cumplen un papel importante en los conflictos armados, no solo por su caracter informativo, sino por su capacidad de orientar la opinión pública a favor o en contra de alguna de las partes en conflicto. En Colombia, los medios se han caracterizado por ser legitimadores del discurso político del gobierno de turno en busca de la homogenización ideológica. La investigación Periodismo, Conflicto Armado y Derecho Internacional Humanitario, buscó en medio de la escritura del diario El País (Colombia), la utilización del lenguaje propio de los conflictos armados, es decir el que los Estados aprobaron a través de los Convenios de Ginebra del 12 de agosto de 1949 y sus protocolos adicionales de 1977. Sin embargo, para el peridismo lo humanitario no existe, de ahí que hablar de humanización de la guerra es imposible en la medida en que no hay espacio para la humanidad en la redacción de noticias. Más que una crítica a un medio, es la reflexión que deben hacer los periodistas sobre el papel que deben jugar en los conflictos armados, si bien éstos no se podrán evitar al menos no se deberán alimentar con las palabras que mal utilizadas matan más y mejor. ····· 1036189370

Navigating Virtual Worlds

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For a beginning video game player, the biggest challenge is not learning the controls and adapting one`s motor skills to match them, but rather knowing where you are and where you are going. The landscape of a game is not much different nowadays from a real environment. It is also with exactly the same cognitive functions that players move through virtual environments as real environments. These functions could be roughly divided into: cognitive maps and cognitive routes. At first, when the environment is new, the player would try to remember routes to relevants locations, and use landmarks to get there. But as he or she progresses, remembering all the different routes is not efficient anymore. The cognitive map is begin constructed. But video game space is not solid as rock. It is liquid. It could change as you wallk through it. You could warp from one spot to another. Space could be wrapped, inverted, Escherian, piled up, or fragmented. This causes cognitive strategies to be unreliable, but makes many dazzling `spatial` effects possible. ····· 1036189359

The Challenges of Public Communications Campaigns

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The study was designed to assess the major challenges of designing and delivering effective public communications campaigns for policy awareness of the national wetlands conservation and management policy in Uganda. The main objective was to assess the influence of the national wetlands policy awareness media strategy on the target socio-economic demographic audiences. The survey research was based on cluster methods in selected clusters in Uganda. Findings indicate that a multi-media strategy was employed in the national campaigns. Electronic media was the most accessible channels to the target audiences. There was no gender barrier to information uptake. Low income and education levels were barriers to community access to wetlands information. The campaigns did not emphasize the use of popular media and interpersonal communications media. The study found that the socio-economic backgrounds of the audiences were identical in their access to public information and the types of media used in the campaigns. The major conclusions were that: awareness was moderately high but it was not matched by behaviour change among the intended audiences. ····· 1036189299

Adapting Traditional African Narratives for Nigerian Video-Film

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This book advances the frontiers of knowledge on the use of the principles and application of adaptation of traditional African drama in the home video, as a veritable tool for cultural exploration, advancement and interpretation. It is also important in the study of the Nigerian video-film as mass culture and popular art. The book should also provide an understanding of the relationship between popular art and mass media, such as the video film, and how the video medium can project popular art. ····· 1036189284

Church and Media

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The Orthodox Church in Serbia was revived with the partition of Yugoslavia and rise of nationalistic movements, during the early 1990 s. The revival of the Serbian church suddenly became a question of nominal national identity, so most new believers or rather church visitors, started to follow that part of church tradition for patriotic reasons. Religiously, always divided between conservatives and liberals, church congregations become politically divided into radicals and democrats in the 2000 year because of political changes in Belgrade. Due to the strict hierarchical order of the church, both discourses are, represented by bishops who are known for their political stances rather than for their spread of the word . They use the media mainly for political marketing and inner-disputes, and to gain supporters rather than more religious congregations. This research explores the layered relations the church and media have in general, how they use and misuse each other in Serbia, how the church is represented in the media, on what occasions and purposes the media are used by the church for its inner disputes. ····· 1036189132

Information Communication Technologies in Nigeria

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This research studies the diffusion new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Nigeria. Findings are that inspite of massive investment in ICTs, the quality of life of the people is unchanged.One explanation for this was that the diffusion of ICT initiatives tends to start with sophisticated users rather than the vulnerable groups who need them the most. Technological development is therefore informed by choices. The researcher develops an interaction paradigm to show that technological development is modified by choices among actors. It is this interplay or power relations among various actors that ultimately determines the extent to which a technology achieves its intended goals. The finished work provides a framework to guide policy decisions on the democratisation of ICT use in countries.The work is also invaluable to the academia because the `interaction pardigm` it proposes, illustrates the relationship between technology and society. The study should also be useful to the wider research community because it demonstrates the potency of qualitative research for exploring technological settings. ····· 1036189014

The Nigerian Broadcast journalist

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The broadcast media do nothing by themselves. They are instruments, tools, used as people choose to use them. There is need therefore to ask the most essential question: wehether as a result of broadcast journalism, the human person is becoming truly better especially the neediest and the weakest. In the case of Nigeria this question appears not to be a variable of consideration anymore. The posture of broadcast journalists points to the fact that external forces form the basis of their journalistic judgement. Forces, they feel are too powerful to overcome. This book does not stand in judgement and condemn rather, it attempts to support those who are professionally involved in broadcasting, particularly the Nigerian broadcast journalist by setting out positive principles to assist them in their work. Generally, the book is an addition to the critical literature on mass nedia and society . It should serve as an invaluable tool for journalists, journalism teachers and students. ····· 1036188948

Social Media: driver for sustainable food consumption?

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Social media is a phenomenon that everybody uses, that has an enormous effect on our current daily life, but that is relatively unknown in the world of academic research. This research explores the possibilities of social media for the stimulation of sustainable food consumption, as this type of consumption will become inevitable in the future. The global population will grow to over nine billion people in 2050, which demands immediate action in order to feed the entire population in the future. Social media has become one of the most important factors in people`s daily lifes in Western societies, also when looking at social influence. This research focused on the possibilities of the online platforms to assist in stimulating sustainable food consumption and derived eleven features of social media. These features were linked to ten different consumer behaviour theories in order to scientifically explain the possibilities of social media, which were then applied to sustainable food consumption. This research can be seen as a first step into a detailed investigation of the usefulness of social media concerning social influence. ····· 1036188887

Graphics, Editing & Communication: The Made Easy Series

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book provides the requisite knowledge about text and graphics and how they are edited to make meaning to an ever-demanding media audience. Many topics that are challenging to graphic designers, sub editors, journalists and associated professionals are simplified. The book provides a FRESH INSIGHT into many areas, including typography. The ten chapters of the book are 1.Introducing Graphics Editing and Communication, 2. Computer Graphics and their Uses, 3. Devices of Graphics and Editing, 4. Elements of Typography, 5. Editing and Editors, 6. Text and Headline Casting, 7. Story Text Editing, 8. Editing of Photographs, 9. Caption Writing and 10. Layout and Design. Figures and Tables are used to illustrate cogent points while a rich list of definitions of relevant terms is presented. Those who read through this book should have a working knowledge of text and graphics and the wisdom to use them in the media. ····· 1036188828

Family, Gender and Nation in Indian Television Serials

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This book is a study of the representations of family, gender and nation in Hindi soap operas from the days of State-owned channel Doordarshan to the private transnational satellite channels. It traces the genesis of Indian soap opera on Doordarshan and private satellite channels and explores that the soaps on Doordarshan and satellite channels have different genesis, which is predominantly the reason behind the differences in their content and representations of gender and nation. While investigating the representation of family, gender and nation, the study found that there are three forces that shape the hegemonic understanding of being an Indian woman i.e. the Nehruvian State in the post-1947 India, liberalization and the militant growth of cultural nationalists. ····· 1036188782

Informatsionnaya model` integrativnykh kharakteristik obshchestva

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dannaya nauchnaya monografiya predlagaet: proanalizirovat` sushchestvuyushchie nauchnye podkhody k opredeleniyu vzaimosvyazi mezhdu massovoy informatsiey, a tak zhe SMK i etnokul`turnymi svyazyami v postindustrial`nykh obshchestvakh na osnove izuchennykh mezhetnicheskikh konfliktov raskryt` vazhnuyu rol` zhurnalistiki, kak glavnogo faktora polietnicheskoy stabil`nosti opredelit` nauchno-gipoteticheskuyu model`, ob`yasnyayushchuyu informatsionno-kommunikativnuyu vzaimosvyaz` mezhdu institutom zhurnalistiki i etnokul`turnymi svyazyami v mul`tikul`turnom obshchestve aprobirovat` model` na mezhnatsional`nom krizise v SFRYu (1990-1999 gg.). Pri issledovanii interesuyushchikh sobytiy na Balkanakh opredelit` kharakter i soderzhanie mezhetnicheskikh konfliktov, ikh informatsionnoe soderzhanie. sformulirovat` vyvody, kasayushchiesya vyrabotki zhurnalistskogo i massovo-kommunikativnogo regulirovaniya v otnoshenii etnokul`turnogo i mezhnatsional`nogo vzaimodeystviya, svodya k minimumu mezhetnicheskiy faktor v konfliktnykh situatsiyakh. ····· 1036188545

Mass Media Communication

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The task of assigning appropriate nomenclature for the discipline of media and communication has been debatable. In America and some countries, the term mass communication is being used to describe the academic study that deals with the act of disseminating information to the audience. However, in the United Kingdom and some parts of Europe, the term media and communication is traditionally used. Whatever, name being used, the fact remains that they are all pointing toward the concept of mass media . This book is concerned with the fact that most academic departments under different appellations are actually studying the mass media kind of communication like Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, and as such, a generic term of mass media communication should be more appropriate. This is because those studying mass communication or media and communication are actually being taught the mass media channels used for mass communication. For the body of knowledge to be assembled towards a vibrant and strong academic orientation, the use of the concept of mass media communication needs to be adopted. The book is of great value to all media students and academics globally. ····· 1036188543

New Media and the American Press

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New Media, the changes in the style, focus, and delivery of news and information, are part of the circumstances brought about by the Internet and the World Wide Web and the digital platforms for accessing them These issues are part of larger changes in postmodern societies which are evolving in the direction toward a hyperreality where image supplants substance. Old Media, and the journalism profession in general, are facing difficult challenges as their whole basis of operation is steadily undermined. Their gatekeeping function as well as the traditional role of verification are being eroded. Hallmarks of accuracy, fairness and balance are being challenged. Old Media are adapting to these changes, creating new ways to reach audiences and earn a profit. They are developing new business models and products, creating multiple revenue streams developed with a sensitivity toward current market realities and traditional journalistic values. Somehow Old Media will survive, albeit in new, modified forms, and continue to offer the news and information that people demand and need. ····· 1036188524

Corporate Journalism

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Business communicators are showing an increasing interest in journalistic principles and practices, and how these may support internal communication in performing its role and functions. This strategic application of journalism to internal communication is commonly referred to as `Corporate Journalism` and was seemingly introduced in the 1999 book Beyond Spin. Since the publication of this book, the research into this field has nonetheless been very limited, leaving business communicators in doubt about how to apply journalistic principles and practices to an internal context. In light of the interest in corporate journalism, and the lack of research conducted in the field, the purpose of this book has been to discuss and answer to what extent, and in what ways, journalistic principles and practices can be applied to internal communication in a contributing manner. This has been conducted on the basis of 1) a theory-based comparison between journalism and internal communication in terms of their respective functions and weighing of journalistic known principles and not least 2) an analysis of two awarded internal magazines from international companies DONG Energy and JYSK. ····· 1036188522

Rechevoe povedenie telezhurnalista v zhanre obozreniya

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Posledovatel`naya antropotsentricheskaya napravlennost` sovremennykh lingvisticheskikh issledovaniy privela spetsialistov k aktivnomu izucheniyu `chelovecheskogo faktora` v yazyke. Issledovanie rechi televizionnykh zhurnalistov v aspekte pragmalingvistiki yavlyaetsya perspektivnym podkhodom v izuchenii lichnosti, kotoryy pozvolyaet delat` vyvody ob individual`no-professional`nykh osobennostyakh rechevogo povedeniya avtorov vyskazyvaniy. V monografii rassmotreny ponyatiya imidzha, personifikatsii, idiostilya, razrabotana metodika repertuarnoy diagnostiki rechevogo povedeniya telezhurnalistov, sistematizirovany rezul`taty pragmatiko-lingvisticheskikh analizov rechevogo povedeniya televedushchikh, opredelena struktura professional`nykh kommunikativnykh deystviy televizionnykh obozrevateley. Kniga adresovana studentam, aspirantam i prepodavatelyam filologicheskikh spetsial`nostey, spetsialistam po kul`ture rechi, ritorike, konsul`tantam po rechevomu imidzhu, uspeshnomu vedeniyu peregovorov, rabotnikam sredstv massovoy informatsii. ····· 1036188509

Access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This study aims at investigating the limitations to accessing ICTs and how access to ICTs can benefit people from Mutare rural district. The Zimbabwean government has recognised the impact that ICTs will have on society and has already assessed the status quo of ICTs in the different sectors of the economy ( ICT Survey, 2005). It is from this basis that the researcher will try to investigate whether everyone especially those in rural areas such as Mutare Rural could also benefit from the potential benefits offered by ICTs. This study will also investigate how access can improve the socio-political and economic activities in Mutare Rural District. The study will also explore the ways in which access to ICTs can improve livelihoods in Mutare Rural District. Basing on the universal policy of the Zimbabwean government, the study will identify types of ICTs that the people of Mutare Rural District have access to. It will also identify how access can facilitate development in Mutare Rural District. At the end of the study the researcher aims to come up with recommendations in regard to provision of suitable ICTs for Mutare Rural District. ····· 1036188481

How The Promotion of Women`s Political Rights is Backfiring

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book investigates the interplay between women, media & politics in Egypt. It uses theories of authoritarianism & corporatism to analyze how the state deals with women s activists & their access to the media, with particular emphasis on the privately owned media. Also, the book uses the notion of state feminism to analyze the Egyptian government`s approach to `women`s issues` & how it relates to media treatment of women & their rights. In addition, the book draws on theories of post & neo colonialism to analyze how efforts in the area of women s rights by both the government & activists relate to the international framework, which promotes a specific version of women s rights. Furthermore, the book investigates middle-class Egyptian women`s views on women`s political participation & their reception of political drama. As a result, the book breaks new ground in theorizing the relationship between the state and women s activists and thus explains the activists media access. It also develops the notion of state feminism & relates it to the media. Furthermore, the study reveals and theorizes how the privately owned media in Egypt is subtly controlled by the state. ····· 1036188291

Communication and Conflict

····· lezzter Preis 79.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Communication plays a major role in promoting and alleviating conflict. The source of conflict can often be traced back to a lack of communication or an inability to express who we are and what we desire. The communication media have immense importance in conflict resolution because they are the primary and only source of information regarding conflicts. If media or modern communication forms play their role at the right time, at the right situation and at the right place without any biasness then, every problem can be solved at ease. The role of media is expected to be constructive. Addressing this need, Communication and Conflict lays down theoretical foundations of the role of communication in conflict resolution. The study was done to observe how communication media is highlighting the conflict in general and the kind of role played by them for resolving the problem in an Indian province. Enriched by an illustrative case study of this north eastern state of India, the book may be a useful to study on the role of communication media in conflict situation. ····· 1036188061

New Media Technology leads early teenagers towards Sexting

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The study is based on what people understand about sexting, since sexual content is taboo in our society. This research was conducted to explore the extent of involvement of teenagers in sexual activities due to personal computers, use of mobile phones and lack of parental supervision. The purpose of this study is to see whether the excess of internet or use of mobile phones has a direct impact on teenagers frequency of also analyses the impact of new media technology in the life of a early teenager and how it is leading them towards sexting. the writer is concerned about parents as they are unaware of thier children activities and they certainly do not know how harmful sexting is for their children because in some extreme cases sexting has led to bullying and even suicide. ····· 1036187811

A Strategic Communication Approach to Crisis Situations

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The great success of George Mason University s men s basketball team in the 2006 NCAA tournament and the multiple shootings that occurred at Northern Illinois University in 2008 placed high demands on both institutions. Both situations fit the definition of a crisis and, as result, required leaders of the two universities to initiate appropriate actions. Steps the two took, however, included minimal linkage to their institution s overall strategic communication plans. To address this issue, a qualitative case study was conducted in which key leaders from both institutions were interviewed about their first-hand experience with the 2006 and 2008 crises, including perspectives on possibly linking the two communication plans. ····· 1036187770

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