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Implementation consideration of mixed-use project in center city

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Mixed-use urban design projects in center cities are a complex undertaking. Numerous mixed-use developments are conceptualized each year, but few evolve into real projects and even fewer get finished. Such mega-scaled projects need pooling of resources from both public and private sectors. Hence, such projects are implemented with public/private partnerships and their successful accomplishment needs many things to fall in place. The public/private partnership has to be formed from the beginning of the project and should go till the end. `The Banks` project on Cincinnati riverfront was delayed because of various reasons. This book examines its implementation focusing on public/private partnership, compares it to other successful mixed-use projects in center cities and makes recommendations to complete it. The analysis identifies the critical factors in public/private partnership promoting successful mixed-use projects in center cities. It should be especially useful to professionals in planning and design field in addition to policy makers and developers. ····· 10361113335

Dockyard to Esplanade

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A dense, industrial landscape shaped the scale and character of 19th and 20th century urban waterfronts. The same landscape barred public access to the shoreline, contaminated soils and polluted waterways while providing millions with a means of livelihood. Like a glacier, this industrial landscape has been in a long recession leaving behind a scattered moraine of docks, cranes, warehouses, factories, mills, power plants, and rails. Some of this infrastructure is critical to active waterfront businesses -- other industrial relicts will never again support industry. The best practices for preserving viable waterfront industry and adaptively incorporating relict industrial structures in redeveloped waterfront sites have yet to be fully understood by planners, developers, preservationists and public officials. Spector`s research on the topic, originally published as her Master`s Thesis,examines how planning approach, funding opportunities, remediation technology, and industrial histories will affect the viability of urban waterfronts in the 21st century. ····· 10361113331

Utilization of Urban Design Principles in Designing the Urban Space

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This book aims to develop a concept model as a tool for successful urban space design by defining general principles and therefore to stress the importance of defining and using these criteria when realizing projects. Moreover, this book aims to provide concrete examples for designers to get to know how to integrate these principles practically into design and implementation process. In this framework, the debate on the definition of urban design has been put forward. The historical development of urban design has been presented in order to understand the past experiences and attempts in creating successful` urban space. The principles of urban design, which are crucial to develop a key model for designing the urban space, have been used to monitor the projects from the Netherlands and Turkey with making comparative study between them. As a consequence, importance and necessity of urban design principles in order to create successful urban space and the importance of urban design for the future of the cities has been presented. ····· 10361113191

Land registration in developing countries

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This book departs from the contention that one barrier for land registration in developing countries is excessive requirements of information. The problem in conventional land administration is an implicit assumption of full information, which can be pursued in rich countries and which is consolidated by the modern information technology. Instead, this book argues, procedures for land reform and registration in developing countries must operate on in-complete information. The key is decentralisation and iteration in practice more field-based decision taking. The arguments are illustrated by examples from Danish land reform and other international experience. The scope of the book ranges from from practical land registration to conceptual issues and the debate on land registration in development assistance. The presentation is aimed at students and professionals in land administration disciplines and researchers and professionals in the development community who have become involved in land related projects. ····· 10361112974

Urban Planning and Policy Tools against climate change and Air pollution

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The issue of climate change (CC) and air pollution (AP) is a matter of integration due to the interaction at their happening and impact creation. In this book the impact on each other is described and compared at urban setting.To mitigate and adapt the problem CC and AP Urban Planning and Policy(UPP) Tools are listed based on two dimensions:one is emission control and another one in effect adaptation dimension.Among the emission control planning and policy tools urban density,urban spatial form,urban design aspects,Floor area Ratio,Zoning,Transport oriented development,Travel Demand Management and livelihood improvement strategy are discussed as indirect emission control tools.On the other hand as direct emission control tools development mitigation fee and emission density zoning are discussed. The second dimension of the integrated problem is effect dimension.At city level only urban heat island (UHI) is an effect dimension of the climate change and air pollution.To adapt this problem different tools are discussed under three broad categories.Based on the analysis of all tools finally a common policy framework is developed and discussed for the application. ····· 10361112969

Technologische Trends im Spannungsfeld von Beteiligung - Entscheidung - Planung

für 30.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Am 7. September 2017 veranstaltete das KAT-Kompetenzzentrum DIGITALES PLANEN und GESTALTEN DER Hochschule Anhalt das KAT-Fachforum `Technologische Trends im Spannungsfeld von Beteiligung - Planung - Gestaltung`. Die Veranstaltung adressierte insbesondere Akteure aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Verwaltung und Gesellschaft, die dem zunehmenden Bedürfnis einzelner Bürger sowie der Zivilgesellschaft nach direkter Mitsprache und aktiver Mitentscheidung gegenüberstehen. Im Fokus der in diesem Tagungsband aufgeführten Beiträge stehen daher Methoden, Perspektiven und Best-Practices-Beispiele zur Beteiligung und Kommunikation in partizipativen Planungsprozessen sowie Neuen Informationstechnologien als befördernde, zeitgemäße Kommunikations- und Beteiligungswerkzeuge. ····· 10361108251

Analysing effectivity of urban growth management in the National Capital Region Delhi, India

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Managing urban growth has emerged as a challenge in rapidly growing complex mega urban regions in India and has drawn significant attention of the scholars, planners and the ministry. Although spatial decentralisation has been attempted in National Capital Region Delhi since independence in 1947, it has met with limited success in managing regional urban growth effectively. The urban development stages in the region were identified and the adopted decentralisation policies with their planning, and implementation environment were analysed. The findings of the investigations pointed towards lacking polycentric pattern of growth in the decentralisation attempts and institutional capacity for managing urban growth in the region. Future research in investigating polycentric pattern of growth in the form of transit oriented development would be advantageous in attaining spatial decentralisation by curbing sprawl. ····· 10361107811


für 27.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Gentrification` ist ein Thema, das seit knapp 20 Jahren in der deutschen Stadtforschung systematischer bearbeitet wird und dabei immer wieder Konjunkturen erfahren hat. Mittlerweile liegen klar formulierte Erklärungsmodelle zu den Kernmerkmalen der Gentrification sowie einem idealtypischen Phasenverlauf der Gentrification vor. Allerdings sind die Defizite in der empirischen Forschung nach wie vor vorhanden, nicht wenige Studien zur Gentrification begnügen sich damit lediglich die symbolische Aufwertung von Gebieten und die damit zusammenhängenden medialen Konstrukte nachzuzeichnen. Thesen zu Verdrängungsprozessen als Folge von Gentrification werden formuliert, aber nur unzureichend nachgewiesen. Vor allem aber konzentrierte sich die Gentrifikationsforschung fast ausschließlich auf Metropolen. Die Arbeit von Taissija Slawinski trägt dazu bei, diese Forschungslücken zu schließen indem sie erstens einen Stadttypus in den Vordergrund stellt, der durchaus unter Gentrifizierungsverdacht gestellt werden kann: kleine Universitätsstädte mit dem für die typischen schnellen Einwohneraustausch und spezifischen Milieus von Pionieren, die vermutlich eine Schlüsselrolle im Gentrificationprozess einnehmen. Zweitens wird in der Arbeit sehr viel Augenmerk auf einen machbaren aber dennoch innovativen Methodenmix gelegt: die vorgenommene Funktionskartierung durch Auswertung von Adressbüchern aus den 1970er Jahren ist eine aufwändige, aber durchaus ergiebige Methode, die mit städtebaulichen Bestandsaufnahmen und Expertengesprächen kombiniert wird. Im Ergebnis diagnostiziert die Autorin für das Untersuchungsgebiet Gießen zwar einige Gentrifizierungsphänomene, von einer regelrechten Gentrifizierung kann aber nicht gesprochen werden. Die Arbeit liefert damit wertvolle Impulse für die weitere Gentrificationforschung! Prof. Dr. Christian Diller ····· 10361107497

Urban Bicycling and Sustainability

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Over the last few years, sustainability has become an integral part of city policies across the world and is being addressed in many fields, including urban and transport planning. As will be shown in this book there is an interlinkage between urban bicycling and sustainability. Nevertheless, certain factors can hinder the level of bicycling in the city and this can have a negative effect to city`s sustainability agenda. These possible factors will be introduced in this book and these are applied to the city of Tampere, Finland. The most important method when finding out the factors affecting urban bicycling in Tampere is social media. As a method, social media is rather new, thus deeper investigation for the use of it as a potential method is in order. This book could help planners and city officials to better acknowledge the potentials of social media in planning process, or anyone else who may be considering utilizing social media with its potentials. ····· 10361103095

Integrating the Voices

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This work examines the impact of thinking and practice of community participation by a single firm, CS-Studio Architects & Planners, in Langa Township, Cape Town South Africa. It accepts the theory of Sanhoff, an international expert on community participation as theoretical framework of this investigation. CS- Studio has practiced extensively in social environment such as South African Townships and is well published for applying community participatory planning. This work investigated the firm`s theoretical and practical approach in terms of the international, national and local discourse on community participation. A tool, the visualised project circle has been developed in order to compare the theory and applied method of participatory approaches by CS-Studio and Sanhoff. The communalities, completions and contradictions between the theories and applied approaches of the above mentioned experts have been identified and evaluated. Consequently, the understanding of community participation mainly based on a developed country context (Sanhoff) has been related to the one of the developing country context of South Africa (CS- Studio). ····· 10361102533

The Role of Public and Private sector in Urban Development

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The urban development in most of the countries have been based on the classic technique of planning procedure, under the strong influence of land ownership or land subdivision, which has led into a fragmented development plot to plot planning. The current challenge for many cities is to manage to transform previously developed areas or to develop new urban areas, overcoming the problems caused by the restrictions of land subdivision and property boundaries. For facing these problems some countries have tested the procedure of organizing land owners to cooperate each other, voluntary or by force, for urban development. This process is called differently: land readjustment, joint development, land reconstitution, cooperation among landowners, land pooling, equal-distribution projects etc. and it is the mechanism subject to this thesis, which addresses the role of the public and private sector in urban development, constrains and incentives that encourage or not its participation in land readjustment. ····· 10361102368


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This report studied Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Lagos Metropolitan Area. Its aim was to examine the essential components of the system with a view to understand its operation and service characteristics. The book extensively reviewed literature on Public Transportation Improvement, Bus Rapid Transit and Sustainable Transportation Development. Data used for the study were sourced through Transit Operator Survey, Mystery Traveler Survey, and BRT Users` Survey. Investigation conducted in the course of the study revealed that BRT in Lagos was managed on Public Private Participation term. This has positive implications on the efficiency of its operation, the quality of its service and its sustainability. The common perception of riders is that the quality of service of Bus Rapid transit is better than the quality of service of other means of public transportation in existence in the area. The study recommends facilities upgrading, expansion of the service area and content, and improvement on the quality of service as a measure to achieve increase in demand for Bus Rapid Transit in Lagos. ····· 10361102340

Mendicancy and Panhandling in Nigerian Cities

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This study examines the spatial and socio-cultural dimensions of begging in Nigerian cities. This is with a view to identifying and comparing the circumstances surrounding the phenomenon in cities of different socio-cultural background and varying urbanization correlates, and using same as a basis for recommending appropriate control measures against begging in Nigerian cities. The study reveals that incidence of begging varies significantly with city and location within city.It has a relationship with the way and manner urban fabric or land uses are organized.It also reveals that most people beg for alms as a result of poverty and/or destitution, while considerable proportions of beggars are wanderers and criminals that pretend as beggars. More so, while about 47.68% of beggars are handicapped, more than half are able-bodied this situation has a negative implication for the city economy. Lastly, socio-cultural variables are observed as having influence on the incidence of begging in the society. The study, therefore, recommends certain socio-economic, policy and legal measures to address the menace. ····· 10361102245

Ecological City Building

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Over last few decades human interruption on nature has become so astonishing and abrupt that the impacts inconveniently remind the picture of a doomed city, which was once the heart of civilization, to whom who really care about. But this horrible image can be scratched out by avoiding energy dominating development practices and can be converted to a divine living system. The idea of ecocity is to convey present development practice to a healthier future. It is like a dream that might be possible in reality where someone will wake up from bed hearing the twitter of birds and not by the horn of vehicles and cool air for air conditioning, he will be able to reach his working place with pleasant even in a walking distance from his house and without facing serious congestion while it is far away, he will find it more attractive to walk than to use vehicles where he will find someone reading news paper in a natural air conditioned system sitting under a tree on a bench besides pedestrian path and so on. An attempt has been taken to find out the way of fulfilling the dream in reality some basic needs of eco friendly city building and how they could be attained are explored in this book ····· 10361102189


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This book focused on the causes and effects of urban incursion into rural lands in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. It employed maps derived from Landsat imageries and updated maps for 1914, 1949, 1978 and 2003, which were digitized and overlaid using Arcview (GIS) 3.2. The pattern, direction, as well as rate of growth of the city for the years aforementioned were determined using IDRISSI package. Structured questionnaires were administered to residents along the eight major roads that radiate from the city centre, covering the surrounding villages that fall within 10km radius from the centre of the city. The study revealed that there was a lateral expansion of the city especially along transportation routes. The major factors responsible for the growth of the city were urbanization and other socio - economic factors. In addition, the results on the analysis on effects of urban growth incursion from respondents` assessment in Ogbomoso showed haphazard development in Ogbomoso while in rural land there was reduction in farmland, imbalance in the ecosystem among others. In conclusion, this study has established that Ogbomoso is encroaching at increasing rate into her rural lands. ····· 10361102173

Archaeology and Urban Planning

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Consequences of modern human activities have led to the process of integration of archaeology into urban planning. This thesis examines the interrelationship of archaeology and planning. In the thesis, legal framework of conservation and archaeological investigation formed through many experiences within the international platforms was drawn in relation to the concept of urban development. The situation of archaeology in Turkey from its archaeological potentials to the laws procedures, institutions and problems was taken up. The need of community based approaches is underlined in order to achieve the requirements of conservation and development. The dilemmas of conservation and development studied through the examinations of Geyre and Aphrodisias. These areas, which are in negative interrelationship as a town in need of development and an archaeological asset that should be conserved, were the subjects of the research. The necessity of community planning was stated to provide consensus between conservation and development. ····· 10361102144

Wetland Farming And Informal Irrigation In The Shire Valley

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The book presents a summary of research findings carried out in the shire valley in malawi. In gives an insight of informal irrigation methods currently being practised in the area.It also presents some of the problems faced by farmers in adapting irrigation technologies. Further, the book also gives the reader a feel of why small scale irrigation activities have boomed in malawi within the last few years. ····· 10361101964

Watershed Management

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Today``s demand of Rural Development is, each village should develop comprehensively each village should be self reliant, self sufficient and administered. For this efforts of people themselves should be united to those of government authorities to themselves to improve the social, economic and cultural conditions of rural areas. For this development different projects can be undertaken such as Watershed Management, Land Resource Management etc. which have a great potential to improve the livelihood of rural people. Also if these types of projects are taken up it will give considerable change in the social and economic status of any village and will also alleviate poverty. It will improve the most important agriculture sector and other allied sectors as dairy and poultry, fisheries etc. that will act as a catalyst for creation of many job opportunities and boost the economic condition of the villages. ····· 10361101934

18 Women 18 Stories

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18 Women 18 Stories stories of 18 women who live in squatter settlements in Kathmandu, Nepal and who are the principal income earners of their families. Their stories not only focusing their lives and destinies but also giving a picture of the security, social and economic status of the low income people specially the women in Nepal. Together with the stories, this book focuses on the methodology and findings of the research the pros and cons of different stakeholders who are working for the development of the squatter settlements and the lives of the residents living there. Last but not least, interviews with the 18 women, laws of Nepal for women`s rights (lack of rights, educational opportunities, and income-earning potential, as well as being victims of violence and other degrading acts), and the diary of the researcher`s field work in Nepal make this book more interesting. ····· 10361101860

Public Open Spaces in Kathmandu Valley

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The current growth of Kathmandu Valley has been malignant in many ways which suggest a decline of public realm in the city. As the current efforts for planning and design of public open space exhibit numerous problems related to both physical and social aspects of city building, this book examines the shortcomings with contemporary urban development from urban planning and design point of view and attempts to suggest methods to overcome such shortcomings based on the study of historic urban squares. This book identifies the inherent urban design qualities of the historic urban squares in order to learn from them and also attempts to put forward the principles and guidelines for the contemporary public space design based on such findings. ····· 10361101780


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The book deals with the issues related to the role of small cities in the spatial structure of the country and increase of the awarness concerning significance of the city residential environment for the residents, who are more and more aware of their needs. Small cities within the eastern wall of the country have been given much attention, due to the necessity of conducting rehabilitation activities in their areas, aimed at improving residential environment quality.These examples include cities with high development capacity, yet lack of financial means. As a result, they are becoming more and more poor. Currently, the central zones of small cities want to throb with life, be attractive for tourists, create the image of representative space with spectacular architecture, easy access to the basic services and to numerous attractions. The problem lies in assessment of the possibilities and needs, as well as directions for activities. ····· 10361101656

Aspects of Urbanism

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The book is about the theory of urbanism. The scope of its study is in the interest of physical planning and urban design. In this book, theoretical inquiries are focused on the dismantlement and unveiling the meanings of the built environment and its urban world. The strength of the book lies in its nature as a philosophical and historical investigation, especially in asking the fundamental questions of urbanism according to its nature, function, and institution, rather than simply supplying wide- ranging perspectives of already available theories in publication. The approach and analysis of the study is hermeneutic phenomenological that concerns with the relationship between concepts and phenomena of urban settlement. The purpose is to expound the concepts, functions,and organizations of urbanism and its historical and cultural context. All this is in the hope that this study is able to support, enrich, and enhance urban studies as an interdisciplinary platform for design,humanities and social sciences. ····· 10361101506


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This study examines the evolution of city-regions, the way they have been planned in the past and emerging approaches. The study focuses on relating planning and governing in an emerging city-region context of the Greater Gaborone City-Region (GGCR) of Botswana with the view to strategizing future planning. Rather than providing a chronological account of events, the study weaves history with underlying planning ideals, theories and practices of the times. The theoretical framework adopted involves the stage urban theory supported by various theoretical perspectives. The study argues that a city-region evolves through four stages. The first stage involves the development of a city. The second stage involves the development of a city into a regional-city . The third stage involves the development of a regional-city into a metropolitan region . The fourth stage involves the maturing of the metropolitan region into a city-region (megalopolis). Urbanists argue that there is a fifth stage of citi-state or city-state (mega- megalopolis)... ····· 10361101433

Corruption on Land Use Planning and Land Registration-Cadastre Process

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The changing process of land which increases land related activities need to be identified, planned, and controlled. Government through their institutions has played important role in dealing with this issue where land use planning and registration-cadastre are part of it. Since public officials are the major component of government institution, the possibility of misuse the authority is widely open. Further, it can lead to an illicit behavior such as corruption to gain private benefits. This book, therefore, provides a comprehensive analysis to identify the causes of corruption prevails in land use planning and land registration-cadastre process. It also shows the posts of corruption in each process. At the end, this book tries to identify the consequences of corruption for different groups as well as some recommendations that can be used to fight corruption in land related activities. The analyses and findings should be useful to the professionals who are dealing with corruption issues in land sectors and to give the awareness to the involved stakeholders that corruption exist and contribute to different levels of development. ····· 10361101409

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