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Evaluación de la calidad de los sitios web sobre patrimonio cultural

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Se evaluó la calidad de los sitios web sobre patrimonio cultural zuliano. Los referentes teóricos abordados son los de las ciencias cognitivas, de la comunicación y de la información, revisando criterios y estándares internacionales planteados para el diseño y estructuración de sitios web de calidad. Epistemológicamente se enmarca en el enfoque racional-deductivo dada la construcción teórica, de tipo descriptiva-evaluativa porque con base en ello luego se evalúa. Su diseño es documental por la revisión y análisis de fuentes de información, no experimental al no manipular las variables y, transeccional al recolectar información en un tiempo único. La evaluación se realizó desde el enfoque experto para buscar concordancias en los 30 sitios web, con base en los criterios y/o categorías extraídas de las teorías y estándares internacionales distribuidos en un guión de evaluación con 3 dimensiones, 19 indicadores y 87 criterios a evaluar. ····· 1036122280

Mundo islámico y estrategias geopolíticas de Occidente

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Los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 (11-S) en los Estados Unidos ubicaron en el centro del escenario global las relaciones conflictivas entre Occidente y Oriente y favorecieron una polarización entre Nosotros y los Otros. Esta investigación analiza en profundidad editoriales publicados en veinticinco periódicos de distintos países latinoamericanos con motivo del primer aniversario del 11-S. El propósito es conocer cómo se representa a Oriente y el mundo islámico en la prensa de América Latina e indagar sobre la existencia de relaciones entre esa construcción y las estrategias políticas de las potencias occidentales en el contexto de la guerra contra el terrorismo . Para este trabajo se toma como referencia el marco teórico y las aplicaciones de Estudios Críticos del Discurso (ECD) elaborados por Teun van Dijk, en diálogo con el trabajo analítico de Edward Said sobre el discurso/poder de Occidente sobre Oriente (orientalismo). La obra constituye un material relevante para investigadores y estudiantes interesados en los ECD, lo mismo que para lectores en general con una inquietud por las relaciones geopolíticas, de fuerza y desigualdad en el mundo contemporáneo. ····· 1036122204

Jóvenes y uso de TIC s

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El uso de entornos técnicos de comunicación se ha expandido a cada una de las actividades de los individuos, en lo profesional, lo laboral o el entretenimiento. Estas experiencias cotidianas de los sujetos son los productos de sus propias prácticas tecnológicas que requieren un abordaje social y técnico a la vez, desde una mirada transdisciplinar, a fin de reconocer las cualidades distintivas de sus usos. Este libro explora y da cuenta del uso y la apropiación de las TICs por parte de los jóvenes y como éstas facilitan la construcción de nuevos modos de relación entre los sujetos usuarios de las tecnologías. El reconocimiento de estos usos particulares es lo que atraviesa el trabajo del presente libro. El trabajo da cuenta de las nuevas formas de relacionarse de los sujetos mediados por prácticas tecnológicas y entornos técnicos de comunicación e información en los ciberlocales de la ciudad de Rosario. ····· 1036122049

Familia, humanismo y compañerismo

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este estudio planteó como objetivo conocer los principales aspectos simbólicos que dominan dentro de un ambiente laboral y para lograrlo seleccionó la cultura organizacional de una empresa mexicana. Mediante entrevistas a empleados y observación participante, se observó que los símbolos verbales (tales como historias de la organización) y los símbolos no verbales (como rituales, premios, objetos, característica física e inmobiliario) agrupan los aspectos tangibles que representan a los valores inmersos en la cultura de la organización. Los resultados en este caso mostraron como valor dominante a la `Familia`, estableciendo que los miembros de la organización se consideran como parte de una una familia y experimentan una relación paternalista donde los superiores buscan proteger a sus subordinados y se interesan por temas diferentes al laboral. Las relaciones interpersonales se dan entre todos los miembros, sin importar su nivel jerárquico. A partir de ello, también establecen lazos emocionales y de confianza. A su vez, también surgieron el `Humanismo` y `Compañerismo` como valores de apoyo al valor dominante `Familia`. ····· 1036121963

La inmigración en España: Cobertura mediática y Debate Político

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En España, la inmigración es un tema que ha irrumpido con fuerza en los últimos años debido al incremento significativo de la población extranjera. Definida como fenómeno, reto o problema, la inmigración es uno de los asuntos clave en el debate social. La gestión de la inmigración genera polémica en el debate político ya que en el contexto de una sociedad globalizada con la constante movilidad de personas y de capital, no es posible una política de puertas cerradas pero tampoco una de puertas abiertas. Por su parte,los medios de comunicación tienden a dar una imagen distorsionada de la realidad de la inmigración ya que se centran sobre todo en el drama de la inmigración africana y en la necesidad de reforzar el control fronterizo. Este libro analiza la evolución de la presencia del tema en la agenda mediática y política, desde el concepto de visibilidad de la Agenda Setting y de los encuadres de la Teoría de los encuadres. La evolución de los argumentos empleados por los medios de comunicación y por los políticos españoles desde la teoría de los encuadres. ····· 1036121889

Prevención de la violencia infantil

für 44.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta es una comunidad donde ocurren con relativa sistematicidad manifestaciones incorrectas de conducta social, reflejadas en el empleo de la violencia infantil, maltratos físico-psicológicos y emocionales, en muchos de los casos producidos a partir del grado de alcoholismo de los miembros de estas familias por la existencia de mitos y tabúes sobre la educación rígida para la formación de los hombres y también por causas económicas, incorrecta educación familiar y la existencia de familias disfuncionales. El plan de acciones tiene el propósito de favorecer el diálogo, el intercambio de opiniones y la reflexión, lo cual propicia los espacios de participación en formas de trabajo grupal e individual. Es un material de consulta para maestros, profesores, psicólogos, directivos educacionales, trabajadores sociales y otros especialistas del trabajo comunitario. ····· 1036121832

La primera década del periodismo peruano en internet (1995-2005)

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El principal objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir al desarrollo científico de un área del conocimiento en auge y expansión: el periodismo en internet en Latinoamérica. A lo largo de estas páginas, se da una visión general al proceso de evolución y consolidación de los cibermedios en Perú durante los diez primeros años de su existencia (1995-2005). Asimismo, se examinan las principales repercusiones de los cambios desencadenados por internet en varios aspectos de la profesión periodística, proporcionando de esta manera un balance del impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en periodismo. Los resultados de esta investigación reúnen una serie de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos relevantes que dibujan el panorama de los medios peruanos en internet, revelan los aspectos puntuales referidos a la profesión periodística, y permiten valorar las características particulares y el nivel de desarrollo alcanzado por las ediciones digitales de los diarios nacionales de información general. ····· 1036121821

Nuevas técnicas creativas en la elaboración de guiones

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las series de televisión presentan esquemas recurrentes (formatos, géneros, argumentos, arquetipos, estereotipos...) sobre los que el ritmo en la enunciación de los sucesos juega un papel clave para captar la atención del espectador. La gestación de ese ritmo se produce desde la escritura misma del guión y dominarlo equivale a dominar la técnica de escritura de cada formato. Esta investigación demuestra una relación entre la configuración del ritmo y el formato de cada serie (sítcom, dramedia, serial...). ····· 1036121732

An Intelligent Meta-Search Engine With Personalization

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The volume of documents in Internet are increasing every day . Again, each internet user has different search requirements. There are different approaches for creating user profiles by gathering user information through proxy servers or desktop robots . But both techniques require active participation of the user to install and configure these applications. In this work, we investigated the use of a less-expensive means of gathering user information for personalized or user specific search. Our study explored the effectiveness of personalized search based upon user profiles constructed from user search records. Individual user information such as queries submitted ,results returned and web pages selected from retrieved results were collected to create user profiles. These profiles were then used to re-rank the search results and the rank-order of the user-examined results before and after re-ranking were compared. Our study found that user profiles based on queries were as effective as those based on title and short descriptions. We also found that our personalized re-ranking resulted in an observable improvement in the rank-order of the user-selected results. ····· 1036121473

Role of Effective Graphic Design in Print Advertisments

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Graphic Design, the simplified form of art used for visual communication in the field of advertising. The focus of this study is the Graphic Design and its significance in advertising context. The study explores the role of Graphic Design in advertising approach, for conveying the message in an effective way, in order to persuade or motivate target audience towards the advertisement. This study investigates the types of Graphic Designing used in print media and additionally finds out, which type of Graphics in advertising is more appealing and attractive for the target audience. The study explores the role and impact of Graphic Designing in print advertisements by conducting survey from experts of Graphic Designing, media experts, and youth. Population of the study is all the people who are related with Graphic Designing and field of Media and Communication. The elements of Graphic Design includes: color, typography, image or illustration, size & page layout, readability and legibility techniques etc. The study finds that these elements play a vital role in evaluating the success of advertisements specifically print ads. ····· 1036121184

Television For Adolescent Development

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Television for adolescent development is a result of the empirical study carried out by J.R.Jagadish under the guidance of Dr.B.P.Mahesh Chandra Guru, Professor,Department of Studies in Communication and Journalism, University of Mysore. The book provides adequate theoretical and empirical basis and evidence on the role of television in the development of adolescents in India and other developing nations. The book has six sections. The first section deals with a detailed introduction to the salient features of adolescence, personality aspects of adolescents and the state of adolescents in India. The second section contains an extensive review of literature in the subject of adolescent specific telecasting service iin abroad,India and Karnataka state. The third section provides the salient features of the empirical study on the impact of television on adolescents. The fourth section presents the systematic methodological details of the empirical investigation. The fifth section enumerates the results of the empirical study on the role of television in the adolescent development in Karnataka state. The sixth section contains relevant findings and suggestions which would Improve ····· 1036120802

Kommunikaciya organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti RF v prostranstve Veb 2.0

für 55.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii predstavleny rezul`taty fundamental`nogo issledovaniya publichnyh kommunikacij organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti v prostranstve Veb 2.0, provedennogo uchenymi fakul`teta prikladnyh kommunikacij Vysshej shkoly zhurnalistiki i massovyh kommunikacij Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Na osnove obobshheniya praktik publichnyh kommunikacij organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti RF na federal`nom i regional`nom urovnyah osushhestvlen strukturnyj analiz kommunikacionnyh kanalov i instrumentov. Predlozheny tipologicheskie modeli publichnoj kommunikacii organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti RF v prostranstve Veb 2.0 v nachale 2010-h godov. ····· 1036120692

Healthcare ICTs for the Unhealthy Poor

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This study assesses the role of ICTs in the rural healthcare in a resource-poor setting. Depicting the contextual realities of Bangladesh as a case example, this qualitative research exploits a livelihood approach and aims to contribute to the development informatics community literature. The key findings reveal that ICTs can play a very marginal role in access to health information due to the vulnerability and limited information resources of the poor. It also informs that most health related ICT initiatives are supply-driven and led by technological determinism which widens the gaps in the digital divide. The study suggests more emphasis on information than technology . It argues that soft issues gathered from the livelihoods of the poor may create an information systems plus atmosphere where plus will enable poor-focused healthcare reforms, business process reengineering and human resource development. The research concludes that for implementing e-health as digital strategy for non-digital people in Bangladesh, an integrated, visionary and demand-driven ICT approach is more crucial than plucking any low-ranging fruits. ····· 1036120622

The Role of Media in the 2007 Kosovo Elections

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Mass media play a significant role during the election process by urging citizens to vote and as well as in setting the media and political agenda. In a fragile democracy, such as Kosovo, media have enormous responsibility and are a key component to create expedient environment that stimulate the system of democratic values in society. Media, politicians and voters are the crucial factors that commonly pursue influence. The research study argues that many media in Kosovo have filed to fulfill its task toward the public opinion. Thus, media during the election process in 2007 have not protected and promoted the interest of citizens, haven t build an agenda in people s interest and, have extremely disengaged them to participate in voting process and public sphere. ····· 1036120611

Trends In Marketing Communications

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The Internet has changed peoples ways of communication significantly. The mass migration of the population online is in particular noticeable during the past decade, when social networking websites became popular. In 2011 Facebook alone had a number of active users equal to more than seven per cent of the world s total population. For comparison, no television network has had at least one tenth of that amount of viewers in the history of media. This trend could not have gone unnoticed for advertisers. Many companies followed the trend. As a result, there is hardly any company absent in the World Web today. We can see an obvious new pattern in marketing. But is it really a shift towards new media or are they only additional communication channels Looking at traditional media, such as newspapers and TV, one can see that they are still as saturated with advertising as they were ten years ago (though newspaper advertising revenue has largely decreased). The author of this work has looked into the new trends in marketing communications to find out whether a significant shift has occurred in and whether the new communication methods are effective. ····· 1036120574

Relational Capital and Political Mobilisation

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The role of human rights in democracy advocacy is a recent addition to the more established theoretical debates on democracy and democratisation. In the new but growing debates on the influence of human rights networks, both domestic and international, democratisation came up as the area where human rights have had a considerable influence. This monograph examines how human rights issues and organisations working to promote human rights changed the context of democratisation in one of Africa s most fragile states. It also explores the interface between the global appeal of human rights and domestic struggle for the opening of democratic spaces in Nigeria as encapsulated in the activities of a local organisation which enjoys a global reach and influence. The author makes a powerful case for a reinvention of the political space with the active engagement of non-governmental or informal actors in national political contests. ····· 1036120424

Slacktivism vs. Activism: Social Media Campaigns In India

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`Although the Internet revolution in India may take a while to match up to the ones happening in the world, that scale is not far-fetched. Not considering a good social media marketing strategy for causes online may diminish the online presence of a cause which is a dangerous prospect. All causes must have visibility and there must be enough potential for people to act upon them, on social media.There are several causes that already have the advantage of having a large presence on the Internet. If other causes pertaining to India and specifically to India s socio-political issues are not created on the social media space, we might be losing out on a huge chunk of awareness quotient that the world will have about the country. There is also the risk of social media imperialism with only a few countries and their causes being advocated online with the rest of the world remaining barely visible on social media space.` ····· 1036120298

Evaluation of Information Education and Communication on Child Health.

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Countless cords weave information, education and communication(IEC)together. Drawing attention to them is the innovative contribution of evaluation of information, education and communication on child health in Amansie East District, Ashanti Region Ghana. It clarifies ways in which IEC functions within the Ghana Health Service. Readers, whether they are medical doctors, nurses, health educators, environmental health officers, will discover that this manuscript evokes ways of looking at existing IEC, mode of administration, quality of staff in charge of IEC, reach and frequency of the existing IEC and its effects on mothers with children 0-5years. It also provides several ways to make effective use of IEC to achieve coverage indicators for child health services. Allied health workers who will have to conduct health education in their daily routine will find this manuscript incredibly useful.As it provides the basic skills needed to conductive effective communication program. ····· 1036120170

I see what I see

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The author of this book investigated whether being exposed to media does influence subconsious processes in the brain. After a theoretical approach and an experiment, she comes to the conclusion that it does. Not only did the way adolescents perceived other persons differ after being exposed to the different media contents, the perceptions of the adolescents in this study were in line with the media content they had been exposed to. This one-sided convergence of the perceptions of adolescents towards the media content they had been exposed to, is a very important aspect of media and how to deal with them. ····· 1036120139

Enhancing Scalability in Wireless Networks

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Wireless communication between mobile users is becoming more popular these days due to advances in hardware and software techniques like mobile computers and wireless data communication devices such as wireless modems and wireless LANs.Infrastructure independence of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks gives them an edge over the cellular networks. Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is still under development.Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) is one of the most important protocols for MANET because of its relatively low overhead & route convergence property. As AODV being the most successful MANET routing protocol, it has been further enhanced by many researchers by working on its different aspects. This work focuses on one important parameter of routing protocols i.e. Routing Overhead , which directly affects Energy Efficiency & Scalability of networks. Two of the AODV processes, Route Discovery and Hello load adds the most to routing overhead of AODV. Enhanced AODV (EAODV) performs better in terms of routing overhead, hello load end to end delay than classic AODV. The simulation is done through Network Simulator-2 (NS-2) from Berkeley. ····· 1036119275

Mobile RFID Security

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The Mobile RFID is a technology for developing a RFID reader embedded in a mobile terminal and providing various application services over wireless networks. Various security issues - Interdomain security, Privacy, Authentication, E2E(End-to-End) security, user location info management, etc. - need to be addressed before the widespread use of Mobile RFID. Widespread deployment of RFID technology may create new threats to privacy due to the automated tracking capability. Especially, in the Mobile RFID environment, privacy problem is more serious since RFID reader is contained in handheld device and many application services are based on Business-to-Costumer model. Mobile RFID user Privacy management Service provides Mobile RFID users with information privacy protection service for personalized tag under Mobile RFID environment. When an RFID tag is personalized, RPS enables the owner of the tag to control his backend information connected with the tag such as product information, distribution information, owner s personal information and so on. ····· 1036118993

Wireless Multi Meter

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A wireless multimeter is an instrument used to measure the current, voltage, frequency and apparent power at a load from a distance. In this project a wireless multimeter was designed which consisted of two major parts: 1) Measuring Section Module and 2) Remote Display Module. Measuring Section Module consisted of three major section which are i) signal input, ii) Micro controller, iii) RF transmitter whereas the remote display module also consisted of three parts i) RF Receiver, ii) Microcontroller and iii) LCD Display Module. After all relevant calculations the dc voltage produced by the micro controller was sent through an RF Frequency transmitter module having an omnidirectional antenna. The RF receiver module situated at a maximum distance of 150 meters from the transmitter, received the transmitted data. The result is then displayed through a 16-bit LCD display module. This multimeter was found to measure the values of the voltage, current, power and frequency ranging from (0-250)V, (0-20)A, (0-5000)VA and (0-125)KHz respectively. The main attraction of our designed circuit was the simplicity of the circuit, easiness of implementation and the availability of components. ····· 1036118867

Boss! I Need a Friendly Workplace...

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Most of the individuals might not enjoy spending eight hours a day in a formal place with the formal task, isolated room, no matter how they feel and what they need no matter they are friend with each other or not, whereas by just friendship as a basic social needs, this boring place will be changed. Even though, anyone who has worked in an organization knows that working in a friendly place prefers than the alternative. This book offered a more balanced assessment of workplace friendship as an organizational attitude. Friendship between people within organizations could have positive organizational outcomes such as increasing organizational commitment level. The present of friendship at workplace and the degree of organizational commitment has been investigated in this book. ····· 1036118810

Can Advertising Save Lives?

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In the context of the rise in importance of social responsibility and the apparent downfall of the credibility of advertisers, this study explores the relationship between the two, looking for a solution that could lead to saving lives. More specifically, the present research investigates the influence of public social advertising on the motivation of individuals to donate blood. It also discusses the effects and persuasive power of several communication approaches, employed by advertisers. The study is based on original qualitative empirical research, involving content analysis of several international blood donation campaigns and a quasi-experiment with an international audience. The value of this book resides in its social importance - a better understanding of the motivations that drive people to donate blood, or stop them from engaging in this behavior. It is a map for communication professionals and students in an area yet uncharted by academic research, as well as a contribution to solving this perpetually current social issue. ····· 1036118602

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