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Pflichtversicherung - ein Allheilmittel?

····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema, `Welche Gründe liefert die ökonomische Theorie für die Pflichtversicherung und die Versicherungspflicht`. In freien Marktwirtschaften lässt sich immer wieder beobachten, dass der Staat regulierend auf dem Versicherungsmarkt eingreift bzw. sogar selbst als Versicherer auftritt. Begründet werden diese Eingriffe mit den Besonderheiten des Gutes Versicherungsschutz. 1 Die staatlichen Interventionen reichen von gesetzlichen Normen zur Gründung öffentlich-rechtlicher Versicherungsanstalten, über die Versicherungsaufsicht bis zum Versicherungszwang. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die ökonomischen Beweggründe des Staates für die Einführung der Zwangsversicherung aufzuzeigen und diese gegebenenfalls kritisch zu hinterfragen. Die Politik diskutiert im Zusammenhang mit Versicherungsprodukten seit jeher die Frage, ob es sinnvoll ist, die Bürger zu zwingen sich zu versichern bzw. in eine staatlich kontrollierte Versicherung zu integrieren. Ihre Legitimation für diese Eingriffe zieht sie sowohl aus ökonomischen Kalkül als auch aus dem Sozialstaatsprinzip des Grundgesetzes (Art. 20 Abs. 1, Art. 28 Abs. 1 GG). Dieses verpflichtet den Gesetzesgeber zur Schaffung sozialer Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit. Der Reichweite des staatlichen Eingriffs sind verfassungsrechtlich durch die Artikel über die Handlungsfreiheit (Art. 2 Abs. 1 GG) und der Berufsfreiheit (Art. 12 Abs. 1 GG) Grenzen gesetzt. ····· 10361158121

China on the Way to Modernization

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since the 8th National Congress of Communist Party of China (hereafter referred to as CPC) held in September 1956, on which the reform of the `economic management system¿ was decided, China`s economic reform has been going on for nearly half a century. At the beginning, the so-called `reform of the economic management system¿ was only limited to some policy adjustments so as to improve the economic situation and vitalize the economy, but there was not a certain fixed goal. But the reform with market orientation has been becoming more and more clear-cut until mid 1980s. In the reform lasting for 50 years, China has been taking various measures to reform the original economic system. (1) 1958-1978, Administrative Decentralization: this period was featured by the central government distributing its power and benefits to the government at different levels. (2) 1979-1992: Incremental Reform: also entitled `priority of reform for outside system sectors¿, the reform was carried out mainly in non state-owned sectors or those sectors outside the plan so as to facilitate their development. (3) 1993-2002, a strategy was adopted that the reform shall be advanced integrally and there should be breakthroughs in key sectors. This reform intended to initially establish socialist market economy. (4) After 2003: a scientific development view has been put forward, and the reform has been carried out in economy, society and politics so as to improve the socialist market economic system. ····· 10361158120

Die Entwicklung versicherungstechnischer Rückstellungen deutscher Versicherungskonzerne im Zuge der Internationalisierung der Rechnungslegung

····· lezzter Preis 21.85€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Ratinggeschäftsfeldverflechtungen als Wettbewerbsstrategie

····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vor Jahren begann in Fachpresse und-literatur eine Diskussion über die Verflechtung des Ratinggeschäftes mit anderen Geschäftsfeldern. Obwohl sie noch immer andauert, fehlt es trotz breiter Ratingliteratur an einer tiefgehenden und umfassenden Analyse der Wirkung von solchen Verflechtungen. Das vorliegende Buch füllt diese Lücke. Es untersucht, wie qualitäts- und kostenbeeinflussende Faktoren der Dienstleistung `Credit rating` durch Verflechtungen beeinflusst werden. Die Analyse klärt die Frage, ob mittels Verflechtungen letztlich ein Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber nicht verflochtenen Anbietern von Credit Ratings zu erzielen ist. Die Basis bildet dabei das Konzept der Agency-Kosten, das mit den Konzepten der Kostenführerschaft und der Differenzierung von Porter verknüpft wird. Beispielhaft werden u. a. Verflechtungen mit dem Wirtschaftsprüfungsgeschäft, dem Emissionsgeschäft und dem Kreditgeschäft behandelt. Die Arbeit gewinnt damit über ihren wissenschaftlichen Wert hinaus unmittelbar praktischen Nutzen. Es zeigt sich, dass Verflechtungen zwischen dem Ratinggeschäftsfeld und weiteren Geschäftsfeldern als Grundlage einer Kostenführerschafts- und Differenzierungsstrategie nutzbar sind. Durch die kritische Analyse der Regulierung von Ratingagenturen erhält die Arbeit zudem sehr aktuelle Relevanz und soll entsprechend auch zur Diskussion mit den Marktaufsichtsbehörden anregen. ····· 10361158053

Subjektivität der Prognoseunsicherheit und der Informationswirkung

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Diet and cancer the explanatory value of dietary patterns

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Kundenbindungsmanagement für Versicherungsunternehmen

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Labour Mobility and the Dynamics of the Construction Industry Labour Market

····· lezzter Preis 26.60€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Dynamische Tourenplanung mit ausgewählten Metaheuristiken

····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Verhaltens von vier Metaheuristiken für ein dynamisches Tourenplanungsproblem mit Zeitfenstern. Hierzu wurden neben zwei Evolutionären Strategien ein Ameisenalgorithmus und ein Simulated Annealing Algorithmus. Nachdem zu Beginn in Kapitel 2 auf die Grundlagen der Tourenplanung in Form einer Einordnung in die betriebswirtschaftliche Logistik und eines Klassifikationsschemas eingegangen worden ist, wurde abschließend der Spezialfall der dynamischen Tourenplanungsprobleme näher erläutert. Neben den wesentlichen Eigenschaften der R-Probleme und der die Dynamik beschreibenden Elemente, sind die Zielsetzungen und Nebenbedingungen dieser Klasse von Tourenplanungsproblemen erläutert worden. Zudem hat die Darstellung der Einsatzgebiete die bedeutende Relevanz und Präsenz dieser Problemklasse in praktischen Fragestellungen verdeutlicht. Anhand der in diesem Kapitel beschriebenen wenigen Ansätze dynamischer Tourenplanung wird der Fokus der bisherigen Arbeiten offensichtlich, der auf der Bestimmung einer möglichst optimalen Strategie mit den dynamischen Informationen umzugehen bei einem gegebenen Optimierungsverfahren liegt. Der Ansatz dieser Arbeit, bei gegebener Strategie das Verhalten unterschiedlicher Optimierungsverfahren zu untersuchen, stellt daher eine notwendige Erweiterung der bisherigen Arbeiten dar. ····· 10361157960

Industrielle Umweltkostenrechnung

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Corporate Governance, Audit Quality and Opportunistic Earnings

····· lezzter Preis 79.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Based on data obtained from FTSE 350 between fiscal years 2005 and 2008, this study empirically tests the association between corporate governance characteristics (relating to the size, composition of independent members, financial expertise and meeting frequency of boards of directors and audit committee) and audit quality, and also the effectiveness of corporate governance characteristics and higher quality auditors in constraining earnings management. Three proxies of audit quality employed: audit fees, non-audit fees and industry specialist auditors. Consistent with agency theory, the overall findings suggest that independent board and higher quality auditors are associated with effective monitoring, which in turn helps to improve the quality of financial reporting. The findings are of potential interest to policy makers, professionals and boards of directors, especially on issues relating to audit quality and the mandating of corporate governance practices. ····· 10361147096

Impact of Privatization on Profitability:

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
My research work is based on phenomenon of privatization adopted by commercial banks in Pakistan to increase their efficiency. The key idea of this study is to vitally examine the impacts of privatization on profitability of commercial banks. The study is based on the performance of relevant variables before and after privatization. Methodology employed here is OLS regression model for which data has been gathered from financial statements of selected banks. Findings show that privatization brought important changes in financial institutions and also has positive impacts on profitability of commercial banks. Privatization has drastically changed the working of today`s organizations and is being used both by developed & developing countries for achievement of better performance. ····· 10361147038

Corporate governance and firm performance in Pakistan

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This comprehensive book on Corporate Governance is an approach to introduce reader the Governance mechanism. It brings into light the basic concepts of Corporate Governance in relation with industry. This book is an ideal source of knowledge for courses of Governance, Industry & Organizational Management.Students can better learn the basic concept of Corporate Governance is and why it is essential to get Implemented.Furthermore it will guide the readers to get familiar with various codes and dimensions of Corporate Governance which should be implemented and followed in a proper manner. ····· 10361146759

Cases of Environemntal Problems in India

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The environmental challenges are not unique in nature and its changing region wise. So many environmental crises are perceived and get on our day-to-day s life. Many of us are not take complete attention to listen and believe these problems. From the beginning of 2001 we listens discussion on global warming and climate change. Media taking prime role to give information on rise in temperature, melting ice caps, rise in sea level, natural catastrophe and so on. Some times we feel media not get pure and scientific information and this creates dilemma in society. Also there are not only one environmental challenge deterring us but there are so many others which rapidly taking step to destroy this natural beauty. This has been requiring addressing somewhere. Though we feel that, to conduct small and multi-variant executions on environment. In this book eleven chapters reveals the cases of environmental problems in Indian society. These cases gives a interesting information of India. This is our effort to illustrate environmental issues. We feel our studies demarcated in the book will creates awareness vis-à-vis helpful for lead research. ····· 10361146698

Aportaciones metodológicas para la introducción del turismo rural

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El turismo en la República de Cuba se ha convertido en los últimos años, en una alternativa para alcanzar la diversificación y el crecimiento de la economía, utilizando sus amplias posibilidades en cuanto a recursos naturales y culturales, que favorecen el modelo de sol y playa, modalidad imperante, al igual que en el resto de las Islas del Caribe. Ante esta situación nacional, el problema a resolver consiste en diversificar el producto turístico nacional, mediante otras ofertas complementarias, como es el caso del turismo rural. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer un conjunto de aportaciones de carácter metodológico, que puedan ser utilizado como un instrumento de apoyo y valoración para la introducción de la citada modalidad, a través de un análisis desde el punto de vista de la demanda. La investigación se desarrolla en cinco capítulos, en la misma se aplican diferentes técnicas estadísticas que aportan criterios de selección y comparación probabilísticos válidos, encuestas a clientes internacionales, entrevistas a especialistas y familias campesinas, elaboración de la matriz DAFO así como la técnica de generación de ideas. ····· 10361137200

Turismo Marino: Propuesta para elevar el nivel socio-económico

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El Sistema de Turismo Marino para el distrito de Pucusana para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pobladores bajo un enfoque del tipo sistémico traerá como consecuencia un crecimiento sostenido de la zona buscando la eficiencia y equidad de los agentes intervinientes. Pucusana sin lugar a dudas, es un lugar privilegiado por su micro clima durante todo el año en especial las estaciones de otoño e invierno. Esta muy cerca de Lima ciudad, tiene una gran bahía para la práctica de pesca en bote o en los acantilados con caprichosas formas erosionadas por los vientos. Se puede practicar scuba en sus aguas mansas y transparentes, la caza submarina, el remo en bote, kayak o chingos, optimis para principiantes, sunfish, vela menor, el esquí en lancha motor, moto acuática, lanchas rápidas, veleros de gran calado, la práctica de la tabla corta y convencional, caminatas por los cerros, ciclismo cross, y muchas otras actividades que no están aun puesta en valor (servicios de restaurantes, servicios varios, servicios de hospedaje con calidad, servicios de tours culturales y científicos como el realizar fotos a las aves en su estado natural). ····· 10361137019

Modelo de visualización de documentos: cluster y outliers (VA)

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En los últimos años de modernidad se ha generado una revolución en la digitalización de la información: datos numéricos y documentos. La minería de texto es una respuesta a la necesidad de manipular el texto adecuadamente. La visualización de datos es una herramienta de la minería de texto que permite obtener una representación gráfica de la información en alta dimensión. En este documento se presenta un modelo de separación de documentos por clases (tópicos) e identificación de estructuras: conglomerados (cluster), sub-conglomerados y valores atípicos (VA- Outliers). Se definen los conceptos de ruido y VA en documentos, también se propone una clasificación de VA basados en el tipo de palabras utilizadas (de propósito particular, general o compartidas). De los diferentes algoritmos de proyección de datos el de generación de mapas topográficos (GTM) ha tomado gran importancia en el marco probabilístico. Se presentan dos algoritmos: uno para la proyección y visualización de documentos (VL-ZIP) y otro para la separación de clases. El algoritmo VL-ZIP considera aplicar la función de distribución inflación de ceros con Poisson (ZIP) y un nuevo espacio latente. ····· 10361136823

Aportaciones mexicanas al estudio y tratamiento de la obesidad

für 51.21€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La obesidad es actualmente un problema que ocupa y preocupa a muchos países. Esto ha generado que los gobiernos e instituciones se enfoquen en encontrar alguna solución. El presente libro esta conformado por trabajos de Investigación, en las áreas de la Psicología, Medicina, Génetica, Inmunologia, Educación, que se están realizando en México (país que ocupa el segundo lugar mundial con este problema en adultos y el primer lugar en Niños) se aportan datos e información sobre aspectos novedosos para el entendimiento de esta problemática y que podrán servir para aquellos estudiosos sobre el tema, además de que brinda claves para el tratamiento y prevención de la obesidad. ····· 10361136384

.NET and Java web applications

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The explosive growth of web applications and web services has changed the present scenario in exchanging information around the globe. The web applications may be implemented with different implementation techniques. This work presents design, implementation and testing of web application based on two leading technologies namely: the .NET and Java. We also present the procedure for statistical testing of the web applications and a thorough comparative study of both the techniques in terms of reliability, performance and scalability have been presented here.. ····· 10361135806

Impact of Automated Financial Reporting System on Bank`s Profitability

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The dawn of a new age of software development is coming. This research work is based on the automated softwares which are used by banks in Pakistan. The most common automated software in banking is E-banking in which customers can access more accurate, quicker and rapid banking services from the computerized banking system. This system has also been adopted by the international banks as well as by the local banks in Pakistan to give efficient services to their elite customers. The purpose of this research work is to know that whether the bank s profits are dependent upon the type of automated software. The information collect to complete the thesis is only based on questionnaire. I introduce the work of automation and its importance in gaining profits. This technology really has drastically changed the working of today s organizations and is being used both by developed and developing countries for performance improvements. ····· 10361135702


für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
River is based on two characters. He [male] and She [female] , She is like a flowing river...vibrant with life and enthusiasm. She loves Nature and lives in present moments. He is a man of stern principle...unable to enjoy Nature. He strictly follows his daily routine channelized in a fixed route like a Robot..She finds him bizzare in his sexual approach and realizes that his love making is mechanical.. He is always in hurry as if rummaging through his wardrobe for something. she feels he uses her like instrument. played oh it when he needed to and cast aside.after it was used up and lapsed into deep slumber. The worst thing is her sudden realization that he has fixed Saturday for love making. Every Saturday he insists her for a walk after dinner and then does sex with her....and she is filled with utter disgust that Saturday is earmarked for her utilization...every Saturday night first go for a walk for proper digestion of food...with belly full you must not indulge in could cause indigestion...walk a little before that...and then go flat on the bed...and spread your legs. ····· 10361134670

Neural Networks to predict Impact energy of functionally graded steels

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Charpy impact energy of functionally graded steel produced by electroslag remelting has been modeled in crack divider configuration. To produce functionally graded steels, two slices of plain carbon steel and austenitic stainless steels were spot welded and used as electroslag remelting electrode. Functionally graded steel containing graded layers of ferrite and austenite may be fabricated via diffusion of alloying elements during remelting stage. Vickers microhardness profile of the specimen has been obtained experimentally and modeled with artificial neural networks. To build the model for graded ferritic and austenitic steels, training, testing and validation using respectively 174 and 120 experimental data were conducted. The Vickers microhardness of each layer in functionally graded steels was related to the yield stress of the corresponding layer and by assuming Holloman relation for stress-strain curve of each layer, they were acquired. Afterwards the stress-strain curves were modified by the load-displacement data achieved from instrumented Charpy impact tests. Finally, by applying the rule of mixtures, Charpy impact energy of functionally graded steels in crack divider co ····· 10361134594

Modelling Traffic Congestion using AHP in a Geomatics Environment

für 71.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Urban transportation management is a complex subject. The ultimate goal of transport management is to develop, coordinate, and maintain a transportation network that provides the optimum capability for the movement of people and commodities in the most time efficient, convenient, safe, reliable, and cost-effective manner. Various strategies in urban road traffic reduction were discussed in this treatise. Pragmatic approaches to the combination of capacity-allocation and non-capacity-allocation strategies were considered. T-GIS concept adopted in this book enables decision makers on taking right decision on urban traffic decongestion. This book is ideal for undergraduate and graduate courses in transportation management. It fills an appropriate and important niche by properly emphasizing what transportation researchers must know about efficient transport management. The incorporation of transportation policies and implementation strategies distinguishes this text from others in the area. ····· 10361134366

Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams to Eurocodes with Mathcad

····· lezzter Preis 61.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
With the introduction of the eurocodes it necessary that students and engineers get used to the new codes in order to perform and carryout effective analysis and design of reinforced concrete with the new codes. This book shows how to design reinforced concrete members to the new eurocodes using mathcad, These includes formalas, for the design of reinforced concrete to eurocodes, it also compares the design of reinforced concrete members designed with mathcad with other available packages. ····· 10361134153

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