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Aspects in urban layout design in Zimbabwe

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This book describes how urban design has to factor in a number of social, economic and institutional parameters in optimisation for sustainable urban design. It is a story about Zimbabwe`s urban design. It puts into perspective a high-density (low-income) residential suburb in Harare called Sunningdale. This is located adjacent to Graniteside Light Industrial Site, southeast of the Central Business District (CBD) of the city of harare. ····· 10361119728

A Sustainable City Planning Methodology for 21st Century

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World has become urban entity living more than half the population in the urban areas in 21st century. But the rapid conversion of fertile agriculture lands into residential buildings, commercial complexes and industrial blocks have been greatly influencing void and space ratio, decreasing sharply food self sufficiency rate of city and affecting badly to the urban ecosystem. Such process of urbanization has been a great challenge for the sustainable development. In this context, this book is motivated to search an appropriate city planning methodology for the 21st century and forwarded the concept of Food Green City. The Concept of Food Green City is a process of restructuring the cities and its ultimate goal is to establish spatial equity and perfection in urban ecosystem for the sustainable development with coexistence of man in natural system. This book thus shows how sustainable development could be achieved with micro action for macro achieve to create urban dominated sustainable world in 21st century. Hence, it will be interesting for policy makers, planners, designers and advocators of sustainable development. ····· 10361119426

Impact of Urbanization on Groundwater

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Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, has one of the fastest urban growth rates among the developing countries. Groundwater provides about 87% of the total water supply of the city. Due to rapid increase in population the demand of water for the city has raised from 150 mld in 1963 to 2100 mld in 2005. Thereby, groundwater abstraction in the city has increased more than 700% from 1960 to 1995. But the rate of recharge to the aquifer is decreasing with increase in pavement area. The declining rate of water level is 2-3m per year. This book aims to understand the urbanization pattern and its impacts on the groundwater of the city. Data and information regarding urbanization of Dhaka collected from BBS. Statistics relating to water production, supply and demand, system loss are collected from DWASA. Groundwater level data from BWDB and BADC have been used to construct hydrographs of different locations in the city which indicate the increasing trend of drop of water level and higher vulnerability of groundwater of the city. Therefore, this book has intended to put forward some measures that may contribute effectively in the sustainable utilization of groundwater resource. ····· 10361119349

Skywalks as Heritage

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Skywalks are a unique typology of second-level pedestrian networks that link parking and downtown destinations. They were implemented throughout North American cities to attract pedestrians and sustain retail in central business districts. The rarity of skywalk systems, their relevance to the particularities of American urban design and their position at the intersection of major concerns of the American city: traffic, downtown revitalization, and identity (Fruin 1971 Robertson 1994 McMorough 2001) provided the departure point for examining skywalks as heritage. As the viability of skywalks is questioned, this study employs a toolkit based on the theory and values of heritage preservation to evaluate skywalks as built heritage. The results are used to recommend scenarios that utilize the significance of skywalks to take them into a new cycle of sustainability through re-use and preservation. These findings are meant to offer urban planning professionals, local government decision makers, real estate developers and grassroots organizations a new perspective and a new resource to aid in the continuous challenge of dealing with the contested heritage of skywalk systems. ····· 10361119267


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In Africa today issues of how to develop the continent to bring about meaningful development have been underway since the 1960`s. Different debates on what is to be the engine for development have emerged in various part of the continent. The 1990`s can be described as the era that ushered a major global development paradigm with increasing focus on people`s welfare, poverty alleviation, the access to information and technology, economic and regional integration and the environment. Increasingly, African leaders and the donor community recognize that regional cooperation and integration can help bring Africa into the global economy. African countries recognize that purely national programmes will not achieve the growth rates needed to combat poverty, hence the need for international programmes. African states are now more then ever starting to look amongst themselves for the desired developments. This ultimately inspired the establishment of NEPAD. ····· 10361119053

Afforestation for Coastal Area Management

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Coastal areas of Bangladesh are full of vulnerabilities as well as opportunities. Vulnerabilities are in the view of natural calamities and disasters occurred in these regions. On the other hand opportunities are considered in the view point of natural resources. Management of coastal areas are not easy at all. Various criterions and conditions are related in this case.To conduct and fulfillment the objectives of this dissertation first an overall description and analysis of coastal afforestation have been discussed. Afforestation project taken in different time frame and the success or failure with critical evaluation of them have been described. Next sequence is about the Patuakhali district and its potentialities and limitations of afforestation have been evaluated. Afforestation project and present scenario with possibilities of management of the district is discussed. Final sequence is about the Kalapara which is the study area. People`s opinion is considered with great concern in the study area. Finally, considering the overall and specific problems of coastal area and the study are some recommendations have been proposed with a plantation map. ····· 10361119004

Pequeños y Medianos Desastres

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Esta investigación posee su contexto espacial en dos ciudades Chilenas: Quillota y Curicó, las cuales poseen como característica ser ciudades intermedias con un crecimiento urbano fuerte y acelerado. Estas ciudades al igual que muchas estan en proceso de construcción de riesgo a desastres, los cuales se pueden estar expresando en los pequeños y medianos desastres. Estos, son eventos que que en sumatoria generan grandes pérdidas y pueden ser la antesala a un gran evento de desastre. Por lo que el presente documento, trata de visibilizar este tipo de eventos, incluyendo una interrelación legible entre el desarrollo urbano desordenado y la construcción social de estos pequeños y medianos eventos de desastre en las ciudades en mención. Por otro lado trata de demostrar la comparación entre los pequeños y medianos desastres, así como los grandes eventos de desastres y como su invisibilización, puede estar ocultando grandes pérdidas. ····· 10361117577

Estudio de la dinámica de la matriz del paisaje

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A medida que ha crecido la población humana, la transformación del paisaje se ha hecho extensiva, principalmente como resultado del cambio en las coberturas vegetales y en el uso del suelo. En particular, en regiones con una fuerte intervención antrópica se desconoce la dinámica y las relaciones de carácter espacial que existen entre los patrones de uso del suelo a la escala del paisaje. Gracias al desarrollo de las tecnologías de información geográfica y la teledetección, es posible realizar un análisis integral de la complejidad y heterogeneidad del paisaje, al igual que de los procesos subyacentes, teniendo como base los fundamentos de la ciencia de la ecología del paisaje. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación aplicada en un estudio de caso en la que se llevó a cabo la caracterización de la estructura del mosaico de elementos del paisaje y de su dinámica temporal y espacial. La información obtenida hizo posible el análisis de la forma en que la población ha modificado su entorno, lo cual permite suministrar bases de información más amplias a quienes están encargados de formular las políticas y dirigir la planificación y el desarrollo del territorio. ····· 10361117143

Curico y el transporte publico interurbano

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La ciudad de Curico presenta un marcado rol de cabecera dentro de su contexto territorial, existiendo un alto grado de dependencia de los poblados que la orbitan. Dicha situación, que se entiende dada la concentración de funciones urbanas y de servicios que presenta como capital provincial, potencia la condición de centralidad lo que se refleja en las redes de transporte publico de carácter interurbano que funcionan hoy por hoy en el área. La gran cantidad de desplazamientos asociados a lo anterior han generado diversos impactos en la ciudad de Curicó. Si bien esta situación sustenta la dinámica económica, al mismo tiempo ha conllevado un conjunto externalidades, tanto positivas como negativas, que han afectado directamente la estructura interna y el funcionamiento de la ciudad. ····· 10361116808

Planificación y Gestión del Turismo de Ciudad en Mar del Plata

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El presente trabajo surge de la Monografía de Graduación de la autora, resultando el mismo un aporte conceptual y metodológico para un tratamiento y consideración de la actividad y sector turismo en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, una de las ciudades más importantes de la Argentina, desde el enfoque de la Planificación Estratégica, con orientación al Turismo de Ciudad.Se presenta la formulación de una base metodológica y técnica de un Plan Estratégico Sustentable de Turismo de Ciudad el cual sirve a una posible puesta en desarrollo concreto de un proceso estratégico participativo interdisciplinario y plurisectorial, susceptible de convocar a todo el sector turístico marplatense. La propuesta genera la posibilidad de revertir el proceso de estacionalidad y litoralidad consolidado y en serio proceso de decadencia, mediante la generación de productos turísticos innovadores que adviertan sobre la potencialidad de los atributos del Turismo de ciudad. ····· 10361116749


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Curitiba, the capital city of the Paraná state in southeastern Brazil, has become a global model for urban development, environment preservation and transit. This book releases Curitiba`s odyssey through pioneering and developing Bus Rapid Transit pari-passu` with urban and metropolitan planning, bringing valuable experiences to cities worldwide. Similarly, this book contrasts Curitiba`s design as a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) with Brasilia`s (Brazil`s capital city and most iconic Brazilian city) design as a Design Oriented to Traffic (DOT). Beginning with former Mayor and Architect Jaime Lerner`s plans in the 1960s, Curitiba grew fast to almost 2 million inhabitants with quality of life as main achievement. The 1965, 1975, 1991, 2000 and 2004 Master Plans, as well as the controversial 1943 Agache`s Plan, were revisited to extract lessons and parameters for such development. These plans` lessons greatly influenced the planning directions in some South American cities such as Bogotá, Santiago and Lima, and also important North American cities like Portland, OR San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA. FOREWORDS: JAIME LERNER AND ALLAN JACOBS. ····· 10361116049


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Kolkata, is the nerve centre of eastern part of India. Once the capital of British India, it was the hub of Raj`s Business and industry. And within this city of Kolkata, B.B.D. Bag has always been the hub of administrative and business activity. There exist numerous historical buildings, which directly or indirectly play an important role in our day to day life. This B.B.D. Bag area is under severe stress in terms of loss of historicity, rupture of historic fabric and tremendous economic pressure and externalities trying to make an indentation into the very historicity of the area. This book deals with integrated urban conservation from holistic point of view. It not only delineates the future Heritage District of Kolkata but lays known new set of urban design guidelines for new construction as well as for conservation of old, provides policies and recommendations to solve traffic, parking, hawkers and other inherent problem and lastly proposes an organizational structure to combat deterioration. This book tries to give the area a new and desired look so that it becomes the pride of the city, a place to meet the needs of many. ····· 10361115996

Real Estate Development of A Fast Growing City in A Developing Country

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Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is one of the fast growing mega cities in the world which account for about 34% of the total urban population. By 2015, Dhaka will be the 4th most populous city after Tokyo, Bombay and Lagos with an estimated population of 21.1 million. Like any other city in the developing world, Dhaka`s housing faces formidable problem and it is becoming more critical day by day. By the year 2025, 1.81 million, 2.40 million and 0.24 million housing units will be required for the low, middle and high income groups of people respectively. In the year 2009 a total of 8840 housing units have been delivered by the real estate developers. Apart from this, real estate is a potential sector as it links other productive sectors. At the same time, lack of community & utility facilities and other constraints hinders the development of real estate sector. This book will provide a clear view on the existing housing delivery system, prospects and problems of the real estate development of a thriving city of a developing country like Dhaka from which the real estate developers can be benefited to develop their business policy. ····· 10361115977

Participatory Land Use Allocation

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The land use allocation framework would contribute to the proper management and development of the area. This study attempts to design an efficient and science-based method to achieve the best land use allocation. The concept assumes that the best land use allocation is influenced by integrated components. The methodology would be useful as an area development approach to determine the goods and services on the basis of sustainability and contribute to policymakers in creating guidelines relevant to forestry, environment, and rural development and management. The output of the study would also facilitate policy formulation in a manner that could minimize adverse impacts resulting from unplanned and undesirable land use allocation. Furthermore, the study would contribute to making appropriate recommendation to the stakeholders about the best land use allocation. It would also generate the advancement of science and technology in forestry and environmental resources. Hopefully, this study would provide planners and decision-makers with a better basis for integrated land use planning and implementation of management strategies in the process of sustainable rural development. ····· 10361115718

Open to the Public!

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Physically and historically, Bangkok has been shaped by its relationship to its waterfront. Flowing 370 kilometers through Thailand, the Chao Phraya River is more than the nation s lifeline. It was a principal waterway that largely determined the expansion of this former agricultural city. With the advent of industrialization, the focus shifted to the establishment and consolidation of man-made infrastructures such as roads and highways, leaving the waterfronts as large areas of underused land, deteriorated ports, warehouses, and informal settlements. With recent developments turning their backs onto the waterfront, the diminishing public exposure and access to the Chao Phraya River means it is quickly losing its historic role as a valuable asset and resource for the capital. This study proposes the establishment of a green network along the Chao Phraya River by opening up and developing selected underused areas, and connecting them with the new systematic water transportation. ····· 10361115592

From Formality to Informality

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Knowledge is an important factor in production and marketing, and cities are its focal point. Kampala`s informal economy has in the past been dominated by people of low education, illiterate and semi- literate. This trend is rapidly changing as more educated people join this informal economy. The book explores the implications of the influx of educated people into the informal economy. The influx has led to innovation in production and collaborations. It continues to be a source of income and employment for a large segment of urban dwellers and continues to grow, in spite of the poor working conditions, lack of job security as well as social security. The discussion is relevant for urban planners and practitioners in developing countries that sport the largest informal economies. ····· 10361115503

Land Reclamation and Township Development

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The population of Bangladesh is increasing and land is being converted from productive purposes to other uses. Present per capita agricultural land of 0.056 hectare will be decreased to 0.025 hectare by 2050. Land reclamation would offer a new dimension of poverty alleviation by allocating new lands to landless people and for other productive development. In such context this book aims to explore on the apposite land reclamation techniques and new town development strategy in Bangladesh. To generate this book basic concepts, available techniques some cities developed on reclaimed land have been studied to produce ideas about major difficulties to develop such cities. Besides that the driving forces of land reclamation for Bangladesh are also tried to find out. Based on these driving forces, rate of land accretion and erosion and analysis of basic features of Bay of Bengal, potential locations of land reclamation have been identified. Project inflow-outflow activities have been discussed to conceptualize and generate the project. Finally, a group of actors has been delineated who could get involved in the initiation and implementation of land reclamation projects. ····· 10361115400

Redevelopment of Bhairab River Bank

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Redevelopment of Bhairab River Bank: Focusing CBD Jessore, Bangladesh by Riazuddin Kawsar and Architect Md. Arafat Hasan, is a volume provides an urban planner`s viewpoint on redevelopment of river bank situated in a very old CBD of Jessore. Jessore is a small but very old city ,situated south zone of Bangladesh, which have the Unplanned development by it`s river side, for this unconscious development of the city`s urban living environment is deteriorating and becoming unlivable. In this book some redevelopments ideas are proposed to stimulate the development with meeting the existing demand with major concern with social, cultural, economical and environmental issues according to the demand of those people who are living in that area or somehow connected with demarked area of Jessore in Bangladesh. ····· 10361115221

Climate Change and Transportation

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The scenario Dhaka City, Bangladesh, is severely affected by heavy rainfall in monsoon season and less in dry season, recurrence floods, high temperature, and other disastrous effects.The vehicle fleet of Dhaka City is growing at an accelerated rate with high vehicle population growth contributing higher rate of energy consumption and corresponding GhG emissions. Overall transport environment of Dhaka is characterized by congestion, public transport crisis, and unaffordable public transport for many people and increasing air pollution problem.The growing energy use by the transport sector is increasing energy pressure and thus contributing to climate change.The main aim of the present study is to identify a sustainable transportation system for Dhaka City to achieve environment friendly energy consumption for having no/low impact on climatic change with detailed objectives assessing the baseline situation of transport sector and climatic condition of Dhaka City assessing the present fuel consumption pattern in transport sector and GhG emissions from transport sector in Dhaka City and formulating guidelines to reduce transport related GhG emissions. ····· 10361115173


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Leather industry is one of the export oriented industries of Bangladesh which is gaining both economic and industrial importance now a day. The migration of leather tanning activity from developed to developing countries over the past four decades has also helped this manufacturing activity to increase. The main tannery area is at Hazaribagh in Dhaka. Since precautionary and protective measures have not been taken from the beginning, the environmental condition of Hazaribagh area has been deteriorating for many years. Eventually, it fosters the need of securing this development and growth of tanneries by ensuring the environmental security of the tanning sector and government has launched a relocation project of tannery industries from Hazaribagh to a new area located at Savar. But this relocation project proves to go in vain because of unwillingness to move of the tannery owners and in terms of the cost effectiveness and potential environmental threat of the new area. The redevelopment of the Hazaribagh area after relocation is also seemed to be impossible due to the enormous risk of consequence of the polluted soil, air and water to the human body and structure. ····· 10361115088

Designing Ecologies

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In new suburban development, native trees, meadows, groves, hedgerows, woodland and forest patches on a site need not only to be preserved as green infrastructure, but also integrated into community planning as ecological infrastructure for sustainability concerns. This book, reflecting on contemporary urbanism theory and practice, suggests a new approach, as informed by scale thinking of the site`s ecology, for sustainable urban development. The approach is tested using a housing development project in a hedgerow-dominated suburban landscape in the Southeast United States. It is demonstrated that green infrastructure, in various forms, can be integrated in urban and landscape planning as ecological infrastructure and landscape interfaces to direct land use planning, and provide innovative ways in which such vernacular landscapes can be preserved and integrated into urban development without losing their contextual inspiration. At larger scale, the global environmental crisis challenging human well-being can only be addressed if the lessons learned from a small eco-town are to be scaled up and applied to an eco-society at large based on the same ecological design principles. ····· 10361115058

The impact of modal shift on the transport ecological footprint

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Ecological footprint serves to be a better indicator to assess the environmental sustainability of the system in terms of resource consumption and corresponding productive land area for a defined human population or economy. Transport ecological footprint analysis makes it possible to represent and communicate effectively the issues of environmental impact and sustainability related to transport. This book presents the use of ecological footprint as an indicator for analyzing urban transport system in terms of travel mode choice by presenting two scenarios (Pre and Post-BRTS implementation, a case study of Ahmedabad, India). It covers the use of Discrete choice modeling is used for mode choice analysis, 4-step transport model for traffic flow pattern study, GIS for map presentation and different statistical analysis techniques. This book therefore can be very useful to urban planners, transport planners, environmentalists, policy makers and other professionals in the related field, to help promote sustainable urban transport system using footprint assessment for scenario evaluation. ····· 10361114889

Sustainable Tourism and benefits for the local community?

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The purpose of this book is to develop sustainable tourism policies so that not only the local communities but the tourists and the natural environment are also benefited from the tourism development creating a win-win situation for everyone. The major beneficiaries from these policies and strategies are the local communities and the ethnic villagers whose natural and environmental habitats, culture and local architecture would be protected from the exploitation and would also bring economic and social development to the region. ····· 10361114866

Rurban Territories: Cities feeding people

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Urban Agriculture and its role in sustainable development have primarily been regarded from its ecological, social and economical dimensions while spatial issues remain side-lined. However the question about space provisions for Urban Agriculture is crucial in cities like Harare in Zimbabwe which has undergone a large influx of urban agricultural activities. Like most African cities, Urban Agriculture in Harare has social and economical merits, but has many failings in its spatial context ranging from environmental degradation to land conflicts among other problems. This book looks at opportunities to redefine spatial allocations to accommodate viable food production measures in Harare. A critique of the compact city` model promoted in the west` is discussed. Urban agriculture and the communities it supports, challenge through the focus of their lives, this western preoccupation. Opportunities for implementing architectural interventions and urban design strategies related to sustainable city development are discussed. The examples shown demonstrate how difficult it is for various authorities to equitably regulate, authorize or promote urban agriculture and yet they must. ····· 10361114857

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