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Neuroprotective effects of kolaviron

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Neurological diseases are a global burden, with huge consequences both in mortality and morbidity. Research efforts towards the search for neuroprotective substances in hopes to curtailing the consequences of these diseases are continuous. Most neurodegenrative diseases are usually a consequence of excess production of oxygen radicals from oxidative stress. The oxygen radicals are mopped up by antioxidants produced endogenously or from nutritional supplements. Flavonoids are rich sources of antioxidants. Thus have the ability to scavenge free radicals, making them harmless. There are abundant plants known to be rich in antioxidants. Kolaviron is the biflavonoid complex and most abundant constituent of one of such plants, Garcinia kola. Due to the antioxidant properties of kolaviron it will have the potential to protect neurons from toxic damage, and that is the focus of this work. Also this work hopes to encourage more researches amongst bio-medical scientists in search for more neuroprotective plant sources as these may make a key contribution to controlling and curtailing neurological diseases. ····· 1036118174

HIV Preventive Health Behaviour Among Nigerian Undergraduates

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Studies have shown that HIV/AIDS remains a major public health challenge worldwide and the adoption of preventive health behaviour holds the key to its control. Little is known, however, about the typology of preventive health behaviour adopted by undergraduates of the University of Ibadan against the disease condition. This study, therefore determined the pattern and types of HIV preventive health behaviour among undergraduates of the University. The study was cross-sectional in design. A two-stage sampling procedure was used to randomly select 400 students from the Faculties of Pharmacy, the Social Sciences, Arts and Dentistry out of the thirteen Faculties in the university. A validated questionnaire which assessed the students preventive health behaviour and the antecedent factors was used for data collection. The prevalence of the adoption of each of the types of HIV preventive health behaviour among the participants was low in spite of their general high level of knowledge of the disease. Health education strategies such as peer education, social marketing and advocacy are needed to promote the adoption of preventive health behaviour among young persons. ····· 1036118070

Immunologicheskie biochipy i kompleks ustroystv dlya issledovaniya kletok

für 80.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V sovremennoy meditsine sushchestvuet shirokiy krug zadach, trebuyushchikh ustanovleniya immunofenotipa (opredeleniya antigenov) kletok. Immunofenotipirovanie imeet vazhneyshee znachenie dlya diagnostiki gemoblastozov i ryada drugikh zabolevaniy. Odnako podobnye issledovaniya yavlyayutsya ves`ma dorogostoyashchimi. Poetomu aktual`na razrabotka novykh diagnosticheskikh sistem, sposobnykh perevesti ikh v razryad nedorogikh i obshchedostupnykh. Problema v znachitel`noy mere mozhet byt` reshena za schet primeneniya immunologicheskikh biochipov. V dannom sluchae, immunologicheskiy biochip predstavlyayut soboy tverduyu podlozhku, na kotoroy raspolozheno mnozhestvo testovykh uchastkov s immobilizovannymi molekulami antitel s izvestnoy spetsifichnost`yu. Analiz osnovan na svyazyvanii v etikh uchastkakh kletok, imeyushchikh sootvetstvuyushchie antigeny. Avtorom razrabotan ryad novykh konstruktsiy biochipov i vspomogatel`nykh ustroystv, pozvolyayushchikh usovershenstvovat` provedenie analiza. Predlozheno i realizovano neskol`ko novykh sposobov issledovaniya kletok, znachitel`no povysivshikh informativnost` i dokazatel`nost` poluchaemykh rezul`tatov. Takim obrazom, sozdan uspeshno rabotayushchiy prototip issledovatel`sko - diagnosticheskogo kompleksa. ····· 103615449

Munitsipal`naya politika okhrany i ukrepleniya zdorov`ya naseleniya

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V dannoy monografii predstavleny organizatsionno-metodologicheskie rekomendatsii po realizatsii munitsipal`noy politiki v oblasti okhrany i ukrepleniya zdorov`ya naseleniya. V ney obobshchen imeyushchiysya mezhdunarodnyy, rossiyskiy i opyt g.Stavropolya v realizatsii proektov i programm v sfere zdravookhraneniya, proveden analiz vozmozhnostey i prepyatstviy na puti ikh realizatsii, opisany mekhanizmy otsenki effektivnosti predprinimaemykh mer v sfere obshchestvennogo zdorov`ya, a takzhe predstavlen spisok literatury po probleme. Monografiya rekomendovana predstavitelyam ispolnitel`noy i zakonodatel`noy vlasti, litsam, prinimayushchim upravlencheskie resheniya v oblasti zdravookhraneniya, obrazovaniya, sotsial`noy zashchity, zhilishchno-kommunal`noy sfery, ekologicheskogo blagopoluchiya, gradostroitel`stva, arkhitektury, a takzhe predstavitelyam sotsial`no orientirovannykh nekommercheskikh organizatsiy i SMI. ····· 103615094

Multimodal Processing Environment for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Discovery of multiple modalities of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has led to challenges regarding how to best utilize and interpret combined information for research and clinical purposes. For example, a MRI study of the brain may involve structural, spectroscopy, perfusion, and functional MRI in different sessions, providing anatomical, metabolic, physiological and functional information. Such data often needs to be analyzed and visualized separately as topological information in each dataset tends to be independent of the other. In this project, we explore a global approach that involves visualization and inter/intra-modality registration support for various MRI modalities and supplement it with a library of optimized tools for 3D image processing, performing multi-step complex DTI computation, gray-white matter classification, cortical thickness calculation, noise removal and perfusion ratio calculation. By quantitative comparisons of reproducibility of results at various processing steps, we measure the variability of the implemented algorithms and also attempt to solve issues like memory management, low robustness and scalability and high processing times. ····· 103613233

Lecture Notes in Disease Control

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Communicable and non-communicable diseases account for most deaths in developing countries. Control of diseases is therefore one of the priorities for reducing high mortality seen in these countries. The book is written to assist those people who deal with communities in improving their health status and reducing disease transmission. Students of public health will find this book useful especially in modules that deal with disease control. It is written in very simple language and should be understood by all manner of professions and not necessarily those who have knowledge in health. The author has taught students of community health using the same notes and most of the students found the notes very useful. it is hoped that this book will enable students understand and apply basic principles in the control of communicable and non-communicable diseases within their communities. ····· 103613228

Análisis de la Frecuencia, Causalidad y Costos de la Queja Médica

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se conceptualiza a la queja médica como la decisión de una o más personas de manifestar ante las instancias competentes en México (Administrativas: Áreas de Atención al Derechohabiente de las Instituciones de Salud y Seguridad Social, Comisiones Nacionales de Arbitraje Médico y de los Derechos Humanos, Órganos Internos de Control. Judiciales: Instituciones encargadas de Procuración de Justicia), sus inconformidades como usuarios de los servicios de salud por presuntas irregularidades en la prestación de los mismos por parte de los profesionales, técnicos o auxiliares que laboran en las instituciones de salud y seguridad social. La calidad de la atención sanitaria se aborda desde sus dos componentes complementarios: calidad percibida y calidad técnica: Desde la óptica de la calidad percibida, el usuario de los servicios sanitarios se enfrenta a una situación que no satisface su expectativa por la atención recibida e incluso su insatisfacción lo lleva a la conclusión de que como resultado de la mala atención se produce un daño físico, que en el caso extremo llega a la pérdida de la vida del paciente. ····· 103612955

Las ideas de comunidad y participación comunitaria en salud

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En las políticas de salud diseñadas para América Latina durante las últimas décadas la Atención Primaria de Salud ha ocupado un lugar central, dando protagonismo a la participación comunitaria como estrategia de implementación. Dicha estrategia se ha basado en ideas y conceptos definidos de forma vaga y confusa, generando así una gran polisemia conceptual y permitiendo que bajo el nombre de participación comunitaria se realicen acríticamente las acciones más heterogéneas en los contextos más diversos. Este libro realiza un abordaje histórico de los diferentes sentidos que han adquirido las ideas de comunidad y participación comunitaria en la formulación de políticas de salud para América Latina desde la declaración de Alma-Ata en 1978. A través de una revisión crítica de los principales debates y controversias, este análisis contribuye a la comprensión de las políticas de salud dirigidas a la comunidad como producto histórico-social. Su importancia y vigencia están dadas por la vuelta a los postulados de Atención Primaria de Salud en el siglo XXI, constituyéndose en aporte fundamental de esclarecimiento, imprescindible para actuar sobre la realidad de la región. ····· 103612733

Extremos térmicos en Castilla-La Mancha

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Numerosos estudios demuestran que el impacto de los extremos térmicos sobre la salud es importante, y puede ser mayor en un futuro escenario de cambio climático. Existe una variación geográfica y temporal de los efectos de la temperatura sobre la mortalidad, y el estudio de los factores que determinan la relación entre las temperaturas extremas en una zona concreta debe ser la base de unos planes de prevención frente a extremos térmicos realmente eficaces en cada zona concreta. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar y cuantificar los efectos de los extremos térmicos sobre la mortalidad por todas las causas excepto accidentes en Castilla-La Mancha. Para conseguirlo se hace un estudio exhaustivo de cada una de las variables elegidas, se divide la región en zonas homogéneas en función de la temperatura, y se establece una temperatura umbral para definir ola de calor y de frío a partir del análisis de la relación mortalidad-temperatura. Finalmente, tras el estudio cualitativo de los extremos térmicos y la definición de nuevas variables, se realizan modelos ARIMA con variables exógenas para cuantificar la influencia de cada una de las variables estudiadas sobre la mortalidad. ····· 103612611

Desigualtats socioeconòmiques i salut maternoinfantil a Bolívia

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
L objectiu principal d aquesta tesi és analitzar les desigualtats socials i econòmiques lligades a la salut maternoinfantil a Bolívia, segons les dues darreres estadístiques oficials: Cens Nacional de Població i Habitatge INE-2001, i l Enquesta Nacional de Demografia i Salut ENDSA-2003. La situació socioeconòmica dispar en els municipis de Bolívia, està estretament associada a la Taxa de Mortalitat Infantil. L educació, l absència de sanejament bàsic i la precarietat d habitabilitat, són factors claus que tripliquen el risc de mort. Respecte a l accés i utilització dels serveis de salut maternoinfantil, poc més de la meitat de les dones ateses es realitzen quatre controls prenatals i part institucional, sent les sense estudis entre 36 i 49 anys, d ètnia Aimara i dels Departaments de La Paz i Potosí qui menys ho realitzen. ····· 103612486

Transducción del frío en neuronas sensoriales del vago

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En años recientes se ha establecido que la capacidad de sentir frío en la piel se debe en primera instancia a la presencia en las terminales nerviosas del canal iónico TRPM8, proteína que es también sensible al mentol. En las vísceras, diversos estudios han reportado la presencia de terminales nerviosas sensibles al frío, de las cuales sin embargo se conoce muy poco. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las características de las neuronas sensoriales sensibles al frío en el nervio vago. En cultivos de neuronas del ganglio nodoso, se midió la respuesta de estas neuronas al frío y a diversos fármacos, usando las técnicas de imagen de calcio y patch clamp. Las conclusiones a las cuales se llega son inesperadas: hay una alta proporción de neuronas sensibles al frío en el nervio vago, y el mecanismo molecular de dicha sensibilidad es el canal iónico TRPA1, en claro contraste con lo que sucede en la piel. Se discuten las posibles implicaciones fisiológicas y clínicas que este descubrimiento pueda tener. ····· 103612404

Nitric oxide and post-traumatic stress disorder

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Stress-restress evokes a complex neurobiological response in the hippocampus involving neuro-excitatory and neurotoxic pathways, as well as neuroinhibitory and neuroprotective responses to chronic stress.One of these changes involves a long-lasting increase in hippocampal iNOS activity that is accompanied by a reactive downregulation of hippocampal NMDA receptors and dysregulation of inhibitory GABA pathways. These perturbations may have importance in explaining the increasing evidence for stress-related hippocampal degenerative pathology and cognitive deficits seen in patients with PTSD. Nitric oxide thus plays a major role in the pathophysiology of PTSD, thus presenting an area of major therapeutic opportunity for this mental illness. ····· 10361898

Means of Transportation for Expectant Women Seeking Obstetric Care

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Globally, more than 600,000 women die annually from pregnancy related causes with more than half of the deaths occurring in Africa. More than 80% of these deaths occur either at home or during transportation time to the hospital. The World Health Organization underlines that most maternal deaths occur due to delays to access appropriate obstetric care. Lack of readily available, accessible, reliable, affordable and organized means of transportation for rural expectant women seeking obstetric care has been recognized as one of the risk factors contributing to these deaths. A number of studies have documented that means of transportation available for expectant women especially in resource poor settings are- uncomfortable, slow, unreliable, unaffordable and dehumanizing- thus, striping women respect and dignity. Provision of readily available, reliable, affordable and sustainable means of transportation to poor expectant women especially rural areas in Africa is key if developing countries wish to reduce home deliveries that have been recognized as a risk factor contributing to high maternal mortalities. ····· 10361792

1 Aderenoceptor Subtypes in the Control of Renal Haemodynamics in LVH

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Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been identified as an independent risk factor in coronary artery disease, sudden death, stroke and heart failure. The prevalence of LVH in patients with essential hypertension has been found to be 40% on average. Therefore, prevention and/or regression of LVH is a major therapeutic goal whether achieved by pharmacologic, mechanical, surgical or genetic means. This monograph discusses the role of 1 adrenoceptors and their subtypes in the renal vasculature and kidney and its interaction with Renin Angiotensin System. Studeis were done in Sprague Dawley rats and it was found that at the renal resistance vessels, a multiple subtype shift of 1 adrenoceptor subtypes occurs which generated a complex feedback on the renal AT1 receptors. 1D adrenoceptor subtype gains functional importance in LVH with a minimal altered role of 1A and 1B adrenoceptors.Hence renal 1D adrenoceptors can be a potential therapeutic target for better treatment outcomes of LVH. Parts of the studies discussed in this monograph were made possible through a short term research grant provided by Universiti Sains Malaysia 304/PFARMASI/6311060 which is greatly acknowledged. ····· 10361308

Women`s Decision Making on Use of Modern Contraceptives,South Ethiopia

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The socially defined gender roles of men and women gauge the power balance between the two sexes. In developing countries most communities afford inferior positions to women. In effect women are either under collective decision-making with their partners or completely rely on the male partner s decision on issues that affect their reproductive live. Hence identifying the major barriers of married women s decision-making power on contraceptive use and exploring the effect of women s socio-economic and decision-making status on couple s contraceptive behavior has significance for planning contextually appropriate family planning interventions. Community based comparative cross-sectional study design with both quantitative and Qualitative data collection technique has been employed from March to April 2010 in Tercha town and the surrounding communities of Dawro zone, SNNPR. The respondents are married women s with in child bearing age group who were identified by using prior census and sampled accordingly. ····· 10361215

Food Science Research

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Many pregnant women have challenges of meeting their daily dietary needs, let alone iron dietary needs. Anemia is a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa where prevalence is as high as 75%. Anemia, even when mild, is associated with reduced work productivity taking into account that African women perform a lot house chores sometimes up to time of delivery . Anemia in pregnancy has serious health consequences both to the mother and the fetus. It may cause maternal death, and for the fetus it may result in intrauterine growth retardation, still birth and low birth weight. It is therefore our responsibility as public health professionals to identify vegetarian foods that are rich in iron. This is necessitated by the fact that most African foods are cereal based. Cereals are sources of non-heme iron which is not readily absorbed without the use of absorption enhancers. We would be doing a great service to save lives of mothers and infants if we educate mothers on the way to get maximum dietary iron from cereal based foods. Heme iron sources, which are readily absorbed, are expensive and in most cases out of reach of rural mothers. Lets keep the spirit burning to save lives. ····· 10361128

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