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Educar a la población del efecto negativo de contaminación ambiental

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La contaminación del medio ambiente causa problemas sociales, económicos y en el paisaje para ello se debe trabajar en la educación de los habitantes para mejorar la calidad ambiental, siendo una estrategia a seguir el trabajar en procesos de información, reflexión, análisis, definición de acciones y aplicación de las leyes nacionales y cumplimiento de los acuerdos internacionales que ha suscrito Bolivia. Solo de esta manera se podrán superar los actuales impactos negativos en el medio ambiente y poder avisorar un futuro mejor para las generaciones venideras y pensar en un desarrollo sostenible y equitativo. ····· 1036190213

La Rurización de La Ciudad ¿El fin de la urbanización dispersa?

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La Rurización de la Ciudad está inscrita en la línea de investigación de Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente de la Maestría en Planeación Urbana y Regional de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Aborda la problemática del crecimiento urbano disperso y tiene como propósito iniciar estudios en el campo del urbanismo orientados a mitigar los impactos negativos que genera el crecimiento de la ciudad en forma caótica y expansiva sobre el territorio rural. El aumento de la población en la Sabana de Bogotá, la indefinición de los límites de la ciudad y el incremento en el índice de motorización son algunas de las causas del problema. Estas determinan un crecimiento disperso y la destrucción del medio natural. Con el objetivo de motivar soluciones al respecto y tener ciudades sostenibles, el trabajo presentado propone las siguientes estrategias: Modificar las prioridades de transporte, articular los sistemas de movilidad con los usos del suelo para controlar el patrón de dispersión y estudiar medidas de diseño para evitar el aumento en el índice de motorización. ····· 1036189950

Manejo Comunitario del Agua

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La baja disponibilidad de los recursos hídricos, su difícil acceso y uso ineficiente son problemas críticos en regiones secas donde habitan comunidades rurales rezagadas. El libro explica los alcances y resultados de un proyecto dirigido a identificar, resolver y prevenir problemas vinculados a la disponibilidad de agua en comunidades rurales del trópico seco en México, abordando el fortalecimiento de las bases organizativas, el manejo del conocimiento, la adquisición de habilidades y el desarrollo de relaciones institucionales. Como soporte conceptual y metodológico, se utilizó el Manejo Adaptativo de los Recursos Hídricos aplicado a nivel local-comunitario. Se detallan los procedimientos y actividades para conducir las fases de diagnóstico, planeación, ejecución, monitoreo y evaluación en trece comunidades campesinas, y se muestran los resultados de una primera fase (2009/2010), de un proyecto a cinco años (2009/2013). Además de identificar la problemática hídrica local, el trabajo capturó procesos sociales mediante datos semicuantitativos, lo cual es esencial para orientar intervenciones dirigidas a la construcción de comunidades autogestivas para el manejo del agua. ····· 1036189931

Un viaje desde el Sur a un pueblo de la Costa Brava:

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Ante las críticas que el desarrollo turístico ha recibido y recibe, se propone reconducir este concepto hacia sus finalidades iniciales, la contribución al desarrollo humano de las comunidades receptoras. Para que la propuesta sea coherente y global se ha tomado como punto de partida la definición del Desarrollo Humano promovido por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), y la Teoría del Desarrollo de Max-Neef (1986). Con el fin de analizar la aplicabilidad de esta primera propuesta se tomó como caso de estudio l Estartit, una población antiguamente pesquera de la Costa Brava, una de las zonas más turísticas de Cataluña. Finalmente se propone para la discusión tanto a nivel académico como consultivo, una aplicación de la Metodología de Marco Lógico (MML) para la planificación, monitoreo y evaluación del desarrollo humano de pueblos turísticos. ····· 1036189846

Descentralización Productiva y Ordenamiento Territorial

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La investigación cuyos resultados se presentan en este libro se basó en los aportes de la tradicional teoría económica del espacio, así como en una parte de la teoría económica contemporánea tal como las economías de aglomeración, de urbanización, de localización, entre otras, las cuales han permitido conocer los principios que rigen la dinámica de las concentraciones económicas en el espacio, para después discutir las opciones que existen para difundir estas concentraciones y descentralizar la producción, de tal forma que permita ver si es posible o no disminuir las acentuadas diferencias de crecimiento en los espacios subnacionales, mismas que generan intensos procesos demográficos, culturales, institucionales, infraestructurales, de polarización social y de desestructuración territorial en general, preocupación central del ordenamiento territorial como disciplina y acción política en nuestros países, desde la dimensión de las estructuras territoriales. ····· 1036189760

La ciudad: territorio, urbanismo y medio ambiente

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La urbe solo puede entenderse, a carta cabal, teniendo en cuenta, entre otros aspectos, el del territorio sobre el cual ésta se ubica, la forma y los criterios que determinan el urbanismo de cada una de ellas y, por último, la diversidad/sostenibilidad medioambiental allí predominante. Las ciudades quedan modeladas en base a los anteriores componentes -territorial, urbanístico y medioambiental-, conformando una amalgama tan perfecta que resulta imposible distinguir unos de otros. Los núcleos urbanos, auténticas islas de libertad cívica/ciudadana a lo largo de la historia, encarnan el mejor y más refinado legado de nuestra civilización solo dentro de sus confines ha sido posible el progreso, diálogo y la convivencia, pacífica/constructiva, entre los seres humanos de la más variada procedencia étnica, ideológica, etc.. Los modelos culturales, mayoritarios en cada momento y lugar, conforman las sucesivas tipologías del fenómeno urbano la mitad de la población mundial, aproximadamente, vive hoy en ciudades, aumentado su proporción día a día sobretodo, en el Tercer Mundo-. Una digna calidad de vida, en los entornos urbanos, el exige el respeto por los derechos cívicos esenciales. ····· 1036189758

La habitabilidad desde una perspectiva subjetiva

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El crecimiento incontenible de la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México en los últimos cincuenta años, concatenado a las políticas de liberación y desregulación económicas ha conformado un espacio con grandes núcleos de concentración urbana, generando problemas de habitabilidad y calidad de vida para sus habitantes. El diagnosticar la habitabilidad de dichas zonas es un trabajo complejo, pues su complejidad radica en el mismo concepto de habitabilidad. generalmente la habitabilidad ha sido abordada desde una perspectiva orientada por estudios de tipo objetivistas, cuantitativos y materialistas: la construcción física de la ciudad la distribución de la población dentro de la ciudad la distribución de la riqueza en la ciudad a través de las diversas actividades económicas. No obstante la habitabilidad también está relacionada con la calidad de vida y en consecuencia con representaciones y percepciones de cómo es la experiencia de vivir y utilizar un espacio determinado ya sea la ciudad, el barrio o la vivienda. ····· 1036189633

Naturaleza Idealizada

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Hay un nuevo perfil de interventor de ciudades (¿alcalde, administrador, urbanista, asociaciones de clase, empresarios ) que deberá actuar como el gran maestro de una orquestra, o quizás como el doctor en acupuntura que visualiza el equilibrio total del cuerpo humano, aquí pensado como un cuerpo urbano. Este personaje, un visionario, irá interferir, modificar y principalmente influenciar todas las decisiones, en los diferentes niveles de la sociedad. Intervenciones como estas, como las de los parques descritos aqui, ya son hoy, íconos urbanos que rompen con la monotonía del cotidiano. Algunas de ellas han sido amparadas por la media, o por la comunidad, o por ambas. La media despierta la curiosidad y puede inducir al deseo y a la voluntad de la comunidad de hacer parte del lugar. A veces, en el momento de su aplicación, la idea original puede parecer distante o irrealizable, o aún, ser mal comprendida, criticada, bromeada. El éxito de los proyectos y sueños, cuando innovadores, es para pocos. Esta destinado apenas a aquellos que tienen la valentía de osar y atrevimiento suficiente para seguir adelante hasta triunfar. ····· 1036189465

Performance of Policy Instruments for Wetland Conservation of Dhaka

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In Bangladesh, wetlands were not considered valuable resource, and their complex ecological and hydrological functions were mostly unrecognized. Nevertheless, the situation has changed. Now a day it is an important issue of concern especially in planning as the value of wetlands are recognized and realized. In spite of having policies, the situation is going to be worsen from worse. Most of the wetlands of Dhaka city are now in worse condition. Reduction due to encroachment is a common phenomenon. Water Supply and Sewerage Authority identified 18 canals of Dhaka city which can be identified now hardly due to illegal occupancy. This work identifies some causes of wetland reduction and the causes behind the worse performance of policies. And at the end, some recommendations are suggested analyzing the past and present scenario to overcome these problems. This work was mainly a dissertation where the aim was to provide some direction that can be used for implementing the existing policy for the protection of water bodies & to make some new policies or guiding principles for protecting the water bodies of Dhaka city as it is one of the most important issues for the city s existence. ····· 1036189317

A Study on the Impacts of Tanneries and Planning Approaches

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At present, there are about 200 tanneries in Bangladesh. Most of which are located at Hazaribagh area. Most of these industries have no effluent treatment plant for the treatment of tannery effluents and the tanneries discharge different types of waste into the environment, particularly in the form of liquid effluents and solid wastes. The toxic effluents and solid waste contaminate soil, air and water of the area as well as the water of the adjacent Buriganga River and led to severe ailments such as eye diseases, skin irritations, kidney failure and gastrointestinal problems. To save the environment of Hazribagh and surrounding areas and the river Buriganga the government had taken an initiative to relocate the tanneries from Hazaribagh to the proposed Tannery Estate at Tetuljhora and Hazratpur union across the Dhalesshari River out side of Dhaka City. From general perspective the policy is economically and socially viable. But from planning perspectives there are some major weaknesses. The government needs to be conscious that the project will not result in externalities to others. ····· 1036189159

Land Use and Transportation Relationship

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Transportation is the most important and most current problem of Istanbul,like other entire metropolitan cities. People lose lots of money and time because of transportation and related congestions. Rapid development and unplanned urbanized area have reduced mobility of the people on the existing roads. Another point that should be stated here are roads which have been built without thinking about today s population and future situation. However, building roads was just part of the problem because rapid and unplanned creation of the industrial and residential sites have caused transportation problems, along with many environmental problems. ····· 1036189074

Environmental Planning of Medium Size Towns in Kenya. The Case of Ahero

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Emerging environmental planning issues in medium size towns in Kenya have received little attention. Therefore this study examined the status of Ahero town s environment, identified its planning and environmental challenges, examined existing environmental management policy framework and developed a physical development plan. Questionnaires, key informant interviews, and observation methods were used to obtain data, that were analyzed thematically and through statistical computer package for social scientists (SPSS). The study established the existence of poor housing provision, inadequate liquid solid waste management, sanitation, and lack of a comprehensive physical development plan. It is recommended that the proposed physical development plan be adopted and strict development control within the planned area be instituted.The council need to enhance enforcement of the existing environmental policies.There is need to privatize liquid and solid waste management, expand water supply network and seek alternative sources of water to satiate the demand. ····· 1036188296

City Inside Out (side)

für 49.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In a territory where non-place and space of flows prevail, a new category of landscape in transit is experienced by users on the move , as they cross in-between boundaries`, whilst providing the possibility of a more situational location of the `urban self` within global mobility. The study proposes a spatio-temporal journey through transit spaces from Berlin`s post-GDR Heterotopian Spaces to Moscow`s post-Soviet Metro(scape) along West-East Metropolitan Corridor. The cases of Berlin and Moscow are explored in the context of their reconstructed global urban images, whilst shaping local construction of place identity. From the historical erasure of socialist symbols to recent postmodern spatiality, Berlin`s Heterotopian Spaces and Moscow`s Metro(scape) are experienced as hybrid transit spaces at the frontier of post-socialist transformation. The reinvention of Berlin and Moscow, as World Class Cities and as venues of contested West-East transformation, raises issues of how politics, history, and place making and visioning are interlinked in the spatial constitution and expression of collective memory and cultural identities. ····· 1036188132

Gated Guangzhou

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Gated communities seem to be appearing all over Guangzhou. According to Western literature, gated communities are mainly caused by fear of crime and are seen as a negative phenomenon, dangerous to the social aspects of city life. However, Chinese researchers have called for more attention for the Chinese context. This research has tried to find out to what extent fear of crime has influenced the development of gated communities in Guangzhou. After interviewing Chinese urban planners and inhabitants of gated communities, it is found that fear of crime can be seen as the main reason for the development of gated communities in Guangzhou. However, walls have been present in Chinese urban planning for centuries and are not perceived as negatively as in the West. Also, Chinese gated communities differ from their Western counterparts and can be seen as a collection of clusters (so-called zutuans) within one outer wall The area inside the outer wall is considered semi-public area and is often accessible to non-residents. Therefore, the Chinese context should definitely be taken into account when researching gated communities in China. ····· 1036188120

Diurnal Variations of Air Pollution

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Road transport is one of the significant sources of air pollution, affecting local air quality in cities. The study explains the diurnal variations of different type of pollutants at two sites (city centre and Tinsley industrial site) of Sheffield city. And also the study identifies the degree of incidence of surface based inversions on the concentrations of pollutants. Photochemical origins of pollutants were seasonally analysed. Further, the study brings out the possible implications from vehicular air pollutants on local environment and human health effects. It was revealed that an urban air pollutant has exceeded the limit of proposed Ambient UK Air Quality Standard. The study recommends to the local authorities to use economic pricing and taxation, local transport plan targets & solutions approach and land use & transport integration management tools to reduce transport pollution of Sheffield city. ····· 1036187960

Urban growth & travel demand forecast by fuzzy-neuro simulation

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India is witnessing more than 3% annual growth rate of its urban population. Metropolitan cities inhabit about 40% of urban population.Major impact of this phenomenon is on urban travel due to densification of existing zones and spatial expansion of city boundaries to accomodate incremental population. Metropolitan planners need to estimate household growth in different zones of a city and also the travel interchanges between them. Type and intensity of economic activity in various zones of the city and residential location choice behaviour of households play vital role in zonal population growth. While economic activity can be deterministically specified through landuse pattern,the household decision process for residential location is quite complex and largely subjective in nature. Fuzzy composite procedure is very effectively used in the present study.Artificial neural network model for forecast of zonal household growth rate is found efficient. Travel demand is disaggregared with respect to purpose and spatio-temporal growth segments of the metropolitan city. Household growth and travel demand models are integrated dynamically to deal with any policy interventions. ····· 1036187891

Spatial Dynamics of Producer Services-Ankara Case

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In the last three decades, each urban function can locate to any zones of a city due to communication technology-based connections, in a so called deterritorialization. These new sprawl-based locations can be seen in the CBDs of cities, especially by producer service functions. This thesis will investigate the validity of deterritorialization-based post-modern theoretical studies concerning recent transformation of CBDs based solely on the Western city, with reference to the distribution of such activities in Ankara and its CBD structure. Producer services can be used to test the space relations of urban functions due to their complexity and more flexible connection capacities. For this purpose, first the concepts and the fields of concepts that are based on CBDs and producer services are examined. Thereafter, these frameworks are tested in a comprehensive evaluation. The relations between urban space and the locational preferences of producer services in Ankara are assessed to illustrate the reterritorialization-based movements. Finally, the implications and contributions of the study and also suggestions for possible further studies are presented as concluding remarks. ····· 1036187876

Addressing Natural Disasters through Physical Planning in Bangladesh

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Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world. The unique natural setting and climatic condition of the country are responsible for major disasters. Among different disasters, the flood is one of the most threatening disasters for Bangladesh. Disaster management is not considered as mainstream issue in the physical planning process of Bangladesh. Usually, it is treated here as relief and rehabilitation work after the attack of disasters. Manikganj is one of the most flood vulnerable districts of the Bangladesh. Manikganj Pourashava is more vulnerable to flood than other places of the district. To prevent flood and reduce flood damage effects, both structural and non-structural measures are practiced here in a small scale. But these measures are not sufficient for effective flood management. To prevent frequent flood attacks, reduce damages and save people from sufferings of flood, all the flood management measures must be incorporated into the existing and proposed physical planning activities both at national and local level. ····· 1036187850

Provision of Utility Services and Community Facilities in Pourashava

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Savar Pourashava, a satellite town is located on the north-west corner of the Dhaka district. With the increase of industrialization, the transportation sector also starts to improve in this area. The industrial development also creates job opportunities. So, job opportunities good transport system with Dhaka city low land price and house rent and pollution free environment attracts people to live. With the increasing population, the demand for different utility services and community facilities are also increasing here. At present in Savar, there are provisions of different utility services and community facilities. But the existing provision of utility services and existing number of different community facilities are not well enough to meet the present demand of the municipal dwellers. To increase the capacity of the Pourashava to provide adequate utility services and community facilities and improve the quality of existing utility services and community facilities, there needs to address the problems and ensure the utilization of local resources through an effective integration in all level of infrastructure provision in a planned way. ····· 1036187849

Site Suitability Analysis For Smartcity Project

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The purpose of this project is to have an overall assessment of Smartcity, Kochi region in present scenario and generate a proposed system for Smartcity, Kochi area. The main scope of this project is to introduce a proposed system for Smart city. The objectives of the proposed system are To develop a GIS based digital spatial database of the project area considering various themes such as existing land use land cover, elevation, slope, roads, river courses, bridges. To point out the suitable locations for IT buildings, residential apartments, and recreation sites. ····· 1036187755

Amsterdam`s Creative Breeding Places

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In various cities in the Netherlands creative breeding places (broedplaatsen) have been and still get realised with their primary goal of offering affordable working space for artists and creative entrepreneurs. The municipality of Amsterdam has institutionalised the creation of broedplaatsen in the department Bureau Broedplaatsen. Bureau Broedplaatsen works together with various different partners like artist groups, housing corporations or broedplaatsen-managing organisations. This research project tries to show the main similarities and differences, regarding motivation, goals and practices between the main actors engaged in the creation of broedplaatsen in Amsterdam. At the same time it tries to explain which role broedplaatsen play for the cultural, economic and social functioning of the city. ····· 1036187636

Issues of Accuracy, Precision and Error in GIS Data

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Prior to GIS (geographic information system), maps were used mainly for strategic planning. As a result, high spatial accuracy was not required. So, errors in spatially referenced data were ignored or considered acceptable. The situation changed today. Accuracy is a great matter of concern for not only increase of land s monetary value but also for decision making and so on. In Bangladesh, most of the physical planning projects are using GIS for preparing map and making decision but a lion s share of the data are inaccurate having spatial and attribute error. The more accurate a dataset will be, the more perfect and precise the outcome will be. As imperfection severely limits the usefulness of a dataset especially for GIS, users as well as the specialists need to be very careful regarding errors and managing them. This work is based on some observations especially, some GIS data that the planning authorities of Bangladesh have prepared. Bangladesh is using GIS until very recently and thus, there is a huge scope to improve its data and database. ····· 1036187635

State- vs. community-led land tenure regularization in Tanzania

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Land tenure security for the poor residents of informal settlements is a critical factor in facilitating access to housing and livelihood opportunities. In Dar es Salaam, many households live in informal settlements, where their land rights are not recognized by the state. Tenure regularization offers one possible solution to the problem. However, regularization presents unique challenges. This study analyses efforts by both state and community agents in undertaking tenure regularization within the framework of recent land law reforms in Tanzania. The study reveals that the objectives pursued under the state-sponsored projects through the award of Residential Licenses fail to recognize the perceptions of tenure security prevailing among residents, and may instead beset household efforts at settlement improvement owing to the limited benefits bestowed by the licenses awarded under the 1999 Land Act. On the other hand, community-led regularization schemes present residents with the promise of higher levels of tenure security and more benefits compared to the licenses, but suffer from unclear policy guidelines and direction from the state. ····· 1036187583

Modeling the Growth of Slums

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Urbanisation is the future of mankind. The increasing urbanisation is irreversible and inescapable. Slums have come to form an integral part of the phenomena of urbanization particularly in developing countries. The world s slum population is expected to reach 889 million by the year 2020(UN HABITAT). It may be a long way to reach the goal of millennium as cities free of slums , but at least the beginning can be no planning for cities without including slums . The present study is just an earnest attempt in this direction. This is just the beginning. ····· 1036187580

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