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Exploring the Missing Links

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is the publication of a highly praised doctoral thesis exploring the role of social capital theory in Australian regional development policy and practice. The author provides a trenchant critique of the concept `social capital` and the link between social capital and regional economic development which has been propagated in Australia and around the world. The author draws attention to the `missing links` in social capital theory, exploring how the concept has mutated from its origins as a tool in a tightly theorised framework for the explanation of social structure and inequality, into a community development tool which many believe can be used to remedy such inequality. With reference to a case study of the local government area of the City of Playford in South Australia, the author argues that not only are current understandings of social capital unable to adequately address issues of class and structural inequality in Australian regional development, they may also be contributing to their exacerbation. ····· 1036187159

Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and Local Development

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Against the background of an interpretive theoretical framework and historical perspective of development, this study places a particular emphasis on development in the Ethiopian context. Thereafter, the investigation shifts more specifically to examine the roles of CBOs in terms of their contribution towards development, focussing on the selected case study area of Gubre, in Ethiopia. The analysis subsequently assesses the nature and extent of community participation in terms of development initiatives as well as identifies the potential and challenges of CBOs. Within the context of abovementioned analysis, the study finally brings in to focus general observations gained from the investigation and provides recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders in the development arena. ····· 1036187099

In Search of Sexual Revolutions in New Delhi

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At the foundation of most inequalities in expression of sexuality lie the social constructions of gender. Therefore this study focusses on sex and sexuality education as a possibility to challenge institutionalised sexism and enhance sexual well-being. As sex education has become a battle of morality, non-governmental and other organisations can be seen as alternatives to national curriculum plans encouraged by the government. This study therefore discusses the potential of NGOs in terms of sexual empowerment by examining beliefs and understanding, choices of information, strategies and methods, and approaches apparent in sex education programs and projects. Through interviews with staff, facilitators and experts, conversations with participants, and visits to workshops and other activities, this study outlines the creative power of local NGOs in New Delhi. ····· 1036186939

Haydom Lutheran Hospital

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This thesis provides an analysis of the sustainability of Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) in Tanzania. Moreover, it discusses the local community s dependency on the hospital, while a smaller part of the paper looks at HLH as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) object for Xstrata Plc. Haydom Lutheran Hospital has since its inauguration by Norwegian missionaries in 1955 been highly funded by public and private financial, human and technological resources from abroad, especially from Norway. The empirical findings show that HLH has become too dependent on the Royal Norwegian Embassy, and has wrongly seen it as a secured long-term funding source. The activity level has been continuously increasing, though the financial resources have been unclear. Even though quality of care is higher at HLH than at most other mission hospital in Tanzania, a question arose within the paper about the cost of adhering to such high quality. The organizational structure has moreover been overly dependent on one person the ardent soul leaving a gap with him leaving this position. In the thesis second part it is suggested that Xstrata has the possibility to adhere to strategic philanthropy CSR. ····· 1036186847

The Meaning of Reconciliation and Development in Post-Genocide Rwanda

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When the characteristic of mass violence is primarily intrastate rather than interstate in nature, as was the case during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, geographical separation among conflicting groups is not always a viable solution. In such cases, reconciliation can present a way to recuperate and rebuild broken relationships amongst former adversaries. Reconciliation itself, however, is not a general concept or set of rules to be equally applied towards different groups or countries. This thesis is centered on a key question: what are the meanings of reconciliation and development in post-genocide Rwanda, and how are they related To examine this relationship, three possible connections are conceptualized: social healing and community development, reparations and economic development, and shared views on history and political development. This research contends that in a post-conflict setting, development without reconciliation is an incomplete process. ····· 1036186743

Die Afrikanische Union als friedens- und sicherheitspolitischer Akteur: Eine Analyse anhand der Theorie regionaler Sicherheitskomplexe

····· lezzter Preis 24.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie die gescheiterten Vermittlungsversuche im Libyen-Konflikt bewiesen haben, hat sich die Afrikanische Union gut zehn Jahre nach ihrer Gründung noch nicht als panafrikanische Konfliktlösungsinstanz durchgesetzt. Dabei ist die AU nur eine von zahlreichen sicherheits- und friedenspolitischen Akteuren auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent, denn die regionalen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften haben auf subregionaler Ebene längst eigenständige Konfliktlösungsmechanismen aufgebaut. Somit stellt sich die Frage, welcher Stellenwert der AU in der Beilegung von Konflikten in Afrika zugeschrieben werden kann. Einen passenden theoretischen Rahmen für die Beantwortung dieser Frage bietet die Theorie regionaler Sicherheitskomplexe von Barry Buzan und Ole Wæver, bei der die Region als Analyseebene der internationalen Sicherheitsbeziehungen im Mittelpunkt steht. Die Theorie löst sich vom Staat als alleinigem Referenzobjekt und sieht Sicherheit nicht mehr als reale, objektive Größe an, sondern als ein gesellschaftliches Konstrukt. Vor diesem Hintergrund lautet die zentrale Forschungsfrage: Stellt die Afrikanische Union einen regionalen Sicherheitskomplex im Sinne der Theorie von Buzan und Wæver dar Oder wird die afrikanische Sicherheitsarchitektur von mehreren kleineren subregionalen Sicherheitskomplexen dominiert Im Ergebnis scheint sich in Afrika südlich der Sahara tatsächlich ein übergreifender regionaler Sicherheitskomplex gebildet zu haben, dem die regionalen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften als Subkomplexe untergeordnet sind. Somit sollte über die Einführung einer entsprechenden Zwischenebene als fester Bestandteil der Theorie nachgedacht werden. Der Maghreb scheint sich jedoch nicht dem Sicherheitskomplex im restlichen Afrika unterordnen zu lassen, sondern sich verstärkt mit dem europäischen Sicherheitskomplex zu verzahnen. Es wird die Hypothese vertreten, dass diese Entwicklungen in der afrikanischen Sicherheitsarchitektur auf einen Paradigmenwechsel auf globaler sowie regionaler Ebene zurückzuführen sind. Demnach hätten die Konzepte der Schutzverantwortung, der Nichtgleichgültigkeit sowie der menschlichen Sicherheit die Sicherheitsdynamiken auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent derart beeinflusst, dass sich in Afrika südlich der Sahara ein regionaler Sicherheitskomplex bilden konnte. ····· 1036173813

Weltverbesserung im Kleinen

····· lezzter Preis 12.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie kann man Entwicklungen und Veränderungen anstoßen, die das Miteinander stärken und fördern Was können wir alle, jede und jeder, dazu beitragen, die Welt zu verbessern Und wie und wo am besten beginnen `Tu was, dann tut sich was!` Unter diesem Motto hat Österreichs erstes Sozialfestival Akzente zu einem guten Miteinander gesetzt. Erfahrungen des Sozialfestivals sowie anderer beispielhafter Initiativen für gutes Zusammenleben geben Hinweise: Wo gute Ideen herkommen, wie man Mitmenschen mitreißen kann, warum Bodenständigkeit und Innovation eine Koalition bilden sollten und unter welchen Umständen ein Kopfstand angebracht sein kann - ein Lesebuch voller Anregungen für die Weltverbesserung im Kleinen. ····· 1036153189


····· lezzter Preis 19.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Perspektiven auf `Entwicklung` sind ebenso vielfältig wie umkämpft. Von Fortschrittsglauben und neoliberalen Experimenten, über kritische Analysen globaler ungleicher Entwicklungsprozesse bis hin zu radikalen Absagen an `Entwicklung` reicht das entwicklungstheoretische Oeuvre.Der Band präsentiert verschiedenste Perspektiven in Form einer systematischen und facettenreichen Textsammlung, die `Klassiker` ebenso wie aktuelle Beiträge polit-ökonomischer-, feministischer- und post-/de-kolonialer Kritik enthält. Dem Bruch mit dem eurozentristischen Narrativ des entwicklungstheoretischen Kanons wird ein zentraler Stellenwert gegeben: Beiträge von Autor_innen aus dem globalen Süden erscheinen hier zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung. Die Auswahl der unterschiedlichen Standpunkte ist vom Ziel einer didaktischen Aufbereitung geleitet. In der dreiteiligen Ordnung nach `Liberalismen`, `Politische Ökonomie` und `Alternativen zu Entwicklung` werden die vielfältigen theoretischen und inhaltlichen Schnittstellen der Beiträge und ihrer wissenschaftlichen Resonanzen deutlich. Neben Überblick und Orientierung steht der Band daher auch für einen interdisziplinären Zugang zu `Entwicklung`, der wechselseitige Beeinflussungen thematisiert und Kontroversen zulässt. Reflexions- und Diskussionsfragen am Ende der Teilabschnitte regen die Auseinandersetzung mit Querverbindungen zusätzlich an, erleichtern die Orientierung und fördern den kritischen Einstieg in das breite Themenfeld. ····· 1036153149

Nord-Süd-Ost-West Beziehungen

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die letzten Jahrhunderte der Weltgeschichte sind durch die Zunahme von raumübergreifenden Verflechtungen geprägt - in Wirtschaft, Politik, zwischen Gesellschaften und Kulturen - und von der Beschleunigung dieser Prozesse.Der Sammelband versteht sich als Einführung in die komplexe und vielschichtige Verflechtungsgeschichte. Er vermittelt den LeserInnen einen Einstieg in globalgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge und einen Zugang zu regionalspezifisch wichtigen Themen und Debatten. Daneben bietet der Band geraffte Überblicke zu zentralen Entwicklungen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt. ····· 1036153126

Soziologie der globalen Gesellschaft

····· lezzter Preis 16.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Soziologie der globalen Gesellschaft Nach dem großen Erfolg des Bandes `Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie` erscheint nun eine neu zusammengestellte Einführung. Die Bezugspunkte der Soziologie waren für lange Zeit die sich modernisierenden Gesellschaften zunächst in (West-)Europa und dann in Nordamerika. Mit der Dekolonialisierung und Entwicklung der nicht-westlichen Weltregionen kommen zunehmend die nicht-westlichen, häufig postkolonialen Gesellschaften sowie die damit einhergehenden Beziehungsverhältnisse ins Blickfeld. Mit diesen sich wandelnden Bezugspunkten hat sich zugleich aus einer Vielzahl national dominierter Soziologien eine zunehmend international orientierte und verstärkt global ausgerichtete Soziologie entwickelt. Aufmerksamkeit hat in diesem Kontext insbesondere das Konzept des `Transnationalen` auf sich gezogen. Nicht Nationalstaaten oder national verankerte Wirtschaftsunternehmen, sondern globalisierte Akteure sind die wesentlichen Träger gesellschaftlichen Handelns. Ermöglicht wurde dieser Prozess durch neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Daraus entwickeln sich Netzwerkstrukturen, die die zukünftige gesellschaftliche Produktion, Distribution und Konsumtion beeinflussen. Neuere soziologische Ansätze gehen weiters davon aus, dass globale Informationen lokal jeweils unterschiedlich rezipiert werden. Darüber hinaus wird die These einer global vereinheitlichten Kultur auch durch empirische Befunde relativiert, dass die ohne Zweifel existierenden Homogenisierungstendenzen stets auch lokalen Widerstand provoziert und kreiert haben, so dass kulturelle Globalisierung paradoxerweise stets auch begleitet ist von einem Erstarken des Lokalen. ····· 1036153096

***Globaliserung ent-wickeln

····· lezzter Preis 14.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Land, Water and Local people

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bangalore , in the process of becoming World Class city has initiated several infrastructure projects such as the mega-Bangalore Mysore Infrastructure Corridor. This involves land use change from agricultural rural and peri-urban areas to predominantly urban land uses under centralised State level agency. In this process, landscape surrounding the lake in the village appears to have transformed from a wetland-lake ecosystem, which acted as a village commons, to private property owned by private entity or fenced system disconnected from ecosystem. Thus, this has resulted in changing perceptions of the traditional local community usage of the lakes as they are increasingly looked as land property for profit-making. There is also a differential impact on the local village community as those marginalised section of local village community who don t have legal land tenure rights are denied legal water rights . This marks a paradigm shift of viewing lakes as common property to private property or social use to economic good . ····· 1036125819

Self Help Groups and Reproductive and Child Health Programme

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The present work on the Role of Self Help groups in Strengthening Reproductive and Child Health Programme is a original piece of work combining the modern theories with age old values inherent in the society in which the programme was applied. It sets out to explore a model which helped the poor women to start their economic life with the help of micro finance in an innovative manner in the health sector. The processes, applied in the development of the programme, have helped in bringing out a Sustainable Reproductive and Child Health Programme through increasing use of RCH knowledge, capacity building, social capital formation, network building, continuous needs assessment and fulfillment and development of an intra-sectoral linkage for sustaining the programs which were started to bring about the changes in their life. Most importantly, this work highlights the methodology applied in maintaining the development efforts for improving the Reproductive and Child Health Programme. ····· 1036125759

Degradation - conservation - degradation

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Northern Ethiopia and Tigray region in particular is one of the most degraded areas in the world. Several intervention measures to rehabilitate the degraded environment have been implemented since the 1980s. This book provides political ecology readers with a glimpse of the situation in the Northern highlands of Ethiopia. Environmental degradation and its causes, solutions designed to reduce degradation and the effectiveness of the solutions/measures are explored from the perspective of different actors and mainly the local farmers. It applied the political ecology approach with an extended ethnographic fieldwork in the area. ····· 1036125753

Governance and Institutional Capacity of Local Government

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book deals with good governance and institutional capacity and their impacts on service delivery of local organizations in Bangladesh.The objective of this book is to look at how the major actors and the factors contribute to promote or confine good governance and service delivery. Qualitative case study method is used for this. Accountability, transparency, and participation are used as theoretical tools for understanding good governance. This book shows that good governance and effective service delivery are influenced by the management in the organization, sufficient human and financial resource capacity and government policies. Education, rural development, and technology have more of a significant impact on good governance and promoting service delivery. The public organizations are weak for providing efficient services because of political and bureaucratic constraints. Strengthening Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and enhancing NGOs capacity can establish good governance.This book assumes that a public private partnership approach of local government organizations can be a suitable policy recommendation and future research agenda of good governance in Bangladesh. ····· 1036125722

EU Renewable Energy Policy - Aan Analysis of Four EU Countries

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The depletion of fossil fuel resources and the effect that their utilisation has on the global climate presents our civilisation with the challenge of finding new and cleaner ways to provide and use energy. Renewable Energy sources represent part of the solution to this problem, and their introduction into the energy mix of most OECD countries has been encouraged over the past decade. This book will look to the progress made by Italy, France, Germany and Denmark in their approach to the stringent EU targets for Renewable Generation. The different energy mix and natural resources of each country will be taken into consideration in assessing their progress, but special attention will also be paid to the different domesticsocial and political environments. Finally, Comparisons made with Germany, Denmark and France illustrate that Italian shortfalls may be the result of inflexible legislation, an overcomplicated bureaucracy and a delay in which the renewables agenda was addressed by the Italian Government. ····· 1036125652

United Nations and Kenya

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This is the result of a study carried out on the activities of the UN in Kenya since independence in 1963. The study s main objective was to establish the role played by the UN in Kenya s development history. The study focused on both the ideas and practices, traceable to the UN, that have in one way or the other informed Kenya s development performance. The study looked at five thematic areas: socio-economic opportunities, agriculture, social security, environmental sustainability and governance. In all of these, it emerged that the UN has played a significant role in Kenya s development performance, and that in the last four decades, partnership between Kenya and the UN has borne fruit in both ideas and actual development. The contributions of the UN in Kenya`s Development has mainly been registered in Health, Agriculture, the environment, governance, as well as security and peace building. Some of these developments have been regional in character. ····· 1036125647

MNREGA:Paradigm Shift in Employment Generation Programme in India

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This is a research based empirical study to assess the impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), unique demand driven employment generation programme, which guarantees 100 days per year assured employment in agriculturally lean season in India. The model questioner developed for this study may be of immense use to conduct farther research in the developing countries like India and assess the impact of the developmental programmes of their country. Students of social sciences, academicians and policy makers will get help in formulating developmental projects in their priority areas. The shortfalls identified in implementation of the programme at grass root level will act as guiding principle for future rectification of such endeavour. ····· 1036125640

Decentralization and Governance in Developing Countries

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The role of the state in a globalized world is increasingly challenged and constantly redefined by new localized and multi-polar pressures. Decentralization is often seen as a response to such pressures and a political solution to often complex development challenges, by bringing decisions and resources closest to the local communities. Often presented as the new panacea , the debate on decentralization in developing countries is however at times ill-defined and victim of ideological bias. This book aims at analyzing the decentralization process in the developing countries, by combining the use of governance concepts with tools and methods of the geopolitical analysis. Further to a review of the rather disappointing track record of decentralization processes in the African continent, the book reviews the rather promising yet still incomplete case of Ghana, whose decentralization process was not only the first key step towards democratic reforms, but it was also used as a strategy to address the challenges posed by the development and economic divide between the Northern and the Southern regions. ····· 1036125377

Issues in Sustainability

····· lezzter Preis 54.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Virtual or Online Publications have become very essential especially in academic fields where both students and teachers has had valuable access to information at little or no cost at all. The online publication of this text is projected to be of handy to many lecturer, students and practitioners alike. There has been some dark clouds pertaining definitions, origins and concepts of sustainability. Issues in Sustainability has been a great light, enlightening the dark corners in sustainability practice and theory. Whilst more researches need to be done in this field, academics are doing wonderful a job for practitioners to have clarity in this field. With this publication handy, one will over-simplifications of sustainability that practice will be easy. ····· 1036125349

Current Status of Financial Inclsuion Among Rural Households in A.P.

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My Research studies contribute to know the status of financial inclusion among rural households that helps fill some of the gaps in knowledge about financial inclusion. It also draws on existing insights and experience to contribute to the policy discussion on this critical development issue. The new evidence demonstrates that financial inclusion can significantly reduce poverty and boost shared prosperity, but underscores that efforts to foster inclusion must be well designed. This research study showed that while assessing the status of financial inclusion, it was found that one third the households in three districts are still marginalized with limited or no access to basic financial services including that of microfinance and insurance. While existing initiatives in measuring financial inclusion are estimated it is found that there is a need for greater focus on the micro and distributional dimensions of financial resources. The analysis results indicated significant regional variances in banking outreach across districts of Andhra Pradesh, as also in terms of their income characteristics. More importantly, the regressions indicate an important role of SHGs, financial literacy ····· 1036125098

The challenges of decentralization in promoting citizen participation

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Decentralization in Indonesia has been perceived as the most ambitious program of modern times by transferring responsibilities and financial resources to more than 500 sub-national governments affecting more than 200 million people. The study presents an overview and assessment of political and fiscal decentralization policies and its relation with the promotion of citizen participation using case studies from two different municipalities in Indonesia. Despite huge performance disparity amongst the local governments in Indonesia and the level of citizen participation in different districts, decentralization still has the potential to enhance government s responsiveness to its citizen and at the same time strengthens local government s accountability through the enhanced participation. ····· 1036125093

Policy on Packaging Waste in Europe

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While the Packaging Waste Management System has been implemented by the European Union, however the Member States applied it in a different system of compliance. Recently the European Union stipulated a new initiative called Integrated Product Policy which based on the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility. This policy is still on establishment state and awaiting implementation. This research shows that Packaging Waste Management System can be adjusted effectively in Integrated Product Policy implementation by widening Packaging Waste Management System`s position in the Integrated Product Policy building blocks. ····· 1036125056

Strategic Planning For Nigeria`s Future

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nigeria is the 6th largest producer of crude oil in the world and the economy is the fastest growing in Africa, despite all the above advantages, Nigeria,today is confronted with multidimentional problems which has affected its future growth and development. In this book, Dr.Lawal Mohammad Anka has identified ten key problem areas, examined them and suggests ways and means to address them on a long term sustainable basis. This will help the country to achieve MDG goals by 2015. ····· 1036124822

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