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Housing Infrastructure for Self Housing Construction

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In fact, there are various factors which affect the development effort of private house builders. lack of finance, shortage of building materials, rigid building standard etc. are few ones. However, the tradition that local governments provide raw-land to residential house builders, particularly in the expansion areas of Addis Ababa raises a question whether or not - local governments consider the housing services such as the provision of potable water, road access and drainage lines as the fundamental components of housing Or local governments may also perceive that the provision will come gradually after completing the Buildings Nevertheless, the situation becomes a big challenge to the private builders.This little book tries to show readers, the magnitude and the causes to the stated problem, taking a case study area in one of the ten sub-cities of Addis Ababa. Finally, based on the major findings of the study, the book comes up with some relevant & practical solutions. ····· 1036118797

Good Governance and Watershed Management

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This book is about the issues that have arisen in watershed management as seen through social, economic, geographical, political perspectives. It argues for a more inclusive understanding of watershed management practices and in fact all community-oriented practices and development initiatives by showing the importance and role of good governance and expanding the base of participation. It shows through extensive case studies and participant observations of the functioning of watershed committees at the ground level that there is significant correlation between governance of watershed management and its democratic impact.It also shows the alarming lack of feedback mechanisms in developmental initiatives in India and argues for concrete steps in building-in such feedback loops at the policy-making stage itself.This will help students,policy makers, NGO activists,bureaucrats,and legislators. ····· 1036118793

Drought Management among the Afar

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Drought in the low-land areas of the Horn has increased in magnitude that it is now the representative image of the Afar Region of Ethiopia. The Afar pastoralists of Dubti District have been victims of drought since the 1950s. The 2002/03 drought, the most deadly one, has consumed up to 90% of grazers in the area. The loss of livestock has destructive effect on milk consumption and thereby exacerbates food security. When drought occurs, a special effect called the price-scissors effect happens whereby the price of cereals goes up and that of livestock goes down. The book argues that the evil edge impact of drought is eroding coping strategy of the pastoralists, especially the poor, the pure pastoralists and female-headed households. Above all, it is creating environmental bankruptcy to the already fragile and harsh environment. The book explains how natural factors coupled with the unwise utilization of resources by development interventions of the state and to a lesser extent, that of the pastoralists have aggravated the impact that drought brought to the area. It also explanis how the age long drought management blended with the scientific one, can be a remedy to drought. ····· 1036118745

Contemporary Slavery in the Northeast of Brazil

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Who would have thought that in the twenty-first century, the enslavement of human beings would still exist Kevin Bales writes that `the awareness that there are twenty-seven million slaves in the world has not yet fully penetrated the public mind.` It is a difficult concept to grasp when we are taught as early as elementary school that the United States of America abolished slavery in 1865 with the Thirteenth Amendment. Worldwide, slavery lasted slightly longer, and Brazil was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to terminate the classic system of slavery with the Áurea Law in 1888. However, during November of 2006, I spent a month in Açailândia, Maranhão in the Northeast of Brazil, where I conducted field research consisting of observations and interviews with former slaves and those struggling to help them, which illuminated the system of exploitation, a system that I once believed had died out long before I was born. Based on provocative information from fieldwork and Latin American theory, this monograph elucidates upon why slavery remains a reality after hundreds of years of social and economic oppression as a result of coloniality. ····· 1036118634

Rural Livelihoods Under Pressure

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What are the implications of HIV and AIDS on household agricultural productivity and food security This book provides an indepth qualitative understanding of emerging dynamics focusing on new farmers in the context of the pandemic. Using a case study approach, this book reveals that the epidemic reduces a poor household`s capacity to sustainably produce enough food. HIV and AIDS mortality and morbidity specifically diverts household income away from agro-related investments into non-productive expenditures. Income reduction translates into further impoverishment of affected households. Indigenous intergenerational knowledge tranfers are also disrupted. Cropping patterns and household decision-making processes have experienced drastic changes. Vulnerability of households to chronic food problems appears to be worsening. A sustainable future requires development planners to put HIV and AIDS at the centre of agricultural policy and rural livelihoods programming. In addition, Public policy and programming must be informed by a gendered framework that also puts value on the role of indigenous coping mechanisms. ····· 1036118632

Role of Social Capital in Post Disaster Initiatives

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In this paper a trial has been made to investigate the role of social capital in the post disaster initiatives at Kamarjani union of Gaibandha district of Bangladesh. From the qualitative analysis it has been seen that social capital is not that much helpful for the vulnerable people in the study area which existing literature shows. And from the quantitative analysis it is found that not social capital but the potentiality of returning the help can make people eligible for having any support from others though in some cases, especially for shelter-the situation is far beyond these. It depicts how the disaster torn people of the rural areas of Bangladesh are so much dependent on social capital for their survival though in maximum cases they do not have that and it increases their vulnerability more. ····· 1036118533

Understanding Culture in Disaster Response: The Case of Haiti

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The purpose of this research is to assess the significance of natural disasters and their effects on culture and communication, particularly in the case of the January 12th, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. It informs the reader about the importance of communication and coordination between local populace and humanitarian aid actors. To facilitate comprehension of these complex interactions, an analysis of Haitian culture and western culture are outlined and compared. The thesis suggests that understanding culture and sharing knowledge improves aid coordination, better meets the needs of the locals, and ultimately provides an integrated cooperative environment for effective disaster response. Additionally, the thesis aims to identify technologies and tools for communication, strategies for improving cultural understanding, and general lessons learned in the humanitarian field. As a country with underdeveloped infrastructure and communication systems, Haiti is even more vulnerable to natural disasters. The complexity of this Haitian earthquake disaster is relevant to international relations and topics within the field of international humanitarian relief. ····· 1036118352

Incremental housing development in Zimbabwe

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The study showed that policy and legislation are regarded as major factors in human settlement development.The two create either an enabling or cripling environment for actors to participate effectively in incremental development approach.Housing and social amenities development is difficult to initiate and often remains incomplete without appropriate infrastructure.The study also revealed that the incremental development approach was adopted to condone the situation that was created by Operation Restore Order where people were left homeless after the clean up campaign in urban areas of Zimbabwe.The study revealed that housing finance was the major problem hampering provision of housing in urban Zimbabwe and therefore public - private partnerships could play an important role to solve this challenge. ····· 1036118189

Determination of Deficiencies of Urban Public Services

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Tongi, a sub urban area is well connected through its road network with Dhaka city and its surrounding area. It is now an attractive place for people to live for its ample employment opportunities and as well as better cities amenities. The number of population is increasing day-by-day and because of population growth, there is shortage of public services comparing with their demand. The focus of the study is to identify the disparity in the distribution of public facilities in different wards of the pourashava. In this study, the Location Quotient Method and Gini Coefficient Method are used for determining the deficiencies. Planning standard is another consideration for identifying the gap between demand and supply. Some recommendations are also proposed to minimize the gap between demand and supply in providing urban public services in the study area. ····· 1036118180

NGO Partnerships

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The search for alternative development agents, global orientation towards neo-liberal policies and the shift in development approaches from modernization to social and human development boiled down to rapid proliferation of Local NGOs(LNGO) in the Global-South. The entry of LNGOs shifted the role of International NGOs (INGO) from direct implementers to partners whose major responsibility was to develop the capacity of the LNGOs. After more than two decades of INGO-NGO partnerships pursuing capacity building and sustainable development, whether or not greater capacity is attained by LNGOs and whether or not greater development effectiveness and sustainability are achieved is debatable. This book considers these issues and analyses the proximity of reality with the rhetoric through a case study of NGOs in Nepal. This book should help to inform the NGO partnership debate further and should be useful particularly to NGO workers, professionals, academicians and anyone who is interested in NGO and development sector. ····· 1036118168

Capacity building for community based organisation

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After the phase-out of external support, many community based development organizations in Uganda find hardship in running the project towards achieving the main goal of the project while others get stuck.The study explored the significance of capacity building practices on the Uganda Youth at risk Development Network (UYDNET) project sustainability. The study found out a generally low consideration of top down, bottom up, Partnership community organization capacity building approaches in UYDNET. The study equally found a low level of project self-reliance and goal achievement. Capacity building had a significant relationship with project performance and it predicted 54.7% of the variance in project performance. This infromation would help project leadership/management, to explore and create awareness of capacity building best practices which they may need to adopt to enhance achievement of their desired performance expectations and mandate. To the community members and leaders, the study would offer an opportunity to express their concerns, views and experiences on the UYDNET capacity building efforts that the project leadership needs to address. ····· 1036118109

Pravo, nravstvennost` i ekonomika v usloviyakh protivodeystviya korruptsii

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Vyyavleniem roli znaniya i poznaniya kak neobkhodimoy ob`ektivnoy, a ne sub`ektivnoy chasti materializatsii mirovozzrencheskikh ustremleniy obshchestvennogo razvitiya, a takzhe otkrytiem zakonov nravstvennogo povedeniya vo vsekh sferakh zhizni, vklyuchaya ekonomiku, zanimalis` mnogie vydayushchiesya uchenye i mysliteli raznykh stran mira, nachinaya s drevneyshikh vremen. V provedennom issledovanii, obobshchayushchem aprobirovannye v rossiyskoy i mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy srede i na praktike pervonachal`nye predstavleniya ob moral`no-nravstvennykh ustoyakh obshchestva, vzaimosvyazi religioznykh predstavleniy s ekonomicheskoy i semeyno-bytovoy sredoy, neordinarnye tseli uspeshnogo dolgosrochnogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya v period smeny paradigm obshchestvennogo ustroystva i mirovozzrencheskoy platformy obshchestva, predstavleno sistemnoe izlozhenie OSNOV nravstvennogo razvitiya ekonomiki kak sinteza etiki, morali, prava, ekonomiki i pravookhrannoy sfery v dopolnenie k realizatsii vysokoeffektivnoy investitsionnoy deyatel`nosti, osnovannoy na primenenii stoimostnogo podkhoda k razvitiyu ekonomiki. ····· 103614948

Porogi i perekaty progressa. KhKh vek

für 21.42€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dannaya kniga ne zanimaetsya vystraivaniem vsekh proisshedshikh v KhKh veke sobytiy vo vremennoy ili logicheskoy posledovatel`nosti, uvyazyvaniem ikh po znachimosti ili posledstviyam v sootvetstvii s temi ili inymi kontseptsiyami. Istoriya prinadlezhit vsem, togda kak progress predpochitaet ocherednost`. Odnako i on dalek ot lineynosti i razmerennosti, po-raznomu katit strany i narody po svoim porogam i perekatam, stalkivaya i peremeshivaya ikh interesy i volyu. Avtor, minuya akademicheskie, raznolikie, mnogoyarusnye i pudovye tvoreniya, predlagaet svoyu versiyu obreteniy, porazheniy i vozmozhnostey, postigshikh sovetskiy narod v KhKh veke, s kotorymi shirokomu chitatelyu bylo by polezno oznakomit`sya. ····· 103614513

Les grands défis de la construction panafricaine

für 40.50€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Petit à petit, l on s habitue à penser l avenir de l Afrique sur le mode optimiste. Il ne doit toutefois pas s agir d une pure prophétie ou pire, d`incantations, mais de projection raisonnée, scientifiquement élaborée. Un simple v u, quelle qu`en soit la nature, ne suffira pas à transfigurer l Afrique. Malgré les frémissements actuels, dans un monde ` néodarwinien ` en dépit de toutes sortes de mise en garde, l émergence de l Afrique sera le résultat d une planification rigoureuse ou ne sera pas. Après quelques milliers d années de soumission et de relégation à la périphérie de l histoire mondiale et de sa propre histoire, l Afrique, si elle veut retrouver la vallée des rois et remonter sur le trône d Égypte, va devoir édifier de nombreuses pyramides. Ce sont les grands défis de la construction panafricaine ····· 103614439

Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Development Planning in Egypt

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Can Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) contribute to human development and poverty reduction in Egypt The author argues that poverty alleviation, human development and disaster risk reduction are strongly interdependent in the case of Egypt. Progress towards the attainment of the first two objectives will not be achieved unless more attention is given to the DRR discourse. The thesis explores various initiatives undertaken by the Government of Egypt (GOE) for disaster risk reduction from the year 2000 until 2007 the research covers the various methods and systems employed to reduce risk and vulnerability. The 2006 outbreak of Avian Influenza is the case study, which shows the interconnection between the failure to reduce disaster risk and stagnation of sustainable development efforts. The case study reveals the impact of AI on the livelihoods of traditional polutry keepers in Fayoum. The author investigates the methods of risk reduction implemented by various government agencies and the coping mechanisms carried out by the affected communities. ····· 103613806

Barriers to Appropriate Technologies for Sustainable Development

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The field of appropriate technology (AT), which has traditionally included small-scale, energy efficient and low-cost solutions, can be of tremendous assistance to many of the sustainable development challenges regarding food and water security, health, shelter, education and work opportunities. Unfortunately, there has not yet been a significant advancement or uptake of AT by major players in the field. Some of the biggest barriers include: 1) AT perceived as inferior or poor persons technology , 2) questions of technological robustness, design, fit and transferability, 3) funding and financing, 4) institutional support, as well as 5) general barriers associated with tackling rural poverty. With the rise of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for online networking and knowledge sharing, the prospect for collaborative open-access and open-source AT is growing. A much greater focus on networking, collaboration, demand-led innovation and community participation can be of significant help to build the necessary knowledge base, networks and the critical mass exposure for the field of AT. This in turn, can improve sustainable development efforts worldwide. ····· 103613686

Beneficiary Participation In Community Based Development

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Since the 1980s participatory development and its more recent variant, community based development, have sufficed as the new channel for development assistance and local poverty reduction. In Ghana particularly in the informal sector municipal governments have created a forum for the inclusion of major stakeholders with the objective of ensuring positive outcomes and sustainability of projects. Regardless of this attempt at beneficiary participation however, evidence on patronage and use of such projects after their implementation have in several cases fallen way below the intended targets and threatened their sustainability. This book provides an in-depth investigation on the challenges of consolidating beneficiary participation in the planning and implementation of projects, the effects on project outcomes and the implications for community based development. It examines one of such projects in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis of Ghana by assessing the entire planning and implementation of the project, the participatory mechanisms used and the current state of the project in terms of its sustainability. ····· 103613647

Impacts of Micro Finance on the Livelihood of Women

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In Less Developing Countries, rural population in general and the women households in particular are victims of all developments including lack of access to credit and other social services. As a result of these evils of developments, they are terrible in the vicious circle of poverty.286 Micro-finance is a push factor that enables the poor to work to get out of poverty. Its application can be viewed from a long-term perspective and its benefits go beyond development through credit for poverty alleviation. The present study identified that micro-finance provision highly contributed for the community in general and the women households in particular. It enables them to engage in the new economic movements which created employment and improves their incomes, increase their participation in decision makings, improved their life standards and finally ensures their empowerment. This book can be serving as a quick reference for those who need to study further in the field of micro-finance interventions and its contributions in granting national development and growth. ····· 103613583

Output Based Aid (OBA) Maternal Health Voucher Scheme in Kenya

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Utilization of safe motherhood services is an important maternal health indicator. This work was developed as a result of maternal health indicators in Kenya that have not improved significantly over the years despite widespread global commitment and the strides Kenya has made to the fifth millennium Development Goal. According to Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS 2008/2009) 56 percent of women deliver at home in the absence of trained medical personnel and this contribute to an increase in complications and infections that could cause deaths. The report also pointed out that only 52 percent of the women had four (4) or more antenatal care visits to health facilities, while less than half received antenatal care before the 6th month of pregnancy. Key results for this study were that 61.5% of women were not knowledgeable to maternal danger signs during pregnancy, 85% of women who lived more than 6 km used health facilities for delivery, only 33 % had four or more antenatal care visits and that sudden onset of labour was the main reason given by 50.9% for home deliveries and in overall. ····· 103613487

Searching for Binding Constraints on Economic Growth in Aruba

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Aruba pulled off a remarkable economic recovery after the shutdown of the Lago oil refinery in 1986. Largely fuelled by the rapid expansion of the tourism industry, real gross domestic product growth rates averaged at 4.8 percent during the period 1986-1992. Yet in more recent years, growth rates have diminished and it has become evident that Aruba is unlikely to sustain its growth record relying solely on an expansionary tourism industry. By applying the Growth Diagnostic methodology this work analyses the binding constraint to growth in Aruba. ····· 103613482

Attractiveness of New Communities to industries and workers

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This study investigates the relative attractiveness of new towns to different industries in the Midwest and the Sunbelt new communities and attempts to determine just how attractive new community living environments are to persons actually living or working in these environments. This study indicates that when attractiveness is assessed by economic base alone, the Sunbelt new communities are more attractive than the Midwest new communities. ····· 103613321

Tourism and corporate societal responsibility in the Netherlands

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The Dutch development aid sector is up for big changes. Historically the sector was dominated by multilateral, bilateral and private organizations. Nowadays private sector s contributions from alternative sources are gaining in popularity endangering and shifting the roles of donors. Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming undeniable for companies and individuals due to societal pressure. One way of fulfilling a company s CSR policy is to participate in development aid projects. Due to tourism many individuals experience poverty in developing countries and decide to start a foundation/Private Initiative. The flow of global social justice has reached micro environment in the Netherlands. These days every part of Dutch society is connected to development aid. With many factors influencing Dutch donor positions and roles in the development aid scheme the following objective is formed for this dissertation: to analyze the flow of global social justice, and the position of Dutch donors on macro, meso and micro level in the Dutch society on basis of individuals perspectives working for Dutch organizations involved with some means of development aid . ····· 103613263

Sistemas y Desarrollo

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El fenómeno del desarrollo es uno de los temas mas analizados en la actualidad, sin embargo poco se ha estudiado su relación con el enfoque sistémico. Por ello el propósito del libro es develar la mutua interacción entre sistemas y desarrollo. Se profundiza en la comprensión de los sistemas, subsistemas y suprasistemas naturales para posteriormente analizar los sistemas socioeconómicos e ideológicos. La síntesis nos lleva a la comprensión sistémica de los fenómenos naturales, socioeconómicos y mentales y de allí a una aplicación al desarrollo humano. La comprensión del desarrollo a partir de la dinámica de la naturaleza nos permite entenderlo como un constante proceso de conversión energética que produce finalmente el crecimiento o en su defecto el decrecimiento. El desarrollo es por tanto un fenómeno que atañe exclusivamente a los seres vivos en su capacidad de convertir la materia y la energía en nuevas energías de modo sustentable. Este libro está dirigido a personas que trabajan en cualquier aspecto del desarrollo humano con una visión sistémica. ····· 103613136

Ciudad rural sustentable, Nuevo Juan de Grijalva, Chiapas, México

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El futuro del mundo urbano tal como hoy lo conocemos, depende de la adecuada planificación que se haga del sector rural de cada país, el uno depende del otro. La marcada tendencia a desarrollar grandes ciudades industriales, tiene que ir de la mano con la reincorporación de los municipios rurales como centros micro-económicos, que generen insumos y productos suficientes para encontrar nuevamente el balance económico que cada estado y país necesita. La globalización ha generado mercados que permiten, por ejemplo, alimentar un ave de corral en el Estado de Chiapas, con granos traídos del estado de Iowa en USA, y ser mas competitivo económicamente que alimentarlos con granos regionales. Los sectores rurales se han quedado rezagados ante esta globalización de los hábitos de consumo. Para México y sobretodo para Chiapas es de vital importancia seguir mejorando los programas de desarrollo rural que hagan resurgir a los municipios rurales como plataformas del desarrollo económico, y podamos crear una generación de empresarios rurales a través de Programas de Gobierno Empresarial de largo plazo. ····· 103612796

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