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Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainability in Hyderabad

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The Sustainable Hyderabad Project has over the course of its implementation generated knowledge towards improved understanding of the problems of climate change and energy efficiency in the complex transformation process that Hyderabad is undergoing. It has further identified potentials to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerabilities of various supply systems to climate change impacts. Analysis of institutions and governance structures, a core approach to analyzing the problems in multiple focus fields of the project, was carried out in various sectors, namely, transport, lifestyles, food provision, citizens participation, urban and peri-urban land use and provision of energy and water. This paper summarizes the core concepts of the project, reports its main scientific and practical results and draws lessons from obstacles encountered. The authors further analyze the key findings for policy interventions and conclude by recommending prospective actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Hyderabad. ····· 10361173070

A Theoretical Framework for Exploring the Capability of Participatory and Collective Governance in Sustainable Decision-Making

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Since the adoption of Agenda 21 the call for more participation in environmental decisionmaking has gained in uence and prominence. This paper presents an extensive theoretical literature review as a starting point for profound scienti c research on the interrelation between collective modes of stakeholder participation and decision-making with sustainable outcomes. On the basis of literature in the elds of participatory governance, collective action theory and diverse sustainability approaches, the paper develops a research matrix with various sub-variables. In addition, the paper reviews the actor-centred institutionalist approach of Fritz Scharpf and Renate Mayntz and system theoretic approaches of David Easton and Gabriel Almond, which are then mutuallyused for designing a theoretical framework linking collective participation and decisionmaking with sustainable outcomes. The paper concludes by suggesting an application of the elaborated framework and research matrix to empirical studies. ····· 10361173068

Sustainable Development Research

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The underlying purpose of this paper is to analyse determining factors of responsible environmental behaviour, which serves as a formative evaluation prior to implementation This comprises the objectives of discussing the project strategy and aims, as well as analysing the target audience s individual behaviour and conditioning factors deriving from the external situation that require consideration in the design of the project s implementation strategy. A further implication is to clarify how present theories help to understand factors inhibiting or enabling responsible environmental behaviour and to provide knowledge on communication campaigns and strategy design. The key ndings indicate that theory on individual behaviour change from psychology and social studies is vast, however strategy designers of environmental campaigns do notmake su cient use of it and often develop programmes based on simplistic knowledgeattitude-practice models. On the other hand, literature on external factors determining environmental behaviour is not as advanced, besides the fact that a change of situational terms and conditions is postulated to yield great results. In general, individual and contextual factors need to be addressed to bring about the desired behaviour change, which has been considered in the strategy design of the Solar powered Schools for Hyderabad project. ····· 10361173017

Between Village and City

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The rural-urban linkages in the Hyderabad region are one of the research areas of Work Package 6 Participation and Communication Strategies of the project which is dealt with by the nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research. Nexus examines the quality of rural-urban linkages with the aim to identify the exchange between city and village and establish or strengthen spatial partnerships that can promote energy e cient lifestyles and have a positive e ect on social networks. Within this research eld the present paper tries to analyse rural-urban migration in this area with focus on changes through new technologies in the city as well as in the villages. ····· 10361173016

Socio-Economic Journey of an Impoverished Eastern Indian State

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This monograph Socio-Economic Journey of an Impoverished Eastern Indian State and Way Ahead contains chapters with optimistic approach to the down trodden economy of Odisha state reaching unto a panoramic outlook. This second poorest state in India is affected by the pangs of draught, flood, famine, super-cyclone and superstitions. These calamities have deprived and shattered the fabric. However, the emerging globalization and liberalization in the Indian economy has provided a ray of hope to development at the cost of natural resources and environment. The narrative has dealt on issues and challenges adopting change management perspectives. It augmented a resurrecting method of new thinking, creative strategies, managing newness, strategic alliance, new business, creation of new powerful political leaders and policy to final solve these perennial problems with creativity. It provided alternative solutions with new models for implementation with a holistic blend. It redefined a host of feasible strategies to capitalization of natural resources for encashment of human resources to mobilize resources with qualitative factorization and governance. ····· 10361147402

Dynamics of Global Sustainability

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Most models about global sustainability treat the world as if it were a homogeneous, single-nation system. However, the clustering observed among nations with respect to their economic development levels results in two distinct blocks developed (North) and developing (South). Interaction of these blocks and their local actions affect the global sustainability, as they are two interrelated actors in a closed system, namely the world. In this study, population, economic growth, welfare gap, energy supply and related pollution are identified as the key issues related to both global sustainability. These issues are analyzed in a systems perspective, focusing on their systemic, inseparable nature. A dynamic feedback model is constructed in order to simulate the long-term dynamics for key variables related to the above issues. The results obtained from a set of scenarios clearly demonstrate the fact that the obstacles that would be encountered by North and South will be quite different in nature and magnitude. ····· 10361147400

Volunteer Tourism Yet: Another Form of Othering ?

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International Voluntary services have increased over the last couple of years. A lot of authors have written about this new phenomenon. One of the most visible forms of this phenomenon has been the emergence of third world volunteer-tourism programmes, which seek to combine the hedonism of tourism with the altruism of development work. Such programmes make the practice of international development doable, knowable and accessible to young travellers. Unfortunately most of the writers have been focusing on the North-South Exchange meaning volunteers from Europe, United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand travelling to Africa, South East Asia, and Latin America, the Caribbean and the rest of the developing world to promote development as well as international understanding through voluntary services. This book focuses on the South- North exchange which has been neglected since time immemorial. The book is striving to raise awareness about the flow of volunteers from the developing countries to the developed countries as well as the flow f volunteer within the developing world. ····· 10361147332

The Role of International Aid in Development

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This book studies the role of aid in the Palestinian development and its impact on economic development. The qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that the overall impact of aid has been limited in promoting economic growth, improving people s living standards, and achieving peace. Moreover, these aid flows helped in creating structural dependency rather than sustainable development, due to its failure to supplement local resources to enhance savings and investments, increase productivity, and decrease unemployment. Rather, it increased public and private consumption and reacted according to the severity of the political, economic, and humanitarian conditions. Thus, growth and poverty rates did not improve as a result of pouring more aid into the Palestinian war-torn economy. Furthermore, due to the particularity of the Palestinian case within the dilemma of aid-under-occupation and asymmetric containment, and the failure of aid for peace approaches, this book suggests pursuing a new approach based on the larger freedom concepts and the inclusion of non-distorting relief aid to the development process, which incorporates the national concepts of emancipatory human rights. ····· 10361147222

The role of cooperative unions in satisfying member societies

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Agricultural cooperatives are established used and controlled by their members their basic objective is serving their members needs and expectation. primary societies integrate vertcally to form a cooperative union. the common problems that primary societies have necessitate the establishement of of a cooperative union A cooperative organization is essentially a business organization. It cannot afford to act in a business manner. Otherwise, its end would be as quick as its start. It should, therefore, either improve the standards of service available to its members or affect the price level so that the purchasing power of its members is increased.In short, the effect of cooperative or joint effort should be such that it is felt or is visible to members as well as non-members. But this cannot be possible unless cooperative society reach to size which allows its economic effects of cooperation to act in full swing small-scale cooperatives generally suffer from lack of viability and competitiveness. ····· 10361147135

Urbanization Impact of Water Logging in Dhaka City

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Dhaka Municipality, which has been upgraded to DCC, has grown from 6.1 sq. km. in 1906 to 360 sq. km. in 1997 having population from 276033 in 1951 to 6000,000 in 1997 (Islam, 1999 BBS, 1997). In recent years Dhaka City is facing extensive water logging due to unplanned urbanization during the monsoon (May to October) as a regular problem of the city. This study is concern about the inherent causes of such water logging and its effects on the city life from the perception of authorities of different development organizations, experts and local inhabitants of Tejgaon Industrial Area. From the study it is revealed that unplanned spatial development activities and rapid population growth are causing encroachment on retention areas and natural drainage paths. By analyzing the overall situation, this research paper has given some management measure for sustainable urbanization and save natural drainage system and water bodies through development control and a close coordination among urban authorities and collaboration between public and private sectors agencies. ····· 10361147075

Fiscal Decentralization and Access to Social Services in Ethiopia

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Fiscal decentralization has formed an important component of recent institutional innovation, being widely adopted in many countries. But, in the empirical literature, there is little agreement in its effect on a number of policy goals. Accordingly, this study aims at evaluating the effects of fiscal decentralization on social services access in Ethiopia, which undertook a massive shift of fiscal resources to regions in 1994 and to districts in 2002. The results suggest that although the decentralization has been characterized by some kind of vertical and horizontal fiscal imbalances, it has had significant effects on primary gross enrollment rate, childhood immunization and infant mortality rate. Moreover, the policy has achieved a satisfactory equity in terms of both equality of opportunity and inter-regional equity by reducing disparity in access to social services between previously underserved and better-off regions, suggesting that fiscal decentralization has been a pro-poor policy. Thus, the study urges policy makers and development agencies to close the existing fiscal gaps, possibly via fiscal equalization approach, for better social service access at the grassroots level ····· 10361147046

Cairo`s contested Garbage

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The study explores the Zabaleen s contested geography and spatial strategies in relation to their right to inner city areas and future relocation to Cairo s suburban new settlements . Over the decades, the Zabaleen waste (garbage) collectors of Cairo, have created what is arguably one of the world s most efficient and sustainable resource-recovery and waste-recycling systems. Yet the continuation of this intricate relationship between community, environment and livelihood is jeopardised by the official privatisation of solid waste services through contracts with technology-intensive multinational corporations which threatens the sustainability of the garbage collectors communities. This situation was aggravated by recent official measures during the swine flu pandemic, which were mainly directed towards the Zabaleen s pigs rearing and waste recycling economy. In addition the authorities plan to move the Zabaleen activities further out of the city, claiming that this will turn their neighbourhoods into cleaner living environments. ····· 10361146849

An Evaluation of Zimbabwe`s Growth Centre Strategy

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This book is an evaluation of Zimbabwe s post-colonial Growth Centre Strategy with a special focus on Birchenough Bridge(BB) Growth Point in Manicaland Province. It examines issues such as the origins of the strategy both before and after the country s independence in 1980, activities at the centre, challenges confronting it and prospects for the future. Conclusions made at the end are not only relevant to BB but also other centres in Zimbabwe ····· 10361146749

A case study of access to information perspectives

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Professor Peter,J., Lor. Former IFLA Secretary General: `Former South African President Thabo Mbeki proclaimed the 21st century as the `African Century`, expressing a belief that in this century Africa will embark on a new trajectory of peace, stability and prosperity. Without a democratic culture this will remain a pipe dream. Opening up the actions of African governments to public scrutiny is a key ingredient for transparency, good governance and a healthy business climate. The right to information legislation discussed in this thesis, if enacted and implemented successfully, can be an important building block for democracy.` ····· 10361146591

Trade Liberalization and Tariff Pass-through in Ethiopia

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The benefit of trade liberalization is both theoretically and empirically inconclusive though literature emphasizes on the direct as well as indirect impacts. Hence, different empirical studies have been conducted to estimate these benefits even if it is rare to find a tariff pass-through which estimates the direct effects of tariff reductions at the border on domestic prices whereby determine the welfare impact on poor households for countries like Ethiopia. Thus, this study situates itself in this category that it estimates the tariff pass-through for six products by employing a competitive pass-through model to verify whether both the tariff and geographical pass-through are significant enough to affect the welfare of households in Ethiopia. The contribution of the study is therefore thriving to the theory of trade liberalization. The results of the model reveal insignificant coefficients which necessitate further analysis and scrutiny which is made in the discussion and explanation part of the study. The study therefore helps policy makers, researchers, trade economists and government advisors to consider a multiple of factors and undertake detail analysis before trade reforms. ····· 10361146492

The Politics of Female Adolescent Sexuality

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Based on the continued prevalence of teacher-student sexual relationships in the Beninese education system post progressive 2006 legislation, this research aims to explore community stakeholders perceptions, attitudes, and responses to this phenomenon in several northern, rural Beninese communities. As the use of the term `sexual harassment` proves inadequate in describing actual relationships occurring in schools, the goal here is to uncover more accurate descriptions, causes, motivations behind and consequences of individual actors acceptance (either willful or via coercion) or refusal of engaging in these relationships. With poverty and development disparities as motivating factors, sex between teachers and students emerges as a transactional process: a direct exchange of sex for money and/or grades. Many relationships in schools are perceived as consensual, although poverty induced, and involve complex levels of silent or overt parental encouragement and societal acceptance. By more explicitly describing the complexities of these sexual relationships, researchers, NGOs and the Beninese government can more successfully address the phenomenon and its impact on girls education. ····· 10361146400

Desarrollo, territorio y gobernanza local

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Este libro muestra que el territorio, entendido como una construcción social en la que confluyen distintos factores, se constituye en una unidad de análisis fundamental para el diseño de estrategias que permitan el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de las personas y del planeta. El pensar en el territorio, en lo local, ésto no entra en contradicción con la creciente internacionalización de los mercados y el avance de las tecnologías y los medios de transporte, que si bien son factores que hacen más complejos los territorios, los nutren y transforman. Las reflexiones están soportadas sobre dos ideas fundamentales: primero, el desarrollo debe conducir a una situación de Buen Vivir para las poblaciones, y en ese sentido es fundamental pensar el desarrollo desde la gente y su entorno tecnológico y natural segundo, dado que el desarrollo es un proceso que debe planificarse con y para la gente, la gobernanza local cobra un papel fundamental ante las necesidades que tienen hoy en día las comunidades de construir procesos autónomos de desarrollo, que generen mejoras reales sobre la calidad de vida, del planeta y la sustentabilidad de la vida humana. ····· 10361137410

La Participación como eje del Desarrollo Rural Territorial

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El Desarrollo es un proceso de construcción social que requiere de la Participación de los Actores en la definición de las estratégias, como forma de lograr compromiso y apropiación en el proceso. El enfoque de Desarrollo Rural Territorial (DRT) considera que múltiples dimensiones interactúan en el territorio: económico-productiva sociocultural ambiental y político-institucional. En este proceso de DRT analice las distintas interacciones entre los Actores que se involucraron en el proceso (formulación, planificación y ejecución), fueron actores necesarios, y a su vez involucrados, INTA, En.De.Con., Municipio de Gral. Conesa, y, por supuesto, los micro, pequeños y medianos Productores Rurales del Valle de Conesa. El presente trabajo de tesis seguió metodologías cualitativas que analizaron la relación entre la participación de los actores y los procesos de Desarrollo Rural Territorial con el objetivo de investigar el papel que juega la participación de los actores locales en los procesos de Desarrollo Rural Territorial Sustentable, orientados a mejorar la situación Socio-Productiva de los Pequeños y Medianos Productores Agropecuarios del Valle de Conesa. ····· 10361137180

Gender, Development and Women`s Empowerment

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Since 1990s the provision of Microfinance services through NGOs has gained ground in international development discourse for ameliorating the plight of poor men and women in developing countries. Critical in this discussion are the issues of efficacy of NGOs` interventions in the face of cultural norms and values of the society and the political and economic circumstances in which poverty alleviation programmes are run in a society. This book is an attempt to critically analyse these issues in the context of Pakistani society. Our analysis reveals issues at four level that are not working towards the desired goal: the paradigm shift within microfinance industry, the government`s lack of will and capacity to initiate pro-poor and pro-women changes for their socio-economic development, the donor community`s laxity in rigorously pursuing what they purport about microfinance and normative structures at grass-roots level. The books should be helpful for students and readers of development studies, especially those wishing to understand and analyse complexities around the notion of women`s empowerment through poverty alleviation programmes. ····· 10361136065

The State of Decentralized Services

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A complete centralization of provision of public services had increasingly led to different problems in services delivery. As a result many countries have implemented a decentralization policy to provide effective public service delivery and local self-rule. Most developing countries engaged decentralization policy as part of development strategy. To assess actual implementation, a study were conducted at district level in Ethiopia. The findings showed that decentralization at district level remains challenging by lots of problems and a top down hierarchical relationship between sector offices and service units. This book explains in detail the state of decentralized service delivery, in regards to the required institutions and their performance, the power/authority of local governments, the financial and human resources as well as the level of community participation. It also describes mechanisms how to make decentralization meaningful and improve service delivery. ····· 10361136002

Public Investment and the Crowding Out of Economic Growth in Nigeria

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This book was written to contribute to the debate on the effectiveness of government participation in the development of an economy. The impact of government investment on growth constitutes one of the central issues in empirical and policy debates. It made use of Nigeria as a case study in the empirical analysis. The book is designed for undergraduate economics students and students who are taking public finance as an elective. It is also important to researchers who are interested in carrying out research in the areas Public Finance and Fiscal Policy as well as the use of current econometric methodologies. The text introduces students and policy makers to the very important but silent area about the impact of government expenditure. ····· 10361135939

Disaster Rehabilitation and Exclusion

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Tsunami rehabilitation in Kerala has excluded a large section of victims from enjoying the right over natural resources. Standard of life of the victims is still incomplete project.The victims have been forced to relocate due to disaster risk.The income sources of the victims have affected by rehabilitation, however, the state and the NGOs seldom pay attention to this critical issue. This book is based on field experience ····· 10361135797

What Role for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Peace Building?

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Peace building is a main goal on the international agenda, yet is unsuccessful. Since 1989 one quarter of armed conflicts are unresolved and half of modern conflicts return to war in five years. I argue the failure to sustain peace is a result of current liberal peace building paradigms. If peace is the process of achieving collective and individual freedom from structural violence, I argue foreign aid must use human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights (ESC). Using the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and precedents set by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights I analyze the human rights impact of the practices of the United States Agency for International Development and the United Nations Development Programme. The past two decades of aid to the OPT reflects liberal paradigms of aid for peace and the prioritization of civil and political rights. By showing that ESC rights are justiciable obligations that can be applied to the practice of peace building, I am expanding the notion of liberalism to include ESC rights frameworks, so that peace building can address (in)securities avoided by liberal peace practices. ····· 10361135701

Development NGOs and Social Development in Contemporary Egypt

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In Egypt, Open-door Economic Policy initiated in the 1970s paved the road for major transformation towards market economy. The dismantling of the socialist state in Egypt added more challenges in order for Egypt to meet the Millennium Development Goals. This research focuses on roles played by Egyptian development NGOs in realizing social development. The purpose of the study is to examine the validity of the `third road` thesis that emerged from the dominant Neo-Liberal development discourse. The author interviewed prominent experts in the field in Egypt and reviewed relevant literature. For the empirical part of the study, ten Egyptian Development NGOs were thoroughly studied. Although Egyptian NGOs exist and operate in an environment constrained by bureaucratic siege and security surveillance, they are blazing a trial in creating new dimensions of civil activism through changing people`s perception from waiting for solutions for problems they barely consider theirs, to feeling empowered by owning the problems and solutions. NGOs lacked collective vision for how to deal with their environment because they live in isolated islands due to the absence of constructive dialogue ····· 10361134586

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